Oh hey, getting rid of my unwanted SNES games and other stuff.
Planning on going back to college this upcoming August, so clearing out a bit of stuff to make a bit of spending money.
SNES Games for sale:
Cool World
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
Foreman For Real With Manual and Poster
Race Drivin
Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day
Shaq Fu
Lot of 3 Nintendo SNES Sports Games NBA Live 95, Madden 94, Champions World Class Soccer
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball With Box and Manual
Super Tennis
Super Bowling
Wings 2: Aces High
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game
SNES Posters:
Hal's Hole in One Golf
Star Fox Nintendo Power Join The Club Insert Poster
Other Stuff for sale:
Purple Skull Candy ear buds
2 Iphone ear buds Green and Yellow
Skull Candy Black ear buds
Nesquick Chocolate Fountain
Blackarachina Transformers Universe
I also have several other SNES games, like Super Castlevania IV, Super Mario World with manual, all three Donkey Kong Countries, Killer Instinct, Samurai Showdown, Super Mario Kart, Super Double Dragon, Super Mario All Stars, Batman Returns, Uniracers, Super Star Wars, Final Fight, Street Fighter II with box and manual, Gradius III, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, Mortal Kombat (1 and 3), and Earthworm Jim, but I'll only sell them if I can get a rather large amount for them, since these games are basically my childhood. If I put them on ebay, I probably won't get as much as I would like for them, so they've been left unlisted. If anyone makes a good enough offer (Probably $35+), I'll think about listing it to ebay, and posting the link for the auction here.
In addition, I have a bunch of other transformers figures I'll be selling later. I almost managed to collect the entire Transformers Armada series, all in box and everything, but unfortunately, I need to clean out closet space and earn a bit of money, so I'll be dismantling my collection later.
I'll be having a large auction like this one later in a month or two for them. Probably won't be very much interest, though, since they aren't as popular as they once where...
See, every single game you have on ebay already I woulda bought. As it is, the ones you're holding back I already have.
Btw, when you say you will only sell them for a good price ($35+), are you talking per game? I've been to plenty of resale shops, and you'd be lucky to get $35 for the lot, let alone per game.
Quote from: Darkmoon on January 20, 2014, 10:42:57 PM
Btw, when you say you will only sell them for a good price ($35+), are you talking per game? I've been to plenty of resale shops, and you'd be lucky to get $35 for the lot, let alone per game.
Yep, reason why I haven't listed them on ebay at all. I already know I won't get as much as I would like for them, so I'd rather keep the lot of them. To be honest, I rather not sell any of those in that list.
Just throwing the offer out there in the rare event one of them would sell at the price I want, but even when I first made the list, I already knew none of them where going to be sold.
Well, not with an attitude like that ;)
There are very few SNES games that will sell for anywhere near $35. Pretty much Chrono Trigger, the two main Final Fantasies (not counting Mystic Quest), and a couple of rarities.
Nothing you have there is worth more than $15 a piece, and that's being kind.
Seriously, if you want to make money of your collection, you'd be better of, in the future, just posting the items here (not ebay) and letting me take a look at what you've got. As it is, there's nothing you have set aside (again, not on ebay) that I need for my collection, and I don't use ebay (because I can get SNES games used elsewhere).
Hmm, let's see. Other games I have on hand, not on ebay, and not in my favorites list, is Adams Family, Jungle Book, Royal Rumble, and batman forever.
Anything on ebay that doesn't have a bid, I can just pull off of ebay. If you see anything without a bid, go ahead and make an offer on it. Most of it won't sell anyways.
I'd take an offer of pretty much anything, as long as it's more than the starting price, and includes shipping.
Probably get more selling to you anyways, since both ebay and paypal eat percentages of the money exchanged.
Eh, you know what, make an offer on anything, regardless of whatever your asking price, and I'll think about each offer. The only items I'm contracted to give to others is anything with an ebay bid.
Darkmoon says to pull any unbid items and he'll get an offer together for you.
I'll give ya $25 for the lot of unbid items. That includes Cool World, Foreman For Real, Race Drivin, Shaq Fu, NBA Live 95, Madden 94, Champions World Class Soccer, Ken Griffey Jr, Super Tennis, Super Bowling, Wings 2: Aces High, and WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game.
Looking at the goin price for the rest of your games, I'd up that to 40 if you wanted to include Killer Instinct and Samurai Showdown (KI is worth a little less than 10, but Samurai Showdown is only worth about 5, and that's being overly fair on the price).
For the second lot -- Adams Family, Jungle Book, Royal Rumble, and Batman Forever -- I'd give ya $15 for that.
Honestly, I'd love to buy Zombies Ate My Neighbors as well, but I'm not looking to spend $30 on a single SNES game right now (which, to be fair to you, is what it's actually worth).
Just let me know.
Alright, due to work, I wasn't able to get to my list as soon as I would like.
I have pulled off Cool World, Super Tennis, Wings 2, Ken Griffey Jr., NBA Live 95, Madden 94, Champions World Class Soccer, Race Driven, and Foreman for Real.
In your list, I wasn't able to pull off Shaq fu, WWF Wrestlemania, and super bowling it seems.
Is this still acceptable?
There's also a chance that every item with a bid on it might not sell even though it has a bid on it. Twice in the past, I relisted an item because the buyer didn't pay for it after a week. I'll let you know what didn't go out a week after the bidding ends.
Killer Instinct and Samurai Showdown? Seems like those games are lost right now. I'll ask my sister where they could of gone later. She's actually rather attached to KI, so might not sell that one.
As for your second lot offer, sounds good. $15 for the four games would be like $3.75 each, sounds like more than what I'd get on ebay on them. Add in shipping to the total, and I'll take that offer. Does $19 sound good to include shipping and Paypal fees? If so, drop me a PM with your mailing address, and I'll give you my paypal address, since that's the easiest payment method on my end. If you have another payment method, we can discuss that as well.
If you like, we can wait for the other items, so we can pull everything together to save on shipping. The remainder items on ebay have three days to them left.
On another note, are you interested in ps2 games? I have a few I might try to get rid of later. I'll post the topic to this sub forum first, before putting it to ebay.
I'd be willing to take PS2 games off your hands, sure. Just post up the list when you got them.
Let's wait until you have the complete list (plus, that way you can let me know if KI is available). Once we know the final list, I'll get you a proper final offer. ;)
Does the 19 bucks include insurance on the package?
Quote from: Darkmoon on January 24, 2014, 08:47:10 AM
Does the 19 bucks include insurance on the package?
Going off of past experiences mailing stuff like this, the package would probably be $3 something, and paypal would eat through 3% of the sale, which would be like $0.57 at $19.
If the shipping is lower than expected and there's room for the insurance, absolutely.
As for mailing any more than four games at once, I've never done that before, so no idea how much shipping will cost. If you'd like, I could take the cost of the games and shipping separately, and like, send you a picture of the shipping receipt so you can see the amount.
That could work.
Bear in mind, if you do U.S Postal Service Priority Mail, they go by box size now. So shipping will be a flat rate, regardless of the weight.
Quote from: Darkmoon on January 27, 2014, 02:34:08 PM
That could work.
Bear in mind, if you do U.S Postal Service Priority Mail, they go by box size now. So shipping will be a flat rate, regardless of the weight.
Interesting, I wasn't aware. I have a priority mail box laying around from something I've bought in the past, I could probably reuse that. Tear the ebay label off, then taping a piece of paper with the address over the remains should work.
Alright, news on the ebay auctions, every game that had a bid has now been paid for. The only items not paid for are some of the random stuff I was also selling. No need to wait a week, since they'll all be going out in a day or two. The Simpsons game sold especially well, got much more than expected from it.
Also, news on some of the games in my favorites list. Apparently now, Killer Instinct, all three donkey kongs, mario kart, gradius III, super double dragon, samurai showdown, and weirdly enough, Jurassic park II are now untouchable. My sister doesn't play the snes very much, but she likes those games too much to give them up, which I can understand, they're all multiplayer games we've both played together for years.
I looked back on our conversation, and it seems Cool World, Super Tennis, Wings 2, Ken Griffey Jr., NBA Live 95, Madden 94, Champions World Class Soccer, Race Driven, Foreman for Real, Adams Family, Jungle Book, Royal Rumble, and Batman Forever are the ones left in on your list.
In addition, do you still want WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game? It's one of the five games I've sold on ebay, but yet I have two copies sitting right next to me right now. They even have the same markings and same wear on the labels, so I can't even tell the two apart. I had no idea I had two, this is so weird.
Also, I found a game that's not mentioned in any list in this forum topic here, which is Cool Spot, also interested in that?
I also found a broken turbo controller and four plastic snes game protectors, in case you're also interested on bidding on those as well.
I'll take Cool Spot as well, yeah, I don't need the controller or the game protectors.
Let me get a final estimate together for you and I'll PM ya the amount. ;)
Alright, sounds good.
Also make sure to put all the games you're making the offer on in a list as well, so I have a check list of what needs to go into my packing box.