2021-1-24 [DMFA #2028] I'd Take That as a Compliment Too

Started by killpurakat, January 24, 2021, 11:52:43 PM

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Having met Regina's father, I feel Aliph is totally in the right by taking that "he doesn't like you" as a compliment.

Bit like the Rick and Morty quote: "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."

Also... Aliph didn't jump at the chance to be rid of Regina!  :eager


You say compliments don't affect you, Aliph, yet you took Regina's words for one...  :P

I am glad that Aliph does indeed have Regina's back in her decision making, especially as Regina does have some very non-conformist tendencies (for a demon). It's pretty cool how supportive Kria and Aliph are of their niece, even when she was being a vain butt earlier. I can't imagine Malle being terribly approving of Regina's choice in being an assistant for a fashion magazine (if only because Aliph supports the idea), so the fact that Aliph is not gonna allow Regina just to fold up and go home is heartwarming.


Quote from: killpurakat on January 24, 2021, 11:52:43 PM

Bit like the Rick and Morty quote: "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."

I was recently introduced to the awesomeness of Rick and Morty and continue to be amazed by their subtle wisdom. Thank you for sharing this. I really needed it today.


Poor Regina. I really feel for her having been that much of a door mat. Right now I think DP is the best thing for her. Thank you Amber for providing depth and relatability to even the "evil" characters.


I'm hoping that DP just... Turns Regina's father away.


Dark Pegasus stands interposed between Regina and a furious Malle. Regina appears nervous.

You entrusted her protection to my sister. My sister failed to defend her when a crazed adventurer tried to kill her. Additionally, Regina chose to stay with me once the adventurer was neutralized. I, therefore, claim Regina as my own.

It... It doesn't work that way! There is no transitive property on custody!

No, there isn't. However, Regina is legally an adult, and I, as a Soulstealer, have some amount of sway with Zinvth's courts. Malle Darkblood, Consider yourself served.

Dark Pegasus hands Malle a document.

A restraining order?

Correct. You have been found to be a poor influence on your daughter vis-à-vis her rampaging incident. You are to remain no less than one league from Regina at all times, and any contact with her is to be via correspondence routed through an approved agent of Zinvth's court for inspection and recording. For fairness' sake, I am not an approved agent for that purpose.

Regina's face is a mixture of shock and gratitude as she flees the room.

I suggest you leave, Malle.


Regina, you're an adult. You're not living under your father's roof, you're not using his money, you're not under his authority. If you don't want to leave you don't have to, no matter what he tells you. More, I think you're smart enough to understand that fact, at least once someone points it out to you, which puts you ahead of your father.


Quote from: Wanderer on January 26, 2021, 06:31:35 AM
Regina, you're an adult. You're not living under your father's roof, you're not using his money, you're not under his authority. If you don't want to leave you don't have to, no matter what he tells you. More, I think you're smart enough to understand that fact, at least once someone points it out to you, which puts you ahead of your father.

It's difficult to stand up to a strong, forceful personality particularly when it's a parent and you've been raised up to obey without question.  Even worse in societies that have absolute obedience to your ancestors embedded into it.  Thankfully for her DP takes his duties in overseeing her growth extremely seriously like he does everything else and won't be letting her father steamroller over her so she will have the support she needs to reject her father.