The Clockwork Mansion

Village Square => The Lost Lake Inn => Topic started by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM

Title: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM
Okay then.

I have to wonder... what isn't allowed to go on at SAIA?

What happens at SAIA stays at SAIA? Or what?

Shell-shocked and confused...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mao on May 24, 2010, 12:17:00 PM
This one is a real "tongue tickler", wouldn't you say?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 24, 2010, 12:19:22 PM
Okay, seriously, I actually said "what the f*ck?!" at that. I think that this has gone LONG past any possible positive lesson, this is just sadistic. She has to know that he's hemophobic. Just... wow.

Though I am curious as to what she means by "it's what we all deserve." Is that more emotional manipulation on her part, or is that some part of Destania that wants to die?

EDIT: Dammit. Boxy, can you fix this please?
EDIT 2:  Danke, Herr Herumschleichen (Thank you, Mister Lurking Around)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tipod on May 24, 2010, 12:26:38 PM
I don't think I like Dan's mother.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 24, 2010, 12:30:50 PM
*Too stunned and horrified to say anything.*
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Vicorus on May 24, 2010, 12:53:04 PM
The more and more I see of Destania as part of Abel's Story, the more and more I start to believe that it is quite possible for the personality she is putting on in the present is an elaborate façade. I know it has been hundreds of years since this point, but I still find it hard to believe that any person could mellow out as much as Destania has appeared to.  Well, I guess we will see. We will see...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Aisha deCabre on May 24, 2010, 12:53:30 PM
...Holy crap, when Abel was ranting that she was a complete monster, he wasn't kidding.  Even I'm wondering how turning into a family woman could redeem her.  Amber, kudos, that's evil layers if I ever saw it.

Also, I must say, it's gonna be a heck of an interesting try to play this woman on the Radio Project. xP
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: SpottedKitty on May 24, 2010, 12:59:31 PM
Ow.   :erk

I'm almost scared to wonder just how often Destania turns up for those lectures needing to wash her hands*. She's certainly never done anything like this to Abel before, otherwise he'd have broken Mach 1 along the corridor the moment he recognised her voice.

* Whether or not she actually does...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Wanderer on May 24, 2010, 01:02:05 PM
What. The. HELL.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: bradypodidae on May 24, 2010, 01:05:04 PM
I have to keep reminding myself that almost 400 years pass between this episode the the current one in DMFA proper. A lot can happen. Something did happen to make Destania leave SAIA, setting up the meeting with Dan's father. Too much missing information. But kudos Amber, I keep sitting in for the ride because of the unexpected such as this one.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 24, 2010, 01:17:00 PM
Quote from: proeliator bradypodidae on May 24, 2010, 01:05:04 PM
I have to keep reminding myself that almost 400 years pass between this episode the the current one in DMFA proper. A lot can happen. Something did happen to make Destania leave SAIA, setting up the meeting with Dan's father. Too much missing information. But kudos Amber, I keep sitting in for the ride because of the unexpected such as this one.
That actually doesn't say anything, really. It's entirely possible for someone to love their family and still be a monster. I mean, isn't she planning genocide in order to protect her family? And gleefully talking about it just after she's had a heart-to-heart with her stepdaughter?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: RandomMetaphysics on May 24, 2010, 01:21:12 PM
Now I see why Abel isn't a fan of Dan's mom :erk

At first, when I heard that "GLK!" noise, I literally said (out loud) "Holy S**T! Did she just...?! Oh my god..."
There is no word nor prhase to describe the look on my face. Horrified doesn't even come close.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 01:32:52 PM
Quote from: Vicorus on May 24, 2010, 12:53:04 PM
The more and more I see of Destania as part of Abel's Story, the more and more I start to believe that it is quite possible for the personality she is putting on in the present is an elaborate façade. I know it has been hundreds of years since this point, but I still find it hard to believe that any person could mellow out as much as Destania has appeared to.  Well, I guess we will see. We will see...

Why should that be thought of as "mellowing out"? This really reminds me of a recent IC analysis of star wars (Meany will know) but one important point to take from Palpatine's demise is that you want to be good to your allies and friends and bad to your enemies, not one of the inverse cases.
Destania has no reason to be evil to either her both loyal ,and in some sense impressive (remember when they met?) husband, nor their son and the first new Cyra clan member.
Abel on the other side is a son of the man she hates utterly,  the only being that comes close to how she hates dragons, and instead of helping her he is even rude.
I mean, i myself am no fan of deliberate torture, but in her place i would have punched him a couple in that arrogant nose.
Dee of course is taking it to the next level both in pace and amount of punishment.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Starcat5 on May 24, 2010, 01:43:45 PM

Did she pirce his lip, or the underside of his jaw? I just can't tell.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Suwako on May 24, 2010, 02:25:44 PM
Red and blue is a no-no. It looked like the underside of his jaw. Just wow.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Cogidubnus on May 24, 2010, 02:36:29 PM
Destania just can't stop killing little boys!


I have to concur with llearch. It makes me wonder if there are rules, per se, regarding interaction between students and faculty. My first guess would have to be that Destania is insane, and that as the teacher of pain and suffering she gets leeway to inflict said pain.

And obviously, she'd think it in a student's best interests in this case.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Shachza on May 24, 2010, 02:55:29 PM
OK...  This is well beyond what I thought Fa'lina would put up with in her own academy.  So either there's some sort of master plan, or Fa'lina is indisposed.

But what is so danged important that it is keeping Fa'lina away from this?!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 24, 2010, 03:05:09 PM
The interjection naming thread strikes again!  :mowninja

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM

I have to wonder... what isn't allowed to go on at SAIA?
Not much. See that red thing on the spoon? ( Not catchup.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM
What happens at SAIA stays at SAIA? Or what?

That happens to all cubi, I guess. They're monsters. They play rough.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 24, 2010, 03:07:46 PM
Quote from: Shachza on May 24, 2010, 02:55:29 PM
OK...  This is well beyond what I thought Fa'lina would put up with in her own academy.  So either there's some sort of master plan, or Fa'lina is indisposed.

But what is so danged important that it is keeping Fa'lina away from this?!

Quote from: Congo Jack on May 24, 2010, 03:05:09 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2010, 12:15:10 PM
I have to wonder... what isn't allowed to go on at SAIA?
Not much. See that red thing on the spoon? ( Not catchup.
Tomato sauce for the linguini. EVIL linguini.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: joshofspam on May 24, 2010, 03:15:42 PM
It's kind of strange how she tells Abel here about fault and what they deserve. But it could be her life's lesson's make her feel that way about herself and thus cubi in general are monsters.

Her lesson for Abel, embrace the monster you are or it will destroy you.

Her harsh mothods might mean that pattlings are a furthest thing from a students mind when they upset a teacher. :U
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Les on May 24, 2010, 03:19:43 PM
You can't have kids at SAIA.

You can't kill anyone at SAIA.

That seems to be pretty much it as far as rules go.  Fa'lina seems to be a practitioner of the 'that which does not kill you makes you stronger' philosophy.  Keep in mind she hales from a clan of extra-cuddly midwives who were wiped-out in a day, asking her to round-off the sharp bits in her own acadamy is likely to not land on a sympathetic ear with her.

Also, Destania's almost motherly demeanor with Abel as she coaches him on how to Not Die from the wound SHE Inflicted just makes this update Uber-Creepy.  Today's lesson, Never mouth-off to anything infinitely more dangerous than you.

And Destania is Not insane.  Insanity indicates one lacks a fundamental ability to distinguish objective reality from subjective fantasy, including the differentiation between 'right' and 'wrong'.  Destania is not insane, she knows full well what she's doing and where it belongs on most objective evaluations of right and wrong.   She's just Evil.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Icalasari on May 24, 2010, 03:51:09 PM
...Kinky :D
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: joshofspam on May 24, 2010, 04:04:34 PM
Quote from: Les on May 24, 2010, 03:19:43 PM
You can't have kids at SAIA.

You can't kill anyone at SAIA.

That seems to be pretty much it as far as rules go.  Fa'lina seems to be a practitioner of the 'that which does not kill you makes you stronger' philosophy.  Keep in mind she hales from a clan of extra-cuddly midwives who were wiped-out in a day, asking her to round-off the sharp bits in her own acadamy is likely to not land on a sympathetic ear with her.

Also, Destania's almost motherly demeanor with Abel as she coaches him on how to Not Die from the wound SHE Inflicted just makes this update Uber-Creepy.  Today's lesson, Never mouth-off to anything infinitely more dangerous than you.

And Destania is Not insane.  Insanity indicates one lacks a fundamental ability to distinguish objective reality from subjective fantasy, including the differentiation between 'right' and 'wrong'.  Destania is not insane, she knows full well what she's doing and where it belongs on most objective evaluations of right and wrong.   She's just Evil.

Let's not forget this is a school filled with all kinds of clan's and that probably needs lot of lean way in the rules or the acadamy would be throwing out kids left and right and teachers may need a more hands on aproach to deal with some of the kids.

Remember you have kids that for all intents and purposes have knife sets on their backs. Sure she might get in a little trouble for maybe stretching the rules to have an excuse to hurt Abel. But this does make me wonder if Fa'lina is giving abel tough love by letting Abel suffer an injory from Destania. It does teach him to avoid the stronger types though.

Nice over shadowing as Destinia is leaving Amber.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 04:16:52 PM
Quote from: danman on May 24, 2010, 01:32:52 PM
Abel on the other side is a son of the man she hates utterly,  the only being that comes close to how she hates dragons, and instead of helping her he is even rude.
I'm not convinced of that.  If Aniz welcomed her back into his arms, I think she'd go willingly.  Not only that, but they both despise dragons, and Aniz's master plan may be the same as Destania's: wipe out the dragon race.

This scene does make me wonder what it would take to make Abel fight back. Or for that matter, what it would take for him to decide to leave SAIA. His hemophelia is preventing him from fighting back right now, of course.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Alondro on May 24, 2010, 04:23:33 PM
*Charline giggles like a schoolgirl!*  This is SOOOOO my kind of evil!  Utterly sadistic and mind-warpingly wicked!  Like a cat toying with a mouse, maiming it a little at a time until it moves in for the kill when it gets too injured and disabled to be interesting any longer.

As to how Destania could unexpectedly mellow... oh, I have a theory about that.  Meeting up with an enemy possessing the same whole-heartedly cruel personality as yourself, but finding your own types of tactics used against you and being forced to face the pain you've caused to others can be a real eye-opening.

Well, it can be.  It didn't work against me, but it can work that way often enough. 
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 04:49:29 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 04:16:52 PM
Quote from: danman on May 24, 2010, 01:32:52 PM
Abel on the other side is a son of the man she hates utterly,  the only being that comes close to how she hates dragons, and instead of helping her he is even rude.
I'm not convinced of that.  If Aniz welcomed her back into his arms, I think she'd go willingly.  Not only that, but they both despise dragons, and Aniz's master plan may be the same as Destania's: wipe out the dragon race.

This scene does make me wonder what it would take to make Abel fight back. Or for that matter, what it would take for him to decide to leave SAIA. His hemophelia is preventing him from fighting back right now, of course.

Wow, do you think Dee has such a lack of personal pride and self value that she would leap into the embrace of someone who kicked her away like dirty sock?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: SoWhatIfImFurry on May 24, 2010, 05:10:22 PM
Did she just pierced her finger THROUGH HIS ****ING JAW!?
Ok, now I'm hoping that she dies sometime in the main comic. I honestly wouldn't lose any sleep over it if something like that were to happen to her... :mowignore
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 24, 2010, 05:14:39 PM
OMG This event should be enough to force Fa'lina to send Destania away.  Fa'lina can't let this thing go on without some kind of punishment...  If this forces Abel to do something, great, it just may do that, and Fa'lina will not say why or how long Destania would gone for to anyone.  Abel will go on guessing when she will return, but it will set him to get training, now.  And not wait until his father's next SAIA visit is almost upon him.(under a 100 years).  
Fa'lina will ask her to train Abel, which I don't think with happen.  Yes, I know Dee said that she trained Abel to Alexsi, but to cubi this is little spat, maybe a lesson. And she could have been do this to Abel off and on, with increasing violence next time.

Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: terrycloth on May 24, 2010, 05:18:19 PM
Quote from: Les on May 24, 2010, 03:19:43 PM
You can't have kids at SAIA.

You can't kill anyone at SAIA.

That seems to be pretty much it as far as rules go.

You forgot 'no running in the hallways'. And 'no Abel in the library'. :P
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Keleth on May 24, 2010, 05:20:25 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on May 24, 2010, 12:17:00 PM
This one is a real "tongue tickler", wouldn't you say?

More of a suckle on the gooey cream filled center  :P
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 05:25:00 PM
Quote from: SoWhatIfImFurry on May 24, 2010, 05:10:22 PM
Did she just pierced her finger THROUGH HIS ****ING JAW!?
Ok, now I'm hoping that she dies sometime in the main comic. I honestly wouldn't lose any sleep over it if something like that were to happen to her... :mowignore
Not his jaw, the part below the bone and the lower mouth (under tongue) i guess, which is why he was at risk of choking...
I don't think it was *that* evil of her... especially with abel pretty much asking for injury....

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 24, 2010, 05:14:39 PM
OMG This event should be enough to force Fa'lina to send Destania away.  Fa'lina can't let this thing go on without some kind of punishment...  If this forces Abel to do something, great, it just may do that, and Fa'lina will not say why or how long Destania would gone for to anyone.  Abel will go on guessing when she will return, but it will set him to get training, now.  And not wait until his father's next SAIA visit is almost upon him.(under a 100 years).  
Fa'lina will ask her to train Abel, which I don't think with happen.  Yes, I know Dee said that she trained Abel to Alexsi, but to cubi this is little spat, maybe a lesson. And she could have been do this to Abel off and on, with increasing violence next time.


Again... why exactly? He wasn't killed or harmed permanently, and with Fa'lina herself breaking aniz's mouth, i think she will be understanding of the need to get physical with explanations sometimes.
Especially since 1) Creatures generally go with the rule of the stronger, so this is not a rare occurence i guess and 2) Abel does not have a clan leader who would raise a fuss about his spawn being mistreated
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 24, 2010, 05:26:50 PM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on May 24, 2010, 01:21:12 PM
Now I see why Abel isn't a fan of Dan's mom :erk

It's probably warped his view of the whole race.

QuoteThere is no word nor prhase to describe the look on my face. Horrified doesn't even come close.
I just shut the tab.  I'd just eaten, and this is the first time DMFA has ever made me feel nauseous.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 05:35:08 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2010, 05:26:50 PM

QuoteThere is no word nor prhase to describe the look on my face. Horrified doesn't even come close.
I just shut the tab.  I'd just eaten, and this is the first time DMFA has ever made me feel nauseous.

Didn't Johan Cross have a room decorated with ears of his opponents or something like that?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Caswin on May 24, 2010, 05:39:14 PM
At the risk of sounding rude, not to mention the fact that I'll admit I'm extrapolating about exactly what's happening on the page from forum comments on account of not having seen it for myself...

The woman teaches torture.  Professionally.  And I'm pretty sure she uses live subjects.  Why are any of us shocked, surprised, and/or set against her more than we already were by this?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 05:45:55 PM
Quote from: Caswin on May 24, 2010, 05:39:14 PM
At the risk of sounding rude, not to mention the fact that I'll admit I'm extrapolating about exactly what's happening on the page from forum comments on account of not having seen it for myself...

The woman teaches torture.  Professionally.  And I'm pretty sure she uses live subjects.  Why are any of us shocked, surprised, and/or set against her more than we already were by this?

A) Nothing much, she just pierced abel's under-chin with a finger-claw up to his mouth and left. Go read it.
B) Well, i for one am not especially surprised  - i was guessing she would either beat some sense into him or leave  theatrally with some kind of last strike... the second has happened
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Caswin on May 24, 2010, 05:51:00 PM
Quote from: Les on May 24, 2010, 03:19:43 PM
And Destania is Not insane.  Insanity indicates one lacks a fundamental ability to distinguish objective reality from subjective fantasy, including the differentiation between 'right' and 'wrong'.  Destania is not insane, she knows full well what she's doing and where it belongs on most objective evaluations of right and wrong.   She's just Evil.
That's a pretty specific definition of "insane".  As I understand it, psychosis is a general term for not being able to distinguish reality from fantasy, and it isn't linked to morality either way.  A psychopath can't make a meaningful distinction between right and wrong. (See also: The misleadingly-titled Antisocial Personality Disorder.) A sociopath just doesn't care.

If I had to guess, I'd say psychopath.  Whether or not that counts as "insane" is up to the individual, though it is definitely a recognized disorder.
EDIT: Touche on the diagnosis front.  I am defeat.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: lilpuppy23 on May 24, 2010, 06:27:30 PM
Words fail me.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Les on May 24, 2010, 06:44:24 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2010, 05:26:50 PM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on May 24, 2010, 01:21:12 PM
Now I see why Abel isn't a fan of Dan's mom :erk

It's probably warped his view of the whole race.

And Abel's Dad didn't already do this?

Re: Sociopathy. 

Sociopathy is the inability to properly empathize with other people.  A Sociopath is largely incapable of forming an emotoinal connection with another person any deeper than we might form one with a maniquin we pass in the department store, and as such it doesn't particularly bother them to hurt somebody, anybody.

Most people don't like to admit it though, but everybody is built from square one to have a double-standard for 'people I like' and 'people I don't like'.  For some it just means we're more ready to blame 'them' for problems in our lives when we're stressed and kvetching about our lives, for others it can mean a capacity for breathtaking brutality against 'the enemy' from someone who can be just as kind and generous to their family and friends.

All evidence so far suggests she loves her family, which disqualifies her from being a sociopath.  She simply chooses to deliberatly partake in evil against those she doesn't care for.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jasonrevall on May 24, 2010, 06:46:25 PM
For a bit I thought she was gonna try to gouge out an eye. Can't be right about everything. Anyway I doubt she was trying to beat sense into him. I think she just doesn't like him. And this is how she used to treat people she didn't like.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 06:48:27 PM
Hmmm. . .

Read today's comic.. . .

*** YAWN ***

So tame. So everyday. . . .

I swear this comic needs a G Rating.


Seriously though, this pushes the PG rating pretty far. . . . or would have if I hadn't seen what passes for PG in today's movies.

Quote from: danman on May 24, 2010, 04:49:29 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 04:16:52 PM
Quote from: danman on May 24, 2010, 01:32:52 PM
Abel on the other side is a son of the man she hates utterly,  the only being that comes close to how she hates dragons, and instead of helping her he is even rude.
I'm not convinced of that.  If Aniz welcomed her back into his arms, I think she'd go willingly.  Not only that, but they both despise dragons, and Aniz's master plan may be the same as Destania's: wipe out the dragon race.

This scene does make me wonder what it would take to make Abel fight back. Or for that matter, what it would take for him to decide to leave SAIA. His hemophelia is preventing him from fighting back right now, of course.

Wow, do you think Dee has such a lack of personal pride and self value that she would leap into the embrace of someone who kicked her away like dirty sock?

In a cold minute.

Pride has nothing to do with it.  Aniz is simply the one and only perfrect man in her eyes.  That he's turned into a sociopath just means that he's more like many other Cubi now.  

OK, so she's acting out some of her bitterness now.  Just remember that Aniz is the one that rejected her, not the other way around.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on May 24, 2010, 06:56:55 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2010, 05:26:50 PM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on May 24, 2010, 01:21:12 PM
There is no word nor praise to describe the look on my face. Horrified doesn't even come close.
I just shut the tab. I'd just eaten, and this is the first time DMFA has ever made me feel nauseous.

You guys aren't the only ones with this reaction. Personally, I'm not entirely sure what to make of Dan's mom now....... :aack
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 24, 2010, 06:57:34 PM
Quote from: Caswin on May 24, 2010, 05:39:14 PM
At the risk of sounding rude, not to mention the fact that I'll admit I'm extrapolating about exactly what's happening on the page from forum comments on account of not having seen it for myself...

The woman teaches torture.  Professionally.  And I'm pretty sure she uses live subjects.  Why are any of us shocked, surprised, and/or set against her more than we already were by this?
I've actually disliked Destania ever since Fi confirmed Abel's tirade against her way way back. That whole thing about FI thinking Destania was pretty evil kind of sealed the deal for me. And the whole genocide thing. This is different, though: this is onscreen and in front of us. It's a little harder to ignore that way.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 24, 2010, 07:05:34 PM
Quote from: Les on May 24, 2010, 06:44:24 PM
And Abel's Dad didn't already do this?

Most people don't like to admit it though, but everybody is built from square one to have a double-standard for 'people I like' and 'people I don't like'.  For some it just means we're more ready to blame 'them' for problems in our lives when we're stressed and kvetching about our lives, for others it can mean a capacity for breathtaking brutality against 'the enemy' from someone who can be just as kind and generous to their family and friends.

All evidence so far suggests she loves her family, which disqualifies her from being a sociopath.  She simply chooses to deliberatly partake in evil against those she doesn't care for.

This , and K+
I think i said it already - at least in my case i am largely unconcerned for abel ,since he has a particular combination of personality traits i despise .. the same goes with Aniz ,therefore what either of them do i view in much worse light.. With Destania, at least the way she is portrayed for most of the comic, it is the opposite... for most part i can agree with her goals and thoughts, so the occasional torture goes in a better light.... (if actually present in SAIA i would probably be a Dee-suckup like Aaryanna  :blush)  

With other people it seems to be the other way - i have noticed some that identify with some of abel's traits or problems (everyone pushing him) and so they tend to judge the opposite way - clear if you compare this thread with back when it seemed Abel killed Pip
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Shachza on May 24, 2010, 08:35:57 PM
Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on May 24, 2010, 06:56:55 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 24, 2010, 05:26:50 PM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on May 24, 2010, 01:21:12 PM
There is no word nor praise to describe the look on my face. Horrified doesn't even come close.
I just shut the tab. I'd just eaten, and this is the first time DMFA has ever made me feel nauseous.

You guys aren't the only ones with this reaction. Personally, I'm not entirely sure what to make of Dan's mom now....... :aack

I may not be nauseous, it takes something like Saw to do that, but I definitely want to smack her around a bit now.  I'm really hoping that having kids changes her a lot, because I used to like her, but after her dialogue concerning dragons I'm thinking the only thing that will change her mind is blunt force trauma.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Kayriel on May 24, 2010, 08:48:33 PM
By Kayriel you people are squeamish and soft. For one, I think she left a good period at the end of whatever point she's making. It's certainly not for Abel's benefit, this point, more that he is connected to Aniz and she seems to be more talking to herself through him.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Kesh on May 24, 2010, 08:56:26 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 06:48:27 PM
Hmmm. . .

Read today's comic.. . .

*** YAWN ***

So tame. So everyday. . . .

I swear this comic needs a G Rating.


Seriously though, this pushes the PG rating pretty far. . . . or would have if I hadn't seen what passes for PG in today's movies.

I seem to recall Amber saying that Abel's Story would be closer to PG-13, due to themes involved. Given we saw Abel's friends get slaughtered earlier in the story, this isn't pushing it any further.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Attic Rat on May 24, 2010, 09:21:54 PM
Interesting new cartoon style there! It's kind of like "Jack" but with better artwork and writing!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 24, 2010, 09:43:10 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 24, 2010, 06:48:27 PM
Hmmm. . .

Read today's comic.. . .
I swear this comic needs a G Rating.

Seriously though, this pushes the PG rating pretty far. . . . or would have if I hadn't seen what passes for PG in today's movies.

Be fair You were warning by Amber that This is comic was going to be a PG-14 rating.  Still the amount of blood and gore so far,  it is close to a MA rating].  or maybe something you would see on cable.  I think the games Mason is playing is effect Amber a little.


edit: Yea, Like Kesh said...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 24, 2010, 09:51:00 PM
Quote from: Kayriel on May 24, 2010, 08:48:33 PM
By Kayriel you people are squeamish and soft. For one, I think she left a good period at the end of whatever point she's making. It's certainly not for Abel's benefit, this point, more that he is connected to Aniz and she seems to be more talking to herself through him.
Oh, excuse us for first seeing Destania as a loving, caring mother of her son, husband, and adopted daughter. So in factually, she's a stepmother, and one that treated her stepdaughter rather well at that. Which, might I add, is incredibly rare in fantasy stories.

I'm one of the apparently few people that doesn't feel any kind of "desire" for Abel as I can identify with him. Not everyone can reach out and "make friends". Some people also have an especially hard time understanding the feelings of others. (Especially introverts. They can tell you volumes about themselves but trying to understand someone else is a feat and a half, especially their feelings towards the introvert.) This might even be further complicated if they've tried to reach out and make friends in the past only to be slapped around...

Instance 1: Abel was bullied a lot in school. Instance 2: Devon dies right in front of him shortly after his exposition. Instance 3: Aniz, who he thought was a different person, slaps around his mother and threatens to kill her if he ever returned and brutally rips apart Hennya right in front of him. Instance 4: Aary does nothing but belittle him for the choices he's made. Instance 5: Wow... Just wow... I'm guessing Destania didn't take ANY subtlety or diplomacy classes back when she was in SAIA...

So yeah, he's tired of reaching out to others and tired of getting hurt by others. His jerk-persona (See also, the emotionless-tough-guy persona.) is a shell to try an keep others away. Unfortunately for him, it's not working too well with the DMFA cast.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Arcblade on May 24, 2010, 10:06:59 PM
Ugh.  So much for liking Destania.  Sorry, taking care of Dan and being good to Alexi just isn't cutting it against teaching rape, torture, and this particular strip.  I'm fairly certain I was neutral, borderlining on "eh, she's not so bad" right up 'til now. 

I'm with the people who got nauseated/disgusted.  People I like should not bleed like that.  Even if they're just comic characters and I'm taking it way too seriously.   :mowtongue
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Turnsky on May 25, 2010, 12:16:22 AM
Damn Amber, this is a tad dark even by your usual standards..

My guess is that we're seeing the "Old" Destania, here.. That said we haven't seen much of her in the DMFA proper to draw a proper personality comparison.

but i would be curious to see if she has changed much in the intervening years, and by how much..
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tipod on May 25, 2010, 12:22:21 AM
Neck wounds really are ugly ways of hurting people when you think about it. You can't even give your victim the dignity or speaking or saying anything other than choking and gurgling.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Escher on May 25, 2010, 12:27:22 AM
Good gravy. The bottom of my jaw just past my chin actually started to hurt a bit when I realized what was going on...

(which, incidentally, is rather normal for me and nontraditional wounding scenes)

Still, like someone else has said, she IS an instructor on the art of torture, and her clan affinity according to the extra pages was IIRC pain...

But it's still a rather interesting turn of events. Just goes to show you, don't snark at Torture 101 instructors.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Technoire on May 25, 2010, 01:18:31 AM
Totally not a fan of Destania.
Totally not buying that Edward cured her with a special incantation (seriously, wasn't this one cleared up by Fa'Lina back in the first visit to SAIA arch?)
I understand that Destania gives in to these impulses because she is a Pain succubus, but I don't think I personally could ever forgive her if I were Abel. And damn man, when Dan finds out he's gonna have even MORE qualms about his Cubi heritage...

I will pose the idea though: If a Pain succubus gets off on pain, is in ALL pain? Does that in turn make her a masochist? Would she theoretically get off on it if Abel eventually showed HER a lesson? And could Abel, also theoretically speaking, be making himself a victim because he prefers it to the guild of inflicting pain on others and ENJOYING it as part of his Siar/Misery heritage?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: liari on May 25, 2010, 01:45:36 AM
*stricken*  Well, then.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Brownie on May 25, 2010, 03:22:41 AM
This was odd, disturbing, scarring, WTFing, humorous and intriguing all at once.
My only real comment is, Well done amber. I just experienced every emotion I know through that one strip. Very well done.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: bradley535 on May 25, 2010, 03:29:55 AM
Quote from: danman on May 24, 2010, 01:32:52 PM
Abel on the other side is a son of the man she hates utterly,  the only being that comes close to how she hates dragons, and instead of helping her he is even rude.

I have to disagree. Able in not the son of the man she hates. He is the son of the man she loves, or loved. The son not given by her. Able is the embodiment of everything that went wrong in her life. The physical manifestation of her own betrayal, her lost love and the petty spawn of the desperate loser; that was once so bold as to capture her heart. Were I her, I'd hate him too.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Failcakes on May 25, 2010, 04:28:22 AM
Well this explains why abel hates blood so much.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Anker Steadfast on May 25, 2010, 05:13:12 AM

Why, I'd say she might not even like him !   :erk
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 06:37:25 AM
You people going on with this 'OMG HORRIFIED' business are..well, suffice to say what I'd like to say isn't exactly flattering. It's a freaking cartoon, and even in the scope of the cartoon it's a minor injury (in the grand scheme of what Destania is capable of), and not entirely unfixable. If anything, Abel's lucky he got away with only that. From the sounds of things they're not exactly the greatest of chums.

God that feels good. I had to register just to tell you guys off :|

Anyway, it's nice to see Amber taking a swing at something darker for a change of pace. I know Abel's Story is more serious, but this is taking it a bit more in that direction, which is no bad thing. Well done.

Addendum: Those who didn't foresee an impending delivery of pain to Abel need a lesson in foreshadowing...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 07:04:16 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 06:37:25 AM
You people going on with this 'OMG HORRIFIED' business are..well, suffice to say what I'd like to say isn't exactly flattering. It's a freaking cartoon, and even in the scope of the cartoon it's a minor injury (in the grand scheme of what Destania is capable of), and not entirely unfixable. If anything, Abel's lucky he got away with only that. From the sounds of things they're not exactly the greatest of chums.

God that feels good. I had to register just to tell you guys off :|

Anyway, it's nice to see Amber taking a swing at something darker for a change of pace. I know Abel's Story is more serious, but this is taking it a bit more in that direction, which is no bad thing. Well done.

Addendum: Those who didn't foresee an impending delivery of pain to Abel need a lesson in foreshadowing...

Well, yes We forget that it is a story and Abel's life has never been much peaches and cream since he was send to school. or somewhat around there. We all have and/or encounter pain, it is what we do with that pain is what makes us, ah us.  Dee is dishing out her pain, which never seem to go down.  Abel hordes his pain into a fortress, yet it doesn't seem stop people from getting to him.

But this is a story, and it has drama, it reflect life, a hard life.  We are upset because it show the injustices we ourselves see and experience in RL.   Well, if you're upset Do something about your corner of world. 

Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 07:06:54 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 06:37:25 AM
God that feels good. I had to register just to tell you guys off :|

Well, make sure you read the rules, okay?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 07:13:20 AM
As far as the rules go, there's nothing wrong (so far as I can see) with a gentle double-yoo tee eff at the overblown reactions. I mean, come on. She teaches torture! She's obviously a sadistic little woman. It's not like this one was out of left field.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 07:39:21 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 07:13:20 AM
As far as the rules go, there's nothing wrong (so far as I can see) with a gentle double-yoo tee eff at the overblown reactions.
Well, strictly it was more because you've just joined than because of your post.  I see it as a preventative measure - you have no idea how many people don't read them when they sign up.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 07:43:21 AM
True. But I've been around long enough to know the general rules and boundaries of most forums.

Well, that and I used to have an account here. My memory for passwords/names from years ago isn't good though. Dsargf.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 08:06:13 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 07:43:21 AM
True. But I've been around long enough to know the general rules and boundaries of most forums.
Okay, that's cool.
Now, as for your earlier comment, I think you may be conflating two separate issues.  As you say, it's pretty obvious that taunting Destania was a stupid thing to do and that she'd do something pretty nasty if someone annoyed her.  Again, as you say, she teaches murder and torture and has been doing so for the best part of 7000 years.

However, it's quite possible to see something coming and still be grossed out when it actually happens.  That and Amber has been fairly careful about keeping the level of gore down through careful composition and styling, e.g. Hennya, Devin and so forth.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 08:21:10 AM
While that is true, Hennya's death, though stylized, is still more confronting imho. On the scale of things, being turned into sushi is a bit more "..." than a claw through the jaw (oh rhymes, you are so funny). Besides art direction (And Dee's morbid advice versus Good Ol' Dad's nonchalant handwaving of the act) we're talking a fairly similar level here, and I don't remember as much fanfare around the circumstances of Hennya's demise.

I understand it all comes down to personal opinion/reaction (and please don't mistake my abrasiveness for ignorance, I do try to be open minded. I'm just not good at it) but it seems rather odd for such a, well, tame scene. Despite a bit of blood and Dee's "I am evil, please die quietly" routine, it's not that much out of the norm for AS.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 08:47:18 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 08:21:10 AM
I understand it all comes down to personal opinion/reaction (and please don't mistake my abrasiveness for arrogance, I do try to be open minded. I'm just not good at it) but it seems rather odd for such a, well, tame scene. Despite a bit of blood and Dee's "I am evil, please die quietly" routine, it's not that much out of the norm for AS.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think this particular scene touched a nerve, so to speak.  Nothing else in the comic has been able to squick me in quite the same way, and there have been a lot of horrible things.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 09:05:42 AM
Yes, I probably should clarify that it's not so much the 'this is terrible' that irked me, it's that everyone is apparently stunned. I don't see how this isn't something that's both unforeseen and out of the ordinary for Dee (or at least SAIA-flavour Dee). She's been slamming him into walls and lecturing him on her intense hatred of him for a good 6-8 pages, it wasn't out of the blue.  :U

Either way, Abel's going to need some icecream :3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 09:08:37 AM
Quote from: Technoire on May 25, 2010, 01:18:31 AM
I will pose the idea though: If a Pain succubus gets off on pain, is in ALL pain? Does that in turn make her a masochist?
No, it makes her a sadist. Masochists enjoy receiving pain. Sadists like dishing it out and/or watching it get inflicted on others.

Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 07:13:20 AM
As far as the rules go, there's nothing wrong (so far as I can see) with a gentle double-yoo tee eff at the overblown reactions. I mean, come on. She teaches torture! She's obviously a sadistic little woman. It's not like this one was out of left field.
Yes, but like I've stated previously, the first time the longer readers "saw" Destania was as a loving, caring, nurturing mother. This is a completely different side of her and while it makes sense in context and we were warned, some of us didn't expect the level of depravity she has. That, and in cubi terms, Abel is still pretty much just a kid at this point.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 09:15:04 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 08:47:18 AM

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think this particular scene touched a nerve, so to speak.  Nothing else in the comic has been able to squick me in quite the same way, and there have been a lot of horrible things.

It is the out of order timeline, A seemly good character from DMFA showing her dark side. "After" we thought we could trust her.  But this is a pre-sequel, which is why I hate the Clone war series of "Star Wars."  I couldn't root for Anika because I knew he would be Vader by the end.   Well, this is reverse, Dee is pure ebil here, and she maybe "better" in DMFA.  BUT wait until she hears about Pyroduck and Alexsi.  She maybe just as Ebil in the present, too.

Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 09:19:34 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 09:08:37 AM
Yes, but like I've stated previously, the first time the longer readers "saw" Destania was as a loving, caring, nurturing mother. This is a completely different side of her and while it makes sense in context and we were warned, some of us didn't expect the level of depravity she has. That, and in cubi terms, Abel is still pretty much just a kid at this point.

However we have been told in both DMFA and (if I remember correctly) earlier in AS that Dee's one to be feared, Plus one must keep in mind this is pre-Dan, pre-Edward, and at SAIA. And I still don't see Abel as a kid (you are correct, I just don't picture it myself).

I dunno, maybe my brain just works differently to everyone else.

Or maybe I'm still enjoying AS #101  >:3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 25, 2010, 09:25:50 AM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 09:15:04 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 08:47:18 AM

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think this particular scene touched a nerve, so to speak.  Nothing else in the comic has been able to squick me in quite the same way, and there have been a lot of horrible things.

It is the out of order timeline, A seemly good character from DMFA showing her dark side. "After" we thought we could trust her.  But this is a pre-sequel, which is why I hate the Clone war series of "Star Wars."  I couldn't root for Anika because I knew he would be Vader by the end.   Well, this is reverse, Dee is pure ebil here, and she maybe "better" in DMFA.  BUT wait until she hears about Pyroduck and Alexsi.  She maybe just as Ebil in the present, too.


Well, good always depends on for who.
She is an admired teacher to many cubi, trusted employee to Fa'lina, loving wife to Edward, and good mother to Dan and Alexsi (stepmother)
And an useful and hot employee of Biggs
On the same time she is hated by dragons, disliked by Abel , feared by Aniz, and well, nothing by her "teaching aids" since they most likely got soulsucked.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Angel on May 25, 2010, 11:18:38 AM

Well, I give up. How did this woman - this pain-obsessed, student-mauling, cold and heartless could she become a loving, caring, well-adjusted mother and wife? How did she go from this:

QuoteYou're going to live a long...long...time. And everyone around you will die. Because that is what you do. It is what you are. It is your destiny to die one day...alone and unloved.

to this:

Quote...What's wrong Dan? You look so sad. Oh I know. First day out and couldn't find a single adventure huh? Don't worry sugar. I'm sure you will find one soon enough.

At first, I thought I had an idea of how the transition was possible, but this........geez.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Robbychu on May 25, 2010, 11:27:42 AM
Quote from: Triggsy on May 25, 2010, 06:37:25 AM
Addendum: Those who didn't foresee an impending delivery of pain to Abel need a lesson in foreshadowing...

I was expecting something more along the lines of broken bones and the like, not shoving a claw into his mouth via his lower jaw. It's nauseating to think about.

I never really like Dee even before this, though. It just sets me further in my "Why do you people like her?" mindset.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 25, 2010, 11:36:46 AM
I'm just wondering if the delivery method was influenced by that story in the papers a few days ago, about the bullfighter who got a horn shoved through his lower jaw, into his mouth, and survived.   DO NOT CLICK THIS IF YOU FIND SUCH THINGS DISTURBING. It's probably safe for work, but safe for sanity........ (
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
It would be funny if this was the moment Devon's sparkling personality took over Abel... that is assuming Abel's mind downloaded a copy of it and that Devin was the type to seek retribution/justice. But I'm not going to hold my breath for that  particular outcome. I actually am interested in the idea of Aniz/Cid haviing a multiple personality as well but that's only because I find the three MPD fanfiction stories that I've read fascinating. And then, there's the Anime Demon Eye's Kyo, and the United States of Tara that handled it brilliantly.

Granted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.  personally, I would have thought Abel would have developed some coping mechanism. And yes,  know Falina stripped him of his emotions with magic for x number of years, but he would have still had to deal with bullies one way or another. Especially, since it is apparent that Aniz leaves disaster in his wake wherever he goes. I wouldn't be surprised if Aniz has cheesed off a good percentage of the Cubi population.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Alondro on May 25, 2010, 12:00:28 PM
If you watch "Bleach" you see more blood in one episode than in this entire comic.

Heck, you see more blood from one character than an entire cast could physically produce!    :giggle
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Tapewolf on May 25, 2010, 12:01:36 PM
Quote from: Alondro on May 25, 2010, 12:00:28 PM
If you watch "Bleach" you see more blood in one episode than in this entire comic.
Heck, you see more blood from one character than an entire cast could physically produce!    :giggle

Yeah, that cracks the suspension of disbelief, though, which helps.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
Granted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.

Then you should be happy to know that I can say with 100% certaintity that I would never under any circumstance alter the storyline due to anything you would ever say. :3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 12:55:51 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
Granted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.

Then you should be happy to know that I can say with 100% certaintity that I would never under any circumstance alter the storyline due to anything you would ever say. :3

AND never hint that anyone is even close,unless it is it is some minor detail that the forumites are picking at like an old meat bone and going to blows over.....  :hug

That is why we love you
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 25, 2010, 02:02:23 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
It would be funny if this was the moment Devon's sparkling personality took over Abel... that is assuming Abel's mind downloaded a copy of it and that Devin was the type to seek retribution/justice.
He could call her some VERY nasty things, though, but can't see how it helps, because body is still just Abel's.  :mowmeep

I feel sorry for Abel now, because I myself hate the taste of blood. Abel, the haemophobiac, now having a mouthfull of it and it's going and going, the taste just lasting and lasting. Blargh, looks like a torture specifically disained for Abel.

About Dee's actions, well, that still support my opinion that SAIA is a brain-rotter place that breed immaturity. Destania matured a lot since she left it. (Real Life does that to people sometimes. And no matter how many thousand years you are, acting on a whim is not mature.)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 25, 2010, 02:08:31 PM
Quote from: Congo Jack on May 25, 2010, 02:02:23 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
It would be funny if this was the moment Devon's sparkling personality took over Abel... that is assuming Abel's mind downloaded a copy of it and that Devin was the type to seek retribution/justice.
He could call her some VERY nasty things, though, but can't see how it helps, because body is still just Abel's.  :mowmeep

I feel sorry for Abel now, because I myself hate the taste of blood. Abel, the haemophobiac, now having a mouthfull of it and it's going and going, the taste just lasting and lasting. Blargh, looks like a torture specifically disained for Abel.

About Dee's actions, well, that still support my opinion that SAIA is a brain-rotter place that breed immaturity. Destania matured a lot since she left it. (Real Life does that to people sometimes. And no matter how many thousand years you are, acting on a whim is not mature.)
Well, you are in SAIA to hone your skills, not to mature (because let's face it, otherwise you might not get the opportunity to)
Besides , Dee is not acting on a whim - the whole thing she did seems pretty calculated to me - caused no real injury but was both humiliating and torturous... Not to mention the monologue..

BTW , blood does not taste so bad (have plenty of experience since when working outside and getting a cut or some other wound, the best solution is to suck it out)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:17:57 PM
YOU don't have a fear of blood. Stick something like a live spider in your mouth and let's see how well you handle THAT. (Or worse, wasps...)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 25, 2010, 02:21:26 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:17:57 PM
YOU don't have a fear of blood. Stick something like a live spider in your mouth and let's see how well you handle THAT. (Or worse, wasps...)

Just how the hell did you guess that?  :erk
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:30:12 PM
Quote from: danman on May 25, 2010, 02:21:26 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:17:57 PM
YOU don't have a fear of blood. Stick something like a live spider in your mouth and let's see how well you handle THAT. (Or worse, wasps...)

Just how the hell did you guess that?

Incredibly lucky guess, actually. I have a similar fear of spiders, but just spiders. Other eight-legged creatures like lobsters, scorpions, etc. don't bother me. (Nearly as much. Scorpions are still poisonous, and lobsters don't phase me at all.)
Oh, and whatever you do, don't watch this movie ( *Shudders.*
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 25, 2010, 02:37:08 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:30:12 PM
Quote from: danman on May 25, 2010, 02:21:26 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on May 25, 2010, 02:17:57 PM
YOU don't have a fear of blood. Stick something like a live spider in your mouth and let's see how well you handle THAT. (Or worse, wasps...)

Just how the hell did you guess that?

Incredibly lucky guess, actually. I have a similar fear of spiders, but just spiders. Other eight-legged creatures like lobsters, scorpions, etc. don't bother me. (Nearly as much. Scorpions are still poisonous, and lobsters don't phase me at all.)
Oh, and whatever you do, don't watch this movie ( *Shudders.*

Well , in my case ,i can will myself to catch the thing, or deal with it, (eg by repeating to myself it is afraid of me and i can kill it easily) especially if i have gloves or something, but one thing that gives me problem is sleeping in a room when stuff like that is present. That is another reason why i love cats!
As for other insects and arachnids, the only kind i am bothered by is reasonably size stuff with long skinny legs such as harvestmen  , Tipuloidea  and excessively large mosquitoes (i mean those that are about the size of a pen cover)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Madd the Sane on May 25, 2010, 02:47:29 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AM
 personally, I would have thought Abel would have developed some coping mechanism. And yes,  know Falina stripped him of his emotions with magic for x number of years, but he would have still had to deal with bullies one way or another.
I thought his emotions were only stripped from him for a couple of minutes, at most :/
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mao on May 25, 2010, 02:59:01 PM
Stay on target thread... stay on target...  It's not like it's only 2 meters wide.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 03:01:18 PM
Quote from: Madd the Sane on May 25, 2010, 02:47:29 PM
I thought his emotions were only stripped from him for a couple of minutes, at most :/

They were. It would be kind of a dumb move on Fa'Lina's part if she had Abel an emotionless void for 40+ years of his life. Kind of defeats the purpose of well...a lot.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: joshofspam on May 25, 2010, 03:01:48 PM
Quote from: Black_angel on May 25, 2010, 11:18:38 AM

Well, I give up. How did this woman - this pain-obsessed, student-mauling, cold and heartless could she become a loving, caring, well-adjusted mother and wife? How did she go from this:

QuoteYou're going to live a long...long...time. And everyone around you will die. Because that is what you do. It is what you are. It is your destiny to die one day...alone and unloved.

to this:

Quote...What's wrong Dan? You look so sad. Oh I know. First day out and couldn't find a single adventure huh? Don't worry sugar. I'm sure you will find one soon enough.

At first, I thought I had an idea of how the transition was possible, but this........geez.

Well it's like the those double standards I once noticed.

The creatures seem quite affectionate to family and friends. But anyone else is quite unimportant to them.

Remember Kria loves her daughter and was friends to Abel and his mom. But will eat pizza guys or guides by the dozen and rampage through a street fair.

Those that aren't family or friends are either tools or meal's and they are not above viewing others of the same race as just that. We think to much in the human way and it isn't surprising why these races raise so many questions rather than give answers
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: terrycloth on May 25, 2010, 03:05:24 PM
Finish the quote!

"It is your destiny to die one day... alone and unloved. And Abel -- it's what you deserve. It's what we *all* deserve."

She isn't a psychopath, or a sociopath, or even a sadist (look how bored she looks at the thought of teaching her class). She's a monster, and thinks that this is how monsters are supposed to act. It's her duty.

That's how she could fall for a being. All he had to do was convince her that that wasn't true.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 25, 2010, 03:18:54 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on May 25, 2010, 02:59:01 PM
Stay on target thread... stay on target...  It's not like it's only 2 meters wide.

I used to comment on womp-rats back home from my speeder. They're not much bigger than that.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 25, 2010, 03:31:06 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 25, 2010, 03:18:54 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on May 25, 2010, 02:59:01 PM
Stay on target thread... stay on target...  It's not like it's only 2 meters wide.

I used to comment on womp-rats back home from my speeder. They're not much bigger than that.
But that's impossible, even for a computer!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Keleth on May 25, 2010, 03:59:41 PM

The post just impacted on the surface.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 05:04:58 PM
Quote from: terrycloth on May 25, 2010, 03:05:24 PM
Finish the quote!

"It is your destiny to die one day... alone and unloved. And Abel -- it's what you deserve. It's what we *all* deserve."

She isn't a psychopath, or a sociopath, or even a sadist (look how bored she looks at the thought of teaching her class). She's a monster, and thinks that this is how monsters are supposed to act. It's her duty.

That's how she could fall for a being. All he had to do was convince her that that wasn't true.

Or  Show that the past doesn't matter as much as the here and now.  You do your best and forget the rest, for tomorrow is never guarantied.   Life is short or life is long, but it is so much more longer and harder if you carry your hate along.


"Red squadron begin your attack run and beware of enemy fighters"
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 25, 2010, 06:03:26 PM
I'm posted! I'm posted!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Anker Steadfast on May 25, 2010, 06:04:12 PM
Actually, I think womp-rats are significantly narrower than 2 meters wide.
Well, until you run them over at least.


Quote from: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AMGranted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.
Then you should be happy to know that I can say with 100% certaintity that I would never under any circumstance alter the storyline due to anything you would ever say. :3

Ahh - but what if we were to bribe you ?
Say, a Rotring Artpen ( or something like that ?


Yes ? No ? Maybe ?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 25, 2010, 06:04:12 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AMGranted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.
Then you should be happy to know that I can say with 100% certaintity that I would never under any circumstance alter the storyline due to anything you would ever say. :3

Ahh - but what if we were to bribe you ?
Say, a Rotring Artpen ( or something like that ?


Yes ? No ? Maybe ?

Why settle for that?  Why not try bribing with a NAMIKI EMPEROR SIZE DRAGON CHINKIN FOUNTAIN PEN (  When Amber gets tired of it, she can trade it for a decent car.

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 07:14:48 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)

AH If I won the Powerball, I would be give her a 100,000 for a house down payment.  or at least a New fully load tablet PC with a full photoshop.  Oh and paid her taxes too.

Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Talis Mahn on May 25, 2010, 11:42:26 PM
Quote from: terrycloth on May 25, 2010, 03:05:24 PM

She isn't a psychopath, or a sociopath, or even a sadist (look how bored she looks at the thought of teaching her class). She's a monster, and thinks that this is how monsters are supposed to act. It's her duty.

That's how she could fall for a being. All he had to do was convince her that that wasn't true.

Also remember that Destania had barely survived an attack, just before she met Edward.  That would shake anyone's sense of superiority.  It might just take a very deadly cluebat to get through to a semi-immortal.

Heh, even Kria seemed attracted to Jyrus after his ankle-bite attack!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Angel on May 25, 2010, 11:45:50 PM
Quote from: terrycloth on May 25, 2010, 03:05:24 PM
Finish the quote!

"It is your destiny to die one day... alone and unloved. And Abel -- it's what you deserve. It's what we *all* deserve."

She isn't a psychopath, or a sociopath, or even a sadist (look how bored she looks at the thought of teaching her class). She's a monster, and thinks that this is how monsters are supposed to act. It's her duty.

That's how she could fall for a being. All he had to do was convince her that that wasn't true.

...Wow. Yeah, I guess finishing the quote would have prevented the need for the post, huh?

...It makes sense now, I think. Sort of like how an abused person needs to be shaken to sense, made to realize that they are people and have the same rights as everyone else, that they're good people who don't deserve to be treated badly. ...How many years did it take till Destania was willing to marry Edward and accept that she could live the life of a non-monster?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: hartree on May 25, 2010, 11:51:57 PM
I dunno. We know he survives, we know he pretty much regenerates. I guess this didn't surprise me as much as it did some.

What do you expect? After all, she teaches torture and apparently knows just how to tune it to a particular individual for precise physical and emotional effect.

Given her outfit and that she was just talking about pleasure to pain ratios it seems she's in some way a sexual torturer as well as the more standard variety. In panel three the "Ssh. Don't talk. Keep your head forward" was almost like a mocking "Was it good for you too?" to add even more humiliation.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: GabrielsThoughts on May 26, 2010, 12:44:57 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 25, 2010, 06:04:12 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 25, 2010, 11:49:25 AMGranted, it's one of those oddball ideas that has probably been kicked around before. I rarely say anything because that is the quickest way to have the author alter the flow of the story if you are even close to right.
Then you should be happy to know that I can say with 100% certaintity that I would never under any circumstance alter the storyline due to anything you would ever say. :3

Ahh - but what if we were to bribe you ?
Say, a Rotring Artpen ( or something like that ?


Yes ? No ? Maybe ?

Why settle for that?  Why not try bribing with a NAMIKI EMPEROR SIZE DRAGON CHINKIN FOUNTAIN PEN (  When Amber gets tired of it, she can trade it for a decent car.

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)

@ amber personage... I'm flattered that you think enough of me to believe that you would have to tell me that I cannot manipulate you, when I was not in fact manipulating you.

@ the pen people... seriously  $6,000 dollars for a pen, that's like spending $98 dollars on a ratty pair of wrinkled blue jeans. I honestly don't feel an energy vortex swirling around such things. Now, if you handed me that money directly, after a small service fee, I could bribe Amber with what's left of it. But, in all honesty you'd get more if you bribed her yourself.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 01:26:32 AM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 26, 2010, 12:44:57 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM
Why settle for that?  Why not try bribing with a NAMIKI EMPEROR SIZE DRAGON CHINKIN FOUNTAIN PEN (  When Amber gets tired of it, she can trade it for a decent car.

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)

@ amber personage... I'm flattered that you think enough of me to believe that you would have to tell me that I cannot manipulate you, when I was not in fact manipulating you.

@ the pen people... seriously  $6,000 dollars for a pen, that's like spending $98 dollars on a ratty pair of wrinkled blue jeans. I honestly don't feel an energy vortex swirling around such things. Now, if you handed me that money directly, after a small service fee, I could bribe Amber with what's left of it. But, in all honesty you'd get more if you bribed her yourself.

But have you seen the pen?!?!?!? It's like a little work of art!!!  You know how dragons get that gleem in their eyes when they get ahold of gold?  I strongly suspect a dragon would flee in terror at Amber's chuckle and the sight of Amber curling and uncurling her fingers around a pen like that one!

End quote pyramid #1!!!!

Edit: Yes, end quote pyramid. Now.
  -- llearch


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 07:14:48 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)

AH If I won the Powerball, I would be give her a 100,000 for a house down payment.  or at least a New fully load tablet PC with a full photoshop.  Oh and paid her taxes too.


Not necessary to pay her taxes if you just give her the cash.  In the US, yearly gifts are capped at $22,000 before the recipient has to pay taxes.  Canada doesn't have that problem.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Turnsky on May 26, 2010, 02:08:06 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on May 25, 2010, 03:01:18 PM
Quote from: Madd the Sane on May 25, 2010, 02:47:29 PM
I thought his emotions were only stripped from him for a couple of minutes, at most :/

They were. It would be kind of a dumb move on Fa'Lina's part if she had Abel an emotionless void for 40+ years of his life. Kind of defeats the purpose of well...a lot.

yeah, that'd turn him into a real college student.

or worse... a politician.  >:3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jack McSlay on May 26, 2010, 09:33:30 AM
For a short moment I thought Abel shoved his fists into his eye sockets
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 09:42:42 AM
On the other hand, I don't know if I've seen Amber's art looking any better, especially in the last panel.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Shachza on May 26, 2010, 12:19:01 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 01:26:32 AM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 25, 2010, 07:14:48 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 25, 2010, 06:32:06 PM

Oh, wait.  I didn't win the Powerball jackpot this week.  Oh, well.  Back to artpens!  :)

AH If I won the Powerball, I would be give her a 100,000 for a house down payment.  or at least a New fully load tablet PC with a full photoshop.  Oh and paid her taxes too.


Not necessary to pay her taxes if you just give her the cash.  In the US, yearly gifts are capped at $22,000 before the recipient has to pay taxes.  Canada doesn't have that problem.

I thought that cap was $10,000.  That's why my grandma would put $9700 into her grandkids' college savings, and then have room to hand out 3 $100 checks throughout the year.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 03:35:20 PM
Quote from: Shachza on May 26, 2010, 12:19:01 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 01:26:32 AM
Not necessary to pay her taxes if you just give her the cash.  In the US, yearly gifts are capped at $22,000 before the recipient has to pay taxes.  Canada doesn't have that problem.

I thought that cap was $10,000.  That's why my grandma would put $9700 into her grandkids' college savings, and then have room to hand out 3 $100 checks throughout the year.

Did some research and we're both incorrect. For many years the cap was $10,000 but that has changed recently.

For 2010, the annual gift limit (or annual exclusion amount as it is properly called) is $13,000 per donor, per recipient.  If your recipient is married (and the spouse is trustworthy) you can give the same gift to the spouse.  If the donor is married the most they can give to the married recipients tax free would be $52,000. Note that gifts are never considered income for the recipient(s), and any penalties are paid by the donor via "gift tax." Even if you file a gift tax, you don't actually have to pay it until you exceed your "lifetime limit" of $1,000,000.  

You can give unlimited amounts only to spouses and non-profits. Also, you can directly pay for schooling and medical expenses without counting as a "gift" for tax purposes.

Note that is pretty unlikely that anyone who reads this forum will ever have the problem of exceeding their gift tax lifetime limit.  If anyone reading this post is in that position, I formally volunteer myself for adoption.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: TheZombie on May 26, 2010, 03:37:08 PM
The issue here is that everyone is so caught up on Dan being chastised for his bigotry that people are forgetting that there is a rather good reason for that bigotry.  So people are finger wagging at Dan and saying things like "You won't become a baby eating monster Dan just because you are a cubi.  That is a stereotype.  There are good cubi who build hospitals for babies"  But the problem is is that there ARE likely baby eating cubi.  There are quite likely literal gore splattered dorm rooms with some rather twisted individuals in them.  So Destiana acting in this way didn't so much as get any surprise out of me in the least.  If anything I'm sure it's rather tame by twisted monster levels.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 03:41:59 PM
Quote from: TheZombie on May 26, 2010, 03:37:08 PM
If anything I'm sure it's rather tame by twisted monster levels.

OK. Fine. You take her on a date then.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 26, 2010, 04:21:33 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 03:41:59 PM
Quote from: TheZombie on May 26, 2010, 03:37:08 PM
If anything I'm sure it's rather tame by twisted monster levels.

OK. Fine. You take her on a date then.
Nah, too skinny
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: BlackSNinja on May 27, 2010, 03:51:31 AM
Unlurking to Add my 2-hundredths a dollar:

The fact she went so far in her beatdown with Abel to inflict maximum pain while not trying to kill him means this is probably the apex of her bitchiness. It's not too far-fetched to think she could get that way. Why? Combine the loss of nearly her entire clan, the loss of the one person she loved, her clans general proclivity to pain, and decades if not centuries to stew on it; the difference here is that, instead of being like Abel and sinking into a depressive, withdrawn pit, she allowed the pain and anguish and the need to hurt something to just build and compound into the persona we see, because, in both a literal and figurative sense she fed off it (vicious cycle coming to a logical extreme).Related to that, the fact her general blatant disregard for anything resembling morality at this point means she's totally psychologically unfettered (remember the baby incident Fii spoke of).

In fact now that I think about it, the fact that Edward managed to get her to marry him in only two months time was probably him being the only thing in centuries to even attempt to fill that massive void in her heart. And the fact that they, from what Dan and Alexsi have said, had a stable relationship and family life meant that there truly was a void there and Edward filled it some degree.

An intresting plot point going forward I think would be the fact that Edward is now entirely AWOL and her business relationship with Biggs, an entity that is to some degree amoral and unfettered, may to a reversion back to that unfettered personality she had before, and will something involving her children either accelerate that regression or keep her of relatively balanced mind.

Second Edit: Also thinking about it, if I were Fa'Lina, I'd have done the same thing she did, in making her a Pain/Torture Department Head and all the authority that comes with that, because all that pent up rage will explode at some point, and better it happens in SAIA where she has near-absolute control than outside, lest 3 Clans (at least) go the way of the Dodo... plus the timing of this incident does not lead me to believe this is why Destania left, unless she had been wandering the lands aimlessly for a few decades/centuries before finding Edward.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 27, 2010, 10:12:50 AM
Quote from: BlackSNinja on May 27, 2010, 03:51:31 AM
plus the timing of this incident does not lead me to believe this is why Destania left, unless she had been wandering the lands aimlessly for a few decades/centuries before finding Edward.

Interesting analysis.  My suspicion as to why Destania left SAIA is that she finally decided to go find Aniz rather than waiting for him to come back.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 27, 2010, 10:31:42 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 27, 2010, 10:12:50 AM
Quote from: BlackSNinja on May 27, 2010, 03:51:31 AM
plus the timing of this incident does not lead me to believe this is why Destania left, unless she had been wandering the lands aimlessly for a few decades/centuries before finding Edward.

Interesting analysis.  My suspicion as to why Destania left SAIA is that she finally decided to go find Aniz rather than waiting for him to come back.

Hmm, me and a were arguing about this before the DnD session back  a few weeks ago as i was a proponent of this theory too.
There are many things that speak for it, and Aniz, since he was hidden from scrying spells would be difficult to find, and an epic fight with Aniz would explain why she was so out that she got beaten up by a bunch of beings... however there is one thing (shamefully it ocurred to me , undermining my own theory)  - Aaryanna.
Now, she went to search for Dee as soon as she learned of her departure, right?
Now, a public information facility, albeit crappy, like the Phoenix temple is the first place where you go to search for someone like that, and Aary is smart enough to exhibit this level of rational thought, and i very much doubt that she waited for 100+ years before starting to search for Dee
From which follows, that dee departed little before dan's birth, while this happens much earlier
The only real possibility is that like with his mother's death , there was another time-fast-forward without drawing attention to it.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Caswin on May 27, 2010, 01:47:20 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 26, 2010, 03:41:59 PM
Quote from: TheZombie on May 26, 2010, 03:37:08 PM
If anything I'm sure it's rather tame by twisted monster levels.
OK. Fine. You take her on a date then.
Uh, I'm pretty sure that's every reason not to take her on a date. (The same thing crossed my mind, actually -- I'm sure she's done far, far worse.)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 28, 2010, 05:00:50 AM
Quote from: danman on May 25, 2010, 02:08:31 PM
Besides , Dee is not acting on a whim - the whole thing she did seems pretty calculated to me - caused no real injury but was both humiliating and torturous... Not to mention the monologue..
Probably. However, her plans on Aniz are but a whim; sure, they broke up not nicely, but mature person usually doesn't hold grudges for millenia, and rather move on, find a nice guy to rise children with.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: jeffh4 on May 28, 2010, 09:01:35 AM
Quote from: Congo Jack on May 28, 2010, 05:00:50 AM
Probably. However, her plans on Aniz are but a whim; sure, they broke up not nicely, but mature person usually doesn't hold grudges for millenia, and rather move on, find a nice guy to rise children with.

Unfortunately, Cubi do live for millennia and no one has ever labeled their race as "wise" or "mature."  They seem to be more like the Greek Gods, actually.  Petulant children with altogether too much power for their own good.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 28, 2010, 09:23:51 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 28, 2010, 09:01:35 AM
Quote from: Congo Jack on May 28, 2010, 05:00:50 AM
Probably. However, her plans on Aniz are but a whim; sure, they broke up not nicely, but mature person usually doesn't hold grudges for millenia, and rather move on, find a nice guy to rise children with.

Unfortunately, Cubi do live for millennia and no one has ever labeled their race as "wise" or "mature."  They seem to be more like the Greek Gods, actually.  Petulant children with altogether too much power for their own good.

There is never too much power...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 28, 2010, 10:43:15 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 28, 2010, 09:01:35 AM
Unfortunately, Cubi do live for millennia and no one has ever labeled their race as "wise" or "mature."

Agree, except I'd put that label on cubi culture, not race.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mao on May 28, 2010, 11:07:48 AM

Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Keleth on May 28, 2010, 12:09:10 PM
Hey there's a spy over here! :3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Wooo! Amber posting as Damaris!  Now to rise to power and abuse it before the real Damaris finds out! Nya ha ha hahaha~

I realize Mr. Congo that you seem to have a really high expectation that the Academy is to fault for Cubi being dinks and that it's a stagnation ground.  The reality is that its well...just a college.  And I suppose my experience in college is that it is there to teach lessons but it isn't there to tell you what kind of person you are.  And unfortunately many Cubi are quite capable of being dinks with or without an educational system around.

I also am sad to admit that is probably my own shoddy writing.  I haven't really done a good job highlighting the actual culture since I've focused on characters who are sort of off from the standard fare.  Cause lets face it, the exceptions and deviants from the norm are usually the more interesting and as a result I ended up making it seem like the oddballs are the norm.   To get all starwarsy, you guys are following the Anakin rather than the random youngling #279 who will end up being a jedi perfectly normal.  In reality the majority of the students at SAIA do use it for its purpose: a school in which to hone their abilities, learn their culture, expand ideas, make friends...and then they move onto life.  This will probably get better reflected with Dan returns the Academy for his first month o lessons.

In other news, I'm working out the next Abel's Stories and I've decided I want to post two pages together rather than just the one so there may be a somewhat delay on the schedule I set up.  I'll be mentioning this on the main page shortly once my brain defrags from "oh god driving"

Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: bradypodidae on May 28, 2010, 12:38:15 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

*MEEP!*  :U
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 28, 2010, 12:56:12 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*
*kneels* What is thy bidding, my Mistress?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 28, 2010, 01:38:33 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM

Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

*Got rolled over by Damaris' account*

Hey! I saw your license plate!  :<

Yeah, I think I doth generalized to much.  :mowsad
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Anker Steadfast on May 28, 2010, 06:15:51 PM
Whoa ... Damaris got Amber-Rolled ?


Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Jairus on May 28, 2010, 08:54:42 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 28, 2010, 06:15:51 PM
Whoa ... Damaris got Amber-Rolled ?


And Amber is never gonna give it up, never gonna let it down, never gonna turn around and desert it...
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Arcblade on May 29, 2010, 12:54:28 AM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  We're all doomed.   >:3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mao on May 29, 2010, 01:54:57 AM
Guys, just because Amber posted doesn't mean you all have to come in and try to post silly stuff to try and get her attention.


If we had an macro that could suit that, it'd be awesome, but for now.. this will have to do:  >:[
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Drayco84 on May 29, 2010, 02:43:50 AM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Wooo! Amber posting as Damaris!  Now to rise to power and abuse it before the real Damaris finds out! Nya ha ha hahaha~

I realize Mr. Congo that you seem to have a really high expectation that the Academy is to fault for Cubi being dinks and that it's a stagnation ground.  The reality is that its well...just a college.  And I suppose my experience in college is that it is there to teach lessons but it isn't there to tell you what kind of person you are.  And unfortunately many Cubi are quite capable of being dinks with or without an educational system around.

I also am sad to admit that is probably my own shoddy writing.  I haven't really done a good job highlighting the actual culture since I've focused on characters who are sort of off from the standard fare.  Cause lets face it, the exceptions and deviants from the norm are usually the more interesting and as a result I ended up making it seem like the oddballs are the norm.   To get all starwarsy, you guys are following the Anakin rather than the random youngling #279 who will end up being a jedi perfectly normal.  In reality the majority of the students at SAIA do use it for its purpose: a school in which to hone their abilities, learn their culture, expand ideas, make friends...and then they move onto life.  This will probably get better reflected with Dan returns the Academy for his first month o lessons.

In other news, I'm working out the next Abel's Stories and I've decided I want to post two pages together rather than just the one so there may be a somewhat delay on the schedule I set up.  I'll be mentioning this on the main page shortly once my brain defrags from "oh god driving"

Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*
See kiddies, THIS is why you lock your computer when you walk away, ESPECIALLY if you let Firefox remember your passwords for you. One never knows what kind of insane, but lovable, oddballs will manage to get their hands on it, ESPECIALLY ones that have been invited in...

EDIT: This has been a public service announcement from Drayco. I now only owe twenty-three hours of community service.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Turnsky on May 29, 2010, 04:32:59 AM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
The reality is that its well...just a college. 

it's not like colleges have done much worse, anyways.  >:3
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Anker Steadfast on May 29, 2010, 08:50:13 AM
Quote from: Arcblade on May 29, 2010, 12:54:28 AM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PMThirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  We're all doomed.   >:3

You are working from the assumption that power corrupts.
But if knowledge is power, then it would mean that knowledge corrupts ( as well ?

Besides, absolute power, would be kinda neat. :)

Which incidentaly loops back very nicely to the topic, Destania certainly have power over Abel, (right now at least), but does that make her corrupt ?
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on May 29, 2010, 11:26:16 AM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on May 29, 2010, 01:54:57 AM


Well, this is fun.......... :sweatdrop
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Caswin on May 29, 2010, 03:32:29 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast
Which incidentaly loops back very nicely to the topic, Destania certainly have power over Abel, (right now at least), but does that make her corrupt ?
Given that she just used her superior power to beat him up and stabbed him in the -- *spends five minutes searching for the right term and gives up* -- lower jaw, I would lean towards "yes". (That stands even if the she does have a lesson in mind, for surely, a known sadist and professional torturer would never abuse her power over poor old Abel for petty, malicious reasons.)
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Ryy Lazurus on May 30, 2010, 01:36:17 AM
Well, Now I love Destania as a character. She's not a basic black or white kinda gal. Her actions against Abel where excessive and brutal, but he acted like an idiot by annoying her. Yes, her actions where evil, but in a manner that I think has more to do with megalomania than psychoses. He was beneath her in the scales of sheer power and experience (what their age difference? A couple hundred years?) and she might of wanted to remind him of that.

Bare in mind that she didn't kill him, and I'm sure that she felt no emotion in what she did. Ever inch of her movements calculated and planned. Other reasons? Abel being there, his father not? Wanting to help Abel in the most sever way posable ("Now prove me wrong") or maybe simple boredom.

Either way, I'm really enjoying the ride.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Kaerou on May 30, 2010, 05:35:36 AM
Honestly i've detested Destania as a character ever since I found out she's trying to commit genocide.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 30, 2010, 06:55:10 AM
Quote from: Kaerou on May 30, 2010, 05:35:36 AM
Honestly i've detested Destania as a character ever since I found out she's trying to commit genocide.
Yup, in comparison , the dragons want everyone to be friends, just like Barney the purple dinosaur!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Congo Jack on May 30, 2010, 08:37:24 AM
Quote from: Kaerou on May 30, 2010, 05:35:36 AM
Honestly i've detested Destania as a character ever since I found out she's trying to commit genocide.
Do onto others what they do onto you.

It's not like her every living relative (save for mother) was murdered because they were her relatives, not for something they personally did. Not like herself and any of her possible children will be hunted forever, never having a chance for peaceful life. Not until she stop that was by winning it. Or die trying. Don't you forget that killing all dragons is an impossible, titanic task that all cubi before her failed and gave up trying. Not like handing poisoned candy to orphans or something.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 30, 2010, 04:51:17 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

I knew I'd forgotten to do something. *goes and demotes Damaris' account* ;-]
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: Caswin on May 30, 2010, 11:00:17 PM
Quote from: Ryy Lazurus on May 30, 2010, 01:36:17 AMYes, her actions where evil, but in a manner that I think has more to do with megalomania than psychoses. He was beneath her in the scales of sheer power and experience (what their age difference? A couple hundred years?) and she might of wanted to remind him of that.
Ever inch of her movements calculated and planned. Other reasons? Abel being there, his father not? Wanting to help Abel in the most sever way posable ("Now prove me wrong") or maybe simple boredom.
For what it's worth, all of those (with the exception of the "Now prove me wrong" implication, which I actually find surprisingly plausible, even brilliant, though if that was the effect it could easily be by accident on her part... but never mind that, you may be on to something, man!) sound like acts of unmitigated evil to me.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: lilpuppy23 on May 31, 2010, 01:32:28 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 30, 2010, 04:51:17 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

I knew I'd forgotten to do something. *goes and demotes Damaris' account* ;-]

Is Damaris with Amber or something? Or did Amber hack Damaris' account? The latter I am unsure of for I recall Amber saying the Computers hate her. Or is Damaris cosplaying as Amber? I'm so Confused!!!!
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 31, 2010, 01:56:27 PM
Quote from: lilpuppy23 on May 31, 2010, 01:32:28 PM
Is Damaris with Amber or something? Or did Amber hack Damaris' account? The latter I am unsure of for I recall Amber saying the Computers hate her. Or is Damaris cosplaying as Amber? I'm so Confused!!!!
If I am not mistaken, Amber is currently at Damaris & Darkmoon's house, or nearby.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: lilpuppy23 on May 31, 2010, 08:39:07 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 31, 2010, 01:56:27 PM
Quote from: lilpuppy23 on May 31, 2010, 01:32:28 PM
Is Damaris with Amber or something? Or did Amber hack Damaris' account? The latter I am unsure of for I recall Amber saying the Computers hate her. Or is Damaris cosplaying as Amber? I'm so Confused!!!!
If I am not mistaken, Amber is currently at Damaris & Darkmoon's house, or nearby.

Oh, OK. That answers my question nicely. Thank you Techmaster.
Title: Re: 24/05/2010 [AS2#103] - Uh.....
Post by: VAE on May 31, 2010, 08:54:43 PM
Quote from: lilpuppy23 on May 31, 2010, 01:32:28 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 30, 2010, 04:51:17 PM
Quote from: Damaris on May 28, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
Thirdly, BWHAHAHAHA...ABSOLUTE POWER. *rolls around in Damaris' account*

I knew I'd forgotten to do something. *goes and demotes Damaris' account* ;-]

Is Damaris with Amber or something? Or did Amber hack Damaris' account? The latter I am unsure of for I recall Amber saying the Computers hate her. Or is Damaris cosplaying as Amber? I'm so Confused!!!!

The bolded word makes me intrigued.
I wonder how would an Amber costume look.
Does it have antennae and include a bedsheet ?
Are there plush eyeglasses ?
Soo much possibilities...