Captain Trips

Started by TheGreyRonin, March 23, 2007, 07:44:58 PM

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Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been on much, and less coherent than usual when I was. (Hard to do, BTW.)

I've been sick for the past two weeks with an unusual virus that has been rampaging around here lately. It manifests within hours, and hits like a hammer. In less than five hours of sleep I went from happy and healthy to having absolutely no voice and a throat that was bleeding raw when I coughed.

Saw a doctor, found out it was viral so they could only really treat the secondary synptoms, and came home to suffer. Every time I managed to get something fixed, the virus would shift tactics. Today, sinuses; tomorrow, lungs; next day, stomach woes, etc., along with temperature shifts ranging from 92 degrees up to 102.

Better now, but for the past week I've only had two words running through my mind: Captain Trips!



That is all!


I didn't. I haven't read The Stand in about three years. I just have a near-photographic memory. *grins*

But c'mon, a mystery virus that has my doc scratching her head and that is like an evil Wheel O'Symptoms? *chuckles*