Neverwinter nights

Started by Kitsune Ascendant, June 28, 2007, 02:46:25 AM

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Kitsune Ascendant

Yep. I figured we need a thread for this awesome game. I've got both expansions. My best character is a 25 sorc/3 fighter/1 havoc mage (Which I have tried to get rid of. I never got a second level and I want to take something else, maybe a decent prestige class).

I've also got a decent druid started. They were right when they said he is the king of buff spells. Nice selection, divine casting, a bit of healing thrown in (soooo much better than healing kits or potions), and wildshape. Hah, being able to turn into a panther rocks even if I don't get the rouge extras like my animal companion does.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Reese Tora

I've had a few successful characters, but I havn't played in a while...

first off, a fighter focused (and specialized and improved of each :3 ) with the halberd.

He kicked buttock against pretty much anything except locks and traps, which was why I kept Tommy around; though I could effectively bash open any chest I came accross, and survive the effects of most traps.

I messed around with a few other classes, notably an arcane archer based from a ranger with minimum wizard levels, which I went the farthest with, IIRC; the fireball arrow ability was the best ability

The single most important advice I could give any spellcaster with a familiar or animal companion ability is this: summon them before you rest! unlike P&P D&D, you don't lose XP when they die, and you can summon them again immediately if you've rested since they were last summoned.  My aforementioned ranger rolled with two kitty companions and a summoned nature's ally at almost all times. 

The wizard or sorcerer's familiar is the most useful one, as you can hop in and take advantage of sneak and backstab abilities equivalent to a rogue of or above your own level, just don't leave your own husk in a position where youa re vulnerable, and make sure you don't stick around if your familiar is about to kak it.

I had fun with the druid variation as well, though I still like the wizard's familiar possession ability the most.

I promissed myself I would reinstall NWN alst weekend, but I never got around to it, I guess I'll have to wait my renewed addiction till after AnthroCon...
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation