The Simpsons Movie...

Started by mabfan55, July 03, 2007, 05:55:28 PM

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I don't know to be excited  or not. Is it going to be any good do you think? The Simpson's have been on Television for nearly twenty years however the last few seasons are so-so. Will the movie bring new life into the show?


The Simpsons finally becoming a movie feels almost like an anti-climax to me. I don't think it'll bring new life more than be a short burst before it conks out and gives up the ghost. But you never know, it depends on the marketing and how easily people get sucked into the whole thing.


The only way the show will dissaper if Matt keels over and into his grave...People would pick up from there and contuine the maddess...People would die to get their mitts on his copywrights!!


Yeah, and then once they have it, they screw it up with their BS and it's dead. Case closed.


The movie looks like it's going to be quite good, actually.

Oh dear.