04/11/07 [CVRPG #513] - A Good Student

Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, April 11, 2007, 05:02:20 AM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

... a morose outlook on life, as well as a social disease he picked up?

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


It's amazing how many ways you can spin jokes off of Alucard's love life.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Destina Faroda

Okay, who is responsible for the additional sprite work?
Sig coming...whenever...


Darkmoon. He spent hours this week working on them.  Honestly, I think he's getting better.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Nimrods Son


Well, as I noted on one comic, one guy volunteered a couple of poses, which I used and worked with to flesh out the additional sprites. Sadly, unlike Jorge, I had to use other sprites as reference when making these new ones. Specifically, Marle and Magus.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Interestingly, I thought for a minute there that Darkmoon was getting knocked about a bit, so I went and counted.

From the point Alec gets hit (5 strips back, now) Alec takes 803 damage, in one hit. Darkmoon takes 1148 damage, in a total of 7 hits. Raye takes a staggering 1347 damage, in only two hits.

So it's not as far out as I thought. I'd still be interested in how many hp each of them have, though. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well you also have to consider if the RPG system they are playing in allows for slow regeneration of HP over time, like it does with the MP? Also, any time the characters aren't "on camera", they could be using healing spells...

Trust me, I've gone over details like that in my head.

Once reason Alec got knocked out after 800 HP in one hit is because of stunning factor. That was a brutal hit, and it would knock any character out for at least a couple of rounds.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I figured "slow regen over time" wasn't a factor, or not a significant factor, in terms of "a single bout with Raye" :-]

... it wasn't so much an objection or complaint, as a "gee, I should really find something more useful to do with my time than to count the damage hp in a webcomic" :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Amber Williams

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 07:59:45 AM
... it wasn't so much an objection or complaint, as a "gee, I should really find something more useful to do with my time than to count the damage hp in a webcomic" :-]


Seth C Triggs

The water+shock thing was brilliant though.

Is it me or does the God of the Olde English font really like Darkmoon? Hehehhe...he gets the best effects.

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW - http://www.bibp.com


That's not intentional, mind you. I finally started using counters and dual-techs in Year One, and I had to have a way of showing it was happening... just so happens that the times I can really use them, Darkmoon is in the room.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 07:59:45 AM
I figured "slow regen over time" wasn't a factor, or not a significant factor, in terms of "a single bout with Raye" :-]

No, but they had both sustained damage in the past few hours from other enemies, so I didn't want you to think I hadn't taken that into account.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...