haven't had much time on here as my laptop no longer connects to wifi, so i can only go online about two days a week when i have access to a network cable. this shall be fixed after my tax return so expect me to come back with the vengeance of a bad burrito
during my low activity however i found out that my wife and i are now expecting a third child to arrive about august. my other two daughters are excited, no we dont know the gender but we do hope its a boy, and yes this is going to be our last one cause i shall get the snip
anyone who wants to reffer to me as 'old man' is justified, partially because i started taking metemucil in addition to the children thing
... you old fart. ;-]
That's lovely, Brun.
I hope for the best for you and your family. :)
While I do not take Metamucil, I am not personally averse to it, so no need to be talking smack about fibre. XD
Congratulations, Brunhidden! Hope you get a boy, but even more hope it's healthy and strong above all else.
now officially second trimester, will know gender next ultrasound. the current ultrasound i have still looks like some kind of fish-potato x-ray so im not posting that
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on February 07, 2014, 08:16:17 AM
While I do not take Metamucil, I am not personally averse to it, so no need to be talking smack about fibre. XD
nothing particularly important about metamucil, just on the 'old man bingo' alongside false teeth, baldness, and hemhroids
and i doubt you want to see a photo of how messed up my teeth are (im missing about nine, and half or more of another ten)
i do however have a more kickass version of knitting- ive started doing chainmaile weaving as a hobby, sofar its just fun way to pass time and make small gifts but im up for suggestions as to how to make it something i could sell
observe the necklace i made for my elder daughter on her birthday while she watched. getting an ADD 9 year old to sit still for fifteen minutes to watch something that does not blow up is impressive in itself
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/Brunhidden/DSCN6108.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Brunhidden/media/DSCN6108.jpg.html)
Okay, two awesome things there.
Firstly, is that double-linked mail? Looks very cool. I keep wanting some, but have no place to actually do anything with it, so it'd just clutter up my house. :-/
Secondly, and more importantly, you got her to sit still for fifteen minutes? I take my hat off to you, sir. That is truly impressive. ;-]
its actually pretty low demand on recourses- wire, wire cutters, a dowel, and plyers. silicon padded plyers are available for about sixteen dollars each, but i chose to use two dollar plyers and one twentieth of a penny of duct tape for padding instead
its spiral weave chain, of the kind used by the SCA to indicate rank. the simplest piece ive done so far and i hope to show some more ambitious projects soon, heres a simulation as i didnt get that close a shot
Most excellent news! The fact that you're a DIY jeweler may be a curse in disguise if she hits you up to make anything else down the road. ;)
I hope the new one is just as healthy.
Quote from: Qilby on February 25, 2014, 06:30:28 AM
...if she hits you up to make anything else down the road
"daaad, i have a duel on thursday, can you get my measurements so the shirt can be ready?"
"why would a father ever want to know his daughters bust size? grab a pair of pliers and adjust it yourself"
oddly my next projects are a set of armor for my daughter using an old pair of leather bracers as shoulder pads while i explore more wire jewelry options
heres my most recent finished piece! which is far, far too big for my model
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/Brunhidden/DSCN6254.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Brunhidden/media/DSCN6254.jpg.html)
in other news my wife is now second trimester, recorded ultrasound of heartbeat and suchlike, mostly uneventful other then a sinus infection which led to antibiotics which reacted badly so she stayed home from school for 2.5 weeks due to nausea and headaches. almost all of this time was spent on the couch exploring the soothing crack that is the PS3 version of minecraft, i was a fool to tell my architect student wife that was a thing.... although its annoying you cant trade with villagers yet
I'm sure your model will grow into it. ;-]
i know this is a slow thread, but thats the way it goes
as of yesterday it has been confirmed via detailed ultrasound that my third and final child ill be a girl. my other daughters were dissappointed, and the consensus is to avoid estrogen poisoning i should get a macho pet and regularly leave the house to do manly things
were toying with name options but already have a good candidate
Hey, happy and healthy is always the important thing. And you already know all the little girl things, so no studying up for this one! :)
Congratulations, Brun~ :D
And as for the chainmaille... a difficult and rather limited-market, but decently... lucrative? option, is chainmaille bras. However, can't go wrong with a bracelet or wristlet. A good thick one, maybe with a cabochon if you get detailed, or with other beads. (either as dangles, or made into connectors; bead slid onto wire with the ends ring'd) Another point/tip is getting a pair of round-nosed pliers (maybe $6-8), which will allow you to make smaller sized rings, for intricate/more delicate necklace work.
Oh! Make a small purse/shoulder bag. Super easy and looks *awesome*.