three little pigs...

Started by GabrielsThoughts, July 14, 2007, 02:46:48 AM

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The three little pigs...
Written by Gabriel Lopez

   It was a dark, moonless night, the forest was like a graveyard , not even the sound of crickets could be heard as the sun settled over the horizon. This fable could have only occurred in the woods,  where creatures of darkness  and nature intertwine. There's a guilty knowledge shared among the predators of this living graveyard, dominated by trees and darkness.  A secret that has nothing to do with the world we had come to know, but the world  that lay beyond our borders.
   The pack had gathered in the heart of the forest, as five wolves appeared through the trees, in a place where the lightning bugs frequented after dark. The pack leader stepped forward and turned to face the  rest of the pack. The outline of the trees against the stars slowly disappeared as storm clouds passed overhead. The darkness had brought with it a foreboding sense of  death. A single firefly passed  the bridge of the pack leaders scarred muzzle and illuminated his face with eerie glow...and so it was that the wolf began his story.
   "I've seen a place where pigs are the dominant creatures. I was forced to travel into the light  one morning in search of sustenance.  I had become frustrated as a result of my fruitless efforts to capture a sparrow. A wasted effort of energy and the journey had taken me beyond our borders.
   The pigs live closer to the outskirts of the forest. There are more distractions at the edge of the forest . The birds are everywhere, the rabbits are too stupid to run from predators, and  it is there  you will find the biggest juiciest pigs you will ever set your eyes on."
   The leader took a breath, simultaneously inhaling one of the many lightning bugs swarming the heart of the forest.  He gagged momentarily, then he coughed , and he coughed again, suddenly dislodging the firefly from his throat, as we waited for him to continue. He moved slowly and leaned against a tree for support, he was old, and it appeared his body would give in to death at any moment.
   "my curiosity got the better of me. I left the forest hoping that I would find the tastiest morsels the world outside the forest could offer. There you will find birds bigger than your head, as white as the winter snow, and without a brain in their heads. I quickly  realized it was I my best interest to spend some time away from the pack; after all who needs to share.  At first I had few problems, then I began to encounter other wolves who had likewise discovered the secrets that lay outside the forest. But, they did not share the same desires as I. Many had warned me to stay away from the pigs. Humph what did they know, they were probably gathering food to impress some bitch. They were more concerned about appearances than filling their stomachs. Rumors had spread through the forest that pigs were dumb creatures that could be easily caught. I wasn't about to let some know-it-alls ruin my chance to enjoy a meal that I was told was more satisfying than any I had ever experienced before." Our leader had a cocky grin on his face, and a devilish look in his eye.
   "After snaring my muzzle on a thorned vine, and crawling through a briar patch, cutting my legs on the tangled underbrush,  I came upon a small hut made of straw. The hut was like nothing I had ever seen before, the way it was crafted, without a single straw out of place. I hid myself under the tall grass  as I noticed some movement in the corner of my eye. It was a pig. If this pig had indeed made the hut made of straw, then maybe they were not as stupid as the rumors had lead me to believe." he paused as a firefly settled on his ear.
   "I observed the pig closely for several days,  I was feeding off of the rabbits that wandered to close to me in the tall grass. I almost felt guilty about eating the rabbits even though I wasn't hungry. I had decided to fast for a few days before I ate the pig for breakfast, but the rabbits were always present...after a few weeks the abundance of food had dropped  sharply, who knew rabbits had brains. The pain in my stomach was getting stronger. I could hear the lining of  my intestines rubbing against  each other. I decided to go for the direct approach. Leaving the sanctuary of the tall grass I approached the hut and cried out to the pig that lived within." our leader swallowed another firefly, spit it out and  continued.
   " so approached the hut and I cried out sweetly as a mother talks to a child
Little pig, Little pig, let me come in.
Not by the hairs of my chinny, chin, chin!

When this did not work,  I rapped on the door and asked him again...

Not by the hairs of my chinny, chin, chin!

Well at this point the pig was just being annoying, I was hungry and I wasn't about to let this bother me.

Then I'll huff,  and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down. 

The pig then opened the door...

Ha! I'd like to see you try-YEEK!

having tricked the pig into opening the door I had no trouble destroying both the hut and it's occupant. As you can imagine, the pig satisfied  my deprived taste buds and settled my stomach. He was the best meal I had ever had, and I was proud because I was the first wolf to have eaten a pig of the valley outside the forest. It wasn't long before I came across a shack made of sticks wherein I noticed another pig, twice as big as the other, reading poetry. The stupid thing hadn't even bothered to build a proper door, all I had to do was stick my head  through the carved window  and say "knock knock" and the little pig went into hysterics

Ahh! Don't eat me.

Why would I want to eat a tiny pig such as yourself when there's an even tastier sow living in a house made of bricks not a mile from here.

I was lying of course, there was no house of bricks. Then again the pig wasn't all that bright, living I a shack built with sticks. But, who am I to judge , there was all manner of stupid creatures wondering the world senselessly, and the pigs seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick. So then I says to him, I says, tell you what friend  if you can meet this fair damsel, and convince her to marry you , then I promise I won't eat you . Of course there was no house of brick, but he opened the door anyway taking me at my word. Big mistake. For the second time in as many days I enjoyed  all the bones an blood of  my victims. The pleasure ended soon enough and I eventually found my way to a house of bricks...

To be concluded...
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, I like it. ;-]

I'll just wait for the next part. I love the "ha! I'd like to see you try!" bit.
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kool as usual, your writing rules as much as your art does. i like how you gave a real intro to an old story that didnt have one and made it more interesting, reminds me of the version where red riding hood shot the wolf and made him into a cape and made the pigs into a handbag.