Well... it looks like CN's regularly scheduled end-of-summer global war (http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/BLEU-Continuum_War) has finally begun. (Took em long enough... geez! >:]) We'll be on the Coalition side, fighting BLEU.
Does everyone have their warchest ready?
CURRENT TARGET LIST: (Updated 2008-08-17)
Vox Populi (http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Vox%20Populi)
Anyone in this alliance is fair game. If you see a war slot open, hammer them. You might have to get in line, we're a bit late for the party... :animesweat
Oh, and by the way... they've already taken it nuclear, so the safeties are off the big red button in this conflict.
SOLID (http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Sons%20Of%20Liberty%20In%20Defiance)
A nice big alliance for us to play with...
STA (http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Siberian%20Tiger%20Alliance)
The list keeps growing...
Heroes of Gaming (http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=HeroesofGaming)
These guys declared war on Tempest, a fellow Pegasus alliance. Let's educate them on fatal errors in judgment, okay?
Shattered Star Exiles surrendered and are no longer on our target list.
Try not to break up a stagger. In order to prevent enemies from hiding in peace mode when their wars expire, people stagger attacks by only declaring twice on the first day and then adding an extra attacker on the next one. (So there are still a active wars when the first two expire.) Thus, it's not a good idea to attack targets that are already in two defensive wars in one day.
Oh, joy.
War declared on Al Kassad (http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=151214)
Hmm... that guy wasn't there when I was target hunting this morning. Vox Populi is certainly growing fast! :3
Did you actually buy bombers for this one? >:] And what's up with your serious lack of trades? A great war is not a terribly good time to be at an economic disadvantage... :dface
Anyways... new targets up. Little guys, this time.
I've had a couple of trades die on me, and been busy at work.
So I haven't been able to go and organise a full trade circle or something. Since I can't get any serious trades, I might as well take this opportunity to go the whole hog, and organise a full set, or something.
I didn't buy any bombers, no. I've still got 60 fighters, so...
I can't even use my navy on him, cause he's too small.
Terribly disappointing....
Um... getting bombers is kind of a good idea...
In case you haven't been following the drama, Vox Populi is pretty much a dumping ground for CN's most prominant warmongers, including such illustrious personalities as the deposed emperor of the New Polar Order. The "newbies" are mostly former top-tier nations who deleted because there wasn't enough war in CN... and returned to enjoy the new global war.
Fighting them with all you've got is probably a good idea. >:]
Their new recruitment message, for the curious:
What are you looking for in an alliance? If it is an anarchic collective bent on a suicide run against the powers that be with certain doom being the only sure thing, we're your best bet!
Join us at Vox Populi and put a weasel in the shorts of the man
They've grown by nearly 30 nations in the past day.
Heh. I was wiping out his warmongering capability.
I'll refill with bombers, though.
Oh, and "fight with all I have" ? I hit him with two cruise missiles, two fighter strikes, and two ground strikes. I'd have hit him with navy as well, but he's not big enough.
Planes are pretty cheap to replace... I suspect that a lot of these guys have warchests in the hundreds of millions. :dface
Heck... even mine is in the 9-figure range.
yeah, but I'm sitting in "fend the bastard off" mode. ;-]
For which max fighters is optimal, yes?
Not really. In any serious war I've ever been in, attackers had no problems wiping out 60 fighters.
Ya know what they say about the best defence... >:]
Subject: Target: Al Kassad
Message: llearch,
You have attacked an enemy of the New Pacific Order. That was not your target to take, and your declaration has been nothing but an opportunistic action against our target. You blew up a stagger by declaring on our target. We demand that you IMMEDIATELY peace out your war with Al Kassad. He is a NPO's target and NPO's ONLY.
Please reply this message stating that you understand its contents.
This will be your only warning.
NPO Military General
Erm. Mmkay. I'm happy to stop attacking, but...
Where's the request for us to attack, then? And who's managing it?
It's all via the Pegasus forums and/or the IRC channel.
Official response...
Ok, we have had an issue with a nation declaring on another.
Before you declare, make sure you are not breaking a stagger. How can you check this? Look at any war declared on the nation. If two of them are on the same day, do not attack unless it the day after those declarations.
If you are unsure, ask or don't declare.
Thanks, Agnu.
In other news... I'm now being attacked by one of the largest nations in the game. How cool is that? :3
*cough* well, I feel good now...
Well, I got my ass royally handed to me. How the hell that bastard managed to fend off my attacks after being quaded with missles and aircraft is beyond me.
My ground forces must be complete morons.
This is also why I avoid war in CN. I typically get gimped by what ever powers that determine the kill ratios...
All my deployed tanks dead in ONE FUGGING BATTLE! MADNESS? THIS IS BULLSHIT!
What were your battle odds for the ground attack?
Your opponent has a full set of Guerilla Camps, which means he's got a much higher troop efficiency than you even though you're larger. You'd probably need to swap out a few improvement for camps if you want to be able to get through that.
Like anything else, war in CN takes practice. I made quite the ass of myself by forgetting to deploy tanks the first time around. :animesweat Second round, I managed to deploy the perfect amount. :3
SSX has surrendered (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31600). I know none of you have been attacking them, but even if you were thinking about it, they're no longer valid targets. Best of luck to them rebuilding.
If any of you still feel like jumping on the bandwagon, Vox Populi is over 160 nations now and growing by the day. Heck, they're growing by the hour. Scanning their ranks for new arrivals (0 day seniority) is a good way to find nations with slots free, although a lot of them are importing wars from old AAs.
I'm having a lot of fun personally. I finally got some ground strikes in on a guy twice my size this morning. Yay me! :3
The global radiation level is now capped at 5.0. (It's actually above 7, but the effect is capped at 5.) The main practical effect, besides reduced collections, is that most of you will probably have negative improvement slots. Improvement swapping to collect taxes when you have guerilla camps and such is now... difficult. I hope those of you fighting have enough of a warchest to pay your bills. On the good side, since GLR is now capped, it's predictable. So you can plan around the environmental damage remaining fairly constant for the next few weeks.
I'm going to revise my opinion about defensive fighter complements, by the way. With 60-65 level 9 fighters, I bounced every airstrike against me this war. Many of my own attacks bounced until my opponents had less than ~45 fighters. I'm going to assume that my previous experiences with airforces being wiped out had to do with differences in power levels and such (my raiders usually had several times my tech--this was back when my tech level was below ~500). If you're fighting somebody much bigger than you, air defense is probably not very useful unless you have a lot of extra fighters via aircraft carriers or wonders. Without naval support or wonder bonuses, you can only send 50 aircraft per run. If you're sending bombers, that means you only have ~40 fighters against however many the enemy has, so there's a good chance of it bouncing.
Agnu has asked for an answer about how the way is going.
Since Tez is running 3 of the 6 wars currently, I think he gets to answer for us. Mostly, I think we're apathetic enough to not want to go out and shoot people... ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2008, 12:05:11 AM
Agnu has asked for an answer about how the way is going.
Since Tez is running 3 of the 6 wars currently, I think he gets to answer for us. Mostly, I think we're apathetic enough to not want to go out and shoot people... ;-]
That and dividing my forces among two wars is a rather bad idea. I have been pummelling my guy pretty throughly though, but he's mostly distracted by the other people he pissed off.
4 of 8 now. >:]
Prosecuting wars on multiple battlefronts takes a bit of practice. You have to manage your deployment so that you can kinda cascade attacks down the ranks as your troops die off. It's easier in wars like this when your opponents are being beaten down to the point that they can't fight back.
Helpful tip I got from someone:
To figure out what kind of attack to use, check your chance of success.
<40%... use Cautious.
40-60%... use Planned.
>60%... use Aggressive.
You'll usually get the right number of casualties for a followup out of those.
How's everyone doing cash-wise? How big of a warchest are you guys holding?
I'm sitting on about 50 million. And Mr Target has decided to not have any soldiers at all at present.
I suspect that means I should find another target...
Fairly poorly. The recent surge in global radiation and the fact one of my trades dropped and I can't find a replacement means that I have lost about 4.5 thousand civilians and is barely making my ends meet.
That and I never seem to be able to be on at the minutes before update. It's not even an ungodly hour of the day.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2008, 02:35:48 AM
I'm sitting on about 50 million. And Mr Target has decided to not have any soldiers at all at present.
I suspect that means I should find another target...
Heh. Yeah, that's annoying. Ah well, just send him his 2 CMs and airstrikes a day and move on to a more interesting plaything. Zeroing his troops slows down the rate of infra loss, but it isn't helping his cause that much. He's probably waiting to escape into hippie mode once the wars expire.
Quote from: Darkdragon on August 18, 2008, 04:25:41 AM
Fairly poorly. The recent surge in global radiation and the fact one of my trades dropped and I can't find a replacement means that I have lost about 4.5 thousand civilians and is barely making my ends meet.
That and I never seem to be able to be on at the minutes before update. It's not even an ungodly hour of the day.
Hmm... do you need aids? Maybe you should stay out of the war until you build up a decent cash reserve, since your daily income basically goes down to zero once the fighting starts. Your tech is also pretty low for a nation in your NS range, which would hurt your military power a fair bit.
I'm down to $93 million, myself. Since the GRL is so high, and I'm being bombarded by four nations daily, I can't swap out my camps to collect. Ouch. :B Lots of naval warfare and dogfighting is really draining my coffers, but I should be able to hold out for another week or three before cash gets tight.
You don't actually have to wait for the update to attack anymore, by the way, although it does help maximize damage. Pretty much all of our targets will be fighting at least 3 opponents. If they're online a lot, it's tough to anarchy them because they rebuild between attacks. Otherwise, you can slide in whenever and help finish what the other fighters on our side started.
Hmm... we have a lot of inactive players. Joe's two days away from deletion. Where have they all gone. :dface
Right now I've got about 13 million, I was late on the stocking up party plus I suck at wars.
Hmm... not so much, but you could probably manage for a bit if your opponent isn't doing too much damage to you.
Holler if you need a cash infusion...
OH FOR FUCK'S! The bastard I'm dealing with must have one of the most brilliant military minds working for him cause while he sits at defcon 4, I launched an aggressive attack with 63% chance of victory and he had no tanks against my 3000.... THE BASTARD UTTERLY DECIMATED MY FORCES! THIS IS BULLSHIT! THE SYSTEM MUST BE FUCKING ME OVER!...
Doh! :B Ah well, it happens. 63% chance of victory is 37% a chance of failure, after all. And aggressive attacks do tend to lose you more troops.
I could accept losing the battle, but losing THAT MANY TROOPS(around 14K) WITH TANKS(I started with 3000 and lost 1900)?! To his 5000 lost troops? That is simple bull shit.
Quote from: Valynth on August 19, 2008, 09:50:29 PM
I could accept losing the battle, but losing THAT MANY TROOPS(around 14K) WITH TANKS(I started with 3000 and lost 1900)?! To his 5000 lost troops? That is simple bull shit.
Must be Tau.
In all seriousness, I do sincerely believe you all insane for throwing yourselves into this mindless slaughter. Do you guys even have a motive beyond "Someone else told me to?"
Quote from: Ganurath on August 20, 2008, 02:13:56 AM
Quote from: Valynth on August 19, 2008, 09:50:29 PM
I could accept losing the battle, but losing THAT MANY TROOPS(around 14K) WITH TANKS(I started with 3000 and lost 1900)?! To his 5000 lost troops? That is simple bull shit.
Must be Tau.
In all seriousness, I do sincerely believe you all insane for throwing yourselves into this mindless slaughter. Do you guys even have a motive beyond "Someone else told me to?"
"You got something better to do?"
Quote from: Ganurath on August 20, 2008, 02:13:56 AM
In all seriousness, I do sincerely believe you all insane for throwing yourselves into this mindless slaughter. Do you guys even have a motive beyond "Someone else told me to?"
To the strategist and general, troop counts are but resources to expend, to the accountant and economist, they are but numbers to push around to find the balanced economy, and to the apathetic, it is another point of datum, no more significant than any other.
Quote from: Valynth on August 20, 2008, 02:17:54 AM"You got something better to do?"
Quote from: Darkdragon on August 20, 2008, 04:22:01 AMTo the strategist and general, troop counts are but resources to expend, to the accountant and economist, they are but numbers to push around to find the balanced economy, and to the apathetic, it is another point of datum, no more significant than any other.
To a good strategist and general, troop counts are resources you want to keep a solid reserve of and avoid expending needlessly. To the observant account and economist, they are an investment of resources that, in addition to their maintainence and initial cost, bring economic downfall through war weariness when lost. To the apathetic, House Karlov delivers an eviction notice. We may be an authoritarian state, but we will not waste lives needlessly to satisfy the mob mentality just because the ones with the nukes are less civilized.
Edit: If this worldview gets one killed in Cybernations, then tell the Reaper he will have to wait until after the market closes.
Just as a heads-up, I'm going AFK for a week from next wednesday.
So once this war is completed, I'll be dropping into hippie mode.
I think the war is grinding down... Most of the people I search for are in Anarchy and have 3 defensive wars already.