The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => The Arena => Topic started by: Jer-oh-me on October 28, 2008, 04:53:50 PM

Question: Should Jer have worked on the Situation more?
Option 1: NO!! This is good, I really hope I win! votes: 1
Option 2: Eh, it's okay, but he could've worked on it a little longer I think. votes: 1
Option 3: Bleh, and to think I was even interested in this game. votes: 0
Title: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 28, 2008, 04:53:50 PM
This game is based off of a regular column in MAKE magazine, I'm not going to be instilling any specific rules as this is an experiment mostly. Anyway here goes. Every week (or round) I (or someone else who wishes to, I figure this'll be sort of a hosted game like Invisible Friend is) will post a hypothetical situation that is decidedly bad case scenario, and the idea is you submit your solutions to the posed problems. Each situation will outline what happens and what you have at your disposal. So, anybody interested?

I thought that it'd be nice to have a definite winner so after everyone signed up for the round posts a solution the players vote for the solution they like best besides their own, host casts tie breaker vote, but only votes in the event of a tie.

Okay, instead of doing the solutions by anonymous page, I am instead instituting that the voting be anonymous instead, seeing as I (or other hosts) would be the only one posting otherwise.

If something is unclear you may ask for clarification before you post your solution, and you can also take into account clarifications requested by others as long as you have not already posted a solution.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: VSMIT on October 28, 2008, 05:13:29 PM
God divides by zero.

Oh, you ask the questions.  Sounds like fun.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 28, 2008, 06:20:55 PM
Could be interesting.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 28, 2008, 07:18:52 PM
Alright! Two so far, I hope I don't disappoint.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Slowtini on October 28, 2008, 07:37:34 PM
Step 1 for solving a problem: SHIFT THE BLAME :D

I kinda like this idea o-o
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Darkdragon on October 28, 2008, 07:41:10 PM
Are we allowed to ask questions to clarify the scenario?
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 28, 2008, 08:04:36 PM
I could give this a shot.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Rakala on October 28, 2008, 09:46:15 PM
Ooh! I'm interested.  :D
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 29, 2008, 01:23:59 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on October 28, 2008, 07:41:10 PM
Are we allowed to ask questions to clarify the scenario?

Considering this is a first time, sure, but I (or whoever else may be hosting) will do my best to make the situation and what you have at your disposal as clear as possible.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: e_voyager on October 30, 2008, 01:01:46 AM
i'm sure this is doable.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 30, 2008, 01:09:52 AM
Okay now I'm coming up with the first scenario. Bear with me.

Alright, will post tomorrow, when I have access to a keyboard, do we want to post anonymously through the host or overtly?
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: VSMIT on October 30, 2008, 02:37:43 AM
I think that the solutions should be sent via PM to the host, the host posts them here (a la the IF game), and then people vote on their favorite (besides their own, of course), when the round is over.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 30, 2008, 02:41:31 AM
Sounds good. One vote to carry VSMIT's motion.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Darkdragon on October 30, 2008, 02:44:19 AM
Title: Re: The Oh Crap! Game Round 1
Post by: Jer-oh-me on October 30, 2008, 02:47:50 AM
Okay, this is now the first round of the game, players are in alphabetical order: Corgatha Taldorthar, Darkdragon, E_Voyager, Llearch n'n'daCorna, VSMIT, and Slowtini. All players will send their... wait, there's a problem with that, I'd be the only one posting. Voting will be carried out anonymously, rather than solution posing. Merely PM me with the name of the person you wish to vote for with the subject 'Oh Crap Game' The first situation is this...

You are aboard a chartered plane attempting to flee civil unrest in a Central African nation you'd been in for reasons not relevant to this game. Assuming that you are now safe and out of harms way you get some sleep. You are awoken an unspecified amount of time later by the emotionally irate co-pilot. He tells you to grab your carry on luggage and take one of the last two parachutes and bail out of the aircraft. You are not given time to argue and as soon as you are strapped into the parachute you are shoved bodily out of the door and followed by the co-pilot leaving the Captain to try to land the plane which as you drift downwards has it's engines aflame.

You unfortunately watch your ill fated aircraft for too long and fail to notice that you are drifting to closely to a dense stand of trees. Before you have a chance to yelp in surprise you are ensnared in tree hanging by your parachute 4 stories off the ground. Fortunately you managed to hang on to your carry-on which contains: A Water Filter, a small multitool that is comprised of pliers, knife, and screwdriver, a Tourism Guidebook, a Bic Lighter, 4 varieties of personal electronics and their accompanying chargers (3 if one is a laptop), and a complete change of clothes including both a rain barrier and a warm top. You are currently clothed lightly to be comfortable in a cramped aircraft, (Feel free to elaborate on this) Your carry-on bag is of course very sturdy and designed to be easily carried as well as difficult to be removed from your person.

Now, now that you know your situation, and your supplies at hand, what do you do?
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 31, 2008, 07:33:21 AM
I'm presuming here that you're still in the Central African nation, or at least somewhere in Africa. Probably southern, as central doesn't really have too many trees, and northern doesn't have much more than lots of sand, as I understand it...

In which case, I'm sort-of curious as to what sort of area you're in, what the chances of finding the co-pilot, what resources he has on-hand, ...

Having said that, my first move would be to climb (carefully) up the shroud, and back up into the branches. Once there, I'd see about removing the shroud from the tree, with an eye towards using it to get down safely out of the tree, and/or put it back into the chute bag for later use. If nothing else, for collecting rainwater...

Whilst up there, having a look to see if I could see which direction the copilot went in would be a bright idea.

Once down, presumably safe, or at least with no more than bruises, I'd look at the surrounding area, and consider what I knew of the area in terms of animals likely to cause me trouble.

It depends entirely upon what sort of animals I was likely to have trouble with as to what I'd do next. Probably head off to find the copilot, and see about reaching some sort of civilisation. That might involve parking myself in one spot, where there was food and water, and making a big sign - the bigger, the better - with rocks. Like, a nice big arrow pointing towards where I was staying. A 20m long arrow, a good foot or so wide.

Once I had food and water, it's not like I have anything better to do. And using rocks to lay out the shroud wouldn't hurt, either...

... taking out the odd minute or two to panic wouldn't be a bad idea, either... ;-]
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Darkdragon on October 31, 2008, 12:45:55 PM
Panic. Scream. Then come to my senses.

I would first do a body check to make sure nothing is broken which may impede movement. Afterwards, I would slowly climb to the top of the tree to locate a water source. Assuming it is still light out, I would consult the Tourist Guidebook to check what to do in case of being attacked by hostile animals and what fruit from trees are edible. Keeping the advice firmly in mind, I would slowly make way to the bottom, and cautiously, covering my tracks as well as I can, to the located water source while attempting to find dry wood for burning. If a water source could not be located, I would make way to a small clearing and collect rainwater and filter it as a water source, as it would rain much in an area which can support dense trees. I will also note where there is smoke rising above the trees, as those areas indicate civilization.

After setting up camp at the water source, I would search for fruit which are edible and eat that for dinner. Identify the northern star or the southern star to determine direction and use azimuth tables to determine location. Sleep for a long day tomorrow.

After waking up, make way to areas of indicated civilization or collect wet wood for burning during the day to produce a thick, black smoke which would attract locals and / or aerial spotters. Scour for large clearing next to water source. Stay until discovered.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Corgatha Taldorthar on November 05, 2008, 11:01:02 PM
I'm assuming I get to choose what my personal electronics are? I'd like to go with a laptop, a portable wireless modem, and a GPS system. (Those all exist in portable versions? And I'd be able to get some sort of signal with a wireless if there's no interference, right?)

Well, assuming this tree has branches, I'd very *carefully* (Remember, we're four stories up) cut myself loose from the parachute and start making my way to the forest floor. Assuming I make it to the ground in one piece, I'd try to see if I can get off some sort of signal, e-mail a friend. If I can't get a signal, use the GPS to look for the closest way out of the forest, and where the nearest town is. Make way to open space, along the way search for water and food, but don't detour to find them. Escape comes first. I don't have too much in the way of woodcrafty skills, so for me, there's really a deadline. I can probably find water, but I doubt I'd be too good for food. Find closest clear area or source of civilization, and send out a call for help. If I'm forced into a protracted stay, a lot depends on whether or not I can find some sort of civilization and how accessible it is.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Slowtini on November 06, 2008, 07:20:39 PM
I take the bic lighter, and ignite the parachute.

Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Rakala on November 06, 2008, 07:40:09 PM
Well, I would probably starve to death.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: VSMIT on November 07, 2008, 03:42:26 PM
I wouldn't have left the electronics up to the players, but that's just me...

I'd climb higher in the tree to see if I could spot any kind of civilization or water.  If I find a source of water, I'd remember which direction it was in while I freed the parachute and cut some of the cords to tie together into a rope to climb down.  I'd scavenge around the tree for any edible plants, and grab some branches to help make a shelter.  I'd go to the water source and set up camp there, building a shelter and setting up an area for a fire.  I'd hunt for food and use the water filter to filter water to drink.  Eventually, someone has to see where I am, if not from just seeing a brightly colored parachute then from seeing smoke from a fire.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: e_voyager on November 08, 2008, 08:02:44 PM
solar energy collector or hand powered generator. cell phone, wind up radio and one of those shake charging flashlights.. fist order of business water and food. second order triangulation of location. third order decide which direction would least likely get me killed. forth order shelter.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: Jer-oh-me on November 10, 2008, 02:35:15 AM
Okay, I've already received one vote, but I'm just making it official, voting, volunteering to host, & signups are now open.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 10, 2008, 02:55:14 AM
Oh, neat. I'll vote, then.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: e_voyager on November 15, 2008, 02:12:45 AM
i forgot how to vote . but i think i'd support boxy's plan. watch out for gators though.
Title: Re: Oh Crap! Game
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 15, 2008, 06:39:50 AM
In my experience, I've foudn that the games work better if you have a set timeline.

eg, state two weeks to post solutions, and two weeks to post votes, for example. Or a week each, or something. Means the game doesn't get bogged down...