New Bunder World Topic

Started by thegayhare, January 24, 2007, 12:46:19 AM

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Hi Hi all

well I've decided to have a little fun and do some more work on my fantasy world populated by my bunder.

I'm planning to re write the information I've done so far as well as write up new creatures

So far for creatures I've got
Bunder (Bunny/Spider)
Otterpus (Otter/Octopus)
Ferripede (Ferret/Centipede)
Tiver (Tiger/Beaver)
Munk (Mole/Skunk)
Leechflies (Dragonfly/Leech)
Monahna  (Piranha/Monkey)

So I'll start describing the new ones

A long slinky creature (generally 8 to 12 feet long) with a dozen pair limbs.  There coats are general a silky brown with a light red carapace along the belly, the limbs are furry but end in carapaced claws, the first four end in 4 fingered hands tipped with claws, the rest of the limbs end in sharp walking digits.  The heads have long sensitive antennae, over large segmented eyes, and a large mouth full of fangs.

Ferripedes are one of the few carnivorous mammals in the world.  They generally hunt alone but mated pairs are known to hunt together.  One of there largest sources of food are Web tribe bunder, simply because the Ferripedes carapace feet can walk across the webs with out getting stuck, though if they slip and there fur gets in the web the bunder will swarm.  Ferripedes are savage hunters generally stalking there prey for hours waiting for one to stray from the pack, once they have isolated there target they swarm down, striking with lighting speed.   They generally coil around their prey like a constrictor, crushing the life out of their prey, while kicking and gouging with their claws and biting at their face.  Ferripedes are messy eaters and unless they are caring for kits they generally devour their prey immediately leaving gobbits, bone and other scraps. 

While they are intelligent and have a crude language Ferripedes don't seem to have any real civilization. Instead living in small family units, in nests high up in the forest canopy


Tiver are short, stocky feline headed creatures with big wide paws and long sharp claws, A brown pelt with erratic orange stripes and a wide flat muscular tail.  Their feline head is filled with pulp shredding incisors and flat gnawing teeth.

These water dwelling, damn building, plant eaters are generally very placid but are fierce fighters if aroused, and in groups can be more then a match for most lone carnivorous plants. 

The Tiver live in small communities, in dens with submerged entrances.  Built in fresh water rivers they generally end up competing with otterpi villages for territory.

Generally considered a pest by species that deal with them Munks are burrowing creatures the size of a small dog.  They live under the vast grasslands of the world surviving by raiding Pit tribe's mushroom farms, or attacking hibernating tubers.  These nearly blind little rodents are harmless and they rely on there painfully strong scent glands to drive off most predators

Leechflies are nasty little night time pests.  Each one is a bout three inches long, they are green wriggling things with tiny-segmented eyes, and long buzzing wings.  During the day they sleep in pools of water gathered in the large leaves of the forest and jungle canopy and they craw out of the leaf pools at night and travel in swarms looking for mammals.  They generally find sleeping creatures and attach themselves feeding on the blood as long as they can

Monahna are 2 foot tall simian omnivores.  The are furless, tailless, and covered with fine silver scales.  They are very agile and often travel in large family packs looping threw dense jungle, swinging from branch to branches hooting and hollering swarming over any and every animal, or fruit that they come across stripping them to the bone, or root with there vicious razor teeth.

so what do you think?

Also what should I call this word? 

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. Interesting collection.

I'll wait to see what you make of the rest of them.
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