
Started by TheGreyRonin, March 06, 2007, 07:47:12 PM

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Yes, this is going to sound moronic, but I just had the best time I've had in about a year. I went sledding!

From my roof!

Yes, the drift that reaches my roof in front of my house is sloped perfectly, so I dug out an old saucer sled, climbed up on my roof, and jumped. Slid through my rose garden, across my driveway, and out into my front yard, a total of about fifty feet.

Hard to describe, but I felt like a kid again. Twilight and a marked inability to catch my breath forced me to stop, but it was worth every second. *grins*


You just trumped every winter I've ever had. Freaking New York winters :<
But kudos to you, man! That sounds awesome.


Heh, that reminds me of my winters in Denver, sledding down the sides of the overpass near our house, which was like 100 feet. :boogie