
Started by AlucardRose, November 25, 2005, 12:06:25 AM

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Konami, the awesome creators of Castlevania, deserve a little more respect for what they have done- yet their stocks have been going down for years (symbol: KNM). What does this reflect? Is it our fault that there are not enough Castlevania fans like us out there that should be telling others about about it or respecting it? Dawn of Sorrow is pretty popular now in the U.S, but Curse of Darkness does not seem to be a big hit in Japan. My point is that Konami is still making great games and the latest Castlevania titles are not getting the treatment that they deserve by the consumers.  People have to stop thinking so superficial about Castlevania. This is not irrelevent at all. They must look at it from all points of view- including the corporate view. Konami and Castlevania have been declining for years and all I can do is stand there and watch. It is not fair, because they deserve much better because the games are still awesome after so many  years. :sigh


I think a lot of it has to be with their different francises and how many of them are still producing successful games. I mean, lets face it, the 3D side of the CV francise is in the pits, and the 2D side, while good, isn't THAT innovating anymore. We're on our 4th SotN clone (5th Super Metroid clone), and are only now devising games that meet the standards acorss the board that SotN set.

Konami seems content to beat it's francises into the ground with bad leadership. They should be trying new ideas, not emplying people that beat the dead horses of ideas.


They arent just creating clones- they stay true to the Castlevania fans by continuing the series WHILE they still create other games such as Metal Gear Solid which takes full advantage of the 3D graphics.

Sin Ominous

Which Castlevania fans? The old-sk00lers are still a pretty big grouping, apart from the IGA crowd.

Castleroid fans would be more accurate.


Hey Sin, what game is that in your sig?




Unfortunately by age, I will never be considered an oldschool Castlevania fan. Still no excuse why I havent played SOTN though- but maybe because its so hard to find eight-year-old games these days with new systems out that make the old ones obsolete. . . I've been looking for it for quite a while now so I've been stuck with modern CV titles.  :(

Jorge D. Fuentes

Um... there were CV games before Symphony.
It's not the end-all be-all of CV games.  In fact, it only made a splash because it was so SuperMetroid-like.

Incidentally, Nintendo trumped the quality of Super Metroid when they did Metroid: Zero mission.  On GBA.  A title on par if not better in some ways to the godlike Super Metroid, came out on the little Handheld.

Konami only now made a close-enough analogy with Dawn of Sorrow.  However, it had to get past doing craptastic Harmony of Dissonance and honing its skills with Aria of Sorrow.  It's not even due to system limitations, since Metroid: Zero Mission did so well.

As for 3D CV comments... Legacy of Darkness is still the best in that it 'feels' like CV.  These others (LoI, CoD), I don't know what they feel like but it ain't CV.  I guess it's just a feeling or something... CoD gets somewhat close, though.


Quote from: AlucardRose on November 25, 2005, 06:05:16 AM
Unfortunately by age, I will never be considered an oldschool Castlevania fan. Still no excuse why I havent played SOTN though- but maybe because its so hard to find eight-year-old games these days with new systems out that make the old ones obsolete. . . I've been looking for it for quite a while now so I've been stuck with modern CV titles.  :(

They remade one of the first CV games for gameboy adv sp. It's 10 bucks, and SOTN could be found online easily or at Vintage Stock-Caveman. The only reason I'm a fan is because of my elder cousins. They have old systems that still work and CV games that r old. So don't feel bad. Morely I believe you don't have to play the games to be a fan but know the history and saga a lot.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Xuzaf D

I personally believe that IGA should not touch another 3D CV game. He makes the world of 3D seem so two dimensional.


Although I have never played a 3D Castlevania game, I also believe that CV titles should stick to the 2D format because its basically what it is good at, so to speak, its like one of the "best of breed" of 2D games.


I do agree with Jorge. The N64 ones, for the'r faults, did feel like 3D CV games.