If they're the ones going around murdering 'Cubi, they're going to be in a certain amount of trouble. i.e. the group of adventurers now hunting them.
I believe someone in the thread for the previous comic suggested these guys were the culprits. Kudos!
Ok so... we have a group of four experienced adventurers. An illusionist (who got master-suckerpucnhed), a warrior, an archer, and a water mage. Each of which are, according to Merlitz, pretty famous.
Even assuming Nite is KO'ed, Abel still has a decent fight ahead of him.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 09, 2012, 09:11:17 AM
If they're the ones going around murdering 'Cubi, they're going to be in a certain amount of trouble. i.e. the group of adventurers now hunting them.
They may indeed be, judging by what Peg and Nite said.
Trial by the blunt object brigade strikes again, although Abel is the one starting it this time.
He sure loves dem sucker punches.
it was just a decent guess based on what they said in the past and nymsyt being after merlitz for a boyfriend as it were. i wonder what they'll do when they find out they attacked an innocent being and shaman (aka Widly san) shows up.
he's a sucker punch champ and his life is on the line you know., only merlitz does it better
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on July 09, 2012, 09:37:36 AM
They may indeed be, judging by what Peg and Nite said.
What doesn't wash with it is that previously, they were all "Being 'Cubi isn't a crime". Why would they then go around murdering them (with wife and child, no less)? If they believed they were doing a public service, they would have left some way of claiming credit rather than clandestine assassinations.
Though I am rather concerned that they appeared to be intending to kill Alexsi if she had sprouted wings.
Still, casual racism aside with Wildy's group, it's kind of reassuring that it's apparently being treated as a serious investigation, one where "But they were 'Cubi!" won't get you out of a murder rap.
EDIT: And whether or not they're responsible, Wildy is liable to assume they
*Exhales a sigh of relief*
I'm in too good a mood not to give these guys the benefit of the doubt. Plus, I'd hope Merlitz it a better judge of character than to hang out with a bunch of murderers.
Though I have to admit... Things are looking pretty bad for them. Best they explain themselves before Abel decides to use a move or two that he learned the few times he didn't skip Destania's class.
let us note cannon thusfar
-cubi are not known for hand-to-hand prowess, they rely mostly on trickery and manipulating individuals and cant even handle the minds of a group efficiently enough
2. these are presumed to be seasoned adventurers who have not died of acute incompetence yet. two and a half of which seem to be hand-to-hand specialists
yellow. Abel has not taken most of the more 'core' classes in cubidom that would actually, you know, be of use here. he is fighting mostly on impulse using tricks he knows well but aren't designed for this. just look at his face, he knows hes going to get sworded pretty badly and its only two seconds into the fight
B. wildy is trained as a shaman, even if she does not have her bonk stick and robe. jyrras likely does not take his incredible edible deliciousness anywhere without some kind of either death ray or pocket mech suit. this looks to be a duel between parties in a moment
@- does dan have instant teleportation down yet? he IS trained in hand to hand combat and is quite knowledgeable as to adventurer party tactics, he is likely to be devastating assuming he is not asked to sign autographs by the party
Would be a good time to Get out your mining and farming devices Jyrras. Also I think Abel seems REALLY Pissed.
Interesting how abel seems to use his wings as boxing gloves, and considering he managed to beat Dan in hand-to-hand and is around 30x stronger with his wings, I'd say he will stand a fair chance against these 3. Not to mention there are re-enforcements coming. I would not be surprised if when Alexsi wakes up she will have her hammer ready.
EDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer) and Genesis is a water mage.
He might actually win.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 09, 2012, 09:49:23 AM
What doesn't wash with it is that previously, they were all "Being 'Cubi isn't a crime". Why would they then go around murdering them (with wife and child, no less)? If they believed they were doing a public service, they would have left some way of claiming credit rather than clandestine assassinations.
Though I am rather concerned that they appeared to be intending to kill Alexsi if she had sprouted wings.
That's the odd thing. They were perfectly willing to leave her alone before, no matter what she was, because she wasn't causing any harm. What's caused that change?
The land is owned by the Ti'Fiona family, Alexsi Ti'Fiona is alive and well and holds the deed to the land, Dan Ti'Fiona is a cubi who is a former adventurer and skilled in combat (and that is a lot of and's.) These guys are trespassing, attacking the land-owner and as one of the tenets is coming to said land-owner's defense... no matter how you look at it the adventurer group is in the wrong. Abel does know combat but by the looks of it, in a real combat situation where Dan would most likely excel Abel would have a hard time. Real combat situation being life and death scenario like this one.
Still I am going to root for cookies and cream because he is the good guy in this situation.
Random question... why is just about everyone not wearing shoes?
Whoo, saved at the last minute.
Abel seems to be using his wings less in a flashy way and trying to use them as a simple extension of his fists. I wonder what other things Abel will do here?
We do know that from his cast page, he is considered a top student and he has thrown Dan around rather easily once. I'd guess that these people only have numbers on their side and only come up even in skill (if that).
This whole thing has me thinking back to what happened to Mink's mother. Cubi doing all sorts of good and an adventure gets a party for killing her. Rather suspicious that they change their tune and come back to kill her here. Maybe their being less of Adventurer's and more of mercenaries right now.
Quote from: Madmann135 on July 09, 2012, 10:45:21 AM
These guys are trespassing, attacking the land-owner and as one of the tenets is coming to said land-owner's defense... no matter how you look at it the adventurer group is in the wrong.
It seems pretty clear, just from the first few panels that they were intending to behead Alexsi if she had sprouted wings. Whether or not they were responsible for the other killings (and this looks a lot like the incubus killing - Talliopa may be unrelated), I'd say they're looking at attempted murder at the very least.
I could be wrong, but I think that 'Cubi eyes tend to go funny when they've gone into emotion-only mode (e.g. Aniz, Dan). I think Abel's still mostly in control of himself. It's also worth pointing out that he knows where most 'Cubi go wrong.
I still am a little concerned that he probably hasn't put any of this stuff to a real-life test, but remember that he was planning to kill his father, who convincingly posed as an adventurer and may in fact have saved Abel's village on at least one occasion. IMHO it's a fairly good bet that he knows what he's doing, and again - he is liable to have reinforcements. Whereas whoever did the incubus murder waited until even the wife and child were out of the picture.
y'know as soon as wildy pops up there'll be hell to pay.
or when Alexsi wakes up... :erk
Quote from: Turnsky on July 09, 2012, 11:32:53 AM
or when Alexsi wakes up... :erk
Stop. hammertime *ohohoh*
(for those who dont know, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbKAaSf6e10 )
I note nobody else has said anything about Genesis yet.
Awesome response there. Just... awesome. >.<
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2012, 11:58:21 AM
I note nobody else has said anything about Genesis yet.
Awesome response there. Just... awesome. >.<
Wellllllllll...if her response is any indication, I wonder if she even remembers Abel?
Still to have Nite be "Rock him socked him" by Abel like that makes the the whole thing at the end with Genesis totally hilarious.
She just looks so *proud* of herself. XD
(Readers collectively sigh with relief)
And everybody thought it was a real threat, rather than the blunt object brigade. Still won't want to be them when a certain two people come back from their trip.
Is it just me or is Gen 'less' than in her previous appearances?
Yay! Fight scenes :D
I wonder if Pegasus is a cubi, considering he had digitigrade legs in his first appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_052.php),
and he had black hoof-like hands with three digits on each in his next appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_707.php), similar to Kria and Aliph,
but now he has plantigrade legs and furry hands with four digits on each.
I mean, one would think his teammates would notice subtle changes in his hands and feet in order to give himself different levels of dexterity and balance to adapt to different combat situations. Then again, judging by their previous behavior, they might just be incompetent and/or oblivious enough to disregard such small details.
Honestly, from their prior comments in this appearance and their last, and Pegasus's comments now, it would appear that Pegasus seems to be the most knowledgeable on cubi in their group so far, and he's the one in the group who's currently hesitant about killing them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was really a cubi himself.
Crap. Don't die, Abel! (Seriously, I know he has some of Destania's fighting moves, but that's a group of adventurers.). :/
A possibility occurred to me after I looked at the referenced strips. Although they appeared not to notice at the time, might these adventurers have (later) realized that the "Merlitz" that they met at the inn was not Merlitz but a cubi (although Genesis was evidently unaware of that in her second appearance at the inn)? And might they then jump to the conclusion that Merlitz must therefore have been murdered? Are they now on a revenge mission? Might they have decided that all cubi are too dangerous to live if they can replace people so easily, or are the other murders unrelated?
Quote from: Arcblade on July 09, 2012, 03:18:54 PM
Crap. Don't die, Abel! (Seriously, I know he has some of Destania's fighting moves, but that's a group of adventurers.). :/
Well, we'll have to see, but assuming they're the same group that did the incubus, their attacks seem to have consisted of sneaking up while their target is completely alone and quickly murdering them. If Alexsi is typical they stun them first. They might not be quite so capable against a conscious foe backed up by several allies.
EDIT: Don't forget that Abel was planning to go head-on against a 'Cubi adventurer (i.e. his father). I imagine he has some vague idea of what he's doing.
Wildy is most likely right behind Abel, I think Jyrras will scoot off for help, Alexi looks more stunned than out for the count (meaning I strongly forsee a "Stop! Hammer time!" moment) and dear old Mab should be due back pretty soon.
Heaven and Hell help those adventurers when Ducky enters the frey.
Quote from: Arcblade on July 09, 2012, 03:18:54 PM
Crap. Don't die, Abel! (Seriously, I know he has some of Destania's fighting moves, but that's a group of adventurers.). :/
well he already probably knocked 1 out and genesis is probably useless without her magic, which brings it down to 2 people, and abel has re-enforcements, sooo I would not be worried,
Quote from: ChaosMageX on July 09, 2012, 01:46:42 PM
I wonder if Pegasus is a cubi, considering he had digitigrade legs in his first appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_052.php),
and he had black hoof-like hands with three digits on each in his next appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_707.php), similar to Kria and Aliph,
but now he has plantigrade legs and furry hands with four digits on each.
I mean, one would think his teammates would notice subtle changes in his hands and feet in order to give himself different levels of dexterity and balance to adapt to different combat situations. Then again, judging by their previous behavior, they might just be incompetent and/or oblivious enough to disregard such small details.
Honestly, from their prior comments in this appearance and their last, and Pegasus's comments now, it would appear that Pegasus seems to be the most knowledgeable on cubi in their group so far, and he's the one in the group who's currently hesitant about killing them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was really a cubi himself.
Conspiracies, conspiracies everywhere (Remember that cubi are really rare, and I'd just say he is the most reasonable of the 4.)
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 03:55:01 PM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on July 09, 2012, 01:46:42 PM
I wonder if Pegasus is a cubi, considering he had digitigrade legs in his first appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_052.php),
and he had black hoof-like hands with three digits on each in his next appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_707.php), similar to Kria and Aliph,
but now he has plantigrade legs and furry hands with four digits on each.
I mean, one would think his teammates would notice subtle changes in his hands and feet in order to give himself different levels of dexterity and balance to adapt to different combat situations. Then again, judging by their previous behavior, they might just be incompetent and/or oblivious enough to disregard such small details.
Honestly, from their prior comments in this appearance and their last, and Pegasus's comments now, it would appear that Pegasus seems to be the most knowledgeable on cubi in their group so far, and he's the one in the group who's currently hesitant about killing them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was really a cubi himself.
Conspiracies, conspiracies everywhere (Remember that cubi are really rare, and I'd just say he is the most reasonable of the 4.)
Reasonable and probably most intelligent. Though going by the rest of the group, that isn't such a big hurdle to get over. :/
Quote from: ChaosMageX on July 09, 2012, 01:46:42 PM
I wonder if Pegasus is a cubi, considering he had digitigrade legs in his first appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_052.php),
and he had black hoof-like hands with three digits on each in his next appearance (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_707.php), similar to Kria and Aliph,
but now he has plantigrade legs and furry hands with four digits on each.
I mean, one would think his teammates would notice subtle changes in his hands and feet in order to give himself different levels of dexterity and balance to adapt to different combat situations. Then again, judging by their previous behavior, they might just be incompetent and/or oblivious enough to disregard such small details.
Sorry. The resulting changes are more due to style drift than anything actually continuity. Considering the last time I drew him was in 2006, it should be assumed that any changes (and the fact his teamates don't seem phased by this) is more just due to me drawing him differently than anything significant. :/
Whee tis my first post. Would miss Amber be doing a small Devo plug? Instead of whip it good, tis punch it good?
Hopefully for Abel's sake he has overcome his phobia of blood as well. It's a fight, there will be blood spilt weather it is his or theirs. Regardless of how good of a fighter he is, being incapacitated by a phobia doesn't bode well around the smash & beheading gang there.
Interesting that part of the attacking party is Skirmish, who was Alexsi's "sister" on Furcadia...
Well my brain is functioning again and while I don't know Abel's full experience when it comes to fighting, as we haven't seen him in a full on fight yet; I hope that he comes out this scuffle alright. :eager
I'm just looking forward to see if Wildy will jump into the fray herself, for that would definitely be a site to see! >:3
Popcorn anyone? :popcorn
Quote from: Thrawn on July 09, 2012, 05:47:47 PM
Interesting that part of the attacking party is Skirmish, who was Alexsi's "sister" on Furcadia...
Quote from: YawnPB on July 09, 2012, 05:45:13 PM
Whee tis my first post. Would miss Amber be doing a small Devo plug? Instead of whip it good, tis punch it good?
Hopefully for Abel's sake he has overcome his phobia of blood as well. It's a fight, there will be blood spilt weather it is his or theirs. Regardless of how good of a fighter he is, being incapacitated by a phobia doesn't bode well around the smash & beheading gang there.
Welcome to the forums both of you!
Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on July 09, 2012, 06:20:03 PM
I'm just looking forward to see if Wildy will jump into the fray herself, for that would definitely be a site to see! >:3
Popcorn anyone? :popcorn
Yes please :popcorn
Oh and I do believe that wildy will find this quite fun, and while the numbers are on The Blunt object brigade's side, it wont be for long (Time to come back from the moon maybe?) So far the shit hitting the fan has been quite minor, I'm expecting even more unlucky things happening. (Soulstealer family visit in the middle of the fight anyone?)
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 09, 2012, 09:49:23 AM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on July 09, 2012, 09:37:36 AM
They may indeed be, judging by what Peg and Nite said.
What doesn't wash with it is that previously, they were all "Being 'Cubi isn't a crime". Why would they then go around murdering them (with wife and child, no less)? If they believed they were doing a public service, they would have left some way of claiming credit rather than clandestine assassinations.
Though I am rather concerned that they appeared to be intending to kill Alexsi if she had sprouted wings.
Still, casual racism aside with Wildy's group, it's kind of reassuring that it's apparently being treated as a serious investigation, one where "But they were 'Cubi!" won't get you out of a murder rap.
EDIT: And whether or not they're responsible, Wildy is liable to assume they are.
I think that some of them are want to kill ALexsi regardless of whether or not she sprouts wings - some of them seem to be assuming she it wearing a patch.
And regardless of what they have said before about it not being a crime to be a Cubi, they are here to kill a Cubi regardless of whether or not the said Cubi is a threat. And lets not forget as far as they are concerned they are they ones who will decide what constitues a threat.
And regarding the whole murder rap thing - if they do get charged for murdering Cubi they will be tried and sentanced by Beings, who might not really care about a few Creatures being murdered. It might end up being "pay a fine" and nothing else.
It will also be interesting to see how they react when they find out that Alexsi is not a Cubi.
Their mention of cutting and the fact the dead cubi was found headless means they may have gone from inept but well intentioned adventures to murders with disillusions of righteousness.
On the bit about Abel being able to fight, I'm pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere that he took at least one fight class. As has also been mentioned, he has at least been taught some stuff by Destania.
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 10:16:40 AMEDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer.
Wait... Where was this mentioned?
Quote from: joshofspam on July 09, 2012, 12:14:25 PMWellllllllll...if her response is any indication, I wonder if she even remembers Abel?
Still to have Nite be "Rock him socked him" by Abel like that makes the the whole thing at the end with Genesis totally hilarious.
Maybe she just doesn't recognize him yet because his face is obscured by giant-wing-punch? Unless maybe the alcohol managed to blur up her memory enough for her not to remember him.
Speaking of Gen, I wonder what that necklace/pendant she's holding is for?
And yeah, Abel seems to like punching Nite (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_706.php). :mowsmile Poor guy.
It's starting to look like Skirmish can't (or at least doesn't) speak English (or whatever the Furrae name for it is). At first (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_711.php) I thought she was just using, um... not sure what it's called, but basically intentionally using sound(effect)s to convey a thought instead of words. Now it's starting to look like that's basically her amazon language. Even in the way-old archives we only see a growl from her (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_052.php).
Hmm... Come to look again, is it just me, or does Abel look a little worried? Maybe because of the trouble he's had with these guys before?
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 09, 2012, 07:55:30 PM
Their mention of cutting and the fact the dead cubi was found headless means they may have gone from inept but well intentioned adventures to murders with disillusions of righteousness.
Or possibly something else has happened in the area that have lead them to the closest potential problem in the area.
We've probably got to remember that in some cases, Creature's are still doing things that make the Beings harsh reactions almost seem necesarry. Regina being a prime example of that. Not to mention the bad propaganda that the Dragons spread around during the war.
Edit: I do kind of wonder about Skirmish's ability to talk too, Infranscia. Though she does seem to understand it to a certain extent at least.
Why is it, when reading this comic, I get some of the music from the 1960s Spider Man cartoon in my head? Now there was the master of the off-screen sucker-punch!
Well Amber has done it again, she has sprung an excellent surprise on all of us. Anyway go Abel you are able!
*recalls what Mab said in her little box-of-sayings from the last guest comic*
I think something bad is gonna happen to Abel now :<
You'd think Nite would start wearing some kind of face guard... he must love those nosebleeds. I'm rather impressed with Abel's fist of fury there. How hilarious to see Genesis proclaiming she "found one" when she spent an whole evening at the Inn around Abel and never had a clue. Though a little lot of alcohol can mess up one's perception.
Quote from: DoctorSolarWings on July 09, 2012, 11:02:51 PM
*recalls what Mab said in her little box-of-sayings from the last guest comic*
I think something bad is gonna happen to Abel now :<
You mean the little box-of-sayings in which Mab said she would not blame Abel for wanting to take out a restraining order against her considering what is going to happen to him? :P
And even if Abel comes out of this fight without too many injuries, I somehow think more bad things are going to happen. I mean, for a comic arc named "And Then Everything Went Wrong" four bigoted Cubi murdering adventurers seems a little anticlimactic for Mab...
I have to admit I'm worried about Abel- my favorite character- since we do know two of Mab's friends are supposed to die...
But there is a Wildy just one room away who is bound to be coming after Abel to see what that was all about... and a techno-kangaroo rat who might have a trick to pull out when he sees a guy he likes in potential mortal danger.
Then again, the blunt object brigade have been murdering cubi left and right... that speaks to their skill.
This fight could go either way.
*chews on his nails*
the introduction of 'law' to this discussion caught me off guard- but really what have we seen of a normal everyday legal system in place? has anyone present been called to jury duty? have we seen much in the way of police officers?
my statement- for all points and purposes, in a world where a random demonic zebra can just eat your pizza delivery man and nobody seems to care, the ragtag band of adventurers IS the basic unit of law enforcement
Quote from: Infranscia on July 09, 2012, 08:03:46 PM
On the bit about Abel being able to fight, I'm pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere that he took at least one fight class. As has also been mentioned, he has at least been taught some stuff by Destania.
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 10:16:40 AMEDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer.
Wait... Where was this mentioned?
http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_667.php Slight bit there.
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 01:16:48 AMQuote from: Infranscia on July 09, 2012, 08:03:46 PMQuote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 10:16:40 AMEDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer.
Wait... Where was this mentioned?
http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_667.php Slight bit there.
Huh... I must have looked right over that tidbit or something...
Still, theres a difference between a resistance and an immunity. While Gen's attacks may not be as effective as they otherwise will be, I think they would still do something to Abel, even if maybe not much.
Quote from: Brunhidden on July 10, 2012, 01:09:38 AMmy statement- for all points and purposes, in a world where a random demonic zebra can just eat your pizza delivery man and nobody seems to care, the ragtag band of adventurers IS the basic unit of law enforcement
Pretty much: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_287.php
Considering what has been said about Abel NOT liking what's going to happen to him, I'm pretty sure that Abel's going to get hurt soon. Which means that it will be the perfect time for Alexsi to wake up and Wildy to arrive.
*EDIT* Oh my. It just occurred to me that there's another, unconsidered possibility for others to show up and help Abel after Wildy arrives.
Lorenda and Kria could show up too.God help the Blunt Object Brigade if Kria shows up. The only thing worse would be Jyrras calling his Mother in against them.
*End EDIT*Speaking of Wildy and Alexsi again...
Quote from: Turnsky on July 09, 2012, 11:32:53 AM
y'know as soon as wildy pops up there'll be hell to pay.
or when Alexsi wakes up... :erk
I'd mention that Jyrras PROBABLY has some tricks up his sleeve, but I think Wildy and Alexsi are probably going to unleash at least eleven barrels of hell on the Blunt Object Brigade when they arrive/wake up.
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 09, 2012, 07:55:30 PM
Their mention of cutting and the fact the dead cubi was found headless means they may have gone from inept but well intentioned adventures to murders with disillusions of righteousness.
Not even that. If they're the ones who killed the incubus (and their
modus operandi appears to be the same AFAICT), they not only bereaved some kid but they left his father's headless body
for the kid to find. They waited until the kid and his mother were away so they knew full well what they were doing, and that makes them pretty sick puppies(*). All that and they snuck away afterwards.
Someone with delusions of righteousness, who believed that that they were doing the world a service by eliminating 'Cubi, would more likely have disappeared the victim, particularly if there was a kid involved. They would probably have tried to soften the blow for the bereaved, maybe a letter with the reasons for what they did. And they would have wanted to claim credit for the killing.
(*)Regarding the fact that Beings would be judged by Beings, I still don't see scarring some kid for life going down well for them. Also Alexsi is a Being and what they're doing here is attempted murder at the very least.
I'm just waiting for Abel to start clapping. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 10, 2012, 05:15:44 AM
I'm just waiting for Abel to start clapping. ;-]
whaaa? I dont get it, care to explain?
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on July 09, 2012, 09:37:36 AM
I believe someone in the thread for the previous comic suggested these guys were the culprits. Kudos!
I'll be taking those, thank you very much :3 Though I mostly just hinted they were involved with getting Alexsi targeted, not necessarily being the ones doing it.
Judging his expression Abel knows he is in a tight spot here. Hopefully he manages to hold them off long enough for Mab and Pyroducky to come back again as either one of them probably has enough firepower to overcome the group. Wildy could be good back up too, if she can fight at experienced adventure level without her staff at least. Jyrras... well every group needs a mascot to protect, right?
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 10, 2012, 04:20:41 AM
Not even that. If they're the ones who killed the incubus (and their modus operandi appears to be the same AFAICT), they not only bereaved some kid but they left his father's headless body for the kid to find. They waited until the kid and his mother were away so they knew full well what they were doing, and that makes them pretty sick puppies(*). All that and they snuck away afterwards.
Someone with delusions of righteousness, who believed that that they were doing the world a service by eliminating 'Cubi, would more likely have disappeared the victim, particularly if there was a kid involved. They would probably have tried to soften the blow for the bereaved, maybe a letter with the reasons for what they did. And they would have wanted to claim credit for the killing.
Well thats if they don't have any prejudices against Beings who are related to Cubi, or might end up becoming Cubi themselves in the case of the kid.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 10, 2012, 04:20:41 AM
(*)Regarding the fact that Beings would be judged by Beings, I still don't see scarring some kid for life going down well for them. Also Alexsi is a Being and what they're doing here is attempted murder at the very least.
Well they technically have not harmed her as of yet. Still the legal system in Furrae is very different to our worlds, so an attempted murder charge may stick. Where is Moira when you need to ask a legal question?
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 05:39:19 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 10, 2012, 05:15:44 AM
I'm just waiting for Abel to start clapping. ;-]
whaaa? I dont get it, care to explain?
*sigh* You see how he has his wings transformed into huge "hands"? Now consider what happens if he claps those "hands" together. With someone else between them.
Think carefully, now. Don't strain yourself.
Okay, so it was just the lighting. So sue me.
...but wouldn't they want to be a little more careful about chopping off the head of Dan's sister? Even if she had been replaced by a Cubi, that'd be a fun little reunion.
From the impression I get of adventurers, my guess would be Being authorities' attitude toward the murder of Creatures is even more lenient than Creatures' toward the murder of Beings. After all, Creatures know that they're killing Beings pretty much for the hell of it, whereas Beings know that if the Creatures they're killing don't kill beings for fun themselves, they tolerate those who do: after all, even Lorenda has a double-digit bodycount of petty annoyances, who had loved ones and lives that she comically brutally ended, and she's the nicest of the demons we know by far. No one at SAIA seems too concerned about what Destania and Aaryana get up to, however many would rather keep their own hands clean of it, and some of their classes seem to be geared toward running like they do. "Furrae's a tough world." Even beheading an incubus in front of his son probably isn't going to get the Being authorities in a huff.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 10, 2012, 07:48:44 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 05:39:19 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 10, 2012, 05:15:44 AM
I'm just waiting for Abel to start clapping. ;-]
whaaa? I dont get it, care to explain?
*sigh* You see how he has his wings transformed into huge "hands"? Now consider what happens if he claps those "hands" together. With someone else between them.
Think carefully, now. Don't strain yourself.
meh, that is an ineffective way of fighting considering they can easily duck, I understood that you wanted abel to clap but I didnt see the combat point in it. Also the insult was not neccesary.
I think Abel has this at least long enough for reinforcements to show up. He's under control enough to go for punching nothing blood producing immediately and he hit the guy hard enough to de-shoe him. His next swing seems like he's just trying to fend them off. He looses a wide hay-maker and what happens the melee guy backs off. Abel backs up even as the other guy does giving himself space(hello magical sucker-punch). Wildy as said by those before me is probably heading up the stairs or already about to jump in. I seem to recall Wildy scaring her brother who wooped Dan when he didn't think Dan was a woman, so she must be pretty capable. More so now with the shamanism. Mab seems a little too attentive to ignore the inn where the party is going on. I just don't see her ignoring the place when she seems to be taking Pyro away as much for Abel's sake as to have a traveling companion. I see rapid arrival of upset Fae and angry dragon boyfriend. Maybe I'm wrong but in general Abel seems to be getting them away from Alexsi as much as he's attacking. Hit and back away when all attention in on him. Take out the squishy caster he doesn't know anything about first(aside from he's easy to sucker-punch), leave the "dumb blonde" get out of melee with the big guy. Plus backing up takes him towards the stairs where they have to funnel and approach him one at a time so if they lead with the melee that's a big ally in the way of ranged attacks(archer) and Abel's magic resistance is strong enough that Merlitz couldn't even avoid being restrained non-lethally and he later says he doubts Merlitz could do anything that could phase him. Best part is if he goes up the stairs and they chase fast enough instead of getting angry ferret attack from a direction they're facing they get something even better, angry ferret surprise. All in all Abel is probably not coming out of this unscathed, the amazon is already rushing forward so if he doesn't go with magical sucker-punch I think he's going to get poked. Before I finish rambling Hariman has a bit of a point. Birthday party for Abel that Jyrras seems to have had a part in setting up which means Lorenda may show up and if she name dropped Abel's party at any point at home her mother may remember it and decide to come say hello. Those poor unfortunate souls.
Quote from: Roknam on July 10, 2012, 11:29:05 AM
*SNIP* Those poor unfortunate souls.
Indeed! I forgot that Mab and Pyroduck had just left too. An angry Mab is almost as bad as Kria and Lorenda showing up. In fact, an angry Mab might be worse!
Also, on an non comic note: Paragraphs man! Press the Enter button from time to time!
I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I only skimmed half of your post because it's a "Wall o' text."
So, they can do more physical attacking with those wings, than just using their tentacles for slicing and dicing.
You know, something seems different about the types of adventures shown thus far?
It seems like the group here http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1302.php operates on a more controlled CSI manner and seems to focus within civilized being area's.
Then you have this group here http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1322.php that seems more chaotic and less of looking at the facts and letting the axes, arrows and swords fly. But then even after that, they let Alexsi live and said it wasn't a crime and went back to make their report.
I'm guessing that there's a bit more organization with the adventurers then just a simple group getting together at random and smiting a random monster. Schools, investigation units, outer patrol units, their definitely seems to be more. Maybe in a bit they might even be glad the blunt object brigade showed up. >:3
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 10, 2012, 08:24:37 AM
From the impression I get of adventurers, my guess would be Being authorities' attitude toward the murder of Creatures is even more lenient than Creatures' toward the murder of Beings.
Actually, there is another factor which may make the legal system irrelevant... and that's what will happen to these guys if it turns out they're also responsible for killing that Piflak member.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 10, 2012, 01:57:56 PM
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 10, 2012, 08:24:37 AM
From the impression I get of adventurers, my guess would be Being authorities' attitude toward the murder of Creatures is even more lenient than Creatures' toward the murder of Beings.
Actually, there is another factor which may make the legal system irrelevant... and that's what will happen to these guys if it turns out they're also responsible for killing that Piflak member.
Hahaha. I foresee a whole buffet table of desserts in the future. Cakes and puddings and crepes, and maybe some jello since the hooves are conveniently available as well.
The B.O.B walked into a tavern and attacked the owner, and now the bouncer is attempting to use non-lethal force against them. So far, it's just barely possible that the whole event could still be called a "misunderstanding" with everyone walking away intact. Wildy would be so very disappointed.
I guess all things considered, having Dan and Abel pose as Alexsi and Merlitz is coming back to haunt Abel.
Not that Aary gloating and flaunting how great cubi are really helped in that manner.
Quote from: Infranscia on July 10, 2012, 01:56:13 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 01:16:48 AMQuote from: Infranscia on July 09, 2012, 08:03:46 PMQuote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 10:16:40 AMEDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer.
Wait... Where was this mentioned?
http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_667.php Slight bit there.
Huh... I must have looked right over that tidbit or something...
Still, theres a difference between a resistance and an immunity. While Gen's attacks may not be as effective as they otherwise will be, I think they would still do something to Abel, even if maybe not much.
Well there was that time where.... "CUBI DON'T OVER-REACT! *baths in fire*" http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_538.php
Quote from: Kuzma Volkov on July 11, 2012, 02:59:53 AM
Quote from: Infranscia on July 10, 2012, 01:56:13 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 01:16:48 AMQuote from: Infranscia on July 09, 2012, 08:03:46 PMQuote from: Ignuus66 on July 09, 2012, 10:16:40 AMEDIT: Oh and it's actually 2v1 considering Abel is immune to elements (was mentioned earlyer.
Wait... Where was this mentioned?
http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_667.php Slight bit there.
Huh... I must have looked right over that tidbit or something...
Still, theres a difference between a resistance and an immunity. While Gen's attacks may not be as effective as they otherwise will be, I think they would still do something to Abel, even if maybe not much.
Well there was that time where.... "CUBI DON'T OVER-REACT! *baths in fire*" http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_538.php
yeah, I'm guessing that he felt the fire as a tingling, Highly resistant meaning he can't make the spell completely null like a were, but he barely feels it, and if he does it does not "hurt".
Huh. So we've got a headless incubus and an actress essentially scalped, both apparently innocent... Light Aliph here is going to "cut" Alexsi, but doesn't say where... I think either way, though, it's safe to say that if they were willing to kill an old friend on the spot, Dan's old adventuring party are past the point of no return, even if they're behind neither. Although it's possible they or someone else were behind both, if the incubus' mark was on his head - and it's possible that they (or whoever killed him) only left the kids alive because they'd "somehow" come under the misapprehension that it's possible for an incubus' children to be Beings...
Although... I just had an awful thought. Do we know it wasn't Azlan who killed Mink's mother?
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 11, 2012, 07:54:44 AM
Huh. So we've got a headless incubus and an actress essentially scalped, both apparently innocent... Light Aliph here is going to "cut" Alexsi, but doesn't say where... I think either way, though, it's safe to say that if they were willing to kill an old friend on the spot, Dan's old adventuring party are past the point of no return, even if they're behind neither. Although it's possible they or someone else were behind both, if the incubus' mark was on his head - and it's possible that they (or whoever killed him) only left the kids alive because they'd "somehow" come under the misapprehension that it's possible for an incubus' children to be Beings...
Although... I just had an awful thought. Do we know it wasn't Azlan who killed Mink's mother?
to be clear, it's merlitzes old adventuring group, Dan usually went alone or formed a 1 adventure party, and not one that went together on every adventure. The Actress incubus is probably not the victim of the Blunt object brigade. Mink's mother also died AGES ago (we know for certain it was more than 400 years ago) And we know very little about it. (it's also a very minor part, probably included by Amber to show furrae as it really is)
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 10, 2012, 09:41:51 AM
meh, that is an ineffective way of fighting considering they can easily duck, I understood that you wanted abel to clap but I didnt see the combat point in it. Also the insult was not neccesary.
It's a little difficult to duck a clap that reaches from your head down to your knees.
Also, even if you miss, there's going to be a heck of a sound wall coming from it, and something of a breeze as well, so anything right next to it is likely to be blown over.
Given Abel's blood phobia, something like that is going to incapacitate without causing massive blood loss - perhaps a bleeding nose at most. So, combat point is to stun without mess.
again, i couldn't resist. :3
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 08:16:50 AMMink's mother also died AGES ago (we know for certain it was more than 400 years ago)
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 11, 2012, 09:59:03 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 08:16:50 AMMink's mother also died AGES ago (we know for certain it was more than 400 years ago)
Hence Azlan.
Who IS azlan? I dont remember any person called azlan.
for a moment i thought you were talking about aniz, what with the 400 year comment. although its a shame a once frequently supporting character just falls off the map enough a reader who reads enough to comment on the forum wouldn't remember him.
possibility azlan comes back looking like a centerfold out of a mens fitness magazine and just dominates the landscape?
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:32:28 AM
Who IS azlan? I dont remember any person called azlan.
This guy: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php)
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 11, 2012, 11:49:59 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:32:28 AM
Who IS azlan? I dont remember any person called azlan.
This guy: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php)
OH right, completely forgot about him. AS for the killing part, I see no reason why that would be the case, as there were probably thousands if not tens of thousands of adventurers who would do that. Also azlan probably started adventureing lately and probably would have known if he was killing an innocent or not.
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:53:04 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 11, 2012, 11:49:59 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:32:28 AM
Who IS azlan? I dont remember any person called azlan.
This guy: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php)
OH right, completely forgot about him. AS for the killing part, I see no reason why that would be the case, as there were probably thousands if not tens of thousands of adventurers who would do that. Also azlan probably started adventureing lately and probably would have known if he was killing an innocent or not.
Also I got the feeling it was a being who killed Mink's mother, and since Azlan is a fae, it seems pretty doubtful he'd kill another creature on sight just for recognizing them as such.
Also also he was friends with Dan, who was obviously a creature, so I don't think he holds that kind of prejudice.
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:53:04 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 11, 2012, 11:49:59 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 11:32:28 AM
Who IS azlan? I dont remember any person called azlan.
This guy: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_496.php)
OH right, completely forgot about him.
You need to be more
au fae with him.
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 11, 2012, 07:54:44 AM
Huh. So we've got a headless incubus and an actress essentially scalped, both apparently innocent...
That's actually a fairly interesting point in this.
One method seems to be a token calling card of when a certain dragon makes the kill. The headless cubi could be seen as taking the head as a trophy or a claim for an award. Then this seems a little more chaotic and the group seems a little more sloppy then what was hinted of the groups responsible of the killings. Not to mention Merlitz old gang mentioned they were busy reconfirming their sources before coming here.
If there is a relation to the three killings, it doesn't quiet appear to be with the assailants.
if it's conspiracy time... :mwaha
Remember that the BoB originally did not kill alexsi (dan) outright because they stated that being a cubi is not a crime. What if the original group that killed the other cubi and more decided to spread a rumor that there was a evil cubi in the lost lake, and then when this group heard about it, they hired them to kill him/her and bring back his/her head.
Quote from: joshofspam on July 11, 2012, 03:16:52 PM
One method seems to be a token calling card of when a certain dragon makes the kill. The headless cubi could be seen as taking the head as a trophy or a claim for an award. Then this seems a little more chaotic and the group seems a little more sloppy then what was hinted of the groups responsible of the killings.
If there is a relation to the three killings, it doesn't quiet appear to be with the assailants.
I'm not convinced. I'm open to the possibility that that Talliopa really was a dragon killing and the incubus was a coincidence (or inspired by Talliopa). But I would be rather surprised if these guys
didn't also do the incubus because their mode of operation seems to be the same from what we know.
Remember, the incubus was a successful operation - Alexsi was not, firstly because she didn't have wings (causing them to hesitate and bicker) and secondly because they've just been interrupted in the middle of it.
From what we've seen of their Alexsi attack, it looks a lot like sneak in, stun the guy, behead them before they can recover, then leave. That seems to match the incubus killing from what we know - the Talliopa killing we don't have enough details on to make a judgement call.
It's fun to ponder on what would have happened if they had actually brutally killed someone and then realised, oh crap, that wasn't a 'Cubi.
QuoteNot to mention Merlitz old gang mentioned they were busy reconfirming their sources before coming here.
There was enough time since then for the murder to be discovered/reported, Wildy to get called up, survey the scene, and then go home and arrive at Lost Lake in time for Abel's birthday. These guys didn't seem terribly thorough when arguing over Alexsi's head, so that could well have given them enough time to recheck.
While I think it's perfectly possible Bob was behind all the murders, somehow I doubt, they don't seem to be evil, maybe dis-illusioned.
Anyone else think that Jyrras is going to pull out a Luger or a 1911?
(I use those two as examples since the only gun we see that Jyrras made is a WWI-era Maxim gun and maybe he's still in WWI-era with weapons development.)
Quote from: Eboreg on July 11, 2012, 07:53:28 PM
Anyone else think that Jyrras is going to pull out a Luger or a 1911?
If he did, he'd probably have to fire it. You can't intimidate someone by pointing a gun at them if they don't know what it is...
Quote from: Eboreg on July 11, 2012, 07:53:28 PMAnyone else think that Jyrras is going to pull out a Luger or a 1911?
(I use those two as examples since the only gun we see that Jyrras made is a WWI-era Maxim gun and maybe he's still in WWI-era with weapons development.)
Really? (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_368.php)
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 11, 2012, 05:42:01 PM
While I think it's perfectly possible Bob was behind all the murders, somehow I doubt, they don't seem to be evil, maybe dis-illusioned.
I'm inclined to agree... Though I'm having difficulty justifying their actions, I don't think that they would kill that incubus in cold blood with nary a crime on his head--or hide the fact that they had done it. Unless they were worried about retribution from his clan, I don't think they're the sort that would keep something like that under wraps.
Quote from: lycaonpictus77 on July 12, 2012, 03:41:52 AM
Though I'm having difficulty justifying their actions, I don't think that they would kill that incubus in cold blood with nary a crime on his head--or hide the fact that they had done it. Unless they were worried about retribution from his clan, I don't think they're the sort that would keep something like that under wraps.
Quite. It looks like the guy was a farmer. Leaving aside the way they left the corpse for the kids to see, the fact that other adventurers are now hunting them for their crimes seems a pretty clear indicator that they've crossed the line.
"Doing good deeds throughout the land" seems to have gone by the wayside...
Remember that the group who did the murders could be using these as decoys to make everyone they are the murderers. Think about it, this group did not try to kill dan originally, they were probably told that a cubi here has gone bad, and instantly assumed that Alexsi (who they thought the cubi was) was the evil cubi.
Quote from: Eboreg on July 11, 2012, 07:53:28 PM
Anyone else think that Jyrras is going to pull out a Luger or a 1911?
(I use those two as examples since the only gun we see that Jyrras made is a WWI-era Maxim gun and maybe he's still in WWI-era with weapons development.)
I just realized... It's chapter 30 :gun1
Yep, I think this chapter is where we see Jyrras whip out his nonmagical gun and Wildy in magic-resistant human form.
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 12, 2012, 07:43:20 AM
Yep, I think this chapter is where we see Jyrras whip out his nonmagical gun and Wildy in magic-resistant human form.
I still don't think wildy is a were, due to the fact that she may be a shaman but she does not seem inclined to use magic at all.
@tapewolf: That's why he would fire three warning shots across the bow
@AmigaDragon: That thing looks like a pillbox that didn't get the "stealth is key" memo. I will, however, concede the (new) gryphon mech.
No I am pretty sure that looks like a Mining laser (it actually does :P )
Quote from: Ignuus66 on July 12, 2012, 08:23:43 AM
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 12, 2012, 07:43:20 AM
Yep, I think this chapter is where we see Jyrras whip out his nonmagical gun and Wildy in magic-resistant human form.
I still don't think wildy is a were, due to the fact that she may be a shaman but she does not seem inclined to use magic at all.
Really? (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1167.php)
I've been wondering... is it technically still a sucker punch if he didn't even know Abel was there? :mowwink
Quote from: Lying Foo on July 12, 2012, 07:43:20 AM
Yep, I think this chapter is where we see Jyrras whip out his nonmagical gun and Wildy in magic-resistant human form.
im guessing if enough people keep up the 'wildy the were' theory it has to be.... just a random fan theory
Quote from: AmigaDragon on July 12, 2012, 10:24:56 AM
I've been wondering... is it technically still a sucker punch if he didn't even know Abel was there? :mowwink
he did for the slpit second before it landed (ultimate oh shi- moment?)
Well my first assumptions about what who did it are wrong and I don't think I've ever actually enjoyed being wrong when I saw this!
edit: Also am I the only one who did note that the date on this topic is off o,o
Well that's one nightmare avoided and now we go into a period of absolute night terror.
Quote from: Silveratus on July 12, 2012, 07:32:48 PM
edit: Also am I the only one who did note that the date on this topic is off o,o
I dunno, looking at it in dd/mm/yyyy it appears to be correct.
Quote from: Mao on July 12, 2012, 10:40:08 PM
Quote from: Silveratus on July 12, 2012, 07:32:48 PM
edit: Also am I the only one who did note that the date on this topic is off o,o
I dunno, looking at it in dd/mm/yyyy it appears to be correct.
Ah right I forget that it's dd/mm/yyyy so use to the mm/dd/yyyy
Quote from: Mao on July 12, 2012, 10:40:08 PM
Quote from: Silveratus on July 12, 2012, 07:32:48 PM
edit: Also am I the only one who did note that the date on this topic is off o,o
I dunno, looking at it in dd/mm/yyyy it appears to be correct.
which makes more sense if you ask me. :B
I just followed the date format from the previous thread.
Month-Day-Year is the date system is north America and Belize.
Day-Mouth-Year is the date system in India, Latin America, Asia (Central, SE, West), most of Europe , North Africa, Australia , Iceland, new Zealand and some others.
In Canada in is actually Year-Month-Day, but not for everything.
But mostly it is about the date system of whoever started the topic.
Wikipedia article for the curious (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country)
How about we just settle on the simplified Julian dating system used on MRE packs? Today would be 2195.
Next time somebody starts a fight in the Lost Lake Inn, Abel should maybe start throwing cream-pies instead of punches.
Adventurers aren't used to dealing with pies, and Abel likes confusion.
Quote from: Turnsky on July 13, 2012, 12:22:55 AM
Quote from: Mao on July 12, 2012, 10:40:08 PM
Quote from: Silveratus on July 12, 2012, 07:32:48 PM
edit: Also am I the only one who did note that the date on this topic is off o,o
I dunno, looking at it in dd/mm/yyyy it appears to be correct.
which makes more sense if you ask me. :B
Or YYYYMMDD if you want the computer's sort to keep it in order (filenames).
when a discussion about dragon attacks, cubi slapfights, and the possibility of an epic shirtless battle runs out of steam enough that timestamps take predominance.... i think it says much for the audience ability to not wander off or drool on themselves