The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: KarlOmega1 on August 28, 2011, 12:08:57 AM

Title: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on August 28, 2011, 12:08:57 AM
Several Years after an event call "The Regenesis", civilization had to start over...for not only did two thrids of the human population of earth disappear, but new intelligent species began to make themselves known. The human scientists that didn't vanish from the face of the earth (ala rapture-sque fashion) hypothesized that the new speices evolved from half of the wildlife on the planet, as well as 1/10th of the domesticated pets. What's worse is that the Regenesis not onkly caused animal life to evolve...but brought about new diseased, some of which brought about mutagenic changes in both Humans and Beastkin. These mutagenic diseases brought about the rise of Demons...which after Scientists separated all intelligent life into the two racial categories : Mortals and Demons.

A couple centuries later, new nations rose up from the shambles of the old nations that were collapsed by the Regenesis. Humans and beastkin, both mortal and demon, coexist within each nation...although war isn't unheard of between each nation and both races. sometimes you hear things about a mortal human and a demonic beastkin getting married or some one getting killed by someone else out of insanity, or what not.

But all of that is of little consenquence...what is important is how you live your life in this new world. Will you be honorable, shy, pervertish, brave, evil, or something else? this is your it to the fullest.


This RP is basicly a Post-Apocalypse/ post-Neo Genesis style RP where hundreds of years have past since the initial restart of civilization. There is technology...some steampunk and some modern/ this RP, as well as magic. Your role is as a adventurer that travels the world, making allies and enemies, sometimes participating in battles or some other quests. also, this RP may have a bit of a romance/dating sim component to it...just to add to the fun. the starting town/city in this RP is called "Soulhaven", although you character's hometown doesn't have to necessarily have to be it in your character's profile.
Anyway...I should get a example of what the character sheet looks like put up. Also to note, Elves count as human.

Name (of character, of course):
Race: (if race is Demon, state what type of demon)
Physical description: (basicly, what your character looks length/color, eye color, fur/skin/scale color, height, weight, markings, and for female characters...this is optional...bust size.)
Character's relationship status:
Favorite thing:
Least favorite thing:
Background info/ history: (this part is optional. if you like to have it as a mystery or don't want to make a background for the character, you don;t have to fill this part in)

Just to let you know, i'm kinda going for an M-rating for this RP as some scenarios may be for mature players only.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: justacritic on August 28, 2011, 05:05:02 PM
Questions what's the difference between race and species?
Are there any limits on race or species?
Also could you inform us on the types of races, such as you've informed us if one of us chooses to be a demon, that we should inform you of the type of demon but is there any examples you may give us on demon types?
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on August 29, 2011, 02:27:41 PM
Quote from: justacritic on August 28, 2011, 05:05:02 PM
Questions what's the difference between race and species?
Are there any limits on race or species?
Also could you inform us on the types of races, such as you've informed us if one of us chooses to be a demon, that we should inform you of the type of demon but is there any examples you may give us on demon types?

Ok...wasn't expecting someone to ask this, but I suppose I should attempt to clarify things.

Race is divided into two categories : mortal and demon...your character is either a regular human/Beastkin or a viral-demonic human/beastkin. Species is just as it means....choose from any species you want your character to be.
As for limits on Species/,you canchoose between human or some mammalian/Avian/Reptilian/amphibian species. Second, you cannot have an insectoid or purely arachnid character.... you may have a character that's a Drider-like creature, but the top half has to be mammalian or human. Third, you can have a naga-like creature for your character where the top half is human or mammalian and the bottom is reptilian (snake to be more precise). Fourth...and this is the race part...if your character is a cubi, list it as this in the race field

"Race: Demon- Lussitori"

You can come up with alternate names forthe other demonic races if you want, but make sure you mention the common name next to it as well.

As for examples on the demonic races...there's the dark angels, Vampires (Daywalker types, mind you...none of this bursting into ashes upon exposure to sunlight nonsense. eye sensitivity to light, I can understand.), Cubi (Or as I said to call them, Lussitori), and whatever other demonic entities you can remember from folklore or mythology...I'll even alow those half plant/ half-animal creatures in here.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: justacritic on August 29, 2011, 10:02:12 PM
Very well then I shall start first
Name Egon
Species: Snow Leopard
Race: Mortal
Physical description: A rather well built male of 5' 11" with black hair crowning the top. Over his right eye is a bandage covering over an eye with a Metatron's Cube for a pupil, with the other eye possessing a gray iris. He dresses in shades of brown and gray, lean cut with no room for flashy frills. Egon carries his tail curled around him, out of the way. He carries a sword, thin and strong, easy to draw from the scabbard, enhanced with augmentation, one of the few magics that he knows. His body and hands are unscarred though you wouldn't see that due to the well worn gloves that he keeps on.   
Personality: Egon is straight and to the point when he talks. He hates lies but strangely enough manages to hide his intentions with the truth. In this way Egon is honest but one has to listen carefully to find the meanings behind his words. In combat, Egon is similarly pragmatic. There is no swashbuckling and playing around with sword-bashing, he will strike to kill or if he needs one alive, to incapacitate. 
Character's relationship status: Single
Favorite things: Plushies, cute things
Least favorite things: Inefficiency, waste, and stupidity
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on August 30, 2011, 09:10:41 PM
Hmmm...that Egon sounds like one tough cookie. I accept your character into this RP.

Now, I should put mine up.

Name: Karaius Shadoufire
Species: Human
Race: Demon- Fal'dev (dark angel)
Gender: Male
Age: 239
Physical Description: A somewhat odd and young-looking man of 5'8" with brown hair, lightly pale skin and blue eyes. the pupils of his eyes are somewhat slitted and his ears a bit pointed, indicative of his existance as a demon. A set of dark brown, feathery wings protrude from his backside further classifies his demon type...a Fal'dev, also known as a dark angel. His attire comprises of blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a blue vest, Steel-clawed boots (for help with traction on slippery surfaces)...and a pair of glasses (mostly for nostalgia's sake from when he used to be mortal). His armament includes a small alchemy set with an alchemic handgun that shoots magic powered by the crystallized mana charges inserted into its cartridge, as well as a short sword that functions with a socket that enhances the blade's attack based on what kind of elemental gem is inserted into it.
Personality: Karaius is rather much outgoing, compared to his bipolar personality when he used to be mortal. He likes to adventure with company than go alone on a quest, although he's not above doing some solo questing. he does well around others...however, he does tend to be a bit bashful when a flirtageous female is around him (doublely so if said female is a Lussitori). When in combat, he tends to steer clear of any bystanders or make sure they aren't in the line of fire.
Relationship status: Single
Likes: Friendly people, Pizza, chocolate milk, Root Beer, Lussitori.
Dislikes: Racists, Sauerkraut, Spiders (he's a bit arachnophobic), those whom hurt others for no reason or for lack of a good reason.
Background/History:Karaius was born by the name of Karl in April 1985 to a couple of US citizens (with father in air force) that were stationed over in Germany, Karl's childhood was spent being raised on military bases till 1996...when his father retired from the Air Force. the rest of the years from before the Regenesis was spent in a city that was 15 miles out from where his father was last station before retirement. Karl graduated from High School in 2003, and moved into his own apartment in 2006. Sometimes he'd visit his parents and watch over the family dogs for them when they went to work. he was a bit of a chubby guys back then. However, that all changed when the Regenesis struck...his parents disappeared as well as the family dogs. His own body was bathed in a energy that changed his physique from  chubby to fit, and he sprouted wings from his back. Seeing that his parents were no longer in existence, he scrounged enough supplies that lasted for a week or two before he was discovered by a tribe of creatures that looked like foxes that had leathery wings coming from their backs and had horns curled around their ears. they were subtype-B Lussitori*.  Although Karl was afraid of them at the time, they took him in and helped him recouperate from the shock of the event that took his parents...albeit he stayed with them for a couple of decades, making a few friends with them throughout the years. He then left the tribe to set out on his own with the things they taught him, although he sometimes checked in with them over the decades. since then, he has helped with bring new communities together and re-establishing civilization in the north american continent...eventually being one of the founders of the new government known as the "United Alteirran Imperial Republic" a hundred and ten years after the Regenesis. He spent the most of the years after in the Imperial Senate before retiring back into a life of adventure. he sometimes encountered some of the friends he had from the Lussitori tribe back in the early years, especially a very beautiful vixen named Lilith Nightwalker. He eventually returned to the capital of the Republic, which was called Soulhaven...which is where he attempts to gather people up to go on adventuring parties at times.


*note for some clarification- there are a few subtypes of Lussitori. Subtype A Resembles that much like the Cubi we've seen in the comics that have presence in this forum...with backwings and headwings. Subtype B have the Backwings, but instead of headwings, they have horns curled around their ears. Subtype C is a combination of A and B. Subtype D are called "wingless" because of a genetic mutation that phased out the wings...instead it gives them tentacles that sometimes wrap around their own bodies and those that are nearby them.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 04, 2011, 11:03:50 PM
Imma bump this topic to keep it from going dead.
...we're gonna need more than two players to get this RP moving.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: Inumo on September 04, 2011, 11:09:56 PM
I'm afraid I'm not much of one for this... undefined of an RP. Sorry!
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 05, 2011, 01:16:31 AM
It's suppose to be an open book RP...the plot developes as it goes on.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: justacritic on September 08, 2011, 06:05:16 PM
Well KarlOmega1 I think you need a plot lead to attract some more people
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: VAE on September 08, 2011, 10:46:59 PM
Blah, doesn't work i think. Might come up with someone else.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 09, 2011, 12:25:55 AM
Quote from: justacritic on September 08, 2011, 06:05:16 PM
Well KarlOmega1 I think you need a plot lead to attract some more people

Plot lead? could you please clarify?
Is it the starting point? ...because if that's it, your character starts out waking up at a local inn in Soulhaven you have a room there rented for a few days to start out with while your first quests take place close to the city.
If it is a general plot, your character is an adventurer, seeking out a living in this world...whether it be on the side of good or the side of evil. PvP is allowed, though I recommend it be done later in the RP as it developes.

Btw, Soulhaven is a city that is located where Washington DC would be.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: Inumo on September 09, 2011, 02:20:12 AM
Hm... Y'know what, I'm following enough to be colored interested. Care to elaborate on the world? Status of inter-species or international (if it can be called that) relations? Current nations/factions? Cultural tidbits?
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 09, 2011, 06:55:49 PM
Quote from: Inumo on September 09, 2011, 02:20:12 AM
Hm... Y'know what, I'm following enough to be colored interested. Care to elaborate on the world? Status of inter-species or international (if it can be called that) relations? Current nations/factions? Cultural tidbits?
I can do that for you.

The World is pretty much divided between three Superpowers: the United Alteirran Imperial Republic (UAIR), the Purist Human Conservative Alliance (PHCA), and the Dragon Sun Federation (DSF).

Territory, inter-species rights and relationships:

UAIR comprises most of North and South America, Western Europe, Australia and Japan...and humans and Beastkin have equal rights in the UAIR, even marriage between species is legal.
The PHCA and the DSF, however, are the two polar opposites of the civil rights spectrum. The PHCA comprises of mostly the northern half of Africa and a few nations in the Southeast part of Europe...and of course, beastkin would be considered lower class citizens/slaves in the PHCA. Any intimate relationship between humans and beastkin are strictly prohibited, and any offspring of the two are considered abominations.
The DSF is comprised of almost all of Asia, Russia, and most of Eastern Europe. Humans are considered second class citizens and while slavery is frowned upon, Human servants are paid a bit less than most Beastkin workers. Offspring of human and beastkin are considered ok in the DSF, but most are the result of a beastkin having a human servant as his/her "pet".


The UAIR is considered the jewel of civilization compared to the other two superpowers in terms of cultural diversity. Their technology is consider a mix of advanced, modern and arcane science...some of which were inspired by anime/sci-fi/videogames of the past, including alchemy. Various cultures, like Japanese and Celtic cultures for example, are intermixed with each other and many creatures tend to reside well within the hustle and bustle of most cities and towns. Restaurants/taverns serve a variety of meals to cater to all kinds of people. The Healthcare system of the UAIR utilizes a vast amount of advanced medical breakthroughs to treat and cure the sick, sometimes helping extend lives as well. Its military strength relies on physical and magic training of troops to keep them in top form for whenever border skirmishes happed between it and the PHCA or when full out war breaks out. The military also uses mechs and advanced ships to fight enemy vehicles in the air, on land or on/in the sea.

The PHCA is considered to be a fascist government that believes that the Beastkin are abominations that are inferior to them and that humans are the rightful rulers of the Earth. Cultural Diversity has no meaning here, as the beastkin are kept at the bottom end of the social ladder and were enslaved by humans to be workers. The technology is that of modern times and magic is considered an affront to god in their eyes...effectively making any humanoid creature that practiced magic an abomination as well. The Healthcare system of the PHCA mainly only worries about the human citizens and gives very little thought about the beastkin citizens....they would only care is when said beastkin is an excellent worker in the mind of the human owner. The PHCA's military relies on aggressive combat training and rigorous use of battle strategy...they are even not above using beastkin as meat shields. Its military tech comprises of early 21st century technology and they have been known for terrorist attacks along the borders shared with the UAIR and the DSF.

The DSF is considered an exotic display of diversity in its own right, although humans don't have as much rights as beastkin. The sciences practiced in this federation are that of the advanced and the arcane, although ground vehicles are rare. The DSF is also responsible for bringing about the latest, exotic fashion statement known to the world as well as being the most lax on decency laws. Even though humans don't have as much rights as beastkin, the Healthcare system does equally well to treat them as they do the beastkin. The restaurants have a variety of dishes that can be served, although some may have to be overcooked (in beastkin standards) in order to be eaten by humans. The DSF's military uses mostly its beastkin citizens (because they consider humans to be too fragile to be in combat) to keep their land safe. Humans could join... but they'd be restricted to giving medical attention, making the meals/cleaning, and operating communications between positions. Like the UAIR, they also use mechs and advanced ships to fight off enemy vehicles...but they use many battle mages to reinforce the ground troops when going against a well-numbered/strong opposing ground force.

Inter-faction relations:

As much as the UAIR frowns upon the DSF not giving humans as much rights as beastkin, its deepest ire leans toward the fascist government of the PHCA for its treatment of beastkin. The UAIR sees humans and beastkin as equals and is not very tolerant of the PHCA's "Human Supremacist" acts on the matter. They could understand the DSF feeling a bit insecure about giving humans too much power (remember all those mass murderers and dictators...they were human), but the PHCA's stance on beastkin is considered barbaric to the UAIR. As it is, the UAIR deploys most of its forces to protect its border from invasion by the PHCA more than from the DSF due to the PHCA's aggressive attacks on its border towns.

The DSF tends to keep clear of the UAIR in its own attempt to liberate the lands held by the PHCA, mostly because of a mutual understanding that the PHCA is the most corrupt of the three superpowers. It also has attempted to protect those neutral countries on its border from PHCA infiltrators (whom would rally the human populace against the beastkin.)

The PHCA see themselves as survivors of a plague that wiped out a large percentage of humans and gave rise to the beastkin abominations (plague being the name they gave to the Regenesis). They are determined to subdue all beastkin and any freaks in human guise, as well as take over the world doing it. They see the UAIR and the DSF as a threat to the purity of humanity and seek to destroy them. They are no different than Nazi Germany in WWII.

This probably took a good amount of space, but I hope this information is satisfactory.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: Inumo on September 09, 2011, 09:41:39 PM
Quote from: KarlOmega1 on September 09, 2011, 06:55:49 PM
This probably took a good amount of space, but I hope this information is satisfactory.

Definitely. One question, though: if we're analogizing the PHCA with Nazi Germany, does that mean that the DSF and UAIR are like Russia and the US; technically allies, but not on the best of terms with each other either?
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 10, 2011, 01:10:39 AM
Quote from: Inumo on September 09, 2011, 09:41:39 PM
Quote from: KarlOmega1 on September 09, 2011, 06:55:49 PM
This probably took a good amount of space, but I hope this information is satisfactory.

Definitely. One question, though: if we're analogizing the PHCA with Nazi Germany, does that mean that the DSF and UAIR are like Russia and the US; technically allies, but not on the best of terms with each other either?

Something like that. except the UAIR is a semi-democratic Imperium in the sense that the people can elect their senators, but they can't elect the emperor/ it's a slight difference than the US.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: VAE on September 10, 2011, 08:24:58 AM
DSF sounds awesome enough XD
I'll try finish off the character history later today with that in mind, so the character can be considered for approval.
Meh, too much shoehorn.
Also care to elaborate about why DSF uses army beastkin? After all, surviving modern weapons is tough for just about everyone, and carrying a gun isn't that problematic.  Human wave and all that.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 10, 2011, 10:41:14 PM
Quote from: VAE on September 10, 2011, 08:24:58 AM
Also care to elaborate about why DSF uses army beastkin? After all, surviving modern weapons is tough for just about everyone, and carrying a gun isn't that problematic.  Human wave and all that.

allow me to point something out in the text I posted before.

Quote from: KarlOmega1 on September 09, 2011, 06:55:49 PM

 The DSF's military uses mostly its beastkin citizens (because they consider humans to be too fragile to be in combat) to keep their land safe.
to the DSF, humans are not physically or mentally strong enough to endure combat situations that would be in potentially hazardous battlefields. to the DSF, you need quick wit and quicker reflexes to dodge incoming fire and you need superb strength and dexterity to fend off any enemy units that outnumber you (as well as get yourself out of a "Stuck between a rock and a hard place" situation).

Edit: also..if the site is causing your typing to be problematic...try using Word or some other typing/writing program on your computer to type the char profile...that's how i did my response to inumo's request for info.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: VAE on September 11, 2011, 07:36:45 PM
I was wondering about the way combat goes on , and the sort of army DSF has if such a decision is meaningful... what you say points to a relatively small, professional army composed of well trained, well equipped highly capable furres.

Also writing online wasn't trouble - i was running out of battery and was too tired to go to reconnect the laptop etc (plus, slowly getting out of ideas) ... then, when i saw the potential profile other day, i didn't like it as it had to do away with too much stuff
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 12, 2011, 05:29:26 PM
Quote from: VAE on September 11, 2011, 07:36:45 PM
Also writing online wasn't trouble - i was running out of battery and was too tired to go to reconnect the laptop etc (plus, slowly getting out of ideas) ... then, when i saw the potential profile other day, i didn't like it as it had to do away with too much stuff

Ah yes...laptop batteries. it's usually when I'm online for long amounts of time that I keep my laptop plugged into the wall.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: Inumo on September 13, 2011, 02:42:47 PM
What happens when a beastkin and a human have a kid?
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 13, 2011, 07:17:02 PM
Quote from: Inumo on September 13, 2011, 02:42:47 PM
What happens when a beastkin and a human have a kid?

I did explain a bit in a previous post, but I'll make this clear...

In the UAIR, It's considered fine and dandy for the two to have a child.
In the DSF, it's ok for the two to have a kid...but the amount of rights it has in the future depend on the traits it inherited from either parents.
In the PHCA, any offspring of the two is considered an abomination...and both the beastkin and human parent would likely be executed (they consider such a union to be treason against their government).
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: Inumo on September 15, 2011, 12:51:41 AM
Quote from: KarlOmega1 on September 13, 2011, 07:17:02 PM
Quote from: Inumo on September 13, 2011, 02:42:47 PM
What happens when a beastkin and a human have a kid?

I did explain a bit in a previous post, but I'll make this clear...

In the UAIR, It's considered fine and dandy for the two to have a child.
In the DSF, it's ok for the two to have a kid...but the amount of rights it has in the future depend on the traits it inherited from either parents.
In the PHCA, any offspring of the two is considered an abomination...and both the beastkin and human parent would likely be executed (they consider such a union to be treason against their government).

Er... Not quite what I was asking. I caught that whole sociopolitical result of a beastkin and human having a kid, but I'm asking physically. Is the kid a human? A beastkin? Some odd combo of the two? I should probably posit the same question for if a Demon and a normal person have a kid.
Title: Re: Dark Future (OOC/Introduction)
Post by: KarlOmega1 on September 15, 2011, 03:22:51 AM
Quote from: Inumo on September 15, 2011, 12:51:41 AM
Er... Not quite what I was asking. I caught that whole sociopolitical result of a beastkin and human having a kid, but I'm asking physically. Is the kid a human? A beastkin? Some odd combo of the two? I should probably posit the same question for if a Demon and a normal person have a kid.

O_O....>_<'    D'oh!

So that's what you were trying to get at? I had misinterpreted it as asking the consenquences of the child existing in each government. My bad.
Anyway, it usually depends whether or not certain genes are recessive/dominant. Hybrids can exist...but in the DSF, it's determined if it's human or Beastkin by the ratio of traits of the two parents. By the DSF's standards, if a child exhibits more human traits than beastkin traits, he/she is classified as mostly human. Mostly beastkin would go to the child that exhibits more beastkin traits than human traits.