Wow, I must be memorable

Started by Eli_In_Chains, October 05, 2012, 04:15:27 PM

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So, here I am, getting my eye fixed (sawdust in it, these things happen when you're a woodworker,) and I get sent to urgent care. Same clinic that patched up my leg when  bashed item like two years ago. And one of the guys looks familiar, so I ask whether he was here when I got stitches on my leg. Not only does he remember me, but he says he thought I looked like that guy. Apparently it was his first time sitting in on sutures. So apparently I'm memorable like that. Either that or having a giant gash on your leg helps you make an impression on people.

One other thing I learned, eyepatches make you sexy, especially in combination with a trenchcoat.


I imagine someone being in pain leaves a mark, and with the proper connections old memories can be brought up, your memories work in many ways like google searches, each memory is linked to different things (including different memories) and if that 1 specific memory is linked to in some way (for example being in the same clinic and being, I assume, in pain, along with the same guy being with you connected and brought up this memory.) Of course the brain erases many of the "unimportant" things, but most of it is just buried, and when the requirements are met, they are brought forward.

(credit: Gabi)


That's the thing though, the pain hadn't set in yet, so I was still being my pleasant, overly exuberant self. Perhaps that was what did it, being friendly and laughing while someone you don't know repeatedly drags a needle through your leg is probably not a common reaction.