Experimental foods

Started by thegayhare, November 17, 2006, 01:42:04 AM

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sorry I'm a bit loopy right now

Having mastered my recent experements (cept gummi's  I still can't get gummi's to taste right)

my ever bizzare brain has moved on to knew recipies...
So I'll post my current projects while I work on recipies

One is, to me anyway, a natural progression after perfecting my rootbeer float fudge.  That is a Rootbeer float cheesecake...  I figure a chocolate grahm cracker crust should be a good match for it but I'm not sure how to tope it a chocolate ganashe would be to rich maybe just serving iit with a scoop of vannilla ice cream would work

it is then that my mid switched over into american cuisine.  See it is my belief that the best expresion of american food is in the melting pot of cultures...  the blending of regional specialities.  to this ent I've thought of some interesting mixes I intend to try.

one is a spegehhtti recipie,  I figure a startign with a nice tomato suace base for the suace but switching instead to taco spices instead of the normal itailian fare.  with a generous helping of ground beef served over pasta... It'll be a nice bit of a change...

Anouther thought I had was teryaki pizza,  which I've don and it came out pretty good too,  anouth favorite of mine is chinese pizza  (basicly left over chines food  used as a topping,  Orange chicken is my personal fave)

So what do you think?  Does anyone have any sugestions?  Just toss out an Idea and I'll see if I can put together a recipie.  Hell how bout if our looking for a normal recipie toss up a question.  most of my cook books are packed for the move but I'm sure I can find you somethign

Reese Tora

I think that the taco sphagetti should workout.  If we have any, my family uses any left over taco meat to suppliment the freshly browned hamburger when making sphagetti sauce, though we also generally add the normal spices to the sauce as well.

Then again, we season out taco meat with half one spice we use on the sphagetti and half taco sauce, so it's probably not authentic taco seasonings. :P
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


carefull, mixing things together isn't always good, you might end up with something like Sauerkraut souflé, snail ice cream, sphagetti sauce foie gras or cheese fondue with ketchup and tobasco  :boggle D:

or horse filet on slate with fries, different sauces and a nice pint of fresh beer....... wait, that one's actually good  :U


Something that(surprisingly) came out pretty good that i threw together for father's day:

Spaghetti with horseradish and tomato sauce(one of mum's friends gave it to us a while back and nobody'd wanted to touch it) and add some cut up Italian sausage.
very good if you like things a bit on the spicy side. ^^

That root beer float fudge sounds very good.
it also sounds like something my family could very much appreciate given all the fudge we used to make come winter.


Fish and chips made with beer as a part of the fish's crust - can't go wrong. Also, you should do them over a proper fire - not some bleedin' stove. It's an aussie recipe.

But personally, I often find myself doing more complicated courses. One I learned in Barcelona; an extraordinarily delicious fish soup that has paprika, salad, shrimps, pepper, cheese etc. in it. It's one of my favourit courses, along with a good white sauvignon, some baguette and cheese.


Hmmm...  French Fries + Wendy's Chocolate Frosty. :>


Though I will cook it if asked I can't stand fish


Quote from: thegayhare on November 20, 2006, 08:57:54 PM
Though I will cook it if asked I can't stand fish

Arrh! Hast thou not heard of the wondrous omega fats?! Get more sushi in your system, heathen!


Sorry the only fish I like is canned tuna, and freash octopus

King Of Hearts

Definitely experiment on octupus and squid, delicious and healty meat from the sea.

a sweet sauce works wonders with fried squid, just make sure you take out all the innards or you'd end up with a soup.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on November 21, 2006, 06:05:55 AM
Definitely experiment on octupus and squid, delicious and healty meat from the sea.

a sweet sauce works wonders with fried squid, just make sure you take out all the innards or you'd end up with a soup.

you know that makes me think...

I wonder how it would taste with my sweet and sour sauce.  I'ts rather more sweet then sour jellied cranberry based sauce.   The only problem is that I can't get Octopus around here I'd have to drive 2 hours to portland to find a place