The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Abandoned Mine => Topic started by: meltingface101 on December 25, 2013, 09:10:19 PM

Question: How  does  first contact go
Option 1: Humans  take  over  the  world votes: 3
Option 2: All  humans  die  of  plague  suddenly votes: 2
Option 3: creatures  infiltrate  and  take  over votes: 3
Option 4: 10%  of  humans  inexplicably  develop  headwings  and  behavioral  problems votes: 10
Option 5: safari hunters from Zinvth votes: 4
Option 6: Who gives a f*** votes: 3
Title: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 25, 2013, 09:10:19 PM
A  portal  opens  between  Earth  and  Furrae  somewhere  in  North  America  30  years  from  now . How  does  first  contact  go ?

Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Tuyu on December 26, 2013, 06:27:29 PM
There's no option for safari hunters from Zinvth.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Amber Williams on December 26, 2013, 06:37:23 PM
I can't really give an answer because it would contain too many spoilers and would be cheating.  But I can at least say the canonical answer would be not what folks would expect...but that's mainly because there is a major factor which hasn't been shown thus not factored into things.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 26, 2013, 06:44:09 PM
Is  it  a  horrible secret  about  how  Furrae  was  crafted  from  the  ashes  of  a  post  apocalyptic Earth or  have  I  gotten  ahead  of  myself ? :<  
I'm a delivery  boy !  ( mandatory  reference )
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Mischa on December 26, 2013, 11:28:41 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on December 26, 2013, 06:37:23 PM
I can't really give an answer because it would contain too many spoilers and would be cheating.  But I can at least say the canonical answer would be not what folks would expect...but that's mainly because there is a major factor which hasn't been shown thus not factored into things.

Tsk, Amber, the clever thing to do in this situation is to simply not say anything at all and brush the question off as meaningless.

(To be honest, the question is extremely subjective, particularly since it revolves in part around how one might extrapolate technological development on Earth over the next 30 years.)

But now you've gone and hinted at super-secret mystery things about Furrae!  Like Furrae is really Earth after the apocalypse! 

A planet where furs evolved from humans!

"You maniacs!  You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2013, 01:20:37 AM
Quote from: Mischa on December 26, 2013, 11:28:41 PM
"You maniacs!  You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

"Now teleporting man-fly-pod."
"Kill me."
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Mischa on December 27, 2013, 02:15:29 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2013, 01:20:37 AM
"Now teleporting man-fly-pod."
"Kill me."

Where furries really came from.

And then the whole tragedy was repeated generations later with the invention of mows...
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 27, 2013, 01:39:17 PM
Dear  god , it  all  makes  sense  . A  teleportaion experiment  accidentally brought  our  world  to  the  elemental  plane  of  Cats . :U   
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: ZacAttac21 on December 27, 2013, 02:27:06 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on December 26, 2013, 06:37:23 PM
I can't really give an answer because it would contain too many spoilers and would be cheating.  But I can at least say the canonical answer would be not what folks would expect...but that's mainly because there is a major factor which hasn't been shown thus not factored into things.
This is kind of a spoiler in of itself...
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 28, 2013, 11:56:44 AM
Answer  hazy  try  again .

That`s  all  I  got  from  that  oddly .
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Hariman on December 28, 2013, 01:09:20 PM
Quote from: Raxuno on December 27, 2013, 02:27:06 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on December 26, 2013, 06:37:23 PM
I can't really give an answer because it would contain too many spoilers and would be cheating.  But I can at least say the canonical answer would be not what folks would expect...but that's mainly because there is a major factor which hasn't been shown thus not factored into things.
This is kind of a spoiler in of itself...

But not saying that would mean passing up the chance to do the verbose equivalent of the


ominous sound effect.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 29, 2013, 01:37:31 AM
DMFA  draws  a bit  from  Lovecraft's  work , perhaps  Furrae  is  a  location  in  the  dreamlands , that  some  humans  fled  to  prior  to  Earth's  destruction  . It  would  explain  why  the  dragons  would  dislike  them .  
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2013, 02:24:24 PM
Quote from: meltingface101 on December 29, 2013, 01:37:31 AM
DMFA  draws  heavily  from  Lovecraft's  work , perhaps  Furrae  is  a  location  in  the  dreamlands , that  some  humans  fled  to  prior  to  Earth's  destruction  . It  would  explain  why  the  dragons  would  dislike  them . 

Heavily? _really_ ?

Dude, you need to lay off the illegal substances.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 29, 2013, 04:46:55 PM
There  are  plenty  of  races  capable  of  bringing  about  the  end  of  the  world  lurking  in  the  shadows  ,  while  beings  struggle  in  a  world  shaped  by  uncaring  entities  that  are  completely  incomprehensible  to  mortals .

Also  this (
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2013, 11:43:07 PM
I do believe you're reading far more into this than is actually present. Really.

But don't let me stop you.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 30, 2013, 09:25:39 AM
wait  this  means  that  humans  automatically  lose  due  to  the  fact  everything  drives  them  to  madness  :U
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Zebra Bug on December 30, 2013, 06:28:31 PM
I would welcome them myself. My dad is a furry too....she really, I would be all for it. But....dang. I think humans would lose quickly. Unless....well, if technology evolves along sci-fi lines.....we are totally capable of developing awesome technologies in a short time, but we'd need a reason to. And without prior knowledge of the Fur invasion why would we develop stuff to fight them? So...we will be inadequately prepared. But so would they. Unless the portal is purposeful. And the invasion planned. As a wonderful influence would put it...."We're boned".

As for a peaceful that the right word? may be possible....but...realistically speaking (what a word to use in this situation!) I don't know how humanity would react to such non-humans.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on December 30, 2013, 09:24:27 PM
Has  anyone  read  about  Neococcus ecoclasticus , its  a  hypothetical  strain of bacteria  that  could  be  generated  with  minor  improvements  to  modern  bio-tech .  It  is  capable  of  reducing  earth  like  planets  to  toxic  plastic  wastelands  in  under  5  years . It  attacks  anything  containing  water ,  burning  contaminated materials  releases  spores. No  one  would  be  safe  .  Look  it  up .

Even  if  they  had  a  large  scale  version  of  cure  disease  that  could  affect  locations ,  it  would  be  futile . Unless  collective  action  was  taken  to  analyze  and  act  against  it .

That  is  the  only  thing  I  can  think  of  that  could  easily  be  deployed  through  a  portal  that  would  convince  furrae  to  unite
against  us .

Though  I`m  pretty  sure  the  Fae  would  intervene  and  send  something  exponentially  worse  our  way , in  that  scenario . 
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Icalasari on January 01, 2014, 03:29:25 AM
Considering that the comic has already shown non magical stuff to be practically immune to magic, and how guns are a new invention, humans would have an advantage against some beings

Then the dragons, angels, demons, and cubi come in and we're screwed
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on January 01, 2014, 08:15:24 AM
We  have  no  means  of  confirming  this  implied  advantage  yet , or  that  Earth  exist  in  a  magical  dead  zone .

Why are  Cubi  so  popular  on  this  forum ? They  are  for  all  intensive  purposes  a  race  of  parasites  who  can  only  continue  their  feeble  existence  by  hiding  beneath  the  skin  of  others . Due  to  their  behavior  patterns  the  magical  powers  they  possess will  often  never  be  put  to  a  productive   use  beyond  preventing  the  flow  of  any  information  that  relates  to  them . The  fact  that  they  already  have  a  reputation  would  not  bode  well  for  them . They  would  be  even  more  doomed  in  this  setting  than  Furrae .   >:3  
Joking  aside  the  Cubi  race  as  shown  is  not  capable  of  taking  most  things  seriously  enough  to  pursue  anything  like  pan-dimensional  conquest , or  even  basic  settlement  . 

Demons , Dragons , and  Angels  are  all  races  that  show  little  cohesion  amoungst  themselves  and  others , unless  they  secretly  ruled over  certain areas they  would be rather vulnerable .
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on January 03, 2014, 01:41:39 PM
Yeah  the  archive  are  rather  massive , tough  much  of  the  stuff  before  a  certain  point  isn't   even  considered  canon  anymore , and  most  of  the  side  stories  are  designed  to  be  read  at  any  time .
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 03, 2014, 04:39:25 PM
I do believe this is your second warning about double posting.

Carry on, please. I'll just be over here, warming up the banhammer.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on January 03, 2014, 09:13:56 PM
terribly sorry  that  was  supposed  to  go  in  the  thread  about  the  reading guide .
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: jcsjr85 on January 30, 2014, 10:01:13 PM
If it did happen and if I was a creature I would try to use them and their tech to my advantage.

For example: A creature ( cubi, demon, angel, etc.) goes up to a group of them tell them who you are,what you are, and what

you can do (both for them and to them) offer them to work for you as a "proxy force"

(after the shock of seeing a non-human wears off and that if they don't shoot at you)  :erk

If all is well and they decide to hear what you have to say but what would they get out of supporting you?

A few impressive tricks (shooting fire/ice/lightning, show of strength, shape shifting) and if you tell or lie to them. that they

themselves can have to same power as you have and "maybe" more.That is if they will fight for me and against any others 

deemed a threat to

the interest of your (insert race here). If they agree to serve you can use them against targets that you want

(acquired/destroyed) but cannot or don't want to get your hands dirty, so you send the humans in to raid, harass, and kill

for you and if they should get killed, well plenty more where they came from. If any questions arise about the humans and

your connection with them, deny anything about their existence or activities.

If done right I can definitely see the creature(s) gaining much at the expense of the humans killing or being killed be their


That or the humans get overrun by pygmy shrews or the mow :mowcookie


Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on January 30, 2014, 10:25:40 PM
Most  creatures  tend  to  prefer  flashy  displays  of  power  , and  generally  avoid  using  proxies  due  to  it  making  them  look  weak . That's  the  main  reason  why  characters  like  Dan  have  any  relevance , if  my  understanding  is  correct  . Also  what  makes  you  think  they  would  offer  people  magical  powers . 
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: Sprocketsdance on January 30, 2014, 10:40:16 PM
There      really       is     not     enough      info      to      even       entertain      a     debate     over      this   .   Fictional      world     meant     to      be      enjoyed     vs .   real     world     meant     to     just     be     there     in       the      background  .     Too     many     variables     which     are     not     for       us   to     know    yet     makes      it        impossible  .   

Twist?     This    is    really    a     comic     about     the    past     and     our      domesticated      animals      all     are     descendants     of     ' cubi.   

Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 30, 2014, 11:53:44 PM
You know, I think I know where this belongs. Let me move it, just wait a few seconds.
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: jcsjr85 on January 30, 2014, 11:54:43 PM
Quote from: meltingface101 on January 30, 2014, 10:25:40 PM
Most  creatures  tend  to  prefer  flashy  displays  of  power  , and  generally  avoid  using  proxies  due  to  it  making  them  look  weak . That's  the  main  reason  why  characters  like  Dan  have  any  relevance , if  my  understanding  is  correct  . Also  what  makes  you  think  they  would  offer  people  magical  powers . 

They wouldn't.

The offer of magic powers is a bait and switch type of deal. Considering if the humans are completely ignorant of how magic works in their world especially some of the soul sucking parts, and the humans thinking they found a wonderful gain would end up being a nice buffet for any creature looking for souls to harvest.

But I see where your coming from. After all if you had such powers and a long lifespan, it would be a complete waste of time and effort getting said powers and only having others fight your battles for you?
Title: Re: Earth vs Furrae
Post by: meltingface101 on January 31, 2014, 07:04:07 AM
The  problem  is  that  its  not  just  one  creature  coming  through , and  most  of  the  ones  that  operate  in  the  manner  you  described  are  nearly  extinct .  All  it  takes  is  one  demon  acting  on  impulse  to  destabilize  such  plans .

Also  I  don't  get  why  creatures  wouldn't  attempt  to  rob  small  group  of  humans  blind  and  take  all  the  weapons  for  themselves , why  get  some  one  of  such  a  weak  race  to  do  something  you  could  do  a  thousand  times  better  on  your  own . If  they  targeted  any  large  human  groups  such  tactics  would  trigger  reaction  from  a  number  of  other  large  groups .