
Started by Darkmoon, August 22, 2005, 11:15:57 PM

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I wish I had art to post. I wanna whore topics in all the forums. >)

Destina Faroda

I have BAD Art...

Sig coming...whenever...


Yay! Art to discuss...

It's not that bad...

Destina Faroda

It's bad I tell you.  Bad.  Can you even tell what it is?
Sig coming...whenever...


Some dude clutching a big sqwiggly thing to ward off some weirdly dressed girl?

Destina Faroda

Sailor Saturn, man.  She's going to bring down the Silence Glaive to end the world and he's trying to stop her with his sword.

It's in shadows because it's supposed to be Raye's premonition...but this is a long story.
Sig coming...whenever...


Ahhhhh...so I was mostly right then.

Destina Faroda

Yes, you're good at deciphering the indecipherable.
Sig coming...whenever...


It's not as hard as morse code... or my handwriting...


Jeez is his handwriting bad.  It once took me twenty minutes to figure out what one of his sentances actually said in a letter he mailed to me.

It ended up being very sweet.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I almost smote you... But I resisted long enough to realize you were having fond memories of me.

I'll smite you later.


D'Moon Post you handwriting as art.  IT SHALST BE TASTEFUL.

I'll be showing you guys some of my crappy art as well soon enough. Before school starts. :D


I dunno that anyone could consider my handwriting as art. It's really fugly.


Put some handwriting on anyway. :spidey


Ha! My arts teh 0wage! Lol! No I suck! My friend draws all good! Eli Aarons is his name. Hes in Dallas, Texas now.. Im in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It sucks having WANNABE artist sround me in New Mexico (most of em are)

but oh well.

Destina Faroda

Here's more bad art.  Maybe we should rename this thread the bad art thread.

from here:  http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?im61haudgco
Sig coming...whenever...