2016/01/09 [Breaking #77] Come on, she's not THAT bad!

Started by Puyon, January 09, 2016, 02:16:29 PM

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Sure she said she was going to loot a destroyed village right in front of it's sole protector,  but she wouldn't destroy a glen or kidnap a child! ...Or at least we haven't seen a side of Deimi that is quite that... wild. Is Laira Glen the name of the village that was in Lavendar's forest? I guess being the only person present there would make you the most likely suspect for being the one to destroy it... I wonder where the child is coming from though.
...By Puyon


Why do the guards always have spears, anyway?  You'd think they have something a little more effective given that they have magic and the like...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Stab wounds tend to be harder to resist than magic. But also generally it looks more intimidating. Then again, we've got the Gardenian guards with the best of both worlds - magic spears.


'Resist'? Can people build up a magical resistance? And... is there such thing as protection magic, like... forming a shield or something?
...By Puyon


Yeah, it's not much a resistance but you can build up a bit of a resistance to certain magic, and there is protection magic that can be hard to detect. You can't get full protection from damaging magic unless you're like... an elemental clanner, then you get resistance to your own god's magic. But if somebody's got a protection spell it'll take more magic than usual to damage them and it can be hard to account for.