The Clockwork Mansion

The Grand Hallway => Tower of Art => Topic started by: VAE on April 06, 2010, 04:13:34 PM

Title: [Comics, Drawing] Another round, for better or worse
Post by: VAE on April 06, 2010, 04:13:34 PM
Edit: this will be the place  of more works as well, so the title got changed.

2) Glup the chuul (,7258.msg323298.html#msg323298)
3) Vladim, coloured (,7258.msg327418.html#msg327418)
4) IC Apples: Glup and Farin , Glup, Crystal and Vladim (,7258.msg327687.html#msg327687)
5) The Many Faces of Vladim Alexeievich Eisenberg (,7258.msg329018.html#msg329018)
6) Better coloured (and drawn) Vladim (,7258.msg329162.html#msg329162)
7) And Sergej, for completion  (,7258.msg329387.html#msg329387)OP follows:
8 ) Vladim, preparing to kill someone (,7258.msg331156.html#msg331156)
9 ) A bunch of sketches and drawings, mostly DnD  (,7258.msg337559.html#msg337559)
10) 0x35 the fateful day when i started linking updates here again  (,7258.msg338497.html#msg338497)
Well, i have a webcomic pretty much since january, located as follows:

EDIT: since this became a general purpose thread, the latest issue is all the time at

Proper index is (after restructuring my page) at - the first issue - where it got regular characters and semblance of a plot - where i got a scanner so the graphics went from appalling to just bad.

From a nondescript place, it became located in a post-conflict furrea, (hopefully post DMFA therefore) and an unimportant second world-like part of it for the matter. (and yes, i have notified Amber :D)
It follows the life and so  of an evil overlord, who from being the character of random jokes in the early parts got promoted to an actual character when i realised it is somewhat easier to think of  things to happen that way
It is currently drawn with a Versatil falling-lead pencil and a generous usage of rubber. (before in Gimp with generous usage of Ctrl+Z)
there are 23 issues so far (24 including the one i have not scanned yet :D)

In this i would like to ask, as title says for general advice, one of the things being legibility - it seems to me both handwriting and fonts i know do a bad job, each from a different way - should i make up my own in fontforge and type it? or something entirely else.
I sincerely hope i have not messed up this post too much ...

Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: WhiteFox on April 07, 2010, 12:10:04 AM
I use fonts from Particularly, AnimeAce 2.0

I'd be less worried about legibility, and more coherency. The story and writing is kind of random.
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: VAE on April 07, 2010, 01:45:35 PM
The font looks good, i will try to put it in when i leave Slovakia.
As for randomness, i am trying to decrease the amount of that, with more or less success...
currently i have a text file where i drop off joke/happening  ideas, and then string them on where possible... i have a rough sketch of a part of plot in mind, and am trying to progress with that, but i do not want to skip in time in a too forced manner so it kind of slowed down until something important enough happens ....
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: GabrielsThoughts on April 08, 2010, 02:43:03 AM
 Your artwork reminds me of the preposterous adventures of Ironhide Tom. I think it is good that you have a scanner, as I've always admired traditional line arts over a purely digital alternative. However,  The only problem I have with the comics you've provided is that the writing is unclear. You can get away with the most abstract of art as long as the writing is good, and you have a good story. As it stands, you narrative is confusing and the art itself leads to further confusion. I agree with whitefox, picking a consistent font,( preferably a script font) and sticking with it would be a good start towards improving your skills. Also, since it appears you like to use MS paint, try making characters out of basic shapes. Having a consistent character design would greatly improve the quality of your work. Try drawing the same character 95 times... something is bound to remain consistent enough to help with character identification later on. another thing you might do is practice drawing for a year in ink, the inability to erase lines will teach you how to cover up you mistakes and lower your standards a bit.      

EDIT: Your art also reminds me of early artwork by Cathy Guisewite  
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: VAE on April 08, 2010, 02:00:49 PM
Thanks for more advice. but to clear up:

Is the randomness and lack of clarity referring to the whole thing or just the latter half? the thing is, for the first 14 or so comics,  it was a random enterprise.
I think i should put up some kind of separation in the index.

Hmm, i  am using GIMP, not MS paint - as far as most of the computer-drawn comics go, the problem was mainly to draw something close enough to what i want using a laptop mouse... one of the reasons i gave in and got the scanner (i am quite miserly :D)
currently it is pretty much used for cropping the picture and perhaps erasing few smudges

The character - a good idea .  I had real hard time drawing the same character with a different facial expression... you probably saw it especially in the last comic - the last face is somewhat ugly as i started rubbing through the paper not getting it right several times... :erk

Also, any good thoughts how to draw from ´angles´ Maybe because the only training i have is technical drawing, :D  i find it pretty hard to draw things that are not the usual top-side-front or at most isometric... 

Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: WhiteFox on April 09, 2010, 12:50:56 AM
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 08, 2010, 02:43:03 AM
However,  The only problem I have with the comics you've provided is that the writing is unclear.
You can get away with the most abstract of art as long as the writing is good, and you have a good story.
Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on April 08, 2010, 02:43:03 AMI agree with whitefox, picking a consistent font,( preferably a script font) and sticking with it would be a good start towards improving your skills.
I was thinking mostly of panel flow. If the transitions from panel to panel aren't smooth, it can be hard to follow what's going on. Panel transitions are a mix of camera work and timing.

GabrielsThoughts, your comics would benefit from better panel flow too.

Quote from: danman on April 08, 2010, 02:00:49 PM
Is the randomness and lack of clarity referring to the whole thing or just the latter half?
All through. The art gets much better, but the panel transitions only marginally so.

Quote from: danman on April 08, 2010, 02:00:49 PM

Hmm, i  am using GIMP, not MS paint - as far as most of the computer-drawn comics go, the problem was mainly to draw something close enough to what i want using a laptop mouse... one of the reasons i gave in and got the scanner (i am quite miserly :D)
currently it is pretty much used for cropping the picture and perhaps erasing few smudges
Inking on paper would definitely be an idea, then. Fixing line mistakes in digital is pretty simple.

Quote from: danman on April 08, 2010, 02:00:49 PM
The character - a good idea .  I had real hard time drawing the same character with a different facial expression...
I usually sketch drafts. That lets me figure out how I want to draw a character for a panel in advance. Or figure out if I know what I'm doing at all.

Quote from: danman on April 08, 2010, 02:00:49 PM
Also, any good thoughts how to draw from ´angles´ Maybe because the only training i have is technical drawing, :D  i find it pretty hard to draw things that are not the usual top-side-front or at most isometric...  

Start with basic shapes. Sort out how to draw a figure with sticks and circles.

Then learn how to arrange the basic shapes to draw the figure from different angles.

Then learn foreshortening, IE, the farther away something is, the smaller the sticks and circles should be.

Then learn how  to draw different features from different angles and poses. The easiest way to do this is by doing life drawing, of every feature, from every angle, in every pose, that you will ever want to draw it until your fingers fall off. Some artists skip this part, and it shows.
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: VAE on April 09, 2010, 03:04:01 PM
Hmm, how should a panel transition look? It seems the most-impact thing to improve so i am wondering.
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: WhiteFox on April 09, 2010, 05:32:59 PM
When you write a sentence, you string a bunch of word together in a way that makes sense. The better the words are arranged, the more the sentence will make sense.

Panel transitions are kind of like that. It's not just a matter of what is being drawn or written. The panels are a sequence of events, and the reader has to be able to follow that sequence. If information gets left out, the sequence becomes hard to follow.

I found a good tutorial on them here:
It pretty well copies, word for word, the write up that Scott McCloud did in his book, Understanding Comics.
Title: Re: [comic] ASWC - RFC/advice
Post by: VAE on April 10, 2010, 12:53:45 PM
hmm, actually seems pretty complicated :D
Although i see now that some of the comics have it really done badly - like the Einbomber one, or the one where the flashback began.
are there any simple guidelines ? (i mean like in chess - do not start out with heavy figures, make sure each turn in beginning develops a figure..)
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on April 23, 2010, 08:02:08 PM
Glup the Chuul, my Deathtrap Dungeon character can go here as well.

He is a chuul brain merchant, exploiting the fact those are poisonous to them
here is the image ( and   here the character sheet (,7171.msg317743.html#msg317743)
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on May 17, 2010, 04:08:09 PM
I think this is a good place for the drawing i attempted to colour in GIMP, and which depicts Vladim,  (the main character of the comic) in one of the rare capeless moments...  And which is to be my avatar( (since people constantly thought the last one was a zombie) and probably a goto character as well - after the Apples to apples game, i began to like him a lot more...

Why use hands to hold a book when you can ... never mind, it still needs them  (

Hmm, the pink nose and pawpads are probably another reason why he uses the cape all the time...

just a short description:
Name: Vladim
Species : Lynx, being (at least so far)
Skills: Wizard-magic (ie elemental, telekinesis etc. )  computers, fringe science.. (for other stuff ,there's Sergej)
Age: 30
Occupation: Evil overlord (after taking a requalification course when unemployed around 10 years ago)  , trying to become a cubi (Hey , 3000+ years sure is better than 70, not even considering other advantages !)

As you can tell he is somewhat of a showoff as well, although the eyes do have the advantage of not being able to tell where he is looking... As well as the steel spiky shoulderpads trying to cover up the fact that he has less than impressive figure

The thing in his hand is an issue of "Mad Science weekly" - a popular magazine around those parts of Furrae between all such inclined
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Tapewolf on May 17, 2010, 04:13:36 PM
There are several tricks to get rid of the white fringes.  You can probably do it via Layer->Transparency->Colour to Alpha, but that's not a technique I usually use.

The quickest way, which I use for PF, is to use Colours->Threshold on the original lineart and convert it to pure black/white rather than greyscales.  Then, when you flood-fill it, it will go right to the edge instead of stopping when it gets sufficiently grey to halt.
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on May 17, 2010, 04:17:51 PM
Hmm, i will try the alpha one... i spent about an hour out of the colouring to hunt the fringes from around the letters, and pencil edges - it was the single most time consuming part of the colouring.
EDIT: Hmm, just changing it to alpha channel does not do it for this case,,,

BTW , this sounds stupid , but do you know some clever way of making speech bubbles?
The problem is if i draw them beforehand on paper, the size is not right for typed words, while if i want to make them in GIMP, they have (by me ) ugly shapes, and i constantly need to erase stuff from under them...
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Tapewolf on May 17, 2010, 04:57:14 PM
Quote from: danman on May 17, 2010, 04:17:51 PM
Hmm, i will try the alpha one... i spent about an hour out of the colouring to hunt the fringes from around the letters, and pencil edges - it was the single most time consuming part of the colouring.
EDIT: Hmm, just changing it to alpha channel does not do it for this case,,

The alpha technique is complicated.  You need to use two layers, and again, it's not something that can really be done after the fact.  What Ren does is use Colour-to-alpha on White, which basically hollows out the line-art.
On the layer underneath, you then colour the relevant parts however you see fit.  The advantage of this is that you can be fairly messy and you'll still keep the outlines in place.

The thing about this technique is that the result resembles a hybrid of pencil and cell-shading, like this:

...I also did that on PF for the SAIA flashback, however it didn't look as different to the regular strip as I'd hoped.

QuoteBTW , this sounds stupid , but do you know some clever way of making speech bubbles?
The problem is if i draw them beforehand on paper, the size is not right for typed words, while if i want to make them in GIMP, they have (by me ) ugly shapes, and i constantly need to erase stuff from under them...

For the last part, the trick is to use layers (it sounds like you aren't).  Have the speech bubbles on a layer of their own and then you can move or resize them to your heart's content without damaging the underlying image.
Personally?  I cheat and use a program called ComicLife which makes the framing and captioning considerably easier.
However, I use the Mac version.  I haven't tried the Win32 one under WINE yet.
[Photobucket seems to be dying]
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on May 17, 2010, 05:11:51 PM
Ooh, that explains it!

hmm, so prepare a text bubble sideways and then paste it in? I will try it with next issue - use basic bubble then draw in the tail..
Also , after losing the last one, i got some cheap chinese rubbers which leave much less of a muck than the cheap chinese rubbers i was using before ... that should make it easier too (in fact that is what gave me the courage to try to colour this one :D)
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Drayco84 on May 17, 2010, 05:22:15 PM
I'm aware that this is currently rather off-topic, but for some reason, Vladim reminds me of a Shofixti...

Not that it's a bad thing or anything like that... The Shofixti were one of the more interesting races in the Star Control series, choosing to go out in "A Blaze of Glory", nearly causing their race to go extinct and taking out a large enough amount of Ur-Quan Kzer-Za ships. Unfortunately, this also gave the Ur-Quan Khor-Ah forces an advantage. (But hey, it's not like the Kzer-Za said "We're at war with the other half of our race and if they win, they will destroy all life in the galaxy save for Ur-Quan so we would prefer to encase you in a slave-shield for your own protection, as well as ours.")
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on May 17, 2010, 05:28:32 PM
Hmm, yet another awesome PC game i did not yet play....
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Drayco84 on May 17, 2010, 07:46:53 PM
Quote from: danman on May 17, 2010, 05:28:32 PM
Hmm, yet another awesome PC game i did not yet play....
To be honest, it was actually first published on the 3DO system. Some time ago, the source code was been released by the original creators to the fan community and was dubbed The Ur-Quan Masters due to issues with naming. It's available in most Linux distros and can be downloaded here (
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Turnsky on May 18, 2010, 09:09:25 AM
hrm, allow me to weigh in with my two-cents. Forgive any bluntness, as i've had basics hammered into my head in a similar manner.

First off, figures. what you need to learn for starters is basic construction techniques, circles, stick figures, and other fun shapes. this here is a good place to start, also other tutorials on that site would be beneficial to you as well.

as for lineart cleanup and coloring? well, this old chestnut from back in the day is something that formed the basis of how i continue to work to this day:

since you grace the chat sometimes, dan, if you can catch me there i can offer further insight as well if you so wish.
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: WhiteFox on May 18, 2010, 06:17:31 PM
I have to agree with about all of what Turnsky says. Planning out the figure is essential to drawing a character. It's incredibly hard to get proportions and anatomy right without it. There are, however, dozens of ways to draw a gesture, and I think every artist ends up developing their own.

I'm also in the chat on a regular basis. Drop me a line if you want to kibitz.

As for colouring, I figured out a quick and easy method:
(Note: This is a semi-rough that's been partially cleaned up. I usually take 10-15 minutes to clean up the linework, but that's not essential for this tutorial. This also doesn't cover any of the processing I do to a scanned image before cleaning it up or colouring it.)
(Diagram) (
1: Take the layer with your inks/pencils/what-have-you, and set the "Mode"  to "Multiply."
3: Put a layer for colour underneath. Take a pencil tool (NOT the brush!), outline areas of colour.
4: Fill them in. (This is why I use a pencil tool.)
5: Touch up any spots where the the colour went over the lines. (EG: nose, most of the hair, etc.)

I use Photoshop CS4, but it should work the same way for GIMP. (I checked; the layer mode in GIMP works exactly the same as it does in CS4)

All told, just doing this face took me less then three minutes. (But then, I'm using a tablet. Still, it's a pretty quick method.) Adding shadows and such is a much more lengthly process.

I scan an image at 4x the size of the final (300dpi), and shrink it down when I'm done. This makes a lot of faults and mistakes evaporate (Shrunk version of the above diagram. ( Notice how many rough spots in the large version look fine in the smaller one. The lines for the jaw, ears, and eyebrow all look much better. The spot where the frizz at the corner of the jaw overlaps the red hair looks much better in the shrunk version.
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: VAE on May 19, 2010, 08:52:24 PM
Just as an hopefully entertaining aside, a rather sketchy depiction of a scene which occured at the IC Apples to Apples game, starring Glup  , and Farin Falmuth, Liatai's rogue who unwisely decided to cheat in the presence of a camera-endowed robot, while previously calling Glup a lobster several times (about the same as calling someone an ape)
What happens when a level 6 rogue annoys a level 23 psionic creature (   :mwaha

Also, i attempted to use the stickfigure outline for his standing position , so i hope it looks a little better than my usual drawings.


Added another drawing  from the IC Apples to Apples game - Crystal being rather unimpressed by Vladim's "hands-free" cards dealing
And in the meantime. glup is taking a drink... (
I figured that since i will need to be able to draw crystal properly eventually for a (currently, far) future cameo, i might as well try ... hopefully she resembles herself

And here comes sweet revenge.... Glup has fallen asleep as apparently alcoholic beverages affect crustaceans rather strongly :D and Farin has taken it as a revenge opportunity, not to mention Chairoum....
Again this shows just how poorly i can draw hands... good old tentacled glup!
no matter how big, a sleeping enemy is a doddle... lucky that glup is pretty much immune to dagger stings (

And so, i decided to put one more... this time in a moment just after Vladim having a fit.... this will probably be funny or interesting only to Liatai and meany.... Also , crystal is the only one who looks decent on the picture despite shrinkage.... i suck at colouring....
This rain isn't chocolate... (
Tapewolf- the alpha channel idea was awesome! saved me soo much time...
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] ASWC + anything danman can think of
Post by: Chairtastic on May 19, 2010, 09:55:01 PM
Awww. :U  They're friends now.  How adorable.  Seriously though,  that's some serious coolness right there.  I particularly like the detail you give Glup from this angle.  Some karma-chameleon points for you! :V

Quote from: danman on May 19, 2010, 08:52:24 PM
...Liatai's rogue who unwisely decided to cheat in the presence of a camera-endowed robot...
Yay!  Chair gets mentions! :3
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] now, a few sketches around the IC Apples
Post by: Liatai on May 21, 2010, 05:40:58 PM
Pfft! Foot-in-mouth syndrome, indeed! :lol Farin does seem to have a habit of ticking off people who are stronger than him. Man, that was fun.

He didn't actually know it was an insult; Farin just tends to call people he's on somewhat good terms with "___-man" or "___-lady." (For example, Crystal is "cat-lady" when she's not "that **** creepy broad." xD) So when Glup got mad from being called "lobster-man," he was like "What. What'd I do. What. Huh? :aack"

They look good! I love Glup drinking from a straw in the second one. It's just a little amusing detail that completes the picture for me. :3
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] now, a few sketches around the IC Apples
Post by: Chairtastic on May 27, 2010, 09:06:39 PM
My my!  Someone's been a busy bee! :U  In the Sweet Revenge image, what is Chair doing with his hands? :erk  My memory is a bit fuzzy.  Dossie's little smirk in the eclair incident makes me giggle. :giggle  See?  Bravo, Danman.

Also, the beret in the third was an excellent touch.

Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] now, a few sketches around the IC Apples
Post by: VAE on May 30, 2010, 01:09:38 AM
Vladim 2.0  (making him look a bit more up to date) facial expressions part I (

This might help a bit if anybody else wants to do sketches for the IC Apples&Apples game... KTHX to Liatai for whacking my head over with the idea that the shoulderpads he had up to now were a relict from when i had no scanner by drawing them properly...
(yes, i have found out about a meme, and within two hours had to do at least a part of it... that's just me...)

Also, it seems that threshold-ing a drawing that is not to be coloured doesn't make it look better, just the opposite in fact
Edit: hmm, this looks way  worse today in the morning...
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] Faces, first five
Post by: GabrielsThoughts on May 30, 2010, 01:05:49 PM
I don't know, his angry face seems more gleeful than angry, his sad face seems more appropriate for a confused expression, his pleased face seems to be the only one that actually matches the expression you were attempting to generate, and the happy face makes him look like he's plotting total global domination.   :U

I would recommend watching silent movies and "Lie to me" Tv series, but I think there are books that cover illustrated facial expressions as opposed to physical ones.

the six main expressions are Happy, Sad, Anger, Disgust, Confusion, Shock/fear, and Tired/relaxed. In theory, everything else is a mixture or exaggeration of these expressions although the first five seem more important than the last.  
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] Faces, first five
Post by: VAE on May 30, 2010, 06:21:14 PM
I will be  redoing this anyway (actually have done a better first two while procrastinating from mechanics and thermofluids study)
You are right ... i am quite bad at faces so far...
Just a minor detail... plotting total global domination is pretty much his job description so that one seems appropriate :D
Shows how bad  i am... the pleased face i thought was done the worst
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: VAE on May 31, 2010, 04:23:42 PM
Because of the need to have a better image for the cast page which will eventually be linked into the mess of pages there are, i did a (hopefully) better line art of Vladim yesterday, while looking at an actual lynx picture, and decided to colour it today.
It also replaced my avatar.
Twiddling thumbs is fun, regardless of position (
Many thanks so far to Tapewolf and WhiteFox, this both took much less time to do (about 2 hours) and does not have white fringes.
I especially liked the colour to alpha method, after some tweaking (i copied the alpha onto another "canvas" and then pasted and merged it on, as many times as needed)
Since i am still a colouring  and drawing n00b, if you have advice/criticism feel free to comment
EDIT: as for that - yes i know there is an error on the fingers, and the ears lack internal colouring.. i will deal with it later tonight
Edit2: Done that while in bathroom

(To Meany and Liatai if they will read... The clothing improved a bit too, perhaps due to certain ms. Crystal Felarion... it will be such fun if he ever finds out she is police agent )
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: Chairtastic on May 31, 2010, 04:51:15 PM
I like this version of Vladim.  It makes him seem older, less "I just got out of college"-y.  While those shoulder-pads do look nice, don't they snag the cape when he turns quickly?  Shame you didn't let him keep the fangies, though.  :3  All in all, a nicely done picture; kudos.  Quick question,  does he always wear the robe, or will we occasionally see him on 'casual Fridays' around the base? :U
Title: Re: [comic & assorted drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: VAE on May 31, 2010, 04:56:36 PM
Quote from: Meany on May 31, 2010, 04:51:15 PM
I like this version of Vladim.  It makes him seem older, less "I just got out of college"-y.  While those shoulder-pads do look nice, don't they snag the cape when he turns quickly?  Shame you didn't let him keep the fangies, though.  :3  All in all, a nicely done picture; kudos.  Quick question,  does he always wear the robe, or will we occasionally see him on 'casual Fridays' around the base? :U
Firstly, he should have looked this way even before, just that my drawing was too sucky to actually pull it through.... this is sort of the way he should look... just now to actually figure out how his face should look n'all...

Second, the cape is tucked under on the back, so it should not tear.

Third... hmm, that gives me an idea... running out of robes... you see , clothing bill isn't exactly the biggest part of the budget, i think it took several hours for him to actually find the cape :D

Fourth: Fangs are generally visible only if he opens his mouth...
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: WhiteFox on June 01, 2010, 01:00:36 AM
Vladium is looking good. The colouring is a huge step up. There are a few spots where the colour went over the lines tho ( particularly around the neck, and a spot on each of the cuffs). The line quality looks better, too.

His thumbs look a bit off; the base of them look like they're missing mass somewhere.

Regarding facial expressions:

I would highly advise studying real life facial proportions and anatomy. Expressions of cartoon characters are founded on the expressions of real people (or animals). Drawing cartoon expressions before you understand real ones is like trying running before you can walk.

It's not absolutely necessary, but it's one of those cases where the effort really pays off.

As it is, I think the eyes are going to be your biggest concern. The triangular design is limited, and getting a full range of expressions with them will take some work.

Other then that...

Gabriel left out one expression I can think of. Neutral.

There are degrees of emotion;  expressions can be mild, extreme, or somewhere in between.

Not all expressions are based solely on emotions. Alertness, boredom, thoughtfulness, etc. Eyes have more to do with alertness then emotions.

Hands can be as expressive as faces. Having someone with a neutral face and expressive hand is a nifty way of showing someone trying to hide their feelings.

Finally... get used to doing this. ( It works.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: VAE on June 02, 2010, 11:30:38 AM
Just for completion, i coloured a drawing of Sergej i made earlier... at least one can see my uber-lame attempt at putting some shadows on the white labcoat.
Sergej Sergejevich Zemlyikop, one of long line of Sergejs, is a superscientist (in the Warren Mears, Jyrras Gianna, or MacGyver sense) and Vladim's right hand.
Now to test the sam... i wonder where the test subject went (
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: GabrielsThoughts on June 02, 2010, 06:16:31 PM
I wish I could help you out with shadows. Next semester I'm taking a class in film noir. In theory, when painting in watercolor you do the base and highlights first then add shadows for the base, mask with filters of color and then re-define the original image you want in the foreground  to make it pop or give it greater contrast.   

:U outdoor light sources work best at 4, 6, 10, and 2 o'clock so the shadows would most likely fall on the opposite direction of those points. Granted this has nothing to do with multiple light-sources or dramatic lighting.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: WhiteFox on June 02, 2010, 06:29:37 PM
Shadows... fun.

One thing to remember is that shadows are the absence of light. I find it's easier to think about where light shouldn't be, rather then where shadows should be.

PSG7 has some great tutorials on lighting and such.

...Actually, that tutorial is great for all kinds of things.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: VAE on June 21, 2010, 07:14:50 PM
Just so that it does not look like i do nothing

You really don't want to come into Vladim's way when he looks like this (

This was done as an demonstrational aide for abilities for Myr's new RP
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another colouring attempt
Post by: VAE on August 29, 2010, 01:28:20 AM
After a long time , another stash of danman stuff...
Vladim 3.0  ( crappy white fringes - my scanner did something strange yesterday
Sszeyl of Orgolloys, the drow monk - meany's Akellon character (
Trofim Kabakian and Beridze, a human negative cleric, my Akellon char (
Liamedic... a joke sketch that arose from Liatalk discussion  (
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another round, for better or worse
Post by: Chairtastic on September 11, 2010, 07:10:34 PM
Howdy, y'all!  This is Danman's co-author posting for him while his other friends mistake him for a pinata.  :U  Here's his latest comic for the Asocial Skills universe. (

Due to much crybaby-ness from Danman, the above image has been replaced with a link.  Enjoy.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another round, for better or worse
Post by: VAE on September 12, 2010, 03:19:18 PM
And since Meany botched the linking, i will correct the mistake now... not how it was all intended to pass, but who cares

0x35 - Technically it's lifetime employment  (

Any advice is welcome.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another round, for better or worse
Post by: WhiteFox on September 14, 2010, 08:26:23 PM
The figures have very square shoulders and short necks, which makes their poses look very rigid. In realistic human proportions, the neck is as high as the hand is wide, or about 1/3rd the height of the head. The line of the trapezius muscles can be roughed in by drawing a line from the end of the collarbone to the bottom of the chin (mind you, this is an approximation).
(pic of the trapz,  ( you Wikipedia.)

The backs of the hands look somewhat short. The palm is as long as it is wide, and the knuckles or wrist will add a bit of length when they bend.

I like the variety in your character designs, they have personality and variety. Stuff like Sergej's hair and glasses, the bull's tattoo, that sorta thing. They're fairly conventional features, but just means that they look distinct from each other without being outlandish or fanciful.

Your drawings are starting to show some depth and volume (Sergej in the first panel, the crowd of box-bots in the last panel). It's rough... very rough... but it's a start. Keep pushing for better.

The "prev" link on the main page goes to 0x33 instead of 0x34.

The speech balloons hug the text closely, and the linespacing is tight, but it's not difficult to read. It might look better, visually, with more room. That would mean cutting back on the word count per panel, tho.

The writing seems good to me, it reads well. I'd have to see more of the story to comment further.
Title: Re: [Comics, Drawing] Another round, for better or worse
Post by: VAE on September 14, 2010, 08:44:17 PM
*notes down*

Link fixed

As for the bubbles , i am pondering just to use line segments similar like CVRPG uses , since as they are now, they look even uglier than the rest of it...