Woot Maybe soon TGH won't be the Fat Bunny

Started by thegayhare, August 25, 2013, 02:49:59 PM

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welp this is along line in of attempts by the bunny at losing weight

as some of you who have met me know bunny is not skinny bunny is big boy,  But thats okay Bunnies boy is also big boy see?

bunny is one on left...

well Do to Jon's job he's been losing weight by the bunches

Who knew prison guards got so much exercise...

Meanwhile last time bunny was weighed it was 426 pounds.

So since I don't have a job at the moment I turned my focus to hard labor....  well I started out walking the dog (and cheating at it)  I cut down on the cheating, and when the issue of fire wood came Up I informed my stepdad that no I would handle it all on my own,  no help from him.  Now at the start of summer he had purchased a supply of wood and it had been dumped on the far side of the property in a large unrully pile to dry...   now it had to be moved about 50 yards up hill,  and stacked neatly on a number of pallets ready for the winter.   With a wheel barrow, and 6 10-12 hour days work I managed to get this done

thats 48 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 4 feet high... on average.

and while I am still a fat bunny (or fluffy as my favorite comedian would say)  At the mid point of the week I weighed out at 402 pounds  for a loss of 24 pounds

and just today while walking the dog I found I could go twice as far then previously before taking a break.

So while I have a ways to go its certainly a start and I think I'm going to try and continue this trend.   Longer walks and more hard labor,  I have rocks to dig up and several trees I can fell   so hopefully soon while I'll never be a skinny bunny soon I might be a happy bunny   

*sheepish grins*

sorry to ramble but I felt proud


'Tis good, TGH. Keep it up, but be careful not to try to do too much at once.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: thegayhare on August 25, 2013, 02:49:59 PM
sorry to ramble but I felt proud

As well you should. Damn, boy, but ain't you doing well?

As LionHeart says, though - don't try to do too much at once. You'll do better at _keeping_ the weight off if you take it slow and careful, and aim for a couple pounds a week, rather than a single massive lump. That's not to say the single massive lump you've done here is _bad_ - just that if you aim small, you can overshoot and feel good. If you aim big, you have much more chance to miss, feel bad, and then backslide. And we don't want that, not after your progress here.

(Not that I can talk, really - I'm a wee laddie, with a hyper metabolism. >.< )
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Ohhh I know not to expect results to fast and not to push myeslf to hard...   but I am going further...  and checking my whight today I'm down another 4 pounds...

soo I'm under the 400 pound mark.... 

Hmmm should I set mille marks to celebrate at.   maybe ever 50 pound mark... 

Ive got to walk to the post office tomarrow.  it's about a mile and a half  so it'll be a good test of the new endurance.   not up to my old levers yet  when I'd walk the 4 miles to work  but it's going to be a start


Well the walk to the post office wasn't bad (other then the clerk forciny me to pay 4 dollars extra for some tape to seal the box I got there,,,, bastards.)   I almost made it the whole way down before taking a break.   And I didn't even have to rest before attempting my home hill (it's a murder hill  I'll get pictures)  or after clearing it  so  even with out the visual results  the endurance is worth it.  hell it'll also help with my job search  cause my last job was a sit on my butt answering phones all day,  I can't garentee thats the thing I'd find now so building up my endurance for work is a selling point in itself

llearch n'n'daCorna

The other thing is that you feel better about yourself if you're a bit fitter.

Given your frame, I don't think you'll ever be the smallest person around, but you can still be fit, even if you'd loom over me. ;-]

Great to hear your progress!
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


thanks.   Learch

And I'm not even going for skinny my frame would never let me get there.   I know my limits.   I think (and I hope posting here doesn't start to bother anyone) but having a place like this that I can talk about the stuff I'm doing even when it's not a big deal really helps.  trying to work in a vacuum with just my mom and step-dad around doesn't seem to work well

So I'm hopping to keep this thread going even if it's just an update once and a while thing.  It'll help and I hope thats okay

llearch n'n'daCorna

Fine by me - I like hearing how you're getting on.

And I especially like hearing you're doing well, so if we can all help out by listening, then we're all ears.

... or is that you, bunnyboy? ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Something that is helping me loose weight, TGH:


A friend recommended it to me, and just by tracking what I do and eat, it's made a world of difference.  It's also helped me to not yo-yo my weight by losing too much and then forcing my body to go into conservation mode.


engaging in an activ hobby is a good start too, the fun means you do it on purpose often

does not have to be 'sports', some people do silly stuff at the park, belegarth/dragonhir is surprisingly active cardio, theres those frizbee sports, dogs, cup stacking, ecetera
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao on September 03, 2013, 08:04:16 PM
A friend recommended it to me, and just by tracking what I do and eat, it's made a world of difference.  It's also helped me to not yo-yo my weight by losing too much and then forcing my body to go into conservation mode.

Ooo. Hrm. I wonder if I'm triggering that, just in my usual uneven eating pattern.

Also, your avatar is horrible. My eyes keep unfocusing as a result of the blur. >.<
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I promised a picture of this hill.  

I had to go get some soy sauce for dinner and Well snapped this picture of the hill on my way back

I hate this hill.   I have always hated this hill.   the building at the top is the middle school I attended and where the car you se is is about the halfway mark where the grammar school I went to is...

for a fat man it's your worst enemy

Edit: Took the dog again... the vet says walking on tar is good to keep his claws worn down,  plus he's such a lazy dog he needs the exercise as much as I do


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 04, 2013, 04:31:34 AM
Also, your avatar is horrible. My eyes keep unfocusing as a result of the blur. >.<

Really?  I thought it was quite excellent, and I had fun doing that blur transition myself.  If you have another transition idea that you'd like me to animate it with, feel free to let me know.


Quote from: Mao on September 05, 2013, 11:42:27 AM

Really?  I thought it was quite excellent, and I had fun doing that blur transition myself.  If you have another transition idea that you'd like me to animate it with, feel free to let me know.

Hmmm I gotta see if I can find my goo program that might do an interesting transition

just got home again I'm going to walk into town every day I think  at least as far as the post offic and further as errands pop up (unless there is house labor to do then maybe a short walk around the highschool for the dog)

today though I had to go to the bank to get my stepdads ebay money...  I sell it for him... so it comes to my account thats about 3 miles away so 6 mile round trip....  the dog was bout ready to give up on me too.

but you see interesting things when your out and about...  a street sign gave me this lesson

Do you think it's cheating as soon as I got home I had 2 slices of pizza?  It wasn't ordinarry pizza it was a home made pie with tons of chopped babby spinich, low fat mozz, thick sauce, some lean ham, and a few chopped pieces of turkey peperoni


the same is true driving around, i passed this

and i lived five miles from here for years before stumbling across the 'population 24' sign

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao on September 05, 2013, 11:42:27 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 04, 2013, 04:31:34 AM
Also, your avatar is horrible. My eyes keep unfocusing as a result of the blur. >.<

Really?  I thought it was quite excellent, and I had fun doing that blur transition myself.  If you have another transition idea that you'd like me to animate it with, feel free to let me know.

It's not the blur itself, it's that my eyes keep blurring past the transition. :-/ Pray, do carry on.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Not really an update but something funny

Yesterday I needed some spices for yesterdays dinner

Panko breaded garlic and herb pork chops

So I decided to get them from the grocery store.  I decided to see if I could still do the old work march so I decided to visit the store next to the subway I had worked at.   I gathered the dog and started walking.   an  8 mile hike later I had the spices, pluss 3 skulls I had been looking for.  I got home feeling sore but okay.   Dog was wiped out...  today I had to go visit my step dad's mom to do some work on her computer.  

so I got my stuff together suspenders, water bottles, messenger bag and what have you...  I stepped out of my room the dog looked at me from the couch... I said "Wanna go for a walk?"  The dogs ears perked up, he rolled off the couch, and hid under the kitchen table.

Also PS a warning for anyone as dumb as a bunny,  when walking long distances always wear socks...  before the 8 mile hike I let my dislike of the footwear get the better of me and wound up with blisters along the backs of my ankles...

No fun at all

but Its not stopping me from walking... just the five miles today


Ouch. Better put a band-aid on that before you go out walking again.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Quote from: LionHeart on September 07, 2013, 10:31:15 PM
Ouch. Better put a band-aid on that before you go out walking again.

Yeah my own fault...  Bleh.  I'm actually covering it with a folded aloe tissue and some purple duct tape


Welp bunny fell off the wagon... I have my last illicit bottle of RC cola (royal crown is hard to find sometimes but damn its better then pepsi or cock) in my lap,  and I finished my smuggled pringles...  (salt and vinager chips is surprisingly tasty with jalapeno cheese dip)

But I did go for my walk today... just a 3 mile one to the new gas station.  I needed fuel for the lawn mower.   I still hate my push mower but I can now finish the job 4 times as fast as before

sooo even with my cheat day,  (trust me on this salt and vinager chips with jalapeno cheese dip its awsome.... much better then the time I used ranch)  I'm still doing way better then before


good on you, getting to a healthy weight is always a good thing.  I tend to find that I can get by with 1 hour of exercises per day (lost 60 pounds in 3 months to qualify for basic) though I have been told that my routine is "extreme" by other looking to lose weight, but I've never had a problem with it and I've never needed a diet.  Here's what works for me:

10 sit-ups
10 push-ups
50 jumping jacks
continuously running 2 miles at the local park

and increment the sit-ups/push-ups by 5 each week.

Though lately I've fallen off the habit.... I plan on starting back though, I will fit those shorts again!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Is there a top end to that increase, Val? Otherwise poor bunny over there will end up doing 265 sit-ups and push-ups by the end of the year, by my calculations... ;-]

If he can manage it, I'll take my hat off to him, Gunga Din. But I think we'd be looking for a large pine box and a big hole before then, and we don't want that. I've dug holes before, and I didn't enjoy it much. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears