The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:03:46 PM

Title: The Line in the Stars (Information & Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:03:46 PM
I will start a technology thread where essential technologies, designs and concepts will be posted.  Since I am at work at the moment, I don't have my mecha or ship notes.  I do however, remember my big heavy capital weapon... so I will start this off with an entry on a massive cannon.  The sections will be divided into separate posts titled for each category, which I will edit and append as data is added.

Special technical thanks to Luciano M. Trentadue.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:05:56 PM
Mecha Weapons

1. Plasma

Plasma Pulse Cannon: Fires pulses of plasma contained in electromagnetic "packets" at extremely high velocity, but with a relatively low yield.  This weapon has a standard and heavy version.  A medium range weapon.

Plasma Laser Cannon: The weapon operates by firing a plasma stream down a laser beam.  The ion laser re-energizes the plasma, helping to reduce degeneration, greatly increasing its range.  This weapon is only found as a heavy weapon due to the size and energy requirements.  A Long range weapon.

Plasma Mortar: Similar to the plasma pulse weapons, but with a tremendous power yield and it is not accelerated velocity.  This is employed only as a heavy weapon.  A Long range weapon.

2. Laser

Pulse Laser: A classic weapon that fires short bursts, utilizing a pulse emitter design as opposed to a Q-spoiling device due to cost effectiveness.  The weapon is found in light, standard and heavy varieties.  Light pulse lasers are short range, standard pulse lasers are medium range and heavy pulse lasers are long range.

Standard Laser: An obsolete beam weapon that has been replaced by more efficient pulse laser varieties.  Some units may still be found with these weapons and certain LAM units have retained the Heavy Laser Gun Pods due to the weapon's range.  An Extreme range weapon.

3. Particle

Particle Beam Cannon: Operates by accelerating heavy particles (cesium nuclei) to high velocities and projecting them at a target.  This weapon comes in one standard version and is considered a heavy weapon.  A Long range weapon.

Particle Cannon: Similar in design to the particle beam cannon.  The primary difference is that the heavy nuclei are contained in an electromagnetic field and projected as a bolt.  This is a medium – long range weapon.

4. Linear Accelerators

Rail Cannon: A heavy, tank gun equivalent rail gun able to fire a variety of different munitions.  It has a relatively low rate of fire, but is very powerful.  An Extreme range weapon.

Gauss Rifle: A lighter more compact and efficient version of the rail cannons, improves the rate of fire, weight and energy efficiency at a loss of damage yield and a bit of range.  The versatility of the design has enabled manufacturers to produce light, medium and heavy versions of the weapon.  Light and medium gauss rifles are medium range weapons (the only difference is weight and damage) and heavy gauss rifles are long range weapons.

5. Autocannons

Hyper-velocity Autocannons: Extremely high velocity projectile cannons, employing a variety of munitions.  All rounds fired from this class of projectile weapons utilize a fin-stabilized design and are caseless.  The weapon is designed in light (20mm) and standard (40mm) calibers.  Light HV auto cannons are medium range and standard variety are long range.

Gatling Cannons:  A classic design utilizing multiple rotating barrels.  Like the HV autocannon, it fires caseless rounds.  It has an extremely high rate of fire in comparison to the HV autocannon, which are very fast in and of themselves.  Currently only found in a light 20mm version, it is the light anti-infantry weapon most commonly employed by mecha units.  The Light cannon has a medium range.   

Howitzers: Conventional artillery weapons are still utilized in a number of platforms.  They employ high yield conventional explosive, plasma incendiary and in some cases fission and fusion warheads.  The military employs 150mm, 300mm and a massive 450mm unit.  Most artillery pieces are employed in tank chassis platforms, though the light gun can sometimes be found in adventurous mecha designs.  Artillery is intended for indirect fire at extreme distances and as such, the ranges on the various artillery units are several kilometers.  In direct fire they are rather unwieldy, but deadly to the unwary.

6. Missiles and Bombs

Missile Launchers:  Most ground mecha and tanks employ armored, self-contained launcher systems for their missiles.       

Missile Pods:  LAMs utilize pod style launchers similar to the ancient unguided rocket units employed on early attack helicopters.  Usually these systems employ only light, short-range missiles.

Anti-fighter missiles: standard dog-fighting missiles for fighters to utilize against other fighters, their tracking systems and design do not normally allow them to be used against ground targets.

Anti-warship missiles: Heavy missiles employed by bomber style starfighters to be used against capital ships.  These are large weapons and most fighters can only carry them on fuselage hardpoints.

Artillery missiles: In conventional warfare, the missile was the next step in artillery warfare.  They are heavy, powerful and very long range.  Unlike artillery cannons, these missiles cannot be used as direct fire ordinance without overriding targeting subroutines.  Like artillery cannons, these missiles may be equipped with Fission or Fusion warheads. 

Bombs: unlike the deadfall bombs of the early days of airborne warfare, the modern bomb is virtually a small robot.  It is able to lock onto targets and guide itself in.  Like its ancient forefathers however, it is not self-propelled, still relying on gravity to deliver its payload.

Capital Ship Weaponry

Heavy Particle Cannon

The most powerful weapons utilized by the Interstellar Federation are the StarGuard Arsenals AEGIS Heavy Particle cannons.

This weapon's original incarnations, the Mk II and Mk III, were conceived for the Global Orbital Defense Satellites.  These are a powerful network of heavy satellites, placed around Riallphen, and conceived early after the end of the First Galactic Civil War.

The AEGIS cannon is a complex weapon, a large linear particle accelerator fed by a battery of Synchrotrons (accumulation rings).  The heavy particles (cesium nuclei) are accumulated and accelerated in the primary accumulation rings, until the buildup of a discharge is completed. Then the particles of all the accumulation rings are released in a collector and driven in the barrel of the weapon, which is a linear accelerator able to increase the speed/energy of the particles to relativistic levels and project them against the target: the concept is very classic, but the technologies employed are very advanced, mainly in the area of magnetic field generators and in the control of the particle stream.

The early models of AEGIS cannons had three large accumulation rings, but the progress in the synchronization of the primary feeders, the devices that drive the particle streams from the accumulation rings to the collector, enabled them to build weapons with an elongated design.  This allowed the weapon to be installed in the hull of a ship, giving a level of firepower never experienced before with an extremely long range. The drawbacks are the low rate of fire and the dimensions, which requires a spinal installation.

The accumulative working principle allows a peak power which can be enormously higher than the average power used to feed the weapon.  It is this capability to operate a "buildup" of discharge, in addition to the long barrel of the second stage accelerator, which gives the AEGIS cannons their impressive destructive power.

The Aegis Mk V has a maximum power input of 2400 Terawatts, about twice a OMEGA cannon, but at maximum discharge, with a buildup time of 30" and a discharge time of 1", has an instantaneous power output of 75000 Terawatts: this means that, even with a low rate of fire.  The enormous Mk X (45 Megatons/discharge) and Mk XIII (65 Megatons/discharge) are weapons with a power level close to that of the heavy weapons of the aliens, except they can fire continuously.  This "overkill" capability has a simple consequence: there is no defense. No known ship of the Houses can survive this power.

TECHNICAL DATA: StarGuard Arsenals AEGIS Mk V Heavy Particle cannon

Designer/builder: StarGuard Arsenals.
Mode: discharges of 0.6"-1.2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 3820 Terawatts (3820e12 Watt) for the single barrel-
Range (effective): 75,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 5 discharge/minute.
Nominal bore: 6 m (barrel bore, 9 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 65,000 Terajoules (65000e12 joule, 15.5 Megatons)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: n/d

TECHNICAL DATA: StarGuard Arsenals AEGIS Mk VI-A Heavy Particle cannon

Designer/builder: StarGuard Arsenals.
Mode: discharges of 0.6"-1.2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 1980 Terawatts (1980 e12 Watt) for the single barrel-
Range(effective): 75,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 4 discharge/minute, standard 2 discharge/minute
Nominal bore: 6 m (barrel bore, 9 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 51,510 Terajoules (51510e12 joule, 12.3 Megatons)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: n/d

TECHNICAL DATA: StarGuard Arsenals AEGIS Mk XIII Heavy Particle cannon

Designer/builder: StarGuard Arsenals.
Mode: discharges of 1.8"-2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 12500 Terawatts (12500e12 Watt) for the single barrel-
Range(effective): 75,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 5 discharge/minute, standard 1.5 discharge/minute
Nominal bore: 12 m (barrel bore, 20 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 272,000 Terajoules (272000e12 joules, 64.8 Megatons)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: n/d

Spinal Lasers and Q-Spoiling Lasers

The Spinal laser technology was originally developed by the Lycan Commonwealth and employed extensively as their heavy weapon of choice.  It remains as one of the most powerful known raking/piercing weapons, with the advantage of being uninterceptable, but it is very difficult to integrate in most ships, due to the power drainage and cooling requirements.  The development of particle beams and particle cannons absorbed the bulk of weapon system R&D for the House militaries, so the spinal laser adoption by other militaries fell out of favor.  Recent ISF research has brought an old but effective principle to the concept of the Spinal laser: a Q-spoiling device.  This device converts the spinal laser into a pulse weapon, eliminating the raking capability.  However, the single pulse of the Q-spoiling spinal laser allowed it to pack the same energy of a 6" full power discharge in a single 0.02" burst, with a magnificent piercing power retained at the maximum range.  The weapon itself drained a lot less power in a controllable way (the power input effects only the rate of fire, not the power of a single shot), and developed less than a quarter of the waste heat of the original type, allowing a light and sleek overall installation.  Unable to compete with the heavy particle cannon in terms of raw power, it is instead a good choice to give a long range punch to new medium and light units.  The unit can be retrofitted on older ships, at a fair cost, without overwhelming their power distribution plant.

The limit of the instantaneous power of a classic optical laser is set by the reflectivity of the two mirrors (aft and forward) of the laser emitter:  Part of the energy (light) treated by the laser is not reflected by the mirrors, but is instead absorbed by them; the more powerful the laser, the higher the absolute energy adsorbed by the mirrors.  Above a given power level, the mirrors overheat and melt, or sublimate.  The original Lycan spinal lasers, and the classic lasers used by the other House militaries use mirrors made of a tungsten alloy, with a complex cooling system.  The actual ISF Q-spoiling laser utilizes mirrors made of an inorganic liquid crystal polymer that has twelve times the reflectivity of the old mirrors and twice the thermal capacity:  This means that an actual production Q-spoiling laser can manage 20-25 times the instantaneous power of the old lasers.   This new technology, in conjunction with the Q-spoiling pulse compression principle, allowed the ISF to build a family of weapons with an inusitate piercing power, unmatched by any other known type of weapon of the individual Houses.  Obviously, this doesn't mean that the Q-spoiling lasers are the definitive weapon: the high piercing power is not necessarily united with the raw destructive capability of a plasma weapon or some types of raking weapons, like heavy particle beam.

In any case, a discharge of Q-laser is almost always able to pierce the armor of a target, and able to inflict heavy damage to any device or system directly on the trajectory of the laser within the hull.  It must be added that the actual models of Q-lasers, either the spinal or the turret models, have a fairly high rate of fire, and so, with a sustained ripple, are able to inflict a devastating cumulative damage.  The weapon system has proven itself extremely effective in combat.

TECHNICAL DATA: QSL - 2T "Long Lance" Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Heavy Laser.

Designer/builder: Selenia Systems
Mode: Pulses of 0.02" of duration
Power/Feeding requirements: 100 Terawatts (100 e12 Watt)
Range(effective): 70,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum 110 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 0.533 m
Energy for each shot/discharge: 64 TeraJoules (64 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 210 m

TECHNICAL DATA: QSL - 3S Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Spinal Heavy Laser.

Designer/builder: Selenia Systems
Mode: Pulses of 0.02" of duration
Power/Feeding requirements: 65 Terawatts (65 e12 Watt)
Range(effective): 50,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum 120 pulse/minute maximum, standard 40 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 0.356 m
Energy for each shot/discharge: 31 TeraJoules (31 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 180 m

TECHNICAL DATA: GAD-16U Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Heavy Laser.

Designer/builder: General Alliance Arms
Mode: Pulses of 0.02" of duration
Power/Feeding requirements: 65 Terawatts
Range(effective): 40,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum 800 pulse/minute, standard 760 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 0.2 m
Energy for each shot/discharge: 4.7 Terajoules
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 112 m

The GAD-16U is a weapon that is unconventional in respect to a class of weapons that is in and of itself unconventional.  This compact system was designed to take into account the particular needs of certain capital vessels in the ISF fleet.  The concept of the GAD 16 U is based upon the saturation of a target with highly piercing laser shots, an engagement not based upon the power of a single discharge, but upon the cumulative effect of many weapons firing on the same area.

TECHNICAL DATA: PSL-1000 Heavy Phased Spinal Laser.

TECHNICAL DATA: Original Lycan LA – 4A Heavy Spinal Laser.

Designer/builder: Lycan Imperious Fleet Systems
Mode: Discharges of 0.6"-1.2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 120 Terawatts (120 e12 Watt)
Range(effective): 50,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum 4 discharges/minute, standard 1 discharge/minute
Nominal bore: 10 m (barrel bore, 15 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 50 TeraJoules (50 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 100 m

Plasma Weapons

The Plasma cannons and the Plasma pulse cannons have been the mainstay of the fleet arsenals from the dawn of space faring expansion beyond the solar system.  One of the first advanced technologies developed from the alien artifacts was pulse compression technology.  Plasma weapons are a simple and effective concept: high temperature plasma (helium collected from the fusion reactor of a starship) is accumulated in a containment chamber, where it is ionized and superheated.  In a pulse weapon, once the necessary Plasma charge is accumulated, the "bolt" itself is compressed, to allow the maintenance of concentration for a given time, released in the barrel of the weapon and accelerated by electromagnetic fields.  The energy accumulated in a bolt is impressive and until the bolt begins to decay and dissipate, it is able to inflict devastating damages with a high penetration power.  In a classic plasma beam weapon, the process is the same with the exception of compression.  The plasma is instead ejected from the weapon in a stream, held together by the electromagnetic field.  In some cases, a highly ionized laser is used in place of a magnetic stream.

The main disadvantage of plasma weapons are the short range and the energy drainage from the main reactors.  The great advantages are the armor piercing power of a plasma beam and the ability to release a large energy pulse on impact, which is able to damage the outer and inner structures of a target due to the thermal-ablative effect and to the concussive/explosive effect of a plasma bolt.   This last effect is very important even in regards of the penetration mechanism: when the plasma bolt impacts armor, it vaporizes the material of the plate.   This in turn, generates the equivalent of a powerful explosive blast and sends a shockwave through the armor.  This "explosive" effect can be powerful enough to collapse mechanically, breach through armor and hull structure of a ship.  The ISF armors are less sensitive to this effect due to the high mechanical (and thermal) resistance of the composite materials employed and due to the effective compartmentalization of the hulls.   However, the crystalline armors of the enemy, while proportionally equal or even more effective against other beam weapons, are more brittle and much more subject to the "concussive breaching" of the bolt weapons.

The Pulse technology is essentially a series of systems that enhance the plasma bolt compression and shaping, giving a better piercing power and increasing slightly the range.  The fast feeding system allows it to increase up an order of magnitude to the rate of fire of a plasma based weapon.

TECHNICAL DATA: LPA-1000 "NOVA" Heavy Plasma array

Designer/builder: Sirius Fleet Systems
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 95 Terawatts
Range(effective): 360 km
Rate of fire: Plasma 30 pulses/barrel/minute
Nominal bore: 5 m (Barrel bore, 17 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 94 Terajoules/bolt
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 40 m

A classic design normally fielded in heavily armored turrets in a dual barrel arrangement.  The cannon is purposefully large and intimidating looking.  A broadside by multiple turrets at one time can have a devastating effect at close range.

TECHNICAL DATA: M152 Plasma Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Vulpine Heavy Industries
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 66 Terawatts
Range(effective): 380 km
Rate of fire: Plasma 90 pulses/barrel/minute
Nominal bore: 2.5 m (Barrel bore, 4 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 22 Terajoules/bolt
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 19 m

The M152 was a relatively light weapon developed in the wake of the second war as a new weapon for the Confederation's Altara class Heavy Cruiser.  The lack of interest of the Confederation's Navy to further develop this outdated class of warships hampered the success of an otherwise excellent weapon, affordable, accurate and sufficiently powerful.  The design was analyzed and implemented by the ISF after the Confederation's integration as a member state.

TECHNICAL DATA: HPPA-1505 Heavy Plasma Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Sirius Fleet Systems
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 175 Terawatts
Range(effective): 400 km
Rate of fire: Plasma 50 pulses/minute/barrel
Nominal bore: 4.5 meters (Barrel bore, 20 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 115 Terajoules/bolt
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 55 m

The HPPA-1505 was the first heavy plasma weapon using true pulse compression technology.  It is an overall effective design and a conceptual replacement for the LPA-1000 and it shares its turreted and intimidating design mentality.

TECHNICAL DATA: HLPA-2011 Heavy Phased Plasma Array

Designer/builder: Sirius Fleet Systems
Mode: Phased Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 470 Terawatts for the twin mount.
Range(effective): 540 km
Rate of fire: Standard, 60 pulses/barrel/minute
Nominal bore: 6.5 meters (barrel bore, 23 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 235 Terajoules (plasma pulse)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 88 m (plasma pulse)

The HLPA-2011 is the last evolution of the Sirius "Millennium" series heavy plasma weapons.  Large, heavy, complex and extremely powerful, it exploits the "Phased Plasma" technology, which ensures a superior density of the plasma bolt, with enhanced penetration and superior concussive effects.

The HLPA-2011 is one of the most destructive weapons actually used on the ISF warships.  The HLPA-2011 shows to be extremely accurate and powerful; it has the potential to become one of the most trusted systems for many years to come.

TECHNICAL DATA: HPM-1 Heavy Plasma Mortar

Designer/builder: Vulpine Heavy Industries
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 242 Terawatts
Range(effective): 180 km
Rate of fire: 50 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 9*18 m (barrel bore, 12*28 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 290 Terajoules (290 e12 Joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 31 m

The heavy plasma mortar is the ancestor of the plasma pulse mortars of the current generation.  Designed as a heavy antiship weapon, it entered in service with the Altara class Heavy Cruisers.  It is still today used on many classes of warships from destroyer to higher categories.

It is relatively lightweight and simple, but a large and bulky weapon.  It is short ranged and power thirsty, but it is high in damage power and accuracy.  The rate of fire is acceptable, the piercing power is good, while the concussive and explosive effects on the target are impressive.  It is due to its short range effectiveness that it is still today used on a large part of the ships of the fleet.  Due to the dimensions, the Mortar was never fitted in a turret mount, it is instead installed in a fixed twin mount normally on the bow of the ships it is employed on.  A variation, the EM2, is employed in swivel mounts on stations and shipyards.

TECHNICAL DATA: HP-01A Heavy Pulse Mortar

Designer/builder: Vulpine Heavy Industries
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 120 Terawatts
Range(effective): 400 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 50 pulse/minute, standard
Nominal bore: 4*12 m (barrel bore, 12*28 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 130 Terajoules ( 130 e12 Joule)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 44 m


Designer/builder: Vulpine Heavy Industries
Mode: Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 61 Terawatts
Range(effective): 380 km
Rate of fire: Maximum 80 pulse/minute, standard 40 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 2.5*7 m (barrel bore, 8*18 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 41 Terajoules ( 41 e12 Joule)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 42 m

The actual Plasma Pulse Mortars are the last development of the pure plasma weapons.  Employing the pulse technology and a new "flat" barrel design that improves the penetration power, they are among the most effective weapons actually used on standard ISF units.  The most distinctive characteristics of this type of design are the extremely high power in respect to the light weight and simple construction.  This allows for high production rates, low cost and an exceptional cost/effectiveness.  Since their inception in, the plasma mortars have proven themselves an excellent, affordable weapon.

TECHNICAL DATA: M111 Heavy Phased Plasma Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Sirius Fleet Systems
Mode: Phased Pulse (Plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 215 Terawatts for the twin mount.
Range(effective): 600 km
Rate of fire: Standard, Plasma 80 pulse/minute/barrel
Nominal bore: 3 m (Barrel bore 11 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 85 Terajoules/bolt (85 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 65 m

The M111 was created as the standard weapon of the Confederation Dreadnaughts.  Heir of the development work made on the HPPA 1505, this design fully exploits the pulse compression and phased state technologies.   Designed with a high level of plasma pulse compression and transitioned to a Phased state, the weapon has an unparalleled high bolt power and rate of fire.  This allows for a superior penetration in a compact and lightweight weapon design.  Until the inception of the ion weapons, the M111 had very few opponents in terms of short and medium range effectiveness.

TECHNICAL DATA: RX 1028 Light Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Rayland-Xeres
Mode: Pulse (plasma)
Power/Feeding requirements: 25 Terawatts
Range(effective): 100 km
Rate of fire: 1000 pulse/minute of continuous fire
Nominal bore: 0.3 m (barrel bore, 0.8 m)
Energy for each shot: 1.5 Terajoules ( 1.5 e12 Joule)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 6 m

The RX 1028 is a close-in defense system, an excellent antifigter/anti missile weapon.  It renounces the polyvalence of the particle pulse cannon and the power of a single shot in exchange for an awesome rate of fire due to the Gatling design.   The RX 1028 has a six barrel bundle operating in a way similar to 20mm phalanx cannon.  The rate of fire ensured by the Gatling pulse technology allows some extreme performance, like an antifighter "firewall" barrage mode, with area saturation patterns.

TECHNICAL DATA: Heavy Plasma Beam Cannon

Designer/builder: Rayland-Xeres
Mode: Plasma continuous beam
Power/Feeding requirements: 1050 Terawatts
Range(effective): 26,000 km
Rate of fire: continuous beam
Nominal bore: 4 m (Barrel bore, 12 m)
Power output : 1050 Terawatts
Energy for each shot/discharge: continuous beam - 1050 Terawatts, bursts - 1910 Terawatts (1" burst)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 48 m

The Heavy plasma beam cannon is one of the older plasma weapons in the ISF arsenals, able to fire continuously or in bursts.  It is not commonly used, as the cannons require separate reactors to handle the power drain and plasma material requirements.  The beam cannon is occasionally found in older reserve units or the individual house navies.

Fusion Weapons

One of the newest developments in weapon systems are Fusion technologies.  Most of the applications for this technology has been in pulse-style weaponry drawing on the recent advancements in the Gravitic enhancement of the fusion process.  The buildup of the energy of a plasma bolt is contained inside the barrel of a weapon, this is done by the matching of a Gravitic fusion reactor and a plasma pulse accelerator.  The main advantages are the enormous power of a bolt, the high speed and enhanced range of the bolt, and the relatively low energy consumption.  The disadvantage of such weapons are the weight, the bulk dimensions, and the cost; the Gravitic Fusion Pulse Cannons have shown themselves to be devastating at short and medium ranges, with terminal effects of a magnitude order higher than the those of the classic Pulse cannons, with an impressive rate of fire. 

TECHNICAL DATA: M380 Heavy Gravitic Fusion Pulse cannon

Designer/builder: Melara
Mode: Pulse
Power/Feeding requirements: 296 Terawatts - the power output is 1150 Terawatts.
Range(effective): 1280 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 120 pulses/minute, standard
Nominal bore: 4*12 m (barrel bore, 12*28 m)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 860 Terajoules
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 92 m

TECHNICAL DATA: Fusion Beam Cannon

Ion Weapons

TECHNICAL DATA: WM 203 Ion pulse cannon

TECHNICAL DATA: MI190 Heavy Ion Cannon

TECHNICAL DATA: WRI 2028 Ion Pulse Repeater

Quantum Discharge Cannon

TECHNICAL DATA: Quantum Singularity Discharge Cannon

Antimatter Weapons

TECHNICAL DATA: Antimatter beam projector cannon

Matter Weapons

TECHNICAL DATA: Thor Heavy Mass Driver Cannon

TECHNICAL DATA: Thunder 600mm Artillery Cannon

TECHNICAL DATA: Heavy railgun

Older Weapons


TECHNICAL DATA: BETA Particle Accelerator

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:06:52 PM
Capital Ships

Inari Class Cruiser

Class: Inari
Type: Light Cruiser
Length: 1,332.6 meters
Mass: 18.5 million metric tons
Acceleration: 6.21 G
Crew: 126
Troops: 240 
Fighters: 16
Mecha: 12
LAMs: 6
Other: 6 space assault craft, or 5 atmospheric assault drop ships.

4 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
4 Gravitic Enhanced Plasma engines.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

1 QSL - 3S Q-spoiling Spinal Laser
4 HP-01A Heavy Plasma Mortar turrets.
4 Twin Heavy railgun turrets.
8 Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
16 Anti-warship missiles. (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system)

6.5 to 13.5 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

One of the newer light cruisers replacing the venerable ships employed by many of the house militaries.  The standard light cruiser of the ISF Navy, its role is multi-dimensional.  Strong and well armed enough to battle a previous generation cruiser or even heavy cruiser, it is one of the fastest capital ships used.  Used for long-range patrol, forward scouting and deep strike missions, this cruiser is destined to be the workhorse of the ISF for many years to come.

Note: the Revelation is of this class of ship.

Valence Class Heavy Destroyer

Class: Valence
Type: Destroyer
Length: 1,250 meters
Mass: 10.8 million metric tons
Acceleration: 8.05 G
Crew: 52
Troops: 42
Fighters: 8
Mecha: none
LAMs: 4
Other: 2 space assault craft, or 2 atmospheric assault drop ships.

3 Fusion Reactors.
3 Fast Feeding Plasma engines.
1 Gravitic enhanced Fusion Reactor.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

1 QSL - 4S Q-spoiling Spinal Laser
4 HP-08 Heavy Plasma Pulse Mortars.
2 Twin Heavy railgun turrets.
20 Light Particle Pulse Turrets.
12 Anti-warship missiles. (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system)

4.5 to 11 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

The first of the new line of capital ships to employ Gravitic enhanced systems, in this case an enhanced Fusion Reactor.  Because of the gravitic modules, this ship has artificial gravity, gravity based "shield" and highly efficient power distribution for the weapons grid.  The short range anti-fighter defense, 20 light particle-pulse turrets, is a defensive barrier unmatched by any ship of class lesser than a heavy cruiser and as such is the primary escort for auxiliary craft and carriers. 

The ship embarks 42 marines typically used in boarding actions against other ships, as this ship is also seen in heavy use by the Navy's anti-piracy taskforce.   

Note: the Lightning is of this class of ship.

Fox Class Destroyer

Class: Fox
Type: Destroyer
Length: 1,188 meters
Mass: 8.9 million metric tons
Acceleration: 8.45 G
Crew: 40
Troops: 20 
Fighters: none
Mecha: none
LAMs: 2
Other: 2 space assault craft

2 Fusion Reactors.
2 Fast Feeding Plasma engines.
1 Gravitic enhanced Fusion Reactor.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

4 OMEGA Heavy Ion Lasers.
4 Heavy Plasma Cannons.
4 Twin Railgun turrets.
12 Light Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
12 Anti-warship missiles. (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system)

4 to 10 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

An older, retrofitted design with upgraded reactors and fast feeding plasma engines.  The smaller more compact designs allowed room to add a third gravitic enhanced reactor for weapons power, artificial gravity and weak gravity "shields".  The ships have not received a weapons upgrade from their original complement, probably will not receive one and will be phased out in favor of more new and advanced craft.

Note: the Thunder and Victoria are of this class of ship.

Chandler Class Frigate

Class: Chandler
Type: Frigate
Length: 988 meters
Mass: 6.9 million metric tons
Acceleration: 8.88 G
Crew: 28
Troops: 24 
Fighters: 4
Mecha: none
LAMs: 2
Other: 1 Assault Shuttle

2 Gravitic enhanced Fusion Reactors.
2 Fast Feeding Plasma engines.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

12 Heavy Plasma Pulse Cannons (8 firing forward, 4 firing rear).
4 Quad Railgun Turrets
12 Light Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
80 Anti-warship missiles. (Eight launching tubes with automatic reload system)

6 to 11 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

This design is the current model of attack destroyer, relying on Plasma weaponry for heavy medium range firepower and railguns for long range punch.  Its primary striking power lies in its large missile complement, making the Frigate charge a still viable and deadly maneuver.

The frigate also carries four fighters in a very tight bay near the rear of the ship along the mid-line.  The launch bay descends from the front of the hanger down and opens facing front on the underside of the ship.  The single assault shuttle lands on top of the mid-line and docks to a port which is just barely a half length longer then the actual shuttle.  This shuttle bay is atmospheric, but the crew and passengers must descend via ramps into the fighter bay in order to access the main ship.

Note: the Zuiho, Baker, Eckon Gala and of course the Chandler are of this class of ship.

Shrike Class Escort Carrier

Class: Shrike
Type: Light Carrier
Length: 1,000 meters
Mass: 22.5 million metric tons
Acceleration: 4.06 G
Crew: 130
Troops: 40 
Fighters: 40
Mecha: 12
LAMs: 20
Other: 8 space assault craft, 2 atmospheric assault drop ships.

2 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
2 Gravitic Enhanced Plasma engines.
1 Fusion Reactor.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

2 OMEGA Heavy Ion Lasers.
4 Heavy Plasma Pulse Cannons.
4 Twin railgun turrets.
12 Light Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
16 Anti-warship missiles. (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system)

4 to 10 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors
LSAT Command and Control System

One of the older carrier designs, this class of ship is normally used as a simple fighter taxi.  Both the drive systems and the two reactors powering them have been upgraded.  The third reactor, which serves mainly to power the weapons grid was not, due to the desire to keep carriers out of the frontline engagements.  As such, the weapons systems, though maintained, have not been upgraded and still consist of the aging heavy lasers, plasma pulse cannons and an older railgun design.

Note: the Amagi, Gloria, Fencer and Kite are of this class of ship.

Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser

Class: Tribunal
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 2,000 meters
Mass: 186 million metric tons
Acceleration: 3.22 G
Crew: 342
Troops: 2,000
Fighters: 40
Mecha: 4 regiments
LAMs: 120
Other: 80 space assault craft and 100 atmospheric assault drop ships.

6 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
6 Gravitic Enhanced Plasma engines.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

4 Thor Heavy Mass Driver Cannons.
12 Thunder 600mm Artillery Twin Cannons.
6 Twin Heavy Railgun Turrets.
8 BETA Particle Accelerators (4 forward and 4 aft).
24 Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
200 Heavy Missiles (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system).

20 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors
GOD SAT Tactical Command System (adapted for ground operations)
10 Gravitic field directional projectors

At two kilometers long, this is the largest troop cruiser in service.  Designed to ferry troops to battle locations, deploy them from orbit and support the landings with orbital bombardment.  These ships employ category 2 Mass Driver Cannons, wielding tremendous power (up to 50 megaton yield), but lacking the ability to fire the mass of projectile to collapse a worldwide ecosystem.  Such weapons are classed as category 1 Mass Drivers and are deemed illegal by ISF treaty.  Their main orbital bombardment weapons are actually the 600mm cannons which fire specialized aerodynamic munitions.  A variety of specialized shells are available from simple explosive to cluster bombs, as well as fission and fusion ordnance.  These guns are built into double barrelled turrets mounted on pylons off the centerline of the cruiser, six per side arranged three top and three bottom.  The ship holds position above a landing operation and shells enemy positions from orbit.  Using maneuvering engines, the seige operation switches between sides in a standard shift rotation to reduce stress on the guns.  The ship also mounts six twin heavy rail cannons (three per side built on pylons off an "island" at the center side, two top and one bottom from this structure) that fire straight high density, aerodynamic kinetic rounds, yielding a 20 kiloton blast, at high velocities.  These secondary siege weapons cause destructive damage like moderate meteorite impacts.

This cruiser carries 1 combined arms regiment of conventional troops and 4 full mech regiments for field operations.  This includes all necessary equipment and support personnel, as well as a fleet of drop ships to deploy the forces to their theater of operation.  The ship itself is fully capable of supporting long term operations with both supplies and facilities for repair, maintenance and fabrication of parts and munitions for up to one full year of field operations.

Generally not a line combat ship, she is outfitted with eight older particle accelerator cannons to help defend her in the advent that she is attacked by combat ships.  The BETA units are beam weapons more powerful then the OMEGA Ion lasers, but less then that of the spinal lasers.

Note: The Phalanx is of this class of ship.

Nova Class Battle Cruiser

Class: Nova
Type: Frontal Assault Vector*
Length: 2,450 meters
Mass: 180 million metric tons
Acceleration: 3.21 G
Crew: 542
Troops: none
Fighters: 48
Mecha: none
LAMs: 12
Other: 8 shuttles

4 Fusion Reactors.
8 Fission Heat pile Reactors
1 Thermal Capacitor Bank
4 Fast Feeding Plasma engines.
2 Lornall Jump engines.

1 Prototype SB-X Sunbeam Heat Laser
8 LA – 4A Heavy Spinal Lasers (blister mounts)
16 Plasma Pulse cannon turrets
32 Light Pulse Cannons

48 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

A relatively new design by the Lycan Commonwealth, this new battle cruiser is classed by the ISF under a new category of "Frontal Assault Vector", relating to its full front heavy weapons arrangement.  Pressed into service quickly by the Lycan military, it is one of the few classes of ships the Lycans have contributed to the operation.  As Lycan engineering has not made effective progress in the area of Gravity based reactors or technology, this ship does not benefit from artificial gravity, gravitic dissipation fields or enhanced maneuverability.  However, amidships, there is a small rotating ring section which creates simulated gravity on the bridge section and living quarters.  The ship is slow, cumbersome, but extremely heavily armoured.  The 8 fission reactors supply weapons power and serve a secondary purpose to produce waste heat for the prototype Sunbeam weapon.  In fact, every system in the ship is contained in thermal sheaths to channel the waste heat to the Thermal capacitors.  When charged and fired, the brilliant yellow beam can burn through armor quickly, especially the polycrystalline material of the enemy.

Note: the Tarnyar is of this class of ship.

Federation Class Command Carrier

Class: Federation
Type: Carrier
Length: 2,506 meters
Mass: 220.4 million metric tons
Acceleration: 2.21 G
Crew: 826
Troops: 850
Fighters: 240
Mecha: 2 regiments
LAMs: 120
Other: 60 space assault craft and 50 atmospheric assault drop ships.

6 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
6 Gravitic Enhanced Plasma engines.
1 Waverider Gravitic Drive.
3 Vortex Jump engines.

2 AEGIS Mk VI-A Heavy Particle cannons
4 HPM-1 Heavy Plasma Mortar
16 Twin Heavy railgun turrets.
32 Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
160 Anti-warship missiles. (Six launching tubes with automatic reload system)

16 to 22 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse
Mass Sensors
GOD SAT Tactical Command System
20 Gravitic field directional projectors

The ISF's heavy carrier, well armed, armoured and extremely capable.  The Command Carrier is normally the nerve center of a fleet and almost literally one itself, fielding 240 fighters and 110 Assault craft.  Quite capable of standing as a line vessel, it is not normally employed in this role.

Note: The Vigilance is of this class of ship.

Avatar Class Battleship

Class: Avatar
Type: Battleship
Length: 3002 meters
Mass: 250 million metric tons
Acceleration: 4.00 G
Crew: 926
Troops: 760 
Fighters: 160
Mecha: 1 regiment
LAMs: 60
Other: 30 space assault craft and 20 atmospheric assault drop ships.

6 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
1 Quantum singularity Gravitic Reactor. (first stage)
1 Gravimetrically stabilized Antimatter reactor (second stage).
6 Gravitic Enhanced Fast Feeding Plasma Engines.
4 Zenith Jump engines.

2 Mk XIII Aegis Heavy Particle cannons.
4 Fusion Beam Cannons.
16 M380 Heavy Fusion Pulse Cannons.
12 MI190 Heavy Ion Cannon turrets.
4 HPM-1 Heavy Plasma Mortars.
18 WM-203 Ion Pulse twin turrets.
480 Missiles (6 launching tubes with automatic loading system).

16 to 38 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour with intermediate nanotechnological layer, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse
Mass Sensors
GOD SAT II Tactical Command System
20 Gravitic field directional projectors

The newest and most advanced official line vessel in the ISF Navy.  Unlike most ships of the fleet, manufacturing responsibility is not shared among the member states, it is produced strictly by Raillphen shipyards within the Homesystem Independent District (HID). 

The design incorporates two advanced reactors which supply power for all critical systems, generate the artificial gravity and make it the most advanced ship in the ISF Navy, at least those that are known.  Only the Zenith Class Assault Vector could be considered more advanced.  The ship's Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors serve as fail-over and supply power for the various weapon systems of the Battleship, giving it an advantage in possessing separate and dedicated power grids for engine power and weapons power. 

Serving aboard one of these massive vessels is a crowning point for one's naval career.  This ship is normally the command center for an entire theater of operations and as it becomes more numerous, will be seen more in the front lines then in a command and control capacity.

Note: the Alliance is of this class of ship.

Gladium class Assault Vector

Class: Gladium
Type: Assault ship (Frontal Assault Vector)
Length: 2450 meters
Mass: 170 millions metric tons
Acceleration: 5.07 G, emergency over boost of 7+ G for 90 seconds
Crew: 512
Troops: none
Fighters: 48
Mecha: none
LAMs: none
Other: 10 standard shuttles

8 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors
4 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors
1 Capacitor Bank for forward lasers
8 Gravitic enhanced plasma engines
2 Vortex Jump engines
1 Waverider Gravitic Drive

4 PSL-1000 Heavy Phased Spinal Lasers
8 M380 Heavy Gravitic Fusion Pulse cannons
4 Heavy Railgun Turrets
46 WRI 2028 Ion Pulse Repeater Turrets
54 Light Pulse Cannon Turrets
150 Missiles (15 launching tubes with automatic loading)

18 to 35 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour
Double layer Nanotechnological armour
Frontal armour plate of 45 meters thickness: multi-layer composite/Nanotechnological armor
56 Defense Grid Energy Projectors
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Frontal array of Anti-gravity well dissipative fields (4) with Electro-magnetic web

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse
Mass Sensors
10 Gravitic field directional projectors

The Gladium is a heavy assault ship officially classified as a "Frontal Assault Vector".  One of two designs developed in secret without the knowledge of the ISF member states, with the specific purpose of combating the alien menace.  The hull is a direct derivation of a dreadnaught hull, but the design is sleeker, smaller and the overall concept is far more specialized than the big dreadnoughts.  The main engines are eight high-output Gravitic Enhanced Plasma Engines and a "Waverider " Gravitic Drive, giving the vessel high linear acceleration and agile maneuverability.  The main energy grid includes eight main reactors, four high power auxiliary reactors for weapon feeding and an enormous capacitor bank for the main spinal laser cannons.

A new feature is the "encased" crew module: the whole command deck, placed deep inside the hull, is a heavily armored capsule.   The capsule holds the whole crew of the ship in combat situations and in emergency conditions it can be ejected.  The module holds life support facilities, autonomous propulsion and navigation system, a booster that allows high "one shot" acceleration and a pre-charged small vortex generator, that allows the capsule to quickly jump. 

The main weapon system is a new take on an old design, the hull holds four of the largest spinal lasers known, with an energy capacitor bank that allows the weapons to maintain a continuous beam far longer then any current weapon.  The weapon is not a standard laser, but a phased beam which simultaneously exists on several different dimensions at once, making it difficult to shield against and yielding an extremely high power only slightly less then that of the latest models of Heavy Particle Cannons.  The weapon's incredible penetration seems unmatched even by the Quantum Discharge Cannon of the Zenith class (though the Discharge Cannon has a much higher power yield).

The armour protection, particularly in the frontal arc, is very heavy with multiple anti-gravity shield layers as well as the overall gravitic shield.

Zenith class Assault Vector

Class: Zenith
Type: Assault ship (Frontal Assault Vector)
Length: 1,940.6 meters
Mass: 96.5 million metric tons
Acceleration: 14.42 G
Crew: 78
Troop: none
Fighter: none
Mecha: none
LAMs: none
Other: 4 standard shuttles

8 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors
1 ZQ -1 Dark Star Quantum singularity Gravitic Reactor
1 Waverider Gravitic Drive
8 gravitic enhanced plasma engines
2 Vortex Jump engines

1 Quantum Singularity Discharge Cannon
4 Antimatter beam projector cannons
8 Heavy Ion Pulse turrets
4 Antimatter beam projector cannons (rear firing)
12 WM 203 twin Ion pulse turrets

28 to 45 meter armored double hull of Multi-layer composite armour with anti-neutron ablative layer and intermediate nanotechnological layer
Forward arc and critical system areas protected by two layers of nanotechnological armour
20 Defense Grid Energy Projectors
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Frontal array of Anti-gravity well dissipative fields (4) with Electro-magnetic web
8*Neural disruptors

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse
Mass Sensors
10 Gravitic field directional projectors

The Zenith Class Assault ships are units developed exclusively by the ISF Navy. It is officially classified as "Frontal Assault Vector".  One of two designs developed in secret without the knowledge of the ISF member states, with the specific purpose of combating the alien menace.  Considered the most advanced ship of its type, it utilizes many advanced technologies only just recently developed. 

The hull is the smallest frame able to hold the necessary internal systems, the overall structure is sturdy, compact and heavily armored.  The frame is double hulled for increased structural resilience and capacity to absorb punishment.  The main engines are eight Gravitic Enhanced Plasma Engines of the same type used on the most recent warships, with the "Waverider" gravitic drive used in the Gladium and other new Warships.  The whole rear block (engines & reactors) is a simple modification of the power module from the Gladium Assault Vectors.  The main energy grid includes eight gravitic enhanced fusion reactors and a Quantum Singularity Gravitic Reactor.  It offers a power vastly superior to any current vessel in service with the ISF Navy.  The Engine system enables acceleration and speed of the same level of the enemy warships.

The main weapon system is conceptually simple: a Quantum Discharge weapon, a reverse engineered variety of the enemy's dreadnaught level main cannons.  The Quantum Discharge Cannon is the reason for the existence of these units and all the other systems are structured exclusively to allow the best performance of this weapon.  It is fed by the Quantum singularity reactor.  The choice was made to eliminate both the fighter line and the missile launchers to free up room and allow a more compact design.  The armor protection, particularly in the frontal arc, is thick and effective.  The energy web grid is powerful and it supports the advanced gravitic and anti-gravity shielding. 

Confederation Class Dreadnought

Class:  Confederation
Type: Dreadnought
Lenght: 3,205 meters
Mass: 268 millions metric tons
Acceleration: 4.05 g
Crew: 986
Troops: 500
Fighters: 80
Mecha: 1 Battalion
LAMs: 30
Other: 18 space assault craft and 12 atmospheric assault drop ships

4 Fusion Reactors for weapons power.
4 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors. 
6 Gravitic Enhanced Ion Engines.
4 Zentih Jump engines.

2 Mk X Aegis Heavy Particle cannons.
22 M111 Heavy Phased Plasma Pulse Cannons in twin mounts.
4 HLPA 2011 Heavy Phased Plasma Arrays.
4 HLPA 2011 Heavy Phased Plasma Arrays (rear firing).
48 Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
480 Missiles (6 launching tubes with automatic loading system).

16 to 38 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour with intermediate nanotechnological layer, anti-neutron ablative armour.
Gravitic tidal dissipative field
Energy Defense Grid Projectors
Energy Web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse
Mass Sensors
Tactical Command and Interface System
20 Gravitic field directional projectors

Made to be as intimidating as the class of ships is known for, it is a tool of diplomacy as much as it is war.  The presence of a Confederation class dreadnought has been known to bring a speedy conclusion to hostilities and bring adversaries to the negotiation table.  Built to accommodate the most powerful of the phased plasma technologies, the ship is a powerhouse of firepower at all ranges.  Due to their heavy weapons compliment, tough armour and shielding, not one of these massive vessels has been lost in combat.  Due to the reliance on phased plasma weaponry, only a few of these vessels have been sent with the fleet against the enemy.

Kitsune Class Heavy Cruiser

Class: Kitsune
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 1,680.8 meters
Mass: 36.5 million metric tons
Acceleration: 7.02 G
Crew: 225
Troop: 240
Fighters: 24
Mecha: 24
LAMs: 12
Other: 10 space assault craft, or 8 atmospheric assault drop ships.

3 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
1 Waverider Gravitic Drive.
3 Gravitic enhanced plasma engines.
2 Zenith Jump engines.

1 Mk VI-A Heavy Particle cannon.
2 GAD-16U Q-Spoiling Hard-Ray Lasers.
4 M111 Heavy Phased Pulse Cannon turrets.
6 Twin Heavy railgun turrets.
16 Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets.
32 Anti-warship Missiles. (8 bow mounted launching tubes with automatic reload system)

12 to 22 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite armour, anti-neutron ablative armour. Nanotechnological layer.
Energy web/Interception grid
Gravitic tidal dissipative field

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors
Command Interface System
4 Gravitic field directional projectors

The most common heavy cruiser of the ISF Navy and the newest design of this class of ship.  It incorporates the new Waverider Gravitic drive system for full gravity based propulsion coupled with the high-output gravitic enhanced plasma engines for excellent maneuverability.  This ship is the first common line vessel to employ full gravity propulsion and is the benchmark for this new drive system.  The weapons compliment nearly makes the Kitsune a battlecruiser, but the emphasis on versatility and flexible mission requirements has this vessel classed among heavy cruisers.  Like many other designs, this ship is in some way related to a "fox" naming convention; the reason for this is a specific tradition among the Vulpecula manufacturing consortium.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:07:26 PM


Vehicle Type: SF-44 Saber Heavy Fighter
Class: Aerospace Fighter
Manufacturer: Zenith Aerospace
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Heavy

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 7.2*
Stall speed: 162 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +10.75/-4.2 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 2.2 g
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 2.2 g
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1185 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.78"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1000 deg/sec*2 / 180° pitch in 0.85"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 2410 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.55"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 60 hours normal space
Standard mission: 4 hours + 40' combat power

LENGTH: 19.3 m
WINGSPAN: 14.0 m
HEIGHT: 6.0 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 20,000 kg

2 Plasma Pulse Cannons (forward firing) 
2 Heavy Rail Cannons (forward firing)
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons (rear firing)
6 (12) Wing Hard points per wing
2 Under fuselage Hard Points
Max external payload: 15,000 Kgs

The standard heavy fighter of the ISF Navy.  Designed to operate both in atmosphere and in space, it is classically designed quite like a sleek air fighter.


Vehicle Type: SF-100 Dagger Light Fighter
Class: Aerospace Fighter
Manufacturer: Ranger Aerodyne
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Light

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 8.0*
Stall speed: 164 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +9.5/-4.5 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 2.5 g
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 2.5 g
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1280 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.75"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1100 deg/sec*2 / 180° pitch in 0.81"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 1450 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.71 "
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 50 hours normal space
Standard mission: 3 hours + 35'combat power

LENGTH: 15.2 m
WINGSPAN: 12.0 m
HEIGHT: 5.0 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 10,000 kg

6 Plasma Pulse Cannons (forward firing) 
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons (rear firing)
6 (12) Wing Hard points per wing
4 Under fuselage Hard Points
Max external payload: 8,000 Kgs

The light workhorse fighter of the ISF Navy.  Like most ISF starfighters, it is designed to operate both in atmosphere and in space.  The ship relies heavily on the light plasma pulse cannons for concentrated firepower and a high rate of fire.


Vehicle Type: SF-80 Scimitar Medium Fighter
Class: Aerospace Fighter
Manufacturer: Zenith Aerospace
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 7.62*
Stall speed: 169 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +9.1/-4.1 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 2.0 G
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 2.0 G
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1280 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.75"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1070 deg/sec*2 / 180°pitch in 0.82"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 1650 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.67"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 100 hours normal space
Standard mission: 6 hours + 70'combat power

LENGTH: 17.8 m
WINGSPAN: 12.0 m
HEIGHT: 5.8 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 15,500 kg

2 Heavy Pulse Lasers (forward firing) 
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons (forward firing)
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons (rear firing)
4 ( 8 ) Wing Hard points per wing
4 Under fuselage Hard Points
Max external payload: 12,000 Kg

The standard fighter of the ISF Navy.  Like most ISF starfighters, it is designed to operate both in atmosphere and in space.  The ship mixes Pulse Laser and Plasma Pulse cannons for long and medium range firepower and high rate of fire.


Vehicle Type: SFA-74 Longbow Fighter bomber
Class: Aerospace Fighter/Bomber
Manufacturer: Mitchell Industries
Crew: Two wearing Tactical Life Support Systems.

Armor: Medium

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 6.98*
Stall speed: 176 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +8.1/-4 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 1.9 G
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 1.9 G
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1280 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.75"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1070 deg/sec*2 / 180°pitch in 0.82"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 1650 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.67"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 60 hours normal space
Standard mission: 8 hours + 100'combat power

LENGTH: 18.8 m
WINGSPAN: 16.0 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 25,500 kg

2 Medium Pulse Lasers (forward firing) 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers (rear firing)
1 Rail Cannon (forward firing)
10 (20) Wing Hard points per wing
2 fuselage bays with rotary weapon launcher
Max external payload: 20,000 Kg

The standard Fighter Bomber of the ISF Aerospace.  The major drawback of this platform is its dependence on ammunition for its main weapons.  The medium Pulse lasers, though sufficient in strength, do not normally justify keeping this unit on the battlefield once its ammunition is spent unlike other space fighters.


Vehicle Type: SB-9C Ballista Heavy Bomber
Class: Aerospace Bomber
Manufacturer: Mitchell Industries
Crew: Four wearing Tactical Life Support Systems.

Armor: Heavy with reinforced frame

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 8.00*
Stall speed: 189 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +7.1/-3.4 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 1.5 G
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 1.5 G
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1280 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.62"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1070 deg/sec*2 / 180°pitch in 0.72"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 1650 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.57"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: technically unlimited
Standard mission: 20 hours + 100'combat power

LENGTH: 26.8 m
WINGSPAN: 22.0 m
HEIGHT: 12 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 50,500 kg

1 Particle Beam Cannon (forward firing)
2 Plasma Mortars (forward firing)
4 Plasma Pulse Cannon Remote Turrets (top, all arcs)
4 Plasma Pulse Cannon Remote Turrets (bottom, all arcs)
20 (40) Wing Hard points per wing
2 large fuselage bays with twin rotary weapon launchers
Max external payload: 100,000 Kg

The heavy Attack Bomber of the ISF Aerospace forces.  The craft is heavy, well armored and armed, but is not too maneuverable.  The agility of this craft is still surprising for what it is intended to be.  A parallel with this design can be drawn with the old Earth aircraft designated A-5 Vigilante that was fielded by the United States Navy from the 1960s to late 1970s.


Vehicle Type: SF-7 Tachi Medium Fighter
Class: Aerospace Fighter
Manufacturer: Kusanagi Aerospace
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 8.5*
Stall speed: 102 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +11.0/-5.0 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 2.8 g
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 2.8 g
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1185 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.78"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1000 deg/sec*2 / 180° pitch in 0.85"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 2410 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.55"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 60 hours normal space
Standard mission: 4 hours + 40' combat power

LENGTH: 18.1 m
WINGSPAN: 12.0 m
HEIGHT: 5.0 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 14,000 kg

8 Medium Pulse Lasers (forward firing)
2 Light Pulse Lasers (rear firing) 
6 (12) Wing Hard points per wing
2 side fuselage Hard Points
Max external payload: 10,000 Kg

A swept wing over-under twin engine fighter design of ISF Navy.  This particular fighter design is considered a "gun-fighter", relying on a battery of 8 (4 left and 4 right) fuselage mounted standard pulse lasers as its main weaponry.  It can be outfitted with missile units due to its 12 wing hard points and twin side fuselage mounts.  The fighter is thin and dart like and is reminiscent of the old United States Navy F-8 Crusader manufactured by Vought.  Designed to operate both in atmosphere and in space like all contemporary aerospace fighters, it has remarkable performance.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:07:56 PM


Vehicle Type: LF-14 Raptor
Class: Land and Air Mecha Fighter
Manufacturer: Stellardyne
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Land speed – Mech configuration: 140 KPH

Jump Capacity – Mech configuration: 15 m high or 21 m long without thrusters.

Flight speed – Mech configuration: 350 KPH
Flight speed – Hybrid configuration: Mach One (1072 KPH) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.

Flight speed – Fighter configuration:
Max level speed at sea level: Mach 1.6
Max level speed at 10km:  Mach 5.0
Max level speed at 30+ km:  Mach 8.0
Stall speed: 150 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 35000m per minute
Service ceiling: 40 km (unboosted).

17.7m in Mech configuration.
12.3m in Hybrid configuration.
6.5m in Fighter configuration.

10.1m at shoulders in Mech and Hybrid configuration.
14.8m with wings at maximum extension.

5.5m in Mech configuration.
12.3m in Hybrid configuration.
15.1m in Fighter configuration.

27,200 kg empty.

1 Particle Beam Cannon Pod.
2 Pulse Laser Cannons
15 Body/Wing Hard points
Optional : additional Particle Beam Cannon Pod

The most common LAM utilized by the Interstellar Federation.  Typically armed with a single particle beam cannon pod (a rifle when in Mech mode), it can easily accommodate a second unit.  The pulse lasers are located in the nose section of the unit.

Raptor Space Assault system:

Armor: overall Mecha, none.  The pieces themselves are protected by light armor.

Performance: the unit is equipped with thrusters and does not impair speed or maneuverability in space.  Because of the bulk and general lack of aerodynamics, a fighter equipped with this system cannot fly in an atmosphere unless the unit is jettisoned.


Plasma Laser Cannon - The weapon operates by firing a plasma stream down a laser beam.  It is mounted to the pilot's left in fighter mode and the back when in Mecha mode.  It is a very powerful cannon.

3 Heavy missile pods - utilize heavy anti-ship missiles.  Two of the pods mount on pylons to the side and one in the center top of the fighter and its armor unit.  Each unit houses 4 heavy missiles for a total of 12.

Raptor Ground Assault Armor system:

Armor: Adds a level of light ablative armor to all areas of the LAM

Performance: the fighter is limited to a speed of Mach 1.68 when this armor unit is attached.  No appreciable speed reduction in space.


2 Hyper-velocity 40mm Autocannons-  Each gun is mounted to the side of the pilot's compartment (one over each intake) in fighter mode and the back/shoulders when in Mecha mode.  The high rate of fire makes these very effective anti-armor weapons.

4 Light missile pods - utilize short range attack ordinance, similar to Hellfire rocket pods on old attack helicopters.  They have a rate of fire of four missiles and contain 40 missiles each.

Steel Falcon

Vehicle Type: LAF-XX Steel Falcon
Class: Heavy Land and Air Mecha Assault Fighter
Manufacturer: Valkyrie Space Arms
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Heavy

Land speed – Mech configuration: 112 KPH

Jump Capacity – Mech configuration: 7.6 m high or 15.2 m long without thrusters.

Flight speed – Mech configuration: 321 KPH
Flight speed – Hybrid configuration: Mach One (1072 KPH) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.

Flight speed – Fighter configuration:
Max level speed at sea level: Mach 1.4
Max level speed at 10km:  Mach 4.0
Max level speed at 30+ km:  Mach 8.5
Stall speed: 150 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 30000m per minute
Service ceiling: 96 km (unboosted)

18.2m in Mech configuration.
12.5m in Hybrid configuration.
5.8m in Fighter configuration.

6.2m at shoulders in Mech and Hybrid configuration.
8m with wings at maximum extension.

5.8m in Mech configuration.
10.8m in Hybrid configuration.
15.8m in Fighter configuration.

28,600 kg empty.

1 Heavy Particle Beam Cannon
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons
2 Heavy Laser Pods
6 Body Hard points
2 Wing Missile Pods
Optional: Particle Beam Cannon Pod

The heavy attack LAM utilized by the Interstellar Federation.  The Heavy Particle Beam Cannon is unique to this fighter and can only be fired in fighter mode.  It is mounted under the nose of the fighter and can rotate 360 degrees and pivot up and down in a 30 degree arc.  The cannon is employed against heavy targets and is deadly when fired in tandem with the Heavy lasers.

Silver Phoenix

Vehicle Type: LF-2000SP Silver Phoenix
Class: Heavy Land and Air Mecha Assault Fighter
Manufacturer: Valkyrie Space Arms/Ranger Aerodyne
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System; one or two human-sized passengers can be accommodated in an emergency situation.

Armor: Ultra-Heavy

Land speed – Mech configuration: 148 KPH

Jump Capacity – Mech configuration: 16m high or 24m long without thrusters.

Flight speed – Mech configuration: 2144 KPH
Flight speed – Hybrid configuration: Mach 4 (4288 KPH) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.

Flight speed – Fighter configuration:
Max level speed at sea level: Mach 2.4
Max level speed at 10km:  Mach 5.5
Max level speed at 30+ km:  Mach 9.0
Stall speed: 156 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

18.0m in Mech configuration.
12.8m in Hybrid configuration.
7.0m in Fighter configuration.

12.0m at shoulders in Mech and Hybrid configuration.
18.2m with wings at maximum extension.

6.1m in Mech configuration.
14.6m in Hybrid configuration.
16.0m in Fighter configuration.

31,400 kg empty.

2 Plasma Sabers
2 Plasma Pulse Cannons
2 Gatling Cannons
2 Particle Beam Cannon Pods
6 Body Hard points
2 Wing Missile Pods
Optional: Gauss Rifle Pod

The newest and most powerful of the LAMs utilized by the Interstellar Federation.  The design is a significant performance boost over the Raptors with significantly superior firepower.  The main weapons of the Silver Phoenix are the unique Plasma Sabers.  The Sabers can be charged and utilized as melee weapons (one mounts on each arm in Mech and Hybrid modes) or as a Plasma cannon as powerful as the main gun mounted on the Raptor Space Assault System.  When mounted on the nose, these slim blade units lock together, forming one Plasma spear.  This Spear can be fired as a main cannon and is twice the power of one alone.


Vehicle Type: LF-18 Firebird
Class: Land and Air Mecha Fighter
Manufacturer: Stellardyne
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Light

Land speed – Mech configuration: 180 KPH

Jump Capacity – Mech configuration: 20m high or 42m long without thrusters.

Flight speed – Mech configuration: 410 KPH
Flight speed – Hybrid configuration: Mach One (1072 KPH) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.

Flight speed – Fighter configuration:
Max level speed at sea level: Mach 2.4
Max level speed at 10km:  Mach 5.6
Max level speed at 30+ km:  Mach 9.15
Stall speed: 125 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 38000m per minute
Service ceiling: 40 km (unboosted).

16.2m in Mech configuration.
11.0m in Hybrid configuration.
6.2m in Fighter configuration.

9.2m at shoulders in Mech and Hybrid configuration.
14.4m with wings at maximum extension.

5.0m in Mech configuration.
12.0m in Hybrid configuration.
15.0m in Fighter configuration.

20,000 kg empty.

1 Pulse Laser gun pod
2 20mm Gatling Cannons
12 Body/Wing Hard points
Optional : additional gun pod

The light LAM utilized by the Interstellar Federation's military forces.  Typically armed with a single Pulse Laser gun pod (a rifle when in Mech mode), it can easily accommodate a second unit.  The 20mm cannons are located in the nose section of the unit and carry around 40,000 rounds each.  The both ammunition stores for the cannons can easily be switched over to only one unit if a cannon is put out of commission.

Ground Mecha

Saber Wolf

Vehicle Type: SWF-8C
Class: Medium Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: Interstellar Arms (originally Lycan Industries)
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Land speed – 96 KPH
Jump Capacity – 20m, 125m with boosters

Statistical Data:
Height: 18.7m 
Depth: 8.2m
Breadth: 10.2m
Weight: 42.7 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
1 Medium Gauss Rifle 
2 Pulse Plasma Cannons
2 20mm Gatling Cannons
1 Heavy missile unit
2 Light missile units
Special: 2 vibro-saber armblades

The most common medium class mecha employed by the Lycan military.  Reasonably good armor and a strong weapon load-out, the design was adopted by the ISF and upgraded to employ a railgun as opposed to the original autocannon.

Silver Fox II

Vehicle Type: SFX-II
Class: Medium Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: Vulpine Heavy Industries
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Land speed – 122 KPH
Jump Capacity – 30m, 150m with boosters

Statistical Data:
Height: 16.2m 
Depth: 7.4m
Breadth: 8.8m
Weight: 39.82 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
2 Heavy Pulse Lasers   
4 Pulse Plasma Cannons
2 Light Pulse Lasers
4 Light missile units
Special: 2 Lightning claw "paw units"

The venerable Silver Fox design was redesigned and upgraded to take advantage of new lighter weapon designs.  The ancient Heavy and light lasers were replaced with new, lighter pulse varieties, the obsolete bolters were replaced with pulse plasma cannons and the classic lightning claws were modernized to better channel the electricity and to utilize stronger claws.  The enemy armors are known to be vulnerable to physical attacks, and as such many units are being equipped with melee weapons or melee units are being redesigned to modern standards.

Imperial Dragon

Vehicle Type: ID-1Z
Class: Heavy Assault Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: Eden Mecha Industries
Crew: 2 minimum: One pilot and One gunner.  Typically a communications technician and/or a Operations specialist are part of the crew.  The crew compartment can accommodate up to six people with two additional as necessary.

Armor: Ultra-Heavy

Land speed – 42 KPH
Jump Capacity – Not applicable
Hover Speed – 64KPH

Statistical Data:
Height: 22.4m 
Width: 16.8m
Length: 28.2m
Weight: 240 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
8 Heavy Rail Cannons   
8 Particle Cannons (4 per Weapon Arm)
2 Artillery missile units

The heavy assault mecha of the ground forces.  Designed as a walking assault platform, the mecha excels at long range attacks against installations, space ships and ground forces.  It is not very effective at close ranges, though its particle cannons can be employed at point-blank and short ranges, its low maneuverability makes that prospect chancy at best.

Grand Tiger

Vehicle Type: FT-6
Class: Heavy Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: Consortium Weapons
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Heavy

Land speed – 108 KPH
Jump Capacity – 20m, 100m with boosters

Statistical Data:
Height: 20.1m 
Depth: 9.4m
Breadth: 10.8m
Weight: 75.27 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
2 150mm Artillery Cannons   
2 Heavy Pulse Lasers
8 Light Pulse Lasers
2 Heavy missile units
4 Light missile units

A deadly combatant with an advanced targeting system that can quickly and efficiently switch function of the 150mm cannons from artillery to direct-fire and compensate for targeting difficulties.  A formidable mecha at all ranges, it is the standard heavy line unit and is employed across all theaters of combat.

Shadow Cat

Vehicle Type: SC-X
Class: Light Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: StarGuard Arms
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Light/Medium

Land speed – 150 KPH
Jump Capacity – 50m, 220m with boosters

Statistical Data:
Height: 14.2m 
Depth: 5.4m
Breadth: 6.8m
Weight: 20.11 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
1 Heavy Pulse Laser
1 Light Gauss Rifle   
2 Pulse Plasma Cannons
8 Light Pulse Lasers
2 Laser Claw Units "paw units"

Light reconnaissance and special operations mecha employed by Special Forces and ISIS.  Surprisingly silent and extremely stealthy, this mecha is a deadly foe even to heavy units.  The unique melee weapon employed by the Shadow Cat is the Laser Claw, similar in design and function to the Lightning claw units of the Silver Fox IIs.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 12:08:45 PM


Marine Combat Powersuit
Armor Level:

Full environmental suite with air scrubbers
Maneuvering thrusters
Magnetic boots
recharger units
Internal microcomputer
Full Sensor suite
Full communications suite

Special Forces Infiltrator Armor
Armor Level:

Full environmental suite
Air filters/basic recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Advanced Sensor suite
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optical Camouflage
Basic communications suite
Optional Tactical communications suite

Standard Infantry Armor
Armor Level:

Basic environmental suite
Air filters/basic recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Basic Sensor suite
Basic Tactical Computer system
Basic communications suite
Optional Tactical communications suite
Optional Advanced Sensor suite

Basic Personal Armor
Armor Level:

Internal microcomputer
Optional Basic Sensor suite
Optional Basic Tactical Computer system
Optional Basic communications suite
Optional Basic Environmental suite (adds Chemical/Biological rating of Light)

Basic Flight Armor
Armor Level:

Full environmental suite with air scrubbers
Built-in micro-thrusters
Internal microcomputer
Mind-wire vehicle link unit
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optional Basic Sensor suite
Optional Basic communications suite


M-74 pulse rifle
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: 10mm caseless, contained gyrojet short rounds
Capacity: 30 round clip
Mode: Single shot, burst and fully-automatic
Muzzle velocity: ~2900 m/s
Firing Characteristic: "missile"
Effective range: medium verse personal armor, low against hardened armors, null against vehicle armors
Armor Penetration: Average

P-68 pulse laser rifle
Type: laser
Capacity: 200
Mode: single shot, burst and fully-automatic
Firing Characteristic: Laser
Effective range: Long
Armor Penetration: High against personal armor, medium against hardened armors, low against vehicle armors

MS-80 heavy sniper rifle
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: .50 caseless projectile
Capacity: 12 round clip
Mode: Single shot, semiautomatic
Muzzle velocity: ~1500 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart
Effective range: Long
Armor Penetration: High against personal armor and hardened armor, medium against vehicle armors

L-4 anti-vehicle laser rifle
Type: laser
Capacity: 250
Mode: single shot, 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Laser
Effective range: Extreme
Armor Penetration: Extreme against personal armor, High against hardened armors, High against vehicle armors
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 25, 2006, 12:52:43 PM
looks good so far Az. Will tanks, personal armor and infantry weapons be under misc?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 01:00:04 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 25, 2006, 12:52:43 PM
looks good so far Az. Will tanks, personal armor and infantry weapons be under misc?

Likely, but I will only be detailing important objects that need statistics or clarification.  Personal Armour and infantry weapons likely just need a name and some basics, so don't expect too much from them.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 25, 2006, 01:02:29 PM
Also do LAMs/Mecha have CQB weapons like vibro/energy/chainsaw bladed weapons?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 01:57:10 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 25, 2006, 01:02:29 PM
Also do LAMs/Mecha have CQB weapons like vibro/energy/chainsaw bladed weapons?

Some mechs have melee style weapons, mostly vibro weapons. 

LAMs are not normally equipped with these types of weapons, except the model employed by Military Intelligence/SpecForces which has a strange type of laser claws and newest space superiority LAM which is equipped with a unique plasma arm-blade system per arm (they connect and become part of the nose of the fighter).

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on July 27, 2006, 12:00:37 PM
The first set of interesting technical data is out, still more to send out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 30, 2006, 02:54:59 AM
so "mecha" and "LAMS" are the same things?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 30, 2006, 05:01:33 AM
A LAM is a type of mecha but it can transform into a fighter aswell.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 30, 2006, 10:16:42 AM
oh.   so the type of mech im piloting is like the ones from mech worrior?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on July 30, 2006, 11:20:59 PM
Quote from: valkyn on July 30, 2006, 10:16:42 AM
oh.   so the type of mech im piloting is like the ones from mech worrior?

Battletech is the origin of the term LAM, that is indeed correct.  It is not really the focus here, though there is a few similarities in some things.  One especially are dropships, I do so love the designs and concepts of using these vehicles in combat.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on December 13, 2006, 12:26:43 AM
Hostiles: Pirates (arrr!)

Azul Class Dreadnaught
Class: Azul
Type: Dreadnaught
Length: 4,000 meters
Mass: 102.8 million metric tons
Acceleration: 2.11 G
Crew: 1,820
Troops: (originally) 1500; (currently) 100
Fighters: 80
Mecha: (originally) none; (currently) 1 regiment
LAMs: none
Other: 12 space assault craft, or 12 atmospheric assault drop ships.

4 Fusion Reactors.
4 Plasma engines.
6 Horizon Jump engines.
2 Fusion Reactors for Spinal lasers

8 Heavy pulse bolters (four turret mounted, four spinal mounted)
8 Heavy plasma cannons (four front, four rear)
2 Javelin Mk1 super heavy spinal lasers
2 Pulse mortars
12 Light pulse bolters in single turrets
4 Twin heavy railgun turrets
20 Quad Pulse cannon turrets

32 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite/spaced armour
Double Hull

Hyperwave Communications
Spectral, Static-array, quantum wave
Mass Sensors

A powerful ship of the line several hundred years ago in the Trade Consortium fleets.  This monstrous behemoth-like vessel was a formidable foe that gave pause even to the mighty Lycan forces.  The main weapon of this ship are spinal lasers, a copy of the first Lycan designs.  Still powerful even by current standards, their major disadvantages are the huge size (1.5 km) and massive power requirements.  The units are so power hungry, the ship is outfitted with fusion generators dedicated one to each laser.

Note: the Defiance is of this class of ship.

Altara class Heavy Cruiser
Class: Altara
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 1,488 meters
Mass: 42.8 million metric tons
Acceleration: 2.89 G
Crew: 180
Troops: 100
Fighters: 4
Mecha: none
LAMs: none
Other: 5 space assault craft, or 5 atmospheric assault drop ships.

3 Fusion Reactors.
3 Plasma engines.
4 Horizon Jump engines.

2 OMEGA Heavy Ion lasers
4 Heavy plasma cannons (2 forward, 2 rear)
4 HPM 1 Heavy plasma mortars
20 M152 plasma pulse cannon turrets
4 Twin railgun turrets

12 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite/spaced armour
Double Hull
Energy web/Interception grid

Hyperwave Communications
Spectral, Static-array, quantum wave
Mass Sensors

The most heavily fielded and prevalent cruiser of its age.  This design was originally fielded by the Confederation of Worlds, it has since then become a very common vessel among System Guard and mercenary units.  Functionally obsolete, the design is still rather sturdy and very cheap to maintain and operate despite being over 2 centuries old.  Many of its weapon systems are still seen in use today and this class of ship was considered the benchmark for modern cruiser design.  Its main disadvantages are its slow acceleration and the shorter range of its heaviest weapons, the plasma cannons and mortars.  To offset this weakness, the design was outfitted with pods designed to carry the then new OMEGA series ion lasers.  However, the ship's powergrid is not strong enough to accommodate both the lasers and plasma cannons/mortars at the same time, a limitation that prevents the ship from engaging multiple targets at different ranges.

Shining Sabre class Assault Frigate
Class: Shining Sabre
Type: Frigate
Length: 1,010 meters
Mass: 15.3 million metric tons
Acceleration: 5.02 G
Crew: 86
Troops: 20
Fighters: 12
Mecha: 24
LAMs: none
Other: 2 space assault craft, or 4 atmospheric assault drop ships.

2 Fusion Reactors.
1 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactor.
2 Fast Feeding Plasma Engines.
2 Vortex Jump engines.

1 Javelin Spinal Laser
4 Heavy Plasma Pulse cannons in twin turrets
12 Firebarrier Light Plasma Pulse Cannon Turrets
4 Twin railgun turrets
40 Heavy missiles (Eight launching tubes with automatic reload system)

12.5 meter armored hull of Multi-layer composite/spaced armour
Double Hull
Anti-gravity well dissipative field
Energy web/Interception grid

Tachyon Communications
Spectral, phased-array, quantum pulse.
Mass Sensors

One of the most recent frigate designs for the Star Imperium Navy.  These ships were produced in a limited run for the military until its manufacturer, Orion Industries, was discovered to be a front for the mercenary House Hasek.  The Haseks have long been a rebellious and rival to the ruling family of the Imperium.

Corsair V-Shape fighter

Vehicle Type: Gladius Medium Strike Fighter
Class: Aerospace Fighter (obsolete)
Manufacturer: Genam Corp
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Light

Air Performance:
Max level speed in an atmosphere:  Mach 8.2*
Stall speed: 200 KPH (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 30000m per minute
Service ceiling: unlimited

Space Performance:
X-axis acceleration: +9.25/-3.2 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 1.9 g
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 1.9 g
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1200 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.89"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1200 deg/sec*2 / 180° pitch in 0.95"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 2500 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.65"
Endurance: Life support + economy cruise navigation: 40 hours normal space
Standard mission: 2 hours + 40' combat power

LENGTH: 18.8 m
WINGSPAN: 24.0 m
HEIGHT: 4.0 m
WEIGHT (DRY): 28,000 kg

2 Pulse Bolter Cannons (forward firing)
6 (12) Wing Hard points per wing
4 Under fuselage Hard Points
Max external payload: 18,000 Kgs

The first multiple use fighter and true aerospace design.  Designed to operate both in atmosphere and in space, it is built like that of a flying wing (very similar to the Raider fighters of B5).  This fighter model is 250 years old and quite numerous among pirates (obviously) and mercenaries, even so far as being built by pirate facilities and it is their raiding fighter of choice.

Black Phoenix

Vehicle Type: OZ-01BP
Class: Medium Ground Mecha
Manufacturer: Olympia Zeries
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.

Armor: Medium

Land speed – 122 KPH
Jump Capacity – 30m, 150m with boosters

Flight speed (space) – 6.5G

Flight speed (atmosphere) – Mach 2.2
Initial climb rate: over 15000m per minute
Service ceiling: 26 km 

Statistical Data:
Height: 17.4m
Depth: 8.2m
Breadth: 9.4m
Weight: 32.02 metric tons (fully loaded)

Weapon Systems:
1 Heavy Gauss Rifle   
2 40mm H-V Autocannons
2 Light Pulse Lasers
4 Light missile units
2 Mecha Vibro Swords
1 Battle Shield

The Black Phoenix is a medium mecha unit produced by the Imperium military 100 years ago and designed for space combat.  This classification of mecha was rendered obsolete with the creation of Land and Air Mecha units.  Due to its capabilities, the unit is perfect for pirates and mercenaries as it can operate in all theaters of combat.  Though powerful, the units can be outmaneuvered by LAMs and Aerospace fighters. 

Powerful vernier thrusters, aerial control surfaces and additional thrusters give this unit its mobility in space and atmospheric flight.  It is a difficult machine to handle and very taxing on the person flying it due to the design and tremendous G-forces the pilot is subjected to (mainly due to the lack of proper aerodynamic design and pilot orientation during flight. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on January 08, 2007, 01:11:16 AM
Factions and Organizations

ISIS - InterStellar Intelligence Service:

The Military Intelligence arm of the ISF, it is vieled in secrecy and misinformation.  Originally an office of the ISF Army, it was expanded and merged with the other fledgeling military intelligence services and the GSS, Galactic Security Service.  As much a military unit as a government agency, its members enjoy a certain anonymity from the standard chain of command and can exercise a certain amount of authority over military and government forces in matters of Galactic Security.  The most notable and debated aspect of this over-riding authority is the service's ability to take control of military special forces units, superceding field commanders except those designated as Alpha level.

ISIS controls its own separate Ground Forces and a Naval arm of a system fleet size.  It can operate independently of the ISF Military on all fields, but it is rarely fielded solely in any engagement and is typically supported by regular military forces.

Recruitment into ISIS is through the Special Forces units of the military and the elite police units from civil service and government agencies.  Applicants submit applications and test against the organizations current standards.  Recommendation by current or former ISIS personnel is a sure way to skip preliminary testing and go right into advanced aptitude and placement.  Only the best, brightest and most dedicated individuals can make the grade.

IFL - Imperium Foreign Legion:

An organization very similar to that of Earth's French Foreign Legion.  It is a branch of the Imperium military maintained and operated by House Hasek.  It is made up of non-Imperium citizens and tends to be a depository for adventurers, criminals escaping their past and mercenaries.  Like that of the French Foreign Legion, members enlist under false names and identities and are able to assume these identities at the end of their contract under Imperium citizenship.  Another trait of the two share is the fact that as foreigners, the military is willing to send the Legion in first into the most dangerous situations.

Unlike the French foreign Legion, the IFL has its own Naval Forces, Air Force and controlled territory (both official and unofficial).  The Imperium tolerates House Hasek's control of the organization due to the newly drawn alliances that have tied both Hasek and Reinada closely together.  Before the Reinada-Hasek Accord that allied these rival houses, Baron Conner Hasek lead a coup-d'etat against Emperor Kian Reinada with elements of his elite 1st Legion Lancers.  The plot was discovered and foiled, but not before Conner fled into unknown space with his entire Regiment and support forces.

The IFL is considered a Star Guard and allowed to operate under member state authority as a reserve and militia style unit.  Unlike a standard Star Guard, the IFL has special dispensation to operate beyond Imperium borders.   

Star Imperium Royal House Hasek:

The main rival house to that of the ruling House Reinada.  The reigning regent of the family holds the Kingdom of Arcturus, the second most important realm in Imperium space, only the Principality of Sirius is more prominent as it is the Reinada's Ascendant Principality held by the Heir to the throne.

Long rivals of the Reinada, House Hasek has constantly battled politically for reforms to the social structure of the Imperium.  Their policies were always heavily imperialistic and militarily focused.  It was House Hasek that opposed the Realm's inclusion in the ISF and even more so the Realm's military being placed under foreign control.

It was elements of this House that attempted a coup against the ruling house, a move that nearly cost the entire house its vassaldom and reputation.  Only skillful maneuvering by the current regent of the family, an uncharacteristically moderate Hasek, and a skillfully arranged political marriage saved the House.  Ironically this set of events has tied itself to their old rivals and has made them the ruling house's most stalwart supporters.

Pirates and corsairs:

Unlike their sea based counterparts, Space pirates and corsairs are a very different breed.  Mostly made up of mercenaries, criminals and political diseden ts, the pirates settle remote worlds or conquer long forgotten separatist colonies.  They are largely independent planets and fairly self-supportive.  Most raid commercial traffic for luxury items or essentials and resources.  Some organizations are no more then criminals and others are as disciplined and capable as regular military. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Information & Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on February 16, 2007, 01:40:13 AM
Race basics

Anthros: The worlds of the ISF are primarily filled with all manner of furry type races.  The majority of the population consists of mammals, marsupials, avians and reptilian/amphibian (which make up the smallest portion).  Every imaginable species is represented in some fashion, though only certain species enter the space military.  The worlds are, by far a mixing pot of the various species and many hybrid types have resulted.  Some examples of racial exclusionists do exist and the Lycan Empire itself is largely a lupine dominated society.

Humans: The humans are an enigma, as they do not originate from this universe, but have been brought here through some manner of technological accident.  There are two primary universes that the humans seem to come from, one is a society not too unlike the one represented in this RP.  It is a galaxy of intrigue and interstellar war, where known space is divided among ruling houses.  The official name for this universe is Battletech and of the characters featured, The General Aren Zaccarri (Stephen Macgregor) and Owen Marik originate here.  The second world is one where the universe is filled with all manner of alien beings.  It is one where ancients walk the stars and epic conflict is paramount.  This world is a semi-alternate Babylon 5 universe.  The General's ship, the Inquisitor, and Chief Amanda Wilcox originate here.

Acadians: The Technicolor foxes of this ancient race are very strong psychics.  The Acadians are beings composed of pure psychic energy, they retain a basic energy shape that is very fox-like and appears to be multi-tailed (like the Japanese Kitsune).  The forms they inhabit to interact with other races are the perfect replica of their original forms and are a fully organic shell.  These avatars, for lack of a better term, are spontaneously generated from the energy of their psychic form and most Acadians are detached from the physical aspect of this shell, so damage to the form does not adversely effect them.  some can become tied to physical forms if they inhabit them too long or their true form is "injured" in some manner.  Physical pain is something most Acadians have not experienced and the most minor amount can incapacitate them far beyond the damage inflicted.   

The Acadians are an ascended race, immortal and aloof.  In terms of age, they are the oldest of the youngest races with only one billion years between them and the last of the primordial elder races of this galaxy.  They are an extremely technological species that are several millenia ahead of the ISF.  Unlike the ancients, they do not seem to have fully embraced organic based technologies, which seems to be both a trend and hallmark of the elder races.  They utilize a hybrid of both organic and conventional non-living design. 

The species can be quite flighty and whimsical.  As if this existence is merely a game to them.  The younger of them tend to be more prone to seriousness and decisive action.  The older an Acadian is, the more their sanity can be questioned.  Ixiah, Reiya and Loki are of this species. 

X'xiklorians: The X'xiklorians are a race of insect-like beings.  They are six-limbed, two of which are wings, creatures of immense psychic power.  This particular race is not nearly as old as the Acadians, though they are far older then the anthros of the ISF states.  They are an uplifted race, having been the favored younglings nurtured by an elder race called the Shofanxi.  They obtained far too advanced technologies, before the race was ready and mature enough to handle the new power.  Long bloody wars were raged with their neighbors until an atrocity was committed by them that lead to the annihilation of an entire race.  Horrified by what they had done, the X'xiklorians appealed to their patrons only to find they had departed known space.  They withdrew back to a fraction of their conquered holdings and spent five thousand years contemplating their actions, the universe and the responsibility they had been given.  When they emerged, the race was more mature and far wiser then it had been. 

They are lower in the hierarchy of the enemy then the Acadians.  Xexxorious, also known as merely 'Captain Xexx' is a member of this species. 

The Enemy (Ixlin): Called the Masters by young Loki and the Obliviates by the X'xiklorians, they are a race of beings known to be ancient and powerful.  Their mastery over certain talents are such that two powerfully psychic races, the Acadians and the X'xiklorians serve them as thralls.  Much of what these "Masters" do is based on harmonics, song and tune, and their language is beautiful to hear.      

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Information & Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on April 14, 2007, 07:21:00 PM
ISF Military rank structure


O-10     Fleet Admiral  (5-star)
O-10     Admiral (4-star)         
O-9       Vice Admiral (3-star)     
O-8       Rear Admiral (2-star)   
O-7       Commodore (1-star)   
O-6       Fleet Captain   
O-6       Captain           
O-5       Commander   
O-4       Lieutenant Commander
O-3       Lieutenant                     
O-2       Lieutenant Junior Grade
O-1       Ensign                           

O-10     General of the Army (5-star)
O-10     General (4-star)
O-9       Lieutenant General (3-star)
O-8       Major General (2-star)
O-7       Brigadier General (1-star)
O-6       Colonel
O-5       Lieutenant Colonel
O-4       Major
O-3       Captain
O-2       1st Lieutenant
O-1       2nd Lieutenant

Warrant Officer

All services
WO5       Chief Warrant Officer 5
WO4       Chief Warrant Officer 4
WO3       Chief Warrant Officer 3
WO2       Chief Warrant Officer 2
WO1       Warrant Officer

Non-commissioned Officers

E-10      Master Chief Petty Officer of The Navy
E-9        Command Master Chief Petty Officer
E-9        Master Chief Petty Officer
E-8        Senior Chief Petty Officer
E-7        Chief Petty Officer
E-6        Petty Officer First Class (referred to by rate)
E-5        Petty Officer Second Class (referred to by rate)
E-4        Petty Officer Third Class (referred to by rate)

E-10      Command Sergeant Major of The Army (no Marine equivalent) 
E-9        Command Sergeant Major
E-9        Sergeant Major
E-8        First Sergeant
E-8        Master Sergeant
E-7        Sergeant First Class/Gunnery Sergeant (Marines)
E-6        Staff Sergeant
E-5        Sergeant
E-4        Corporal
E-4        Specialist


E-3        Journeyman (referred to by rate)
E-2        Apprentice (referred to by rate)
E-1        Recruit (referred to by rate)

E-3        Lance Corporal
E-2        Private First Class
E-1        Private

I am not a big fan of overly cumbersome bureaucracy, but for the sake of realism and general information for those not familiar with military structures, I have drafted up a list of ranks found in the ISF military.

All ranks and insignias correspond to the Unites States Military branches as referred (Navy, Army or Marines) with the exception of an added pay grade in Enlisted for E-10.  In the US Military, Warrant Officers are single track specialty officers issued their commission via warrant.  It is a hybridized rank structure considered as officers, but handled in certain respects as non-commissioned officers in regards to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Information & Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 03:43:15 AM
Important NPCs of Note - ISF and allied forces

Name: Benjamin Foster
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Mixed breed Canine anthro
Appearance: Stands 5' 10" and is wiry in build, not heavily muscled built more along the lines of a gymnast.  He has brown eyes and hair and carries a few scars from energy, projectile and melee weapons here and there, nothing too serious.
Occupation: Army Special Forces
Rank: Staff Sergeant, E-6
Skills: He is exceptional at infiltration, martial arts (Wu Shu T'sung Kung Fu, T'ang su karate and Muay Thai blended with elements of Tai Chi, wrestling, boxing and acrobatics/gymnastics) and in vehicle operations.
Note: He speaks with an odd English accent with noticeably odd Japanese tonal inflections and some mannerisms.

Name: Amanda Wilcox
Age: 28 (286)
Gender: Female
Species: Human (alternate universe and full conversion cyborg)
Appearance: Amanda is a Caucasian female standing 1.83m (~6ft) and appears to weigh around 59kg (~140lbs), but her actual weight due to bionics is around 295kg (~650lbs).  She has hazel eyes and brown hair that tends to perpetually hover just at the edge of being regulation length.  Despite her appearance, she is one of the few full body conversion cyborgs in the ISF.  She has been given the absolute best artificial skin overlays and synthetic blood systems to simulate a vibrant and non-metallic form.  Despite appearances her internal systems are all mechanical save for her human brain.   
Occupation: Aerospace flight engineer and Senior NCO for the Special forces unit
Rank: Senior Chief Petty Officer, E-8, SESC (Aerospace Flight Engineer Senior Chief)
Skills: She is a technical supervisor and engineer, but is also highly trained in combat.  She is an exceptional mechanical, electrical and technical specialist.  Her training also extends to heavy weapons, piloting (though by ISF doctrine she is only permitted to taxi and maneuver aircraft/spacecraft for docking, repair and other maintenance duties), and hand-to-hand combat.
Note: She is actually far older then her physical appearance shows.  Despite being able to request and receive special body sculpting and design, she has chosen to retain her original appearance, which though attractive, is not exceptional.

Name: Jonathan Nexx
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Human (alternate universe)
Appearance: Nexx is a Caucasian male of seemingly Germanic origins, his hair is a fair golden blond and he has pale blue eyes.  He stands 1.83m (~6ft) and weighs in around 75kg (~165lbs). 
Occupation: Ground Operations Commander for the 1st Scout Fleet and current CO of the Phalanx
Rank: Colonel, O-6
Skills: Nexx is a former special forces officer.  He has a high level of skill in the tactics of unit sizes from squad to division sizes and is familiar in all areas of ground operations.  He has a reasonable skill level in ship operations as well.  It is safe to assume that he has good skill in weapons, hand-to-hand and vehicle operations.
Note: Nexx has the necessary Alpha level clearance to override ISIS command authority over special forces operations unless outranked. 

Name: Yuri Itsuki Kanzoria
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Half-coyote/half-fox hybrid anthro (lists himself as a coyote)
Appearance: Kanzoria is not the typical coyote, he has olive green eyes, a somewhat extra bushy tail and very fox-like markings.  His fur color is a tawny brown and his tail is tipped in black.  He stands 1.68m (~5ft 6in) and weighs in around 59kg (~130lbs). 
Occupation: Military Intelligence Officer with ISIS
Rank: Major, O-4
Skills: Kanzoria is rumored to be one of the most deadly fighters in the area of hand-to-hand.  He learned a special form of combat designed strictly to kill, and mixed it with many basic techniques drawn from karate, kung fu, kick boxing, wrestling and boxing.  He is also skilled in gymnastics and acrobatics.  His primary area is in military intelligence, covering the many areas of information gathering and analysis, strategy and tactics.  His personal weapons skills are exemplary.
Note: Yuri is extremely resistant to psychic powers.  His grandfather, Dr. Emelio Kanzoria, was the first to research and study the Acadians Ixiah and Reiya.  Yuri grew up around them and knows them very well.  Yuri has been in service with the ISF and ISIS for 10 years, though his date of birth shows him to only be 22 years of age.  His mother's name is Selene, ask Loki or Ixiah about her.  >:3 

Name: Britney Graham   
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Canine anthro, Alsatian (German Sheppard)
Appearance: Brittney has black fur with tan accents and markings around her muzzle and eyes.  She has brown hair and green eyes.  Her pads are black.  She stands 5ft 10in in height and weighs 120lbs.  Most people that meet her consider her to be cute.
Occupation: LAM Technician
Rank: Bondswoman, listed as Private, E-1
Skills: Brittney is a very good mecha technical engineer.  Her piloting skills are good, but her combat experience is lacking, which is obvious as her mecha was easily over powered by Kal's LAM.
Note: Brittney suffers from severe depression, so drastic that she can be considered suicidal.  The only thing that has prevented her from slipping into deep depression is the fact that the pirates kept her too busy to be able to have much time to herself.

Name: Leonard Shannon 
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: Leonard is a dark skinned human, he has brown eyes and graying black hair.  He is 6ft 2in tall and weighs in at about 200lbs.
Occupation: ISF Army Officer.  1st AEF Company commander
Rank: Major, O-4
Skills: Ground combat, special forces, fire support tactics and company level administrative expertise. 
Note: Major Shannon is Romulus's Company commander.

Charles Hunt
Gender: Male
Species: Golden Eagle
Rank: Major
Note: Nazareth Duke's commanding officer and 1st Tactical Squadron leader

Walter Atkinson
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Rank: Major
Note: Chief Security officer for the Revelation

Peter McDaniels
Gender: Male
Rank: Commander
Note: Executive Officer of the Phalanx

Rian Kudo
Gender: Male
Species: Cloud Leopard
Rank: Lieutenant
Note: ISIS Officer and assistant to Major Kanzoria

Lydia Nadeau
Gender: Female
Rank: Commander
Note: CO of the destroyer Lightning

Elsa Graham
Gender: Female
Species: ermine
Rank: Command Master Chief
Note: Command Master Chief of the Scout fleet.  Elsa is the single most senior NCO.

Quinn Kason
Gender: Male
Species: Kit Fox
Rank: Lt. Commander
Note: Deputy CAG of the scout fleet

Aren Zaccarri
Gender: Male
Species: human
Rank: General (4-star)
Note: Force Operational Commander of the ISF Expeditionary Force

Rebecca Urocyon
Gender: Female
Species: fox hybrid
Rank: Vice Admiral (3-star)
Note: Naval operations Commander of the ISF Expeditionary Force

Robert Bashiri
Gender: Male
Species: Red Panda
Rank: Brigadier General (1-star)
Note: ISF Expeditionary Force 1st Division Commander

Michael Lyzari
Gender: Male
Species: civet
Rank: Commodore (1-star)
Note: ISF Expeditionary Force Fleet Battle Wing Commander

Alicia Lawson
Gender: Female 
Species: human
Rank: Brigadier General (1-star)
Note: ISF Expeditionary Force 2nd Division Commander

Thomas Duran
Gender: Male
Species: Coatimundi
Rank: Fleet Captain
Note: ISF Expeditionary Force Fleet Support Wing Commander

Simon M'Iver
Gender: Male
Species: swift fox
Rank: Brigadier General (1-star)
Note: ISF Expeditionary 1st Marine Division Commander

Ian Winter 
Gender: Male
Species: Peregrine Falcon
Rank: Captain
Note: ISF Expeditionary Force Commander Air Group (CAG)

Owen Marik
Gender: Male
Species: Huamn
Rank: Chief Diplomat

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (Information & Technology thread OOC)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 09:37:50 PM
Important NPCs of Note - Aliens

Name: Ixiah
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Species: Acadian
Appearance: A fox with sparkling silver eyes and blue fur color, he has white fur accenting his face and down his chest, belly and ending at the base of the tail.  His tail tip and the underside of his paws are also white.  His pads are pinkish.  He is dressed in a rather bizarre outfit consisting of little more then armored shoulder, chest plates and a similar armored waist and thighs (complete with royally decorative cape).  He wears wrist and shin guards, fingerless gloves, but is otherwise bare pawed.  He wears a silver circlet with a purple gem.  It is an improvement, because he wasn't in the habit of wearing anything before, except the circlet.  Around his neck is a choker collar with a bell, his restraining device.  Eventually he adds a one-piece, black thermal suit that covers his torso, upper arms and thighs.  He stands 1.52m (~5ft) in height and weighs only 40kg (~88lbs).
Occupation: Ixiah is reputed to be a psychic warrior of great skill among his people. 
Rank/Designation: Olin and Prince
Skills: He has a lot of information regarding worlds, aliens, galactic history and the enemy.  He has reasonable tactics for small units, army level, fighters and capital ships.
Psychic powers: Master Physical, minor empathic and minor mental 
Note: Ixiah is very whimsical and can be very bipolar at times.

Name: Reiya
Age: unknown
Gender: female
Species: Acadian
Appearance: She is pink furred, with white fur accenting her face and down her chest, belly and ending at the base of the tail.  Her tail tip and the underside of the paws are also white.  Her pads are a pale pink.  She has cobalt eyes.  Her garb is reminiscent of arcane finery, royally appointed with embroidered design.  She is armored in a somewhat more protective fashion.  Her attire is blue and white in color and is also apparently of a manga style origin.  Reiya wears a belled choker collar and a golden circlet with a red gem.  She is 1.53m (~5ft 2in) in height and weighs 45kg (~100lbs).
Rank/Designation: Olin and Princess
Skills: She is a coordinator and operational leader, skilled at directing large scale planetary operations.  Her knowledge of many things in the universe is extensive. 
Psychic powers: Master Empath, Major mental and minor physical
Note: Reiya appears very shy, agreeable and quiet.  This is an illusion, as the impressions she first received from the anthros and humans seemed to indicate they expected this of her or that she should be this way based on her appearance.  She catered to this assumption and acts the role very well, but her normal personality is very out going.  She is known to adapt to what many expect her to be like.

Name: Loki
Age: 150
Gender: male
Species: Acadian
Appearance: A fox with bright golden eyes and mint green fur, he has white fur accenting his face and down his chest and belly.  His tail tip and the underside of his paws are black.  His pads are ashen grey.  He wears a black and red mandarin collared, long sleeved shirt that splits at the sides up to his waist.  He wears a simple belt at where the shirt splits on the sides giving him a front flap and a rear one (that splits to accommodate his tail).  He wears black pants and boots.  He has a black and red cape and red fingerless gloves to complete his ensemble.  He has, but rarely wears a simple silver circlet with a small, round blue gem.  Like the others, he is outfitted with a bell collar.  Loki stands about 1.37m (~4ft 6in) and weighs about 33kg (~66lbs).  
Occupation: Loki is psychic warrior and a former pirate. 
Rank/Designation: Prince
Skills: He has a lot of information for a kid, and knows a lot of science and history.  He is a rather poor tactician, but possess a lot of military knowledge. 
Psychic powers: Major Physical, Major mental and Major empathic
Note: Loki is very devious at times and whimsy.  He is very weak against pain, but ironically does not notice it until someone points out the injury and tells him it should hurt.

Name: Xexxorious
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Species: X'xiklorian
Psychic powers:

Name: Khaine
Psychic powers:

Name: Lilith
Psychic powers:

Name: Heimdall
Psychic powers:

Name: Selene
Psychic powers:

Name: Zavorrezz
Psychic powers: