11/30/2012 [PF #237] - Paradise Lost

Started by ChaosMageX, November 29, 2012, 09:34:55 PM

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Welcome to your worst nightmare, Keaton, your personal hell on Furrae, your atonement for your sins against Lord Daryil. :mwaha

That aside, I like the grainy filtering effect done on panels 1 and 3 and I wonder how it was done, because I really like how it looks.

I wonder if that's Lady Jyraneth in panel 1, and what that symbol behind her is.  Is it the flag of Harla'Keth or something else?

Salem has markings just as interesting as interesting as Keaton's markings.  I especially like that crescent moon on his chest.

Is Keaton actually wearing a dog collar in panel 3?  It made me laugh when I first noticed it. :giggle

Icon by Sunblink


Well she was warned.

Though I'm a little surprised that she killed that person to begin with. Keaton might be a bit of a vindictive character at times, but she always had a reason for her action.

Though to go on odd ball thoughts, it's rather interesting how this turned out. If you think about it and take it at a certain angle, Her victim might be considered receiving a body upgrade, while she received a body downgrade.

It seems like she's taking things just as well as him though.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I'm actually rather glad that she's not getting anything she wants (though she'll probably get her father back anyway). Who else hopes she's in for a ton of suffering?


Quote from: ChaosMageX on November 29, 2012, 09:34:55 PM
That aside, I like the grainy filtering effect done on panels 1 and 3 and I wonder how it was done, because I really like how it looks.

I generated some white noise and tweaked the contrast until it looked like TV noise.  Then I pixellated it, ran that through a gaussian blur with a fairly wide radius.  It was then overlaid using the 'Soft Light' effect, at about 33% if I recall right.  On previous pages I used a less pronounced effect (22%).

QuoteI wonder if that's Lady Jyraneth in panel 1, and what that symbol behind her is.  Is it the flag of Harla'Keth or something else?

Jyraneth would have the symbol on her chest - she was particularly ignorant of how to be a Clan Leader and probably didn't use an avatar much.
The first panel is based on this piece:  http://www.furaffinity.net/view/934101/

QuoteSalem has markings just as interesting as interesting as Keaton's markings.  I especially like that crescent moon on his chest.
Sunblink did those herself, which is good because there were basically no references.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 03:15:10 AM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on November 29, 2012, 09:34:55 PM
That aside, I like the grainy filtering effect done on panels 1 and 3 and I wonder how it was done, because I really like how it looks.

I generated some white noise and tweaked the contrast until it looked like TV noise.  Then I pixellated it, ran that through a gaussian blur with a fairly wide radius.  It was then overlaid using the 'Soft Light' effect, at about 33% if I recall right.  On previous pages I used a less pronounced effect (22%).

So I'm guessing your intention was indeed to make it look sort of like a grainy old analog camera recording, correct?  If so, I think it looks pretty good.  Or were you trying to go for a grainy old film camera recording with a vignette feel to it?

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 03:15:10 AM
QuoteI wonder if that's Lady Jyraneth in panel 1, and what that symbol behind her is.  Is it the flag of Harla'Keth or something else?

Jyraneth would have the symbol on her chest - she was particularly ignorant of how to be a Clan Leader and probably didn't use an avatar much.
The first panel is based on this piece:  http://www.furaffinity.net/view/934101/

Heh, I had forgotten about that old picture in Keaton's old FA account.  I'm still not sure how canon coating oneself in warp-aci aura to obtain a sort of optical (and possibly other EM wavelengths, particularly infrared) and magical camoflauge, but it's so cool that I keep my fingers crossed that it's at least plausible in DMFA world mechanics.

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 03:15:10 AM
QuoteSalem has markings just as interesting as interesting as Keaton's markings.  I especially like that crescent moon on his chest.
Sunblink did those herself, which is good because there were basically no references.

Oh wow, that's awesome! :D  How did you do that?  Did you send her the uncolored line-art in the form of a .PSD file and she sent you back the finished colored version?  Did you send her the entire page or just the 3rd panel to color?

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on November 30, 2012, 04:34:26 AM
So I'm guessing your intention was indeed to make it look sort of like a grainy old analog camera recording, correct?  If so, I think it looks pretty good.  Or were you trying to go for a grainy old film camera recording with a vignette feel to it?

I didn't have a specific feel in mind, but I was hoping to imply that they were somehow artificial.

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 03:15:10 AM
Heh, I had forgotten about that old picture in Keaton's old FA account.  I'm still not sure how canon coating oneself in warp-aci aura to obtain a sort of optical (and possibly other EM wavelengths, particularly infrared) and magical camoflauge, but it's so cool that I keep my fingers crossed that it's at least plausible in DMFA world mechanics.

IIRC this kind of thing has been hinted at by Amber, but I can't remember the specifics.  I believe Demons are able to utilise Dark Magic in a similar manner, but that's so far not appeared in-canon so I don't know.

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 30, 2012, 03:15:10 AM
Oh wow, that's awesome! :D  How did you do that?  Did you send her the uncolored line-art in the form of a .PSD file and she sent you back the finished colored version?  Did you send her the entire page or just the 3rd panel to color?

I sent her the base layer, she sent it back.  I had expected a rough reference, but when I had it I figured it was good enough to import back in.

Quote from: Lycanthromancer on November 30, 2012, 03:06:23 AM
I'm actually rather glad that she's not getting anything she wants (though she'll probably get her father back anyway). Who else hopes she's in for a ton of suffering?

Well, I have something of an unfortunate habit for rooting for certain types of villain.  Keaton in particular, well, I've read a lot about her childhood and what happened to make her the way she is.

EDIT: Amusingly, when the original written story was published around 2008, I had complaints that Keaton was being punished too harshly...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E