Rebel with out a...

Started by thegayhare, December 29, 2008, 06:06:28 PM

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Picture it if you will...

You wake up suddenly in a public park holding another man's wiener.  You have no memory, no history, no goal, no pulse.

Welcome to the world of Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel With Out a Pulse.

This is a truly interesting game that I wish I'd heard of before now.

This is a third person lurcher built around the halo engine.  In it you play Edward Stubbs.  A traveling salesman who was killed durring the depression, and buried in a Pennsylvania field.  26 years after you died you crawl from your shallow grave rather annoyed that some one has built a city on top of you.  You burst from the ground accidentally snatching a hotdog from a young man. 

The game is set in the fictional city of Punchbowl Pennsylvania 1959, the city of the future
with robots, and hover cars everywhere.  And there you are Dead, cranky, and hungry.  Now Stubbs isn't some Miss understood hero shunned by a society he will ultimately save.  Stubbs is a brain eating monster out for revenge.  Part of the fun of this game is the reversal of the dynamic.  Your not fighting the zombie plague  your starting it.  As one of the undead you don't get much for weapons  most of the time you'll just have to beat the humans into submission with your fist... though some times you can use there own fist.  Some of them will even rise as your zombie allies.  As the alpha zombie you have limited control over other zombies.  you can call them to you with a whistle or send them off towards a target with a shove.  mostly they will shamble along behind you till something tasty distracts them.

You also get a number of nifty zombie powers that are replenished via brain eating.  powers such as zombie flatulence, explosive organs, to remote controlled limbs.  The Zombie hand power is very useful.   It lets you tear off your right arm and send it out.  You control the hand and it can climb walls, skitter along ceilings, or what have you till it finds a victim.  Generally you can use this on any human with out a helmet.  with the push of a button the hand leaps up latches onto the humans head and takes control.  This lets you use the humans own weapons and lets you kill as many enemies as you can with little risk to your self... unless some one finds your  unguarded body.

Also whole Stubbs can't work a doorknob ha can drive a number of differnt vehicals found around the city.

The enemies your run into range from everyday citizens, cops, hillbilly militia, mad scientists. the us army and even... barber shop quartets

Thew game is a comedic little gore feast with a rather entertaining story.  as you Eventualy learn more about Stubs past as the game goes on.  Also for one of the dead Stubbs has alot of personality as showcased by one scen when you come across this flag hanging in a barn