The Clockwork Mansion

Outskirts => The Villa => Topic started by: Valkeiper2012 on June 03, 2014, 07:37:42 PM

Title: Webcomic Censor Alert
Post by: Valkeiper2012 on June 03, 2014, 07:37:42 PM
I read 38 webcomics each day. On one of them this past weekend, an alert went out with a weblink to a serious threat of censorship of webcomics. The webcomic is called "the Devil's Panties" and those who read that comic know Obby (the person raising this alert) does not tend to be an alarmist, but he is very good with digital technology.
I am providing the alert and the link to every webcomic I read and every online game I play. Since many of the webcomics and 4 of the games I play say posting links could get the poster banned from that webcomic or game, you can see how serious I consider the alert.
Below is the link to Obby's alert and the link to the company he's alerting everyone about.

(Links removed for violations of the rules, per Darkmoon)
Title: Re: Webcomic Censor Alert
Post by: Darkmoon on June 03, 2014, 10:29:32 PM
That's a pity and I feel for their issues, but two things:

1) Business from other websites belongs on other websites. You're new enough that we don't know who you are or your motives for posting here. All we know is you registered here to try and drive business over to The Devil's Panties. What's going on with their site sucks (if it's true), but that's their business and we have very strict rules about that kind of thing.

2) Again, we don't know you. Coming here basically to post about this is Spam. Too bad, so sad. Case closed.

From my personal perspective, having run several website over the years and knowing what makes money and what doesn't (and, mostly, what doesn't), what I will say is that ad revenue is not the way to go if you want to make money. Many people have ad blockers so they don't see ads, and most ad companies require ad-clicks not just ad-views. Monetizing ad-clicks is hard, and if they don't already have a fan base, it's going to be hard to get that kind of money going.

Now, I've heard of the Devil's Panties (although it, like just about EVERY other webcomic out there, is not something I read). They're popular enough that they probably had good ad business, but this just means they need to find a new way to get that money. Ad sales from their own site, project wonderful, patreon, and even merchandise... those are all things people can do. Saying "we have to fix this or censor our site" is a gross over simplification of the issue.

But I only mention all that because you broke the rules and I, being an admin, had to take the time to read all this. That annoys me greatly, and we have rules about that as well (specifically, don't poke the Darkmoon because he angers easily).

I'm closing this topic and removing the links. In the future, please make sure to read the rules clearly and, if you feel like maybe a topic might tread against the rules, ask an admin before posting it.
Title: Re: Webcomic Censor Alert
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 04, 2014, 09:58:14 AM
Having read the link, before (since I _do_ read TDP), I'm inclined to agree with Darkmoon. While it's laudable that you're raising awareness about this, it's really not that appropriate for here.

Perhaps if you were providing something more than simply a link and a "hey, lookie here", we might have been more willing to let it slide, but there's no topic for discussion in your post, there; and this _is_ a discussion site, right?