The Clockwork Mansion

The Grand Hallway => Tower of Art => Topic started by: Brunhidden on December 10, 2013, 11:44:34 AM

Title: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: Brunhidden on December 10, 2013, 11:44:34 AM
alright, now that the events in the thread 'run program: evacuation' are over (sinse thanksgiving) i now have something i believe is called 'free time'

as such i wanted to boost my creative and artistic abilities but dont want to actually commit some of my better ideas to paper untill i have some practice, thus there are two purposes to this place

1- posting stuff im doing anyway

2- people who ask nicely and i like what they say can ask me to draw things, so i can practice at sucking less

in the near future i shall have some paintings, of all things, to display, but at the moment i would like people to give me ideas of simple drawings they would like to see done, perhaps even simple comic scripts if they feel it will work. prefference will be given to people i know or who actually posted in 'run program: evacuation', but go ahead and make a proposal, i might just be silly enough to do it.
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 12, 2013, 01:40:43 AM
Can you draw a penguin with a monocle and top hat? Just for the lulz?

This is as a suggestion, mind...
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: Brunhidden on December 12, 2013, 04:29:05 PM
( (

i added a dapper stashe for a bonus
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2013, 11:22:42 PM
*lol* Wonderful, Brun. Nicely done.
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: Brunhidden on December 16, 2013, 08:43:58 PM
a few of my 'tests' from art class, when i submit my final exam ill try to post that too

a self portrait painted on glass. the white is just the back of the scanner, the glass is mostly clear.
i noticed when most of the class added more it looked worse, so i wanted to keep it minimal. there was a point very early on where it looked kind of like leonardo Da Vincis self portrait, but i couldn't stop with almost nothing on the glass... yes, i added more hair on top, so sue me

not included is a freestanding arch project i submitted, but part of the project was to paint two interperatations of that piece, so heres two

'supports the original composition'

'complimentary colors inspired by the composition'
i liked the background i did too much to paint over it

feel free to ask more requests too
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: Brunhidden on February 15, 2014, 10:00:23 AM
i know im a bit slow, but observe my final exam- we were handed a one inch piece of wood and were told to 'make it interesting'

( (

and as i dont currently have a scanner running i have a more photo friendly art medium- chainmaile!
( (

yes i am using someone short to model my work, and im curious about other designs i could try, any suggestions are welcome and i hope to get suggestions on designs i could sell should someone request them (i can also make black, but only on request)
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 16, 2014, 12:34:25 AM
That's definitely an interesting piece of wood.
Title: Re: opening shop, i can draw for you for free maybe
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on April 09, 2014, 04:01:37 AM
Oh wow, chainmaille. Gotta love that <3

I'm a bit curious about your art class that you took. I read this thread a couple of months ago, but it was just before you resurfaced, so I wasn't going to 'necromance' and certainly for no reason :o
I thought that the glass portrait was quite neat. I have no idea if I'd have noticed how the 'extra hair' looks a smidge out of place had you not drawn my attention to it. Still looks good though. :)