02/15/10 [AS2 #90] - So what exactly is your definition of "Normal?"

Started by jeffh4, February 15, 2010, 01:19:18 AM

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Quote from: Bjalf on February 16, 2010, 05:34:35 AM
I wouldn't think bathrooms would need wards. Well OK, pranks I could get, but certainly not for purposes of modesty. Do cubi even have gender-related taboos?

Why would different genders in one bathroom be bad? The body holds few secrets for cubi, I'd imagine that in-depth :boggle cross-species biology would be a mandatory class as part of "Cubi 101: Master your powers before they master you".
I'm not going to say you are wrong, but I can see a definite difference between trying all this stuff out in (fairly) private areas(or, exactly the opposite - in class as you suggest) and having it thrust upon you(especially as an innocent bystander) in a restroom - At the least, it would probably be distracting. At most? A -big- problem.

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


Quote from: RobbieThe1st on February 17, 2010, 01:25:19 AM
I'm not going to say you are wrong, but I can see a definite difference between trying all this stuff out in (fairly) private areas(or, exactly the opposite - in class as you suggest) and having it thrust upon you(especially as an innocent bystander) in a restroom - At the least, it would probably be distracting. At most? A -big- problem.
Especially since some cubi can be fairly malicious- having someone infiltrating the wrong restroom with the specific intent to cause probelms would be a bigger deal than bursting into most other places. We do have the phrase "being caught with your pants down" for a reason.


Quote from: Ry on February 15, 2010, 07:23:42 AM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on February 15, 2010, 01:27:50 AM
Rather telling that Mink said "a nice guy and/or girl"....   :giggle  Thinking of threesomes there...?
It wouldn't surprise me if 'cubi are more open about polyamory than most people.  Hell, more open about most things.   :boogie

Quote from: LionHeart on February 15, 2010, 02:06:52 AM
I'm fairly sure that Amber said once that there are no herms in Furrae...
There aren't any hermaphrodites on Earth, either.  It's not possible, with current medical technology etc, to have a full set of penis/testicles and vagina/ovaries, and I've never heard of anyone being born with that.
Some people do have ambiguous genitals, different chromosomes (X, XXY, XYY, etc), chromosomes that don't match (a man who was born iwt a penis, went through a male puberty, but has XX chromosomes/a woman who was born wit a vagina, went throug a female puberty, but has XY chromosomes), etc.  That's intersexed.
To add onto that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersexuality (WARNING: NSFW as the page shows genetalia.) And the issue is considerably more complicated, just like everything else in real life...

QuoteRather than those 4 symbols symbolizing 4 genders, I think it may be just 2 systems of symbolizing 2 genders.

How does one define a particular gender, anyway? Pregnancy? Among seahorses, it's the male that becomes pregnant (those perverts!). Sitting/standing when peeing? Oh, I know! Girls gets embarrassed by farts, while boys flaunt them loudly and with pride.
To me, I go by strict scientific standards. If the subject produces sperm, they're male. Subject produces eggs, they're female. Obviously, this is awfully simplistic and (almost) completely ignores the issues of intersexuality, but that's kinda the point.


Quote from: Drayco84 on February 17, 2010, 01:14:49 PM
To me, I go by strict scientific standards. If the subject produces sperm, they're male. Subject produces eggs, they're female. Obviously, this is awfully simplistic and (almost) completely ignores the issues of intersexuality, but that's kinda the point.

But what is the difference between a sperm cell, and an egg cell?

You can not use the words "male" or "female" in the answer.    :mwaha

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Bjalf on February 17, 2010, 01:32:30 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on February 17, 2010, 01:14:49 PM
To me, I go by strict scientific standards. If the subject produces sperm, they're male. Subject produces eggs, they're female. Obviously, this is awfully simplistic and (almost) completely ignores the issues of intersexuality, but that's kinda the point.

But what is the difference between a sperm cell, and an egg cell?

You can not use the words "male" or "female" in the answer.    :mwaha

Sperm are tiny, eggs are big.


Quote from: Baal Hadad on February 17, 2010, 03:37:04 PM
Quote from: Bjalf on February 17, 2010, 02:17:18 PM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on February 17, 2010, 01:35:04 PM
Sperm are tiny, eggs are big.

Good answer. But sometimes they are the same size.

Ah, but then they're not sperm and eggs, are they?  ;)

They're not. That wiki page is talking about yeast and it's reproductive abilities. Yeast, like the vast majority of plants, ARE hermaphrodites and aren't male nor female to begin with.

Although in all fairness, I never mentioned what things that produce BOTH are...


Quote from: Drayco84 on February 17, 2010, 05:03:20 PM
Yeast, like the vast majority of plants, ARE hermaphrodites and aren't male nor female to begin with.
Actually, yeast is a fungus, and they have multiple methods of reproduction. They can also reproduce via a process called "budding," in which a child cell develops within the parent yeast.

Attic Rat

Hmmm... A challenge? Describe the differences without using the words "Male" or "Female"?

Well, sperm move about, either on their own or through other methods. Unfertilized ova are immobile. Try not to think of your hay fever being induced by millions of sperm cells in your face - though that IS most likely the cause...

Sperm don't remain viable as long as ova, but are produced in larger numbers.

A sperm cell can be observed penetrating and joining with an ovum. No ovum penetrates a sperm cell.

Well, that was easy.

So, how is any of this relevant to Mink almost falling from a balcony?  Heck if I know.
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: Attic Rat on February 19, 2010, 01:12:24 AM
So, how is any of this relevant to Mink almost falling from a balcony?  Heck if I know.

Mink is never rarely mentioned without the question of gender popping up. And apparently "other" is a valid option, in addition to "male" and "female".

We shall have to trick Amber into making "Mink's Story".

The balcony is a lie.


Roach Lord

Guuuuh... posted this in the wronf topic... ok. COPY, PASTE:

I'm guessing its just coincidence that Abel is 399 years old as said in the cast pages and Aniz can enter another child in the acadamy when he's 400? This has probobly been figured out already though.

But, how come when Dan was at the acadamy, we didn't see Mink. Like once. At all. Simple or complicatedly dramaric matter?


Mink was there at least 250 years ago. As of the latest Abel's Story (maybe still at least 200 years ago, just guessing), he hasn't left or died yet. This (and not seeing him in Unwilling & Abel) doesn't necessarily mean he's not still there (or back).
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on February 21, 2010, 09:58:10 PM
Mink was there at least 250 years ago. As of the latest Abel's Story (maybe still at least 200 years ago, just guessing), he hasn't left or died yet. This (and not seeing him in Unwilling & Abel) doesn't necessarily mean he's not still there (or back).

It's also entirely possible that, being the happiness muncher he is, he graduated from SAIA, or peacefully left.

Then again, http://www.missmab.com/Demo/Leader01.php and http://www.missmab.com/Demo/Leader02.php could mean that he's STILL there, but he and Abel just... Drifted apart...

Not every friendship is broken, some just fade away as time wears on. (Trust me, I know...)

A. Lurker

Besides, how long was Dan at SAIA during his first visit? It didn't seem to take his 'rescue party' all that long to arrive, we know cubi can have an odd sense of time on occasion due to not needing to eat or sleep, the school looked pretty big and there are actual classes for some of the student body to attend once in a while...I think it's entirely possible that Mink managed to miss the whole thing and just kind of went "Buwha? Abel left? When did that happen?" upon noticing some days or even weeks later.


"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on February 22, 2010, 10:04:17 AM
Dan wasn't there much more than a day.
I'd say less than a day.
- He woke up in a strange bed (after a couple hours at most)
- Wardrobe montage (1-2 hours?)
- Placement test (1 hour)
- Tour (1 hour)
- Sleeping (8 hours)
- Laundry adventure (1 hour)
- Library / Rescue party arrives
- Abel and Merlitz having fun




Quote from: Drayco84 on February 21, 2010, 10:18:10 PM
Quote from: AmigaDragon on February 21, 2010, 09:58:10 PM
Mink was there at least 250 years ago. As of the latest Abel's Story (maybe still at least 200 years ago, just guessing), he hasn't left or died yet. This (and not seeing him in Unwilling & Abel) doesn't necessarily mean he's not still there (or back).

It's also entirely possible that, being the happiness muncher he is, he graduated from SAIA, or peacefully left.

Then again, http://www.missmab.com/Demo/Leader01.php and http://www.missmab.com/Demo/Leader02.php could mean that he's STILL there, but he and Abel just... Drifted apart...

Not every friendship is broken, some just fade away as time wears on. (Trust me, I know...)
Abel wasn't finished with his time there when he left; he's still technically a student whether he's staying longer than he should or not. Even though Mink was either there before him or arrived at the same time, I'd say it's most likely he's still a student.

Also, since Mink doesn't seem like the violent type, I'd say it's improbable that he would show his face when Mab+friends showed up at the academy, at least not for the purpose of fighting them/defending anything. He probably chose to just ignore them like many of the students there.