8/13/2012 [DMFA #1330] - The continuing adventures of Flash...

Started by Tapewolf, August 13, 2012, 04:17:57 AM

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Quote from: e_voyager on August 17, 2012, 03:19:50 AM
Quote from: Starcat5 on August 17, 2012, 02:59:35 AM
There is a difference between not teaching Dan anything beyond the basics, and not even telling him that he is a Cubi or ANY of the basics. Abel was caught off guard by just how badly Fa'lina was understating the situation.
by ary i meant Aaryanna who was there for months and did try and show Dan many of those things

I was replying to the conversation as a whole, not specifically you. It is also a moot point. The issue at paw was how much knowledge Dee gave Dan. Aary's lessons fell through because a) Dan didn't have the proper underpinnings of knowledge Aary expected to be there, and b) Aary was teaching from an Anti-Being standpoint, which, to Dan, invalidated ANYTHING and EVERYTHING she had to say.
Conservative Democrat or Liberal Republican: You decide!
The Centrist line has moved a long way to the Right over the years.

I'd argue that's a horribly shallow argument, except it's completely true. ~ooklah


okay i get you point. i guess Dan would ignore almost anything that Aaryanna would say to him but did he forget when she was trying to kill him and how she used her wings against him?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


(bump). So I'm catching up after a few years, and actually did a full re-read to make sure I had the context/history right.

So Destania is in hiding, and as mentioned by someone else earlier, she can use Cyra's ability to block things from magical sight.

Destania wants to finish the extermination of the dragons, following right in Cyra's footsteps. She has managed to hide herself, her daughter, and her son. She is trying to make sure that no one can tie Dan to her, to prevent problems.

She sent Dan, or arranged for Dan to be sent, to the academy for protection, and considers Alexsi to be a traitor for dating/siding with a dragon; that it's the Poodle's Dragon means that the Poodle will try to protect them. (Yea, at this point, that's about how much I think Destania still cares about Falina's opinions/views).

The flashback is all about Abel's realization of this. If Abel were to explain that there was another Cubi here, it would mean that Dan would become the focal/flash point. Abel is all about protecting Dan here.

Cyra offs M'Check (the last head Dragon); Hizell offs Crya, and as many of hers as he can. Destania wants to off Hizell. Back and forth.

Ending of the war? Peacefully? Pyroduck and Alexi doesn't seem like an important enough couple to serve as the peaceful union of two warring factions.

EDIT: ... and yea, as mentioned just 40-some pages later, Abel realizes that this is all Destania's doing, to aim a gun at him. Destania even says this was supposed to be a gift of a swift death, to the son of someone that broke her heart.

So, she betrays a dragon lover, and starts the war; has a spat with the cubi she then falls in love with, and wants to kill his son to finish off that clan; and wants to wipe out an entire race, even the ones that Falina will want to protect ... yea, Godess-hood ego? Seriously willing to take on a Clan Leader, even one with no Clan?


Quote from: keybounce on June 19, 2015, 03:28:14 PM
Cyra offs M'Check (the last head Dragon); Hizell offs Crya, and as many of hers as he can. Destania wants to off Hizell. Back and forth.


EDIT: ... and yea, as mentioned just 40-some pages later, Abel realizes that this is all Destania's doing, to aim a gun at him. Destania even says this was supposed to be a gift of a swift death, to the son of someone that broke her heart.

So, she betrays a dragon lover, and starts the war; has a spat with the cubi she then falls in love with, and wants to kill his son to finish off that clan; and wants to wipe out an entire race, even the ones that Falina will want to protect ... yea, Godess-hood ego? Seriously willing to take on a Clan Leader, even one with no Clan?

Strictly you're not supposed to revive a thread this old, though I suppose it is relevant to the current page.   Might have been better to have posted it in the current page's thread.

Anyway, I think you may have confused Destania and Cyra here a little.  Both are in hiding, but unless things have changed very rapidly, Cyra is still alive since Dan has spoken to her.
Destania is apparently alive after twice her normal span because Cyra has been keeping her alive to avoid her line dying out, and this may have contributed to her mental instability.
Destania wants to wipe the Dragons off Furrae, and given that the Dragons appear to be restarting the war against the 'Cubi, I can see where she's coming from.
Cyra appears not to be too happy about this if the letter is at all canon.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E