Hi everyone!
I bought the artwork of Cyra in the Clan Leader Edition Art Sale, complete with my question to Cyra. Since Amber's post says it's okay to run around and share it with the world, I figured I'd toss the offer out there if anyone wants to hear the answer to this:
"How do you feel about Destania's desire to wipe out the Dragon Race, especially with Dan's sister dating Fa'Lina's adopted Dragon son?"
Anybody want to know the response? :eager
*Scurries back into a foxhole and waits*
Quote from: Ross on November 10, 2011, 05:56:07 PM
Anybody want to know the response? :eager
Yes, I would be interested. For that matter, I have letters from Taun and Dimanika, and I think it is time they were shared. I've been meaning to transcribe them. I have mostly complete OCRs somewhere, but I have mislaid them. For now, here are some scans:
...Taun's reply will be particularly fascinating for those with an interest in DMFA world mechanics.
Apparently there was also a draft from Dimanika which was most of a page about string. I'm not sure if this still exists.
I have Owona, but I refused to ask her a question. I generally don't like to pester folks who prefer to be secretive/discreet.
Forgot my old Flickr login (I guess that happens after two years of no use), but I got a new one up and running to post a photo of Cyra's answer.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/69634434@N05/6332644417/in/photostream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/69634434@N05/6332644417/in/photostream)
Here's the answer transcribed out:
Q: "How do you feel about Destania's desire to wipe out the Dragon Race, especially with Dan's sister dating Fa'Lina's adopted Dragon son?"
A: "It is a situation which saddens me. Destania has long since had a history of being unable to see her actions and the effects it has on those around her... but in recent times it has begun to spiral into the darkest of territories. Perhaps so much to the point that it has blinded her if she has lost sight of how her actions will affect those closest to her. I am unsure if Destania is even aware of her step-daughter's relationship, or if it matters to her.
In the end one can only hope for the best yet begin to prepare to offset a possible worst. And considering what Destania is planning, there is a lot to prepare for....
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 10, 2011, 06:02:28 PM
...Taun's reply will be particularly fascinating for those with an interest in DMFA world mechanics.
Fascinating indeed!
Now all I'll ever imagine when thinking of a 'cubi eating a soul is the immortal consciousness being spit out like the pit of a cherry...
Quote from: Grey Wolf on November 11, 2011, 05:05:43 PM
Now all I'll ever imagine when thinking of a 'cubi eating a soul is the immortal consciousness being spit out like the pit of a cherry...
That answer was relating to trapping souls as a power source for devices. Whether it also applies to the technique where souls are used to increase one's powers and lifespan is not clear. For example, Aary seemed to be of the belief that the knight trapped in the urn was still there (and complete soul trapping could have useful humanitarian applications).
If I had a brain I would have enumerated it more clearly in the question rather than fudging it with a catch-all term. It seemed, as they say, like a good idea at the time...
No, no. It was a very good question, and I understand my mental image doesn't necessarily jive with all the possible scenarios.
But that ain't gonna stop it from popping up every time.
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 10, 2011, 06:02:28 PM
A phoenix. Into a boy. *chortle* Okay, that's one to find Dimanika and share over a few beers. Or supply a few beers over, or something. Dang.
Quote from: Mao Laoren on November 10, 2011, 06:26:24 PM
I have Owona, but I refused to ask her a question. I generally don't like to pester folks who prefer to be secretive/discreet.
Did you get a response thanking you for your forbearance? Just curious...
Nope. Just the picture.
Shame. They don't teach them to be polite like they used to.
Heck, even a single page, signed, with "thankyou" on it would do. ;-]
*hides from Ambaargh*
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 10, 2011, 06:02:28 PM
Quote from: Ross on November 10, 2011, 05:56:07 PM
Anybody want to know the response? :eager
Yes, I would be interested. For that matter, I have letters from Taun and Dimanika, and I think it is time they were shared. I've been meaning to transcribe them. I have mostly complete OCRs somewhere, but I have mislaid them. For now, here are some scans:
...Taun's reply will be particularly fascinating for those with an interest in DMFA world mechanics.
Apparently there was also a draft from Dimanika which was most of a page about string. I'm not sure if this still exists.
Bloody interesting - funnily enough, the soulcrafting rules have a similar, though ceiling mechanics ... Looks like I'll have to add a bottom cutoff too.
Thanks for sharing the letters.
I put in for Seme, and her response arrived Saturday.
The question would be exceptionally careful, with the very clear thought in mind of *not* trying to inflict any sort of pain or anguish.
The question and answer:
Quote from: Wageslave94 on November 28, 2011, 09:29:34 AM
Nice. Thanks for posting it.
You're welcome. Thank you for posting yours.
The insight that's come from these is pretty nifty.
Thanks for posting yours, I've been really curious about some of these!
Quote from: Mao Laoren on November 10, 2011, 06:26:24 PM
I have Owona, but I refused to ask her a question. I generally don't like to pester folks who prefer to be secretive/discreet.
It would have been nice to see her autograph... oh well as long as you're happy.
I got Quoar's Answer courteously to a question of Cain's. It's a rather interesting insight to one of the most unknown variables in Furre.
http://moxas.deviantart.com/art/Quoar-s-Answer-274198069 (http://moxas.deviantart.com/art/Quoar-s-Answer-274198069)
As for his saying that's he is as a scratched old gem, I prefer to think of it as a distinguished patina on a fine antique work of art.
Cain: "Where do you get all this from?"
Critic: (Points towards his name) "By the way what was it like asking Quoar a question?"
Critic: Okay then that's enough coffee for you...
I apologize for not posting these sooner. I was apprehensive about posting Piflak's letter, since it implied some level of secrecy. However, after I was reassured by Tapewolf and Amber, I finally decided to make internet compatible versions of the letter scans and post them online for all to read.
Kish'Ta and Piflak scans at 300 dpi, greyscale:
I'd like to thank Tapewolf for performing color curving on the images in GIMP and then running them through Optipng to drastically reduce their file sizes with minimal loss in their image quality. In my opinion Kish'Ta's signature suffered the greatest loss in quality, and I'm tempted to upload it cropped from the original full color 600 dpi scan.
I spent a long time working on the wording of each question, trying to get the most information I could out of each clan leader about not only their clans, but also general information about the mechanics of the DMFA universe. I'd also like to thank Tapewolf for helping me word the questions.
Kish'Ta's letter is on the topic of dreams and dream surfing, dream manipulation, and a warning about the astral predators that lurk in dreams. She also talks about some of the things her clan members have done to people through their dreams.
Piflak's letter is on the topic of the connection a clan leader has with their clan members, and how much control they can exert over their clan. She also talks about how she regulates the population of her own clan, which is interesting and a little disturbing, at least to me.
I'll admit that this page (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1276.php) of the DMFA comic helped get me off my butt and finally post Piflak's letter.
EDIT: Zezzuva's four page long letter is now available as a PDF in the post below. I apologize for not posting it sooner, but I wasn't quite sure how to get it online (before I found out PDFs could be compressed). Also, like Piflak's letter, it implied secrecy, but I now know that's irrelevant to being able to post it on this forum.
Zezzuva's letter is on the topic of soul mechanics. Most of it is a dissertation on research into soul transference, soul purity and damage, the properties of the souls of the undead race, and other fascinating topics. At the end of the letter, she briefly discusses the mechanics of mind reading and the number of times her clan has attempted and succeeded at it.
Finally, I have made a list of who purchased each clan leader:
Kish'ta (ChaosMageX)
Seme (Wageslave94)
Taun (Tapewolf)
Zezzuva (ChaosMageX)
Nact'larn (??)
Dimanika (Tapewolf)
Jin (Ghostwish?)
Cyra (Ross)
Owona (Mao Laoren)
Fa'Lina (??)
Piflak (ChaosMageX)
Quoar (justacritic)
Quote from: ChaosMageX on January 12, 2012, 10:57:36 PM
I also purchased Zezzuva, a full month before purchasing Kish'Ta and Piflak. However, her letter is four pages long, and I still haven't worked out the best way to distribute it to others online yet. I could post it as four separate images, or as a single PDF file, but both ways have their own advantages and disadvantages. Until I can figure out the best way to post it online, I can just email the PDF file to those who request it.
I'd definitely love to read Zezzuva's letter, even if it is long. :3 Pwease? Should I PM you with an email addy?
If you're worried about how to make a big pdf file available without eating bandwidth, I'd use MegaUpload. I've used it to send fairly large research papers to my colleagues, as well as some info about prop making to a fellow costumer, and it worked very well each time.
These letters are just excellent! I wish I'd known about the auction and participated, but I think the questions others asked are much better than anything I'd have come up with. :mowsmile So a very big thank you to everyone who has posted!
Since I have already received three requests for Zezzuva's letter within 24 hours of announcing that I had purchased her, I decided to bite the bullet and make a more internet friendly version of the PDF. I did this by re-scanning her letter at 300 dpi in greyscale and saving it with whatever high compression algorithm Canon MP Navigator Ex uses. I'm glad I found out about PDF compression, because without it the file below would have been 3,516 KB (3,600,210 bytes) instead of 468 KB (479,652 bytes).
Tapewolf was then gracious enough to upload this PDF to the same site that's hosting his clan leader letters, and I thank him for that. So, without further ado, here is the letter for all to view and/or download, depending on what your internet browser does with PDF files.
Zezzuva scan at 300 dpi, greyscale:
Well, now, _that_ was an interesting read.
First off, my apologies for thread necromancy. *bows head in shame*
... but I have a little story to tell.
So, a few days ago, my mom had a little possible cardiac scare that landed her in the hospital overnight. My mother is a nurse, and a tough cookie to the last, but her work has been getting to her lately, too. I went out today to the mailbox, carrying payments on my student loans, worrying (as I'm sure all who have them do) about paying them, while Mom was inside working on homework for her nursing bachelor's degree.
And Jin was in my mailbox.
HUGE thanks to Ghostwish for buying the artwork and sending it along -- good gods your timing could NOT have been better, Amber. :hug :hug
Here's the letter from Jin: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/7625171/ (http://www.furaffinity.net/full/7625171/)
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to bouncing up and down in glee. Eeeeeeeee Jin you are the best clan leader! :>
Thanks for the necromancy actually ^^ I wold never have found this information mine in the forums without hours of trawling :) (I'm slowly trawling through all the threads ever posted in this thread for information.... )
Mm, I think it's fine. The post is relevant and the topic, while dead, is somewhat revived by it. If anyone gives you a hard time about it then they can just chill out because you just got mod approval. ;)
Yes. Thanks for posting Jin!
Hope your Mom gets better!
Thanks for posting!
Hmm interesting because this letter gives me the impression that a majority of people are treating healing as a "oh noes my HP is low! healing spell plz!"
This could have interesting ramifications in other technical fields in that people aren't improving certain technologies because of the deceptive simplicity of magic. I wonder if certain government bodies are actively encouraging this.
Awesome! I was starting to lose hope that this thread would get revived by another clan leader letter, but it finally did! :eager
Thank you so very much for posting Jin's letter, Liatai. It was an interesting read. :hug
And now I can cross Jin off the list of missing clan leader letters. :boogie
Kish'ta (ChaosMageX)
Seme (Wageslave94)
Taun (Tapewolf)
Zezzuva (ChaosMageX)
Nact'larn (??)
Dimanika (Tapewolf)
Jin (Ghostwish/Liatai)
Cyra (Ross)
Owona (Mao Laoren)
Fa'Lina (??)
Piflak (ChaosMageX)
Quoar (justacritic)
Mink (??)