Ara? Where'd I get now? I was browsing through the Interweb without any worries, but suddenly a link from a fellow browser threw me in this dungeon. Now if only I could get out somehow... Is there anyone in here, say hello to a new prisoner in this dark place ^^
...Castlevania? what's that :d
Sorry if you entered here by accident.
You're welcome to browse around and stuff.... the comic's pretty good. I like it.
I will always be here for you. :|
Welcome to the forum!
For more information about the ICVD network, you can visit:
They're all Darkmoon run sites, and pretty much the reason we have this lovely little peice of the web.
They are the greatest things since prepacked toaster pastries.
dont worry we wont hurt you, we'll just assimulate you :mwaha
(cough) assimilate, I believe...
(shifty eyes)
bah i havent been to school for 12 weeks, my brain is starting to unsmartify
I go back to school on the 6th *sighs* wont be coming here as much.... Oh wait wi-fi on my psp i'll be here twice as much. *hugs all*
Because we want the weight of guilt over the fact that instead of studying in class, you're here on CMF... hey, at least posting will be up.
Lumienkeli is my bitch BTW. You all knew that yo? :D
hee hee i get my even more powerful laptop on monday :D twice as powerfull as the one i have now with 100GB memory, then i have college on tuesday...........
I remember College... good times...
Now I've got one of those Job things that happen when one graduates.
Happens to you maybe. It's still being elusive to me.
Right behind you in that line.
(holds up a sign that says "Will Sprite for not really.")
I read that as "Will Spite for Food..."
Cool, spite for food, sounds fun *takes idea and runs*
No, it's "Will SMITE for Food."
*smites random people*
*looks at karma*
Yet more smite for the stew...
and more spam for a spam pie
Spam pie? Ewwwww....
We need more apples.
Needs more cowbell...
No we need thr juices of a three-thousand year old vampire. Darkmoon you will be the bait, everybody else take five.
I'm not sure they'd want me. I'm stringy.
i would mindnt being bait, i want to be a vampire :evar
edit, bah i hate it when 2 letters completely change the sentence, stupid germanic roots of english :plzdie
Have to get bitten first...
I was bitten once
By a dog
That doesn't count.
Oh come on you cant even read it *shifty eyes*
If so you read this you bum
Your the coolest Admin of em' all
*takes a bow) Thanx man. I appreciate that... Although, technically I'm just a Moderator here. ;)
Yeah there's only one Admin.
And that's Dam... she's the one with the neat-o Crosses under her name. :P
Because we're trying to lessen the likelyhood of someone getting hacked and it fuckin the forum.
You ever find any clues about the hacking?
Wait. What?
Naw, at this point we'll likely never know what happened.