The Clockwork Mansion

Outskirts => The Villa => Topic started by: silentassassin on July 22, 2008, 11:13:44 PM

Title: super duper introduction extravaganza
Post by: silentassassin on July 22, 2008, 11:13:44 PM
Hello my name is silentassassin or alex whichever you prefer. Ya i am a little late on doing an introduction who cares. My interests include tv, video games, anime, plotting global domination, assassinations for money of course, dmfa, and cvrpg. The way i came about dmfa was my cousin told me about it. I'm that shadow you see behind but can't catch until it's too late. Not much else to say i guess. (p.s. for all your assassin needs call me at 1-800-kill4u)