Two and two do ten and twenty

Started by Brunhidden, September 16, 2006, 08:41:04 AM

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hello, those of you who know me from a previous forum will know that i work at a newspaper distribution plant so i always read the paper, and often find things i wish to share.

this time, its about people i knew.

about two to three weeks ago a woman about my age left her two children alone with a guy named craig, and a buddy of his while she went do drive craigs brother to work (him being on probation from prison, needed someone to drive him). i knew craig from back in school, and i knew his buddys brother, but i did not know anybody else really....other then knowing enough about them to be completely unsupprised at what happened.

turns out theese two guys had the mother and father of all hangovers, so when the infant girl and 19 month old buy wouldnt stop crying, thigns got ugly. craig shook the girl violently, and then threw her on the couch. she died in a hospital days later. our other fine gentleman could not figure out why the 19 month old was crying, even though he had been given a juice box (i have a 20 month old daughter, giving them a juice box is like telling a 3 year old to make spagetti on a stove) and proceded to give the little boy a backhand slap that raised a red handshaped welt that was visable for a week.

no, i am not supprised in the least. yes, i and everyone else who has ever known them would tell you AT LENGTH how stupid it would be to let them alone with a small child. why then, did craigs girlfriend trust them? i dont think she did, because about two or three hours after her daughters funeral she was confirmed to be at a bar.

the lady who was bartender that night didnt like the story she had to tell, and in fact wouldnt have known it was her unless this girl had not told her to turn the news on so she could point out that was HER kids funeral on the news and that was her boyfriend the cops had. anyone in the bar who was asked later said that she sounded happy about it, and that unerved them- it takes alot to unerve a wisconsinite whose on thier seventh beer.

what was really in bad taste is that many of the bar patrons confirmed that not only was she dancing that night, she had specifically requested a popular song by the name of "shaken"

now thats just bad taste.

oh, i said two and two? thats right, this is the most RECENT problem. theese two schmucks are going to be doing hard time (up to life for craig) but thier brothers have been doing time for some time now. about two years or so ago someone i knew from school named jay and his buddy were walking in front of a bar in the little swamp town i grew up in (the town is literally a bank, post office, three bars, and the abandoned blacksmith i remember when it closed) and a man tapped them on the shoulder to ask what time it was. jay proceeded to beat him to death, later stating that he continued to kick the man in the head "because he didnt flinch". thats right up there with craigs "its not my fault, i was hung over"

you may ask how WELL i knew them- well enough. jay had the room temperature inteligence you usually associate with expired mayonase and kept himself occupied for hours on end by saying my name repeatedly and then doing a laugh like a cross between butthead and pauly shore. he was also the first person to kick me in the valueables, which he forgot about by the time either of us had been brought before the principal (i think it was back in third grade, took about ten minutes to be judged and for some reason i was the one punished). craig however was the kind of person who really just didnt think and refused to do so at gunpoint- a good example being he would constantly try to pick fights and insult people despite the fact he came up to about my belly button and had the physical build of someone who has been on an all water diet for a year.

and i ask you all- how the HELL did they reproduce? how in the name of all that is sane did they ever make it to become high school seniors? and why were people shocked when they heard about this?

comment if you like, ive got alot more steamy piles of this stuff

QuoteLife is a race between those of us who try to make the world foolproof, and the universe who endeavors to make bigger fools
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


this is just too crazy...i hear about things like this, people invading schools shooting brazil we don't have this kind of thing...just robbery...a lot...
i think guys like that should have differentiated treatment of the state...
like a rigorous psychological accompaniment, and if it is verified incapacity for the return to the community... internment ...that's what i think...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Well, they got the internment.

I doubt it's going to teach them anything, however. Without a psychological evaluation, I'd say, at a guess, that we're talking people who have a disassociation with people - in their mind, other people are things, not people.

Now, for *my* part, I feel a bit the same way. I'm aware that this is not right, however, and that letting people know that I don't really care about anyone is probably not going to go down too well, and I've been trained (much the same way you'd train a dog, really) that being nice to people gets me further than not being nice, so, in my case, it's not really hugely visible. However, it does mean I can see where someone might be *totally* disassociated from other people, and just how wrong things can go from there...

All in all, a sad situation. I feel for the foor kids, who won't realise that this is wrong, and may well grow up with all the same problems, the sins of the father visited down upon seven generations, as it were... *sigh*
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Now that's fscked up. I hope they don't get out early for 'good behaviour'. The world needs less of them.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


My eye twiches violently when I hear the part..."because he didnt flinch" or whoever rasied these irresponcable people are truley sick in the head....How would they feel someone rattled their heads that young