Hey there all I'm new to the place. (If it wasn't obvious by the fact that i only have one post so far and where said post is.) Anyway i hope to have lots of fun here. For those interested, I like to Roleplay (need to know the rules about placing character profiles by the way.) a bit and I'm a fan of DMFA. (Amber is a friggin genius in my mind...) I do plan to check out more things as time goes by and do hope to make a some friends here. Also, please pardon me if my punctuation is terrible, never was good at that. Now then, since all that is out of the way...
*Offers Cakes, Pies and sugary drinks for all!*
Welcome to the forum! RP stuff is contained to the Haunted Ballroom, as you probably noticed; character rules, though, vary from game to game. Look for the threads marked (OOC), those will have the information you need to join the fun.
Ah, awesome to know. Read the rules and almost ended up being confused by them but i think i get the gist.... x_x
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 11, 2013, 05:50:06 PM
Ah, awesome to know. Read the rules and almost ended up being confused by them but i think i get the gist.... x_x
Yeah, posting things "in-character" isn't really appreciated for the most part. The RP section is primarily intended for running games... while there have been a few free-form games for people to just hang out in-character, they don't seem to last that long.
However there are a bunch of strongly-plotted games which have been running for a while now, so they must be doing something right...
Anyway, welcome to the forum.
I see, i see. Oh well, heres hopin i find a good game to get into and thanks for the welcome.
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 11, 2013, 09:19:08 PM
I see, i see. Oh well, heres hopin i find a good game to get into and thanks for the welcome.
'Flight of Fancy' is set on an airship. It is currently docked, so if you want in on that one, you'd want to do that before it takes off again...
Oh, cool. I'll give it a try.