For FiM fans... the 'movie'... >:C

Started by Alondro, June 17, 2013, 01:20:12 PM

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All I will say is, if that film was the first thing I saw of MLP: FiM...

... I would never have wanted to watch another episode.

This movie is to Pony what "The Last Airbender" was to the "Avatar" cartoon series.

I cannot see anyone who is not a rabid fanboi managing to delude themselves into even believing it to be a passable film.  From a film-making standpoint, it's atrocious.  From the POV of anyone who loved what FiM brought to children's cartoons, its a betrayal of trust and an abandonment of everything that made the series stand out as something greater than the typical mind-numbing kiddie fare.

I am beyond deeply disappointed.  It's disgraceful and a slap in the face to Lauren Faust, who rose above the gilry cliches that this movie embraces and sodomizes itself with.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.