The Awakened

Started by Jim Halisstrad, October 31, 2006, 09:30:30 PM

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Jim Halisstrad

Ok, so Amber has this comic linked on the front page of DMFA.
After reading through the archives I can say that I think I love everything about this comic but the main character.  Red naked demon thingies, awesome.  Sue is the kind of woman I want yanking out my kidneys on my wedding day.  The artwork?  It's bombtastic.  Hey, it's even got wolves in there, I dig that.  Almost everything rocks about this comic.

And then for the main character we have Shinji (or however you spell it) from Eva, only worse because he's an emo glamgoth veegan (NOTE TO EMO GLAMGOTH VEEGANS, DON'T TAKE MY TYPEWORDS SERIOUSLY.  I KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE THE SELF ESTEEM TO HANDLE BAD THINGS SAID ABOUT YOU.)

I hope to God that other characters get more screen time because it would be a shame to waste a perfectly good story  on a lame main character.

*edit*  Sorry, thats supposed to be Neongenisis Evangellion up there.  The worst anime in the history of ever :3
*editedit*  Wooo I have bad spelling....


I read it yesterday and I have to say I quite enjoy it. It's pretty different- so colourful yet so totally... um, well, best word I can think to say is 'emo' too.

I like the main character- very different, that's for sure. :3


The main char's cute. :U Even if he -is- a scrawny little emo.


Scrawny and angsty, in a comic by Sarah D? PREPOSTEROUS. XD
I'm just glad that she's comicing again. Mousekaroos was totally groovy.
/kicks the internet over


I'm really not sure exactly what to say about it yet.  Looks off to a good start but too soon to really tell where it's going.  The talking wolves hae piqued my interest uite a bit though.


Yeah, this is why I'm not big on characters that start to sound like me.  I'm not big on food myself, but at least I eat three meals a day to satiate myself, along with the occasional snack (especially with actual fat, to put some meat on the bones).

And the emo thing is getting old.  He needs someone to watch his ass if he's going to kill himself in his sleep (like that goth chick that keeps hanging around him despite him being a total spaz).  Frankly the only thing I see demons to find interesting about him is how close he hovers towards the threshold of death.  I have the urge to slap him the label of undead and go on with things.


I was LMAO all the way through the comic. I can't believe nobody used an emo as a main character before.


Quote from: Fresnor on November 01, 2006, 12:31:04 AM
I'm really not sure exactly what to say about it yet.  Looks off to a good start but too soon to really tell where it's going.  The talking wolves hae piqued my interest uite a bit though.
Indeed.  That 'W' word alone was enough to make me read it all the way through.  I'm not sure I like the main character either.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Talking animals of any kind always get me excited.

But we still have to wait until the next strip to figure out what they are doing.  :eager