01/25/10 [Clans #4] - Two-Tailed Seme

Started by Lucheek, January 25, 2010, 09:00:43 PM

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Quote from: Arcblade on January 26, 2010, 09:22:33 PM
Does anyone else suspect Dan may be one of the 'Cubi who feeds mainly on his own emotions?  For instance,  pain is an easy one, since Pip and Wildy always beat him up.  And he also gets a boost from "doing the right thing for the good of many" which sounds self-generated as well. 
I don't think he limits his consumption to himself. Personally, I think the implication is he's a closet Sadomasochist because of his affinity to pain. Just a Lawful Good one. Remember, he's also a Heroic Adventurer, as in the kind that clump together in groups of 4-6 to go raid dungeons and grab fat lutes. And, I think self-feeding Cubi become "numbed" to the emotion they have an affinity to, since you can't have your cake emotion and eat it too. Therefore, his ability to feed on pain is very useful when fighting Creatures, because he grows in power while also reducing the incapacitating pain of himself and allies during combat.

His affinity for the emotions affiliated with "Doing the Right Thing" motivates him to carry on with his heroics, and as it's not necessarily a "pleasant" emotion like joy, it means he's literally getting a constant energy boost for doing the right thing. In his case, Right really does make Might.


Quote from: Scow2 on January 28, 2010, 11:40:00 AM
I don't think he limits his consumption to himself. Personally, I think the implication is he's a closet Sadomasochist because of his affinity to pain. Just a Lawful Good one. Remember, he's also a Heroic Adventurer, as in the kind that clump together in groups of 4-6 to go raid dungeons and grab fat lutes. And, I think self-feeding Cubi become "numbed" to the emotion they have an affinity to, since you can't have your cake emotion and eat it too. Therefore, his ability to feed on pain is very useful when fighting Creatures, because he grows in power while also reducing the incapacitating pain of himself and allies during combat.

His affinity for the emotions affiliated with "Doing the Right Thing" motivates him to carry on with his heroics, and as it's not necessarily a "pleasant" emotion like joy, it means he's literally getting a constant energy boost for doing the right thing. In his case, Right really does make Might.

Hence the word "mainly."  Especially since he doesn't constantly adventure.  He can't live on ale, after all...  (For the life of me, I can't find the comic I'm referencing.  Something about Dan thinking ale was full of vitamins and minerals.)

Getting numbed to emotions is an interesting idea, but we've seen no evidence for such a mechanic in the comic.  Until then, I doubt it.  The same food might get boring after awhile, but since to my memory, Dan didn't realize he was only drinking ale for sustinence, I'm guessing he either doesn't notice or doesn't care. 


Quote from: Arcblade on January 28, 2010, 11:57:58 AM
For the life of me, I can't find the comic I'm referencing.  Something about Dan thinking ale was full of vitamins and minerals.)


...right first guess  :B

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Arcblade on January 28, 2010, 11:57:58 AM
Getting numbed to emotions is an interesting idea, but we've seen no evidence for such a mechanic in the comic.  Until then, I doubt it.  The same food might get boring after awhile, but since to my memory, Dan didn't realize he was only drinking ale for sustinence, I'm guessing he either doesn't notice or doesn't care. 
What I'm saying isn't that it get's "Boring", it's that once you eat an emotion, you no longer have it. Therefore, as Dan unconsciously consumes the pain of himself, his allies, and enemies, he's gaining the energy from it while eliminating the painful sensation.

Actually, re-reading what I thought were cases of Fa'lina eating emotions away turn out to be a different form of her using power to negate emotions... There goes my theory.


Quote from: Scow2 on January 28, 2010, 12:15:49 PM
Quote from: Arcblade on January 28, 2010, 11:57:58 AM
Getting numbed to emotions is an interesting idea, but we've seen no evidence for such a mechanic in the comic.  Until then, I doubt it.  The same food might get boring after awhile, but since to my memory, Dan didn't realize he was only drinking ale for sustinence, I'm guessing he either doesn't notice or doesn't care.  
What I'm saying isn't that it get's "Boring", it's that once you eat an emotion, you no longer have it. Therefore, as Dan unconsciously consumes the pain of himself, his allies, and enemies, he's gaining the energy from it while eliminating the painful sensation.

Actually, re-reading what I thought were cases of Fa'lina eating emotions away turn out to be a different form of her using power to negate emotions... There goes my theory.

I guess I always thought of emotion-feeding as more of a "harvesting some as it goes by" type thing.  Like it doesn't drain the emotion/feeling, but channels it into the hungry 'cubi instead of letting it dissipate.  

Tapewolf:  Oh, that's where that went.  Thanks!  :)


Remember, emotions just catalyse the 'Cubi ability to live off of magic.  Emotions are not an energy source as such.


Quote from: Arcblade on January 28, 2010, 12:21:36 PM
Quote from: Scow2 on January 28, 2010, 12:15:49 PM
Quote from: Arcblade on January 28, 2010, 11:57:58 AM
Getting numbed to emotions is an interesting idea, but we've seen no evidence for such a mechanic in the comic.  Until then, I doubt it.  The same food might get boring after awhile, but since to my memory, Dan didn't realize he was only drinking ale for sustinence, I'm guessing he either doesn't notice or doesn't care.  
What I'm saying isn't that it get's "Boring", it's that once you eat an emotion, you no longer have it. Therefore, as Dan unconsciously consumes the pain of himself, his allies, and enemies, he's gaining the energy from it while eliminating the painful sensation.

Actually, re-reading what I thought were cases of Fa'lina eating emotions away turn out to be a different form of her using power to negate emotions... There goes my theory.

I guess I always thought of emotion-feeding as more of a "harvesting some as it goes by" type thing.  Like it doesn't drain the emotion/feeling, but channels it into the hungry 'cubi instead of letting it dissipate.

That's how I saw it.  Like cutting hair; you can take a little off the top and it'll grow back.  Or you can remove the whole head, but then it doesn't grow back.  I'm sure 'cubi can choose whether to take a little here and there for sustenaince, or take it all for a temporary boost.
            <-- #1 that is!

Quote from: Scow2 on January 28, 2010, 12:15:49 PM
What I'm saying isn't that it get's "Boring", it's that once you eat an emotion, you no longer have it. Therefore, as Dan unconsciously consumes the pain of himself, his allies, and enemies, he's gaining the energy from it while eliminating the painful sensation.

Actually, re-reading what I thought were cases of Fa'lina eating emotions away turn out to be a different form of her using power to negate emotions... There goes my theory.

That would have had interesting implications for the perceived "niceness" of the different cubi clans, too. Clans that feed off negative emotions (like most clans we know so far) would probably get a huge boost in popularity among non-cubi while clans that feed off positive emotions would become the "bad guys". Everything would be upside down.

(At least till the first Being completely devoid of fear gets overrun by a car...)

... Oh, and Kish'Ta horror movies would mostly be visited by kindergartens and grade schools. Because it's the only place were you could be 100% sure not to get scared ;)


Quote from: Shachza on January 28, 2010, 07:09:18 PM
That's how I saw it.  Like cutting hair; you can take a little off the top and it'll grow back.  Or you can remove the whole head, but then it doesn't grow back.  I'm sure 'cubi can choose whether to take a little here and there for sustenaince, or take it all for a temporary boost.

I figured it was something like them picking up surplus energy that is radiated away and otherwise wasted.

AFAIK (and DMFA lore is subject to change without notice) - it is possible to do a forced emotional absorption and actively suck it out of the subject, but this takes more energy to perform than you'd gain by doing it, so it's only useful for suppressing the emotion, which can still be handy.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Scow2 on January 28, 2010, 11:40:00 AM
Remember, he's also a Heroic Adventurer, as in the kind that clump together in groups of 4-6 to go raid dungeons and grab fat lutes.

And what's wrong with the skinny lutes, other than not having as full sound? Have we ever seen Dan playing any kind of musical instrument? Anyone else (just the (somewhat) major characters) in DMFA?
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


you know, It IS possible Dan just has a naturally high pain tolerance rather than him 'cubi-ing the pain 'elsewhere' while his magi-metabolism goes *Schhhhhhlurrrrrp* on the emotional response to it.   8)
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Les on January 29, 2010, 03:49:57 AM
you know, It IS possible Dan just has a naturally high pain tolerance rather than him 'cubi-ing the pain 'elsewhere' while his magi-metabolism goes *Schhhhhhlurrrrrp* on the emotional response to it.   8)

Or it could be all the Pip huggles.  Jack from Zebra Girl developed resistance to pain from fire by being immolated repeatedly.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Amber Williams on January 26, 2010, 11:19:47 AM
I have found it better to be vague and let people be free to do their own things rather than to give them a precise answer they take as an absolute truth...only to become a bit upset when a comic shows up that completely smashes what I said prior.
Y'know, Amber, I've heard that many authors often find their characters "independently" deciding to do things ... or not tell them things.

So, one very viable out to trying to explain details of the world that you've created is to shrug your shoulders and tell us, "Dunno.  The characters haven't told me yet."  :D

Feather Dancer

Quote from: candide on January 29, 2010, 05:51:49 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on January 26, 2010, 11:19:47 AM
I have found it better to be vague and let people be free to do their own things rather than to give them a precise answer they take as an absolute truth...only to become a bit upset when a comic shows up that completely smashes what I said prior.
Y'know, Amber, I've heard that many authors often find their characters "independently" deciding to do things ... or not tell them things.

So, one very viable out to trying to explain details of the world that you've created is to shrug your shoulders and tell us, "Dunno.  The characters haven't told me yet."  :D

Ain't that the truth. Happens to me all the time, bar the Lope who can be taken at face value no problem.
Notalope, making all worries as tasty as pineapples.


I've had that happen to me with RP characters. One suddenly announced that he was a distant relative of Puss in Boots; another revealed that she liked alternate history novels...

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Even better is when you ask a character, characters, or entire species something about themselves and get back, "That's on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know."    :mowwink

white wolf

Seme is gorgeous. :3 makes me want a wallpaper of her. Since were on the topic of emotions and all i was wondering how "emotion-jammer" works? i know Abell used it on Dan but I'm new to the forums so I'm sorry if this has already been asked before. And just to plug the link a bit...click the link in my sig, you can make some money that you could donate to amber without having to do much. its an easy 21$ every 30 days if you do it everyday. and that's only counting the paid to clicks  :boogie
http://crowngpt.com/ use this website to make free money that can be used to donate to Amber. I post this WITHOUT my ref link so i gain nothing, and only attempt to help Amber.


Quote from: white wolf on January 29, 2010, 10:44:50 PM
Seme is gorgeous. :3 makes me want a wallpaper of her.

Well, this might help as a base:

Also, FYI, advertising your signature in a post - especially one that looks kind of like some weird scam - breaks rule 4C, specifically part 1... please don't do it again.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Chakat Blackspots

Quote from: white wolf on January 29, 2010, 10:44:50 PM
Seme is gorgeous. :3 makes me want a wallpaper of her. Since were on the topic of emotions and all i was wondering how "emotion-jammer" works? i know Abell used it on Dan but I'm new to the forums so I'm sorry if this has already been asked before. And just to plug the link a bit...click the link in my sig, you can make some money that you could donate to amber without having to do much. its an easy 21$ every 30 days if you do it everyday. and that's only counting the paid to clicks  :boogie

I do agree Seme is gorgeous, also, in the DMFA world, I wonder what causes someone to have two tails?  But the advertising/begging, not so nice here.


Quote from: kusanagi-sama on January 30, 2010, 01:24:45 PM
Quote from: white wolf on January 29, 2010, 10:44:50 PM
Seme is gorgeous. :3 makes me want a wallpaper of her. Since were on the topic of emotions and all i was wondering how "emotion-jammer" works? i know Abell used it on Dan but I'm new to the forums so I'm sorry if this has already been asked before. And just to plug the link a bit...click the link in my sig, you can make some money that you could donate to amber without having to do much. its an easy 21$ every 30 days if you do it everyday. and that's only counting the paid to clicks  :boogie

I do agree Seme is gorgeous, also, in the DMFA world, I wonder what causes someone to have two tails?  But the advertising/begging, not so nice here.

Radiation!  Oh, wait, this is Furrae.  Magic!

Anker Steadfast

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: white wolf on January 29, 2010, 10:44:50 PM
Seme is gorgeous. :3 makes me want a wallpaper of her. Since were on the topic of emotions and all i was wondering how "emotion-jammer" works? i know Abell used it on Dan but I'm new to the forums so I'm sorry if this has already been asked before. And just to plug the link a bit...click the link in my sig, you can make some money that you could donate to amber without having to do much. its an easy 21$ every 30 days if you do it everyday. and that's only counting the paid to clicks  :boogie

Banned for three days for Link Spamming. Read the rules.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: kusanagi-sama on January 30, 2010, 01:24:45 PMI do agree Seme is gorgeous, also, in the DMFA world, I wonder what causes someone to have two tails?

Well, she is a shapeshifter. Presumably, she has two tails because she wants to.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Chakat Blackspots

Quote from: LionHeart on February 01, 2010, 11:05:37 AM
Quote from: kusanagi-sama on January 30, 2010, 01:24:45 PMI do agree Seme is gorgeous, also, in the DMFA world, I wonder what causes someone to have two tails?

Well, she is a shapeshifter. Presumably, she has two tails because she wants to.

Hmm, that makes the most sense there.  I hadn't thought about that aspect.


Quote from: Shachza on January 27, 2010, 12:18:04 AM
Quote from: Scuravolpe on January 26, 2010, 09:37:52 PM
I have one question...

How the fudge do you pronounce her name?

Seems minor I know...but I'm a stickler for the details like that. I've been saying it "Seem" so far, but as far as I know it could be "Same", "Say-May", "Semm-Ay"...and a few more awkward ones (at least to me).

So, anyone have any clarification on this? I'd like to know, and I'm sure it's occurred to others too.

I keep thinking it's "Seh-mee."

Crikey!  A wild Amber!  Get me hoop net out the box, we got us a hunt!  *stalks the Wiku*

Well if you're stalking the ellusive Wiku, here's a stuff ninja turtle plushie............who's knows it might come in handy! :mowhappy

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3