The Clockwork Mansion

Village Square => The Lost Lake Inn => Topic started by: e_voyager on February 22, 2008, 02:03:46 AM

Title: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: e_voyager on February 22, 2008, 02:03:46 AM
It was a good machine it did it's job and work hard until the last. but in the end it was not match for time. Well i can't help but use a star trek reference. I doubt that even bones would hold it against me
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Darkmoon on February 22, 2008, 02:15:28 AM
Amber on Dmoons account:

I'm still quite cranky at this development. In some ways, it is something I should always be prepared for.  I mean...I am pretty much staying with family members away from home and using their resources to work on my comic. I cannot always expect things to go according to plan 100% of the time.  At the same time, it is just so frustrating to get this of all things handed to me. Program errors I can handle, simply being tired I could be glad...but part failure? Thats just weak.

As I said, I will be looking into scanners...but really...I dont know if it is wise of me to consider dipping into the funds I just recently got.  But as I said, it is also unfair of me to suddenly spring a bill for something expensive on my brother when he has his own bills and finances to consider. It's very possible he doesnt have the means to just drop 100-200 on a scanner just cause I want one for the two weeks I'm here.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated on this.  I will be honest. At this point, I can afford to buy the scanner...but it would be ultimately cutting into the money I had originally intended to save for shirts and/or rainy days.  The plus side is I would be able to get comics up and going while I am down here. The downside is...well...longrun it may not be so hot for me.

Other alternative is to just say "farg this!" and declare an impromptu guestweek of guest art and guest comics while I am down here.  And spend the two weeks working on stuff for when I return.  The main reason I havent done this is because I sort of feel REALLY bad about having just gotten a bunch of generous donations only for me to declare haitus.  It sort of feels like I've grabbed the money and ran. X_x

So yeah...opinions would be good. What do you guys think?
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Kenji on February 22, 2008, 02:26:42 AM
If its of any use, Walmart and such stores tend to sell small portable scanners, like the kind most artists take to AC, that are essentially just a small tube-like structure where the picture goes in, gets scanned, and just kinda comes out the other side of the scanner as it goes.

Could always snag one for when you go road tripping. I think I've seen them for about $30 or so.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: RobbieThe1st on February 22, 2008, 02:39:57 AM
Quote from: Kenji on February 22, 2008, 02:26:42 AM
If its of any use, Walmart and such stores tend to sell small portable scanners, like the kind most artists take to AC, that are essentially just a small tube-like structure where the picture goes in, gets scanned, and just kinda comes out the other side of the scanner as it goes.

Could always snag one for when you go road tripping. I think I've seen them for about $30 or so.
Yea, you could do that, and keep it with you whenever your away from home - And, so long as it worked well, you would have a back up if your home one failed.

Now, I am not sure how different things are where you are, but over here, in Washington, you can usually find a couple scanners for $5-10 used at thrift stores/second hand shops. Obviously, if you could find a working one for $5-10, that would be perfect.

If you decided you needed to get a full priced new scanner, it wouldn't be that bad, as you could keep it in the car, just like a small one, and when your home one fails... No downtime!

Guest week is obviously the easiest option, and when you got back we readers would most likely get more out of it than a typical week, and even if not, we still wouldn't be unhappy... But, as always, it is up to you.

Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: AmigaDragon on February 22, 2008, 03:16:13 AM
A couple other alternatives... do you know anyone nearby with a scanner you can use for the duration?


Do you have a digital camera you can snap  pics of your strip with instead? Even a webcam if you do each panel separately to get the full use of available resolution.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on February 22, 2008, 03:32:09 AM
Amber I say give yourself a break and let others do your work for you for once! Bring on the guest strips! :3
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: ibneko on February 22, 2008, 04:40:44 AM
Check the local public library? Some of the newer ones with very nice computer labs have scanners that can be used.

Alternatively, I think some Kinko fax-copy places offer scanning services.  Might be somewhat costly though...

Or worst comes to worst, there's always the digital-camera-then-clean-up method.  Definitely not pretty, but it'll work in a jiffy~ and digital cameras are much more common than scanners.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: e_voyager on February 22, 2008, 04:46:18 AM
all things are possible but i say that guest strips are right and you can use this time to relax or create a few draft / inked comics to use later.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Tapewolf on February 22, 2008, 05:07:17 AM
Quote from: Kenji on February 22, 2008, 02:26:42 AM
If its of any use, Walmart and such stores tend to sell small portable scanners, like the kind most artists take to AC, that are essentially just a small tube-like structure where the picture goes in, gets scanned, and just kinda comes out the other side of the scanner as it goes.
Could always snag one for when you go road tripping. I think I've seen them for about $30 or so.
That sounds like a pretty good idea.  Failing that, I'd go with the guest strips.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Paul on February 22, 2008, 06:57:16 AM
Personally, I think it'd be perfectly fine if DMFA took a hiatus due to force majeure. But it's quite clear that you don't like that option much. So my humble suggestion is: Don't buy a scanner; don't get your brother to buy one, either. Use the time you can't use for scanning and colouring now for drawing - build up a buffer of strips, and then you can upload the "missed" strips once you're back home and get them scanned & coloured. That way, the 3 DMFAs per week schedule holds up on average, and (hopefully and most importantly) you don't feel bad for missing out.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Turnsky on February 22, 2008, 07:31:37 AM
well, if i were in amber's shoes, i'd use this as the perfect opportunity to build up a buffer of sorts for inked comics.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: WhiteFox on February 22, 2008, 07:41:45 AM
I'm getting flashbacks to when my computer had a stroke... it was semi workable, barely. Longest week ever.

I'm not going to say no to a hiatus or guest comics. Some art or wallpapers when it's over would be nice, though  :3

...And t-shirts. Tees are good.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Netrogo on February 22, 2008, 07:46:21 AM
Just to put in my two cents, have you tried checking craigslist for Dmoon`s area. There`s usually a fair share of people selling off old comp junk for cheap so you could probably get a decent temp scanner for about ten or twenty bucks. Either way I don`t think any of us are worried about when you update Amber. We all know how life can reach out and bludgeon you with blunt objects just when you think everything`s good. Just enjoy your trip and time with the family type peoples.

(Note: On a study comp at the moment with retarded lock downs on it and for some reason I can`t use proper punctuation other then . anything else I use comes out funny. Question mark is this É for some dumb reason :< )
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 22, 2008, 08:23:12 AM
I think my opinion has been stated before. Shit happens. We'll live.

Sure, you feel bad for it, but that money was put aside for t-shirts, IMO. If you start chewing into it, you'll need to replace it somehow, or order less shirts - and if we -really- like your shirts, you're gonna need the money.

I'm happy to have a hiatus while you're on the road.

(although the suggestion from Paul about scripting and inking in advance doesn't hurt, either...)
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Gamma on February 22, 2008, 08:35:17 AM
I'm with Paul and llearch.
I wouldn't mind a hiatus either. If you need it take it, due to whatever even. :mowcookie
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Damaris on February 22, 2008, 08:46:48 AM
(actually Damaris)
Just as a note, I know for a fact the local library doesn't have a nice computer lab with a scanner.  In fact, my lab kinda sucks. ;)

On the upside, we're kinda pleased the scanner lasted this long.  It was a crappy, cheap scanner, and it's over five years old. *shrugs*  We just don't use it that much nowadays (obviously)
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: thegayhare on February 22, 2008, 08:54:16 AM
I've got a decent scanner I don't use

If your interested
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: vIDo on February 22, 2008, 09:48:34 AM
amber, if you ever end up in Holland with the same problem I'll be happy to help you.
as for now I would go with Paul and llearch...

just listen to this..  its great advice... ( :ipod
(me happy now.. :> L: )
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: rt on February 22, 2008, 10:11:04 AM
I think I'm saying the same thing as Paul, just draw, and if ya want give do a comic flood when you get back, or just have some pre drawn stips lying around.

Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Naldru on February 22, 2008, 10:18:26 AM
On a few occasions, I have seen Applegeeks ( post artwork that hasn't been inked or colored and then replace it with the colored final version later.  Just a thought for your consideration.  A digital camera would probably be good enough for the temporary version.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Netrogo on February 22, 2008, 10:46:00 AM
Naldru, I'm sorry but your comment just makes me picture someone sitting infront of the comp 'nic-fitting' while they wait for even the slightest update from Amber :P
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Aurawyn on February 22, 2008, 11:14:17 AM
I say go on Hiatus.. Its not worth it, and most of us can be understanding for a little while..

Sides you could use the time to do extra Inks and build yourself, a little buffer...

(( Not sure how web comic making works, exactly, so I'm not even sure if Having a bunch of Inks is considered a buffer or not! But when you get back it would cut down on your work for alittle while longer anyhow ))


You could also, go to wal-mart, like Kenji said, and get a cheap scanner *Save Your receipt* Use it for the time your there, then return it.. The only thing they ask you at wal-mart when you return something is if its broken or not.. Keep the box in good condition too..  >:3 >:3 >:3 >:3

Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Eibborn on February 22, 2008, 12:18:56 PM
I'd just go on Hiatus, personally. The fans can wait!
If you don't want to do that, though, maybe the best thing to do would be to just use the time to draw up and ink the comics that you won't be able to upload, and then do extra updates when you get home. Even if you just colour one extra one for a week, you can catch up and have the same number of comics uploaded as if you had a working scanner. They'll be late, but they'll be there.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Pagan on February 22, 2008, 01:12:42 PM
I say go for the guest strips/hiatus. Use the time for drawing and inking a buffer of sorts. We're hardy fans, we can withstand waiting awhile.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Naldru on February 22, 2008, 04:39:26 PM
Quote from: Netrogo on February 22, 2008, 10:46:00 AM
Naldru, I'm sorry but your comment just makes me picture someone sitting infront of the comp 'nic-fitting' while they wait for even the slightest update from Amber :P
I give up.  Is nic network information center or nicotine?  If it's nicotine, I don't smoke.

I think you're implying that I'm a nervous wreck waiting for an update.  If that was the case, I would simply write a program that would check the name of the image in that comes before AS.gif and generate a message when it changes.

Why obsess over anything when the computer is much better at being obsessive than I am.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Damaris on February 22, 2008, 05:36:00 PM
Um, guys... you do realize that:
a) A comic takes her around 8 hours.
b) The drawing and inking usually averages about 1-2 hours.
c) Leaving 6-7 hours for the coloring- which she needs a scanner for.

sooo, lovely as the thought is, it is highly unlikely that a publishable buffer will come out of this hiatus.  I just don't want hopes getting up and people being disappointed.

Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Lorien on February 22, 2008, 05:54:17 PM
Well, I completely understand that comics may have to wait a while, and I think the other readers do too.  If want you could use this break to either take a rest or get a buffer of sketches/ inked comics.   :mowninja  (so you can be lazy later)
Or if you want you could probably find a scanner somewhere else (maybe you could do this at Kinkos or if your brother is in school one of his school scanners) scan your comic, and email it to yourself in the preffered format.
In any case sorry to hear you had more unexpected problems, and hope you don't stress too much. 
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: M on February 22, 2008, 06:07:47 PM
I'd say take a break/offer guest comics. I don't really think it's worth it to buy a new scanner for just two weeks. I'll assume a massive amount of your readers (me included) are understanding of your situation and can be patient. :3
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: WhiteFox on February 22, 2008, 06:24:20 PM
Quote from: Naldru on February 22, 2008, 10:18:26 AM
On a few occasions, I have seen Applegeeks ( post artwork that hasn't been inked or colored and then replace it with the colored final version later.  Just a thought for your consideration.

Actually, I was really hoping to get a chance to see what DMFA looks like before the digital work. Half cause I'm a big fan of amber, and half cause I'm trying to learn how to do the digital stuff myself.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Tapewolf on February 22, 2008, 06:52:50 PM
Quote from: WhiteFox on February 22, 2008, 06:24:20 PM
Actually, I was really hoping to get a chance to see what DMFA looks like before the digital work. Half cause I'm a big fan of amber, and half cause I'm trying to learn how to do the digital stuff myself.
I don't know what happens more recently, but as of the 'Recipe for Disasters' arc, the characters are sketched and inked.  Outdoor scenes and more complex interiors are also inked - most interior scenes have the backdrop entirely computer-generated.
Now with the Jyrras arc, more and more interior scenes also exist on paper.  I don't know if this is Amber's art style evolving, or simply that this arc uses more complex interiors.

As for the colouring, I have a grasp of that enough to be able to repair them and remove speech bubbles etc (or remove all Abel's spots) but I couldn't colour one in from scratch, and I can't describe or explain what I do know  :<
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: rt on February 22, 2008, 07:19:50 PM
Re: "comics take along time to colour"


:B But it's a flashback .. and tv teaches me flashbacks are always in black and white  :B

Other than that .. I hear crayola makes an easily portable computer replacement colouring devices.. pen-cil cray-ons .. or mar-kers .. or some such nonsence.  ;) (<-- winky face for joking solution)

Remember always colour outside the lines.

For now I guess I'll just watch the bunny  :bunny
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: GreenReaper on February 22, 2008, 07:21:17 PM
Might be a good opportunity for an upgrade (with Mab sending back her old scanner to Darkmoon). Unfortunately, A3/11.7"x17" scanners suck on price. The lowest price for one I found that gets good reviews ( is $769 refurbished ( - and I know that sounds insane, but really, it's a good price for that size of scanner (I'm aware there is another one ( out there for about $170, but it's not one I feel comfortable recommending).

For A4/letter scans, I use the 4400F ( Again, not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either, and it works well.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Tapewolf on February 22, 2008, 07:39:45 PM
Quote from: GreenReaper on February 22, 2008, 07:21:17 PM
Might be a good opportunity for an upgrade. Unfortunately, A3/11.7"x17" scanners suck on price.

Try to get a second-hand or obsolete one.  I'm about to shoot for a Mustek ScanExpress.  My father had one, and although I seem to recall it was tempramental in Windows, the image quality was pretty good (and I can't afford to spent a huge amount).  I'm hoping it will be more stable under Linux.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: CameronCN on February 22, 2008, 10:25:55 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2008, 07:39:45 PM
Quote from: GreenReaper on February 22, 2008, 07:21:17 PM
Might be a good opportunity for an upgrade. Unfortunately, A3/11.7"x17" scanners suck on price.

Try to get a second-hand or obsolete one.  I'm about to shoot for a Mustek ScanExpress.  My father had one, and although I seem to recall it was tempramental in Windows, the image quality was pretty good (and I can't afford to spent a huge amount).  I'm hoping it will be more stable under Linux.

I dunno, considering the price and how often you'd use the thing, I'd think it'd be better to just scan it in halves and stitch it...
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Nino on February 22, 2008, 11:57:13 PM
I personally think you should start on that last mini-arc. I don't know about everyone else, but that was the one I was most looking forward too, and you finished the first two right away and now it's been months... highly disappointing for me =\ Also there have not been that many extra updates and a lot of skipped updates recently. I've been kind of disappointed with the output lately... I hate to say it, it's just that Amber did ask, so I wanted to put in my two cents. Sorry.

Don't litsen to me though, I'm not a paying customer and I'll be reading DMFA no matter what.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: GreenReaper on February 23, 2008, 01:54:28 AM
Quote from: CameronCN on February 22, 2008, 10:25:55 PM
I dunno, considering the price and how often you'd use the thing, I'd think it'd be better to just scan it in halves and stitch it...

Or draw everyone as mows, so they take up only half the size.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: PurpleCheeseLlama on February 23, 2008, 07:22:45 AM
Quote from: GreenReaper on February 23, 2008, 01:54:28 AM
Quote from: CameronCN on February 22, 2008, 10:25:55 PM
I dunno, considering the price and how often you'd use the thing, I'd think it'd be better to just scan it in halves and stitch it...

Or draw everyone as mows, so they take up only half the size.

Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: NDDR on February 23, 2008, 12:02:15 PM
anyone who has a panic attack over having to wait for the update has no life, theres at least a million other comics that could be read during the break.

i got like 3 dozen archives bookmarked for just incase something like this happens.

a week or 2 isn't a problem to me, i say have a break.

if ya ever in the uk, ireland, spain or switzerland and have a similar problem i can help out. although i doubt the chances of that happening.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: AndersW on February 23, 2008, 12:10:08 PM
Quote from: Kattuccino on February 22, 2008, 11:57:13 PM
I personally think you should start on that last mini-arc. I don't know about everyone else, but that was the one I was most looking forward too, and you finished the first two right away and now it's been months... highly disappointing for me =\ Also there have not been that many extra updates and a lot of skipped updates recently. I've been kind of disappointed with the output lately... I hate to say it, it's just that Amber did ask, so I wanted to put in my two cents. Sorry.

Don't litsen to me though, I'm not a paying customer and I'll be reading DMFA no matter what.

Starting on the last mini-arc is a good idea.  I also think Amber could update the Bonus Comics ( page.  There are plenty of things that you can't find unless you already know about it.  Like this ( and this ( and this ( and this (  And those are just the ones I know about, who knows what else might be out there.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Kayriel on February 23, 2008, 12:12:32 PM
Quote from: NDDR on February 23, 2008, 12:02:15 PM
anyone who has a panic attack over having to wait for the update has no life, theres at least a million other comics that could be read during the break.

i got like 3 dozen archives bookmarked for just incase something like this happens.

a week or 2 isn't a problem to me, i say have a break.

if ya ever in the uk, ireland, spain or switzerland and have a similar problem i can help out. although i doubt the chances of that happening.

-kicks- And what's wrong with not having a life? Personally, I'll be distressed, but I can understand the situation, and I'm hoping Amber does get the other comics buffered so she doesn't have to rush to update on time later.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Alondro on February 23, 2008, 09:18:06 PM
I can wait a week.  With my grad final coming up, there is nothing that can compare with the stress and horror I feel at knowing I need to be able to remember everything I've ever learned in biology.

And realizing that I can barely even remember what I did yesterday.

Amber can rest, I'll be catatonic for the next week anyway.  X_x
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Aurawyn on February 24, 2008, 01:42:15 AM
Guess no one took .. Buy it, use it, Return it seriously.. hehe  :mwaha
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Kayriel on February 24, 2008, 06:42:27 PM
Quote from: Aurawyn on February 24, 2008, 01:42:15 AM
Guess no one took .. Buy it, use it, Return it seriously.. hehe  :mwaha

Technologic. Technologic.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Pagan on February 25, 2008, 12:00:52 AM
I was wondering if someone other than me was thinking of that song when they read that.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 25, 2008, 01:11:21 AM
I was, of course.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Aurawyn on February 25, 2008, 12:04:26 PM


What song...
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 25, 2008, 12:13:46 PM
This one (
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Darkmoon on February 25, 2008, 01:26:08 PM
Quote from: AndersW on February 23, 2008, 12:10:08 PM
Quote from: Kattuccino on February 22, 2008, 11:57:13 PM
I personally think you should start on that last mini-arc. I don't know about everyone else, but that was the one I was most looking forward too, and you finished the first two right away and now it's been months... highly disappointing for me =\ Also there have not been that many extra updates and a lot of skipped updates recently. I've been kind of disappointed with the output lately... I hate to say it, it's just that Amber did ask, so I wanted to put in my two cents. Sorry.

Don't litsen to me though, I'm not a paying customer and I'll be reading DMFA no matter what.

Starting on the last mini-arc is a good idea.  I also think Amber could update the Bonus Comics ( page.  There are plenty of things that you can't find unless you already know about it.  Like this ( and this ( and this ( and this (  And those are just the ones I know about, who knows what else might be out there.

That will actually be fixed on the next major renovation of her site. Plus, as a bonsu, when it's fixed, it will be fixed in such a way so as to make future bonus updates easier to archive so they don't get lost.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: Pagan on February 25, 2008, 02:20:56 PM
Awesome, I kinda want to see some of those guests arts from that one haitus.

Some of those were really nice.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 25, 2008, 08:34:31 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 25, 2008, 12:13:46 PM
This one (
You mean this one (, I think. You must watch it in all it's original creepy spawn-of-Terminator-and-Chucky glory.
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 25, 2008, 09:18:12 PM
No, as a matter of fact, I -didn't- mean the original. Daft Hands is worthy in it's own right...
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 25, 2008, 09:59:55 PM
Oh, I'm not disagreeing with Daft Hands. I like Daft Hands, it's awsome. I'm just saying, if perople are going to listen to Technologic, they should watch the original movie.
That way, they are too scared to ever listen to it again >:3
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: AndersW on February 26, 2008, 01:57:13 PM
Quote from: Darkmoon on February 25, 2008, 01:26:08 PM
Quote from: AndersW on February 23, 2008, 12:10:08 PM
Starting on the last mini-arc is a good idea.  I also think Amber could update the Bonus Comics ( page.  There are plenty of things that you can't find unless you already know about it.  Like this ( and this ( and this ( and this (  And those are just the ones I know about, who knows what else might be out there.

That will actually be fixed on the next major renovation of her site. Plus, as a bonus, when it's fixed, it will be fixed in such a way so as to make future bonus updates easier to archive so they don't get lost.

YES!!!   Thank-you, when will the next major renovation be coming?
Title: Re: 02/22/08 [Filler Comic] - it's dead jim
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 26, 2008, 02:54:38 PM