The Fandom Thread

Started by RJ, November 01, 2006, 07:37:40 AM

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My fandom has to do with doughnuts,BB guns, and anime and oh yeah...Giant black robots!

Destina Faroda

There are some of shows, games, books, and such that I really like, but it would be hard for me to write 2,000 words on them.  For instance, I love the movie Pootie Tang, but I doubt I could write 2,000 words dedicated to it.  There are also shows I do not like, but could easily write 2,000 words toward.

1.  Sailor Moon -- My all time favorite anime, even if I know it's not the best anime.  With the exception of the latter seasons, I could easily write a 2,000 anything on just a single character.  Actually, once upon a time I had a Sailor Moon fan site 20,000+ word fanfics based on the series (and 4 fanfic arcs that still sometimes run in my head), but they're old, bad, and have been deleted.

2.  Dragon Ball Z -- The second all-time favorite anime, I'd probably go character essays rather than stand-alone fanfic (I have lots of trouble writing action...actually, I have lots of trouble writing anything).  My writing would probably turn into rants on how I like the dynamic and changing characters who demonstrate growth, sacrifice, and heriosm, as opposed to the static characters who continually make stupid decisions to put the planet in danger again and again.

3.  Blade (cinematic/television franchise) --  I have written 2,000 words on this on the Blade: TV series boards.  I also have an idea for a fanfic series set in the Blade: the Series universe (tenatively titled Ashers, but not nearly exclusively focused on them) as well as an alternate Blade 2 (instead the crappy movie we got).

4. ReBoot -- More specifically Hexadecimal.  Not fanfic, just essays.  She's too awesome of a character in my mind that I would have any ideas for her other than a quick cameo or an appearance in a sily fancomic.

5. Street Fighter -- Even though I'm horrible at the games, I love the story behind it (except SFA3).  However, I used to believe in a Capcom-shared universe, so that aoll the characters in the franchises were connected.  There have been one or two ideas I've had for an old-school style crossover (starring my favorite character, Rose) but I doubt I'll ever work on it.

6. Mega Man X -- Ironically enough, despite being a big fan of the Mega Man X games, I never had much serious ideas for fanfiction.  I think this is in part because from the second game, the series went into a direction that kinda destroyed and went downhill even more after X4.  (Then again, some of the lastest games have actually started to get a little better, storywise, but I haven't played them.)  If I were to write 2,000 words on this, it would probably be a whine about the lost opportunities and the decreasing quality of gameplay.

7.  Batman: the Animated Series -- This series is simply as close to perfection for an animated show as you can get, either anime or Western.  I love the art-style immensely rather than the streamlined, straight-line stuff they did later to try to fit Batman into the DC animated universe.  I also loved the art direction, which made these drawings literally feel alive, something I have seen in NO other series.  Perfect sound with voices that fit the characters, appropriate music choices, and above all else was not just well written, but the writing worked in conjunction with the art that visually lifted the underlying themes the story was trying to bring home.  Even the worst epsiodes are better than most series best epsiodes, and if I blanked out completely, there are two words that serve as my eternal inspiration: Harley Quinn.

8.  Star Trek: the Next Generation -- I used to be a far bigger Trekkie than I am now, but I still love the characters and the overall universe structure of this show.

9.  Soap operas (specifically The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, and Passions). -- I actually wrote a bi-weekly essay called "Sailor Bulma's Soap Opera Soapbox" featuring Sailor Bulma, a ditzy version of Bulma Briefs who dressed up on a Sailor Suit.  I think you can find it if you Google it.  Some of those should be 2,000 wrods.

10.  GvsE -- A lot of people don't remember this series.  I love it.  Why I loved it until it went to the Sci-Fi channel would be 2,000 words easily.

Last but not least....

11. Ogre Battle -- I have an Ogre Battle fan site that you can find by clicking on my signature.   I have rants dedicated to Ogre Battle.  And I have Ogre Battle yeah...

As mentioned before, there are lots of other series and games I love (Forever Knight, Breath of Fire,  Chrono Trigger, ESPN's Playmakers).  I don't know if I could write 2,000 words on them.

Now you've cut into my writing time, darn it!
Sig coming...whenever...


I'm not a Halo fanboy, honest. :<

On a completely unrelatd note, I just finished the third Halo book today.  I want the fourth one, it came out a few days ago. :eager