The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Aisha deCabre on January 06, 2012, 12:49:52 PM

Title: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 06, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
The Flame of Freedom is the most exclusive travel option in Furrae. A mammoth dirigible boasting a gondola with 4 decks and the capacity to transport over a hundred passengers and crew in luxury comfort, soaring across the skies to the wonder of viewers below. Passengers can enjoy the finest champagne as they play exciting games of chance in the Hall of Games, where an internal magic damper ensures that divinations aren't predicting the next spin of the roulette wheel or a rogue 'cubi isn't peeking into minds to see poker hands. While some of the time the crew may seem distracted and aloof, it's only because they're working their hardest to ensure their passengers have the most enjoyable ride of their lives.

Unknown to all but a few, the Flame of Freedom is also the cover for a massive slaving and smuggling operation, the ringleaders secure in their belief that the divination defeating damper prevents snooping and that such a prestigious line won't be investigated very closely. The rich and bored that make up their usual clientele aren't the sort who would go mucking about in the bellows and bowels of the zeppelin, and as there are far more people wishing a ride than the ship can afford to take, it allows the captain some latitude in discouraging over-inquisitive guests.

The trip between the cities of Thenvar and Uelgiya was supposed to be a regular, twelve day aircruise, but when the hydrogen keeping the craft aloft isn't the most volatile thing on board, disaster can strike at any time.......

With that intro out of the way, Flight of Fancy is going to be a fairly open and freeform RP. The setting is general Furrae: general world rules and races.  It is distinct from the DMFA comics, however, so there will not be any cameos of in comic-characters, and references to them is discouraged.

It will be co-GMed by myself, Corgatha Taldorthar, and Mel Dragonkitty. We are allowing multiple characters per player, but all characters must be independent; you must be able to play them separately. If you have side characters who are merely there to support the will of a main character, we will tone you down.

General RP rules apply as always: don't be godmoders, powerplayers, or general jerks to everybody.  This is to be fun for everyone, so please help make it that way, and respect the will of the GM and the limitations imposed on you in-game.

Please pm a character biography to one of the GMs; don't post any in this thread until we've given you the okay. We all have a hand in reviewing a biography, but we are capable of sharing them among ourselves. A character biography should include:


If you have multiple characters, individual biographies must be sent for the each character in order to be accepted. At the start of the RP, a character will most likely be a passenger on the ship, an ancillary function in the ship's crew, or a slave awaiting transport. A character "in on the secret" will not be allowed; if you're part of the crew, you are ignorant to the existence of the slaves. As the RP develops further, additional possibilities will be opened for character entry.

We are not currently imposing a player limit, although we reserve the right to do so.  Any questions toward anything else can be asked here or in PMs to us.

Shall you come aboard?

Some basic demographic info here written by Corgatha (,8764.msg359630.html#msg359630)
Short description of the ship's insides (,8764.msg359920.html#msg359920)

Approved character sheets:

Boogeyman (,8764.msg358971.html#msg358971)
Basilisk (,8764.msg358979.html#msg358979)
Inumo (,8764.msg358995.html#msg358995)
SquirrelWizard (,8764.msg358984.html#msg358984)
Aisha deCabre (,8764.msg358996.html#msg358996)
Black_Angel (,8764.msg359002.html#msg359002)
justacritic (,8764.msg359072.html#msg359072)
Kafzeil (,8764.msg359059.html#msg359059)
Tapewolf (,8764.msg359063.html#msg359063)
Paladin Sheppard (,8764.msg359064.html#msg359064)
VAE (,8764.msg359067.html#msg359067)
Tipod (,8764.msg359111.html#msg359111)
Mel Dragonkitty (,8764.msg359199.html#msg359199)
Sunblink (,8764.msg359243.html#msg359243)
Tezkat (,8764.msg359409.html#msg359409)
Kirrin_Shadowclaw (,8764.msg371903.html#msg371903)
James StarRunner (,8764.msg371964.html#msg371964)
Shax (,8764.msg372477.html#msg372477)
FelixGrey_Incubi (,8764.msg373208.html#msg373208)
techmaster-glitch (,8764.msg374404.html#msg374404)
Yugo (,8764.msg376587.html#msg376587)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 06, 2012, 03:15:10 PM
Hmm. I must admit, I am intrigued. Though, it's a little vague what exactly the genre/style of this RP will be, what will the focus be, what will the players be doing. I do kinda get the feeling you want to keep those details close to the chest for now, but it does make it a little difficult to figure out what kind of characters should be brought in, if we don't know if this is going to be an action RP, a mystery RP, what have you.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Gabi on January 06, 2012, 03:29:10 PM
I was invited to play Gabi despite my tendency to drop out of RPs when I get too busy. However, I'm not sure what she could be doing on the ship. She's a healer/occasional adventurer who doesn't usually travel alone and cruises don't really appeal to her. Unless the cruise needed a healer and they hired her, I suppose.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Angel on January 06, 2012, 04:54:02 PM
I WANT IN. Been SO LONG since a roleplay has caught my interest, much less invited me into it. :3 Got a good character to use too, just gotta rework his bio so it fits in the DMFA universe.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 06, 2012, 05:54:42 PM
I'd be interested, when do you want us to send you the bios?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Kafzeil on January 06, 2012, 07:03:34 PM
Count me in, I have a pair of characters I'd love to take for a test drive myself.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on January 06, 2012, 07:05:09 PM
I'm in but you knew that :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Lisky on January 06, 2012, 07:18:48 PM
I'll send in a pair of char-sheets as soon as i finish this OSaS post... which should be up in a few hours :B 
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: justacritic on January 06, 2012, 08:27:15 PM
I would like to join if you please
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 08:54:01 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on January 06, 2012, 03:15:10 PM
Hmm. I must admit, I am intrigued. Though, it's a little vague what exactly the genre/style of this RP will be, what will the focus be, what will the players be doing. I do kinda get the feeling you want to keep those details close to the chest for now, but it does make it a little difficult to figure out what kind of characters should be brought in, if we don't know if this is going to be an action RP, a mystery RP, what have you.

It's going to be a fairly lighthearted action/adventure RP, with a few darker undercurrents. As for what the focus will be, I can't say much without giving spoilers, but you'll be spending a decent amount of time not doing much more than trying to stay alive.

Quote from: Gabi on January 06, 2012, 03:29:10 PM
I was invited to play Gabi despite my tendency to drop out of RPs when I get too busy. However, I'm not sure what she could be doing on the ship. She's a healer/occasional adventurer who doesn't usually travel alone and cruises don't really appeal to her. Unless the cruise needed a healer and they hired her, I suppose.

I don't mean to write your character bio for you, but something where the ship needed a temporary doctor and hired Gabi on for the cost of a trip could easily be arranged and plausible. Maybe an otherwise unimportant NPC character with a medical condition or the like.

Quote from: SquirrelWizard on January 06, 2012, 05:54:42 PM
I'd be interested, when do you want us to send you the bios?

We were tentatively planning on starting in a week, so enough time for the three of us to review them before then.

Quote from: justacritic on January 06, 2012, 08:27:15 PM
I would like to join if you please

Come on in, we'd love the players :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: justacritic on January 06, 2012, 09:40:55 PM
Oops sent you my char bios Corgatha Taldorthar but I didn't put a title to the PM, sorry  :erk
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 10:33:14 PM
Quote from: justacritic on January 06, 2012, 09:40:55 PM
Oops sent you my char bios Corgatha Taldorthar but I didn't put a title to the PM, sorry  :erk

It's fine, it's fine. Replied.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 07, 2012, 12:50:41 AM
Quote from: Gabi on January 06, 2012, 03:29:10 PM
I was invited to play Gabi despite my tendency to drop out of RPs when I get too busy. However, I'm not sure what she could be doing on the ship. She's a healer/occasional adventurer who doesn't usually travel alone and cruises don't really appeal to her. Unless the cruise needed a healer and they hired her, I suppose.

If you want, Gab, another possibility along with Corg's idea is that Gabi may have just won the cruise in a contest or given as an award or some such. x3  It is a luxury thing after all, so if it doesn't seem that one's character wouldn't seem to have a reason to be on a posh cruise, that's one option.  It's encouraged to be creative, really, and I know we can all do that. :3

Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on January 06, 2012, 07:05:09 PM
I'm in but you knew that :3

Just remember to send the bios, Pal. :3

Ah; Boog, you're accepted, so you may post your bio up here at any time for reference's sake.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Boog on January 07, 2012, 08:19:17 AM
Name- Jeremiah Ac'Gregor
Race- Being
Age- Late twenties, early thirties or so
Species- Poisonous tree frog
Mr. Ac'Gregor used to be an art teacher. Reasonably well-liked at the school he worked at, widely regarded as eccentric in mostly harmless, teacherly ways. In case one can't tell, due to the laws of narrative, something HORRIBLE happened to him. A demon girl came to school with something to prove and destructive spells in each hand and went on a rampage. There were over 30 casualties. and five survivors still went through the rest of their lives afflicted by terrible curses, further instance of the girl experimenting with the arcane power she'd stumbled upon.
Jeremiah is REASONABLY certain that he makes the sixth. Whatever he has the doctors who evacuated him didn't catch it, couldn't dispel it, but since then he's come slightly... Unhinged. Six voices speak into his head. Nex. Bal. Plic. In. Cab. And some constantly laughing thing. At times he would blank out, wake up in strange parts of town or different cities altogether. These voices were after something, but didn't appear to be all on the same page. He could play them off each other, let them prevent one another from gaining too much power...
Jeremiah still comes off as generally harmless and charming. While his transports necessitate a generally mobile lifestyle, he tries to play his habits off as those of a vagabond rather than a vagrant. With only his wits and a small degree of illusion magic to get him through trouble, plus the occassional intervention by aforementioned voices, he's searching for a cure to his conditions... If one exists.
Presently, he's employed as a dealer aboard the Flame of Freedom. Good money, room and board, easy travel, and a good place to meet persons of high arcane connections. Assuming his condition is arcane at all.
Presently, Jeremiah carries on his person:
-one lighter
-a small sketchbook and drawing supplies
-a novel recommended to him by a friend
-one blackjack (a small, concealable club), ostensibly to deal with sore losers at the card table (the establishment's policy, not his. He's generally too cowardly to use it)
-Three knives, that he does not know have been sewn into the lining of his favorite jacket. The voices move in mysterious ways.
-One poor quality cell phone
-A pack of gum

The aforementioned voices could also count as a "possession" albeit in more of a bad pun sort of way; on occassion they will take control of Jeremiah to pursue their own goals, usually counter to his own. The personalities are as follows.

In- Grossly stupid, capable of strength-augmenting magic.
Nex- Cold and self-motivated, capable of shielding magic.
Plic- Childlike and kleptomaniacal, capable of minor telekinesis.
Cab- Manipulative and observant, capable of minor hypnosis.
Bal- Angry and egotistical, highly skilled in close combat, capable of a life-draining, touch based spell. Is the one who sewed aforementioned knives into Jeremiah's coat, and is thus the only one who knows they're there.
"Laughing thing"- Rather than take direct control over Jeremiah, this one usually confuses and disorients him into doing what he wants. Is capable of "warping" Jeremiah and releasing a thick fog wherever he goes when it's acting through him.

The actual interference by these voices is rare, and generally decided by dice roll =D
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 07, 2012, 12:01:25 PM
Question about the dirigible itself: is it entirely a mechanical contraption, just like a real-world one, is it powered and driven by magic and enchantments, or a combination of both?

Also, I'm curious about what their countermeasures are against Gryphon Cs. :.

(I think I'm gonna play an airship mechanic, need to know if he needs some magical skill)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on January 07, 2012, 12:05:56 PM
In answer to questions about what sort of characters we are looking for;  this rp is set in Furrae so we'd prefer to see Demo101 standard races. We also want to keep power levels at or below that of a mid-range angel or demon.

If you still want to submit your tri-wing or half Terminator/half Ringwraith character please be prepared to show us a VERY detailed character sheet. We will step outside our guidelines if you can show us why you won't overwhelm the game. Corg is training to be a lawyer so be prepared for cross-examination.  :erk
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 07, 2012, 12:39:48 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on January 07, 2012, 12:01:25 PM
Question about the dirigible itself: is it entirely a mechanical contraption, just like a real-world one, is it powered and driven by magic and enchantments, or a combination of both?

Also, I'm curious about what their countermeasures are against Gryphon Cs. :.

(I think I'm gonna play an airship mechanic, need to know if he needs some magical skill)

Most of the internal mechanisms and the direction and lift of the craft are purely mechanical. Magic mostly is centered around bridge functions, (especially communication), and a few external things, defenses, escape pods, lightning protection, that kind of thing.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 07, 2012, 12:52:57 PM
Bas: You're approved, go ahead and post your bio. :3

Justacritic: You've probably been PMed about this, but your more powerful 'Cubi character needs to be toned down and limited, like Mel said.  We're not too keen on allowing 'Cubi in with clan leader-level powers and "unknown" ages, whether they're Tri-wings or not; nor should any player character be able to affect the outcome of random events in the RP itself.

Inumo: We'd like a little more detail on your character, like her exact abilities or skill sets, any kind of magic, stuff like that.  We don't mind if you wanted to make her unable to really fight, but we wanna make sure nobody's trying to hide any big revealing surprises or whatever. x3

Also, anyone who is interested in joining, if you could, please say you wish to join in this thread before sending us a bio.  It's a little easier to keep track that way.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Lisky on January 07, 2012, 01:25:47 PM
Name: Baseel Wolkshammer
Race: Demon
Age: 427
Species: German Shepherd
Height: 6'4" without horns, 7'4" with
Weight: 230 Lbs
Physical Description: Bas has been around for quite some time, and yet, none of his age comes through in his appearance.  Tall, and thin, yet well muscled, one would find him to be the poster child of the demon race, at least in appearance.  He Looks to be in his mid 20's by being standards.

Across his back, starting at the top of his head, and running all the way down his back is a near jet black fur across his front is a silver tinged with a hint of brown, running across his face, down his throat and down his body, and ending in pure silver extremities.  He has full black patches around his eyes, giving him an almost raccoon mask coloring. His muzzle is also mostly black, with brown around the corners of his mouth, and a silver ring right as his snout begins to broaden.  A black diamond shape sits at the center of his head and goes from between his eyebrows to the crown of his head.  Half the diamond is hidden by Bas's hair.

His cephalic hair is a reddish blond, and is worn in long cables, tied together with silver rings.  In combat, they seem to flail about as if snakes on a Medusa's head.  At the ends of the cables, various religious icons are tied.  If you ask Bas about them, he'll tell you quite bluntly that they're trinkets of the souls of those whom have wronged him to the point of deserving a fate worse than death.

Bas sports a rather impressive pair of horns that sprout just behind his eyes, they curve up and around, facing slightly forward at the tips.

His wings match his fur patterns quite nicely, dark at the top, moving to brown about the shoulders, then silver at center mass down. though the bottom wings are rimmed in black as well.  His wingspan is 18 feet at maximum, and given his musculature, he is capable of flight.

The Wolkshammer family is a bit of mystery, wrapped in a puzzle, encased  in an enigma. What is known is that they're very firm believers in keeping the demon lineage pure, and they also seem to breed some of the most clever and racial stereotype-defying members of the demon families.  Bas fits this mold quite nicely.  He doesn't actively engage in random violence, and doesn't believe wholesale slaughter is the end all be all of amusement of the more powerful.  That isn't to say he isn't brutal when he fights, nor does he avoid combat.  He merely doesn't pray on the innocent, instead his mere presence usually stirs up a couple of adventurers  stupid enough to try and 'slay a horrible creature'.

He's the 3rd son of Duke Leofric Wolkshammer, his 2 older brothers are Chimare and Ragnar, he gets along with the as most young siblings do, they bicker constantly, and yet still love each other.  As the 3rd in line for the dukedom, Bas never had to worry about trying to build family alliances,, and his father was much more relaxed about what the demon got himself into, and who he was interested in, though Leo did 'gently nudge' young Bas towards demonesses.

His placement on the airship was his mother's doing... an attempt to get him to settle down with Aleyna

Possessions: For clothing he usually wears a dark, forest green sleeveless tunic with silver chords for trim as well as silver bands at the shoulders.  He wears matching pants, as well as golden bracelets with runic inscriptions.   Beyond clothing, Baseel brought along his enchanted shield and axe, as well as a number of smaller blades.


Name: Aleyna Kresedia
Race: Demon
Age: 409
Species: Kit Fox
Description: 5'10" with a 15' wingspan

Slender build, with a very well maintained image, Aleyna appears more like a high-class socialite than a demon-warrior.  Her bright orange, cream, red and navy color scheme makes her easy to spot, and her usual choice of clothing tends towards form-fitting and utilitarian.

History: 2nd Daughter of Mikital  and Aleshka Kresedia, Aleyna was raised by her rather classical-thinking demon parents on the ways of might makes right.  She learned to defend herself, how to perform magic, and furthermore learned how to excel at combining the two.  She had a particular knack for fire magic.  She's spent over a century at an arcane university, and has learned well how to use her fire-magic for many a different tricks.  She knows many basic spells, her focus is definitively in the areas of fire-making and manipulation.

She is the daughter of a count and countess, and although they have given her free will, there's an expectation of her "doing the right things" and settling down with another wealthy family's offspring.  She and Baseel had seen each other but never truly settled down.  Their parents paid for them to meet back up on this trip to try and solidify something between the families.

Possessions: Cocktail dresses, party wear, along with her chain-mail armor.  She is carrying several books, along with a small armory, consisting of several spears, a pair of sabers, and a smaller rectangular shield.

Note that while the pair is supposed to be "together" they're 2 very distinct and separate characters who've basically been shoved on this cruise as a "romantic getaway" via their parents
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Inumo on January 07, 2012, 03:21:45 PM
My bad, was planning on posting interest and forgot. Here's me officially announcing my interest, I guess? I'll shoot you a PM with the details you need shortly.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 07, 2012, 03:49:13 PM
Quote from: Inumo on January 07, 2012, 03:21:45 PM
My bad, was planning on posting interest and forgot. Here's me officially announcing my interest, I guess? I'll shoot you a PM with the details you need shortly.

Awesome.  Alright, got the details. :3 If you just add those to her character sheet when you post it, then you're accepted.  Welcome aboard. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 07, 2012, 04:06:39 PM
SquirrelWizard, your character is approved. Post up the bio whenever you have a minute.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 07, 2012, 04:38:51 PM
Name Evan Merrick
Race: Being
Species Squirrel
Age: 21
Height: 6"0'
Weight: 185 lb

When the world is in trouble, and all hope is in danger of succumbing to the darkness of evil. There will be one who will step up. He will be a man unparalleled in all arenas. Men will envy him, women will love him, and his enemies will cower in fear. Through his words and deeds he will bring forth the dawn of a new era of peace and prosperity.

Evan is not this man.

Orphaned at an early age due to unfortunate circumstances, he was taken in by the Merrick Institute for Lost Souls. It was there he grew up among children of many of the other races.

It would be easy and to say that he was a special snowflake and didn't make any friends, but that story would have ended with a dragon stepping on him. Altogether being unsatisfying.

Instead, Evan managed to fit in with with his new brothers and sisters, fighting and playing as siblings are wont to do. Early in his schooling, Evan was tested and found that he had a strong potential for magic. As he began his classes he found himself struggling, much to the confusion of his teachers, with even the most basic spells, that is until he started into transmutation. When it came to turning one thing into another, he was a pure genius.

In other stories, Evan would have been ushered to one side and put into special classes at the behest of a shadowy organization. An organization which would seek to exploit his prowess when he came to age. His new found gift, coupled with the special treatment would cause Evan to become a complete douchebag.

This didn't happen. The paperwork to the shadowy organization got lost in transit.

Having never been adopted, Evan was released from the orphanage upon reaching the age of 18. Alone, and without much in the way of direction. Evan tried to find out who his real parents were, but as his leads dried up he found himself aimlessly wandering.

He found a sword, learned how to use it, found a better sword, lost said sword, had a... strange... run-in with a dragoness, managed to get away using a combination of dumb luck and magic while stealing a pretty decent blade.

Having gained a taste for adventure, Evan began wandering from town to town, taking in the world and doing odd jobs on the side.

Evan woke up one day in a strange room, surrounded by his belongings and with a letter taped to his chest. The letter detailed that he would be boarding the Flame of Freedom using the ticket attached, and he would be contacted on board. When and by who wasn't given, but the letter also went into explicit detail as to what would happen if he didn't make the flight. Given the people had went to the trouble to move him many miles from the place he went to sleep these weren't people you disappointed, at least not without a plan and a good pair of running shoes.

Razor, a short sword ensorcelled with an absurdly keen edge.
A pocket knife.
box of matches
Decent looking clothing.
Tail Grooming kit
bag full of baubles


Evan's strength in magic lies in transmutation spells. These magics allow him to enhance, reduce, alter, or change something. When he changes something its duration depends on two things. First, how much energy he puts into the spell, Second, how related the two forms are. Its easier to turn a rock into a pile of pebbles than it is to turn a coin into a glass. In a few situations, these spells can be made permanent, but Evan loathes to do that, as it takes quite a bit of power to do.

Evan has had to learn how to use his magic offensively, and defensively as well, and can alter another person's body to another form temporarily, typically by turning them into a living statue of an element, or by altering their physical characteristics.

For the most part Evan tries to combine his sword skills with magic, rarely relying on one or the other alone. He'd prefer to avoid fighting if reasonably possible.

Personality: Evan is pretty laid back when it comes to life, he's been quite a few bad scrapes but has become quite adept at turning bad situations to his favor. He doesn't hold any grudges against the creature races, though he isn't stupid about it. Given that any indication of who his parents were has dried up, Evan isn't very optimistic about developing any new insights. He tries to keep his tail as clean and fluffy as possible, claiming that he likes warm and fuzzy things, though it may have to do with something that occurred early in his adventuring career.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Inumo on January 07, 2012, 11:39:58 PM
Name: Xyrtia
Race: Being
Species: Blue Jay
History of Importance: Xyrtia was given the name Jane Wimbly when she was captured and put into the slave trading ring. Coming from a treetop tribe in the northern forests, the planking of the ship is both a friendly feeling and an unwanted reminder of the life stolen from her. Her parents had arranged a pleasant marriage within the tribe to a particularly polite cardinal, but on the day of their wedding, she had been kidnapped to make it seem like she'd gotten cold feet and run off. Now, she likely has been mourned and forgotten, and has no life to return to even if she could escape.
Possessions: Aside from the meager rags and collar denoting various market details given to her upon enslavement, she has a feather from her once-fiancee, given to her on the initiation of their courtship, tucked beneath her breast feathers.
Abilities: Xyrtia knows how to wield a rope dart and machete, both of which being used to hunt in her former tribe. In addition, she has learned some hand-to-hand combat skills from disputes with other slaves. She has no magical ability, however, and is illiterate outside of her tribe's unique language.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 08, 2012, 12:51:01 AM
Probably about time I put up the characters I'll be playing here, just 'cause I wrote 'em up earlier and all. :B


Name: Aisha deCabre, AKA "The Risen"

Race: Being

Age: 24

Species: Panther (black jaguar)

History: Aisha grew up in a land called the Shadowed Depths, a sheltered valley with a village called Soldeluna.  She lost her mother Mara to sickness when she was eight, and her older brother Ayan left to be a soldier when she was ten.  When she was twelve, her village was attacked by demons and burned to the ground, and her adventurer father Luc Cabre killed in the process.  She was found wounded and carried to the Shadowed Depths Monastery of Healing, where she was taught by the headmistress Rynkura Msh'taan to fight.  She began her life as an adventurer some years later and vowed not only to avenge her father's death at the hands of the Be'Laan demon clan, but also to find her older brother.

Aisha is secretive and prefers often to keep her information to herself; she would introduce herself to strangers by her adventurer nickname, "The Risen", until they're better trusted.  She is also stubborn, impatient, and quick to anger, but when one gets to know her, they will see that she also carries a snarky sense of humor and a fairly helpful and optimistic nature.  As a result of her past, she hates demons with a passion.

Aisha is a melanistic jaguar, with deep black fur and faint impressions of rosette spots where one can see them.  She wears her hair in a braid that grows to the middle of her back, and keeps a bunch of strands loose to frame her face.  Her hair is blacker than her fur with gray streaks around her ears.  Her eyes are dark red.  Aisha's default adventuring attire consists of a pair of dark navy pants and matching long-sleeved shirt, a black belt, gray hand-wraps, a tail ring that glows in the presence of dark magic and that also acts as a tracker, and a hooded cape with a collar that enchants the fabric to change colors when in need of camouflage or hiding her creed.  Her official profession in adventuring is a bounty hunter, specializing in stealth and swiftness in a fight, and attacks from long-range.

On the Flight of Freedom, Aisha is a passenger; the trip was paid for with generous help from Mistress Rynkura's funds.  She was pointed to the ship itself while on the search for her friend Jake, who had gone missing while on a trip of his own a while ago.

Possessions: Though not proficient in magic herself, Aisha keeps a variety of enchanted weapons while traveling: at the moment she has her father's bladed boomerang, charged with light magic and tuned to her own energy so that she can always call it back; a longsword called the Dragonblade that can resist magic; a pair of cuffs with hidden electric blades for stunning targets; and an extra dagger sheathed and hidden on the inside of her left calf.  Her hand-wraps are imbued with fire magic for an edge if she must fight hand-to-hand.  She also has a bag of money on hand and a pack of extra clothing, water, and medical supplies.  Most of these are all stored in her room most of the time she wanders the ship.

Name: Jakoba Talothir, AKA Jake

Race: Creature (Gryphon A)

Age: 31

Species: Gryphon

History: Jake has had quite a full and active life in the Shadowed Depths; born the oldest of three siblings to Reyna and Masor Talothir, members of a forest colony of gryphons, he lived near the Monastery of Healing and was sent there when he was five for schooling and training in the healing arts.  Once his mentor saw that he also had a prowess for swiftness and handling of a stave (he would often play "adventurer" in the courtyard on his breaks), he was given the choice to be trained as a guard of the Monastery, which he readily accepted.  He rose in the ranks until he was deemed the honorable title of Knight-Captain of the Guard; the Knight title being given as an honorary in part from the headmistress's authority as a child of nobles.  He serves that title in full to this day, though sometimes he will accompany some of the Healers on adventuring forays or Aisha herself on her own excursions.  He looked up to the adventurer Luc Cabre and befriended Aisha's brother Ayan in his youth, and thus became an older brother figure himself to her.

Jake is honorable, devoted to his duties, and can also be imposing; but he also has a rather goofy sense of humor and loves to try and keep things amicable and light-hearted in times of pain and suffering.  He also plays up his Knight title sometimes in a show of charm and chivalry.  Since he sees Aisha as a little sister, he's sometimes overprotective of her, much to her annoyance.  He is also helpful and tries to offer as much assistance as possible when there's trouble; he is even often the first one to jump into the front line of battle.  Despite his formidable skill, he also seems to have a streak of bad luck attached to him; sometimes he is clumsy enough to get himself hurt, and can't often know when trouble would be too much for him to handle.  He is proficient enough in armed combat and rarely uses magic, although he has fair-level healing powers and a good knowledge of medicinal alchemy as well as basic fire and ice spells for defense and offense.

The entirety of Jake's body (except for his beak and talon-hands from the forearm down, which are orange-ish) is silvery-black, including his feathered wings, but his front side from the tip of his neck ruff all the way down is bluish-white.  His eyes are bright gold, and he lacks cephalic hair.  He is tall and athletic in build, but thin with a bit of lankiness to his posture when he's relaxing.  Short black feathers also line the side of his leonine tail from the base.  His usual attire consists of a white tunic and trousers with a light-blue trim on both, the colors of the healing discipline of the Monastery, and silvery armor plates for his shoulders, elbows, kneecaps, and chest.

At the moment though, he's just wearing simple brown sack-cloth pants, wrist irons enchanted to dampen his magic, and an iron collar.  He was overwhelmed and captured by slavers while trying to put a stop to their actions in a village on his trip, and is now traveling on the Flight of Freedom as a potential slave, awaiting rescue.  He doesn't know yet that Aisha is tracking him down.

Possessions: At the moment he just has the prison clothes.  His regular tunic, armor, and possessions (including his chosen weapon, a pole-axe), however, are stowed somewhere on the ship out of his reach with any other possessions that were taken from the slaves upon entry.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 08, 2012, 03:11:08 AM
Also, double-posting so it gets noticed outside my previous wall of text; you've been approved, justacritic, just put in the info on your 'Cubi clan's true emotional affinity when putting up the bio; and Angel, unless I'm missing something that was said by Mel and Corg, you oughta be approved too. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Angel on January 08, 2012, 12:42:47 PM


Name: Kenyan Phantasmin (alternate name: "Sitisi", a rodent-dialect word meaning "found")
Race: Being
Age: Doesn't remember. Looks to be in his mid-to-late twenties.
Species: Lion/lynx hybrid

History: Though he barely remembers it, Kenyan is a member of the Phantasmin pride of lions, otherwise called 'the Ghost Pride'. The pride is distinguished from others by their nomadic lifestyle and distinctive appearance. It is often said among the lions that when you see a will-o-the-wisp in the forest, it's really members of the Phantasmin pride running by, their manes shining in the moonlight.

Kenyan was accidentally left behind by the pride at a young age, in a forest called the Wayfarer's Woods. His cries for help were heard by the animals of the forest, who took pity on the young Being and allowed him to stay with them. Though deer and coyotes seemed to gravitate to him as fellow pack animals, he connected best with the mice, rats and wild rabbits. Even Kenyan himself isn't sure how long he's lived there, but for a long time he was happy and lived peacefully with most of the denizens of the Woods.

It should be noted that Kenyan is not the only Being in the forest, nor is he the most dangerous. All of the locals and the wild animals know that there is a Being in the forest who is insane and bloodthirsty. Having met this Being personally, Kenyan lets the locals think he's the crazy one for their own safety. It is also through strictly limited contact with this other man that Kenyan has remembered his real name and retained a very basic knowledge of the English language since childhood. Kenyan serves as a sort of guardian to the Wayfarer's Woods, keeping it free from loggers and any unwitting locals who try to enter.

Unfortunately, it was his protectiveness of the forest that got Kenyan captured and sold into slavery. When a group of slave traders entered the woods, Kenyan rattled through the trees and told them in various animal dialects to leave before they were killed. Rather than running from the young man they found chattering and growling at them, the traders simply chased and caught him. They had been hunting him on purpose, knowing that he wouldn't be missed by any other Beings. He is currently on the Flame of Freedom, chained below deck and quietly befriending the rats that swarm the slaves' quarters.

Physical Description: Like all the lions in the Phantasmin pride, Kenyan has dark brown fur, a light flame-colored mane and tail tuft, and orange-yellow eyes. He has tufted triangular ears that speak to his lynx heritage, and he keeps his claws long. His mane is unkempt and shaggy, but his fur is surprisingly clean due to his life among animals like rats, which regularly groom themselves. He is about 5'11', and appallingly thin by leonine standards, but due to his active lifestyle, he's strong and fast. He can run as easily on four legs as he can on two, and needs very little sleep. He doesn't eat much meat except for bugs, fish and whatever he can scavenge, and survives mostly on fruit and vegetation.

Personality: With animals, Kenyan is kind, friendly and gentle. Around Beings, he's quiet and distrustful. He's not likely to open up to most people, especially not when treated like an animal or a lesser creature. Although he can speak a little English, he is completely fluent in the languages of at least twelve species of animal, rodent dialects especially. When he does speak English, it is very structured, if a little simplistic. He has a sharp tongue and speaks with an accent – short, quick vowels, as well as a tendency to put more focus on sibilant and plosive consonants. Kenyan is a pacifist who only fights when there is no other way to escape. When he does fight, he is a remarkably quick thinker who does everything he can to end the fight quickly and with no bloodshed, and isn't afraid to fight dirty to do so.

Possessions: All Kenyan possesses are the clothes on his back:
-a worn-out, checkered shirt he found near a house in the woods
-a white undershirt
-a pair of worn jean shorts

A collar has been added to this meager display by the slave traders, as well as manacles and chains on his wrists and neck to keep him from attacking.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: VAE on January 08, 2012, 07:31:48 PM
This sounds like fun.
I'll try to hammer out a charsheet when my neck doesn't feel like there's a nail being driven into my skull through it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Tipod on January 08, 2012, 09:44:09 PM
Chances are pretty flaky that I'd get into this (and if you reject me on the fact that I tend to have lots of interruptions in my schedule then I can't say I'd blame you), but this line here I'm curious about.

QuoteWe are allowing multiple characters per player, but all characters must be independent

I get that it means both characters would have to have their own dialogue/motivations/actions/backstory, but does that also mean they couldn't be played alongside each other, like a rich man and his assistant or a brother and sister?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on January 08, 2012, 10:09:52 PM
The two characters can be traveling together such as the siblings in your example. But one character can't be under the control of the other, such as the employer/employee. Basically its the "No one gets a minion" rule. (Having two brothers myself I'm assuming that the siblings will do the opposite of whatever the other asks.  :rolleyes)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 09, 2012, 12:56:36 PM
Kafzeil, you've been approved. :3 Go ahead and post up your revised bio.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Kafzeil on January 09, 2012, 05:45:44 PM

Name: Kafzeil Harkonnen
Race: Angel
Age: 119
Species: Ferret
Personality: Cranky, Sarcastic, snide, but never cruel, Kafzeil can be a good companion if you get to know him. He often likes ribbing people he likes, though He's not above verbally smashing people who draw his ire.

Kaf generally prefers to avoid fighting, and solve any problem he can diplomatically, however, if push comes to shove and he needs to make quick getaway or defend himself, He always has his trusty hammer Charlene nearby and is trained to use it. He's also skilled with Light based magic and has an affinity for lightning based spells, and is capable of using both types in a variety of ways, from lights to missiles, to beams. While not as strong or as fast as a Demon, he makes up for it by utilizing a fighting style that relies on counters, taunting and insulting his opponents until they make a dumb move.

Due to his hatred and fear of heights and flying, and possessing a mild allegory to tobacco, Kafzeil is not enjoying his cruise at all, and is grumpier then usual.
Appearance: 5' 1", medium build, Mostly white fur with brown limbs, tail, ears, and a "bandit mask" patch on his face. brown eyes and brown hair. The only hint to his Creature Heritage are pair of large white feathery wings. Prefers white dress shirts, black dress pants, shoes, his black wool long coat and gray scarf. Rarely seen with his glasses or lucky black fedora.
History: Born into the power Harkonnen Family, Kafzeil was critical of his grandfather's way of running things. To avoid his Seventh Son's death or exile, his father sent him off to higher education while he tried smoothing things over with his own dad, hoping Kafzeil could become useful to his grandfather somehow.

Kafzeil would take up political sciences and history, and end up as the family's Diplomat, often sent to meetings and arranging deals on behalf of his family. He ended becoming a "Freelance Diplomat", offering his services to parties with little experience in his field, or to act a mediating body or third party in such discussions.

He's aboard the Flame of Freedom on his way back home following a Summit, and granted his ticket was a birthday gift from a friend of his.

he was certain she was attempting to annoy him. And here he was hoping that Summit would get heated and last longer then intended.
Possessions: -Charlene: A silver-alloy war hammer. The alloy conducts electricity well enough for Kaf to give it a charge, adding a bit more "Oomph" if need be. Engraved on the head is a scantily clad Ferret Angel. Kaf talks to his weapon, and weather he is joking or not is up for debate.
-A Change of clothes, including fancy dress.
-A bag of books for the trip.
-A  stockpile of anti-nausea and allergy relief potions and medications.

Name Eden Keter
Race: Demon
Age: 91
Species: Rabbit
Personality: There are many words to describe Eden. Bubbly, excitable, maybe even slightly crazy. 90% of the time she has the kind of stupid grin you'd expect from a child in a candy store, and her second most com expression can be described as "Blank Stare".

However, Eden is still a Demon, and can be quite crafty. What she lacks in raw strength she makes up for in pragmatism, creative thinking, and surprising people. It combat, she's not afraid to fight dirty, using an whatever underhanded tactics she can. While not as strong as older demons or even demons her own age, though she's still stronger then the average being of 'Cubi. She is however, very fast and athletic. She knows a few random spells, having dabbled in Magic a bit, and her best spells are a Paralysis spell, a Telekinetic Shove, And fire and ice related offensive magic.
Appearance: Standing at 5' 9", Eden has an average wingspan for Demon of her height, and is build like a rail. Brown fur, silver hair, and red eyes. She wears her hair long but brushed back and wears a Paper Boy's on her head, said hat containing holes for her medium length horns. She tends to wear Short sleeved red button up shirts, blue shorts and boots that go up past her knee, fingerless gloves, and tiny spectacles.
History: The Keter Family is a power but unorthodox bunch of Demons. Rather the amass power by proving their strength and forcing lesser Beings to worship them, they are found of The Golden Rule

Whoever has the gold, makes the rules. As such, while most of the Keter are well trained warriors and fighters, this is only to protect their Trade caravans, stores, warehouses, and even beings under their employ. However, they value cunning, and view bazaars and auctions much like other demon clans view battlefields.  

Eden is currently training to be one of the Family's Head Merchants, being a direct granddaughter of the current Matriarch, though currently only ranks as a Caravan Guard.

Eden managed to snag a pair of tickets to the Flame Of Freedom, and invited her friend Kafzeil to join her on the voyage.

Well, more like coerced, but a fear of flying is a terrible thing for a creature with wings to live with.
Possessions: -A broken Sword, something of a family Heirloom. Eden claims it's a powerful blade that can fell Cubi Clan leaders in a single stroke. The Blade's true power is unknown, but it's certain as it stands, it's just a busted, but sharp sword.
-Some changes of clothing, including some fancy dresses.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 09, 2012, 06:16:43 PM
Tapewolf, you've been approved now too. :3 You may post your bio.

You too, Paladin. :3

Also, Justacritic, you still need to revise and post yours.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 09, 2012, 06:24:46 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 09, 2012, 06:16:43 PM
Tapewolf, you've been approved now too. :3 You may post your bio.

Much obliged.  I had kind of thought to do a Demon character next RP I joined, but since I was asked for Jakob, I could hardly refuse...


Name: Lord Pettersohn (b. Jakob Pettersohn, Daryil clan)

Race: Incubus

Age: 950

Species: Wolf

History (Background): Jakob was brought up by his mother after his father disappeared.  Shortly after his brother went off to study, Jakob woke up to find some wings on his head and shortly disappeared himself.
Waking up at SAIA, Jakob began a long education to learn of his powers and abilities as a Daryil Clan incubus.
Upon leaving, he worked for a snow leopard Angel known as Lord Page for about a century until his lord and mentor was assassinated in an attempted coup.  Inheriting the throne, Jakob's sanity began to crack and he spent several centuries as a tyrant under the alias of Johan Cross.
Finally coming to his senses, Jakob left his realm in shame and began doing contract work for the Academy, mostly specialising in Being technology.

History (Present): Following Daryil's ascension, Jakob was granted land and a title.  As the Lord Daryil's emissary, he has recently been sent to conduct negotiations with another power, and is returning to his master by means of the Flame of Freedom.

Possessions:  Jakob is dressed in expensive clothing befitting the ambassador to his Leader.  He has with him several changes of clothes, a selection of books and a certain amount of currency about his person (both cheque and cash) along with a shortsword, largely for ceremonial purposes.
He also has a diplomatic bag containing the signed treaty and a rare book, a gift from the city-state of Yaaap to Lord Daryil.

Skills: Jakob's specialisations are in technology and illusion magic.  Outside of this he is a jack-of-all trades, master of none.  He is not a particularly strong fighter or a dedicated student of combat magic, but he does know some basic stun spells, healing and some self-defence.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on January 09, 2012, 06:36:49 PM
And here's my approved characters :B

Name Paladin Sheppard (Paladin Jonas Shep'Pard)
Race: Cubi
Age: 580
Species: Wolf
History: Paladin grew up with a fair standard cubi upbringing, first in Raven Hold; the Shep'Pard Clan's fortress city, then SAIA when he came of age and his head wings came in. Excelling in his combat and magical studies Paladin's schooling was extended and modified due to an incident in the Magic Wing of the school. No longer able to perform the same levels of spell casting yet remaining above a being's level of magic.
Paladin returned home and took up a place in Raven Hold's forces, and with Clan Shep'Pard's mercenary leanings was well honed in the way of battle. Paladin was rose through the ranks without incident and was well respected by his peer's. Despite being a direct descendant  of the Clan's leader no one thought he was undeserving of the promotions.
After several hard assignments Paladin was promoted again and was chosen to join the Raven Rangers, the Clan's long range reconnaissance group and marshal's service. As Cubi are not always welcome Paladin commonly took on the guise of an Adventurer or Bounty hunter, and taking on those roles to maintain his cover.
Now after a rather a well paying bounty Paladin is taking a vacation on the Flame of Freedom...Or is he....
Paladin wears a suit of Full Plate armor that has a trigger-able chameleon spell causing the suit to select the most effective camouflage for the current environment.
Edge of Cobalt, a two handed artifact axe, so old no one in the clan can remember its origins, a rectangular blade on end and a hammer shaped counterweight on the other, the metal of the blade has a slight blue hue to it and runes that are a cobalt colour mark the head.
Two shortswords with a minor enchantment to maintain their edge.
Twenty throwing knives.
Collapsible Recurve bow and thirty arrows.
Warp-Aci Rex.
Traveling pack

Name: Ephrael Falco
Race: Being
Age: 24
Species: Tasmanian Devil
History: Ephrael lived with her family on a outlying farm of the town; Freewater, growing up care free -if little hard on her parents due to a nearly in-exhaustible supply of energy. Her world was shattered at the age of 16 when her farm was attacked by a monster, Ephrael and her twin sister Jade were in town at the time and returned to a smoking pile of rubble and the desecrated bodies mother and father.
While Jade had her magical studies to bury herself into to cope with her grief Ephrael went a little off the rails, using the skills and energy she had  as a child to fall in with a group of rogues. When she was caught one day Ephrael was given an option to use her skills and woodlands knowledge in the service of the town's militia, and as the town sent its prisoners to the capital's jail (which had an evil reputation) Ephrael agreed.
When her term of service was up Ephrael returned briefly to a life of crime...Until she tried to pick the pockets of a large wolf in plate mail armor who was passing through. Instead of turning her in the Wolf, whose name was Paladin, offered to train her to be a bounty hunter and adventurer like himself. Taking the offer Ephrael soon mastered the skills required as her trainer and  partner could easily keep up with her hyperactivity, a feat few could accomplish...
When Paladin completed her training, he told her he had to move on as he was being called home, Ephrael saddened still was happy as she now knew she could hold her own against just about anything, especially if she used both her old skills and her new. She struck out from the town, after spending a drunken night saying goodbye to her sister, and went looking for fortune (but not fame as her roguish instincts still held some sway). A ticket hit her in the face as she was leaving, it seemed to be for a airship called the Flame of Freedom....
Two Daggers.
Recurve Bow plus 60 arrows.
Thieves tool kit.
Leather armor vest and kilt dyed green.
Traveling pack.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 09, 2012, 07:24:23 PM
VAE, if you could please do just a minor bit of cleaning on grammar/spelling, you're approved to post yours too. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: VAE on January 09, 2012, 07:38:09 PM
Cleaned up what i could, specifically, the one sentence in his bio that I accidentally.   :3
Edit: adding a forgotten section.

Name Vladim A. Eisenberg
Race Being
Age 28
Species Lynx lynx
Vladim grew up in the town of Syernogorsk, being the son of Alexei Eisenberg, an unemployed sorcerer, and Alyssa Kurilova, a technician, who met each other during a local military conflict.
He seems to have inherited a decent amount of both skills.

Originally trained in industrial magic, a series of odd events including prolific asset stripping of the company he worked at and an odd plot by the local government resulting in him and a few dozen other unemployment benefit seekers ending up in a requalification course for the profession of "evil overlord" has forced him to flee the country (a side effect of the plot) , but provided him with a set of new skills and ideas on how to use them.
Eventually, after a few years of adventuring to amass some capital, Vladim and a bunch of affiliates  managed to take over a city-state somewhere north, and asides from all the fun such power tends to bring, work on Vlad's main goal - improving beings (mainly himself) , and eventually, invent a method to make one into a cubi (and from then on, getting reasonably close to immortality)
Let's say that the efforts have been chiefly unsuccessful, asides from a few beneficial side-inventions, and eventually, due to the historic power of cliche, his government was overthrown by a force of "adventurers" (read thugs).
He did have an escape plan, along with key equipment and key personnel,  however you can only magically carry off so much , and especially minions got pretty much shafted.

A situation like that isn't conducive to continuing his plans , as currency is a crucial element in any effort. As such , after moving and staying quiet for a time to prevent termination of his person, Vladim left his closest associate in charge of what remained, and returned to an already proven way to acquire it - doing less than pleasant tasks for whoever is willing to pay to have them done, and that doesn't mean sewage draining.
Well, that brings us to the present - after doing a well-paying, but somewhat high profile job for someone Vladim felt the urging need to disappear for some time until things calm down a bit, and decided to do it in style - aboard the Flame of Freedom.


Vladim is about 5'7'' tall lynx being.
He is the usual tabby-something colour of a lynx, except for greasy, black cephalic hair, pink nose and paw pads, and yes, eyes with no visible pupils that faintly glow red. The last is the product of a magic experiment since apparently, it was the tops in villain style back then.

Speaking of experiments, a more successful one has fitted him with four rather well foldable hydraulic tentacles about 10' fully extended permanently mounted on his back .  They are stronger and tougher than his own rather less able body, however, they are controlled directly ( he repurposed a bunch of less useful spinal nerves, such as those dealing with toe movement) so they don't have any better reflexes than him, and sure as hell aren't autonomous.
As another side effect of such fusing, damage to them isn't exactly a pleasant experience.

As far as personality goes, Vladim is rather choleric and prone to anger outbursts. Asides from such, he likes to plan things well through and often goes for effect -  if the physical description wasn't enough of a pointer, he's something of a showoff.
He has something of a dislike for creatures as well. (his mother leaving his father for one didn't help).


More often than not,  he tends to wear a two-piece robe (practical to conceal the above), cape (green, more often than not, and fastened with a brass trinket) and yes, obligatory metallic spiked shoulder pads to make up for his very much less than impressive physical appearance.
When trying to blend in the crowd, he just keeps to the robe and usually a darker cape.

He also brought in the rest of the payment in a pouch, a spell book, a few tools, and a towel.
You can't travel without a towel, see.


Vladim's specialises in earth magic - including spells that are out of place in a dirigible, like shaping or modifying properties of soil and stone, to ones that are useful everywhere like conjuring sharp stone shards at rather high velocities, or streams of sand.
These mostly come as spells he used all the way back at work, or modifications thereof - the streams of sand  for example is just a hack on what is used for waterjet machining.

Other than that, nothing is really notable.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: justacritic on January 09, 2012, 08:52:17 PM
And so meet one of the members of Clan G'ian, those who sense most strongly Regret and Contentment.

Name: Hobbies Sven
Race: Incubi
Clan: Clan G'ian
Age: 387
Species: Fennec
History: One of the many times great grandchildren of Cain G'ian. Born in one of the more liberal minded cities he was
raised in the knowledge of his heritage as an incubus by his parents. At an early age he learned of the wonders of
puppetry. As a happy circumstance Hobbies found he had a talent for it and soon achieved skill beyond mastery. After learning from other puppeteers and craftsman, Hobbies became well regarded in the theater circles. Now he is a puppeteer that has been hired to provide additional entertainment on the Flame of Freedom. He's rather nervous as this is his first gig with such a high class clientele.  
Possessions: 12 Performance Puppets, which are able to be
refitted for several different puppet theater pieces
5 Unusual Puppets "For Trouble" with hidden mechanisms
and stored enchantments.
The complete collection of "The Eight Immortals" considered
the masterpieces of the puppet arts, in both performance
and war. Hobbies received these puppets, much to his
shock, as a 300th birthday gift from his clan leader. Each
puppet is a tribute to a historical being whose stories
achieved the distinction of "legend".  Many rumors have
surrounded this valuable set which hinders performing with
them. Hobbies keeps these safely on his person and has
only used them seriously only three times in the last 87
Puppet repair kit
Multiple types of string
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 09, 2012, 10:11:24 PM
Some awesomeness all around so far. :3

Just to let everyone else know, you have until this Friday to send us character sheets, those of you who are interested in playing.  After that, almost time to get this ball rolling and the ship flying.  :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Tipod on January 10, 2012, 10:27:28 PM
Golems and the spirits who loved them, this fall on NBC.

Name: Terry "Peerless" Simmons
Race: Undead
Age: 27
Species: Golem

History: An amicable inventor and former being, Terry had never quite known the joys of success until his recent years. Often, he found himself the victim of petty Creature squabbles in whatever town he settled in, constantly bemoaning his sensitive body as it was broken time and time again. He grew despondent in his youth, desperately searching for any chance to leave the provincial life and realize his higher calling as a gifted tinkerer.

That opportunity came at the tender age of 22. Serving a prosperous clan of politically-minded demons, his work revolved around novel engineering feats, civil projects, and the occasional unsavory implement of self-defense. The work was long and arduous, but a welcome challenge with little interruption. As payment for a five-year contract, he was finally granted his lifelong dream: a chance to spurn his mortal coil.

Obsessed with the notion of "the new flesh," but repulsed by the feeding habits of regular Undead, Terry sought a more unconventional method of embracing Unlife. After assembling an animated-yet-soulless husk of rubber, steel, and scraps of old armor (for that personal touch), his spirit was then exorcised and placed inside. In essence, he is a ghost, incapable of leaving the body he possesses. Should that body ever break, he'd find himself wandering aimlessly through the mortal plane, easy prey for any soulsucking monster that crosses his path.

Was it worth it?


The golem itself is a relatively light design of minimal girth and average height, faceless and humanoid: a blank, adaptable slate, just as Terry had always wanted. Many confuse him for an automaton at first sight, an undignified distinction that's saved his (un)life on several occasions. With his body and contract finished, he's booked a trip on the luxurious Flame of Freedom for some much-needed R&R.

Possessions: Backpack
Assorted loose change and bills of various denominations
Sewing kit
Metal polish
Notepad with pencil
Small toolbox of fine implements
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Tezkat on January 11, 2012, 01:23:01 PM
Woo... another popular RP for me to fail at! :animesweat

Out of curiosity, what is the legal status of slavery in this part of the world?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 11, 2012, 01:33:05 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on January 11, 2012, 01:23:01 PM
Woo... another popular RP for me to fail at! :animesweat

Out of curiosity, what is the legal status of slavery in this part of the world?

Well cool beans. :3

And considering the ship is transporting slaves in absolute secret, as in only the captain and a few members of the crew knowing at this point in time, it's probably safe to say that it's VERY illegal. :B Heads would roll or hang for this, really.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on January 12, 2012, 03:49:28 PM
Just a reminder that you now have 24 hours to send us your character sheet if you wish to join this rp.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 12, 2012, 08:16:00 PM
As we evil-Dms were plotting things out, we ran into a bit of a minor stumbling block. DMFA is a great setting, but it's a bit loose to a lot of background information that isn't directly relevant to what the characters are doing. It's all well and fine, but when we're planning a game, (and one of our number being extremely anal-retentive about it doesn't help :P) we wanted something a bit more concrete.

Therefore, we're establishing that the general level of "technology" which is roughly equivalent to what was prevalent in real life in the 1940s. Propeller aircraft and reliable automobiles are "cutting edge" technology, and electronic computers are a highly theoretical design in a few laboratories.

Weapons, as per DMFA standard, are still in the medieval era. (If anyone wants to draw up a picture of people throwing javelins out of an old-fashioned airplane, I'll give you a DM-Bonus during the RP)

For those of you already putting in bios, I want to apologize on behalf of the three of us for the inconvenience. I will be sending Pms momentarily to those people whose inventory will be affected and suggest alternatives. If I missed you, yell at me.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on January 13, 2012, 08:07:35 PM
Just to show I can follow my own instructions, here is my character sheet. And submissions are now closed as it is hard to take late arrivals onto a moving airship. If you're still interested in joining let us know and we'll let you know when events allow more players. Edited to add: Those of you with pending character sheets need to get us your revisions ASAP.

Name:  P. Melodie Icewing (don't ask what the P stands for)
Nickname(s): Mel
Race:   dragon/snow leopard
Species:   ice with just a bit of lightning
Family and Association(s): Grandmother L.L.; Grandfather Howell; brothers Barron and Rage

Physical description:  A rather small (5'3") thin dragon with pearlescent white scales, silvery-grey horns and bright blue eyes. Often seen as a snow leopard.

Biographical and general information

History: Youngest grandchild of the leader of the Icewing clan, famous/infamous as information brokers, she was raised to work in the family business but became a jeweler specializing in enchanted objects instead. This was probably for the best as she has the approximate sneakiness of a kitten. She is on the airship at the request of the fleet's owner. He suspects the crew is up to something and has sent her to check the anti-cheating enchantments on the casino equipment.

Abilities:  Strong magical abilities with specialties in ice and lightning. Excellent shot with a crossbow (taught by her grandfather, the General) Uses enchanted objects she has created to compensate for her weaknesses.

Weaknesses:  Small and physically weak for a dragon. She has no fighting skills beyond the crossbow. Poor against earth magic due to an almost obsessive hatred of being dirty. Getting any type of spot or stain on her will drive her to distraction once noticed. Very weak against fire to the point of sometimes freezing her in fear.

Trunk of assorted party dresses for the trip
10 different charms protecting her against fire and heat
Her purse is a bag of holding currently containing:
   Jewelers tools
   Crossbow & bolts
   Half eaten chocolate bar
   Bag of gemstones she has picked up for future use
   Jewelry box containing the tangled mess of her own jewelry to wear on the trip
   Money from several different nations
   Several ounces of Deus Ex Machina for GM emergencies
Her favorite outfit consists of a long grey suede coat with an enchantment to keep her cool, high grey boots, an embroidered blue silk tunic, and black trousers. She always wears her Icewing family ring which consists of a large piece of clear quartz in a simple silver band. Total materials value $12. If these rings are anything more than sentimental costume jewelry no one has ever discovered it.

Trivia:  Bleeds blue due to adaptations to the extreme cold of her homeland. Was on the championship airborne obstacle racing team at University over her grandmother's protests due to the fact that her father died while racing.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on January 15, 2012, 08:20:57 AM
Sunblink, your character sheet is approved. Go ahead and put it up.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Sunblink on January 15, 2012, 11:55:24 AM
Name: Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth (as known as Keaton Jyraneth)
Race: Succubus
Age: 489
Species: Black-backed jackal
Born and raised in a hidden city, Harla'keth, which was literally entombed within a desolate mountain range. Most wanderers – especially Dragons – thought the region was uninhabited, which was largely how the clan went unnoticed during most of the Cubi and Dragon Wars. Jyraneth Clan's matriarch was a fanatical, absolutely atrocious lunatic, but obviously a pragmatic one. Drooling invalids were obviously not leadership material, but Jyraneth herself was a charismatic beast – she was a true Svengali, and knew how to orchestrate the bleating macrocosm of believers and unbelievers in accordance to her whim. Her flock, at most, thought she was enlightened, and at the very worst thought she was a force of nature not to be trifled with. Whether or not Jyraneth's insanity was just a front or truly debilitating was left up to speculation.

Jyraneth Clan was a religiously fanatical clan, highlighting Cubi as the true inheritors of the earth, and all other races as inferior offshoots. According to Jyraneth's scripture, Cubi were entitled to use Beings as their resources and assault heathens at their leisure, disregarding clan politics.

Keaton was born into a noble family; her mother was a retired Judicator (one of Jyraneth's generals), meaning she was allowed to circumvent reproduction regulations and start a large family. Her childhood was typical for one brought up in a noble Jyraneth family: she was a spoiled and entitled child with a tumultuous upbringing, mostly sheltered and cared for but struggling against the conditioning used to inure her to committing the unimaginable against God's mistakes. Ultimately, when she learned to accept the barbaric nature of her clan's society, she took to it rather well.

Her mother was unloving, militaristic, and cold, while her father was unusual for Jyraneth Clan Cubi – instead of embracing a life of bloodlust, he preferred to work on his art, and fostered a similar talent in one of his daughters, Esmeralda. Salem enabled and constantly forgave his wife for her transgressions despite the toll it took on their children, and Elizabeth had no idea how to express her affection for her children in a healthy way. Elizabeth was trapped between feeling disillusioned with her queen's teachings and being terrified of her unimaginable strength. Although she adored her children, she thought that controlling them with an iron fist was the only way to keep them from ever being slaughtered and branded heathens. After all, she had witnessed a thousand times over what happened to those that crossed the Red Queen.

Keaton got along excellently with most of her family, but bonded with her twin, Lianna, in particular. While they were kindred spirits in their childhood (even collaborating with their combined magic skills to enchant a marble as their first foray into magic), their relationship in adulthood became strained, especially as Keaton started training as a slaver. Lianna took her father's more liberal attitude to heart, and had a fairly angsty, bitter, disillusioned adolescence as she experimented with her philosophical beliefs. By this point, Keaton distanced herself from Lianna, but considered staging an intervention to save her sister from the heathen chopping block. In spite of her sister's wavering faith, they both passed through the adulthood ritual with flying colors – the 'ritual' in question being a ceremony that takes place after a noble Cubi grows their headwings.

Keaton became a slaver, Lianna languished. Frustrated with Lianna, Keaton decided to drag her along on one of her raids so she could see the beauty of their task in motion. This backfired, and instead instilled Lianna with an unhealthy, dangerous fascination with the outside world. Keaton clashed with Lianna repeatedly, but refused to disown her outright in spite of her loyalty. She still believed her sister could be saved.

One day, Lianna fled the city without fuss or fanfare, throwing the entire clan into pandemonium. Assassins were sent after her, hoping to eliminate Lianna before any of the clan's secrets landed in the wrong hands. The hunting parties came up empty-handed, and the clan buckled down for any lasting repercussions Lianna's rebellion might bring.

Keaton was mercilessly interrogated, and eventually her mind was pried open and her memories scanned. They realized she had absolutely nothing to do with Lianna's disappearance, but still distrusted her for her tolerance toward her blasphemous ways. Keaton was told that if Lianna betrayed the clan, she would suffer the punishment in place of her sister.

Harla'keth was attacked by Dragons. Most of Keaton's family was killed in the slaughter. Keaton managed to escape through dumb luck. Jyraneth herself deserted the clan, allowing her followers to be massacred – the perfect barrier against the Dragons seeking her life. With her life crumbling apart at the seams, Keaton limped away from the ruins of her former home. She fell into a deep depression and state of mourning, severely traumatized by the sight of her beloved home, reduced to ashes. People that she had known for years and treated as neighbors were annihilated and buried in the ruins of their own homes. Landmarks, treasured artifacts, and what ultimately represented years of prosperity were used as kindling. Harla'keth herself bleed, then burned, her geographical shell a smoldering stain of sanguine on the horizon.

Not long after the slaughter, Keaton came across a small group of survivors. Immediately blaming her sister for the carnage, they shunned her, then when Keaton became too persistent, they attempted to kill her. She retaliated, but was overwhelmed and was forced to retreat. The attack ended with her losing her eye, which would eventually be restored.

After she recovered from her wounds, she lived a mostly miserable existence for a few years. Took up odd mercenary jobs, mostly assassination work for Demons and Angels who needed people killed. Most of her customers were widowers or grieving families demanding vengeance against those who killed their friends or loved ones. It was considered improper for Demon families to want retribution for murdered family members, as it went against the Demon philosophy favoring the strong over the weak, so such desperate souls resorted to more clandestine tactics to enact their revenge. Business was booming.

Keaton attracted the wrong crowd, however, and went head-to-head with a crime family run by an Angel named Kytharion. Kytharion's hitmen had actually been hired by Adventurers who wanted to nip the problem in the bud, but did not have the resources to find their elusive target. Kytharion, however, saw some potential in Keaton, and decided to recruit her instead of killing her, thus removing the problem and repurposing it into an asset.

Keaton became an enforcer, intimidating Kytharion's enemies with her outlandish abilities. She enjoyed this a lot more than the mercenary work, as many people complimented her for the skills she learned as a slaver. Despite the circumstances behind this reluctant allegiance, she started to appreciate this line of work. However, tension between Kytharion and herself, followed by a few traumatizing events, soured the experience beyond compromise.

Kytharion betrayed Keaton when she ran afoul of a mafia Cubi clan called Kamei'Sin Clan, and she had to escape before she was killed. Keaton was, quite understandably, pissed, but had no means of getting revenge against Kytharion. Her way of coping was to lapse back into Jyraneth teachings as repentance.

Although she was a pariah in her own clan, Keaton longed for Jyraneth companionship, and wanted to know the truth behind Lianna's departure. She learned about SAIA, the academy responsible for grooming generations of young Cubi into seasoned warriors, and signed up so she could investigate whether or not any of her clansmen had drifted into the school. Jyraneth Clan was one of the only clans that refused Fa'Lina's invitation, as it meant tolerating the blasphemy of other clans under a universally neutral roof.

SAIA was a sanctuary to Cubi of all shapes, sizes, and creed. There were no Jyraneth Cubi to be found, but the headmistress convinced Keaton to stay, and promised she'd let her know if any of her surviving family or clansmen arrived. She enjoyed the classes, she benefited from the training, but became restless when years passed with little to no progress in her search, that dissatisfaction twisting into paranoia. She finally snapped and accused the headmistress of deliberately keeping her in the dark (an unfounded and ultimately untrue accusation), then quit.

Distraught and reeling from what she realized was probably one of the worst mistakes she ever made in her life, Keaton retreated from the world. She was too prideful to admit that she was just a paranoid lunatic to the headmistress's stupid, stupid, stupid sympathetic face. After completely devastating the shelter in which she was taking refuge in the throes of a tantrum, she let herself sink to the ground and slipped into a fitful slumber. Two years later, she opened her eyes again, and did not feel refreshed in the least.

In the midst of her travels, she somehow recovered tickets to the Flame of Freedom. At first she considered pawning them off to enthusiastic buyers eager to travel on the renowned aircraft, but every minute she spent fretting over her sister, her family, her deteriorating sanity, the Kamei'Sin, and Kytharion's cronies distracted her from her decision. The tickets rested beside her bed, completely neglected, for about a week, until she decided that a vacation was in order. It would only be a distraction, but it was certainly a welcome one.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Keaton is a wild fighter, divided between two spectrums of competence. The first is her animalistic, single-minded bloodthirst and how she brutally and obsessively chases her quarry. The second is a startling amount of sophistication that can be executed with both creativity and intellect. Between attempts to maim, mutilate, or otherwise spectacularly destroy her adversary, she demonstrates shocking improvisation on many levels. There is a certain edge of creativity that she implements in her overall battle technique that makes her unpredictable, and the way she utilizes her natural proficiency for shapeshifting only enhances that.

Keaton's magical abilities lie in a unique form of shadow manipulation. To her, shadows are like clay in the hands of an artist, and she can meld them however she likes with enough time and effort. The more outrageous the feat, the more energy it takes to properly execute the attack, but ultimately the restrictions boil down to Keaton's imagination. Projectiles are swept away by barriers, tender faces are pulverized with fists comprised from physical shadow, and fleeing prisoners are captured by nooses and cages of writhing darkness. When Keaton is molding the shadows into a weapon such as a throwing star, she 'locks' it into a solid form. This protects the shadows she is currently manipulating from being driven back by sunlight. However, the bindings do not guarantee protection from concentrations of magical light. A single spell that produces a ball of shimmering light is probably enough to melt a virtual obstacle course of black blades and saws that she has grown – when it comes right down to that, the name of the game is avoiding the caster long enough to catch him off-guard. More importantly, Keaton can only manipulate shadows when there are shadows to manipulate. If there are no shadows, she cannot control them.

Light magic is Keaton's fundamental weakness, and anyone with a competent understanding of such magic can easily melt her defenses. It should go without saying that Keaton's shadow abilities are far from foolproof, and when the disorientation and versatility fails, her pretenses can easily be stripped away by something as simple as a bullet or a blast of fire. Cubi abilities aside, Keaton can be subdued, immobilized, or even killed by fairly normal means. Her only weapon is an unnamed meteor hammer that she is able to craft out of shadows. She can create a single, long cord out of darkness and loop it through the ornamental weight hooked to her belt.

Since the meteor hammer is forged out of the same shadows as her magic and her shadow-skin, Keaton can change the meteor hammer in the middle of a fight, even using it to help orchestrate her darkness-conducting efforts. She can also spontaneously shorten or increase the length of the meteor hammer's rope in the middle of a fight, although she prefers something within 4 meters (12.8 feet). Keaton is extraordinary with the meteor hammer, able to spin and twirl it and execute a number of techniques designed to immobilize, ensnare, and/or bludgeon. The weapon is clearly not intended for purely offensive combat, but if she maintains enough momentum, she can probably strike with crushing force. Best of all, besides the shadow-manipulation, Keaton can cast elaborate dark-oriented spells using the meteor hammer, thus increasing the destructive potential of her weapon and providing a back-up plan when her shadow-magic fails. However, lack of concentration and distraction can result in her accidentally getting tangled in the weapon and clubbing herself in the face, which can be exploited by a particularly creative opponent.
Strengths: Versatile, unpredictable, and talented. Metamorphosis and dark magic is Keaton's forte, and she excels in completely disorienting and blindsiding her opponent before they can even bat an eye.

Weaknesses: Weak against light magic – her versatility ultimately relies on a single element of magic, and has a straightforward weakness. Although psychology rarely passes as a legitimate excuse nowadays, Keaton is an embarrassment in social situations, and while she's not prone to random acts of violence, the fact she sometimes reminds Beings to "know their place" in fits of anger or threatens Adventurers that are back-sassing her doesn't do much to endear her in the hearts and minds of her companions.
Aside from those things, Keaton is unremarkable in protection, and in some ways the overwhelming nature of her unpredictability is just smoke and mirrors, since it can easily be combatted with anything else, or outright neutralized with light magic.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 17, 2012, 08:45:23 PM
IC post is UP. If you have an approved bio, you may post now.

To the two people we are waiting on for biographical submission, you can post up your character sheets, but be warned, if you delay to the point that it would break narrative to have your character suddenly appear, you will *not* be allowed to post up until a more convenient time to bring in new faces.

EDIT: Minor edit made to intro post to clarify where one section ends and the other begins. Those are now in bold font
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on January 18, 2012, 10:41:40 PM

Name: Mateo E'ekat

Race: Were

Age: 16

Species: Ocelot

History: Born and raised in a small fishing village, his family hid their Creature nature and worked alongside the Beings, using their magic to help out where possible. Mateo showed particular promise in that regard. After turning sixteen, he bid farewell to his childhood home and left to seek his fortune in the big city, where he'd received a scholarship to study weather magic at a prestigious college.

He never arrived. Unfortunately, a certain band of slavers he encountered on the journey had very different plans for his future...

Possessions: He's wearing a pair of jean shorts, the torn remains of a t-shirt (black with a yellow smiley face), his new slave collar, and heavy manacles enchanted to suppress his magic. The slavers took his backpack, which contained a few changes of clothes, his wallet, his admission letter, several pens, a notebook, a textbook written by the professor who sponsored his scholarship (On Focused Manipulation of Chaotic Meteorological Systems, 142nd edition), his favourite hunting knife, and a good luck charm given to him by his mother.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 21, 2012, 12:15:55 AM
One small thing, Kaf; if the "red-robed" panther you're talking about is Aisha, she's actually all in blue, no cape. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Kafzeil on January 21, 2012, 01:44:44 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 21, 2012, 12:15:55 AM
One small thing, Kaf; if the "red-robed" panther you're talking about is Aisha, she's actually all in blue, no cape. x3

Yes, it is, and fixed my post.=B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 21, 2012, 03:35:26 AM
   I ended up not submitting a character because I couldn't come up with an appropriate concept, but also more because I don't think I have the heart to actually particpate in an RP like this, but I did just want to say: I am fascinated with reading it (morbid though it may be), and I'm very curious to see where it will go. :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Inumo on January 22, 2012, 02:12:21 AM
Y'know, I submitted my character on the assumption that there would be market information on the slave collars, but I suddenly realized that, while it passed without incident, I'm not entirely sure what the GMs deem is on the collars. Between me and Tezkat, we figured at the least there'd be some ID number (with mine apparently labeled #567), but is there anything else that might be tacked on? Nobody's mentioned anything being off about inserting a tag onto my collar, so I'm guessing the number's on the tag or something of that sort.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 22, 2012, 02:21:27 AM
Quote from: Inumo on January 22, 2012, 02:12:21 AM
Y'know, I submitted my character on the assumption that there would be market information on the slave collars, but I suddenly realized that, while it passed without incident, I'm not entirely sure what the GMs deem is on the collars. Between me and Tezkat, we figured at the least there'd be some ID number (with mine apparently labeled #567), but is there anything else that might be tacked on? Nobody's mentioned anything being off about inserting a tag onto my collar, so I'm guessing the number's on the tag or something of that sort.

We're letting the people with slave characters decide what's on the collars; the only definitive things we gave all of you are magic-suppressing manacles and, for the winged, weighted ankle cuffs and such to prevent flying off, should that hangar open to plummet y'all.

I should probably mention here too that I had edited my previous post somewhat at the request of one of my fellow GMs, if anyone missed the implication in the intro.  Potentially, all of the slaves there are sorta now drafted into being part of a personal suicide fighting force in the future.  So, tags or not, it doesn't matter; nobody's being sold off. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on January 22, 2012, 11:47:14 PM

What do we know about the political landscape of this region? Should it have been immediately obvious (to those paying attention, at least) who "His Excellency" was? It can be hard to know how to react to some of these revelations without additional context. (For instance, learning you've been drafted to hold the border against encroaching monsters is rather different from becoming a tool to overthrow a beloved king... :dface)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 22, 2012, 11:55:31 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on January 22, 2012, 11:47:14 PM

What do we know about the political landscape of this region? Should it have been immediately obvious (to those paying attention, at least) who "His Excellency" was? It can be hard to know how to react to some of these revelations without additional context. (For instance, learning you've been drafted to hold the border against encroaching monsters is rather different from becoming a tool to overthrow a beloved king... :dface)

Heh; that, I imagine, is one of those things that may be revealed later on in the plot. :3

x3 Trust me, the three of us are in different ways lovers of detail, especially world-building, and also where and what to reveal as the story goes.  If it's important to know now, then it will have been revealed already, I imagine; we try never to leave a detail out of the loop of the players.

Much.  >:3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on January 23, 2012, 12:21:31 AM
Fair enough. >:]

So, in the absence of this information, would it be safe to assume that "His Excellency" is too widely used a title for our PCs to determine the identity our mysterious "benefactor"? Or would it actually narrow down the options a fair bit?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 23, 2012, 01:09:48 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on January 23, 2012, 12:21:31 AM
Fair enough. >:]

So, in the absence of this information, would it be safe to assume that "His Excellency" is too widely used a title for our PCs to determine the identity our mysterious "benefactor"? Or would it actually narrow down the options a fair bit?

Too widely-used. :B Being a high-class cruise, there are people traveling on that very ship who're called that on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 23, 2012, 01:39:53 PM
To expand further "His Excellency" (or more rarely "Her Excellency") is a common title for someone elected or appointed into some sort of high governmental position, usually something with a life tenure. From the usage the slaves encountered, it would likely be some kind of "president for life" figure, or a high ranking Citizen's general, or something in that field.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on January 23, 2012, 02:25:13 PM

Assuming it's even an official title and not being used ironically and/or as a codename, right? >:]

Anyways, thanks. That clears that up. :3

One more little question... what do we call the region(s) in which the RP takes place and the associated law enforcement agencies that would ordinarily be tasked with, say, hunting down slavers?

My earlier question about the political landscape wasn't so much fishing for a playbook on the powers that be as trying to get a feel for the kind of world we're in (e.g. a kingdom with a militarized royal guard, a republic employing civilian police, etc.).
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 23, 2012, 03:51:02 PM
OK, I'm about to go into class for another few hours, but I do have answers. I didn't want to jump into this right at the beginning, since I've scared people off with my exposition before, but when I get a bit of time to rattle it all together, I'll post this up. Probably this evening or tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on January 23, 2012, 04:39:04 PM

Heh. I'd say that heavy exposition is only scary if it comes before you hook people into your plot. Once people are already sold on the story, more information is usually better. It gives people tools to use in the RP and helps ensure that everyone's on the same page and not making erroneous assumptions about the game world. But it's nothing urgent at this point--take all the time you need. :3

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on January 23, 2012, 05:17:22 PM
I look forward to the photo becoming "Johan Cross, notorious incubus" instead
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on January 23, 2012, 08:46:21 PM
The clan has watched the documentary, it's recommended watching material
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 24, 2012, 09:09:41 AM
I wasn't planning to move Jakob again until the photo is taken.  It occurs to me that Justacritic might be waiting for an okay from the GM as to whether the shot succeeded :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on January 24, 2012, 12:21:59 PM
Quote from: justacritic on January 23, 2012, 08:46:21 PM
The clan has watched the documentary, it's recommended watching material

The nature documentary?

As an asides, Saph's character commentary in one of the games I run (a were bat flying around the pub in primal form and being a smartass) somehow reminds me of the whole situation on-ship

Quote from: Karis
Karis:Distinguished British accent)And, here, we see a rare specimen of the Warlock species, scientific name totalus jerkass, in what passes for a natural habitat. Depending on the local IQ and Ethanol levels, we may see an example of mating behaviour. But probably not.

EDIT: Finally done with my post. Writing in between lectures is harder than i'd have thought.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 24, 2012, 12:56:29 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 24, 2012, 09:09:41 AM
I wasn't planning to move Jakob again until the photo is taken.  It occurs to me that Justacritic might be waiting for an okay from the GM as to whether the shot succeeded :3


In the event that you're not kidding, TBQH, we won't be using dice rolls for -everything-...if much of anything at all, unless we know for certain that the players can't think outside the box themselves in a reasonable fashion.  Just like the Lounge RP and several others, we encourage that, at least for the tiny things like this.  If he wants to take a picture, that's his character decision, and it succeeds if he decides it does.

EDIT: Also, guys, Aisha's not wearing her cloak at all, as I said before. XD  Sorry my post saying so isn't skim-reading material.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on January 24, 2012, 01:01:34 PM
Bugger. Editing.

Is the fact that Kaf's post which did mention her having the cloak with Rynkura's crest on it made me do it an excuse?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 24, 2012, 01:06:38 PM
Quote from: VAE on January 24, 2012, 01:01:34 PM
Bugger. Editing.

Is the fact that Kaf's post which did mention her having the cloak with Rynkura's crest on it made me do it an excuse?

Heh, it can be...but generally, it's best to try not to rely on other characters' assumptions on how something happened, or the setting at hand, and instead go back to the DM posts that were written.  Otherwise it can become something like a game of forum Telephone when we along the line have to read an event coming from it and go, "When the heck did that happen?"  :U

As for the ensign, Kaf could have also seen it on her collar, or the bracers, actually.  Rynkura likes to leave her mark on anything she enchants herself. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 24, 2012, 03:26:37 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 24, 2012, 12:56:29 PM
In the event that you're not kidding, TBQH, we won't be using dice rolls for -everything-...if much of anything at all, unless we know for certain that the players can't think outside the box themselves in a reasonable fashion.  Just like the Lounge RP and several others, we encourage that, at least for the tiny things like this.  If he wants to take a picture, that's his character decision, and it succeeds if he decides it does.

Right.  That's useful to know, even if I wasn't quite serious.  (Though I really can't think of a followup post - just take the picture, already!)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: AmberCross on January 24, 2012, 10:20:31 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 24, 2012, 09:09:41 AM
I wasn't planning to move Jakob again until the photo is taken.  It occurs to me that Justacritic might be waiting for an okay from the GM as to whether the shot succeeded :3
Actually, having read it... I'm fairly certain he wants Jakob to smile at the last moment. He prompted you for a smile and since he can't MAKE you smile, he left off just before taking the picture to give you just enough time to make one (or really any other face) just before the flash goes off. Which is kind of silly, but there you go. You can probably escape the wall he's painted you into by just declaring how you look when the flash goes off and then continuing the conversation normally.
Title: Demographic info.
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 24, 2012, 10:31:50 PM

Major countries on continent of Aesillar
A map might be included later, assuming I don't screw up drawing one too badly.

Helfren is the single largest country in Aesillar, encompassing about 675,000 square kilometers and having a population of about 50 million. Population is 85% being/Griffon A, 8% demon 3% Griffon B, 6% other creatures, mostly Angels and 'Cubi. 'Cubi living openly as such are fairly rare, but Creatures maintain enough power/respect that a lot of 'Cubi simply claim to be Angels or Demons. It occupies roughly the center of the continent, in a kind of warped brick shape that runs from southwest to northeast. Helfren once controlled most of the Aesillarian continent, but has been slowly receding for the past 400 years or so.

Politically, Helfren is an absolute monarchy, currently ruled by High King Etrush XXVII, from the capital of Behrlesh. Administration in rural areas is nominally feudal, with grants of land being given to noble families, whom are almost exclusively Angels and Demons. Urban areas are generally more egalitarian, with professional civil services that run most necessities of public life, collecting taxes, enforcing laws, overseeing waste removal, etc. Civil services tend to be dominated by beings, since most Creatures view such work as beneath them or don't have the patience and attention span to truly excel in a bureaucratic structure.
While still a great power, Helfren has definitely seen better days. The tax and governmental structure are still geared towards the reality of centuries ago, when agriculture was the dominant economic activity; and direct land taxes were the primary source of income. Central responses to crises tend to be slow and uninformed, and the outlying regions have long murmured for independence, and revolt has broken out in the past 50 years more than once. While none of these states stay independent, they've drained the resources of the monarchy, and more and more, local nobles and urban councils are running the show the further away you get from the capital; and other nations are eagerly eyeing up an opportunity to be able to take on the sluggish behemoth safely.

Jageth is a confederation on an archipelago that extends in a wide band to the north of the mainland. Counting the waters that surround the area, it encompasses roughly 800,000 square kilometers, although only about half of that is actual land, and quite a bit of *that* is too small to support more than a few dozen farmers. Total population is about 27 million, with about a 90% Being 10% Creature of all kinds split. Jageth has something of a reputation for militancy and low level violence against other nations, and while creatures are not officially discriminated against, there is quite a bit of low level hostility to most Creatures and enormous social pressure to "blend in" It is the most "Modern" of the major powers, placing a strong emphasis on social organization and technological innovation.

It is the only major power that has never been occupied by Helfren, who consistently had a "stay out of the islands" policy. For centuries, the various polities were at one another's throats, but about 350 years ago, the island of Jag (pronounced Jahg, long a) slowly began expanding, but at the same time managing to politically incorporate the islands that it conquered, mostly by forming an identity based on being supremacy.

Jagaeth was the nation that supplied the engineers and technical skill that built the Flame of Freedom.


Phranltin is in the northwesternmost region of Aesillar, separated from the mainland of Helfren by a narrow but high strip of mountains that make travel between the two enormously difficult in days of yore. Even now, most trade between the two nations is done by sea, given the expense and difficulty of navigating the peaks.

The total area is about 200,000 square kilometers, although much of their claimed lands are sparsely inhabited. The population is about 20 million, with a similar split as Halfars,ren (85% being/Griffon A, 8% demon 3% Griffon B, 6% other creatures, mostly Angels and 'Cubi.)

It too was once dominated by Helfren, although it was never fully incorporated, rather being a subject kingdom that was continually breaking away and necessitating reconquest.  Holding strong plutocratic values, the 500 wealthiest citizens (as determined by censuses taken once a decade) are offered a seat on the assembly, who perform legislative functions and appoint a Chancellor to directly execute the laws of the nation and carry out most foreign policy.

Creature/being tensions are pretty low in Phrantlin, given that the real enemy was always Helfren. While the two nations have not directly fought each other in close to 150 years, they've had numerous proxy wars, and tensions remain very high, although there is considerable trade between the two which provides a stabilizing effect.

The Flame of Freedom is owned and operated by a Phrantlan house, and routinely makes trips to Helfren. Some say it's a gesture of peace, and goodwill, of visiting the neighbors. Darker rumors say that it is merely a presage to an invasion by a means that can cross the high peaks with minimal effort.........

Gorihjar is the only province of Helfren to be released from incorporation into full independence. A small (for a great power) but thickly populated nation, it covers some 75,000 square kilometers but has a population of roughly 15 million. While no official demographics have been taken, Gorihjar has a much higher Creature population than other nations, with rough guesses of full blooded creatures reaching about a fifth of the population, and well over half can trace ancestry to a Creature within the past 3 generations.

Gorihjar is ruled by a Casawallan, the winner of a magical tournament held every 10 years. In practice though, the Casawallan is usually more interested in his or her magical experiments than in actually running the country, and what started off as the police force for their capital, Xahrest, has since grown into a civil service that performs most functions of a regular government. It has a reputation for honesty, but also a kind of cluelessness and slow-moving bureaucracy.

Magical skill is highly prized and education for magic is highly subsidized for citizens; one of the great national industries is training magic use to foreigners, who are generally forced to pay full premium. That being said, most people in the country do not have magic skill worth mentioning, and there are plenty of perfectly ordinary industries, commerce, and plain people making the country actually run.


The most reclusive of the five major powers, Qaggat is what used to be the easternmost province of Helfren, and in fact still retains its provincial name from before.  It's about 90,000 square kilometers of territory, mostly lightly wooded with patches of cleared farmlands. No official population estimates exist, but the surrounding lands guess her population at 15-20 million.

Even Qaggat's own population isn't quite certain how its administrators are picked, or even who their ruler is, beyond "The Chair" who issues out demands to selected servants, who in turn issue them out to the people; these must be complied with. A few can be ignored safely, but repeated ignoring of directives causes people to simply....... disappear.

Qaggat has little in the way of outside interaction with other nations, but when major wars arrive, eerily silent warriors tend to march to one side or the other.

There are other, smaller nations, about 30 or so, but I don't have the time/energy to put details in for all of them at the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 25, 2012, 09:22:47 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on January 24, 2012, 10:20:31 PM
Actually, having read it... I'm fairly certain he wants Jakob to smile at the last moment. He prompted you for a smile and since he can't MAKE you smile, he left off just before taking the picture to give you just enough time to make one (or really any other face) just before the flash goes off. Which is kind of silly, but there you go. You can probably escape the wall he's painted you into by just declaring how you look when the flash goes off and then continuing the conversation normally.

That's probably right.  So I was going to make a last minute post, but he seems to have got in first anyway.  Probably for the best, really :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 25, 2012, 09:35:38 AM
Oh, and I'm assuming that he did use a flash, given 1940s-era film stock.  If not, let me know and I'll change it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Inumo on January 27, 2012, 02:25:52 AM
So everyone knows, my school drumline is starting to kick into high gear, in addition to having to deal with an art project that I couldn't comfortably do at school. As a result, a lot of my free time is going to be filled, so my posts will be infrequent. I'll try and keep up as best I can, but I apologize in advance if I miss some detail or another that's important.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on January 31, 2012, 01:07:32 PM
If it is possible may we have a rough map of the ship's environment? It's kinda of hard to plan out locations and timing without a general idea of how everything is organized.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 31, 2012, 01:45:52 PM
Quote from: justacritic on January 31, 2012, 01:07:32 PM
If it is possible may we have a rough map of the ship's environment? It's kinda of hard to plan out locations and timing without a general idea of how everything is organized.

That would be good.  The whole spat between Jakob and Aleyna is a result of it, and arguably shouldn't have happened at all...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 02:13:22 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 31, 2012, 01:45:52 PM
Quote from: justacritic on January 31, 2012, 01:07:32 PM
If it is possible may we have a rough map of the ship's environment? It's kinda of hard to plan out locations and timing without a general idea of how everything is organized.

That would be good.  The whole spat between Jakob and Aleyna is a result of it, and arguably shouldn't have happened at all...

Heh, the environment's to blame?  I thought it was my loud-mouth NPC. :B

*snrk* Regardless. x3  None of us can draw maps, really.  But until we can get something drawn up, Corg says that he'll soon put together a description of the ship's layout that we all came up with, during the conception of this RP.  Really, it's simpler than you all think; but sadly I lost my own notes. ;>.>
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 31, 2012, 04:10:16 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 02:13:22 PM
Heh, the environment's to blame?  I thought it was my loud-mouth NPC. :B

Partly.  What narks me is the idea that Jakob would have even considered doing this within Aleyna's earshot when he's supposed to be a trained diplomat - that kind of breaks the suspension of disbelief for me.

The way I see it, I imagined Bas' table being 30ft away in a room with a noise floor similar to the Zoo at Anthrocon, and Bas seems to have imagined them being right next to the very bartender Jakob spoke to, and that is why I mentioned it here.  I suppose part of the fault is mine for not explicitly stating that he did so discreetly...

Quote*snrk* Regardless. x3  None of us can draw maps, really.  But until we can get something drawn up, Corg says that he'll soon put together a description of the ship's layout that we all came up with, during the conception of this RP.  Really, it's simpler than you all think; but sadly I lost my own notes. ;>.>

I'd be interested to see it anyway...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on January 31, 2012, 04:52:57 PM
If only to prevent someone's character making a flying kick... out the window :mowsad
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 05:03:06 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 31, 2012, 04:10:16 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 02:13:22 PM
Heh, the environment's to blame?  I thought it was my loud-mouth NPC. :B

Partly.  What narks me is the idea that Jakob would have even considered doing this within Aleyna's earshot when he's supposed to be a trained diplomat - that kind of breaks the suspension of disbelief for me.

The way I see it, I imagined Bas' table being 30ft away in a room with a noise floor similar to the Zoo at Anthrocon, and Bas seems to have imagined them being right next to the very bartender Jakob spoke to, and that is why I mentioned it here.  I suppose part of the fault is mine for not explicitly stating that he did so discreetly...

Funny, I thought you guys were both sitting at the bar. :/ Him and Aleyna did, and then you guys came up and ordered something.

Still, I suppose the -size- of the bar could be explained too, not just the size of the room.  *shrug*  We'll figure it out.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 31, 2012, 06:29:15 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 05:03:06 PM
Funny, I thought you guys were both sitting at the bar. :/ Him and Aleyna did, and then you guys came up and ordered something.

Yeah, well I didn't, and that has kind of... well, I guess it's shaken my confidence rather.  I'll get over it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Lisky on January 31, 2012, 07:12:53 PM
Actually, i saw it more like they were casually observing the bar and sipping drinks like 20 or so feet away. They note Jakob talking to the bartender while watching them in reply.  A few moments later, bartender shouts his threats over at them :B Which, combined with the looks they'd gotten and what little they could pick out from the usual garble immediately pinged the diplomat as the source of their sudden annoyance.  
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on January 31, 2012, 07:23:04 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on January 31, 2012, 07:12:53 PM
Actually, i saw it more like they were casually observing the bar and sipping drinks like 20 or so feet away. They note Jakob talking to the bartender while watching them in reply.  A few moments later, bartender shouts his threats over at them :B Which, combined with the looks they'd gotten and what little they could pick out from the usual garble immediately pinged the diplomat as the source of their sudden annoyance.  

It was really rather easy to make the mistake, Bas.  Reading back over the post where you guys arrived, here (,8786.msg359468.html#msg359468), you said absolutely nothing specific about a table.  You guys were headed to the bar.  You waved down the -bartender-, from twenty feet away?

Really, everyone, it's the general lounge room where everything is.  If you say you're headed to the bar, I'm going to -assume- the -actual bar-. x3  If you're at a table, there are waiters/waitresses to wave down for drinks.

Heh; see, that's why we both encourage detail to avoid confusion and discourage skim-reading.  That part, I admit to doing alot, which is my mistake.  In this case, though, there's no certainty.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 01:22:23 AM
My apologies to not having the diagram of the cabin up yet. Schoolwork and me being terrible at drawing things have resulted in delays.

However, there are 4 decks, A,B,C,D; with A being the highest and descending. Each deck is roughly 400 feet long, so accommodations are fairly snug.  Deck D is given over to engineering and crew functions, in general, passengers are not allowed past the ladder. Decks A, B, and C, are connected by spiral staircases, and Deck A also has slightly more than a quarter of its space given over to the crew functions, mostly towards the bow end of the gondola. There's a small bar (smallest of 3) in the aft end, a small meditation room, a tiny fur-styling salon, and a few other details I don't have in front of me at the moment (writing this in haste)

Deck B contains all of the passenger bunks, towards the stern, which are generally pretty small,  more designed for sleeping and storage, and to encourage mingling amongst the passengers. To save on space, there are no individual showers or toilets within rooms (just a small washtable and mirror for very basic hygiene) with those being placed in a dormitory style across from the bunks. The single biggest grumble among the previous flights was arranging for time to take a shower. The bow of deck B contains the casino, the stage and the main bar/lounge. This was where the captain gave his speech, and most of the passengers who heard him started out.

Deck C contains its own restrooms (but no showers), a gymnasium, the kitchen and dining room (with another small bar attached), and a second lounge, which is quasi-designated as the reading/writing lounge, a quieter and more reflective place than the more raucous one in the above deck. A reasonable chunk of the deck is also given over to supply storage. (mostly food for near the kitchen)

Deck D is marked as off limits to the passengers and no literature describing what's there is available. However, since the crew don't sleep in the same cabins as the passengers, it's pretty safe to assume that at least some of that space goes to their quarters and facilities.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 02, 2012, 04:46:22 AM
In view of the magic damper, would Jakob be able to morph his clothing?  Also, to what extent does it interfere with his shapeshifting abilities?  My understanding is that this kind of innate shapeshifting isn't usually affected by magic suppression (otherwise a Were transforming into human would not be able to change back) - but on the other hand, they may also have deliberately set up something that does.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 10:21:49 AM
Natural 'Cubi shape-shifting will work, but Jakob would notice it's a tad slower and requires more concentration to achieve. (But only very slightly, it's like the effect if he was trying to shapeshift while a loud buzzing in his ear is distracting him, not that he can actually hear the damper work) If he's trying to full magic morph? He wouldn't be able to do it, unless he found a spot where the Damper wasn't working.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 02, 2012, 10:26:23 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 10:21:49 AM
Natural 'Cubi shape-shifting will work, but Jakob would notice it's a tad slower and requires more concentration to achieve. (But only very slightly, it's like the effect if he was trying to shapeshift while a loud buzzing in his ear is distracting him, not that he can actually hear the damper work)
That's pretty much what I figured, yes.

QuoteIf he's trying to full magic morph? He wouldn't be able to do it, unless he found a spot where the Damper wasn't working.
What he's looking at doing is shrinking his pants into trunks.  'Cubi are supposed to able to do this sort of thing to clothing which is close to their body (e.g. Aary and her dress, or making temporary holes in garments for the wings etc), but I don't know whether that's an innate ability or a nonverbal spell of some kind.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 11:22:26 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 02, 2012, 10:26:23 AM
What he's looking at doing is shrinking his pants into trunks.  'Cubi are supposed to able to do this sort of thing to clothing which is close to their body (e.g. Aary and her dress, or making temporary holes in garments for the wings etc), but I don't know whether that's an innate ability or a nonverbal spell of some kind.

Hmm. I don't think it was a quick spell, digging through the comic at page 385 (, since her eyes aren't glowing (usually associated with magic) and she mentions that it's using her backwings, which would imply a shapeshifting. But Abel is carrying ( his clothes when he flies over to Jyrras's place, which implies that he can't just shift them off when he was morphed into a Griffon, or shift th em into a more comfortable shape.

So I had assumed when you synthesize the two that Aary wasn't wearing "real" clothes, and was just shapeshifting her body fur to create the illusion of clothes. (Though I admit, it does smack somewhat of backwards continuity) I'll consult the other DMs for an official decision, but my own personal conception is that shapeshifting only works for pseudo-clothes, and not real ones.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 02, 2012, 11:31:35 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 11:22:26 AM
So I had assumed when you synthesize the two that Aary wasn't wearing "real" clothes, and was just shapeshifting her body fur to create the illusion of clothes.

Yeah, I wondered that too, but in page 587, Abel removes it, so it's not part of her.  It looks like it's the same dress as in 522, though it's possible she just swapped it out or something.

EDIT: Getting back to the RP, if you want to rule that it won't work, that's fine.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on February 02, 2012, 12:22:03 PM
Everyone is referring to the moose who invited everyone over to the gym as the Captain. To clarify the captain of the airship is a wolf demon. The man of mystery is a moose who has the appearance of a being. The Captain is not in the bar/casino area at this time.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Lisky on February 02, 2012, 01:25:42 PM
I thought the captain was with Bassy, heading for the gym for a spar o.o;
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on February 02, 2012, 01:28:40 PM
The guy inviting Bas and Vladim to the gymnasium was a wolf, not a moose, and had similar scars.
Although he said a different name, I merely thought it was his first name , as opposed to surname used when being introduced as captain - in the same way that, say , Inquisitor Steelsprocket also goes by Brother Miron among his colleagues, yet being the same person.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on February 02, 2012, 01:39:27 PM
I'll let Corg answer, it's his post. I read it differently. Too many names with too many consonents.  :rolleyes Corg, the next NPC is being named Jim.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 02, 2012, 01:41:39 PM
The captain is taking Bas and Vladim to the gymnasium, and the moose is taking Kaf and Aisha to a relatively deserted hallway so they can speak in private.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on February 02, 2012, 01:53:17 PM
Thanks for clearing up the confusion I caused. I'll go back to scenery and costume design now.  :giggle
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 02, 2012, 11:11:27 PM
I'll try to get a post up tomarrow, just haven't had the energy as of late.

post is up, and I was informed that I was temporally challanged, so I modified it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on February 13, 2012, 05:46:16 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on January 25, 2012, 09:35:38 AM
Oh, and I'm assuming that he did use a flash, given 1940s-era film stock.  If not, let me know and I'll change it.
Ah yes silly of me to forget this for this long, yes the camera is cheap and has a flash, but has color film , that much I don't want to give up. Also I hope you'll survive, certain photos will become very... interesting
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on February 14, 2012, 04:36:40 PM
Bad news, guys; I had a freak accident this morning, couldn't turn on my computer, and my hard drive's completely unfixable.  I'll be getting a new one within a couple of days (which means, aside from what I've saved from my last computer, everything's completely gone) at least I hope, but until then I'm afraid I won't be able to come online.

I hope Corg and Mel can run things without me for at least a little while. ^^; Thank goodness I at least got in a post before everything went to crap.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 14, 2012, 04:52:36 PM
Ouch, I hope you had backups.  Take care, and I think the RP will survive without you if it's just going to be a day or two :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on February 16, 2012, 11:25:33 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 14, 2012, 04:52:36 PM
Ouch, I hope you had backups.  Take care, and I think the RP will survive without you if it's just going to be a day or two :3

I figure so, but I still tend to worry. x3  My first GM job too on top of it.

At any rate, new hard drive's here, I'm back and nearly set up, but I can post from my own room again, so yay. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 24, 2012, 01:13:59 PM
Jakob is still waiting on Aleyna.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 26, 2012, 10:12:52 PM
Sorry about the mega-post delay, school has been kicking my ass :(

However, since it was drafted in chunks over a reasonably long period of time, and owing to the size of the RP and my general incompetence, I might have left something out. Feel free to yell to me about it, especially if it affects you and your character.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on February 26, 2012, 11:50:46 PM
Incidentally, the if the bartender guy that you threw down there was the one that accidentally mouthed off about Bas, it wasn't the ferret, it was the coatimundi; unless there was a sudden change in plan. x3

Other than that, good post is good. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 27, 2012, 10:14:32 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on February 26, 2012, 11:50:46 PM
Incidentally, the if the bartender guy that you threw down there was the one that accidentally mouthed off about Bas, it wasn't the ferret, it was the coatimundi; unless there was a sudden change in plan. x3

Other than that, good post is good. :3

err, oops; will fix soon.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 27, 2012, 09:03:35 PM
just wondering, was Evan looked over? or has his contact not noticed him yet?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 27, 2012, 11:35:12 PM
No, his contact is otherwise delayed.

OTOH, in Evan's shoes, I wouldn't necessarily be looking forward to meeting with my blackmailer.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 27, 2012, 11:45:48 PM
Its only black mail if they have something to hold over you.

Evan has only followed along so far because he it is interesting to him, and he's decided to play nice for now.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 15, 2012, 11:56:30 AM
Are we waiting on anyone?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 15, 2012, 02:32:02 PM
Me. I have been trying to post, and I have scattered notes all over, but my professors are being extremely annoying with the "This is an emergency, stop what you're doing right now AND DO THIS INSTEAD!"

But I do have most of the next DM post already outlined.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 15, 2012, 05:54:17 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 15, 2012, 02:32:02 PM
Me. I have been trying to post, and I have scattered notes all over, but my professors are being extremely annoying with the "This is an emergency, stop what you're doing right now AND DO THIS INSTEAD!"

Can't argue with that :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on March 21, 2012, 01:29:26 AM
Y'know, I can't help but feel that all the "slow service" complaints kinda refers to our slow posting. :B  Sorry, I don't actually work a bar, so I had to think about what on earth they'd serve before I make this. xP
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 21, 2012, 05:11:58 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on March 21, 2012, 01:29:26 AM
Y'know, I can't help but feel that all the "slow service" complaints kinda refers to our slow posting. :B  Sorry, I don't actually work a bar, so I had to think about what on earth they'd serve before I make this. xP

Half and half, really.  I wasn't quite sure whether to wait for your post to see if that would cover it or not, or whether to post a reminder that Jakob is still waiting to learn what the special is.  It also occurred to me that you might be waiting for me to do something.  Having Jakob get bored waiting seemed a bit more fun, and anyway if they're a man down on the bar it's possible they could be overwhelmed by a rush of custom.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on March 24, 2012, 06:13:39 PM
Arghlblargh - not enough online time these days to write in. Tomorrow I should have, and I will bloody try to.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 08, 2012, 08:38:48 PM
Going to try to get a GM post in tonight or tomorrow at the latest; tired, cranky, and stressed though; it will probably be up but of poor quality.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 09, 2012, 10:03:04 PM
Doubleposting, because I'm just that annoying.

Standard procedure; the IC post is up, if I forgot you or did something to godmod you or just annoy you in general, yell at me either here or via PM. I don't eat complainers, honest! :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on April 10, 2012, 10:38:46 AM
Hobbies doesn't hide his wings, so is it just Evan being too distracted to notice Hobbies' wings or does he think the fennec is just using stim-packs?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 11, 2012, 01:45:39 PM
I am kind of curious how Hobbies is dressed... I keep imagining him as being in slightly threadbare clothes, but I have no idea where this impression came from.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on April 12, 2012, 10:45:10 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2012, 01:45:39 PM
I am kind of curious how Hobbies is dressed... I keep imagining him as being in slightly threadbare clothes, but I have no idea where this impression came from.
I wanted to see if I could give impressions depending on characterization instead of primarily using descriptions. Anyway you've got the slightly threadbare correctly, the reason why is for you and your character to wonder about. The fact that you've got your own impression on the state of Hobbies clothing somehow makes me rather happy.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 12, 2012, 11:20:59 AM
Quote from: justacritic on April 12, 2012, 10:45:10 AM
I wanted to see if I could give impressions depending on characterization instead of primarily using descriptions. Anyway you've got the slightly threadbare correctly, the reason why is for you and your character to wonder about. The fact that you've got your own impression on the state of Hobbies clothing somehow makes me rather happy.

Ah, good.  Jakob wasn't going to ask why, it didn't really seem polite.  He was more concerned with whether Hobbies could do with a help out, hence his offer to buy him food if he wants it.  If Hobbies was dressed like a prince, that would have been a little stupid :P

And on the other hand, the liner might not really like their hires looking like a tramp...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on April 13, 2012, 09:22:05 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 12, 2012, 11:20:59 AM
Quote from: justacritic on April 12, 2012, 10:45:10 AM
I wanted to see if I could give impressions depending on characterization instead of primarily using descriptions. Anyway you've got the slightly threadbare correctly, the reason why is for you and your character to wonder about. The fact that you've got your own impression on the state of Hobbies clothing somehow makes me rather happy.

Ah, good.  Jakob wasn't going to ask why, it didn't really seem polite.  He was more concerned with whether Hobbies could do with a help out, hence his offer to buy him food if he wants it.  If Hobbies was dressed like a prince, that would have been a little stupid :P

And on the other hand, the liner might not really like their hires looking like a tramp...

The performing artsy types I've noticed usually dress in one of three styles, overly extravagant, shamefully scandalous or rather shabbily. Which do you think the liner guests will take most offense?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 13, 2012, 10:30:55 AM
Quote from: justacritic on April 13, 2012, 09:22:05 AM
The performing artsy types I've noticed usually dress in one of three styles, overly extravagant, shamefully scandalous or rather shabbily. Which do you think the liner guests will take most offense?

Well I don't know for sure, but I'd wager it'd be the shabby one.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 24, 2012, 10:12:56 AM
I wasn't sure if we were supposed to be able to see the interference or not, Mel being Fae-powerful and all.  I did mean to ask before, but got sidetracked...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on April 24, 2012, 10:49:03 AM
Tape brings up a good point, given that in most likelihood Vladim will show up in that deck , too.
(And yep, sorry, I should post but well, stupid holidays are sort of slowly transferring into an even more stupid exam period)

Supposed the flickers happen often enough, who would be able to perceive them?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on April 24, 2012, 07:09:24 PM
The GMs will PM anyone who might have noticed anything weird. And while Mel is the most powerful magic-user on the ship she isn't anywhere near fae-level. Unless she has to get the bottle deus ex machina out of her purse.  :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Kafzeil on April 25, 2012, 08:54:23 PM
Oh My God I'm so sorry for taking so long. I'll post something soon, I promise.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 08, 2012, 02:06:25 PM
Sorry guys, but between finals and planning an upcoming trip, I've not had much time nor energy. But all that is out of the way now, and I'm going to try to have a big GM post up in a few hours.

Also, you guys are weird; I'm more used to yelling at the DM via PM or on an OOC thread. Yell louder :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on May 08, 2012, 04:03:40 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 08, 2012, 02:06:25 PM
Sorry guys, but between finals and planning an upcoming trip, I've not had much time nor energy. But all that is out of the way now, and I'm going to try to have a big GM post up in a few hours.

Also, you guys are weird; I'm more used to yelling at the DM via PM or on an OOC thread. Yell louder :P

*snerk!* What, you don't count yourself lucky that we aren't bugged constantly by overly-involved character-centric Sues?  Shame on you.  :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on May 08, 2012, 05:06:56 PM
Uh buh.. Corgatha ...
My last exam is tomorrow 4pm GMT .. after that and some nappings i'll be finally able to post something.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 09, 2012, 12:31:42 AM
Quote from: VAE on May 08, 2012, 05:06:56 PM
Uh buh.. Corgatha ...
My last exam is tomorrow 4pm GMT .. after that and some nappings i'll be finally able to post something.

Oh, ok; I'll wait up for you. One more day isn't going to mess things up, and I've got most of it written.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 11, 2012, 06:46:50 PM
How come every time I make a prediction things go wrong?

Sorry, been having a bit of computer trouble; I'm posting from a friend's PC, but that doesn't have any of my notes. I could probably put a post together without them, but they're like a security blanket. I'm going to try to get things fixed tomorrow; or at least grit my teeth and put one up from a library computer.

Sorry to everyone who has been waiting.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Angel on May 14, 2012, 12:05:55 AM
No need to worry, Corg. With finals done, I'm free to write. Just waiting on Tezkat and Inumo.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Inumo on May 14, 2012, 12:40:21 AM
My bad, I didn't notice I was being spoken to.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Angel on May 14, 2012, 01:33:00 PM
No worries. I'll cook up a response later today.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 21, 2012, 11:38:13 AM
Out of interest, how does the bar work?  Are things like drinks and food going on a tab for each 'room', paid for upfront or covered by the ticket price (which I gather is rather big)?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 21, 2012, 11:50:13 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 21, 2012, 11:38:13 AM
Out of interest, how does the bar work?  Are things like drinks and food going on a tab for each 'room', paid for upfront or covered by the ticket price (which I gather is rather big)?

People who work for the ship  have an allowance for meals which is separate from their compensation.  For pretty much everyone else, it's like an airline, except with better food. If you want most normal stuff, it's complimentary. If you're asking for a drink of some sort of really expensive vintage or you want dragon-sized meals when you didn't specify that on your ticket, they'll charge you extra on site. (They'll accept credit). But generally, if it's not something they have to dig through in a storeroom to look for, it's probably complimentary.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on May 22, 2012, 10:21:21 PM
Just a note to our players that the plot will unfold slowly at first, gradually building up momentum. So feel free to start your own mini-plots within the game. Start a shipboard romance, steal a tacky blue diamond, learn to rollerskate! We'll love to see what you can make out of our environment. Just remember, the GMs are the only ones allowed to set things on fire.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tipod on May 23, 2012, 10:21:56 PM
Sorry about being silent, had some finals and other assorted BS nagging me. I'll try and get something in by tomorrow at the latest.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Sunblink on June 02, 2012, 11:09:13 AM
Sorry about my inactivity for the past... few months, guys. I had laptop troubles, and after I finally got a replacement, the harddrive for that one was vaporized, along with what I had written of my FoF post. I should be okay now, but I need to continue from where I left off.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tipod on June 02, 2012, 09:45:23 PM
In case anyone was curious as to what Terry looks like, a friend of mine got me this ( Bart included just because.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 11, 2012, 07:51:39 PM
Last of my posts before Anthrocon, huzzah. x3

Also, I must ask that since this RP is going so slow, I forgot where everyone happens to be located at this point and time (and thus it's hard for others, not just me, to mention any specific characters in the scene), so, everyone know where they are? xP I haven't time to go skimming through posts and look to see who's next to who and all that.  :U

May as well count this as an official head count, y'all.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 12, 2012, 07:17:49 AM
Jakob is still sat at the bar with Mel at the moment, but when Hobbies' show is due to start, he will head off there.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on June 12, 2012, 09:04:23 AM
Vlad is in first deck bar with Ephrael.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Inumo on June 12, 2012, 03:19:18 PM
Xyrtia's still in the slave hold.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tipod on June 12, 2012, 05:02:53 PM
Terry's still playing cards at the blackjack table.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Lisky on June 12, 2012, 07:18:22 PM
Aleyna is at a poker table with Kaf and Pal

Bas is right by terry :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on June 12, 2012, 08:49:02 PM
Hobbies is backstage preparing for the first act.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Kafzeil on June 13, 2012, 04:01:48 PM
Eden is flirting with Aleyna and Pal, while Kaf is going to get a drink with Aisha.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Angel on June 14, 2012, 05:46:16 PM
Kenyan is in the slave hold, keeping an eye on Xyrtia and Mateo.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 19, 2012, 01:18:37 PM
Evan is at the bar
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Boog on June 20, 2012, 10:14:17 PM
Jeremiah's in the casino, dealing the game Bas and Terry are at.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 01, 2012, 05:29:41 PM
Quote from: justacritic on June 12, 2012, 08:49:02 PM
Hobbies is backstage preparing for the first act.

If we've run out of plot for the time being, maybe we could move that forward...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on July 01, 2012, 08:12:14 PM
Will do I'm trying to find the play that I had first in mind. Please bear with me.
EDIT Plot advanced, though this takes more work than I expected. GMs I entrust to you the decision to how long this play will actually last overall. I can describe the action and story but I am unable to truly decide the scope of time each act could possibly take. Thus forth I leave this judgment to your capable hands.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 03, 2012, 08:57:34 AM
I didn't think to declare Jakob's pocket-watch in character setup.  I hope that's not a problem.  It's just a mechanical timepiece of some kind.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 04, 2012, 09:51:20 AM
Quote from: justacritic on July 01, 2012, 08:12:14 PM
Will do I'm trying to find the play that I had first in mind. Please bear with me.
EDIT Plot advanced, though this takes more work than I expected. GMs I entrust to you the decision to how long this play will actually last overall. I can describe the action and story but I am unable to truly decide the scope of time each act could possibly take. Thus forth I leave this judgment to your capable hands.

Sure thing. I'll keep an eye on stuff.

Quote from: Tapewolf on July 03, 2012, 08:57:34 AM
I didn't think to declare Jakob's pocket-watch in character setup.  I hope that's not a problem.  It's just a mechanical timepiece of some kind.

That's fine. I always forget about my own watches. :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on July 04, 2012, 04:01:21 PM
Just to make things clear, I'm pretty much waiting for Pal.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 05, 2012, 11:38:50 AM
Sorry VAE I've been having trouble of even thinking what I want to write..let alone how to word it :<
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on July 05, 2012, 12:17:08 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 05, 2012, 11:38:50 AM
Sorry VAE I've been having trouble of even thinking what I want to write..let alone how to word it :<
Do you have a mic and some text editing program with voice recognition? You could try stream of consciousness for idea building.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on July 05, 2012, 01:28:15 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 05, 2012, 11:38:50 AM
Sorry VAE I've been having trouble of even thinking what I want to write..let alone how to word it :<

No prob, I mean, I would be a friggin' hypocrite to complain about someone else being slow with responding given how long is it taking me to post in the game I run ,or even others.
I was mainly mentioning it to pre-empt corgatha or other GMs wondering about me not responding.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on July 27, 2012, 10:39:29 PM
Coming up next for some players will be a formal dinner at the Captain's Table. We've divided up all the passenger characters into three groups via random number generation. Group A will dine with the Captain on the first night of the trip, Group B the second night, and Group C the third.  If anyone has been left off the list just drop me a PM and I'll add you to one of the groups. Sorry slaves and employees, no fancy dinner for you but I'm sure we'll find something interesting for you to do.

Group A = Bas & Aleyna, Jakob, and Terry
Group B = Eden, Pal, Aisha, and Vladim
Group C = Evan, Kafzeil, and Ephrael

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on July 28, 2012, 11:17:17 PM
Is Sunblink's laptop troubles still causing her to be MIA? Last I remember she was heading towards one of the decks when she dropped off the face of the ship
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on August 11, 2012, 12:53:03 AM
Tezkat; me, Angel, and Inumo are waiting for Mateo to express any interest or disinterest in Jake's little martial arts lesson.  Since you didn't post in the head-count I called, I may just count you MIA, but I'll be fair and wait a couple of days before making all my replies, and after that, I'll just assume Mateo's decision upon a coin toss.

Apologies to the peeps I've kept waiting, but I like to make all my characters' actions fit into one post.  To me it's less confusing. x3

EDIT: Character has been considered MIA and is subject to disappearance next headcount.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 14, 2012, 09:00:27 AM
I now know what Jakob will read on the card, and will post an update once someone else has moved :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on September 24, 2012, 06:43:09 PM
Tapewolf I'm waiting for the GM to get back to me on a pm, I'll start on that post soon after that.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 24, 2012, 07:21:07 PM
Quote from: justacritic on September 24, 2012, 06:43:09 PM
Tapewolf I'm waiting for the GM to get back to me on a pm, I'll start on that post soon after that.

Okay, cool.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on September 25, 2012, 10:30:24 AM
Sorry about the delays, between school, work, and the Jewish holidays, I haven't had much time.

I'll get to stuff on Thursday, and if I don't, send a fusillade of PMs to yell at me.

EDIT- Stuff came up. Irritating stuff. Couldn't post yesterday, probably can't post today (if I do, it will be very late), going to try for Saturday.

Sorry folks :(
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 30, 2012, 07:44:09 AM
Justacritic, don't forget that we're in a 1930-40s era here, I don't think they'd have raves in the 1990 sense of the word :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on September 30, 2012, 08:22:38 AM
We are talking about Daryil here, it would be funny if he invented raving. Then again maybe that's the reason for complaining, raves haven't been invented yet
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 01, 2012, 10:33:40 AM
I'm not quite sure whether Jakob and co are supposed to stand until the captain sits or something.  It would be obvious to him, but I'm not in the room with him.  I've tried to cover all bases, but I can amend it if need be once I know how the decorum of the meal goes.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 01, 2012, 11:16:06 AM
No, you got it right; you'd be seated immediately upon entering.

Sorry for being unclear, but I was trying to write up something for various approaches to the dining hall, and stay flexible.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 01, 2012, 11:54:29 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 01, 2012, 11:16:06 AM
No, you got it right; you'd be seated immediately upon entering.

Sorry for being unclear, but I was trying to write up something for various approaches to the dining hall, and stay flexible.

Yeah, I saw he was led to the place, what wasn't quite clear was whether he'd be expected to stand there for a bit or sit down immediately.  Thanks for clarifying, I'll leave the post as-is.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 13, 2012, 07:11:15 PM
Are we waiting on Bas with the meal?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 13, 2012, 07:43:07 PM
Yes. If you see this Bas, please post promptly.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Lisky on October 13, 2012, 07:48:45 PM
Mostly finished, will do now!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on October 15, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
I just have to randomly pop up and say: "This RP is dead", my clawed, hairy foot. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 16, 2012, 05:17:25 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on October 15, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
I just have to randomly pop up and say: "This RP is dead", my clawed, hairy foot. x3

Good.  I was a bit afraid that the Headwing RP would steal its thunder :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on October 16, 2012, 07:00:09 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on October 16, 2012, 05:17:25 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on October 15, 2012, 10:55:59 PM
I just have to randomly pop up and say: "This RP is dead", my clawed, hairy foot. x3

Good.  I was a bit afraid that the Headwing RP would steal its thunder :3
Hey, it isn't stealing when you plan to return it one day...  :mowninja
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on October 16, 2012, 08:58:06 PM
x3 I'm not worried about thunder being stolen, I'm just wondering why people seem to be hesitant to start going off on their own tangents in this one.  The environment and the people are provided, and yet most of us are wallflowers :B Plus we GMs losing our muses from time to time, that I'll attest to.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on October 16, 2012, 09:08:15 PM
I dunno either *shrug*. Possibly because a lot of the characters there just don't have that much to do at the moment.
Last time I recall postings, Vladim was halfbakedly chatting with one of Pally's characters, and waiting for lunch.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on October 16, 2012, 09:17:31 PM
Well I'm trying something here, don't let this die on us please
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on October 16, 2012, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: justacritic on October 16, 2012, 09:17:31 PM
Well I'm trying something here, don't let this die on us please

x3 You're good at least, Critic.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 17, 2012, 04:16:57 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on October 16, 2012, 08:58:06 PM
x3 I'm not worried about thunder being stolen, I'm just wondering why people seem to be hesitant to start going off on their own tangents in this one.  The environment and the people are provided, and yet most of us are wallflowers :B Plus we GMs losing our muses from time to time, that I'll attest to.

Jakob has very little interest in the facilities, and keeps getting forcibly separated from the people he wants to talk to...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on October 24, 2012, 09:34:41 PM
... Alcohol, mother of many an awkward moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on October 28, 2012, 08:17:40 PM
Our lady of pain has returned a chorus of screaming hallelujahs please
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 30, 2012, 05:23:33 PM
If anyone is curious, Jakob in FoF looks something like this (without the headwings):  (Jakob in Regalia, commissioned from Sunblink)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on October 30, 2012, 08:03:27 PM
Very swank Tape. As the 3rd Jr. GM in charge of costume and scenery I approve.  :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 06, 2012, 01:51:17 PM
Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on October 30, 2012, 08:03:27 PM
Very swank Tape. As the 3rd Jr. GM in charge of costume and scenery I approve.  :)

Heh, thanks.

Incidentally, I'm kind of waiting for security to respond to Jakob's predicament :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on November 06, 2012, 05:18:09 PM
Sorry for the short reply, haven't had the energy to write much recently; and I didn't want to interfere that much outside of the banquet; if nobody else posts in a day or two, I'll move forward, even if I have to double-post.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Angel on November 30, 2012, 08:26:35 PM
Yo, this thing still around? Just wanna post here and ask before the IC thread goes into "posting is necro-ing" territory.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: justacritic on November 30, 2012, 11:52:00 PM
I am waiting in the gym for something to happen, then again there are some who have exams
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on December 01, 2012, 12:33:55 AM
Indeed, sorry for the wait, peeps; we GMs have been somewhat busy of late; and some of us don't want to move the story along without stepping on toes.  ^^;

However, there is something everyone can do right now in the IC; we've been ready to move on to Day 2 for ages, so if everyone would just start heading for their cabins and get some sleep (for those who -do- sleep), it would help. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 01, 2012, 04:38:52 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on December 01, 2012, 12:33:55 AM
However, there is something everyone can do right now in the IC; we've been ready to move on to Day 2 for ages, so if everyone would just start heading for their cabins and get some sleep (for those who -do- sleep), it would help. x3

I dunno, I thought the Captain was going to say something interesting during the dinner :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 07, 2012, 11:05:18 AM
Are we now expected to leave the supper, or is there going to be some kind of closing speech?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on December 07, 2012, 11:10:41 AM
Nah, it was supposed to be kind of a meet and greet sort of thing. I hadn't had any written closing speech (I'm trying for more frequent, shorter posts, don't know if it will work), but if you want to have something like "The captain gave some long boring bland speech" before the dinner closed type post, that'd be perfectly fine.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 19, 2013, 11:21:40 AM

Ok, I'm trying to get back into things, so I hate to announce a delay, but here it is.

I'm going to write up a post, but I won't post it up officially until Monday, in the late morning (eastern Standard time) basically detailing what happened during the night (not much) and starting things off in the second day. I'm really going to try to push things along more quickly, and while I realize that's hard with so many people, we've been losing momentum, and that usually kills RPs, so I'm going to try to up the pace.

I'm going to work with the assumption that anyone who doesn't specify otherwise by Monday went to bed without much (further) incident.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tezkat on February 02, 2013, 10:14:52 PM

For those of you not following my new art thread (,9334.0.html), I posted a sketch of Mateo ( Yes, he is supposed to have ocelot spots/markings, but you'll have to use your imagination until I get around to colouring it. :3

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 11, 2013, 03:38:40 PM
Anyone around at the bar/casino?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: VAE on February 11, 2013, 06:03:40 PM
Hmm. Vlad went down there, the last I posted from him. Thing is, he probably wouldn't come up and plain initiate talking to an obvious angel/cubi dignitary.
Feel free to poke him though, if it'd make sense for Jakob, and if you feel like it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 25, 2013, 03:29:11 PM
Ok, so like I mentioned on the other thread, I'm basically leaving the forum, barring an occasional poke of my head in to see how things are. So, yeah, my time as a full time DM is done. I might, other DMs willing, give a bit of feedback for overarching storylines, but nothing like the nitty-gritty day to day managing of the RP. It's for the best, and hopefully, with someone active at the helm, there will be DM posts more than "once every so often".

Which leads me into the official announcement. Boogyman, ye hath been promoted. Try not to abuse the power of DMship too much, at least not when anyone is looking. I hope you all continue to enjoy the RP.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--CLOSED!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on February 25, 2013, 08:10:55 PM
(Nails up a "Closed for Renovations" sign)

We're going to close the RP down for two weeks to give Boog a time to plot evil tortures... I mean accustom himself to the plot. During that time the RP will be open to new players. Same character rules apply as previously stated. PM all character sheets to one of the three GMs (Boog, Aisha, or myself) for approval before posting.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on March 05, 2013, 07:13:42 PM
Due to outside circumstances we are going to be a week or two longer than originally predicted getting restarted. We hope you'll all still all be with us when we return.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 05, 2013, 07:21:21 PM
Indeed.  I've not been terribly active but I am still interested.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 13, 2013, 06:31:48 PM

Thankyew, thankyew, ladies and germs you are all just. Too. Kind. No need for applause, although it most certainly can't hurt your character's luck...

ANYWHO AMOVINGRIGHTALONG, I need to know who's still in on this travelling trainwreck in the sky. I've looked over Corg's notes and I think I have something that'll be a properfun hullaballoo for all involved. Also the ol' gasbag will be pulling into port soon so now's the time for new people to sign right the hell up how cool is that?

But yeah seriously. Who's in, who wants in, and if you're out here's your chance to leave on a suitably dramatic note. Table-flipping encouraged if not mandatory.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 13, 2013, 06:44:27 PM
I'm in.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on March 13, 2013, 09:29:57 PM
I for one welcome our new Overlord :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on March 13, 2013, 09:47:26 PM
Despite the risks involved , *breathes in and out*, I'm in.
All the other forum games everywhere I been in died in the meantime, and I'm curious what the new leadership will bring.
As the blind man said before he fell down a ditch, we shall see.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on March 13, 2013, 11:25:13 PM
Goes without saying as I'm still a co-GM, but I'm in too for the record. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on March 14, 2013, 12:53:21 AM
I'm still floating about, assuming something, y'know, happens. >.>
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on March 14, 2013, 12:05:19 PM
Of course I'm still in. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kafzeil on March 14, 2013, 06:26:58 PM
I'm still around.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tezkat on March 15, 2013, 05:24:51 PM

Mateo's still lurking around the slave hold, though he's likely to remain horribly depressed until his situation improves a bit... :dface

Despite all the work that went into his original application, I think it might be best to hold off on introducing my second character for now, though.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 15, 2013, 11:40:11 PM
No worries; I believe the slave hold has had enough faffing about, I aim to give it a good shake sometime soon.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 18, 2013, 11:10:07 PM
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 19, 2013, 04:31:14 AM
If that's Jakob in the mess hall, bear in mind he's pretending to be an Angel while onboard, at least for now.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 19, 2013, 08:02:58 AM
Nah, Paladin. No worries, I've been paying THAT much attention.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on March 19, 2013, 08:19:31 AM
But not enough to realise that Pal is in being mode :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 19, 2013, 09:16:28 AM
APPARENTLY SO, gimme a sec to edit...

EDIT: CORRECTED. Perdon moi monseuirs, je suis tre bet.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tezkat on March 19, 2013, 04:06:29 PM
Hmm... quick question... would folks in the slave hold have been able to hear the global announcement about the layover?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 19, 2013, 04:08:20 PM
If you have a particularly good hearing you may make out details, but I'm assuming most folks are basically hearing the parents from Peanuts.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on March 20, 2013, 04:11:36 AM
And posted - hopefully I haven't screwed anything up with regards to actual nation detail in the latter part  (just say and I'll edit/redact).
Also, sorry to Kaf - as I was reading the backlog I noticed Eden actually addressed Vlad at one point which I completely and utterly failed to notice. Ugh.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 20, 2013, 12:28:33 PM
Post's fine, Qaggath's relations with the rest of the goddamn planet is pretty much a kaleidoscope of sorrows, it'd be a reasonable assumption that their economy is thoroughly effed. However, seeing as this tourism-port is one of the main ways they manage to extract money from outside the country, don't expect a dollar to get you a house. Major businesses are likely to overcharge, local ones undercharge. Hope that helped for frame of reference.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on March 20, 2013, 02:10:51 PM
Yep, which is why he was worried about time. He'll need to dig a bit through the city, preferrably as far from the airstrip as reasonable.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 30, 2013, 09:52:18 PM
Ah, good.  I was afraid Hobbies had left us. He's about the only person Jakob has really got on with...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on March 31, 2013, 08:04:05 PM
Aw... you didn't think Jakob's and Mel's 30 seconds of conversation advanced cubi/dragon relations.  :giggle
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on March 31, 2013, 08:22:00 PM
Given what's said about Cubi attention span, that might have been a pretty long chat, actually x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 01, 2013, 07:35:22 AM
Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on March 31, 2013, 08:04:05 PM
Aw... you didn't think Jakob's and Mel's 30 seconds of conversation advanced cubi/dragon relations.  :giggle

I'd actually forgotten about that.  And no, Jakob may not have realised what she is at this point
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on April 01, 2013, 10:46:20 AM
Dragon or demon she probably didn't make his A-list for repeat conversation. Oh well, maybe they'll bump into each other sending messages home. They will not be bumping into each other at the doorknob museum.  :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on April 09, 2013, 11:53:20 AM
Does Jakob have his headwings out or is he still in angel disguise?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 09, 2013, 11:59:37 AM
Quote from: justacritic on April 09, 2013, 11:53:20 AM
Does Jakob have his headwings out or is he still in angel disguise?

For now, he's still in Angel mode.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 28, 2013, 03:43:26 PM
Is Hobbies going to say anything or should I move Jakob to some other location, e.g. disembarking?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on May 17, 2013, 07:02:16 PM
Grah, another GM post in such short order. I'll prob'ly post on monday - while I do sure waste a lot of time these days, my creative juices are mostly drained by the drudgery of project report.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on May 26, 2013, 04:43:42 PM
I've made it ambiguous as to whether Jakob actually does disembark or whether he's just dressed to go out relatively incognito, just in case anyone wants to intercept him en route.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: VAE on May 31, 2013, 10:29:58 AM
Bast. Somehow, almost a month passed and I'm well off the rails again. I guess that cements it - feel free to give my slot to someone else Boog because chronic failure at keeping up.
This is a fun game, it just somehow went badly wrong for me.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 01, 2013, 06:37:40 PM
Let us have a moment of silence for our fallen comrade, VAE.


Aight that's done. Dibs on his boots!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on June 01, 2013, 07:25:45 PM
*gets the Viking Funeral Boat ready*
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on June 02, 2013, 12:48:14 AM
Sorry to hear that, VAE. You'll be missed. (hums "Taps")
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 02, 2013, 02:36:39 AM
Fare thee well, VAE.  Glad you had a little bit of fun at least.  :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 05, 2013, 07:48:30 AM
FWIW, I'm aware that Bas appears to have dropped out for now, but given that Jakob's life was threatened, this seems the natural thing for him to do.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 12, 2013, 11:55:53 AM
I have great interest in joining this.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 12, 2013, 12:05:11 PM
I'll need a character sheet and/or one (1) human heart.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on June 12, 2013, 12:09:32 PM
And cookies.  :mowcookie  We're far less likely to kill people if our blood sugar isn't low.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 12, 2013, 12:29:55 PM
Well, i sent Boog the Char sheet. So here's some cookies for ya Mel! *Hands over a full box of Double chocolate chip Cookies* Remember to share... ;) (Edit: Forgot to copy paste the char sheet somewhere i could reference it later, so would appreciate it if it could be posted or pm'd back as well) Edit, edit: Also just realised i didn't exactly put a description of him in it... x.x; )edit again: Sent Boog a Pm with a link to a better character cheet if hasn't already probably needs to share it with other GMs. )
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 13, 2013, 03:00:50 PM
OK, just finished reading through the entire RP that has happened so far so I'll know whats going on and such. Also know who and who not to mess with. Just hope i get the permission to join in. :) If need be i can get my char sheet to another GM to Hasten the process.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 13, 2013, 11:40:10 PM
Kudos for reading through :) usually most of us just like to skim or join in and get the gritty details as they go.  And don't worry, Boog will send Mel and I the char sheets if there needs to be any agreement on anything.

Also, I hope I don't steal any of the Mods' thunder here, but you don't have to double-post. :3 You can just mark any changes to your previous post with an "Edit" before it and we'll be able to catch it, as we check the OOC fairly often.  Or at least I do. :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 14, 2013, 06:37:51 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 13, 2013, 11:40:10 PM
Also, I hope I don't steal any of the Mods' thunder here, but you don't have to double-post. :3 You can just mark any changes to your previous post with an "Edit" before it and we'll be able to catch it, as we check the OOC fairly often.  Or at least I do. :B

It's just common sense, really.  If you're changing things within the same day or so, an "EDIT:" is usually the most sensible approach.  On the other hand, if the OOC thread has been idle for weeks or months, posting a new message is far better, even if you were the last poster.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 14, 2013, 08:15:50 AM
Thanks and it's actually quite the story so Far.  :) Either way, Sorry about the double posting. ^.^;
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 16, 2013, 10:50:12 PM
Kirrin, you're approved.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 16, 2013, 11:07:56 PM
Thank you, here's the Char sheet.

Name: Kirrin Shadowclaw
Species: Tiger (Incubus)
Gender: Male
Age: 327
Height: 6ft. 4in.
Weight: 241Lbs
Outward Appearance
Fur/Skin/Scale Color: White with black stripes,
Hair Color: Grey, hair is mid length.
Eye Color:Green
Clothing: almost always wears a brown leather vest and a pair of dark brown khaki slacks with a black leather belt. (subject to change depending on mood and necessity )
Accessories: a box of matches and an old metal Cigar box that holds up to five cigars
Weaponry: two pairs of brass knuckles, throwing needles hidden in his Cigar case a few throwing knives hidden in the cuffs of his slacks. Also carries a broadsword and Kukri. Lastly he carries a bit of flash paper on him, not much in the way of a weapon but it can provide a blinding surprise and lay work for a follow up of a nasty suprise.
Special Abilities: Among his natural cubi abilities he does wield several magics of thief design and a natural ability to pickpocket with his wings. Has command over a range of elemental magics but prefers fire or energy magics at times.
Outstanding Features: The fact that he has a pair of bat like wings sticking out of his back and a smaller set coming out of the top of his head (unless they are hidden) .
Personality & Background
Personality: He can be a nice enough guy when he wants, not often though. likes to provoke folks just so he can knock them about and beat them senseless or even kill them but if you manage to make him a friend, consider yourself lucky because he is fiercely loyal. Though a lot of folks consider him a smart ass.
Background: Grew up as part of Tauns tribe, liveing for merely battles and fun, though he is a more obscure member of the clan. Has gone out and gotten into thievery and a bit of murder. though he isn't stupid enough to draw to much attention to himself with adventurers or other potential enemies. Mainly he has kept himself out of the main stay for anyone to notice him his love life is so far non existent., tried once but ended up having to break it off with the girl because she was quite clingy other than that, he can be found at the local bars when he isn't planning a good round of thefts. Recently snagged a ticket aboard a luxury cruise dirigible, having pulled it right from the unsuspecting fellows front pocket. if anything he figures it'll be a good chance to amass his riches more.
Likes: fun, smoking his cigars, a little drinking, stealing and fighting, playing a good game of darts, cards or pool and reading novels based on his own race cause a lot make him laugh
Dislikes: being too calm and adventurers. He strongly dislikes the fact that he seems weak, his body not being impenetrable like he would prefer since most common weapons have a good enough effect on him if he doesn't manage to dodge them. Not to mention he hates being cold and is used to warmer weather Ice magic really bothers him none the less and will slow him down if not stop him entirely.
Location: currently wandering/flying from place to place
Occupation: none, depends on thievery and fights for money/food
Additional Info: His build is slightly muscular in an athletic way. He spends his free time hanging out with anyone who'll tolerate him, his usual hang outs being bars where he plays pool or darts, hoping for a fight to break out. Loves to read novels about the cubi race.

Well, there it is folks, hope it isn't full of grammatical errors. Grammar never was a strong subject for me.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 17, 2013, 07:35:12 AM
Should I assume that Jakob was able to send his message okay?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 17, 2013, 12:53:36 PM
I'll try to gmpost sometime tonight, sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 17, 2013, 01:48:24 PM
Quote from: Boog on June 17, 2013, 12:53:36 PM
I'll try to gmpost sometime tonight, sorry for the delay.

Okay, cool.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on June 18, 2013, 11:54:45 PM
Seriously thinking of throwing James in the mix. If I can't voice act on the bus, I can at least do some RPing!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 18, 2013, 11:58:22 PM
We would be honored to have you! Gimme your character sheet and ten bucks.  :mowsmile
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on June 19, 2013, 12:00:05 AM
Kay! *wires over an IOU*

Edit with approved character sheet:

James StarRunner


Mid-Late 20's


James was raised at an orphanage. It was sadly the norm at the time for his nation. A group of angels had turned the nation upside down, literally overnight. Millions were lost, but there was an alarming number of child survivors. Orphanages around the nation were filled to over capacity, even other buildings were converted to be makeshift orphanages. James was dropped off the night of the attack.

Being an angel, James was ostracized and hated by society. Grace, his caretaker and owner of the orphanage endured a lot for him. She was mugged, defended James' rights multiple times in court, had funding taken away, and finally removed from the orphanage. James was kicked out in his early teens. He had little to no rights and couldn't get a job. He was forced to live on the streets and steal for his daily bread.

When he decided to flee the polar island nation, he stowed away on a ship. Unfortunately, it was a pirate ship and they near drowned James by tying him to an anchor and tossing him overboard. He now has hydrophobia and a white strip on his tail where the trauma caused a loss in pigmentation.

When he got to the mainland, he still found it tough to make an honest living. He saw a group of street urchins who were shunned because they were different, like him. He helped feed and protect them. When the local thieves guild saw them as competition, James somehow managed to best them. This did not go unnoticed. There was a grey paladin (by the name of Brandon) who created a special order of mercenaries who's charge was to only take real criminals and take down evil. The paladin noticed James and took him off the street, offering help and protection to the urchins James was with.

There were many skill sets to be learned in the order and James was invited to learn from any he chose. Paladin Sheppard was a friend to the order and James had even trained with him for a time. He became a jack of all trades, learning things here and there. He was really good at finding people and became a bounty hunter.

Now James has had many adventures and experiences. He had partnered up with Aisha on occasion and has a good friendship with her.

But now something was wrong... When fighting a demon lord, James' party couldn't get the upper hand. James tried to feign an opening to incite an attack from the demon in hopes to take his arm. He got the arm... right through his body. James took the arm clean off before he passed out and the party was able to take the demon lord down after. The scars had healed and vanished completely since, but a taint remained. It was unnoticed for awhile, but it started to manifest as a black spot. The dark spot began to grow, the dark energies slowly and painfully engulfing James. Now James wears a long-sleeve shirt to hide it, but he's having great difficulties using his right arm.

-Shep'Pard Gladius
Now unable to use his signature broad sword, James has had to pack a lighter punch. Though still deadly, James has to use the gladius in his left hand... His non-dominant hand. The blade was crafted by Clan Shep'Pard, inscribed with runes, and given to him by Paladin Sheppard upon graduation.
-Handheld Repeating Crossbow
Unable to use his greatbow now, James had to resort to another means of long range attack. The small crossbow can fire multiple rounds without having to be manually reloaded. It doesn't have the stopping power his greatbow had, but it's handy in a pinch.
-Armoured Vest v2.0 as seen in (but different gloves)
Sewn inside his vests are mithril chain. The original was ripped apart and a new vest was made. This one is a jacket and covering a bit more. It's also more stylish since James has improved his sewing techniques. There's also hidden flaps for his wings to come out.
-Glove Patches v2.0
Half of his first set was lost at sea (which is why he had one glove for awhile) and the second half was burned up. Now with two new fingertip-less gloves, he wears them to hide his angel wings. They don't suppress his angel powers like the first set (though he still has a ways to go to learning what he's capable of). He also had a trigger installed and with a press and a trigger word, he can make his wings appear and disappear.
-Bracers of the Holy Word
Once owned by the paladin who took James in from off the streets, he wouldn't be needing them anymore. The golden bracers with embedded emeralds help defend against dark magic and are especially essential in now slowing the taint. They now have their work cut out for them and can't do much now in dampening a new dark attack.
-Bomb Pouch
Hardly leaving his side are his acorn grenades, incendiary death in an innocent package. Included in his pouch two kinds of smoke bombs. One with a bit of flash, a mixture used by ninjas who seem to impossibly disappear after. The other is a lasting dense smoke so he can fight his enemies without being seen.
-Grace's Backpack of Holding
Perhaps not the best thing for a hoarder to have. James has countless random junk items inside which he's collected over the years. Particularly useful items inside however include: Disguise kits, finished high realistic fur suits, old weapons (not the best quality, but able to arm several people), portable alchemy kit (and ingredients), cooking gear (and ingredients), a heavy duty sewing machine, and resource books on a variety of subjects.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 20, 2013, 05:00:50 AM
Should I/we assume that James and Jakob have met in this canon?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on June 20, 2013, 05:09:44 AM
Hmm... It is a different canon, isn't it? Well, my last day of the term is tomorrow and I can't sleep, let's discuss ideas.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:19:26 PM
Hold up; about Aisha's tail ring.  I might have missed something.  Isn't the magic suppressor only working around a set area of the ship? :/
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 20, 2013, 12:24:46 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:19:26 PM
Hold up; about Aisha's tail ring.  I might have missed something.  Isn't the magic suppressor only working around a set area of the ship? :/

I thought it had been established that it had a residual effect on people who left the ship, but I'd have to go back and check.  And I'm not sure it's been established if it would have the same effect on enchanted artifacts.


Here we are.  Mel said that it took about an hour for the effects to wear off completely and you have to be more than half a mile away first.
IMHO magic starting to improve slowly at that distance would fall within that envelope.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:30:27 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2013, 12:24:46 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:19:26 PM
Hold up; about Aisha's tail ring.  I might have missed something.  Isn't the magic suppressor only working around a set area of the ship? :/

I thought it had been established that it had a residual effect on people who left the ship, but I'd have to go back and check.  And I'm not sure it's been established if it would have the same effect on enchanted artifacts.

It does; but I don't remember it being established that there were any lingering aftereffects.  But then again, maybe I'm being forgetful again. :B  It's something I think Corgatha can confirm, if not Boog.  In any case, I'll go with it for now.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 20, 2013, 12:33:29 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:30:27 PM
It does; but I don't remember it being established that there were any lingering aftereffects.  But then again, maybe I'm being forgetful again. :B  It's something I think Corgatha can confirm, if not Boog.  In any case, I'll go with it for now.

I dunno if you saw my edit, but I found it - apparently it takes an hour for the effect to diminish completely according to one of Mel's posts.  That still gives us some wiggle room for things to slowly start working again.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 01:14:42 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2013, 12:33:29 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 20, 2013, 12:30:27 PM
It does; but I don't remember it being established that there were any lingering aftereffects.  But then again, maybe I'm being forgetful again. :B  It's something I think Corgatha can confirm, if not Boog.  In any case, I'll go with it for now.

I dunno if you saw my edit, but I found it - apparently it takes an hour for the effect to diminish completely according to one of Mel's posts.  That still gives us some wiggle room for things to slowly start working again.

Ah, sounds good then XD Thanks for finding that.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 24, 2013, 11:00:22 AM
IIRC Aisha was heading towards the messaging centre when she had her encounter with James.  Were they close enough for Jakob to have heard the commotion? 

Also, is it safe to assume that his message will be sent yet?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 24, 2013, 12:50:12 PM
Yeah, if it's not to much to ask, i think i'm gonna need  a gm post to allow me to move foreward myself. Though if necessary i can wait longer
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on June 25, 2013, 12:08:42 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 24, 2013, 11:00:22 AM
IIRC Aisha was heading towards the messaging centre when she had her encounter with James.  Were they close enough for Jakob to have heard the commotion?  

Also, is it safe to assume that his message will be sent yet?

Heh, it's quite nice of you to ask before thinking of inserting yourself into a planned meeting. x3 Joking aside though, that's probably Boog's call...though, time can be weird to discern in an RP.  Aisha came out and passed Kirrin's character on the way, and I assume that Jakob and co. got off the ship quite a bit before that.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 25, 2013, 05:21:39 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 25, 2013, 12:08:42 AM
Heh, it's quite nice of you to ask before thinking of inserting yourself into a planned meeting.

On the other hand, beheading someone in the street is liable to raise something of a hue and cry, even if it turns out they are only fursuiting...

Quotex3 Joking aside though, that's probably Boog's call...though, time can be weird to discern in an RP.  Aisha came out and passed Kirrin's character on the way, and I assume that Jakob and co. got off the ship quite a bit before that.

Yeah.  No offence to Boog but it would be nice to have Jakob moving again while the RP has some inertia since it does tend to move in fits and starts :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on June 25, 2013, 07:54:14 AM
Sorry about that, my schedule is a little hectic. I'm gonna try to pick up the pace. But yeah feel free to assume the message has gone through,  after some hassle with inefficient bureaucracy.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 25, 2013, 04:00:11 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on June 25, 2013, 12:08:42 AM
Heh, it's quite nice of you to ask before thinking of inserting yourself into a planned meeting. x3

Anyway, I've left it in your and James' hands - if Aisha's course is towards the messaging centre Jakob is liable to pass them on his way back.  If you want to pull him in you can, otherwise, if things are completely calm by the time he walks past, he may or may not notice (or care).
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on June 25, 2013, 05:15:19 PM
Heh, but if they head there together and James is still in his suit. (After properly hiding the fact that the head has been cut. They could appear to be lovers of some kind. :hug  :P  
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on June 25, 2013, 05:16:26 PM
If he hasn't heard the shriek when his head came off, he may not hear anything at the moment. But as he gets closer, one or more of us may hear a familiar voice.

Heh... I was thinking of the lovers thing too if he walked in now. XD
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on July 03, 2013, 12:31:55 PM
I assume Aisha and James are almost on top of Jakob right now.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 03, 2013, 12:39:21 PM
Maybe you should look under your feet, could be standing on him without realizing . XD
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 03, 2013, 03:58:24 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on July 03, 2013, 12:31:55 PM
I assume Aisha and James are almost on top of Jakob right now.

I was waiting for some kind of hook to signify Jakob's entrance if that was going to happen.  It wouldn't be polite to barge in.  I'm also not sure how loudly or discreetly they're talking...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 09, 2013, 11:21:30 AM
I was under the idea they were whispering to each other. I myself am in need of a GM post to go any further. ^.^;
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 09, 2013, 12:53:58 PM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 09, 2013, 11:21:30 AM
I was under the idea they were whispering to each other. I myself am in need of a GM post to go any further. ^.^;

When I asked Aisha yesterday, she hadn't noticed James had posted, being wrapped up in Anthrocon and all.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on July 09, 2013, 02:15:23 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 09, 2013, 12:53:58 PM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 09, 2013, 11:21:30 AM
I was under the idea they were whispering to each other. I myself am in need of a GM post to go any further. ^.^;

When I asked Aisha yesterday, she hadn't noticed James had posted, being wrapped up in Anthrocon and all.

I'll try and post in a bit; even James seems at a loss for how to tie in Jakob just as they're passing him by, but considering he just asked about Kaf, I have an idea that Jakob will recognize Aisha's describing him as a certain drunk ferret angel. :B  And James will recognize his voice, etc.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 16, 2013, 12:42:55 PM
What happened? Things seem to have just dropped off here a bit.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on July 16, 2013, 01:35:18 PM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 16, 2013, 12:42:55 PM
What happened? Things seem to have just dropped off here a bit.

It happens from time to time, seeing as how everyone has real lives to run, so an RP can't run as fast as everyone likes.  :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 16, 2013, 04:42:10 PM
Ah Ok, was just wondering.  :mowtongue
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 16, 2013, 05:13:06 PM
No worries man, I get the same way. These slackers just cant keep up with the furious posting schedules of our ilk. >:3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on July 18, 2013, 03:17:58 AM
Mind if I join? Its been awhile since I RPed so I might be a bit rusty, but I would love to get back into the swing of things~
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 18, 2013, 07:26:10 AM
Quote from: Shax on July 18, 2013, 03:17:58 AM
Mind if I join? Its been awhile since I RPed so I might be a bit rusty, but I would love to get back into the swing of things~

It's up to Boog, I think.  But the ship is docked so it's the best time to join, really.

James, is your character wearing gloves, or would Jakob be shaking his disguised hand?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 18, 2013, 09:05:10 AM
Send me a character sheet friend, I'm sure there's room for you  :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 18, 2013, 07:51:43 PM
Just wondering, Who else is still aboard the ship?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on July 18, 2013, 08:00:44 PM
I will be boarding soon myself as soon as I get the go ahead to post up my sheet o3o
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 18, 2013, 08:02:21 PM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 18, 2013, 07:51:43 PM
Just wondering, Who else is still aboard the ship?

I think Hobbies is, if his player is still interested.  I think Kafzeil's characters are too.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 18, 2013, 08:25:56 PM
Ah, Ok. Good to know and here's hoping Shax, can't wait to see what you would add to the mix.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 19, 2013, 01:16:00 AM
Both Paladin and Ephrael (my characters) are still aboard ship as well
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 19, 2013, 01:26:46 AM
Hm, i'd love to chance a meeting  with either, though i believe Ephrael is busy with someone else so that's out. Can't remember what Paladin is doing at the moment though.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on July 19, 2013, 02:02:30 AM
I'm on the ship!

(Not by choice...)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on July 19, 2013, 10:19:49 PM
Wooo! I'm in!

Name: Shax Crowe

Race: Cubi

Age: 311

Species: Cabbit

Appearance: [spoiler]([/spoiler]A snow white Cabbit, pastel purple markings along his body. 4'8" in size. His wings are the rare duality of both feathered and bat variation, pink eyes, and the clan symbol of Jin on the back of his right ear. His has a very feminine form, making it easy for some to mistake him as a girl. Alongside the frame, he is rather small for his age, some even treat him like a child, but appears to be around 16 or 17 years of age.
Outfits-He has several outfits for travel. One is his main outfit, grey pants and a black jacket, lined with purple markings and the clan symbol of Jin on the back. Another is a urban style outfit. A t-shirt with a grey vest jacket over it, looks almost punkish. [spoiler]([/spoiler]A travel cloak for when the weather gets harsh. And last a more upper-class fancy outfit. A greyish black suit and purple tie.

History: Shax was born and grew up for a small part of his childhood in a small village up to the age of 9, when his home and family was attacked by anti-creature cultists. His parents were murdered, home burned down. Shax was hidden when it all happened. He woke up in the hospital a week later, with no memory. But enough of the past. (If you want to read more on his backstory, go here! )

Shax spent more of his adult life at SAIA, where the young cubi was a top student, always staying ontop of his grades and studies. The cabbit was a student teacher at the age of 221 under the teacher Jacob Mielihyva for the class of Dream Travel. At 303 years of age, he left the Academy to explore the world, sometimes getting into trouble along the way, after all, there are still some groups out there that hate creatures. Otherwise, his time has been rather peaceful, and hes enjoying rather fondly.

Possessions: - A small bag that contains a few books.
-A journal from which he records his travels.
-A sketchbook and several pencils.
-A small knife.
- A bag for a change of cloths.
-Some money for food and supplies when needed.
-And some canteens of water.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 22, 2013, 08:27:03 PM
Aisha, are we waiting on James?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on July 23, 2013, 01:31:25 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 22, 2013, 08:27:03 PM
Aisha, are we waiting on James?

Yeah; or I am, anyway, just wanting to give him time to get in on the conversation; but I haven't seen him for a little bit. :/  I'll do a reply sometime tomorrow, just didn't wanna leave him too far behind.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on July 23, 2013, 07:01:11 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on July 23, 2013, 01:31:25 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 22, 2013, 08:27:03 PM
Aisha, are we waiting on James?

Yeah; or I am, anyway, just wanting to give him time to get in on the conversation; but I haven't seen him for a little bit. :/  I'll do a reply sometime tomorrow, just didn't wanna leave him too far behind.
If I recall, I think he is having health problems...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 24, 2013, 03:26:14 AM
Hm, thinking of having Kirrin rummage through one of the rooms of a passenger who is absent. Though I'm not sure if that is a good idea Yet. It'd be a bummer to have him caught so soon after boarding, he's just scoping good pick pocket targets right now. Trying to ransack a room has higher risk. >.< Damn the temptation!  Edit: Also, I'm wondering..Am i correct in assuming this is an era where folks still carry coin bags at the waist?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 26, 2013, 04:40:15 AM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 24, 2013, 03:26:14 AM
Hm, thinking of having Kirrin rummage through one of the rooms of a passenger who is absent. Though I'm not sure if that is a good idea Yet. It'd be a bummer to have him caught so soon after boarding, he's just scoping good pick pocket targets right now. Trying to ransack a room has higher risk. >.< Damn the temptation!  Edit: Also, I'm wondering..Am i correct in assuming this is an era where folks still carry coin bags at the waist?

AFAIK we're in a roughly 1940s tech level, but that doesn't mean that they will have 1940s fashions.  Creatures hundreds of years old could well stick with a dress sense from an older time, so some of them might well still do that.

Jakob would keep coins in a purse of some kind, but it would be in his pocket, or possibly in some kind of walled-sized dimensional realm (Apparently this is popular in SAIA since 'Cubi are liable to lose their clothes on a regular basis).
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 26, 2013, 04:54:59 AM
Oh, alright then,thanks. Good to be properly aware. ^^; Though i wouldn't think with the magic damper he'd most definitely be smart and not keep all his money he has with him in a separate dimension. Got so many tempting things to possibly try now, i have no idea where to begin. (Yeah, funny thing that...with the 'losing' clothes.)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 26, 2013, 05:08:05 AM
Quote from: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 26, 2013, 04:54:59 AM
Oh, alright then,thanks. Good to be properly aware. ^^; Though i wouldn't think with the magic damper he'd most definitely be smart and not keep all his money he has with him in a separate dimension. Got so many tempting things to possibly try now, i have no idea where to begin. (Yeah, funny thing that...with the 'losing' clothes.)

Yes, basically I asked Amber "What do they do with their wallets in SAIA if 'Cubi are always stealing each other's clothes?" and that was the answer.

In the RP, I don't know what would happen with the magic damper.  It might fail on boarding and the wallet pops back into reality, it might be completely unaffected, or it might be locked shut with the damper preventing him from getting things in or out of it.

It's worth mentioning that several players have Bags of Holding, which I presume still work.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 26, 2013, 05:13:19 AM
This is true, good point there and well made. Guess long story short it'd be up to the GM's on this one.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 26, 2013, 09:05:30 AM
I didn't know more people than James had bags of holding, honestly. I've been going with "bags of holding are working a little wonky, sometimes if you reach into it for an item you won't be able to find it until you leave the ship." If this is in major conflict with plot lines and such established before I became GM PM me and we'll figure something out.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 26, 2013, 09:16:16 AM
Quote from: Boog on July 26, 2013, 09:05:30 AM
I didn't know more people than James had bags of holding, honestly. I've been going with "bags of holding are working a little wonky, sometimes if you reach into it for an item you won't be able to find it until you leave the ship." If this is in major conflict with plot lines and such established before I became GM PM me and we'll figure something out.

Mel's purse is one.

In Jakob's description it says he has some money about his person, but it doesn't specify where it is and I hadn't really considered the matter until the idea of pickpocketing people came up.  (And I didn't know about the SAIA wallet trick until a couple of months back)

Jakob might simply have the money in his pocket.  On the other hand, if he is doing the conjuring thing it allows for some interesting ideas to play with, like him struggling to make the wallet appear when he needs to.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on July 26, 2013, 01:48:36 PM
Mel's purse is full of plot hammers. And fuzzy cough drops. Because purses are made with fuzzy cough drops in them.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 26, 2013, 02:56:28 PM
Ah, this explains a good deal now...especially why my mother always had fuzzy cough drops on hand >.> <.< :P  Thanks for the input guys.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on July 27, 2013, 04:21:26 PM
We still waiting then?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 27, 2013, 04:44:28 PM
Quote from: Shax on July 27, 2013, 04:21:26 PM
We still waiting then?

For James?  Kind of.  Aisha moved, I've left Jakob in a position where he can either chat with James if he's available, or if not, Yak can wait patiently for Aisha to return with James lost in thought or something.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on July 27, 2013, 06:56:14 PM
I was thinking of maybe making a new post. Not sure if i should wait though.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 06, 2013, 04:13:31 AM
Jakob is waiting for Aisha to do her stuff and get back, since it looks like James is out of action at the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on August 06, 2013, 05:36:50 AM
Ah, alright. Hope James is ok though.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on August 06, 2013, 10:29:17 PM
Posted so that things move on.  Also, my apologies to James in that I used my emergency DM powers to move him back to the ship.  Hope he feels better too, though. :/

Also, I posted with the assumption that James and Tapewolf's characters knew each other before too, but if I'm wrong, tell me and I'll revise.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 07, 2013, 06:15:49 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on August 06, 2013, 10:29:17 PM
Also, I posted with the assumption that James and Tapewolf's characters knew each other before too, but if I'm wrong, tell me and I'll revise.

I think that's something James and I never really thrashed out.  Might be an idea to cut the last bit - "that the wolf would probably find too familiar, but also too hard to remember." and just leave it so there's a twinkle in James' eye.
That puts us in a more ambiguous position since it means James recognises him (possibly for the wrong reasons?) but Jakob doesn't necessarily know him, and we can figure things out when James gets back.

EDIT: Okay, posted.  Barring some GM intervention like Jakob getting mugged en route (which might be awkward to pull off when he's probably within sight of James), Jakob should end up in the common room where Shax and Kirrin are AFAIK.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 11, 2013, 12:21:50 PM
Is it safe to assume that Jakob made it back to the common room without any intervention?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on August 11, 2013, 03:05:46 PM
Don't see why not.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 11, 2013, 04:50:53 PM
Quote from: Boog on August 11, 2013, 03:05:46 PM
Don't see why not.

Okay.  Some games I've played, the GM liked to spring surprises so I've learned not to assume that any action is successfully completed unless it's a conversation or something :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on August 11, 2013, 06:21:39 PM
I mean I might if you don't post before the next time I do, but if you want to get moving on going through the ship now I can leave well enough alone.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on August 13, 2013, 06:51:02 AM
Hope no one will mind Kirrin attempting a little subterfuge, if anyone wants, in their next post feel free to say whether or not if its characters empty room he's trying to get into. Just dunno what to do with him ATM. ^^;
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on August 13, 2013, 09:01:00 AM
Sensible, I'll try to make things exciting for you soon.

If he ends up in the crew section he might find Jeremiah's room, although he has so little worth stealing... The guy kind of toes the line between "poverty stricken" and "incredibly poor life choices." Expect candy bar wrappers, slushy supernatural romance novels... Just a personal tableu of sadness, in a room shared with three other serving staff members.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on August 13, 2013, 09:42:17 AM
I'm suddenly worried for some reason... o.o
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on August 13, 2013, 03:08:29 PM
I wonder if I ended up on the roof with all the walking Hobbies has been doing.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on August 21, 2013, 12:57:28 PM
Hello. Erm, fairly new around here so in advance, please forgive my slowness and/or questions. I'd like to join in if that's possible...?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on August 21, 2013, 07:59:13 PM
Quote from: FelixGrey_Incubi on August 21, 2013, 12:57:28 PM
Hello. Erm, fairly new around here so in advance, please forgive my slowness and/or questions. I'd like to join in if that's possible...?

I think Boog is running it at the moment.  Familiarise yourself with the scenario, figure out a character and send him a note with the details, I guess.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on August 21, 2013, 09:53:21 PM
Alrighty, appreciated
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on August 21, 2013, 10:22:36 PM
Should i go ahead and make a post of Kirrin getting into the room he's trying to lock pick his way into? Not sure myself.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on August 22, 2013, 12:48:49 AM
Mm, I'll pick a room for him to be getting into in my next post. Sorry about the delay.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on August 22, 2013, 08:41:54 AM
Alright then, thanks. No need to be sorry either, things happen be it distractions or real life or even distractions from real life.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on September 03, 2013, 01:25:20 AM

Also, Felix, your character sheet is good to go. Post 'er up and let 'er rip.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on September 05, 2013, 03:23:10 PM
Name- Felix O'oami
Race- Cubi
Age- Early 20's
Species- Wolf
Felix had had a long line of troubles since he was a child: he constantly got into fights, was considered a trouble magnet by all who knew him, ignored by his mother and seen as a disgrace by his father;  finding out that he was a Cubi, among these other things, didn't help with things either. At one point, he had attended school to control and understand his abilities. He actually made friends and was in peace for a long period of time. Unfortunately, he earned himself the wrath of a Fae and ended up getting cursed. Since then, he became a loner and dropped out of school soon after. He currently is under the guise of a wandering adventurer, when he is really searching for a way to reduce, if anything, the effects of the fae's curse. He is often quiet and tends to stick to where he is less often able to attract unwanted attention along with being painfully shy around women. Every once in awhile though, under the right situations, his *ahem* 'curse' kicks in. Felix then switches over to his alter-self, Ferr. This is often a problem, being that Ferr tends to be blunt and often prone to start fights for the sheer pleasure of it. He is currently aboard the Flame of Freedom due to rumors of fae appearing on the gondola at random.
Felix carries on his person:
-one pendant (generally used to try and seal away most of the other personality)
-a katana (used only in self-defense)
-a small bag of scrolls and books collected from past adventures

"Ferr" as mentioned above, doesn't often come out. He is usually subdued by Felix's pendant and will but can often interfere in small, but usually harmless ways. Ferr can take control when Felix is either under great mental stress or is caught unawares. He would be the almost polar opposite of Felix, being that he enjoys attention and getting into brawls (as mentioned before). He still retains the shyness around women, but presents it so it is as if he were trying to show off for them. This can often lead to potentially uncomfortable situations which Felix may be left to deal with.

(let the fun begin! XD)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on September 06, 2013, 12:46:23 AM
Not sure if i should go ahead and post or wait for Pal. I'd rather wait for a small turn rotation unless i know my post being next is necessary.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: James StarRunner on September 13, 2013, 07:26:19 PM
Yeah, been really dead. Didn't have enough energy to focus on text for awhile. Then only bits of text at a time. I'm not about ready to do cartwheels, but I am getting better. Hope to get back into the swing of things soonish.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on September 14, 2013, 02:18:44 AM
Quote from: James StarRunner on September 13, 2013, 07:26:19 PM
Yeah, been really dead. Didn't have enough energy to focus on text for awhile. Then only bits of text at a time. I'm not about ready to do cartwheels, but I am getting better. Hope to get back into the swing of things soonish.

No problem, James, take your time. =) I moved you back to the ship in case of such a thing happening, so whenever you're ready to return, we can all find a way to catch up then.

I still oughta post writing muse takes the darndest times to run out of incentive for me. >.>
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on September 17, 2013, 02:31:16 PM
Do da do, modern art can be so strange
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on September 29, 2013, 02:07:56 PM it just me or did this whole thing seem to...die???
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 29, 2013, 02:13:41 PM
Quote from: FelixGrey_Incubi on September 29, 2013, 02:07:56 PM it just me or did this whole thing seem to...die???
It is looking a little slow.  For myself, I'm struggling to think of something to add to the conversation with Shax, I think it's essentially run its course.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kafzeil on September 30, 2013, 05:09:32 PM
I am waiting on someone else right now.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on September 30, 2013, 07:56:57 PM
Ugh, no, sorry, not dead. I've just been busy. Freelance work, fulltime job, it can be hard to sit down and write the post. Got more in mind though, no worries. I'll pick it up.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on September 30, 2013, 09:25:14 PM
Yeah, waiting as well.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on October 01, 2013, 01:53:13 AM
Quote from: Boog on September 30, 2013, 07:56:57 PM
Ugh, no, sorry, not dead. I've just been busy. Freelance work, fulltime job, it can be hard to sit down and write the post. Got more in mind though, no worries. I'll pick it up.

No worries, Boog.  :) Heh, at least we can all keep up.  I remember when an RP would gather twenty-something posts a day.  I go on vacation for three days and miss a great plot advancement. xP

But anyway, if you'd like Mel or me to play anymore NPCs or somethin' to help, just say the word. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on October 01, 2013, 09:50:15 PM
ALRIGHT, posted. Tape, no worries, something to keep you moving is coming.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on October 02, 2013, 09:55:30 PM
Apologies to Kaf and Krin for the delay, life has been a little rough for me.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 07, 2013, 06:58:44 AM
Quote from: Boog on October 01, 2013, 09:50:15 PM
ALRIGHT, posted. Tape, no worries, something to keep you moving is coming.

Heh, it's been a little quiet since.  I hope Jakob's reply didn't squick people.  He is an incubus, after all, even if he's trying not to show it...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on October 07, 2013, 07:28:44 PM
I tried to get some action going, not sure if it'll work.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on October 07, 2013, 09:40:42 PM
Don't worry Tape. We're just figuring out the worst possible way Twitchy can take your remarks. He is a paparazzi after all.  :mwaha
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on October 08, 2013, 04:49:45 AM
Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on October 07, 2013, 09:40:42 PM
Don't worry Tape. We're just figuring out the worst possible way Twitchy can take your remarks. He is a paparazzi after all.  :mwaha

Figures.  I was kind of eager to see Shax' reaction as well, though :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on October 08, 2013, 07:31:50 PM
I'm just waiting on Mel to post
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on October 11, 2013, 09:20:19 PM
Where are you? I don't know if a certain gryphon is going to speak to me after that introduction.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on October 12, 2013, 01:05:50 AM
Quote from: justacritic on October 11, 2013, 09:20:19 PM
Where are you? I don't know if a certain gryphon is going to speak to me after that introduction.

Just for the sake of convenience for the both of us (partly because I take a while to get up the incentive to post x3) I'll say right now that Jake will acknowledge you but not reply directly, probably.  Unbeknownst to Hobbes of course, he's got a job to do that probably doesn't include coming to the show.  :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 01, 2013, 08:05:07 PM
Hey, if this is still open and accepting players, I think I'd like to jump onboard... I want to get back into RPing around here, and I -really- want to use my 'Xephelon' character. Never got a decent enough run of him.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 01, 2013, 08:52:13 PM
It seems to be a little stuck at the moment, but now is definitely the time to add characters since the ship is docked.  I think the usual procedure is to PM Boog with your character for approval.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on November 01, 2013, 11:52:23 PM
Tape's on the money for pretty much that whole assessment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 02, 2013, 12:33:02 AM
Okey-dokey, will work on PMing the sheet when I can. Incidentally, can anyone give me a cliffnotes of events so far? I was following this RP for awhile, but dropped about halfway through. What I (think I) know:

Big, superfancy luxury cruise airship with divination-suppression field, ostensibly for anti-cheating at gambling but really hides a slavehold.

Half the PCs started in the upper decks, half in the slavehold. Folks in the upper decks mostly socialized and investigated things, folks in the slavehold were trying to work out plans to escape, and I -think- where I stopped reading was about when someone or something entered the slavehold, or left something inside that could help them escape. Don't quite remember, a bit fuzzy. Took a look at some recent posts, seems they did manage to escape and are moving through the airship now.

Am I missing anything important? I'm pretty sure I probably am...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 02, 2013, 08:09:15 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 02, 2013, 12:33:02 AM
Am I missing anything important? I'm pretty sure I probably am...

The field dampens all magic, disrupting spellcasting and making innate abilities such as shapeshifting a lot more difficult.  The setting has a 1940s level of technology.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 04, 2013, 09:02:33 AM
Are we waiting on anyone at the moment?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 04, 2013, 11:41:06 AM
I'm waiting on Boog to get back to me on my charsheet... :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on November 04, 2013, 12:27:34 PM
I'll post later today after my drivers test and work.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 04, 2013, 12:28:08 PM
Quote from: Shax on November 04, 2013, 12:27:34 PM
I'll post later today after my drivers test and work.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 09, 2013, 07:01:16 PM
*pokes Boog again* Been over a week...doesn't take that long to vet a character sheet, does it? :paranoid
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on November 10, 2013, 12:05:01 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 09, 2013, 07:01:16 PM
*pokes Boog again* Been over a week...doesn't take that long to vet a character sheet, does it? :paranoid

Patience is a virtue, grasshopper. ;)

Seriously though, Boog's got a lot on his plate RL-wise, last I heard, as do the other two of us GMs, from time to time.  Those of us in the RP already know to allow some leniency for it.

That's also why there's three of us.  You could also send it to me and Mel, and we'll conference over it. :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 10, 2013, 12:20:11 AM
Very well then. :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 14, 2013, 01:41:00 PM
Woohoo! Finally, getting another chance to play my cephalapod-guy in an arthropod-suit (my two favorite types of animals xD ). Say hello to Xephelon, folks! :U

Name: Xephelon
Race: Mythos
Species: Green Imbuer

Physical Description:  As an Imbuer Mythos, Xephelon is basically a landbound octopus or squid. He is neon-green in color, and looks little more than a fleshy mass two feet in size, with small tentacles. He has two small beady eyes and a mouth on a little "head", but otherwise, his body is quite malleable due to being completely boneless, and he is able to squeeze into very small spaces. However, his actual body is rarely seen (see below).

History:  Xephelon's kind is a fairly rare type of Mythos (as far as Mythos go), and thanks to the sheer alien appearance of his exoshell, he's rarely met with open arms by any community that's never seen one of his kind before. On the other hand, he has actually worked with a few open-minded adventurers before, and is getting more well-traveled. With other unusual things springing up around the world, negative reaction to something like Xephelon has been decreasing. Recently, he heard of the airship called the 'Flame of Freedom', and is fascinated by the magical engineering in the vessel. He's gathered up all the money he has and headed for one of the Flame's docks, hoping to secure passage and get a closer look...

Personality:  Xephelon is actually a nice person. While he does look out for himself, he does understand the value of friends and allies, and looks down on those who do actions that would directly harm or upset others, and when he has worked with adventurers, it was for taking down a particularly destructive Creature or other villain. While Xephelon doesn't actually have any real skill with diplomacy or negotiation, he will try to talk himself out of a situation and avoid fighting whenever possible, though he will commit his constructs and abilities if his allies are threatened.

  Xephelon belongs to a rather remarkable type of Mythos. While physically small and weak, they are gifted with prodigious magical power. However, this magic cannot be cast in spells like normal magic-users; all Mythos of the Imbuer type use magic by "imbuing" it into any nonliving object they touch. Xephelon's breed, Greens, can enchant objects to hold nearly any magical quality or power temporarily (permanently if time measured in hours or days is spent on the object). They can't cast a fireball spell, but they can enchant an object to shoot fireballs. They can't cast a spell to make someone stronger, but they can enchant an object the person is wearing that will then make them stronger. Due to this, Green Imbuer Mythos are masters of creating magic items of nearly any kind, even edging into "magitech". As they like to create their own objects to receive their magic, Green Imbuer Mythos also often pick up skill at crafting and shaping mundane materials, using magic-enhanced tools in construction.
   One thing particular to Green Imbuer Mythos (and often their defining trait) is that due to their abilities and the fact their physical bodies are very weak and vulnerable, nearly all of them create a personal magical "exo-shell" to enhance their interactions with the world around them. These exoshells are very unique, taking on almost any shape and size, and are often specialized to their creator's preferences. Some make great juggernaut exoshells that are engines of combat, other make exoshells geared to mining or construction, or any other purpose besides. Few people ever actually see a Green Imbuer Mythos' real body--only the exoshell they reside in.
   Xephelon is highly intelligent, possessing a keen analytical mind. His social skills are merely adequate, and he doesn't usually do much more than talk calmly and try to reason things out, which occasionally leaves him blind to more nuanced and hidden behaviors of other individuals. Likewise, most have a hard time empathizing with a faceless black-and-green bug-like thing (his exoshell, see below). When outside of his exoshell, however, see "weaknesses" for his physical attributes.
   Xephelon's capabilities extend to imbuing any object with a variety of magical properties and effects simply by touching them. The more complex the property, the more time it takes to imbue the object. These effects are temporary, and vanish some time after the imbuing (usually more than ten minutes, sometimes up to an hour). However, if he spends hours or days on an object, he can permanently bestow magical properties on the object, making it a magic item. Highly advanced projects, such as the creation of magical constructs, can often take days or weeks, including the time it takes to craft the body.
   In addition, Xephelon's normal skills are as follows;
-Exceptional Craftsman: Highly adept at working with materials and shaping them into desired forms, including weapons and armor.
-Master Artificer: Second to none at creating magic items and objects.
-Magic Analyst: Can examine, analyze, and "reverse-engineer" magic effects already in place.
-Logistics: A knack for good resource allocation.

--Xephelon's Exoshell:
   Xephelon's personal shell (which, like most Green Imbuer Mythos, he spends almost all his time in) consists of a main torso/body set on a quadrupedal base. There are four arms attached to the main body, and each arm has a variety of retractable/deployable tools. The exoshell stands roughly five feet tall, and is built from what looks like interlocking plates of shiny black metal, and angular glowing lines of magic wrap around most of the shell (the color is usually green). The spindly limbs and segmented plates give the exoshell a distinctly insectoid/arthropoid look. Three lights that represent eyes are set into the center of the torso. In the back, there is a small hole only a few inches wide that is usually covered by a metal plate. When Xephelon exits the shell, the plate moves out of the way, and the hole leads to the cavity inside the main body where Xephelon would reside.
   With the tools built into the arms of the exoshell, it is an excellent vessel for crafting and manufacturing objects. Most of the tools themselves have individual enchantments on them to enhance their capabilities. Two of the arms have small crystals in them that can easily accept and channel temporary enchantments on the fly. These are generally used when constructing an unusual object and a special effect is needed, but in combat, Xephelon may sometimes put some kind of offensive magic into them.
   Xephelon's exoshell, being made mostly of enchanted metal, is decently tough, and is also lightly warded against small damage and ambient effects. However, it's not built very thick, and a solid hit from anything is liable to cause significant problems. The central torso, where Xephelon is housed, is the the toughest part of the exoshell (and while the lights in the center do indeed function as "eyes", they aren't a weak point, only being magic enchantments). The exoshell is also hermetically sealed (air and watertight); when Xephelon is inside the cavity and magically linked to the exoshell, it puts his real body in a form of partial life-supported stasis, preventing the need for basic respiratory functions. At the same time, all his sensory perception is 'routed' through the exoshell; it has enchantments for audible perception, multifunctional enchanted vision, and tactile sense. However, maintaining the exoshell over long periods of time is eventually draining, and Xephelon still must exit regularly to feed himself and take care of other basic needs. Obviously, the exoshell is stronger than Xephelon's real body, and allows him to lift things he couldn't normally, but it won't be winning any arm-wrestling contests with a demon any time soon.

Weaknesses:  Xephelon is very poor in direct combat, even when within his exoshell. It isn't designed for a fight, hardly has any real weapons, and isn't very tough, so Xephelon will generally opt to let allies with items enhanced by his magic or his own constructs do his fighting for him. Outside of his exoshell, Xephelon is completely exposed, being small, weak, and vulnerable. His body is a boneless mass of flesh and light muscle, severely hampering his strength and mobility. If he doesn't have something enchanted to help him, he moves by shuffling and squiggling, and there are few things he can actually lift (sufficiently-sized books can give him problems). In fact, no Mythos of the Imbuer type has significant unaided mobility. His body also cannot really take any punishment of any kind, except for may a weak blunt blow, or squeezing/squishing. While Xephelon is somewhat dexterous, and able to wriggle out of tight spots, he is otherwise at the mercy of anything that catches him outside of his exoshell.

Misc. Trivia:
--The other type of Imbuer Mythos are the Blue Imbuer Mythos. They are slightly inverted to the Greens; where Greens can enchant properties into objects, but must spend a long time to make an animated object or construct, Blues animate and bestow semi-life any object they touch. However, to give additional properties beyond simply bringing things to "life" takes a significant investment of time, like a Green for creating constructs.
--How Xephelon works in a nutshell. (

I just need a little help cueing me in at when/where in the RP is a good time and place to make an entrance. If I'm not mistaken, the airship is currently at dock? (on the ground?)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on November 15, 2013, 08:20:37 PM
Just curious, but who is still in this RP and who has dropped out?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on November 16, 2013, 01:57:42 AM
I'm still here, just waiting for posts.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on November 16, 2013, 10:15:33 AM
Posted! :D
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 16, 2013, 10:19:32 AM
Still here.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2013, 10:57:10 AM
Here, obviously, just....not yet sure how I should make an entrance. :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 16, 2013, 11:14:33 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2013, 10:57:10 AM
Here, obviously, just....not yet sure how I should make an entrance. :B

Board the ship, gaze in awe for a bit and end up in the common room?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on November 16, 2013, 04:55:12 PM
I'm about, though pretty much on rails for the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2013, 05:05:15 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 16, 2013, 11:14:33 AM
Board the ship, gaze in awe for a bit and end up in the common room?

I mean I'm a little lacking in context and a good picture of what things look like and where everyone is at the moment, but I probably just need to plunk down and read the most recent couple of pages or so.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on November 17, 2013, 07:17:57 PM
Yup, still here as well. :januscat
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kafzeil on November 18, 2013, 05:30:38 PM
STill here.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 23, 2013, 04:20:36 PM
Alright, got my introductory post up. Took a liberty with autoing a couple of ship-crew, hope that's not an issue, but I can change if it's needed. I'm also not sure what the most immediate room is upon entering the Flame of Freedom, so I left that a bit vauge, I don't know if anyone else is in the same area Xephelon is in.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on November 24, 2013, 12:31:45 AM
Just for references, Corgatha made a short description of the different levels of the ship and what each consists of. (,8764.msg359920.html#msg359920)  I forget whether there was a map drawn up, but it should help new players find their bearings.

I'll put this up on the front page for easy access, as well.  Also, I updated the list of players and links to their character sheets, however I think at some point we'll put hash-marks through those names that have been MIA too long and have been kicked and/or dropped out of the RP.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 03, 2013, 05:28:42 PM
So...who should be posting who hasn't yet? :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 03, 2013, 05:37:25 PM
I can't think of anything to add at the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on December 03, 2013, 06:06:32 PM
I'd post if i could, though I'm waiting on paladin and Kafzeil, at the moment
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 03, 2013, 10:44:25 PM
...and I guess I should have asked a bit ago, is there -anyone- who's char is on the deck where the boarding ramp leands into?   :animesweat
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 04, 2013, 04:34:09 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 03, 2013, 10:44:25 PM
...and I guess I should have asked a bit ago, is there -anyone- who's char is on the deck where the boarding ramp leands into?   :animesweat

Shax and I are in the dining area.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on December 05, 2013, 06:04:33 PM
I scream forth the proof of my existance.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on December 10, 2013, 11:45:12 PM
We need to have an event happen or something to get the ball rolling again
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on December 23, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
Players will be happily reassured that we were doing a recent amount of brainstorming and things are liable to get moving soon. >:3  Hang tight and keep playing innocent. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 23, 2013, 07:55:21 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on December 23, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
Players will be happily reassured that we were doing a recent amount of brainstorming and things are liable to get moving soon. >:3  Hang tight and keep playing innocent. x3

Cool.  Just to make sure they don't get lost, there seem to be at least two dangling plot threads for Jakob - the possible apology from Kaf, and the folks organising in the slavehold seem to have a problem with him also, though I appreciate that one probably isn't in a position to progress at this stage.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on December 23, 2013, 09:21:13 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on December 23, 2013, 07:55:21 PM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on December 23, 2013, 07:25:16 PM
Players will be happily reassured that we were doing a recent amount of brainstorming and things are liable to get moving soon. >:3  Hang tight and keep playing innocent. x3

Cool.  Just to make sure they don't get lost, there seem to be at least two dangling plot threads for Jakob - the possible apology from Kaf, and the folks organising in the slavehold seem to have a problem with him also, though I appreciate that one probably isn't in a position to progress at this stage.

Jakob seems to tick off a lot of people doesn't he?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on December 27, 2013, 03:26:29 PM
So..this looks like we just need an event? Um also, will the new characters be pre-placed or is there something else in motion?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on December 27, 2013, 11:36:04 PM
Felix: You can take care of where new characters are placed; I'm happy to assume they were already on board and just not traveling in the same circles as the players so far. If you want your character to be boarding at Quaggath or something else, feel free. Anything fancier than that, I'd appreciate a PM to make sure you don't step on anything we have in motion.

Tape: I'll look over what we have and make sure nothing gets lost, although of course some events may render prior subplots altered or irrelevant, as is always a risk in a large RP with multiple interlinking stories. Not saying they will, just a warning, I'll look at what we got and how they fit into the New Big Plan.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 28, 2013, 12:13:40 PM
I'm just waiting/hoping for someone to notice Xephelon at some point..otherwise, he doesn't have much more to do right now except wander the ship "oooh"-ing and "ahhh"-ing until somthing happens. :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 28, 2013, 01:19:38 PM
Quote from: Shax on December 23, 2013, 09:21:13 PM
Jakob seems to tick off a lot of people doesn't he?

The way I read it the guy organising the revolt wanted to take down all the wealthy passengers, whether they came by their wealth honestly or no...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 07, 2014, 01:10:32 AM
Heh, that was actually an amusing way to have someone interact with Xephelon, Boog xD I approve :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on January 11, 2014, 02:42:28 PM
Who are we waiting on at the moment?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on January 12, 2014, 06:53:27 PM
I'm not sure myself but i've not posted yet cause i've been feeling rather sickly. I will be posting soon however.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on January 23, 2014, 09:52:06 PM
*begins to juggle knives* Soo..what now?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on January 25, 2014, 01:19:41 AM
*throws chainsaws into the mix* That is the question
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on January 25, 2014, 07:00:57 AM
Starting to feel better, i'll be posting something for my part later today.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on January 26, 2014, 04:02:11 PM
! No chainsaws! I didn't finish the course on juggling those yet!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 08, 2014, 07:14:00 PM
Who are we waiting on?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on February 09, 2014, 12:29:51 AM
I know I'm one of them. I'll post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: FelixGrey_Incubi on February 11, 2014, 05:57:11 PM
I think I MIGHT be one as well...not too sure but I think I'll have to step out of this one. Too many things going on at my end to properly go along with this. Sorry if its trouble.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on February 12, 2014, 06:16:37 PM
I'm due to post soon too. New semester started recently and classwork has been high.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on February 12, 2014, 10:41:43 PM
So what now?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 13, 2014, 03:32:20 AM
Quote from: justacritic on February 12, 2014, 10:41:43 PM
So what now?

Well, I guess your character can always react to the fact that he's about to be arrested, and whether the fact that he's openly cubi is likely to put him in danger.
I think Shax and I have gone about as far as we can with that for our own characters, though.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on February 13, 2014, 05:34:16 PM
I'm honestly not sure which way things are gonna go with my side in this RP. Just gotta wait though
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Lisky on February 18, 2014, 11:51:12 AM
Whelp, i've finally found myself with some free time, and the ability to write a bit again... thinking i'd like to start things up once i finish reading the past 7 pages of what i've missed :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on February 19, 2014, 11:58:29 PM
Ugh, finally got a post out. Two lab courses in the same semester was a terrible idea. Wish I could have made it longer considering the time span, but...

P.S. Tapewolf/Shax, to save you some digging, Xyrtia is a filthy-looking bluejay with clipped pinfeathers and sackcloth rags for clothes; there's also a collar around her neck with a brass tag on it (declaring "Jane Wymbly", along with some information that looks a mix between what a pet for sale would have and what you'd find on a resume for hard labor; might be more info than can be seen at a glance). She reeks of sweat, dirt, and a bit of vomit.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 20, 2014, 04:12:29 AM
Quote from: Inumo on February 19, 2014, 11:58:29 PM
P.S. Tapewolf/Shax, to save you some digging, Xyrtia is a filthy-looking bluejay with clipped pinfeathers and sackcloth rags for clothes; there's also a collar around her neck with a brass tag on it (declaring "Jane Wymbly", along with some information that looks a mix between what a pet for sale would have and what you'd find on a resume for hard labor; might be more info than can be seen at a glance). She reeks of sweat, dirt, and a bit of vomit.

Is she still in their presence or has she already run off?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on February 20, 2014, 03:25:18 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 20, 2014, 04:12:29 AM
Quote from: Inumo on February 19, 2014, 11:58:29 PM
P.S. Tapewolf/Shax, to save you some digging, Xyrtia is a filthy-looking bluejay with clipped pinfeathers and sackcloth rags for clothes; there's also a collar around her neck with a brass tag on it (declaring "Jane Wymbly", along with some information that looks a mix between what a pet for sale would have and what you'd find on a resume for hard labor; might be more info than can be seen at a glance). She reeks of sweat, dirt, and a bit of vomit.

Is she still in their presence or has she already run off?
Presumably, she's already run off, but we'll see if there happens to be something preventing her from escaping.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 21, 2014, 11:56:10 AM
Hmm. I can't tell who all has been referenced in Boogeyman's post, I've still not read far back enough to pick up every individual thread of events. Is anyone else globally familiar with the RP, and if so, could someone go down Boog's post and check off who's replied and who hasn't? :. Just an idea, I think that might be useful...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: A Madman Person Guy on February 21, 2014, 08:58:15 PM
So, seeing as I can't sleep, and I need to stop being hesitant for the sake of my own cognitive harmony... Do you need someone else up in here?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on February 22, 2014, 01:16:22 AM
Quote from: A Madman Person Guy on February 21, 2014, 08:58:15 PM
So, seeing as I can't sleep, and I need to stop being hesitant for the sake of my own cognitive harmony... Do you need someone else up in here?

I do believe we're still docked and open.  :3 So if you wanna be in the RP, just read the first post of the OOC where the guidelines are to post a character sheet and then send it to Boog, Mel Dragonkitty, and/or myself.  If we deem you worthy (or at least not a vaguely overpowered player), you can then post the sheet up in here and appear in the IC whenever and wherever.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: A Madman Person Guy on February 22, 2014, 01:59:58 PM
Well, what I was worried about was the question of acceptance as a recent addition to the forum. Also, concerns about power playing shouldn't be a problem, although I had feared that it might be hard shoehorning someone in this late.

And, just a bit of constructive criticism from someone who's played and GM:d a lot; you people seem to be very qualitatively-minded in your posts, but you sort of go overboard with it at times, and can become a bit long-winded. This decreases the dynamism a lot, particularly since some people tend to feel that they need to up the ante with every new post.

We used to run by a "Not Rules More Like Guidelines" policy at another forum where we'd pretty much say that, with few exceptions, three paragraphs or less was a good length. Or, if that wasn't applicable, you should stop as soon as someone finishes a sentence, even if they're not addressing a player character. But then, we had a GM who was very, very much against the whole idea that "Talking Is A Free Action"...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on February 23, 2014, 01:24:59 AM
Heh, about the criticism, probably so; but a good bunch of the players are writers, and we've had GMs that tended to be long-winded themselves, forcing us to both read carefully and post reactions that could belong in a novel. XD My longest one of all is still probably in the old Castle RP.

Regardless, it is a hard habit to break. x3  We don't have set rules for how long posts go, so long as they're readable.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: A Madman Person Guy on February 23, 2014, 08:21:50 PM
Voila. I give you not one but two characters; a nascent politician and her unlikely aide. Tell me what you think, and if you have any suggestions of changes that I need to make in order to make them fit in better, or to get them into the action faster.

Name: Lea Nazagor, née Biltewine
Race: Demon
Age: 229
Species: Wolf

Personality: Gregarious, forward and typically Demon-ish, but with a plethora of hidden sweet spots and wrinkles. While she has the typical personal conflicts of a child of a mixed origin, she solves them, along with the rest of most of her problems, through sheer force of personality or competence.

Appearance: Tall for a woman and powerful, somewhat chubby and widely built but very voluptuous. She has a beautiful if a bit strong-nosed face, and obvious muscle under the curves, particularly around the thighs and shoulders. A slightly darker than normal coloration, which comes together toward her back and terminates in an all-black crop of neck-length hair, typically worn expertly mussed around small and backward-jutting spiky horns. She tends to wear jackets and pants of darker colorations, and to go for short sleeves and low-cut necks to emphasize her combination of considerable muscles and chest. She has a hidden fondness for dresses, but avoids skirts like the plague.

History: The daughter of an adventurer mother and a Demon father, Lea is a latecomer to the Demon lifestyle, and an unwilling such. She was raised as a being, and thought of herself as a being without reservations for a very long time, even though her mother herself was a half-breed and was up-front about her heritage for as long as she can remember. And one would be correct in saying that she houses some resentment for the Demon race because of her childhood. Resentments that she's tried to overcome since, but which surround a core of morality that she doesn't intend to change, but rather wants to try and bring to other Demons. By force, if necessary.
   Growing up among beings, Lea actually ran with adventurers for a while, even though she wasn't quite accepted among most of them. She comes from a family that has a history of hunting other creatures, particularly vampires and cubi, and which can be credited with much of the effort to stamping out the former and diminishing the latter races. This earned her at least a minor foothold when it came to generating credibility among normal beings when it came to her efforts to face down other hostile entities. During this time, she also established herself as a skilled and successful tradeswoman, dealing particularly in processed goods and magical artifacts, not a few of which were the works of necromancers and demons she helped put down.
   In the last few decades though, things have taken a bit of a turn for Lea. After dying of some internecine strife with another Demon clan, suspected to have actually been planned by Cubi, her father unexpectedly willed her the lion's share of his possessions. This included the title of Countess, as well as a number of important deeds crucial to his clan. Thrust into the power-play between Creatures, she's had to come to terms not simply with her own race but also with playing a key role to a family and network of contacts she barely used to know. All things considered, she's not doing a bad job of it, although she frequently complains that it's hardly "real" work most of the time.

Possessions: A traveling case, mostly containing clothes, and only a "small" assortment of hunting knives, as well as a number of patches for various identities hidden in what appears to be a little black notebook, and a hefty amount of jewelry and various currencies. She always keeps what appears to be a small wand of black wood on her person; this is actually a mace called "Beinknastr", inherited from her father, which can be willed to change its form with a light application of magic.

Skills: Only moderately skilled in general magic and magic theory, Lea is a practiced negotiator, merchant and all-around businesswoman, who mostly solves any problem by driving through it with force of will, or by a rare application of brains and personal skills. When push comes to shove though, she's a highly competent fighter and kinemancer, capable of absorbing and storing kinetic energy and using it quite creatively.


Name: Miles Patience
Race: Being
Age: 35 (claimed; definitely looks younger, definitely sounds older)
Species: Wolverine

Personality: Reserved, sort of stiff and formal, but not unfriendly. Miles isn't an introvert, just a product of a hard background, a slightly melancholic mind and too much of a sense of professionalism and altruism. He harbors a secret desire to become more extrovert, as well as more than one guilty pleasure.

Appearance: Medium height and weight with a well-toned build, with fur ranging between cream blond and blackish-brown, darkening along the extremities. Handsome in a general but not distinguished sort of way, he wears round spectacles to soften his angular features and typically tends toward neat and old-fashioned clothes such as suit pants, ties and vests, in a way that he thinks will accentuate his looks, but in fact mostly just makes him look that bit more stuffy.

History: Born to a single father, a butler to an estate somewhere in the north, Miles grew up with certain ideas of propriety and breeding, and of a clear separation between the factual truth and things not talked about in public. A former scholarship student and published author, Miles fancies himself a "traveling scholar", if only because the term "adventurer" would look bad in a resumé to some. His skills as a clark, tutor, manservant and general go-to have instead been his play when it comes to employment. But there are a few flaws to that picture, and in fact it's mostly just an attempt on his part to aspire to a more respectable image, and gloss over his past. Secretly, he's had to take a number of unsavory jobs to pay his way into further tuition, as well as sleaze and scrabble his way into contacts and advantages.
   Miles is rather reluctant to mention that his original education was in fact to that of a physician, and that this is a job which he has since lost his license for. Which is quite the feat, because evidently he is an absolute genius at it. While his magical strength could be called middling at best, there are few, if any, healers outside of SAIA or the Dragon clans who can match him when it comes to results. And on top of this, he's a nearly equally brilliant biologist and alchemist.
   Most recently, for his sins, Miles has ended up in the employ of some Demon clans. While for the most part he would try his damnedest to stay away from Creatures in general, few others pay as well or offer such opportunities, and he's found it necessary to relax his principles once again for the sake of his work.

Possessions: A large traveling case filled with clothes, as well as some books, a field medical kit with some flasks of common medicines and chemicals, syringes, scalpels and clamps, thread, bandages, etc. Additionally, two lacquered boxes containing more unusual medical equipment and chemicals. He also has three long throwing knives in a small canvas folder, a mechanical watch, and a case for his glasses.

Skills: Very broadly educated, and with more than a bit of seemingly incongruous knowledge, Miles is an ingenious healer and (al)chemist, as well as a competent clark and sharp psychoanalyst. While not a trained or disciplined fighter, he does have some experience, an intimate knowledge of physiology and biomechanics, and a knowledge of dirty tactics that have overcome more than one threat in the past.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 23, 2014, 08:44:00 PM
Quote from: A Madman Person Guy on February 23, 2014, 08:21:50 PM
Voila. I give you not one but two characters; a nascent politician and her unlikely aide. Tell me what you think, and if you have any suggestions of changes that I need to make in order to make them fit in better, or to get them into the action faster.

Possessions: A large traveling case filled with clothes, as well as some books, a traveling medical kit with some flasks of common medicines and chemicals, syringes, scalpels and clamps, thread, bandages, etc. Additionally, two lacquered boxes containing more unusual medical equipment and chemicals. He also has three long throwing knives in a small canvas folder, a cell phone, a mechanical watch, and a case for his glasses.

Unless I'm much mistaken, it's 1940s tech in this storyline, so swapping out the phone might be a good idea.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: A Madman Person Guy on February 24, 2014, 03:29:36 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 23, 2014, 08:44:00 PMUnless I'm much mistaken, it's 1940s tech in this storyline, so swapping out the phone might be a good idea.

Got lost around Boog's submission. Sorry; mistake amended.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on February 24, 2014, 09:30:03 PM
Eh they're arresting Cubi now?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on February 25, 2014, 03:37:38 AM
Quote from: justacritic on February 24, 2014, 09:30:03 PM
Eh they're arresting Cubi now?

They're arresting the entire airship.  Given that in DMFA canon the 'cubi race is not exactly loved, Jakob is somewhat concerned that they may be singled out for special treatment of the terminal kind if they are discovered.  But he is also aware that pretending not to be one and then being caught in a lie might be even worse.

Other factors which he is not aware of but which are equally real are that the police are corrupt and liable to plant contrabands, whether this is for direct financial gain in the form of hefty fines or bribes, or whether it's some weird plot to execute a bunch of people and claim any bounties on them is not known (IMHO any sufficiently renown adventurer or Creature is liable to have a price on their heads somewhere).  It is also the case that if the slaves are discovered most of the crew are likely to lose their heads for that unless they can prove they were not part of the ring, which if nothing else is liable to strand the passengers in what doesn't appear to be a very friendly island.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 16, 2014, 02:00:40 PM
As per usual, let me know if I missed anyone or anything.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 20, 2014, 11:45:57 AM
Ah, it figures. JUST as I'm spending a few days to reformat my computer, the RP explodes with more activity than it's had in a while.  :T Hopefully, I should have something up today...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on March 25, 2014, 08:36:23 PM
A Yugo appears!

Name: Kaela Silverstone

Race: Being

Age: 45

Species: Bengal Tiger

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 180 lbs

Appearance:  Standing at just over six feet tall, stocky, and broad shouldered for a woman, Kaela is a big girl. Now past her prime, her age shows in her face, and her muscular frame is not as toned as it once was. She still wears her hair in the thick, red mohawk of her youth, and her green eyes still burn brightly with energy. Kaela is typically fond of simple, functional clothing, bangles, bracelets, large hoop earrings, and other basic jewelry.
History: Hailing from a deep-jungle clan of people near the eastern mountains, Kaela migrated westwards after the loss of her parents. She has spent almost all of her youth wandering, making a living selling her skills as a mercenary, thief, sailor, and tracker. When she hasn't been fighting or finding a wayward trinket, she's been in a tavern drinking and cavorting, flirting, and not infrequently bedding men and women.
Her hedonistic lifestyle is starting to quickly catch up with her, and Kaela has found her increasing age and the breakdown of her body, especially her knees and back, difficult to deal with. Seeking a relaxing vacation, she booked herself a trip on the Flame of Freedom, unwise to the nature of the ship and its cargo.

Possessions: Kaela favors close fitting shorts, tank tops, halter tops, and sleeveless shirts, which she would have packed with her. On the occasion she has to fight she would wear full battle dress, fine lamellar armor, and a cloak tailored to the color of her environment, but given that this is a cruise she would have none of that. Her mother's kukri is probably in her room but not on her.

On her person she would have:
-Black tanktop
-Short black shorts
-Fine leather sandals
-A gold arm bangle
-Gold hoop earrings
-A coinpurse


Name: Milla Nact'Larn von Kassel

Race: Succubus

Clan: Nact'Larn

Age: 40

Species:  Blue Jay

Height:  6'0"

Weight: 145 lbs

Physical Description:  Tall, statuesque, and with curves that draw the eye, Milla is a beautiful blue jay who appears to still be in her mid-20's.  Her white hair is long and curly, and her matching wings and headwings are of peerless silky silver feathers.  She enjoys being easily noticed, and favors cocktail gowns, backless dresses, and other expensive clothing., with expensive jewelry to match.

History: The only daughter of Johann von Kassel, Milla was destined for a life of noble responsibilty before her succubus heritage blossomed forth. Her father was just as surprised to discover his wife was a succubus, but took things well, all things considered. At his wife's behest, Milla was sent off to the Academy, where she not only learned knowledge and how to defend herself, but also how to be a lady. She took up the piano, and found she had a talent for it. Soon, rather than learning to fight or research, Milla had taken up playing the piano as a full-time performer.

She is on board the Flame of Freedom as an invited guest,  paid a handsome sum to play piano in the ship's ballroom. Milla is using the opportunity to find a wealthy patron so she can continue developing her talents without fear for her well-being. Being an honored guest, she has not taken a disguise, and shows her succubus nature freely.

Possessions:  A practice keyboard (in her suite), an array of dresses, jewelry, and other clothing, stationery, several novels, a protective amulet.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on March 27, 2014, 11:36:38 PM
Sorry what with a long distance trip and school work I had to catch up at the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 31, 2014, 07:09:19 AM
So, uh, do we see any vents? :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 31, 2014, 11:24:03 AM
Sorry folks, had a bit of a busy weekend, should be able to post tonight. Tape, you will, just gimme a bit to figure out a suitably adventure provoking placement thereof.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 31, 2014, 11:36:30 AM
Quote from: Boog on March 31, 2014, 11:24:03 AM
Sorry folks, had a bit of a busy weekend, should be able to post tonight. Tape, you will, just gimme a bit to figure out a suitably adventure provoking placement thereof.

Not a problem.  Shax has had a lot more to catch up on, after all..
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on March 31, 2014, 05:54:56 PM
Just in case anyone old and new is a little confused about the ship's layout, I'll relay that Corgatha has made a short, useable description of it here. (,8764.msg359920.html#msg359920)

Someday it'll be drawn at some point, but it's good to have a general idea of where we are and wanna go. x3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 31, 2014, 08:25:46 PM
I'm not sure if Jakob knows which vent leads where, but given a choice he'd probably go for the kitchens.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on March 31, 2014, 08:28:08 PM
He can tell because it's over the door to the kitchens. The vents are the big clunky kind, you can generally see what direction they go.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 31, 2014, 08:35:50 PM
Quote from: Boog on March 31, 2014, 08:28:08 PM
He can tell because it's over the door to the kitchens. The vents are the big clunky kind, you can generally see what direction they go.

Okay, cool - I've revised the post to take that into account.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 02, 2014, 11:52:16 AM
Might be handy to give Jakob and Shax a view on what's in the kitchen (or wherever they're emerging) if that's not a problem.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 05, 2014, 08:04:08 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 02, 2014, 11:52:16 AM
Might be handy to give Jakob and Shax a view on what's in the kitchen (or wherever they're emerging) if that's not a problem.

That didn't get an answer so I'm assuming Jakob finds it safe to exit there, at least for the time being.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on April 05, 2014, 11:48:59 PM
Sure, I can work with that. Sorry I couldn't get back to you, I should be able to post more regularly come tuesday, tabling a convention this weekend.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 06, 2014, 10:21:30 AM
Quote from: Boog on April 05, 2014, 11:48:59 PM
Sure, I can work with that. Sorry I couldn't get back to you, I should be able to post more regularly come tuesday, tabling a convention this weekend.

Ah, right.  Yeah, I figure that although Jakob thinks it's safe a a cursory glance, if you did want to add NPCs they could be hiding in wait or about to enter.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 06, 2014, 07:48:25 PM
Jakob is probably going to need to know if Milla is still there fairly soon.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on April 11, 2014, 05:31:11 PM
I'm trying to figure out if the vent Jakob and Shax are in is the same one Kenyan is in.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 11, 2014, 05:34:43 PM
Quote from: Angel on April 11, 2014, 05:31:11 PM
I'm trying to figure out if the vent Jakob and Shax are in is the same one Kenyan is in.

That's an interesting idea.

Either way, Jakob is kind of stuck until he knows what's going on with Milla, and at a guess, Milla is waiting on the reaction of the guard and policeman.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on April 11, 2014, 05:50:06 PM
Hm. So, should I wait to post, or just not expect a response yet? Kenyan doesn't have anyone waiting on him except maybe Xyrtia and the narrator.

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 16, 2014, 07:03:00 AM
Quote from: Angel on April 11, 2014, 05:50:06 PM
Hm. So, should I wait to post, or just not expect a response yet? Kenyan doesn't have anyone waiting on him except maybe Xyrtia and the narrator.


Jakob is now waiting on Kenyan...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 19, 2014, 01:36:12 PM
Is it actually decided which side the officer in the kitchens is on?  That rank could apply equally to police or crew.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on April 19, 2014, 02:38:24 PM
Ah, I should have been more specific. Police.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on April 24, 2014, 04:08:51 PM
Waiting on Boog since Tape and I are kinda stuck for now xD
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on April 28, 2014, 04:37:44 PM
Quote from: Shax on April 24, 2014, 04:08:51 PM
Waiting on Boog since Tape and I are kinda stuck for now xD
Not to be a pain, but we are kind of stuck at the moment.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on April 28, 2014, 05:09:03 PM
Crap, sorry I haven't been by recently. I will get a post up tonight, one way or the other.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Kirrin_Shadowclaw on April 29, 2014, 08:21:35 PM
I've got my needed post up, in case the proper folks weren't aware.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on May 14, 2014, 01:05:13 AM
RIGHT, most of my post ready, will finish and post tomorrow. The usual apologies for the delay, RL has been a bitch and a half.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on June 07, 2014, 07:29:30 AM
Angel, is the rat still in the vents?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on June 07, 2014, 01:33:21 PM
Nope, he's hiding in Kenyan's shirt collar.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on June 11, 2014, 07:51:00 PM
Quote from: Boog on May 14, 2014, 01:05:13 AM
RIGHT, most of my post ready, will finish and post tomorrow. The usual apologies for the delay, RL has been a bitch and a half.

Times three here, hope things get better for you.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 12, 2014, 11:21:35 PM
Aw crap, I almost forgot about this again...hopefully I can get a post up now before I get off for the night.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 08, 2014, 02:09:25 PM
Quote from: Boog on July 07, 2014, 11:59:29 PM
(OOC: Sorry about the delay, was moving into my new place! Let me know if it needs any changes folks)

I think a bunch of us were using the fact that the engines were already running but idling.  You might want to tweak that a bit, e.g. "I promise you, at full thrust, that wont last long either."
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 08:04:59 PM
Tapewolf; hey, on your latest post, just want to make sure I'm not totally confused on locations here... it is Jakob & Co that are the group in the kitchens, right? If so...any reaction to the buggy construct-thing crashing down the stairs into the kitchen, followed by the frog? :mowtongue
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 09, 2014, 08:13:37 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 08:04:59 PM
Tapewolf; hey, on your latest post, just want to make sure I'm not totally confused on locations here... it is Jakob & Co that are the group in the kitchens, right? If so...any reaction to the buggy construct-thing crashing down the stairs into the kitchen, followed by the frog? :mowtongue

Urp, I missed that.  I'll try and add that to my post tomorrow, or a new post, depending on what happens overnight.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Chairtastic on July 09, 2014, 08:25:04 PM
So.  What's going on in this nick of the woods?  Interest still open?  Things going pear-shaped?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 09, 2014, 09:28:10 PM
Sorted.  It was fun to have Jakob panic and his speech was fun to write.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 09:44:59 PM
While certainly amusing to read, I...think you might have misunderstood the scene, Tape  :animesweat

What happened;
1- Xephelon and Jeremiah are in the lobby near the boarding ramp when the shooting starts.
2- Xephelon and Jeremiah freak the fuck out since they're both total cowards, and blindly run down a random hallway in sheer panic.
3- Xephelon and Jeremiah, after running through several corridors along the length of the ship, end up at the stairwell down to the kitchens.
4- Xephelon trips, then does an Abel and tumbles all the way down the stairs, landing in a tangled heap on the floor in open view.
5- Jeremiah arrives at the bottom of the stairs moments later, out of breath, asking if everyone's alright.

The shooting was nowhere near the kitchens. You've just had your little party crashed by two folks who are in utter panic mode, one of them looking like a magic-robot-insect-thingy.  :razz
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 09, 2014, 09:49:05 PM
It's far too late to fix it now.  I'll delete it instead.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 09:53:39 PM
 :aack Uh...I don't see how anything's "too late" since no one else in the scene has or is posting yet, but okay...guess that works. :I  I guess I'll just put up a post of my own later tonight or tomorrow or something, and the reactions can come after...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 09, 2014, 10:12:31 PM
It is worth noting that the kitchens are still only a room or so away from an actual gunfight.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 10:17:39 PM
Ah, good to know, thankyas. :U

Also, Meany's still wondering if this RP is open. The OOC thread says open, but the IC thread says closed...  :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 10, 2014, 06:50:07 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2014, 09:53:39 PM
:aack Uh...I don't see how anything's "too late"

3AM was assuredly 'too late'.  Arguably trying to get the post in before bed was a bad idea in the first place... be that as it may, I've reinstated Jakob's rant with a few changes - see if that works any better.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 10, 2014, 07:01:14 PM
The OOC thread says still open because it started off with a different GM so I don't really have the power to change it. However, there's probably room for another person seeing as folks may very well have dropped out in my vanishing acts. Let me look over the roster and I'll get back to him.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 10, 2014, 07:06:26 PM
Quote from: Boog on July 10, 2014, 07:01:14 PM
The OOC thread says still open because it started off with a different GM so I don't really have the power to change it. However, there's probably room for another person seeing as folks may very well have dropped out in my vanishing acts. Let me look over the roster and I'll get back to him.

Let me or llearch know if you need the thread titles changed.  AFAIK we can't easily reassign the thread owner, but we can edit posts and titles and such.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on July 15, 2014, 02:35:30 AM
My next post is written! I'll put it up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 16, 2014, 03:05:35 PM
Whoops, sorry for delay, finally got a reply in. I'll try to be more on-top of things.  :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 17, 2014, 07:02:39 PM
Right, so, while there probably is room for Meany, I'm already juggling enough plot threads to choke a horse. So he may wanna get in after the police action has settled down a bit and the players have consolodated into coherent groups. That work Meany?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Chairtastic on July 17, 2014, 07:45:55 PM
That works fine.  I'll stay tuned, thanks Boog.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 28, 2014, 08:36:50 PM
Sooo...who's waiting on who at the moment?  :B
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on July 29, 2014, 10:39:59 AM
I'm cooking up a post ATM.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 29, 2014, 11:52:37 AM
Jakob is kind of waiting for the officer to chime in on whether they actually can leave the room or not.  It occurred to me (but not yet to Jakob) that they might just be able to use a cupboard if the mythos just needs privacy.  Either way, Jakob wants his diplomatic bag and he's getting impatient for it.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on August 11, 2014, 01:03:48 PM
There's a lot of chaos flying around here, I don't know what's happening anymore.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on August 11, 2014, 09:49:40 PM
CRAP, hit post early. One sec while I edit and finish it

and yeah, I know, this bit spun out of control. Trying to wrap it up
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 12, 2014, 09:04:07 PM
Shax; aww, I was kinda looking forward to a scene in the near-future of the cubi getting to see the squiddie come out of his shell. xD Xephelon would also feel bad if the cubi had to blow through extra energy to reach his real body through the shell given that it's not even really life-threatening or even all that severe, just exceptionally painful, and....come to think of it, the enchanted nature of the shell might even make it -more- difficult to get to his real body, since it is possible the exoshell's enchantments and wards might conduct and redirect incoming magical energies so they specifically don't reach Xephelon, even if it's beneficial healing (a natural oversight).

I don't suppose you'd be willing to make a little edit to your post of just having Shax starting the attempt to heal Xephelon through his exoshell, and leave off there? :3 But if not, then I can work with that anyway (and the exoshell won't do what I just described)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on August 12, 2014, 09:10:54 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of that being a temp fix to dull or numb the pain until they can get to a safe zone where Shax can properly work on him and more of his energy returning.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 12, 2014, 09:28:47 PM
Ohhh, I see. Yeah, I can work with that, thanks for clarifying. Though, also clarifying in the IC thread what the cubi is doing might be a little helpful.  :mowtongue
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on August 13, 2014, 09:08:56 PM
And just for reference, Shax's body type and size gives him the appearance of a between 15-17 year old. He's a tiny thing!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on August 19, 2014, 11:33:48 PM
Back to school is in full swing and there's plenty of overtime to be had, but I should have enough time (and hopefully enough freakin' sanity) to post soon.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on August 25, 2014, 12:35:58 AM
Quote from: Yugo on August 19, 2014, 11:33:48 PM
Back to school is in full swing and there's plenty of overtime to be had, but I should have enough time (and hopefully enough freakin' sanity) to post soon.

That's good. =) Heh, I was gonna point out that in my last post (before your last one, and I'm a bit late on that), Aisha and Kaela were in the middle of the brawl, coming in on Jake's bit. x3 I'll post soonish, but you can get in some punches first. :3
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 06, 2014, 03:46:28 PM
Aye caramba, I am so sorry folks, took me forever to get into the right mindset to get back into posting, so sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on September 06, 2014, 05:16:21 PM
Finally moved in and have internet again. Should post soon.

EDIT: Comcast took their bloody sweet time, but I'm back.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on September 17, 2014, 11:21:31 PM
Am I still waiting on the policemen?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on September 24, 2014, 12:05:57 AM
So, some of you will notice you weren't mentioned in the latest post. Don't worry, I havent forgotten you.
As you can probably tell, I have trouble posting regularly. Part of this is my day to day life, but more of it is that it can be hard to make myself come up with new events in all the different divergent plotlines we have going on. Right now there are groups of one or two players that have from one to three NPCs assigned to them, and it's daunting for me to sit down and post to seven scenarios at the same time.
In this I will be enlisting my lovely co-gms to pick up the NPCs I have trouble with when I have trouble with them, leaving me free to advance the plot to the next bit, where you're all in largely the same few places and I have a little more to work with to keep you all active and entertained ^^ So don't worry, your posts are coming soon.
A lot of the ensuing posts are gonna be focused on getting us all to the next bit of the story, which will happen when most of the players are either off the ship in police custody (or hiding in the city, I'll accept that) or on the ship when it lurches back into the air. I'd like to encourage everyone to devote some thought to which of those they'd like to be on, assume that if you have multiple characters they wont be together, and plan accordingly!

As for the folks that wanted to get into the game soon, now is the time to message me your character sheets. As you can well see we're pretty densely populated, but once I have things organized and have a proper role call of who is still in everything should proceed as planned.
So then, dear passengers, role call. Who we still got?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 24, 2014, 07:47:10 AM
I'm still interested.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on September 24, 2014, 09:05:56 PM
In it for the long haul. :)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 25, 2014, 09:08:27 AM
Present and accounted for. :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on September 25, 2014, 10:46:12 AM
You're stuck with me!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on October 08, 2014, 01:48:30 PM
Ahhhhhh God, I am sorry guys! I had to move, and then work has just been murdering me.

Posting now!

EDIT: Okay, Kaela post made. Boog, can I get some direction on what to do with Milla? (Hit me up on Skype)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on October 08, 2014, 10:24:27 PM
Also posting tonight! :D
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on October 16, 2014, 08:07:15 PM
Zombie resurrection!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on October 18, 2014, 06:15:05 PM
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 18, 2014, 06:40:24 PM
Oops. Thought nothing had happened yet that would be useful for me to reply to, just now looked again and thought of something. Sorry! :dface
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on November 10, 2014, 11:33:55 AM
Not sure Jakob can do much more at this point until we know if the collar is enchanted or otherwise trapped.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on November 13, 2014, 12:34:40 PM
Okay, now what should I do now? I've got my stuff but don't know where to go unless I just let myself be escorted off the ship?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on November 30, 2014, 09:07:16 PM
Well what are your characters goals? Does he trust the cops? As it is I'm trying to divide up everyone into the group staying with the ship and the group dealing with the cops, it's kind of the big step I need to have happen to make the story really progress. Stick with cops if you want sneaky skullduggery and crew if you want action adventure.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 01, 2014, 11:41:26 AM
Ohey, is there any magic woven into Kenyan's slave-collar? Xephelon was trying to detect and identify if there was anything there and what it does...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on December 01, 2014, 07:47:55 PM
Hey all! Sorry for the delay on my end! I plan on posting tomorrow! Or tonight if time allows!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on December 01, 2014, 10:43:38 PM

Soon. Soon the overtime will be done with forever.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on December 02, 2014, 02:13:35 AM
Do you want me to make a post that basically says, "Xyrtia's too language-deficient to meaningfully interact, and will just follow along with whatever's happening right now?"
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Aisha deCabre on December 08, 2014, 07:22:07 PM
Quote from: Inumo on December 02, 2014, 02:13:35 AM
Do you want me to make a post that basically says, "Xyrtia's too language-deficient to meaningfully interact, and will just follow along with whatever's happening right now?"

Pretty much, yeah. ^^; Don't worry, there'll be plenty for everyone to get into, we try to brainstorm on those every so often. =)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on December 08, 2014, 07:58:27 PM
Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I'll post before the week is over.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 09, 2014, 04:03:28 PM
I'm still waiting for results on what Xephelon was investigating...  :shifty
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on December 09, 2014, 07:25:41 PM
Oh whup! sorry. Yes he's able to remove the collar.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 09, 2014, 09:32:50 PM
....I suppose I take that to mean that the collar does not, in fact, have any magic in it and is just a mundane ordinary collar? In either case, will try and get a post in within the next day or so...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on December 10, 2014, 10:25:21 PM
Hmmm I suppose I rather have action adventure, so I'd like a reason to stay on the ship in character of course.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 11, 2014, 12:23:20 AM
...By the way, Tapewolf? I could be reading Boog's post wrong, but I think the officer isn't exactly in a position to answer questions at the moment... :animesweat  Just thought I'd mention it...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 11, 2014, 03:27:28 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 11, 2014, 12:23:20 AM
...By the way, Tapewolf? I could be reading Boog's post wrong, but I think the officer isn't exactly in a position to answer questions at the moment... :animesweat  Just thought I'd mention it...

I'm not seeing it...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 11, 2014, 12:06:15 PM
Quote from: Boog on November 30, 2014, 10:19:26 PM
A rumble echoed through the walls of the ship, and their escorting officer flinched.
"Annnnd that's the landing tethers disengaging." She turned to the rest of the group with a worried grin, "So we should move-ghk!" The words were barely out of her mouth before Jeremiah was legging it ahead, still cuffed to her wrist as the officer scrambled to keep up.
"EXIT'S THIS WAY FOLKS, hup two! Remember the survivalists motto, Run and Live!"

If I'm not reading this completely incorrectly, then isn't this Jeremiah, handcuffed to the officer, dragging her off down the corridors?  :confused
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on December 11, 2014, 12:43:32 PM
They're already off the ship, you guys are leaving the landing bay now. I felt like saving time :P
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 11, 2014, 04:09:30 PM
While it says leaving the ship was 'jumbled', and the fact it was taking off gave me a mental image of them landing in a heap, Jakob has now dusted himself off, checked that Shax is relatively safe and is wondering what will happen next.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on December 24, 2014, 05:37:30 AM
Let me know if there's any reason not to have Jakob remove the collar in one go, and I can edit out that last line.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on January 07, 2015, 11:24:50 PM
Quote from: Boog on November 30, 2014, 09:07:16 PM
Well what are your characters goals? Does he trust the cops? As it is I'm trying to divide up everyone into the group staying with the ship and the group dealing with the cops, it's kind of the big step I need to have happen to make the story really progress. Stick with cops if you want sneaky skullduggery and crew if you want action adventure.

Well in that case the crew, Hobbies would be worried about the state of his clan's ally.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on January 08, 2015, 12:50:34 AM
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on March 11, 2015, 09:25:31 PM
I'm not swamped by work or vomiting my brains out anymore, so I will post soon. Super sorry about the long absence.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 12, 2015, 01:26:12 PM
I think Jakob and co are waiting on the policewoman.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 13, 2015, 01:44:33 AM
Nothing really has happened in response to Xephelon yet either as far as I can tell, so I'm waiting for the scene to be moved forward...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on March 13, 2015, 02:40:45 PM
Patience, friends ... patience ... ;)
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on March 13, 2015, 03:04:05 PM
Quote from: Angel on March 13, 2015, 02:40:45 PM
Patience, friends ... patience ... ;)

Login: A little patience goes a long way.
The Doctor: Yes. Too much patience goes absolutely nowhere.
--Dr. Who, Full Circle (1980)

...I knew I was thinking of something.  Finally remembered what it was.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on April 17, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
Been over a month since last post...who's waiting on who? :.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on April 18, 2015, 09:58:04 AM
I plan on posting to move things along tomorrow, sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on April 21, 2015, 04:13:37 PM
Today and tomorrow are booked for me, I'll post by Sunday at the latest.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on April 27, 2015, 01:11:31 PM
Hmmm now what would be the most chaotic and reasonable reaction to being stranded among a rogue flight?
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on April 27, 2015, 02:20:54 PM
Posted. Xephelon's got a short conversation to have with Shax, I think.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Inumo on April 28, 2015, 01:09:15 AM
I've still got nothin'.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Yugo on July 12, 2015, 02:30:10 PM
Don't let it die! Post!  :U
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2015, 04:48:33 PM
Yeah, I'm still waiting on Shax to post a reply...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Techcubi on July 13, 2015, 09:42:54 AM
Sooooooo, is this actually currently open? It says 'Currently Closed' on the IC thread, but, it has 'OPEN' in this thread's current title.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Boog on July 14, 2015, 11:18:48 PM
Ownership of the thread has shuffled around here and there so we cant really edit the thread title. BUT if you fill out a character sheet and PM it to me I think we have room for you!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on July 15, 2015, 07:49:55 AM
If you want the main thread set as 'open' I can do that.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on July 22, 2015, 08:24:19 PM
I'm stranded in the hallway, oh joy
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Angel on July 26, 2015, 08:03:29 PM
I'm back from a vacation and in a writing mood. Tech, Kenyan had last addressed you, so if you want to work that into your last post that'd help. But it's not necessary.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 27, 2015, 03:35:13 AM
Angel; I want to respond, but I'm still waiting on Shax since that's who Xeph last addressed.

Though at this point I might have to just forget that and move on without him. If he hasn't posted in the next day or two, I'll respond to Kenyan.

EDIT: Just checked, Sax hasn't logged in since July 19th. Yeah I'm just gonna make a post sometime after I get up tomorrow morning. Sorry for the wait.

EDIT EDIT[7/28]: And post up, Angel. Sorry for being a day later than I said, was unexpectedly busy yesterday. Hope the post works for you to continue with Kenyan! :3

EDIT EDIT EDIT[8/14]: Aand figures, the moment I stop paying attention to the most recent post in the Haunted Ballroom, I miss Angel's post by four days. Whoops. xD

Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Shax on September 26, 2015, 02:27:05 AM
Mew! I'm here!
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 26, 2015, 03:15:38 PM
Jakob is still waiting to be told whether he's under arrest, or whether he can go and if so what kind of transport arrangements and compensation they are likely to get and has been waiting for this since last year...
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Mel Dragonkitty on September 28, 2015, 07:17:18 PM
Hi all. Real life seems to have run off with our GM. Hopefully it will spit him out soon.

Tape, I can tell you that Jakob, and anyone else "rescued" by the police are now being held for ransom by the government. You'll end up in the same police station where Mel is being held. If you want to move yourself there and have a ransom demand conversation with the police chief that would be the next step.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: Tapewolf on September 28, 2015, 07:46:46 PM
Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on September 28, 2015, 07:17:18 PM
Tape, I can tell you that Jakob, and anyone else "rescued" by the police are now being held for ransom by the government. You'll end up in the same police station where Mel is being held. If you want to move yourself there and have a ransom demand conversation with the police chief that would be the next step.

Yeah.  If I remember right, Jakob has heard rumours of this and is mostly asking to find out if that's the case, though he's asking it in a way that suggests he expects to be freed and compensated for his trouble.

I'd rather have someone more in touch with the setting write the government side of it, but if things are totally stalled I might give it a go.
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 02, 2015, 01:36:14 AM
*pokes the RP*  :poke

can it still be raised from the dead?  :U  :zombiekun2
Title: Re: Flight of Fancy (OOC/Interest Thread--OPEN!)
Post by: justacritic on November 03, 2015, 08:58:35 PM
I'd hope so/