Ah I felt there was something odd about this case
One can hope this whole thing can be prevented even more in the future...
Cubi masquerading as Beings need to brief their kids earlier.
Best to get him to SAIA as fast as possible.
Quote from: inuhanyo on September 11, 2009, 11:47:39 PM
Cubi masquerading as Beings need to brief their kids earlier.
Best to get him to SAIA as fast as possible.
That is a big +1, but you forgot to add "and make sure that their kids understand why they have to be hidden"
You know, I'm surprised we haven't heard any complaints yet about Tapewolf killing off Simeon's mother, since she was not only a female, but also had colors that don't appear on her species in nature.
Keaton is the only Project Future character so far that fits the criteria of female and non-natural colors. We need more of that!
Quote from: ChaosMageX on September 13, 2009, 11:03:17 AM
Keaton is the only Project Future character so far that fits the criteria of female and non-natural colors. We need more of that!
Yeah, and that's because she wasn't my creation :<
Sadly, the next backstory - after WITW finishes - will have a cast of three male characters. However it will be shorter, only six strips. I haven't decided which CJP chapter(s) I'm going to run after that, so we'll have to see. I am rather tempted to run the last few chapters of CJP, which does have a number of female cast members, though not quite so many as I'd like.
I might have to get Ren to do some kind of harem picture to balance things out :B
I have come to the conclusion that Tape is simply a colourphobe. Anything brighter than brown terrfies him. :P
... including shiny black. ;-]
Quote from: Amber Williams on September 13, 2009, 01:54:00 PM
I have come to the conclusion that Tape is simply a colourphobe. Anything brighter than brown terrfies him. :P
Hence the red shirt.
Honestly, the problem is mostly that my sense of colour-coordination is basically nil. The design process generally went a lot like: "Daryil, crazy gay fox. What colour... colour... argh... hate colour... aw sod it, grey looks good..."
...hence I picked naturalistic colours a lot because it made choosing them easier >:3
But that is something I'm slowly trying to fix.
*laughs manicaly as he burns Tape's corneas* :mwaha