[Art] Please rate my comic

Started by ambertino, November 24, 2007, 09:53:21 PM

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I really want to improve so any comments would be great. :3

Jigsaw Forte

Sorry, natural bias against DrunkDuck.

Your art's getting cleaner, which is a plus, but it's still highly simplistic, and not in the good stylized way either. Perhaps consider a deviantArt account for you to post non-comic works on for practice?


I want the style that way, I can draw realism, and "better" but for the expressions I want, I desided to go that way, The biginning art is about a year old. To prove I'm not just talking out my behind my deviant account is http://ambertino.deviantart.com/


its okay, the humor is good but the layout gets a bit confusing and i loose it sometimes

i give it a 4 out of 10, itll jump to a 6 if you can clean up the layout and get the jokes a bit smoother
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


jokes are good, but not good enough to carry the comic in absence of everything else.

I think maybe you could benefit from less 'stylized' art.


So, you want to be an artist? Be able to create beauty from the tip of your pen? You're in for a harsh road, my friend.

Let's see what you got...

mm-hmmm. uh-huuu...

Yeah, you need to "clean" your work. How will you do this? Well, it comes with experience. Just draw until you get it right. If your art doesn't come out right, then do it again. If it does, do it again. repeat, repeat, repeat 'till you're satisfied the quality of your work. If you have to draw the ink line more than once, you know that you failed. Try to make a gap between you sketching and your final work.

Details! I love details. A necklace. different clothes, few scraps, simple lines and dots. The more, the better. Very time consuming, but very rewarding. Use them. Then use them some more.
Posing! Draw more natural poses and face expressions. Look at yourself through the mirror (or buy one of those wooden marionettes) and find out what muscles look in different positions. It's about anatomy. Of course, some styles don't work well with reality, so I guess a drawing doesn't have to look too real. But still. Work with different posing. So far I've seen too many heads without bodies. lazy, lazy....
Shadows! Learn how to shade. If you don't know any shading, then just draw few cubes and balls and try shading them. Draw the shadow that they drop. darken the surface opposite of direction of light and so on.
Backgrounds! Another thing that separates pros from amateurs. It doesn't have to be much (at first). Just few clouds and the blue sky can make wonders. Background plays an ungrateful part of a picture and people often ignore it alltogether.
See how other people are doing it and copy their technique. There's no copyrights on art styles. Well, if you ignore few painters. The point is that you can learn by mimicking. Your drawings doesn't have to 1 on 1 copies of a certain pictures, but if you have difficulties on drawing a hand or jaw, just look how someone else has work through the same problem and learn from him/her. You don't have to invent everything by yourself.
I don't know about the colors much, because I hardly use them at all. Just try using different shade of same color when shading.
Remember than good writting can compensate crude art. Just look at Sluggy Freelance

Never give up. Even if it takes longer than you can afford to.


let's see, the art seems flat, and surrealistic,  but unlike my use of surrealism it doesn't appear intentional. You art is interesting,  the color looks great, but the feet seem disproportional small and the characters seem slanted and squiggly at times. I do like how you drew the eyes in some pages, but on others I find them weird. otherwise I have no complaints I didn't really look over the writing or plot, because I'm not a grammarian and I usually don't read handwritten comics about teenage girls, I'm more interested in SciFi, comedy or drama...   
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


My art is entirely intentional. But I see that even though I am a brand new webcomic artist I seem to not get even a little break. All comics start a little scratchy, now more then art wise which apparently I'm abismal at, I would rather focus on the humor, as for your "intentional surrealism" It looks pretty similar to mine in the way that its just cruddy. Well, thank you everyone for all that encouragement, I'm just going to go burn all my notebooks now, and I hope you all have a great day!  :cry


I really hope your not being serious or  and are just being over dramatic.
Everyone gets harsh critiques at one point or another in their artistic career. You need to learn to find the constructive criticism and listen to it while ignoring the unnecessary harsh stuff. Every artist has to have a thick skin in order to thrive. Hopefully you can start developing one now to save you from any future grief. 
You're just starting out, and I think that's pretty clear. I think you have a lot of potential, art wise. A lot of your comics made me chuckle, but I think you need a work a bit on your delivery.
Just keep working at it. And don't get discouraged.


well if you can't take some negative feedback, you should do what I did.  Make notebooks for drawing in, and never showing anybody.

Then, years from now, you can go back to those notebooks when you're feeling particularly masochistic.(I should make like you, and burn them with fire, but I'm too lazy for that.  See?  Sloth isn't a sin, it's a virtue!)


Woah! woooah! Don't tie that hangman noose just yet, ambertino. Whining will only get you so far. Don't you dare to blow this thing now and slit your wrists. Then again, if you're so sensitive that you can't take cold, harsh criticism without shedding a tear or two, then I won't stop you. Pisses me off...

Look, you must by now know that you ain't no Heavy Metal illustrator. People in here are used at looking some quality stuff, they expect fine art! If they go and praise your work as good and brilliant, you know they're just lying. Wouldn't you rather have people tell you the truth?

I am my worst critic. What ever I draw is never good enough for me. I constantly whip myself to the limit of my skills and trust me when I say that it can me most painful, sometimes. But if I don't do it, I'll never be able to move forward!

Never give up. Even if it takes longer than you can afford to.



i can understand how you feel. i'm  wannabe webcomic artist myself and i sometimes feel like my art is going nowhare but the recyling bin but than i remind myself that it doesn't really matter what other people think. its what i personly am trying to prove