Perhaps curiosity is what draws one to the rather new posting at the crossroad, the sheet of material looking suspiciously like it was made from something other than paper and catching the light with a strange, glossy sheen like it'd been waxed.
More interesting was the strange, flowing script written upon it, the style looking remarkably archaic for the times yet rather legible and done in a color that reminds one of dried blood or the juice of some fruit.
'To those we say, adventuresome interests:
We present you with the opportunity to both do a considerably (Hopefully) good favor for our people and those concerned in the immediate environs of our territory and earn an exceptional reward for your troubles....
That is, if you can stay alive long enough to claim your reward. Not only will the opportunity itself prove dangerous, but the land itself will be quite...unforgiving, you could say, to those whom do not belong as we and our allies do. Do not fear, you may bring companions! The rewards will be individually given based on one's performance in rendering aide, and ending the problem with as little chaos as possible. Otherwise your bodies will be disposed of in a fashion that is to our liking-if there is anything left of them.
But to the point of the issue. There is an instigator that is beyond our power-yea, even our leader may not cast them down with what power he has at his disposal. This one we believe evil, and due to their efforts not all of us can be trusted. Then again, many of us cannot be trusted anyway, despite the recognized desire for outside aide.
If you wish to know more, head to the town of Prinem, and look for the inn referred to as Shalebreakers' Haven. You will meet one whom can tell you more, and make arrangements for what should be a safe arrival at your destination....
Oh, and please be ready to talk about yourselves! If you wish, you may leave information there.'
A small arrow, well-drawn with the shaft designed like a bone, points to the right where a stone happens to be. It wasn't there before! Ah well, upon it was a sheaf of material similar to the posting, and by it a sealed bottle that looked to be of ink...
Upon each and every one of them, when examined, were the same words, right down to what appeared, ridiculously enough, a set of rules! And was that a small, scribbled warning at the bottom? Hmm...
Age (Optional) :
Abilities of interest:
Other abilities (If applicable) :
Optional trivia:
'No 'Godmodding'. If you're not sure about your actions, ask about them first! Consider yourself warned, as reprisal will be swift and with little mercy-especially for repeat offenders.
'Our land is dangerous, so if you have questions about abilities you wish for your character to have, please ask. Weapons can be relatively modern as well, but nothing outrageous. Ask about and describe said 'modern' weapons-we don't want things around that can decimate the locale. Otherwise, swords, staves, spears...even bows and magic are allowable.
'Virtually all species, be they Demon, Being, or Mythos, are able to come...just don't expect it to be easy because of what you are. In the case of dragons, however, it would be best to remain in one's 'being' form unless necessary. The largest Gryphon breed is not, however, permitted...we have our reasons. Fae are questionable, and one will have to give a good accounting on their presence.
'Be very cautious as to what one says at your destination...even the vaguest of promises can be taken seriously, among other things.
'Finally, try and enjoy your time here...if you can. Oh, and don't aggravate the locals too much...We really hate that.'
And hastily scribbled as if to be a final thought...
A word of warning. There will be violence, disturbing moments, and other things of such nature. Be careful, lest you find yourself encountering far more than you bargained for! May Nekkorum have pity on those whom make such an error....
Approved/Active characters:
Meany: Dhōngami B. Brightshine (,7525.msg330917.html#msg330917)
Boogeyman: Renald Dirkassen (,7525.msg331016.html#msg331016)
Cogidubnus: Cogidubnus Mithlome (,7525.msg331025.html#msg331025)
Tipod: Bart Thom'sen (,7525.msg331060.html#msg331060)
Danman: Vladim A. Eisenberg (,7525.msg331081.html#msg331081)
Kafzeil: Kafzeil Harkonnen (,7525.msg331111.html#msg331111)
Squirrelwizard: Cinna Dian (,7525.msg331272.html#msg331272)
Well, this is certainly interest-piquing. Exactly how modern is this rp, not only in technology, but fashion and culture as well? Should t-shirts be readily available, and should women be chatty about their beliefs? Technology wise, are we talking electric lights, or is it still mostly candles and/or magic? For weapons, are we still working with flintlock pistols, or have repeating weapons come to bear?
More to come as the creative juices start to flow. :B
Hey, you know I want in. Gimme a bit to pick a character and get some things together.
Meany? Heheh, I'd say much of what you'll encounter there won't be modern, but yes, you can easily say a lady's free with her beliefs, the clothing are mildly hip and fashionable- and think the 1970s to 1980s with technology that you can claim familiarity with and possibly even see.
I personally say there's an even mix of magic and relatively modern weapons, and perhaps weapons that even operate on magic, if one wants to be so inclined. As noted, feel free to discuss the matter with me, and we can work out. If you're the type that likes 'Steampunk' style stuff (Like an interesting example, a false arm that works on a set of gears and similar things), that can also be discussed.
And yes, I can see repeating weapons being usable depending on one's inclinations-just keep in mind you're rather unlikely to find munitions out there! So, keep a good standby handy if you want my recommendation.
Hopefully that clears a little, eh?
And yep, I know full well you want in on the possibly unpleasant mess available, Boog!
Hmm... an interestingly vauge adventure...and from the same person who brought me the drone-munching troll, how can I say no? ;)
Why yes, that cleared things up nicely. :> Thank you.
And now for more questions: Would you like character sheets posted here, or PMed first, then posted when/if they are accepted? Do you have any rules about particularly exotic crossbreeds; Were/Phoenix(B) for example? Dare I ask you spoil the beginning scenery's climate, for fashion purposes-Whether or not to pack a parka, for example?
*Snicker* Why yes Glitch, that would be the same fellow. And at least yah learned not to bring strange, shiny things in front of his mouth eh? But I digress.
It'd probably be best to send me the sheets via PM first, so we can work it over and settle any problems with minimal embarrassment to both parties Meany. *Grins* Thanks for bringing that up!
Also...that is an interesting question you bring up about exotic species. The only thing I can really say about that is I'm rather willing to listen to details about such characters, and as such can decide if they'd work into the scene with little fuss and even help work out things with them-especially where abilities can be concerned.
The only real issue I'd have is with the C-class gryphons, since they're far too large to be manageable in the scene (Dragons are manageable, especially since they can be in their being form for convenience)! The best way to find out if they're agreeable is to draft up a sheet for them, and work it over with me.
And...I'll keep the scenery as a surprise. *Chuckles* Though I'll be honest, if you bring a parka it'd have to be for something other than to keep warm!
I have two questions. One: What is the limit of characters everyone is allowed to make? I understand having one guy running around with 6 or so is a *bit* crazy, but is it one, to or three? Also, I have to leave, for about a week today. I was wondering if I could register now, then, when I return from my trip, could drop in. Is that allowable?
Sounds interesting. I'd be up for this. Is the idea to create a something of a party, or do we simply have the option of more than one character?
I might join. This could be fun.>=3
Wolf, Cog? It's better if it's a party theme, since I seriously agree that a load of characters for one person could be hectic. Heh, I'm going to be dealing with that anyway, depending on various situations.
Anyway. If anything, one or two characters per person depending on their preference, and things will be easier for those willing to work together-or at if they least pretend to, heh. More would be kind of crazy! So yes Cog, you could have a partner for your primary should you so desire, but they'd need at least a 'mini-reference' for themselves so I know what they can do. If you want the extra hassle, that's fine by me.
I will fairly warn, however-your primary could be found suitable, whilst a second character might not. Or vice-versa. I'll do my best to give my reasons in those situations, so no worries.
And Wolf? Well, it depends on when the scene starts. If necessary, I can find a means to slip you in when you get back, but it'll be tricky depending on how far everyone gets in that time-going solo can have some interesting, if some potentially unpleasant, deviations if one's not careful.
Also, interest noted Kafzeil!
I might be interested too, that is, if the game KarlOmega1 has posted for a call dies the lack-of-interest death it seems to be in agony from.
That is, i am not inciting anyone not to subscribe there, the opposite rather, just explaining the facts.
I wonder if I could bring Traxen into this one...I might need a little more background on what this RP is going to be about in that case, so I can give him a suitable motivation...
Details are on their way Glitch, but don't noise'em around too much. *Chuckles* I'd like at least a few surprises to be handy...but as it is, you get to decide on that.
And oh? Well, that's fine Danman. If yah don't get in the first time, and when others are able to be called in, feel free to try then too.
Fear me, puny mortals! For this character has been approved by the GM! Hail the leafy goodness!
Name: Dhōngami B. Brightshine.
Age (Optional) : 19
Species/race: Angel/Mythos crossbreed.
Description: At first glance, a earthen colored Creature. Just barely over five feet tall, toned build, with a mostly cream color to his fur; with the exception of a light brown color that engulfs his hands and feet, spreading to half of his shins and forearms; as well as a large swath of white over his abdominal muscles and inner thighs. Ears are a bit longer than normal, flattening out to mere centimeter thinness, showing the veins therein, a similar phenomena is present in the tail, though the flattened portion is much greater than the non. Small green shoots sprout up from random portions of his body, particularly at the wrists and ankles, but a small amount along the back of his neck, and his right shoulder blade. A single feathered wing sprouts from his left shoulder, mostly cream colored, with green primary feathers. A short, blunt face indicative of feline ancestry, large brown eyes, and bright green hair kept in a short crop. Clothes are loose, brown pants that stop just past the knee with a black belt to hold them up; white shirt with the back altered to accommodate his wing and shoots; a satchel bag, hanging off the left shoulder; and simple cloth shoes with a thick sole. He carries with him a spear roughly as tall as he is long, with a sheathed leaf blade at one end, and a metal ball at the other.
History: Born as the bastard son of an Angel and his Mythos concubine, Dhōngami was not well liked by either of his parents; his father for the fact he was forced to provide for Dhōngami and his mother; and his mother because Dhōngami cost her a job as a very wealthy Angel's concubine. Dhōngami, despite being grown in a pod like his Mother before him, was more like his father than his mother, leading to not being well received with his Mythos kin. Once he was fully grown, he left, and encountered a peculiar sign at a crossroads.
Abilities of interest:
Mage: Dhōngami has access to both Light and Plant themed magics, sometimes using the former to accelerate the speed of the latter. His plant magic differs from the norm, in that he cannot command plants, per se, to grow as he wishes, but merely provides the energy to them to grow drastically, and asks for favors in return; usually this works, particularly when he aides the growth of trees, which he claims are much more helpful than lesser plant-life, with the odd exception, like oaks. He carries seeds with him, to facilitate his magic more easily, as younger, more impressionable plants tend to give favors more freely. His Light magic is limited, due to a lack of formal education, to minor to moderate healing, illuminating, and Light Magic Missiles.
Part-Angel: Dhōngami has some of the perks of Angel ancestry, namely being able to harden his skin to the strength of stone on a moments notice, and slightly faster than normal thinking processes; his one wing, while not allowing him to fly, helps him to control his falling, by allowing him to spiral down like a helicopter seed. His regenerative abilities are vastly slower than a full-blooded Angel's would be, and consumes a large amount of energy to accomplish.
Part-Plant: Dhōngami's being partly a plant, allows him to communicate with most forms of plant-life, in the form of impressions, feelings, and sensory data, rather than words; he has stated that trees are whom he communicates best with, as they are much more intelligent than lesser plant-life, like flowers. He can also analyze the chemical content of soil and water by ingesting a small amount. Conversely, he is vulnerable to extreme temperatures, a variety of insects, pests, diseases, and biologically cannot produce fat, thus needing to eat every day. The shoots that grow from his body are tied directly to his nervous system, serving to analyze his surroundings, giving him heightened senses, and spacial awareness; such as knowledge of incoming objects, their speed, and a rough estimate of their size depending on the amount of displaced air. His sensory range is at the best of times, fifteen feet behind to the right, with five feet directly to the sides, and virtually nonexistent directly ahead and behind to the left; but increasing activity and persons within that range can severely hamper his abilities. These shoots also allow him to detect changes of moisture in the air, as well as static electricity; in short, detecting incoming storm-fronts. However these shoots also produce immense pain when damaged or violently removed, and his ability to detect with them is dependent upon the density of their grouping, and the area they group upon. He can use photosynthesis to give him a quick boost of energy, but it is mainly used to strengthen his immune system, and regenerative abilities; he has a digestive tract for a reason, as it is where he gains most of his nutrition. He is at his weakest at night.
Spear-man: Dhōngami is skilled at using his spear, both as a staff and a cutting/stabbing weapon. He subscribes to the belief that the weapon is part of the wielder, not as a slave, but a partner, working with the wielder only so long as it wishes to. This is partially supported by the fact he grew the weapon's shaft with his own Plant magic, and the wood has yet to fully go dormant.
Other abilities (If applicable) : Dhōngami has an seemingly perpetual supply of honey flavored, ration-like candies, rich in sugars, iron, and a few vitamins; he gives these out freely, if his companions are in need of a quick boost. He can function as an apothecary of sorts, using his knowledge of plants to develop a variety of cures, but in the interest of maintaining good relations with the majority of plant-life, he refrains whenever possible. His brain doesn't work in the same way most other Creatures do, in the first it is not as centralized in its functions, lessening the debilitating effects of brain damage, and preventing some diseases which attack the brain to flourish; he also does not feel emotions as easily as other Creatures, easily compartmentalizing, however when he does feel something, it tends to linger. Due to his youth, he has not quite mastered the concept of thinking ahead, but at manipulating others he is moderately adept.
Optional trivia:
Dhōngami's middle name is Bethesda. His favorite food is four cheese pizza, not five cheese, or three cheese; four cheese. His spear's name is Fumetsu. His satchel carries a change of clothes, and pouches of seeds for use with his Plant magic, most of them are tree seeds. Dhōngami's relationship with his family is a sensitive subject, and while he has compartmentalized the issue, it is loosely done, at best.
[[Edited to fix a brainfart. :animesweat See the Abilities of Interest section under Part Plant, now with new less power-gaming smell!]]
After considerable thought and a load of questions to probe the boundaries...approved.
Name: Felix Cain
Age: 20
Race: Humanoid wolf
Description: Felix is a member of a little known race called the arcanus lupinius or magic wolves though almost identical in appearance as the rightly feared werewolves they are a highly intelligent and peaceful if reclusive species they arte also feircly hateful of their werewolf cousins and will cut them down if they encounter any. Felix is a rather extraordinary example within this species for his dark blue fur which is said to be the mark of a hero he is tall though not above average for his race standing at 6'2 he has one red eye and one light blue eye. Though slightly frightening to behold to people not familiar with his race Felix is an extremely friendly person and is slightly naive never have gone far from his village though not a coward if he feels he does not have a chance he will run but is highly loyal to his friends (thanks to his canine nature) and will stand by their side no matter what.
he wears no clothing except for a pair of black denim jeans and a swordbelt.
in terms of weaponry he carries a long sword made of silver with a ruby encrusted in the cross guard given to him by his father and a steel shield emblazoned with his village's crest that is given to all warriors that leave the village.
abilities: Felix is a good swordsman and has the ability to talk to all canines and to make spirit forms of his claws that are about 5 times their normal length he can learn magic from both holy and wild schools
srry i forgot history
history: Felix was born to a warrior and a baker his family was not rich but they were highly respected in the community, when Felix was six his mother was on a walk through the woods and was attacked by a group of werewoilves and killed after this Felix's father raised him to be a warrior and when he turned nineteen he left the village and headed to the outside world.
i have a tendency to lean towards mega-man style characters or there equivalents as applied to a magical universe. would this be okay?
Hmm. Ninjawolf, as much as I'd have liked that Pm'd...after I've had some sleep, I'll discuss yer character a bit. *Grins* Expect a PM later, eh? Been running on empty for over twenty-four hours here.
And E_voyager? Well, you'll have to draft up a character sheet and let me look it over. If I see any discrepancies I'll let you know...and thusly help yah get to a suitable equivalent that could mesh in well. As noted earlier, a steam-punkish character could work, depending. Heh, I didn't mention something like an (almost) clockwork arm for nothing, you see.
Name: Renald Dirkassen
Age (Optional) : 35
Species/race: Doberman/ Being
Description: Brown hair, tall and broadly built. Grey eyes. Usual expression ranges from a benign smile to a smirk.
17 years ago-
The local demon lord, Fen'dokis, also known as Red Fen, had recently been divorced and was taking it poorly. As a direct result, Renald's village was burning. Being just the local blacksmith's apprentice, not a warrior or adventurer, he'd been helpless. Red Fen had left him for last, having been offended by the way the boy had looked at him when he'd killed his master. Fen was the victim here. He just needed to relieve some stress. And so he explained to the boy, that this is how the world works. That the strong could do whatever they had strength to achieve. He had every right to act this way, and this boy had no right to scream that he didn't, over and over. So he demonstrated his point. On every man woman and child in the village.
"And that's how it is." The demon finally said, wiping the blood on the hem of his robe. "Now I'm sure you consider it unfair now, but I really think that this will be a good learning experience for you. Focus on the positive, grow up a little wiser..." Red Fen turned away, and began to walk home.
The hardening of a demon's skin against injury is a reflex action, that can't really take place when the demon doesn't see an attack coming. Renald's eyes darkened, staring at the back of the man walking away. He pulled his hammer out of his workman's coat...
And became strong.
3 Years Ago-
Legends are told, in some less civilized towns, of a man who hunts creatures. He could be called an adventurer. He has the license. And he has the demeanor of a man who knows that what he does is good. He wears gleaming armor with a slight copper hue, and wields an enchanted hammer reminiscent of a demon's skull, coated in molten steel. He wears gloves of some tan leathery substance, with notches at the tips where there were once shell-shaped fingernails. He wore armor that could turn aside dragon's teeth and blasts of arcane power.
And he was always, always seeking more creatures.
Abilities of interest: Being a skilled blacksmith, Renald keeps pieces of whatever creature's he's killed to augment his equipment. So far he has-
A hammer, containing the soul of Red Fen, crafted from the demon's own skull. This hammer's arcane energies allow it to hit harder than his own (admittedly already prodigious) strength would allow. He'll frequently talk to it. Those gifted enough to hear it talk back may be a little disturbed by it.
He has several angel feathers woven into his hair. While they don't look very intimidating, he claims their remaining magic allows him to think and react faster.
He carries two knives. One's a simple hunters carving knife, which he uses on his kills to get bits to use for more equipment. The other is made from an Insectis stinger, and whatever wounds it causes are always poisonous.
A suit of armor, constructed of an alloy of iron and dragonscale. It's very heavy armor, but he's gotten very used to wearing it, and thus moves at a being's normal speed in it. It's very strong; his masterpiece as a blacksmith. He's prone to bragging that one day, when some demon or monstrosity inevitably gets the better of him and drops him into a volcano, they'll find this armor fossilized in it years later, still useable.
He has a pair of gloves made from the hide of a were, while it was in human form. They retain some small amount of a were's magic immunity, and can be used to deflect oncoming spells.
A cape made of succubus wings. When he wraps it around himself, this cape blends in with his surroundings, its remaining shapeshifting abilities allowing him to hide with ease.
Other abilities (If applicable) : Is a skilled craftsman, sometimes takes to making small metal figurines to sell simply to augment his income.
He's a skilled brawler even without his equipment, but doesn't like to be away from it for too long.
He knows some magic, but only that which relates to blacksmithing or enchanting weapons and armor.
Optional trivia: Renald tends to make creatures uncomfortable, just because of how he looks at them. He's rarely looking at their face, unless he thinks there might be useful parts inside it.
Plays a mean saxaphone, but hasn't in years. No reason, it's just that with all the other stuff he carries from place to place he prefers to travel light.
Generally comes off as chivilrous and gallant, to beings.
Wow Boog. Wow.
Approved, after having an interesting discussion involving some of the finer points of his equipment.
Name: Cogidubnus Mithlome
Age: 544
Species: Were
An old, scarred wolf, with yellow eyes and grey fur. His tattered clothing consists of an open, threadbare black shirt and black cotton pants, and bare feet. A black sash trimmed in red is wrapped around his waist, where he carries a curved blade, all in black and with silver furniture. Various silver charms hang from his neck and wrists, and his grayed-silver hair is tied back at his waist. He carries a much larger sword over his shoulder, that blade a good three feet in length. The sheath is etched in whorls of silver - beneath the wrapping of the handle, there are two apple blossoms - one of silver, and one of gold. A bag secured by a rope hangs from the other side of his belt.
He is personable, but can sometimes be aloof, and occasionally comes across as dull. He is an avid lover of poetry, and the events that go on around him will occasionally spur a verse to his lips. He is kind, but has spent much of his life as a killer, and he would feel the term warrior-poet would apply to him.
"I found a skull in the woods yesterday. It was caved in, and the jaw was missing, but I found a bit of ligament hanging from the inside of what was left of the left jawbone. My first guess would have been trolls, but trolls eat the bones. So do ogres. I would rather not contemplate the idea of there being cannibals in the forest. Or perhaps something worse.
More and more, I find myself taking an interest in the settling of old evils, and new ones when I can, and the clearing of the truly dangerous places. I'm a fool for doing it - I will die in the attempt, probably soon - but I somehow feel that I owe it to somebody. To a lot of people, I suppose.
I've always been content to let the world sort itself out, but now...I feel as though I need to make it a better place. My god, I've become a meddler.
No, perhaps not. I have no interest in governance, beings or creatures. Let others do that, if it must be done. But I cannot deny that there are still monsters in this world.
I say monster for what it truly means. Something that is a monster. Inhuman. Cockatrice and basilisk, the crawling dark of the undead, the nameless dreads that walk the darkness. The Worm that Walks. The King in Yellow. Even people, once human, and now no longer. Genetics seldom determine humanity, I have found. I have seen what goes on behind stone walls, in basements and dungeons where no-one thinks they can be seen. Monsters are monsters, and they wear many skins.
The old monsters are dying. There are cities where towns used to die. Walls and guns, roads and police. The old monsters don't belong here anymore, and are slowly being replaced by new ones. Ones I cannot fight.
The ones out in the darkness, the Old monsters that eat your body and drink the blood, and leave crushed skulls with bits of flesh attatched: the ones that make the night terrifying - only I can fight that. I, and those like me. Adventurers. I suppose until they are all dead, there is a place for us yet. A way to make the world a little better, at least, for a little while.
Perhaps I will start wandering again."
His long and varied history is something he tends to keep to himself, although he is vain enough that he takes pleasure in being known in some circles. As a swordsman, a mage hunter, and to his amusement as an occasional heretic, a fool and something of a wandering drifter.
He did not start life as anything remotely approaching special - excepting that he was a Were, although he did not know it, and he grew up as the child of being parents. His curse, placed upon him at a young age by a powerful and sadistic priest, gave him Lycanthropy, with which he has lived most of his life, and is what has gifted him with his eight-hundred year lifespan.
His cursing gave him a hatred of magic-users. This was something that he would nurture for many years to come. He made a name and a small fortune for himself killing mages. It was this business that brought him, approximately two-hundred years after he was cursed, to the doors of a strange castle, in strange lands.
The events there changed him in fundamental ways. In accordance with some with the wiles of some devil, haunting the place, he was 'gifted' with the powers of an archmage, including the talent for magery, and the near encyclopedic memory of magic. Before all was said and done, he lost a foot, his first sword, and nearly his life getting out.
Rescued by one of his fellow companions in that dungeon, he became the guest and brief patient of a clan of dragons. They gave him healing, clothing, food, broke the curse of the archmage that was still lingering after the destruction of that place, made his leg whole again, and gifted him with a new sword - a replica of his old one. He stayed there for many years, and he has thereafter been seen from time to time speaking with white dragons, or a lady in grey robes.
The matriarch of the clan eventually found a reason to send him away, for his own probable good, and he has largely wandered ever since then, sometimes teaching, sometimes killing, but with less enthusiasm these days. He no longer works as a mercenary, and he's beginning to feel the weight of all the blood that he's shed over the years settling on his soul.
Abilities of Interest:
Physical: Cogidubnus has not slowed with age. If anything, he has grown more deadly with time and practice, and practices a form of swordsmanship known as 'quick-draw'.
He can, from a standstill, draw and strike faster than most can perceive. A flash of silver is the most people tend to see of his fighting style. His long lifetime has allowed him more time to practice his art than even most grandmasters of the art, and he has been practicing. His swordsmanship, along with his inhuman speed, are his greatest strengths.
The larger sword is a relatively new addition to his style. Quick-draw styles do not suit themselves to use with very large weapons. With practice, however, he has found that he can draw and wield it it nearly as fast as the smaller sword at his waist, and that the greater reach and power can sometimes be useful.
Lycanthropy: Lycanthropy is something that the Were has lived with for almost all of his life, and he managed to overcome the curse's full-moon madness long ago. As he could no longer live if the curse did not still affect him, he has done his best to make full use of it. Even outside of the full moon, the curse still affects his body - his speed and strength are better, his eyes are yellow, his fangs just a bit too long, and his senses sharp.
The interactions of lycanthropy with the body are strange, and they tend to function by intensifying the natural and spiritual energies of the body to excess, to disrupt them - in disrupting the balance, they destabilize the cursed, and allows the curse itself to shift their form. In combination with his training, the wolf has taught himself both to keep the balance, and to manipulate those energies. He can do this both internally, and externally, which takes the form of nearly-invisible waves of force. He can be gentle enough to move an apple, shatter glass, or crush bones, depending on how hard he concentrates. This does not come without cost - such use of energy tires him quickly, and can exhaust him.
The last use he has found from lycanthropy is somewhat accidental, and not something that he actively does. There are two minds in his head - him, and then The Wolf. The bloodthirsty, slavering creature is nearly without intelligence, and though cunning, usually lost in the red sea of bloodlust. Most who read his mind have difficulty seperating the two minds, and the Wolf can sometimes be disturbing.
Knowledge: The last of his abilities of note is the knowledge he gleaned from his brief stint as an Archmage. While the curse granted him both knowledge and power, when the curse was broken, only the power left him. While he does not possess perfect recall, and his knowledge is nowhere near absolute, he retains a very large working knowledge of magical principles and legends. He has none of the talent, but for such things that do not require it, he is quite capable. His ability to recognize what an angry wizard was about to do has saved him more than twice.
Other Abilities: A large knowledge of poetry, a capable survivalist in the forest (turning into a wolf means never having to pack your deer rifle), a slight knowledge of calligraphy, and a very small ability to function at a high tea.
Although he hated spellcasters, he recognized the value of magic - charms were a way of cheating, for him. Being able to use magic without being a magic user. He has five.
The Broken Moon: Imbues everything it touches with holy magic and holy properties.
Winter's Bite: Imbues a weapon with cold properties.
Iridescence: Creates a shield of holy magics around the user.
St. Angela's Cross: An Amethyst-studded cross that can heal minor wounds.
Coin of Storms: A coin that can absorb and store light, and emit it later.
They store two charges each, except for the coin, which must be in direct sunlight for a day before it will work again. It takes him at least eight hours to recharge them.
Optional Trivia:
Is fond of coffee, whiskey, and nighttime on rolling plains, where the wind never stops.
asdkfjafdkjhasd;l; FINALLY DONE D:
Cog, approved. *Grins impishly* Change the name if you want, I'll wait to hyperlink until you decide.
Tipod? You're also approved. Feel free to put up your sheet.
As to Ninjawolf...*Sigh* I'm sorry chap, but denied at this point in time. It was decent, but I think he'd do much better later instead of sooner! Oh, yes, I have some possible plans for him, depending on how things develop and he can be slipped in. Just be patient, okay?
Quote from: Myr on June 19, 2010, 05:57:37 PM
Wow Boog. Wow.
Approved, after having an interesting discussion involving some of the finer points of his equipment.
Good wow? I figure it gives him an obvious plot hook. Omnomnom creatures.
I'll just tuck this in right here.
Name: Bart Thom'sen
Age: 165
Species/race: Demon/ethnically Hyena
Description: Relatively brawny and proportioned like your stereotypical hoodlum, Bart's overall frame is nothing particularly imposing. However, up close his form is disconcerting: very dark and rough, scaled flesh, hands which taper off into three-inch claws, prominent red eyes, a mouth not unlike a small beartrap with assorted canines, and a lack of ears, hair, or nose. He carries himself rather casually, slouching and stretching his legs out whenever possible, and assumes an vaguely simian posture when moving quickly or fighting. No sign of wings, horns, or prehensile trail, but does sport a crude, white Thom'sen family branding on his right bicep: a circle cut in two, a pair of a pair of fangs jutting from the bottom of the upper half and a single one from the lower.
Though not particularly educated or refined for his age, Bart is at least an agreeable and occasionally charming person. He'll joke, rib others, and generally be a fool when the atmosphere is light, but when things pick up, it takes only a second to refocus. Bart knows his audiences and when to shut his mouth, making it relatively easy to schmooze and bond with others. Although he still tends to make assumptions based on appearances and actions: if someone looks and sounds like trouble, he'll be leery of them.
His own personal sense of justice boils down to "don't be a total creep, do the right thing" school of thought, though even he realizes that such ideals are difficult to uphold in a world with soul-sucking, mind-eating monsters.
History: Born out of wedlock between a Thom'sen mother and a father from the dogmatic demon Clan Jacobii, young Bartholomew would have been a healthy little canine/feline Creature like his cousin Raffiele, but Jacobii would have none of it. Cursed from birth by their petty magics, Bart came out as an implacable monster, still demonic but with a bizarre lack of features. The Thom'sens dropped the issue immediately rather than risk an open feud by challenging Jacobii custom and authority.
Since then, Bart had taken up the usual mantle of clan enforcer, marshaling in frontier territories and towns bordering hostile regions. With the dawning of the modern era and the general safety that came with it, however, there became less of a need for active patrolling and personal protection of owned villages: what hamlet needed constant watch by one or two demons when firearms and mages were so ubiquitous? Even the local Adventurer academies were stepping up their licensing process, paving the way for smarter and more professional monster hunters.
Without a sense of purpose, Bart moved to a nearby city and became a chef at a Creature bar and grill, The Thirsty Ursa. A good job, to be sure, but seven years of inner-city hustle and bustle left him bored. A safer world was always great, but he missed being able to do definite good for helpless people, and the excitement of being on the threshold of dangerous territory. If only there were some place he could go, a region that could get his blood coursing all over again like the good old days...
Abilities of interest: -As a member of clan Thom'sen, Bart enjoys considerable self-healing prowess, along with the typical demonic abilities such as hardening flesh and super-strength. Cuts, bruises, lacerations and even dismemberment can't keep a good Thom'sen down. Not to say that Bart is invincible; far from it, if Bart is decapitated or his head pulverized, he will be very much dead. Even lost limbs and organs take considerable time to heal on their own, and in the meantime, he'd be effectively crippled.
-Bart has a natural affinity for pyromancy, mostly in the form of igniting himself for various practical (and frivolous) purposes. While skilled in the parts of fire magic he can grasp, learning new techniques or schools of mysticism is very, very difficult for him.
-No stranger to combat, Bart loves grappling and fighting with short implements, particularly improvised ones such as rocks, chairs, wooden planks, metal pipes, and anything else lying on the floor. More exotic weapons tend to get a pass from him, as he enjoys the ease and utility of much simpler tools. Not a particularly experienced gunslinger, though he knows enough about them to not blast his foot off.
Other abilities/quirks: -A reasonably talented chef, Bart enjoys whipping up tasty meals whenever he gets the chance. Which isn't very often when he's in the field, but he enjoys the opportunity.
-Bart is unable to magically alter his appearance thanks to a powerful and persisting family curse. Any attempts to change his looks through anything other than physical means will render him violently ill for several hours.
Optional trivia: -Though familiar with Creatures, Bart finds himself more at ease around beings and anyone else younger or less experienced than he is. He also tends to be lower-key than the typical Creature, opting for less extravagant weapons and outfits in the field.
-Bart's favorite color is red, in no particular shade.
-Though he can cook, Bart loves eating the typical trashy stuff that barely counts as an actual meal, such as beef jerky and fruit leather.
-Often referred to as "Sharkboy," for lack of a better term when it comes to his appearance.
-Has, on more than one occasion, made necklaces of his own teeth gathered from fights.
-Tends to wear a mask when traveling in unknown regions, often giving the excuse of "deli-slicer accident" when asked about it. Some people (small children especially) don't take his visage very well.
Jah, a good wow Boog. I'm impressed now that I get to see the finished piece. *Chuckles* Annnyway...
And, another job seeker coming in.
Name: Vladim Alexejevich Eisenberg
Species: Eurasian lynx being
Age: 28
Allignment: LE
Description: An average height (5'7'') lynx, generally wearing a hooded robe with spiked shoulderpads, the second mainly to cover up for his unimpressive figure. He also has a cape, clamped on his chest with a large, cheap looking brass trinket with an engraving of two crossed hammers in front of a mountain. His eyes glow in the dark with a red colour. His fur is sandy coloured with patches of brown, and white ends, such as the face-tufts. His cranial hair as well as the ear-tufts are pitch black, the hair also being rather greasy. His nose and pawpads are pink.
On the personal side, he is a choleric in humor, prone to outbursts when things, or especially beings go wrong - he does not tolerate errors of himself, much less of others.
His focus on his goals at the expense of anyone standing in his way earns him and "evil" qualifier, but he does not engage in pointless destruction often (except when angered) - his interest is power and immortality.
On the positive side, he is , or at least appears decisive, suppressing any doubts by taking action, and following the "a copper today is better than two tomorrow" adage.
He likes country music, impressive technology with lots of blinking lights, and being recognised for his ability, often earning him the title of a "showoff"
He is a misogynist of sorts, but somewhat susceptible to seduction attempts, leaving him in a nice mental conflict...
His father Alexej, an adventuring mage, met his mother, Alissa, a scientist, during the creature-being war, and eventually settled in Alexej's home city of Syernogorsk.(named because of large sulphur deposits) However the resulting lack of employment for adventurers left his father jobless, and drinking more and more.. His wife left him for a cubi warlord, (hence Vladim's hate for both females and cubi) which worsened the situation.
He showed both a magical and technical skill in his youth, and decided to study for a technologist. An otherwise inconsequential encounter with a cubi, who has beaten him and a militionary just for fun and food, and subsequent research gave him his goal - to become one himself, and show all of them how their immense power is meant to be used... and then killing most of them, especially the mentioned warlord.
After finishing the studies, he was left jobless like his father before, this time because Jycorp took over local technology market, bringing qualified workers from elsewhere.
He went to the Bureau of Labour to apply for unemployment benefits and noticed "evil overlord" among the requalification courses... this however was 10 years ago.
Currently, only months back, their base has been overrun by heroes, militia and other "scum" - he prepared a trap and fled with most of the valuable equipment, which resulted in death or grave injury of the mentioned party, but also left him with almost no minions and finances.
He delegated Sergej, his scientific genius mole friend to prepare all possible, and decided to gain some quick cash and possibly even artefacts of power in the business where noone asks questions... maybe, just maybe leading him to a sample of cubi tissue or a soul even to allow the first part of his plan to be carried through.
Abilities of interest:
EDIT This is a picture displaying an angered Vladim showing his offensive capabilities (
Magic: Like his father Vladim is an able magician, most skilled at earth and shadow/dark magic - among his favourite spells are exploding boulders, turning earth to quicksand -like mud (this is a maintained spell) or conjuring stony spikes and launching them at opponents... or even summoning a golem. the other includes bolts of dark energy, or causing the shadows to attack someone, however this (EDIT for confusion: "this" refers to shadow/dark magic) is very taxing and he uses those abilities as a last resort, usually when injured or fighting a clearly stronger opponent. This alignment also has another price - he is vulnerable to light magic, both through being evil and his dark magic attunement.
Tentacles: A bit similar to Dr Otto Octavius, Vladim has a pair of prehensile , retractable and strong electromechanical tentacles which can spring up from his back - the mechanism is normally covered by his cloak and cape. They resemble the tentacles of a clanleader-less cubi in appearance, and stretch to about 9 feet at maximum - besides the obvious utility, they also serve to demonstrate he can *almost* achieve the power of a creature without even being one.
. They can be used like his hands even up to casting spells, however, he achieved this by programming the medical computer to implant them into his body and join them to his nervous system - any injury to them is an painful injury to him.
They are hydraulic in operation , composed of overlapping metallic plates, and end in vaguely arm-like pincers/manipulators. The hydraulic mechanism means they are exceptionally strong and capable of quite fine movements, such as using tools or arms, however they do require maintenance against jams and so, and should a particular one be compromised ,the oil loses pressure and the tentacle in question is useless until fixed.
Due to the way they are controled - hijacking certain useless neural pathways to construct new control loops, they have the same reaction time has he himself, and he uses them like one would an arm or a leg - if he is knocked out while they operate, they will probably just move randomly due to their control amplifying random noise.
Most of the time, he keeps them hidden though, and prefers to use magic - the last thing a criminal mastermind wants is to be easily identified by something.
Except for the tentacles, he is about as physically strong/durable as your average scientist or accountant of similar age - not a lot.
Other abilities:
He has a good understanding of cybernetics, biology, and bionics, is an somewhat above average chess player, thanks to frequent matches with Sergej, and can play a mouth organ/harmonica rather well - it is the only instrument portable enough for someone with his lifestyle, and fitting for both country and military marches
Danman...I daresay 'approved', after considerable thought.
*Pauses* I swear, it's like I've gathered a consortium of villains! Ah well. I'll leave this open for a little longer, in case a few others want to come in a little later...
Don't worry; as the GM, you can always karmicly punish the players in-game for unwanted behavior ;)
But yeah, I want to join even more, just to get a proper white-hat character in the game, but if Traxen isn't going to work, I can't think of anyone else I want to use... :<
well, a shady looking note written in a particular language like this one is definitely more likely to generate interest in the outer circles of society - in any case , that's what 'adventurer' tends to be an eufemism for - in modern times, hitman or hired thug would often be an appropriate name
Heh, true enough.
Anyway. I'll do a little more mental probing and see if there is a chance for yon techie to get into the scene Glitch. Just takes a little while to go over all the details! He might have to go about it differently, is all...and that's what I want to be sure of a possibility of. I'll get on that with you as my coffee kicks in.
Well, now that I think about it... as were were talking about it, if there is alot of travel through van-unfriendly terrain, perhaps he could build a bushwhacker on the front of the van... although even his abilities are better suited to an urban environtment...
I'll think harder and see if there are any other characters I can conjure...
Heh, for some reason the mere thought gives me the giggles...and while I'm sure it'd be a marvel of engineering, I'm not quite sure how the locals would take to seeing it! Still, a good thought.
Ooh, actually... I -have- thought of a variant to the character that might work. I'll PM you soon with the basic details...
*Snicker* Knock yourself out. *Settles in to wait*
Opening post is up. :eager Did I do good, did I screw up? Should I take a chainsaw to it, and start afresh? Don't hold back, the anticipation is killing me! :popcorn
Name: Kafzeil Harkonnen
Age (Optional) : 206
Species/race: Ferret/Angel
Description: While fairly tall for his species, he really only comes to about 5' 2" his fur mostly white, how his limbs, tail, ears and a patch covering his eyes are light brown. Brown eyes and thick head of brown hair, and a tail of medium length make him look surprisingly mundane for a creature. His wings are an immaculate white, and his wingspan is fairly large for his height.
Usually Kafzeil prefers a black pair of pants and dress shoes, a white shirt, his usual black wool long coat and a grey scarf. Very rarely seen far from his lucky' black fedora. If the occasion calls for it Kaf will wear some pieces of armour between his coat and other clothing.
In terms of disposition, Kaf can be a very mixed bag. On a bad day he can be very snide, sarcastic, abrasive, and generally, for the lack of a better word, an asshole. Generally though Kaf rarely actually hates the targets of his ridicule, and can be quite affable and friendly, often dishing out some good natured ribbing to those he is fond.
Kaf is also very knowledgeable on various subjects, mostly history and politics, though other areas such as literature, magical sciences, and technology when he finds time/books/people willing to discuss such things.
History: Born and raised as a member of the powerful and notoriously ruthless Harkonnen family, Kafzeil is the seventh and youngest son Orpheus Harkonnen, the current head of the Harkonnen's bank.
Growing up Kafzeil came to disagree strongly with his grandfather's way of running the family, in spite of his father's protests to silence himself before he makes too many enemies of his grandfather's supporters. His father sent Kaf off to University in hopes that he could smooth things over with his own father and that Kaf would become useful to his grandfather, perhaps sparing the young Angel exile or some other fate.
Studying History and Political Sciences, Kaf soon found himself filling out the niche as a family Diplomat. Often times, Kaf also found he was also handling his relatives' business transactions and deals when they couldn't show up for the event itself in addition to representing the Harkonnen and attempting to smooth over his senior's more "pragmatic" choices.
Recently, while being forced to flee a group of bandits on the road, the Angel found himself forced to take refuge in a small seemingly completely benign town, unaware his seemingly random choice of boarding would have a most profound effect in the near future...
Abilities of interest: Racial abilities – Kaf, like most Angels, possesses lightning reflexes and thinking/thought process., which is very helpful in both combat and heated diplomatic debates, as well as games like Chess, Sudoku, and Risk (Kaf LOVES Risk.) He can also make his skin harder then normal, not to the extent of older, more powerful Angels.
-Magicial Abilties/Skills: The Harkonnen possess a natural affinity for lighting/electricity based magic in addition to their races natural talent with light based magic. Kaf is fairly skilled at casting and manipulating both, for combat such a slight based beams and magic missiles and bolts of lightning, shockwaves, and shields to powering a toaster and providing a decent reading lamp. He has also toyed with a few minor Healing spells. Notably, he hates Charm Spells, and he detests the thought of messing with peoples minds.
Diplomat: (Or Diplomacy Type 1): His knowledge of the various races and there history, culture, and customs has helped him greatly in ensuring Eternal peace Between All races of Furrae trying to make damn well sure the Treatise gets written up before somebody fires the opening shots on what might possibly be the next Cubi Dragon War.Though he is sometimes aware of when things are out of his power, though he often will try to do what he feels is best for all involved. In short; if he feels he can reach a deal, he'll rty his very best.
Combat: (Or Diplomacy Type 2): Due to the fact he might just piss off at least one party, or the fact that tensions reach the breaking point before Article 2 of Pax Incubus has a chance to dry, Kaf has learned to defend himself. Armed with a war hammer, Kaf is surprisingly fast with it. The hammer is made with a special magical alloy that conducts electricity very well. This allows the Angel to mix some of his spells into the hammer, giving it that extra oomph. While Kaf isn't as skilled as say, a Demon enforcer, he attempts to cover his weaknesses by being quick, striking hard, and goading his opponent it making a dumb move and leaving themselves open.
Other abilities /Quirks: A massive music lover, Kaf loves a good tune, no matter the genre. In more tech-loving cities/hotels/bars he can often be seen visiting music stores/pumping currency into the jukebox.
Optional trivia: As mentioned, Kaf is a massive music buff. At his home he has several music playing devices, and a pretty large music collection.
-Kaf shows an unusual interest in tech. While nothing even close to a tech genius, though. He admires it greatly and views it as 'very clever'.
-Kaf's hammer is named "Charlene" and the head has the engravement of a scanitly clad, female ferret Angel. He refers to the weapon affectionatly. Wether he is joking or serious is up for debate...
Edit: Fixed some errors I made.
And, my opening post is up as well, hopefully, like meany asked, i didn't mess something up
Heh, Kafzeil, Approved.
And Meany, Danman-I like what I see so far. *Chuckles* If any problems arise with the posing, I will let you know. What matters is that it's suitably legible, and I can work with them.
One of the thing occuring to me
Vladim is hooded now, but if Renald catches a glimpse of his face, he might be disconcerned a bit - Vladim's eyes do not look very being-like, as visible on my avatar.
(If interested, it's just a thing he did when he finished the course once to look a bit more intimidating ... and to mark his new life somehow )
Quote from: danman on June 21, 2010, 07:18:23 PM
One of the thing occuring to me
Vladim is hooded now, but if Renald catches a glimpse of his face, he might be disconcerned a bit - Vladim's eyes do not look very being-like, as visible on my avatar.
(If interested, it's just a thing he did when he finished the course once to look a bit more intimidating ... and to mark his new life somehow )
He doesn't attack creatures ON SIGHT. He can be subtle, and knows better than to take a swing when he can't at least claim the other person started it. And knows full well some folks have just had some unfortunate run-ins with magic (remember Abel's story, with the platypus girl?). Wont earn Vladim any brownie points, but he'll give him the chance to explain himself.
Also, the succubus cape is made from white, bat-like wings. Looks like thick, crinkly velvet until you see the scalloped hem. I can't believe I left that out...
Hmm, i will need to fix this... ack - the remark worked so well :D - i thought he made it out of regular cubi wings, sewing the skins formerly-meaty side on, leaving feathers on the outside.
EDIT: OK , fixed it - it still sounds reasonably as intended...
As for the other thing.. i realise he does not attack on sight, but Vladim is considering the off chance he is someone some folks hired to finish him off... most think he's dead and his real name or appearance isn't that well known, but well, the guy whose trademark expression was "inconceivable" died half an hour into the film... :P
Hey, it happens Danman! *Pats* And everyone forgets details Boog-I'm no exception.
And yeeg, sorry for the delay-had to dredge up a new router, the old one decided to burn out.
Name: Cinna Dian
Age: 22
Species/race: "Saedra" Mythos(Rabbit)
Description: Standing roughly 5'6" and weighing in at 124 pounds. Cinna resembles a grey furred rabbit being with long black hair. She has a third eye on the middle of her forehead which is sapphire blue unlike the other two which are green. She has a small white patch of fur on her right cheek.
Physically Cinna is very athletic and is stronger and more agile than your standard being.
Cinna typically favors hiking style gear, usually a tee shirt, leather vest, cargo pants, and boots. It varies depending on the climate. She typically doesn't wear alot of armor, instead relies upon her ability to outrun or outwit people, often with a healthy dose of luck stealing.
Personality: Cinna has a very optimistic personality. She can be described as perky, or bubbly at times, but she gets along with others very well. Cinna absolutely adores anything fuzzy or cute (both is a plus) especially her own tail which is he pride and joy. She has a habit of picking up shiny or interesting looking stuff as well, and typically keeps a piece or two as a memento.
History: Saedra Mythos are known for their aptitude with finding things, but are more well known due to their luck, and coincidentally the path of bad luck they tend to leave in their wake. This has led to strange rumors regarding them, and also gave birth to the practice of "lucky rabbits feet." Saedra tend to be viewed with mixed opinions. While they are no more vicious than beings, their ability to manipulate luck has a tendency to irritate others, and they typically don't stay in one place too long.
Cinna was born into a traveling clan of Saedra Mythos who practiced their trade as seers going from town to town. At the age of 18, Cinna was struck with an extreme case of wanderlust and set off on her own to "see" the world through her own eyes, and away from her family. She immediately headed off to the first major city, where upon she spent the next two years between making friends, studying being culture and earning her way through gambling. At the end of the second year her luck manipulation had caused the local crime boss to make a major mistake which resulted in the police breaking up the gambling ring there. Unfortunately this mistake revolved around Cinna and she was now a target for the criminal organization, so she packed up her bags and decided to continue wandering. She'd spend the next two years wandering the countryside until she came across the sign at the crossroads.
Abilities of interest:
Steal Luck: Cinna can steal luck from a person within sight range and store it to either augment her own luck, or bestow it upon another person. She generates a pool of luck whenever she successfully steals luck. To bestow luck upon another person, she has to touch them to complete the transfer. The stolen luck typically lingers for a day, after which it eventually fades away.
The ability to steal luck isn't a spell but an innate ability her family can perform, but does require her to concentrate on her target so she can slowly, but steadily, siphon luck away.
Alternatively she can try to strip a larger chunk of luck at once, but to do this she has to physically touch her target (either through a touch, or melee attack)
Regardless of the version used, she cannot drain luck from more than one person at a time; and should she change targets any unluck her previous target accumulates doesn't go away, though they do not gain any more.
Unluck/Luck: Typically situations only allow for small portions of luck can be siphoned away at a time. Small changes in luck typically expend themselves immediately, while large changes in luck play out over time and can potentially mushroom.
The results vary, but are often related to the action being performed. Tripping while running, dodging into a blow while fighting. Finding the only place on a wooden walk way that is rotten while sneaking.
Luck Mushroom: If a person has a large amount of un/luck they might find that they experience a chain reaction of good or bad luck. Typically a luck mushroom occurs when a previous incident of un/luck puts the character in a good or bad position which is then further pushed along by the remaining good or bad luck that remains unspent.
Spinoff: is where your luck affects those around you. Typically spinoff is related to the type of luck you have, but since it doesn't discriminate between friend or foe, sometimes spinoff can result in beneficial results even when it was brought forth through bad luck.
Magic: Cinna has trained extensively in divination, though she does practice some nature, fire, and lightning elemental magic on the side.
Dowsing: Cinna can try and determine whether an action will yield favorable results. The three possible answers she can recieve are yes, no, and no result. The farther into the future she tries to determine a result the more likely it will return with no results.
Location Finding: by using a pointer and a focus related to her quarry, Cinna can locate a person or object. The spells strength and accuracy is depending on how close the focus object is related to the target. Actually having held, or met the target is more accurate than having to use something the target wore or rested on which in turn is much more accurate than just a description or name.
Item Reading: By touching an item or person Cinna can catch glimpse of their past. The longer she concentrates the farther backs he can pull snatches of visions from.
If used on a person, the ability allows her to see random snatches of their life, unless they concentrate on a particular moment, at which she then sees that moment in full.
Aura Viewing: Cinna can see people's auras through her third eye. The auras she sees is a combination of the person's disposition, magical and physical strength, and emotional state. She can identify any aura she has had a chance to study and memorize, but can only guess at unknown auras, though being auras tend to be the least powerful. The aura viewing can penetrate thin barriers such as thin wood doors or cloth tents, but any thicker barriers blocks it.
Auras can be easily modified, typically with magics.
Other abilities (If applicable) :
Elemental Magics:
Cinna's focus has always been on divination magic, but she periodically picks up nature, fire, and electrical elemental spells out of necessity. Her elemental spells are more utility than they are designed to kill. She can light fires, dry stuff off, rework roots to form ladders, hand holds, or snares for people's feet. She can stun people with electricity.
Notable Equipment:
Traveler's Staff:
Basically a wooden quarterstaff that has a knob on each end. The staff is magically reinforced to withstand great amounts of damage without breaking. It can let a person balance more easily, or to vault with, and both knobs can be anchored into opposite walls with the main staff piece being treated like a slider. The staff itself can be turned into a small one person tent to protect a person from the elements. The staff contains a coil of rope inside of it (knobs are attached to each end of it.) either knob can generate light, and finally it can serve the same purposes as a walking stick.
Sack o' Holding: Cinna's backpack's main compartment can hold up to two cubic feet of materials without translating their weight to the rest of the bag.
Optional trivia:
Cinna absolutely loves pickles, and music, and fluffy things.
She also likes animals of all sizes and forms, even the unfluffy ones.
She is a lightweight and when drunk tends to sing... badly...
Approved, after some extremely intense, head-desking inquiries into the scope of your abilities Squirrelwizard.
Oh, I have plans for you, oh, yes I do...
Just a heads up, I will be going on vacation starting 6/27, and will be gone for a week. I dont know if I will be able to snag an internet connection out there, so I will likely be silent for a while.
Heh, I remember-that's why I have plans for yah.
Anyway, I think the roster's reasonably full! This'll be open for questions and comments, of course, but applications will be closed.
Glitch, I'll hang on for yah should you still be wanting to join, of course-think of it as a voucher.
Hmm.... I think I'll let someone else have it. I'm just drawing a blank for a character in this RP... :(
*Pats* Maybe in the next one you can cause chaos, hmm? If I do get together for a different one eventually.
So don't worry! Heheh.
Erg. I'm back, for about 3 days, before ANOTHER week of offline. Also, I see this is closed. Would I still be allowed to post a chary, to be dropped in when allowed, and I'm more available?
That's a bit hard to decide-I suppose you can send me a rough draft, when you get a chance, and I'll see what we can do-and discuss about slipping yah in.
I hath returned from my trip to the land of water, sand, and omg teh burnings. I was wondering if you want me to jump in to the IC post with Cinna now? or did you want me to wait to make a later entrance?
I figure you'd do best at a later entrance-the very nature of your character gives me a rather pleasant idea that you might enjoy when the time comes Squirrel! *Smiles* I just need to work the roughness off of it, and run it by you now that you're back.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 25, 2010, 06:18:40 PM
Hmm.... I think I'll let someone else have it. I'm just drawing a blank for a character in this RP... :(
i had the same problem with history and appearance tech so i understand
Cog's rollan his knowledge check.
Blarghpost is blargh. :>
*Flop* Yergh, large pose! But I couldn't condense it well, so sorry if it's a bit overlong!
If you guys have questions about anything at all, let me know-tried to be as clear as possible.
This description, togetherr with the mosquito bring back fond memories of Diablo II act III ...the jungles of Kehjistan...
Only thing we need is a demented religious order controlled by a Prime Evil and we are there....
Heh, I have yet to ever play Diablo, so I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I do hear quite a bit about how it's a moderately good game, though. Hmm...that aside, glad to randomly remind yah of something. marsh diablo 2/Loz999s/Golemancer/50_NiceCombo.jpg
this is how act 3 looked and this is the monster it reminded me of
and now to work on a response...
Arghlblargum postiosum....
I accidentally erased it 3 times while writing.. should have been done before yesterday if not for that.
Terribly sorry to pester you lot. But are we waiting on anyone in particular to post?
Erf, finally, got my new router somewhat working! Sorry for the long silence there...but hmm? Well, maybe things have come up for others.
given that other things are done, i will try to write something tomorrow over lunchbreak
A discussion elsewhere reminded me to ask all present... is this game dead?