Troubles with Pen Tool

Started by Lostangles, May 22, 2010, 08:09:10 PM

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I apologize in advance if this is improper use of this section of the forum, but I couldn't think of any other place to post this question. I'm attempting to ink a sketch, but in the absence of a tablet I'm instead using the pen tool. However my experience with Photoshop 7 is very limited, and I can't figure out what has gone wrong. Whenever I attempt to create a line with the pen tool, instead of tracing the line with the brush I've selected it completely fills in an area defined by the curve I've just made and a straight line between the two anchor points. It says something about Vector Masking in my Paths window, however I'm not entirely sure how to turn this off, and the tutorial I'm following offers no options to me. Any help would be appreciated.
\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"


You should turn ''fill'' off. Currently it thinks that you are trying to create a closed vector with a filling. By turning fill of, which I do not know how to do in photoshop you should be able to create lines without filling.


Well I've manged to get things sorted out and get my avatar inked at least, I do appreciate the help, thank you. Turns out there's a tiny set of three buttons up at the top left, mine was set to 'Shape layers' when it should have been on 'Paths' so it would actually draw lines rather than filled in shapes.
\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"