The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => The London Underground => Topic started by: BigRedWolphe on September 13, 2013, 11:47:37 AM

Title: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: BigRedWolphe on September 13, 2013, 11:47:37 AM
I read another post on here that had made a lot of the same points that i had but i think I'll share my thoughts anyway

I gotta start with that I normally don't like the whole magic idea most of the time. I'm happy to say this is one of the many exceptions where I like how everything works so far. Its a lot more than just wizardly dragonball z fights or 'ultimate powers' simply threatening the world and there's no overpowered Godlike character or item. While there is a main protagonist in this, unlike most of what I see in this particular genre, he has no hidden super powers. Not only that, but there are a lot complex characters and very good character development. I also like how it doesn't always focus on just the  main protagonist but also the agency he works for adding a lot of  sub plots and side stories. You have put to of thought into each issue i read and I even enjoy rereading them. Sorry if I seem cynical by no means am I knocking this series. It is well drawn and thought out. I have watched this (not trying to sound weird or creepy) for a while watching the transition of the art go from colored pencil (which is what drew me to it initially because that alone was excellent) to prismacolor marker, to (what I'm assuming is) digital. Keep Up the good work Darc. ^_-
Title: Re: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: Darc_Sowers on September 16, 2013, 08:48:58 AM
Eep! Thank you so much! *blush* I'm not too fond of the "you haven't seen my true powers yet" storylines either. I wanted the story to be about ordinary people dealing with these magical enemies. I've gotten some flak and insistence over the years that I add powerful heroes in, so I'm so happy to hear you enjoy the lack of powered-up heroes. :D

One of my main influences for storytelling was that Batman: The Animated Series cartoon. They often did episodes focusing on secondary and background characters, like one about someone wanting to kill Harvey Bullock, or Alfred's past work with British intelligence, or some poor guy who gets himself into trouble by accidentally cussing out The Joker. I thought it was interesting to see a cartoon put other characters in the spotlight now and then. It really fleshed out the world. I wish there were a few more of me so I could tell more stories faster. I've so many stories to tell.

I'm going to be bubbly all day now. :D Thanks again!
Title: Re: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 17, 2013, 05:05:37 AM
Quote from: Darc_Sowers on September 16, 2013, 08:48:58 AM
I'm going to be bubbly all day now. :D Thanks again!

Good. ;-]
Title: Re: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: Petrov on November 15, 2013, 08:22:24 AM

From Darc on today's issue (15 Nov 2013) (http://""):
QuoteI really shouldn't have to say this, but if you appreciate what I do, I'd appreciate hearing so. Creating a comic is a long and lonely process. Hearing that the effort is enjoyed helps keep me going. So, if you can, please spare a moment and leave a comment. Thanks guys.

It sounds as though Darc is feeling a little down.  Perhaps a bit of a reminder that there are a lot of folks out there is in order.  Bumping up this thread to help get things started.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: CrimsonButterfly on November 15, 2013, 11:31:03 AM
By all means, I don't even know if someone is reading this. And I think I'm losing arcane seer points.

So, I was trying to be brief, but then I'm in the middle of Nano-Wrimo-ing.

So I wrote this random one-legged, crippled up comment;

''Someone who usually never comments. Yep like the comic, how must I say? It's one of my favorites. Fourth in my main webcomics bookmark folder, and I recently switched main navigators. Following webcomics is one of my hobbies. The story's showing and telling is interesting and it has a lot of nice moments here and there. Like those first three panels. Helena is so quirky and supernatural, the effect is quite comical. Keep care on a good pace too. I'm not bothered by later updates, on this one, I'd just recheck sporadically.''

And it told me, insisted, that I post on the forums. The horror!!  :O

But I guess I was being uselessly long-winded. Blah.! Terrible.

Even more terrible is I had to think up a new forum password. Minutes! It took minutes!

And now I've a shadow of myself stuck within a realm between CnH's cleverly dangerous fey and DMFA's eccentrically mischievious ones. With an I for Ick.

I don't know if I'll be posting around here or just dissapear, but I must say I really do like the comic -and more broadly what you do, somewhat. It's one of those stories were random things happen and the hero never just brandishes a giant sword to cleave through plot problems. Even the villians don't; they are scarier than that!

So,that's it; horrible, horrible, new password to remember now. I should call dibs that Helena give you a stare for my inconvenience.   >:O

Toodles Darc, I wish you big sandviches! And don't make me write again...

Eh, wait,.. what?   :disbelief

Title: Re: Praise the awesomeness
Post by: Muse on February 22, 2014, 07:27:56 PM
I have to agree with the awesomeness of this comic. I've read it all in the last two days, (Which may have caused poor sleep and a vast increase in caffeine consumption,) and had a rather strong disappointment when I realized I caught up. But the promised M/W/F update schedule (I've yet to have the chance to  see if you keep to it,) holds promise that I'll not be without for too long. Thank you for  making something so unique and absolutely engrossing.