The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: goldentails on September 14, 2008, 05:39:49 PM

Title: lord strikers world. (the game i'm making)
Post by: goldentails on September 14, 2008, 05:39:49 PM
this is going to be based off of the game I'm making. I'm putting the info for my charter in this so ya will know him.
Name: golden-tails flare(Alex lioy this is his human name)
Picture/Description:(kitsune form) 6'5 with a buff build,red fur his body has ALOT of scars from battles he has been in. some with his own village. has 9 golden tails with white tips. the kimono he wears is fairly simple but has magic enchaments to make it strong Armour against magic. the kimono is whiteish silver with diamonds on the bottom of it and two straps of orange cloth on his shoulders.
Strength: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)4
Toughness: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)3
Stamina: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)6
Speed: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)6
Dexterity: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)5
Intelligence: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)8
Specialties: a fire and chaos elements.has 3 souls in his body. master thief.
Flaws: weak to ice and cold. a show ball could come close to killing him. can go crazy with his emotions hard time trusting people.
Special Items: the swords are his. he got more.
Other: he has 3 souls in his body gaining the strenghs and weakness of them. the first one is his soul, the second his fathers, the last is a thrown down kitsune god of chaos.
he can take the form of his father and lord chaos.
Title: Re: lord strikers world.
Post by: goldentails on September 14, 2008, 06:03:13 PM
this is the start.
(wrighting in a book) if you got this, that means an evil to end all evils has desided to destroy your realm. i have been hunting this evil who names his self the emperor of death since i was seven now i know i need help. this e.o.d has a huge army and has taken down goverments, destroied worlds, and has turned the purest souls to evil. the plants around him die by his mere pressence. and now i ask you can you help save what you hold close to you or will you do nothing. my name is golden tails flare you can find me in a manchion out side the kitsune village of avrgainia. i will look forard to seeing you there.
p.s. if a say i feel like being a walking infrno and sundnly combust into flames don't try to put it out as i'm probley trying to heal my self.(end book)
"alright the last one is written now go forth and find all who can help me in my quest." a kitsune with 9 golden tails said to the books on the table and they dissapered to find anyone who would help.
Title: Re: lord strikers world.
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 15, 2008, 08:43:17 AM
Just out of interest, did you read the rules page about this forum?

Specifically, the bit about titling your threads, and the recommendations about splitting your thread into OOC and IC, and perhaps something about waiting until you have some people expressing interest in being in your RP before going on with it?

I'll give you a day or so to fix the thread title, though.
Title: Re: lord strikers world. (the game i'm making)
Post by: goldentails on September 21, 2008, 01:01:00 AM
ok i'll try to fix it. only got tomarrow to be home from work. :mowsad