The RP has shut down; see here for reflections. (,7643.msg346129.html#msg346129)
QuoteAaaaaaaaand we're live! The IC thread is here. (,7679.0.html) For anyone that wants to join up, here's the world for you:
It is the year 2205. America and Brazil have caused a nuclear winter via mutual destruction, at the same time wiping out both North and South America. As the incoming wave of dirt and other stuff headed towards Eurasia, the HB Corporation rapidly constructed an underground complex and holds a purchase-entry sweepstakes for 300,000 people to live there and hide while the winter passes. When it finished a year later, the complex was finished, the debris cloud had covered the Earth, and the exits were sealed off with air-tight doors, sealing off the residents from the rest of the world. Those lucky enough to get in relocated life underground, while the world above froze and fought itself to death.
Fast forward to 2350. The complex, now called Rya, has been expanded, developed, and divided. The corporation has lost control, turning into seven factions that now hold control over separate regions. Kahn is a democracy that attempts solely to stay out of trouble, keeping all research and trade internalized. Jas is a communist faction that has thus far managed to mix in just enough democracy to prevent dictatorships. They have been focusing on defensive and medical technology research, seeking to defend everyone and keep their health low-cost. Mak, a monarchy, focuses on agricultural research in an attempt to bring about a medieval social system while maintaining the benefits of modern society. Cla, a dictatorship in all the worst ways, is highly interested in military research in order to control the entirety of Rya. Pohd, an almost anarchist faction, allows all manner of genetic research to take place, with an enhanced military ensuring that there is no loss of control. Naf, a corrupted democracy, focuses on everything and nothing, thanks to the wide range of corporations that seek to earn as much money as they can. Finally, Aeth, a theocracy, has focused their research into computer and energy sciences, at the direction of a self-developed AI referred to as "the One."
On the surface of Earth, however, a ragtag group of men, women, its, and others have escaped and gathered in an attempt to restore the planet to its former glory. With the help of some of the brighter minds in science, they have recreated plant-life to suit their needs, funding their projects to rebuild the surface in other ways through a neutral courier service, delivering messages and packages from faction to faction with the assurance of a neutral stance and lack of any spying.
In terms of tech for you guys, I'm taking a very go-ahead style for it; if you can make it make some sense and sound plausible with science, go ahead. There's some information I haven't put up yet here (,7643.msg336582.html#msg336582). If you can't find the answer to a question you have, send me a PM, and I'll make up the answer on the spot tell you what you need to know, and maybe a few things you don't. Anthro characters and hybrid human-anthros are allowed through genetic augmentation or mutation. If this sounds to your tastes, go ahead and whip up a character using this sheet:
Prior Faction Affiliation:
Status with Above Faction:
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless:
Genetic Augmentations?:
Cybernetic Enhancements?:
Physical Description:
Extra Background/Trivia:
Submit it to me in a PM so we don't clutter up the thread too much. If you want to hide bits of information, go ahead and do so; so long as I know who your character is truthfully, I'm fine with letting you only reveal one facet to the rest of the players.
OOC Comment Info - Please read!!! OOC comments in the thread will be done consistently through double parenthesis. If it's an important detail that you want other people to notice, make the comment green. If it's a question, make it teal. All my GM statements will be done in red. Very important things will be bold, and strong suggestions will be italicized. The colors can also be used for IC stuff, if you want.
Aside from that, I do want to point out that this is my first time GMing via internet. As such, I need you, the players, to let me know when I'm going too fast, when I'm focusing on details that don't interest you, and the like. If this all works out, we should have quite the smashing time with this.
Current Characters:
techmaster-glitch as Traxen Ridgrey (,7643.msg336079.html#msg336079%5B/url).
Meany as Elberta Tudor (,7643.msg336287.html#msg336287).
Basilisk as Darkshine (,7643.msg336913.html#msg336913).
SquirrelWizard as Emily Vallenwhite (,7643.msg336917.html#msg336917).
Tezkat as Marcus "Sparky" Watson (,7643.msg337009.html#msg337009)
Dropped Characters:
WhiteFox as Arial Heuristal (,7643.msg336570.html#msg336570).
Ashen Star as Grrrl (,7643.msg337090.html#msg337090).
Hmm, I think I may like to join this, and I can probably repurpose one of my characters for here... ;)
I'll probably have questions soon though, after I've thought about this for a little bit and examined it closer.
I might try it. What's the average technology level like?
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 02, 2010, 01:22:09 AM
I might try it. What's the average technology level like?
Every faction has laser rifles, permanent energy shield structures that stop high-speed objects, air and water filtration systems, and
undecipherable nearly undecipherable networking capabilities (hydrogen atoms interspersed between the bytes of data break it all if you grab one of them on accident). Genetic augmentation is available, though not always used. Hover-cars and radiation-shielded hover-vans are used for major transport, otherwise it's all on foot. Body armor is available for all lead-based rounds. Food is grown from cell cultures and openly recycling the dead (people understand the need for soylent green) Depending on the faction, some areas may be farther along (check the first post for which focused which). I think that answers your question... Let me know if there's an area you want to know more about.
somewhat interested, but cant dedicate my full attention at the moment (going through paperwork hell). should be around later to give it a full review and post any questions I have.
k, review over. I got a few questions.
Exactly how dangerous is the surface of Earth? Is there any flora or fauna that adapted/survived/reintroduced? Is it so bad that it requires environmental suits to operate in it? also, what is the general status of the infrastructure in the various governments. Is it your classical post apocalyptic world? or have they rebuilt some? Was there never any post apocalyptic conditions to begin with?
Each faction has access to certain equipment. But how accessable is this equipment? Is it limited only to specific individuals? (IE laser rifles being military only.) Or does the accessability depend under whatever government you are under. Do people on the surface have access to the same equipment?
Are cybernetic enhancement available, and how advanced are the ones available.
If I can do this, what with sports and school coming up, then I will. However, that's a very big IF.
Now, i loved Fallout, and Fallout II, the first being the first modern game i played, not to mention this is going to take place in russian plains.... even though this does not involve Furrae, it makes me mighty interested
Let's say that if i don't get into OSaS, (there is a 67% chance of that since there are three of us trying to get one place) i will give this one a shot.
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on August 02, 2010, 12:38:37 PM
somewhat interested, but cant dedicate my full attention at the moment (going through paperwork hell). should be around later to give it a full review and post any questions I have.
k, review over. I got a few questions.
Exactly how dangerous is the surface of Earth? Is there any flora or fauna that adapted/survived/reintroduced? Is it so bad that it requires environmental suits to operate in it? also, what is the general status of the infrastructure in the various governments. Is it your classical post apocalyptic world? or have they rebuilt some? Was there never any post apocalyptic conditions to begin with?
Each faction has access to certain equipment. But how accessable is this equipment? Is it limited only to specific individuals? (IE laser rifles being military only.) Or does the accessability depend under whatever government you are under. Do people on the surface have access to the same equipment?
Are cybernetic enhancement available, and how advanced are the ones available.
The surface of Earth has gotten to the point that, should you go out unshielded and un-augmented, you would instantly have skin cancer, in addition to a few other cancers and mutations. Enough plants have survived to keep the air breathable, but only just. Even then, they are mostly near the equator (a far cry from Russia), as it is where the last remnants of the ozone have collected. The Factionless has managed to create a couple of plants that can survive with plant-cancer and have enough redundancies of photosynthesis to keep air going, but they are tightly controlled and planted using low-tech camo and other methods to prevent them from being found, as they are also used as Factionless hubs. Environmental suits aren't necessary, so long as you're radiation shielded or otherwise protected. However, the Factionless have spread enough rumors and false data packets to give the impression that you would die within a few hours if you went out only with a radiation shield.
I'm not entirely sure I follow with your question about the infrastructure, but I'll try to answer as best I can. All the other ex-countries' populations had come together to create Rya, and those that couldn't make it simply died. The seven factions grew as their founders either placed themselves or were placed in leadership positions. For example, with Cla, an ex-mafia thug had gathered up a gang and created his own mob, placing himself as leader with childhood friends as his defenders. From there, he took over a portion of Rya and declared that portion the Cla District, and he the provincial leader. Is this what you meant?
Accessibility is defined as according to the ideology of the faction. For example, with Aeth, those that are the rank-and-file, One-fearing people must place requisition orders for pieces of technology and such forth with the priests, who send it to the Disciples, who send it to the One. The zealots that defend the borders are given higher priority, superseded by the priests, who are less important than the Disciples. Other factions have different ways of managing the tech. The Factionless get their new tech through black markets, smuggling, and bartering in exchange for messenger services.
Finally, cybernetic enhancement is available. After all, this wouldn't really be cyberpunk without it, would it? :P In terms of advancement, it ranges from exoskeletons that form-fit the body, to robo-suits, to prosthetic replacements, to inter-cranial memory and processing enhancements.
Let me know if this doesn't answer your questions completely.
Quote from: That_wolf on August 02, 2010, 04:34:32 PM
If I can do this, what with sports and school coming up, then I will. However, that's a very big IF.
I eagerly await the result of your activities. My school year's starting up soon too, but I'm aiding for at least one period for the first semester, and I always manage to find the time to read forums. :P
As for the infrastructure is the major city your classic post apocalyptic grunge city where there is dirt and rubble all over the place, shoddy water systems, poor refuse management, ect... or is the city considerably cleaner?
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on August 02, 2010, 08:03:00 PM
As for the infrastructure is the major city your classic post apocalyptic grunge city where there is dirt and rubble all over the place, shoddy water systems, poor refuse management, ect... or is the city considerably cleaner?
Oooooh... I think there must be some accidental misunderstanding. Rya was built underground, and has been maintained to prevent collapses etc. So, it's actually relatively clean, though somewhat claustrophobic in the back-streets due to a lack of a sky overhead.
Quote from: danman on August 02, 2010, 07:25:17 PM
Now, i loved Fallout, and Fallout II, the first being the first modern game i played, not to mention this is going to take place in russian plains.... even though this does not involve Furrae, it makes me mighty interested
Let's say that if i don't get into OSaS, (there is a 67% chance of that since there are three of us trying to get one place) i will give this one a shot.
It's not exactly the Russian plains... more like the area of Russia near the Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan borders.
All right, I've whipped up a quick character sheet for anyone that wants to spend time and make a character. After all, it's better to create and have it never seen than to have it wanted but never made in lieu of caution! :P
A question; Aside from Aeth (why is it ALWAYS a theocracy?), which faction has the most advanced robotics and cyborg/cybernetics?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2010, 12:15:34 AM
A question; Aside from Aeth (why is it ALWAYS a theocracy?), which faction has the most advanced robotics and cyborg/cybernetics?
In which direction? I really should put up a note about that... In Rya, cybernetics is less the end of advancement and more a tool to advance with, like how in current times we use computer processing power etc. as a way to advance other fields, not as the goal to optimize and ultimize (is that even a word?). Sure, there are companies that focus on it specifically, but they aren't the highest echelon of technological development.
If I understand correctly, you mean everyone uses some cybernetics/cyborgs?
Alright then, how about plain robotics? Drones, autonomous bots, or full AIs? It sounds to me like Kahn might be the ones second to Aeth in that respect, btu I don't know...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2010, 12:40:59 AM
If I understand correctly, you mean everyone uses some cybernetics/cyborgs?
Alright then, how about plain robotics? Drones, autonomous bots, or full AIs? It sounds to me like Kahn might be the ones second to Aeth in that respect, btu I don't know...
Yes, to varying degrees.
Actually, with Aeth, the One won't allow AI research because it wants to maintain its control. If there was another AI, it could be able to replace it. Very little is known about Kahn, since they remain so closed off. The Factionless have been working at making some contacts, but so far, it's only been a "we ask the questions" situation. Your best bets for having AIs would either be renegade Cla robots or a Naf experiment. I mean, Kahn
could have AIs in the works (though I doubt they'd escape the rigid border patrol), and a renegade Aeth scientist
could create an AI and smuggle it out, but they are less likely scenarios, and would also have a lot of compatibility issues or lesser learning abilities, respectively.
Actually, I'm not entirely keen on full least, not plural. My character might have an AI just as an advisor/helper/foil, but the actual robots won't be sentient (but they will be advanced and complex). I am more interested in drones and bots.
Yeah, sorry. I forgot about the second half of your question when I was writing that. In terms of drones and robots, there are both human-like creations, some of which are used as replacement bodies, and utilitarian 'bots. Generally, there is some programming to allow for autonomous function, but they can be taken control of at any point. Designers are usually careful to keep a robot's programming dumb enough to prevent accidental AIs. Again, depending on the developing faction, a robot can do any job necessary. Also, Aeth is the most advanced in the field, able to create multiple-task robots that can perform a wide variety of functions with a minimal amount of space used (think super Swiss-army knife).
Alright, cool, we're on the same page now. And on that, who is second-best to Aeth in this regard?
Militarily, it's Cla (a given, all thoughts considered). For all-purpose robots, Mak is the faction you'd want, unless you pay a Naf corporation enough cash to do better.
What's the main modes of transportation? *Crosses fingers.* Please say tanks... Please say tanks...
Hmm... sounds interesting.
Since it appears to be question time, Tezkat adds a few more to the list...
What kind of telecommunications infrastructure exists? Are the various factions of Rya internetworked? How do those above ground communicate? Do the spacers keep in touch?
How heavily integrated into daily life are virtual and/or augmented reality?
Do nanoscale devices play a significant role in medicine or warfare? Can they self-replicate? Do any factions have general assemblers?
What does computing technology look like in 2350 (i.e. is it based on old fashioned semiconductor chips, organic circuitry, photonic crystals, etc.)?
What energy source(s) power everything?
Cla; the military dictatorship? Meh, I'm not that into military hardware...
Mak for all purpose, and Mak is the...huh? Mak's the agrarian monarchy who wants to be medieval? Does Not Compute!
Naf corproation...Naf's the currupted democracy overrun by it's own mini corporations?
...Well, darnit! Two questions then; What does Kahn have going for it, and on another track, are there defectors from the various factions who've managed to abscond with their own gear and research?
And...oh yes! Of course! What did happen to those that escaped into space? Have any of them sent scouts or larger parties to return?
Gah! Stupid storms and killing my power and wrecking the post I'd half-finished... Anyways.
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 04, 2010, 11:33:53 AM
What's the main modes of transportation? *Crosses fingers.* Please say tanks... Please say tanks...
Underground, the majority of transport is done on foot or by hover-scooter/hover-board. On the surface, most people use heavily armored/shielded hover-autos, like vans or cars. Tanks are present, in a sense, but not common, since most warfare is done underground. The Factionless, however, will usually stick to foot transport since it's always there. On bigger ops, though, they can appropriate more durable means of transport.
Quote from: Tezkat on August 04, 2010, 01:44:04 PM
Hmm... sounds interesting.
Since it appears to be question time, Tezkat adds a few more to the list...
What kind of telecommunications infrastructure exists? Are the various factions of Rya internetworked? How do those above ground communicate? Do the spacers keep in touch?
How heavily integrated into daily life are virtual and/or augmented reality?
Do nanoscale devices play a significant role in medicine or warfare? Can they self-replicate? Do any factions have general assemblers?
What does computing technology look like in 2350 (i.e. is it based on old fashioned semiconductor chips, organic circuitry, photonic crystals, etc.)?
What energy source(s) power everything?
Everything has relocated to low-bandwidth network programs that enable VOIP, IM, e-mail, video conferences, etc. The Internet is still going strong, and is used for any inter-faction discussions. The same goes for the Factionless, though they use organic systems rather than artificial. The spacers have assumed that all life on Earth has fried, and left the solar system before they could make sure.
The AR/VR trend has come and gone on Earth, circa 2125-2180. As such, only a few companies have AR/VR services, which have fallen into disrepair and are no longer updated.
Nanotech is used frequently in the medical field. In warfare, they are used only to support a soldier or in conjunction with a drone to deploy the devices close to the target. The ever-present drafts make them too unpredictable to be used otherwise. Self-replicating nanotech is only granted to those that are governed by a larger AI, in order to preven over-replication and material usage. The machining of parts has gotten much more advanced, to the point one could simply scan in a blueprint, put in the necessary materials, and have it built. However, the creation of the raw materials has been deemed too risky to be performed, since even one errant electron can accidentally start a nuclear explosion.
This is another "what faction are you looking at" kind of question. In most cases, it is very similar to modern methods, only on a much smaller scale (for example, a mediocre laptop's hardware today could be fit onto a chip wafer about the size of a dime). However, with Aeth, they've figured out how to use gamma rays to work their computers, transmitting their signals over the surface of Earth where they assume nobody will be. For the Factionless, they use organic computer systems that are grown similar to a human brain, only with plants. If they need to get something outside their network, they have a signal converter implanted into a specialty tree-stump-like hub.
Specialty nuclear fusion and solar power are used to power almost everything. Combined with the obsession over energy-efficiency that most developers use, it allows for enough power to support almost twice the current population.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2010, 01:47:31 PM
Cla; the military dictatorship? Meh, I'm not that into military hardware...
Mak for all purpose, and Mak is the...huh? Mak's the agrarian monarchy who wants to be medieval? Does Not Compute!
Naf corproation...Naf's the currupted democracy overrun by it's own mini corporations?
...Well, darnit! Two questions then; What does Kahn have going for it, and on another track, are there defectors from the various factions who've managed to abscond with their own gear and research?
And...oh yes! Of course! What did happen to those that escaped into space? Have any of them sent scouts or larger parties to return?
I suppose I should clarify: they want a medieval social system, while keeping all of the benifits of modern technology.
Yes. Think of the faction name Naf as a business front that gives all the low-lifes and opportunists a place to call home.
Kahn is extremely secretive. Nobody's entirely sure what's going on inside their passages. So really, I guess their only real positive is their mystery... that you know of. >:3
As I said to Tezkat, those that escape have abandoned the solar system and left everyone else for dead and irradiated. It takes up too many resources for them to make a seemingly fruitless voyage to a dead world for them to want to go back.
Eh. Alright then, could you PM me details on Kahn or something? Can't make a decision if I'm uninformed.
And can a character be a defector from one faction or another? Having some of the stuff they managed to escape with, but none of the support being in the faction would give them?
Sorry, forgot that half of the Q. Yes; in fact, that's how most people join the Factionless, and how most technology is introduced to them.
EDIT: Also, PM has been sent.
Quote from: Inumo on August 04, 2010, 07:13:31 PM
The AR/VR trend has come and gone on Earth, circa 2125-2180. As such, only a few companies have AR/VR services, which have fallen into disrepair and are no longer updated.
Hmm... cyberpunk with no metaverse? :dface What does the internet look like then? Do people have avatars or agents representing them online? Can they communicate anonymously/pseudonymously?
QuoteFor the Factionless, they use organic computer systems that are grown similar to a human brain, only with plants. If they need to get something outside their network, they have a signal converter implanted into a specialty tree-stump-like hub.
Interesting. Can one program these organic computer systems using symbolic logic or do they have to be trained like a neural system?
QuoteSpecialty nuclear fusion and solar power are used to power almost everything.
Is fusion power portable?
Quote from: Tezkat on August 06, 2010, 01:58:25 PM
Quote from: Inumo on August 04, 2010, 07:13:31 PM
The AR/VR trend has come and gone on Earth, circa 2125-2180. As such, only a few companies have AR/VR services, which have fallen into disrepair and are no longer updated.
Hmm... cyberpunk with no metaverse? :dface What does the internet look like then? Do people have avatars or agents representing them online? Can they communicate anonymously/pseudonymously?
QuoteFor the Factionless, they use organic computer systems that are grown similar to a human brain, only with plants. If they need to get something outside their network, they have a signal converter implanted into a specialty tree-stump-like hub.
Interesting. Can one program these organic computer systems using symbolic logic or do they have to be trained like a neural system?
QuoteSpecialty nuclear fusion and solar power are used to power almost everything.
Is fusion power portable?
The Internet looks a lot like our current Internet, though it's usually either projected from an ID necklace onto a surface and free-form organized, projected onto a wall with an IR camera to register clicks and the like, or using a touch-monitor.
The computers have been optimized with methods to save stuff to permanent memory in place of hard drives, conscious thought for processing power, and short-term memory for RAM. Essentially, they're like a human brain without the emotion or sentience, but with a faster method of saving and recalling files. Programs and the like are installed through cellular injections of pre-networked cells.
No, though there are high-efficiency batteries that store enough energy to power most weaponry for months. Little trivia, the Factionless use their fusion generators with lesser amounts of shielding to allow mutation "hatcheries" in the hopes of randomness creating things the scientists can't.
Hokay, been a week since I put out the word, figure I'll call a sit-rep. Who's...
...definitely joining?
...thinking about joining if brain/schedule permits?
...wanting to join but needs help with their character?
Let me know! :)
Thinking about joining if brain/schedule permits.
Joining, if character concept is acceptable. Still writing her up.
Name: Traxen Ridgrey
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Tall and thin, black hair. Half of his face and his right arm are cybernetic, sleek and shiny metal with little gadgets popping out.
Prior Faction Affiliation: Aeth
Status with Above Faction: Fugitive to them.
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: "Rescued" by them.
Genetic Augmentations: None
Cybernetic Enhancements: Right arm/shoulder and right half of head. The arm is lightweight and fragile, not meant for combat, but is packed with all manner of tools and gadgets that enhance Traxen's mechanical ability, even a direct mind-to-computer interface tool. His cranial augmentations have neural implants that enhance his mental faculties, and his eye has a number of built-in scanners, but are nothing truly special.
Mutations: None
History: Traxen was just another rank-and-file citizen of Aeth, in a manner of speaking. He help no special position, but he was a giften scientist and mechanic living near Aeth's border. He worked on a variety of projects, most commonly drone and autonomous bot technologies, though he was versed enough in other areas (biotech and nanotech being his weakest points). While he was never a zealot, he did get a cybernetic replacement to help him with his work; his entire right arm and shoulder, and about a third of his head/face (on the right side). His arm has many built in tools to expedite building things, and integrated processors and implants in his brain accelerated his mind.
He began working on several new projects, and a few in the secret (or so he thought) of his own home. Most notably, the program he designed to manage his house for him began exhibiting unusual behavior. He ran some tests, before realizing what had happened; he made the program too well. It was an emerging fully-sentient AI.
Traxen knew that AIs were forbidden by the One. But, partially out of a sense of protection for the personality "she"--Cybee--displayed, and partially out of fear of what might happen even if he did come clean, he took steps to hide and protect her. But still, he knew enough about AI theory that in order for an AI to develop properly, they needed input. So, despite the risk, Traxen worked to create a secret connection for Cybee to the outside internet.
Despite all of Traxen's precautions, whispers about his illicit creation reached the One, who began investigating. In the meantime, Cybee showed images to Traxen of the world outside of Aeth. It wasn't pretty, but Traxen realized how the One controlled the citizens. Unfortunatelly, when Traxen was planning his escape with Cybee, Traxen's own cybernetic limb and implants began feeding the One information. The escape was very nearly botched because of this, but Cybee managed to blank out some parts of the local network that the One was using to keep an eye on things with his agents, and they managed to escape in a damaged hover-APC with a small stash of some of Traxen's own robotics projects, with Cybee residing in the APC's core.
The first thing they did when the reached the surface was rip out and toss away all their gamma-comm tech, to keep Aeth from tracking them. They drifted on the surface until the damaged APC finally broke down (Traxen not having the materials to repair it), and was rescured by a band of Factionless. Traxen eventually converted the interior of the APC into a workshop, and he and Cybee have been tagging along with the Factionless ever since. They have little goal or direction beyond survival, though they do like to take missions that hit Aeth every now and then, if it means the possibility of liberating some citizens.
Skills: Traxen is not a fighter, nor a decent weapon-user (though he can at least pull a trigger like anyone else). He is, however, a great technician and programmer. He can repair and sometimes reverse-engineer technology from other factions (having experience with various systems since he joined the Factionless). Some highly advanced and unique tech ("magical" stuff) he might have a little luck at repairing if it breaks, but he'll likely never fully understand how it works. However, biotech and bioengineering completely elude him, and he never got the hang of nanotech. He is also a notable programmer, and since joining the Factionless, hacker.
However, his first and foremost specialty is robotics, and by extention, most mechanical and electronic systems.
--APC: The hover-APC Traxen stole from Aeth was a fairly standard one, but has been modified quite a bit to be a mobile workshop and command center. Traxen uses it to build and control various robots of many types and sizes. With aid from Cybee, he can establish an effective tactical support network with his bots and drones. The APC itself is, of course, armored, as well as having a few small laser turrets for defense.
--Bots and Drones: Traxen makes many different kinds of bots and drones for defense and support. Very small "bugs" are used to gather intelligence about an area. Some ball-like floating bots are used as light support, not very armored and armed with small haldheld grade lasers. He has a couple bigger spiderlike bots used for more direct combat.
--Cybee: An illegal (in Aeth) AI, Cybee is Traxen's assistent, and sometimes his support. "She" has a friendly and inquisitive personality, and likes meeting new people. She often helps Traxen with any operations on the digital front, especially helping take intelligent control of his robots or APC when needed.
Extra Background/Trivia:
Congrats on making the first character of the RP; now let's hope more people do the same. :P
I believe I am interested in this.
And a character idea blooms almost immideately. :U *typity, typity*
Pardon my double posting.
Name: Elberta Tudor.
Age: 41.
Gender: Female.
Race: Genetically Modified Human.
Prior Faction Affiliation: Mak.
Status with Above Faction: Presumed dead.
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: Sense of Gratitude/Married into the organization.
Genetic Augmentations: Enhanced muscle efficiency: Elberta has been engineered to have use of forty-six percent mechanical work to metabolic cost efficiency at any time, this gives her greater physical strength, speed, and jumping ability, essentially double that of a natural human. Enhanced cerebral processing: Elberta has been engineered to process information, sensory or otherwise, at a slightly higher level than the average human. While this does not make her outright smarter, it means she can remember things longer, and with greater accuracy, multitask with ease, and improve her reaction time: for example, where a human would take half a second to recognize a threat and react, Elberta can perceive and react in just three tenths of a second. Chitin introduction: Elberta has been engineered to produce chitin in conjunction with keratin, making her hair, nails, and skin much stronger, and more difficult to damage.
Cybernetic Enhancements: Her left eye is a cybernetic prosthetic, having all the functions of a biological eye, with added zoom feature, advanced motion sensor, night vision, and limited wireless computer interface.
Mutations: None
Backstory: Elberta was one of two genetic experiments by the Nobility of Mak, expressly created as a testbed for genetic manipulation technology pilfered from Pohd. The experiment met the standards set for it, and the two subjects were studied for many years, to look for any flaws. When the Monarchy was satisfied that they weren't going to mutate into horrible monsters, Elberta and her compatriot, were given two military designations, GMH-001 Athena, and GMH-002 Ares, respectively, as well as Knighthood. The two were put through rigorous training, in a variety of fields, effectively redefining the limits of military performance. After several successful field tests, the Monarchy gave the go-ahead to mass-produce the GMH's, to fill the role of the Knight; lower than the Nobility, but higher than the commoners, and serving as a permanent barrier between the two, as well as freeing up large portions of the population previously dedicated to soldiering for agricultural work.
There were some flaws in the two, though. Both Athena and Ares were so much more capable than the average human that they were predisposed to showing off, and willful behavior; so it was decided that the next generation be weaker, closer to the natural human's performance. Of course, that would not solve the problem of controlling the two first generation models. Gradually, the two were maneuvered politically into a position where they could be publicly disgraced, and dealt with; by His Majesty the Prince challenging Ares to a duel when the GMH disagreed with him over military budgeting. The Nobility expected Ares to throw the fight, let the Prince win. They were proven wrong when instead of letting the Prince have his victory, the Knight neatly separated the Prince's head from his body two minutes after the duel began.
Given that the duel had been perfectly legal, and Ares had rightly earned victory, both he and Athena believed the political fallout to be minimal. They too were proven wrong when His Majesty set the whole of the second Generation GMHs upon them with orders to kill.
Even being markedly better and more experienced than the newer Knights, the two were given no choice but to flee, collectively taking down fifty of them before abandoning the fight completely. In the battle Athena was badly hurt, loosing her left eye, and bleeding heavily. Ares, despite having no affection for her beyond being a fellow soldier, provided a distraction which allowed Athena to flee to the surface.
By the time she was discovered by the Factionless, she was very nearly dead. The Medical personnel did what they could to stabilize her, and gave her a simple prosthetic eye. Lacking much else to do with her life, she elected to join the Factionless. They gave her a new identity, and gave her much more freedom to choose than she had been taught to expect. Using this new freedom, she pursued subjects that had been denied her as a soldier, like philosophy, economics, and a relationship of her choosing. All in all, not bad.
Skills: Elberta is versed in many methods of war, both firearms, and more primitive weapons; though she prefers to use the former, and can make use of military tactics. She is a warrior, one whose life depends on the ability to go into a fight and win, and she wins quite frequently due partly to her improved genetics. Thanks to her eye's zoom feature, and ability to interface with computers to a limited degree, she has quite the remarkable aim. Her being from Mak means she is well versed in polite speak, and negotiating deals; her own arrangement with the Factionless being a prime example. Due to the freedom allotted her by the Factionless, she has shown interest in driving vehicles, and has been making leaps and bounds in the act.
Equipment: GSG-service pack three ocular prosthetic: A prosthetic eye with full neural interface suite, for full capabilities, see Cybernetic Enhancements section; service pack three includes many new features making it superior to service pack two, including a reduced size, while retaining all functions and memory capability, and extended battery life; able to go twenty-seven hours of continuous use without recharge. Medium-range communication devices disguised as ear studs. Standard issue Mak military knife and Widowmaker sidearm. Whatever weapons and mission-specific equipment the Factionless decide to send her way.
Physical Description: Elberta is a fierce-looking woman; angular features, a mane of dark red hair, one natural blue eye, the other a rectangular piece of metal, with a green screen showing a digital rendering of an iris and pupil, just for appearances. Her body isn't exactly strikingly beautiful, a bit too skinny if anything; her wardrobe consisting of tight gray clothes, low heeled shoes, and a selection of sturdy coats.
Widowmaker: See reference. ( A pistol made to be usable both on the field and as an accessory for the political scene.
Edit: Ever so minor typo fixed. :>
Congrats on having character number 2 made, again. With luck, we'll be able to start this soon; with the current dynamics of the Factionless and the forum, it should be fine to start with three or four characters and let others join in from there.
My turn to pardon for a double post. The sit-rep's over now, and it appears that there are three people willing to play: techmaster, Meany, and WhiteFox. techmaster and Meany have both submitted their characters, and I know that WhiteFox has a character almost finished. As soon as he posts up his character here, I'll go ahead and get started. Thank you for showing interest, and I look forward to seeing how your characters work in-world!
Name: Arial Heuristal
Gender: Female
Career: Smuggler, information trader, black market microtechnology specialist. Expert in data analysis. Just about any kind of data.
Prior Faction Affiliation: Resided in Nef, underground contacts with almost all factions.
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: Oppourtunity for better quality of life, less risky career options.
Physical Pescription: Approximately 4ft 6in tall, wears a somewhat bulky environmental suit with four big canisters mounted on the back (each one is about 2.5 feet tall and 9 inches in diameter), and a large backpack device.
Arial Sketch (
Arial Sketch, Portrait ( (I much prefer the shape of the face in this version.)
Note: These are incomplete designs. The final version will likely have more details.
Extra Background/Trivia: Friendly enough, but very, very, very reclusive.
The old interest call words:
QuoteI felt the urge to try my hand at running an RP using a setting I've been kicking around in my head for a while. Here's the gist:
It is the year 2205. Humanity has managed to pass beyond the point-of-no-return with the destruction of the ozone, thanks to eco-terrorism, a general laxness about CFCs, and a variety of other problems. Those that can escape into space, have, and those that can't afford it have gathered in what was once Russia. In a mass concerted effort, the remaining people on Earth began digging underground, sealing off their entrances with radiation-protective force-fields and constructing a massive underground complex, large enough to hold the entire population and more, able to last for at least another generation or two in terms of space, and well over five centuries for structure. Life was relocated underground, while all that was above ground withered and died.
Fast forward to 2350. The complex, now called Rya, has been expanded, developed, and divided. Seven factions now hold control over separate regions. Kahn is a democracy that attempts solely to stay out of trouble, keeping all research and trade internalized. Jas is a communist faction that has thus far managed to mix in just enough democracy to prevent dictatorships. They have been focusing on defensive and medical technology research, seeking to defend everyone and keep their health low-cost. Mak, a monarchy, focuses on agricultural research in an attempt to bring about a medieval social system while maintaining the benefits of modern society. Cla, a dictatorship in all the worst ways, is highly interested in military research in order to control the entirety of Rya. Pohd, an almost anarchist faction, allows all manner of genetic research to take place, with an enhanced military ensuring that there is no loss of control. Naf, a corrupted democracy, focuses on everything and nothing, thanks to the wide range of corporations that seek to earn as much money as they can. Finally, Aeth, a theocracy, has focused their research into computer and energy sciences, at the direction of a self-developed AI referred to as "the One."
On the surface of Earth, however, a ragtag group of men, women, its, and others have gathered in an attempt to restore the planet to its former glory. With some of the brighter minds of science helping them out, they developed a way to exit the tunnels unshielded. With that power in hand, they have funded their projects to rebuild the surface through a neutral courier service, delivering messages and packages from faction to faction with the assurance of a neutral stance and lack of any spying.
Now that that's dealt with, here's some of the more technical aspects. If this gets going, I'll be taking a very anything-goes approach to what you want in the game, so long as it can be linked somehow to science. For example, say you want to do magic (this is one I've thought a lot about). A reasoning might go as such: due to a mutation discovered by one of the Factionless scientists, the brain operates on sound instead of electricity. With proper training, a person can output enough sound to manipulate the molecules, electromagnetic frequencies, et cetera. Same goes for tech - if you can make it sound real, that's all you need. If you're interested in this, sign up here. If enough people display interest, I'll whip up a character sheet to get it all started. If you have any questions, let me know. Just make sure that, when you ask about tech, you relate it to the faction that has the focus you're looking for. If there isn't a faction that focuses on the field you want, then assume you can invent it/pitch the concept to an inventor.
World Information I Missed:
- Anthro characters and hybrid human-anthros (like Xiao from Dark Cloud ( are available through genetic augmentation. The majority of people, though, are human.
- Printed money doesn't exist. Instead, people barter and trade using various products and trade goods. Copper is the most valuable trade good due to its usefulness in electrical wiring.
- Rya was built in the area near the Ukrainian, Georgian, and Azerbaijanian borders.
Here's the basic template for a character. Submit in a post, but PM me questions. I'll PM you if there's a problem with how your character is. I'm assuming people will be playing as Factionless members, since they live the most adventurous life.
Prior Faction Affiliation:
Status with Above Faction:
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless:
Genetic Augmentations?:
Cybernetic Enhancements?:
Physical Description:
Extra Background/Trivia:
We're live!
IC thread:,7679.0.html
OOC thread:,7680.0.html
(psst; it's Ridgrey, not Ridgery... :shifty though perhaps mispronunciation IC can be amusing)
Sorry! Knew it somewhere in the back o' me head...
Yaaaaay, IC is up! :D I can't wait to have Elberta maim meet everyone!
However, in a more OOC line of thought, I propose the formation of an IRC channel to discuss and plot the RP. :o
(There be alot of all-caps abbreviations in this post.)
Good idea... I got a channel up on ircnet. The exact address is irc:// and channel #lushwasteland.
Quote from: Inumo on August 16, 2010, 10:18:45 AM
Aside from that, I do want to point out that this is my first time GMing via internet.
Have you done any GMing in meatspace?
Erm...I can't seem to reach wherever that link goes to. And I think Meany had something else in mind anyway...
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 16, 2010, 02:56:02 PM
Quote from: Inumo on August 16, 2010, 10:18:45 AM
Aside from that, I do want to point out that this is my first time GMing via internet.
Have you done any GMing in meatspace?
Yes, though with a rather unprofessional group (low levels of RP + lots of CE choices). What I get for GMing friends... XD
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2010, 02:56:59 PM
Erm...I can't seem to reach wherever that link goes to. And I think Meany had something else in mind anyway...
Try using /attach ircnet or /server
Still nothing. By the way, not everyone has Firefox (I was informed that your first address opens up chatzilla, apparently)
Anyway, what we were thinking of was this ( Type #baschat into the channel name.
Alrighty. Thought that chatzilla would work for other clients.
Hey, Inumo. So far, football hasn't killed me, so I think I can participate in this RP. Though I have some questions, for my character. Should I pm you thequestions, or can I just postthem here,so everyone can laugh at my stupidity help me with my questions. Thanks.
Go ahead and PM.
Sorry to double-post, but I felt this was important: thanks to a lot of talk in Baschat, the backstory has been reworked, with the key change being that radiation is no longer an issue scratch that, it's still a problem. The previous story will still be up in the interest call, but it's not the right story anymore.
Inumo; oh, uh...the first post of me and meany was just us telling where we are, I don't know about Meany, but I was actually waiting for your messenger to get to me so I'd actually have something to respond to... :shifty
Um. I thought Traxen and Elberta were sent messages, and Arial was the only one who was sent a messenger.
Maybe Traxen and Elberta need to check their e-mail.
They were sent messages, the first time in the form of voice recordings that they apparently didn't receive. Second time, they were sent an e-mail. Speedy signals can only say so much, so it had to be inferred that Traxen and Elberta were sent messages that didn't reach them, as opposed to messengers.
Holy crap, my first blargh post of the rp. :U
Nothing was ever here. WooOoooOOo. *waves ghost hands*
Name: Darkshine
Age: 180
Gender: Male
Prior Faction Affiliation: Shadowhand
Status with Above Faction: Disbanded, violently, The Shadowhand as a whole, cease to exist
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: In need of funding and a safer base of operations
Genetic Augmentations: Enhanced reaction time, Enhanced muscle-speed, Enhanced metabolic rate, decreased time when shifting between low and high-light environments. Lifespan increased, Human/Animal Hybrid (Leopard)
Cybernetic Enhancements: none...
Other Technology of note: A full body suit, covering the wearer, head to toe, with enhancements built into the armor. A multi-faceted sensor suite with low-light optics, IR, UV, enhanced audio, and zoom. The suite also has a camera mode, allowing Darkshine to see from the point of view of just under his gun-barrel. The suit's most inner-layer is a pseudo-muscle, which reacts with the user, increasing the force of all movements. The outer-most layer is an advanced, semi-active camouflage system, allowing the wearer to visually blend into the environment. It is only semi-active, the user is not invisible, the materials merely alter color to match the tones of the materials close to them.
The middle layer is an advanced polymer, similar to memory metal. Woven into a full-body "wetsuit" the polymer, when given an electric current, goes from a free-forming stretchy state, to a hardened state. Between these polymers are conductive fibers and semi-conductor fibers. When a sharp impact hits the suit, it presses the polymer into the conductors and semi-conductors, completing a circuit, and triggering the hardening. This then flattens the force, triggering more hardening. Eventually, the bullet's impact is spread across the entire body of the suit, minimizing penetration.
The suit however, isn't impervious, it's powered by a battery, and relies on capacitors to keep an active current at the ready for impacts, these capacitors take time to recharge, and several direct impacts in quick succession will quickly deplete the suit's ability to withstand additional punishment. However, while it has power, the suit is –very- tough to punch through.
Beyond the armor, the suit also houses a self-contained AI unit who goes by the name, "Ranger". Ranger is a rather sarcastic, though very useful piece to darkshine's arsenal, as he provides up-to-date information, helps with hacking, and monitors the suit's sensors, giving darkshine another set of eyes so to speak. Ranger has a very strong sense of self-preservation, and therefore, does his absolute best to make sure Darkshine survives as well.
The gloves of the armor contain a small nanite swarm in the glove-padding. The small swarm gives a near universal connection to any computer or electronic system, giving darkshine access to files that would be unattainable through wireless hacking, as a proper connection bypasses most firewalls. The nanite swarm requires a near constant connection to darkshine before they go dormant, they're able to store 5 minutes of power on their own, however, their conductive nature allows them to feed eachother from the suit's battery.
Beyond hacking gear, Darkshine carries a small arsenal on him at all times. A high-powered pulse-laser weapon, that fills the role of "carbine" A burst-fire weapon, with decent range and accuracy, while still remaining compact, and light enough for covert use. This however, is not Darkshine's weapon of choice. He carries a pair of pistols, which house themselves in unassembled form, in the plate-like boots of the suit.
The pistols are 5mm gravity-propelled weapons, firing small beads at hyper-velocity. These weapons are built for precision, and given the relative heft of the projectiles, added with their velocity, they pack quite a punch.
The pistols can use standard lead balls, however, Darkshine prefers 2 very specific types of ammunition, the first is a strictly anti-personnel, a 5mm glass bead, with a small air-bubble intentionally built into the core. The beads can survive the force of being fired, however, the sudden impact against a hard surface, or 'watery' surface causes the bead to collapse in on itself, shattering into small glass shard. The projectile would be the equivalent of getting blasted with a shotgun at near contact range. Small entry wound, massive exit wound, and massive trauma inbetween.
The other projectile is Armor-Piercing rounds. These are shaped, tungsten-carbide projectiles, again, travelling at hyper-velocity, and their purpose is to shatter, and then punch through armor. Given both ammunition type's relatively small size, a magazine holding 100 rounds is fairly common.
If he needs to be silent, a punching dagger is hidden in each forearm plate. These daggers are forged from, a very durable, and very hard, high-carbon steel. The edge of each blade is laser sharpened to a few molecules across, allowing the blades to pass through human flesh like a searing hot knife, through already warm butter.
Physical Description: A tall and slender individual, Darkshine is just shy of 2 Meters tall (about 6'4") He's somewhat lanky, with long, sinuous limbs, and also quite graceful. His fur is a faded, burnt orange color over-coat, with a slightly off-white undercoat, he's covered with his animal-species' trademark spots. However, save for the speckles on his face, which are only visible during down time, one will most likely never seem them. He is usually seen in his armor: In it's natural state, a very dark gray wet-suit, with matte plates laid into the fibrous armor. A full-cover helmet/breather/sensor suite covers his face while outside of combat, completely dehumanizing him, due to the relative lack of features, beyond the the various lenses located over where eyes should be. A breather mask hooked into a filtration system keeps fine particulates, along with biological and chemical weapons from entering the feline's system, and the suit can be sealed for NCB coverage in the event that agents such as VX are present.
(for a visual reference or
Extra Background/Trivia: Darkshine is a cold and calculating person. Many would accuse him of being emotionless, and they might actually be right. He has a total disregard for collateral damage, total neglect of civilians caught in the line of fire, and a "the ends justify the means" mentality when going a mission. When interacting with society, he seems to be rather charming however, this is probably just a facade he puts up to emulate civilized society. He's gruff, impatient, and values human life about the same as a bag of chips... given his diet, he couldn't give a damn about either.
-Darkshine has no major scars despite being a gun-for-hire for over a century
-He has a very low tolerance for the law. He has a view that, the law can only be enforced as far as one is physically capable of keeping one's people in check. He sees himself as a predator amongst sheep, and therefore unable to be kept in check.
-Was originally trained as an assassin before the collapse of the entire shadowhand operation. Used skills to 'borrow' prototype armor, and weapons from various research facilities.
-His primary means of transportation is a jetbike. While a very fast means of transportation, it's inherently dangerous, with a maximum flight ceiling of only a few thousand feet. It's loud, though difficult to track. Darkshine prefers to use it to get to a general area, place it in a safe location, and proceed on foot.
Confusion seems to be occurring with three threads on the forum for this RP. Would a mod kindly merge this thread and the OOC thread?
Name: Emily Vallenwhite nick: Glimmer
Age: 24
Gender: F
Prior Faction Affiliation: Grimbol's Raiders, Jas
Status with Above Faction: Grimbol's Raiders no longer have any command structure to be considered a group, and the Jas still assume she's MIA.
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: strong belief that no government, as it stands, has the right idea as to how to advance. With prolonged interfaction fighting will cause any beneficial changes will be overshadowed by the "human" cost. If the surface could be reclaimed, then there would be more than enough room for everybody which would allow a more stable environment for humans to pick up the pieces.
Genetic Augmentations?: Enhanced Adrenal Gland: her adrenal glands produce a potent chemical cocktail that not only serves the same functions as its unmodified brethren, but also allows greater clarity of thought, focus, and reactiveness when Emily is under a great deal of stress. It also increases physical reflexes and pain resistance.
System Boost: Emily is passively more resistant to biological or radiation effects, her immune system is stronger than the average person, and she is slightly stronger and faster than others.
Cybernetic Enhancements?: Scout Eye implants: Emily's eyes have been replaced by two ocular cybernetic eyes. These eyes allow for multiple levels of zoom, infrared vision, low light vision, x-ray, and motion detection.
Mutations?: Emily has a set of lengthened canines.
Other Equipment:
Havoc R2 Gauss Carbine: The Havoc Gauss Carbine is a weapon specifically designed for recon troops. It is lightweight, rugged, and extremely accurate. The rifle has two firing modes, a three round burst and single shot mode. In its single shot mode it redirects energy from the reloading mechanism to the gauss coils allowing more powerful shots, putting the Havoc on par with lower end sniper rifles. The weapon uses armor piercing spikes, but can easily be switched out to specialty ammo as needed.
Stalker Class Hostile Environment Suit.
The Stalker class hostile environment suit is a light weight suit comprised of a self regenerating bioweave. The suit contains full biological/radioactive shielding. The suit is designed with agility and stealth rather than defensive strength, as such, only the upper torso, forearms, and lower legs consist of a dense carbon crystal interweave. The suit is designed with an active camouflage module which allows the suit to try and actively blend into the scenery. Due to the light bending fields involved this camouflage affects any personal gear that Emily is carrying and makes her invisible to most detection based on alternate spectrum. At a distance, or while standing still, the suit can become near invisible. At closer ranges, especially while moving, the suit will distort light and the user's outline will become visible. The suit can maintain the module for up to an hour per day of continual use, after which its biocapacitors need to recharge. The suit has a enclosed mask which not only filters out contaminants from the air, but with a special add on it can allow for underwater work.
Limpet Mines.
Small handheld mines with an antipersonnel fragmentation disk on their top. Can be attached to nearly any surface and set to detonate based on proximity, motion, or remote via Emily's wrist computer. the detonator can be switched via the computer to allow for safe passage.
Penetrator Heavy Pistol: A side arm designed to maximize its punching power. The Penetrator has a small ammo clip, and heavy recoil, but can fire a high calibre slug and is accurate up to medium distance.
Wrist mounted Biocomputer: Emily has a wrist mounted bio computer that allows her to record, evaluate, and transmit data remotely. It also contains a sensor suite for in the field analysis of materials. The computer does have limited hacking capabilities that allow for entry to facilities, but for more intensive infiltration she will typically defer to a better trained/equipped person.
Physical Description: 5'9", 140lb. Athletic build. Emily has Straight brown hair about shoulder length, and her eyes normally glow blue, but glow red when in IR mode, and are black in x-ray mode.
Extra Background/Trivia:
Emily grew up under Jas rule in a military family. She was always inquisitive as a young girl and was strongly opinionated. She joined the Jas military as her relatives before her did, and quickly fell in with a recon platoon. During a conflict with the Cla, Emily's recon platoon, and the Cla Platoon ambushed each other at the same time. During the fighting Emily was knocked unconscious and would later wake in the care of Grimbol's Raiders which was a paramilitary group that claimed themselves as freedom fighters, but were no more better than terrorist. The group gave her the option of being sold into slavery, or joining them. Emily chose to join their ranks, but never took their "ideals" on as her own.
What the Grimbol's Raiders lacked in numbers, they made up with stolen technology. They had liberated many devices from the other governments, whether it was through looting of battlefields or breaking into facilities to make off with a prototype. Emily's ability as a scout did not go unnoticed and she was often sent in with a veteran to scout out their targets before hitting them. For about two years this went on, preying upon the other governments, until the Raiders were wiped out at their mobile HQ. At the time Emily had been tailing a Cla munitions shipment, and when word reached her about the destruction of HQ she broke into the shipment on her own, and made off with what she could carry. According to the Jas records, Emily was MIA and she wasn't too thrilled about the idea of returning, due to her new outlook from comparing the various governments with each other. As such she set out on her own with the intent to find her own cause to fight for.
Quote from: Inumo on August 20, 2010, 11:28:56 PM
Confusion seems to be occurring with three threads on the forum for this RP. Would a mod kindly merge this thread and the OOC thread?
Thank you, Tapewolf!
Name: Marcus "Sparky" Watson
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Prior Faction Affiliation: Pohd
Status with Above Faction: Considered missing corporate property
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: Raised by them
Genetic Augmentations: Marcus is a living electrical battery, able to store electric charge in specialized hypodermal cells. His body can use this energy to synthesize simple carbohydrates, theoretically allowing him to survive indefinitely on electricity and water alone (though in practice he still requires regular intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals to stay healthy). The process also oxygenates his blood, reducing his overall oxygen footprint and allowing his muscles to operate longer at loads normally considered anaerobic. He has very little subcutaneous fat--his body prefers to store energy electrically, and the rubbery polymers surrounding his electrical cells provide superior insulation. (His muscles are also slightly stronger and denser than normal as a result.) Discharging large banks of cells simultaneously can generate enough voltage to fry unshielded electronics and stun (or even injure) a human.
His senses are more acute than normal humans. He has flexible, vaguely catlike ears sensitive to high frequency sounds. Extra retinal pigments enable him to see into ultraviolet spectra and detect polarized light. He has a furred, monkey-like tail. It's prehensile and strong enough to support his weight.
Cybernetic Augmentations: Organic nanocomputing implants interface with his sensory system, monitoring and recording vital signs and sensory feeds. He controls this mindnet system primarily through neural feedback and eye movements, and it outputs data by directly overlaying his sensory experience. It can run simple postprocessing operations in realtime, such as filtering or magnifying visual feeds. It piggybacks on his natural electrical network for external communications, modulating signals for high speed data transfer by touch.
Photoconductive nanopigments in his epidermis absorb shortwave light (mainly blue through ultraviolet) to recharge his electric cells in sunlight (artificial light usually doesn't generate much current) and protect deeper tissues from ionizing radiation. As he can feel currents across his body, they even provide limited omnidirectional "vision" in appropriate lighting conditions (which he perceives as a tactile sense rather than a visual one). He's only sensitive enough to distinguish movement or bright objects (although the recorded feed can render higher resolution imagery), and clothing will obviously create blind spots.
Equipment: He wears a sleeveless black bodysuit. It's truly skin tight, with an inner layer of conductive nanogels that provide good contact with his skin's electrical cells. Photoconductors covering the outer layers extend his photosensitivity into the full visible and near infrared spectra. They generate significantly more power in daylight and can even generate decent currents under artificial lighting. The hidden sublayer is highly reflective, increasing photon capture efficiency on the second pass and even offering some protection against small arms laser fire. (High powered lasers will still damage the suit and may even overload his electrical cells.) The underlying nanoweave structure is extremely durable and almost impenetrable, but it's not designed to protect against impacts.
The palms if his gloves and soles of his boots contain coiled nanowires able to concentrate electromagnetic fields and attract or repel ferromagnetic materials. The gloves also feature a miniaturized UV laser system. While not as powerful as military laser rifles, it could burn through most materials given time. Furthermore, it ionizes atmospheric oxygen, creating a highly conductive plasma channel that lets him use his electroshock attack at a distance. He controls the laser system through his internal mindnet via a type of smartgun interface.
His collar contains transceivers that enable his internal systems to access the wireless networks. Universal plug adapters allows wired connectivity to other computers. The interface appears as an audiovisual overlay HUD.
His goggles contain modified Factionless pulse detector technology that feeds electromagnetic field imagery directly into his mindnet. They actually work even when he's not wearing them directly over his eyes, although the system has to correct for a different field of view.
He rides a hoverboard decorated with a white tiger motif. He painted it himself.
Physical Description: Despite some youthful gangliness, he's quite lean and athletic. His eyes are electric blue. He has dark, scruffy hair and furry, catlike ears. His canine teeth are slightly more pronounced than a normal human. He has a long prehensile tail covered in short fur. The rest of his body is relatively hairless and human-looking, with a complexion that remains pale even with all the time spent outside (thanks to the nanotech implants, he doesn't tan).
Extra Background/Trivia: Marcus inherited the catboy genes from his mother. The rest were custom modifications by slightly eccentric researchers hoping to advance the cause of science and provide their son with the best genetic opportunities. His primary germline augmentations originally date back to a 22nd century project to modify terrestrial species for life in space. His parents rediscovered the technology while designing electrically powered crops and refined it. He's currently their only successful human prototype. They fled Rya with the newly formed Factionless group after their corporate masters demanded he be turned over for "research purposes".
He's very curious and energetic, finding it difficult to sit still for long. He does get a little sluggish and grumpy if it's been while since his last recharge--it brings him down to the one or two cups of coffee level. The Factionless have taken to calling him Sparky (for obvious reasons). He doesn't mind the nickname but resents the fact that a lot of them still treat him like a little kid.
Name: Grrrl
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Prior Faction Affiliation: Podh genetic research team 'Uberwolf'... hey, don't ask me why those cliques name themselves the way they do...
Status with Above Faction: Abandoned genetic material
Reason for Joining/Assisting Factionless: Bored. Hungry... Bored! no... HUNGRY! Meh... more bored but kinda hungry too. yeah...
Genetic Augmentations?: Um... yeah. Just above everything. See I was built for Podh security forces as a kinda... um... intelligent guard dog. So yeah, I'm not human. Like, not at all. So I have fangs and claws and am really strong as stuff... nothing major. Just think of me as a six foot tall three hundred pound killing mach- I mean... fluffy friendly puppy? I have blue fur! Really! Would a killing machine have blue fur? Huh? Huh? Sigh... no body understands...
Cybernetic Enhancements?: Um... nope... not a one... none at all... really... no really... come on, I'm a lab specimen. You realize how over the top that would be? Next you'll think I'm a wolf cyberninja pirate. But I'm not. Sheesh... ... ... yarrr...
Mutations?: The blue fur thing is evidently a mutation. I was supposed to be all black or something but I guess some protein didn't tweak and... well... poof. You get neon blue fur!
Physical Description: 6'2" 150kg bright blue wolf monster. I wear rags... what? You think I can go to the store and they'll give me some custom tailored nice clothes? Pffft.
Extra Background/Trivia: I love twentieth century music. Don't understand it but... I'm a wolfy grrrl... in a wolfy world... I got blue fur... I just won't purr... you can brush my fur... undress me anywhirr...
For those interested, I added a pair of sketches to Arial's character sheet. They don't show the tanks on her back, and they're not finalized designs (it needs more detail), but it gives a good impression of what she looks like in general.
Primary sources of inspiration are Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, and the HUcaseal ( from Phantasy Star Online (Ep.2).
And now, back to your regularly scheduled RP.
Ah, I think you mistook something, Bas--no one's in the garage. Cybee just autopiloted it back there, everyone else is using the door in the meeting grove to get to the shelters. An edit may be needed...
ah, i was under the impression that you 2 were in the garage, my bad :B...
I think I have a character concept. One (main) question, though: Is it possible, for aesthetic reasons, for someone to have extremely low tech concept stuff that preforms the main functions of higher tech?
My character concept is a rabid traditionalist on many fronts, so I'm talking petrol and steam powered armour instead of electronics, steam piston powered "Reason" style minigun, no environment suit (He claims "Lenin will protect me." Terrifyingly, it works.).
The main power source is still high power radioisotopes, it's just that the aesthetics seem almost steampunk at times.
Go ahead, Saph. There might be a minor loss of power due to it also having to power the various aesthetics, but it shouldn't be enough to cause any real difference in your combat capacities.
Character removed due to sudden lack of vision. Sorry.
WhiteFox, are we calling your character Arial still, or switching it over to Ariel? I seem to remember you mentioning it at one point... Also, Tezkat, are you gonna introduce Sparky at some point, or you gonna drop?
Official spelling is Ariel.
My original spelling was "Arial," which I later realized was a misspelling of either "aerial" or "Ariel." I went with the latter.
Also, serendipitously, the most appropriate song I can find as theme music for Ariel is System of a Downs "Aerials." It's strangely appropriate, both for her and the post-apoc cyberpunk setting.
Pardon the double post.
I've been occupied with an impending CCC deadline, assuming the responsibility of GMing the Deathtrap Dungeon RP, assisting people with character generation for a GURPS RP, learning Maptools for said GURPS game, and trying to get some work on my comic done.
As such... I've been woefully neglegent of posting here. My apologies.
Arial doesn't have any major contributions to the plan or the conversation this point, so feel free to continue.
FYI to you who play; my schedule with marching band is starting to pick up, so I'm going to be on less and less to do GM posts. I won't die out completely, but it may be a bit more burst-y. I should become much more available after 10/23 or so, but that'll only be until around January, since winter line picks up then.
On a side note, are you waiting for me to answer something, or have the muses of the forum gone on strike?
I'm actually going to wait for Tezkat to post, so he doesn't get completely swept away.
Sigh, I don't think this is going to work. It's been weeks and no one has even acknowledged my character IC. Just delete her.
i know it's Darkshine's attitude that he considers any and everyone incompetent until proven otherwise... have her confront him directly if you want results :B... and it's not just you, Ashen, it's everyone who needs to do this, if they want to be acknowledged
Ashen, you could have told us something was bothering you.
Involving your character with the others is not so simple as having them jump in and declare "I want to be involved." There's roleplaying considerations for how characters respond to each other. The way your character entered rubbed Arial in the exactly wrong way, on more then one level.
That doesn't mean your character rubs me, as a player, the wrong way. Honestly, I was going to have Arial take her out back to put her down... but get to know her a little along the way, have a change of heart, and get sorta attached to her. That didn't happen, though, because Arial got caught up in other matters.
Bas had some good advice. Read over the situation, see who's doing what, think about who your character would approach, and go for it.
OOC note:
Unlike everyone else seems to have, Traxen does -not- have text message or other wireless communications built into his cybernetics. He was very specific about removing all such capability after his cybernetics were compromised by the One when he was trying to escape Aeth, so that nothing can get in his head without a hardline connection, and that he can fight off himself. This is also the reason he ditched all of his gamma-communication tech, so he couldn't be tracked.
Unfortunately, I then tried to reconcile why he has no wireless in his head, but is okay with wireless controlling his bots(and a few other requirements). I had a few ideas, and Tez and Bas had a few others, but apparently, none properly fit the criteria and parameters without going into spooky physics, so I'm going to have to chat with you, Inumo :animesweat
Well, I'm going to proceed as though Ashen is still a player that is deciding on whether or not to join. As such, I won't stall until I'm about to close off entrants - this'll be when you go off on the op. In the meantime, I have a better explanation of #-sec systems:
Basically, the system works off of the theory that any system can be brute-forced or solved with algorithms. However, rather than try to stop the brute-forcing side, the designers of the system instead decided to stop the algorithm solution. This is done by placing each package of data that is sent amidst a sea of kill commands which cut the signal and possibly wipe the data off of the source's system. Whenever a system is made, it comes with a starter machine that also acts as a kill command-filter. The active security system is then placed as a proxy to the wired signals being sent out, while the receiver links up the filter to their machine so they can read the incoming data.
TL;DR version: #-sec is the obfuscation of data packages, replacing fake data with signal cutters. This is only available for wired systems for most factions so far.
Since I've decided to drop out of the RP, I figured I might as well post Arial's full character sheet. See what you think.
Long story short? She's a 153 year old android, thinks like a human at computer speeds, is tough as a brick, can fly and teleport, and has a belt fed rocket launcher.
Arial Heurista Tech specs:
Apex Energy Core (Cold Fusion Micro-Powerplant)
-Requires regular supply of Deuterium.
Heuristal Cortex: Bionic Germanium Crystal Nanoprocessor
-Modeled after the human brain, the Cortex uses heruistic thinking rather then logical thinking. This puts Arial in a unique category of AI.
-3.5 pounds of solid nanocomputing... Arial is one smart little girl.
Advanced Information Processing suite:
-Arial was built for crunching numbers, whether cracking cyphers, analyzing military intelligence, or processing raw scientific data. She has dedicated hardware for such purposes.
Micro-Missile Personal Defense Weapon
-Arial's PDW consists of five launch tubes mounted in her left forearm, and a rail system through her arm that supplies ammunition from the external magazines mounted on her back. The five tubes can launch in salvos or in sequence, at a rate of 1 missile per second per tube.
-The tanks on her back are 120 round Helical drum magazine (9 inches in diameter, 30 inches in height). The PDW in her right arm was damaged in combat some time ago, so two of the ammunition canisters, as well as her forearm, were converted into storage compartments.
-That's two hundred and fourty shaped charges in under a minute of sustained fire.
-Belt fed rocket launcher.
Holztman Micro Warp Drive
-A short range space-fold teleportation system. The energy cost increases exponentially with distance. Arial's minitureized HMWD can teleport her up to 5 feet with mild expenditure, while jumping 10 feet would fry her powergrid.
Zero-Feild Energy Drive:
-A reactionless omnivectored flight system. It theoretically has no ceiling and no top speed, as long as it has enough power going into it. Arials max speed is about 120 mph, which she can maintain for about a tenth of a second before her powergrid vaporizes. Speeds up to 60mph are comfortable, and the Drive is precise enough that she can float around or hover in place.
High Durability Construction
-Being able to process information so well, Arials body is built to survive hazardous conditions in order to gather it. That includes battlefield combat as well as contact with caustic or reactive materials used in experimental research. Her frame is built of high durability alloys, and her skin is three inches of armour grade molymer insulation made to shrug off everything from rads to thermal to UV to shrapnel.
-The molymers break down over time, and require regular upkeep.
Stealth Design:
-Given that her flight system is emissionless, her skin is three inches of insulation, her powerplant has no exhaust, and she's about four feet tall, Arial is damn near impossible to detect in battlefield situation.
Hokay, so. Today is State semifinals for my marching band, and if we make it to finals, I won't make it home until probably around 1am, at which point I'll just want to sleep. So, I won't be able to get a post up today... >.<
By the way, Squirrel, where is Emily going to try and find the intel? Communications and Requisitions? The Network Hub? Where?
Okay, it'll be longer than expected getting out all the intel Li handed Emily. My NaNo decided to be a pain in the butt and not flow smoothly. Would you prefer I give you what you know, then add more details as I make them, or just wait and get them all out at once so you can plan based on everything?
EDIT: Okay, I've managed to gather up enough time and motivation to get this done. Here's what's known:
The ten outer wall positions are manned in pairs. The Knights rotate every hour, each person offset by a half hour so there is always at least one guard on duty. Inner wall guards work solo, and rotate every hour as well. The ten positions are offset by six minutes each. Cameras are placed on the ceiling of the cavern, in the center of the two major open areas. They are on fixed mounts. Each Knight is armed with a high-rate-of-fire laser rifle and a low-rate-of-fire ballistics rifle. The laser rifles are known for being inaccurate at long range, while the ballistics rifles are inherently accurate and consistent, since a misplaced gravity-point would cause the barrel to collapse. They are also armored in plates of polished aluminum armor, with a sonic-plus energy shield powered by an energy cell placed on their backs, which is unshielded. The contact is a scientist by the name of Hubert, and works in the genetics lab where the carrot got reverse-engineered. The inner walls, outer walls, and fortress walls are made of the original compacted dirt coated in concrete, a common practice in Rian architecture. From the inner wall's gates, to get to the security room and vault you need to pass through five hallways and three hallways and a courtyard, respectively. Each hallway has an average of three rooms coming off of it. One of the hallways en route to either location connects to the barracks.
Any other intel you need?
is there any sentry gun emplacements? vehicles of note? what is the area outside the base? Does it have alot of cover? What are the access points available? Is there any regularly schedueled delivery of goods to or from the facility? What is the nature of the contact? Can we expect any assistance from him, or is he just a intelligence supplier. Apart from the reverse engineering of carrots, is there any other projects being worked on that we know of? Do we know where the main meeting areas of the base are? Also, do we know how their communications/security systems are handled?
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on November 03, 2010, 10:10:57 PMis there any sentry gun emplacements?
Yes, there are two ballistics turrets on the inside wall, using a rotating set of barrels to allow for high rate-of-fire while still being as accurate as the ballistics rifles.
Quotevehicles of note?
Data not available
Quotewhat is the area outside the base? Does it have alot of cover?
Outside of outer walls, open cavern. Outside of inner walls, open cavern. Inside of inner walls, data not available
QuoteWhat are the access points available?
Into cavern outside outer walls, van-sized tunnel. Into cavern between inner/outer walls, gates placed in outer wall, outside access gate. Into inside of inner walls, gates placed in inner wall.
QuoteIs there any regularly schedueled delivery of goods to or from the facility?
Monthly caravan of five vans containing unknown cargo. Stay in system for approx. one hour before leaving.
QuoteWhat is the nature of the contact? Can we expect any assistance from him, or is he just a intelligence supplier.
Intelligence supplier only.
QuoteApart from the reverse engineering of carrots, is there any other projects being worked on that we know of?
Genetic engineering of higher-yield algae for farming by serfs.
QuoteDo we know where the main meeting areas of the base are?
Central dining hall through two distinct major entrances, barracks as east wing.
QuoteAlso, do we know how their communications/security systems are handled?
Data not available; assumed radio, theorized electrical version of telepathy.
Hokay... So, last I heard, SquirrelWizard was waiting on Meany, Bas, and tech to respond to his message, Meany was waiting to give tech info that he was waiting on, and Bas was waiting for some kind of reaction from Meany/tech. Who the heck is going to make the first move here?
So, it's probably a little absurd to posting on a dead RP thread just to say that the RP's shut down, but I felt like, if nothing else, some reflections could be made for future GMs.
What I've Learned:
1) Always have intel ready. Even if you're not sharing it immediately.
2) Never have the person running whatever organization you're using be uninvolved.
3) Don't cut yourself off from the ability to take GM action.
4) It's okay to bend the timeline for the sake of action, even if it means your players are theoretically standing around in an awkward silence for half an hour or more.
5) Always double-check character details, even if you think you know them.
6) Lay out important information in the OOC thread, not as an IC post note.
I think I'll be waiting before I make another RP thread, just so I can get some proper prep and mechanics in. In case anyone was actually thinking of joining. :P
I'll join up. Once you're ready. :P
your introduction of the RP is kinda like your handshake to your players in it.
Think of the starting situation and what should be expected from the PCs, and NPCs. Then try to find a way to tie it together in either one area or multiple areas as you believes it suits them.
Using LW as an example. Since the first mission involved the infiltration of an enemy facility, that means we'd be starting off at the "briefing" stage of the mission; where the various group members are filled in on the specifics of what we'd be doing. In this case, you would want to try and place everybody in a central location prior to actually having the meeting. Since this is the begining of the RP, you can hold out for everybody to show up.
As for factions/npcs. The idea of a Factionless faction is laughable. The moment you gather up a group of people with a common purpose you have become a faction. In the future, it would be best to name the faction something. The reason being is that a random person can be factionless but not uphold the ideals of the Factionless faction. With npcs, you want to strike a balance between an npc being unique and moving the plot along. Due to this, most of your authority figures will treat their position, and work, with a degree of seriousness and organization. Even if you do have an "absent minded" character, typically they will have a second in command who is more grounded than they are.