(Hosted by Gabi and llearch, logo by ×HaZ×MaT×)
This is a common game in Argentina, played among groups of children, teenagers and adults alike. I've adapted it to be played on a message board.
First of all, I need to know who's playing. You may post to join during the signup period, regardless of whether you've played any previous rounds or not. After that, sign-ups will be closed, and the game will begin.
When the game starts, each player will be assigned another, and he/she will become this other player's 'invisible friend'. The aim of the game is to find out who your invisible friend is. Players may post here to ask their invisible friends questions. Invisible friends will reply to those questions and send them messages with clues or whatever they want to say. Since invisible friends can't post directly (because that would reveal their identities), they must e-mail me their messages to gliynnATgmail.com (replace the AT for an @) and I will post them here telling who the message is for, but not who sent it (obviously). If llearch is hosting the round, the answers should be addressed to ifATllearch.net instead.
The exchange period will last for 2 weeks. During this period, each invisible friend should send his/her assigned player at least one drawing (by e-mailing it to me; it doesn't matter if you can't draw well, just do what you can, this isn't an art contest). Once this period is over, each player will have to make a post saying who s/he thinks her/his invisible friend is. Everyone who guesses right is a winner.
Round 40 now open for players.
You can see the full list of past winners at the Hall of Fame (http://forboards.prophp.org/if.html).
Link to past rounds 1 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,492.msg6620.html#msg6620)
Link to past rounds 2 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,1770.0.html)
Invisible Friend Randomizer (http://forboards.prophp.org/ifRandomizer.php)
Tips for hosts (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg251101.html#msg251101)
I'm in! :3
I would also like to try my hand, if I may.
slips in silent as a shadow and slips his name into the competition,. then blows it all by doing a touch downs dance complete with chant. " in in alright oh yeah I'm in uh huh" looks around. "er did i say that out loud?"
This does sound interesting, but subtlety and inconspicousness doesn't come easy when you are clearly the resident robo-maniac :rolleyes
I might try it, but don't hold out for me.
In again, my checklist will empower me once again.. and I will ignore it like I did the times I won.. :P
So, I'm in, how do I feel about that..
Sounds absolutely amazing! count me in!
Wow, I wasn't expecting so many sign ups so soon!
Please remember that you must be ACTIVE in this game, which means both posting questions and sending me the answers. One question+one answer a day would be ideal. It's ok if you're too busy and fail to post/e-mail me one day, but continued absence will result in poking, and eventually disqualification.
Note also that disqualification for inactivity for one round will likely disqualify you for the next one, and repeated disqualifications may result in you being refused entry to the game, on grounds of it's actually quite a lot of work running this, and disqualifying people generates as much as running it. So we really dislike it when it happens without warning.
The round usually runs for two weeks from start to finish, so make sure you're around for that. Also note that the GM will usually wait until there are more than one result before posting them, so as to reduce the risk of figuring out who your IF is by seeing who's online when you get your answer.
For me... I should be around for long enough, so sign me up, if you'd be so kind. ;-]
Of course! Welcome back to the game, llearch! ^^
Well, seeing as how I haven't played since the very first game back on The Nice (which I think I won, by the way :P) I would like to try my hand at it again.
This should... be fun.
And of course, another distraction from my life :laugh
As for the picture... does it need to be a new one, done specifically for the game/our person, or just an ambiguous one we might have?
You can choose, as long as it's made by you. But if you use an old one, there's a risk that someone may have seen it before.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 03, 2007, 04:16:50 PM
Well, seeing as how I haven't played since the very first game back on The Nice (which I think I won, by the way :P)
Quote from: Invisible Friend Hall of Fame
First round
Host: Gabi
-Aisha deCabre
Nope, you fail.
FWIW, you -did- win the fourth round on the Nice. At least, according to this link (http://nice.llearch.net/dmfa_forum3077.htm).
And this link (http://forboards.prophp.org/if.html).
Shall we start tomorrow instead of Thursday? Everyone seems to have already signed up.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 03, 2007, 07:53:44 PM
FWIW, you -did- win the fourth round on the Nice. At least, according to this link (http://nice.llearch.net/dmfa_forum3077.htm).
Ah, well that explains it then. Must have encountered it after a personal hiatus then, for me to have not noticed the first three.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 03, 2007, 07:27:39 PM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 03, 2007, 04:16:50 PM
Well, seeing as how I haven't played since the very first game back on The Nice (which I think I won, by the way :P)
Quote from: Invisible Friend Hall of Fame
First round
Host: Gabi
-Aisha deCabre
Nope, you fail.
No, you.
Ok, we're starting today. The current round will last for 2 weeks. Have fun, everyone!
The players are:
-llearch n'n'daCorna
-Sienna Maiu - M T
So few... did we not usually have more? No matter, better for you that way I guess.
Alright, so if I may ask it... wait, that question is pointless. Nevermind.
What do you like to do in your free/spare/"hah! :V What spare/free time?" time?
A question for my visibility challenged friends.
Have you ever been to AC?
ooooh.... Good one.
*makes a note that she's fairly sure none of them have been though. Except for maybe...*
For my luminosity limited friend:
Who are you? (hey, points for trying, right? ;-] )
What's your favourite colour? Or color, if you prefer?
Do you draw much? If so, what's your favourite item to draw?
Dear Invisible Friend:
Have you ever played IF, before?
If so, have you won?
dearest greetings inviable friend.
have you played this game before?
when you have a chip do you feel the urge to have one more?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you write stories?
Do you know how to write code?
Are you a fan of fine cars?
Dear Invisible Friend,
how are you? are you just as excited about playing this game again as myself? I certainly hope so, it's going to be fun for sure, don't you agree?
The first set of answers is here!
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 06, 2007, 06:30:38 AM
So few... did we not usually have more? No matter, better for you that way I guess.
Alright, so if I may ask it... wait, that question is pointless. Nevermind.
What do you like to do in your free/spare/"hah! :V What spare/free time?" time?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's invisible friendwhat U say? all time are base. all base are belonged to us.
(I won't alter your name anymore.)
Quote from: e_voyager on December 06, 2007, 10:38:50 AM
dearest greetings inviable friend.
have you played this game before?
when you have a chip do you feel the urge to have one more?
Quote from: e_voyager's invisible friend1. No i haven't, buts its gonna be fun!
2. What kind of chip?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 06, 2007, 07:26:47 AM
For my luminosity limited friend:
Who are you? (hey, points for trying, right? ;-] )
What's your favourite colour? Or color, if you prefer?
Do you draw much? If so, what's your favourite item to draw?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's invisible friendWho are you? (hey, points for trying, right? ;-] )
-I, am Me.
What's your favourite colour? Or color, if you prefer?
Silver, or certain shades of red. And I prefer color.
Do you draw much? If so, what's your favourite item to draw?
I do not draw very much - and the answer would be calligraphy.
to my camouflage adept friend
do you have pets?
is yes then what kind?
if no then what would you have if you could?
To my perdu penpal,
Spanky and Cogidubnus have a good set of questions, so I'm going to steal some of theirs:
Have you played this game before?
Are you a fan of cars?
You say you like Calligraphy. Does that mean your creative efforts lead into writing, or are they in other areas?
Yours in anticipation,
Thanks for the quotes, 2 of you, even if one of you sent me a broken quote tag.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 06, 2007, 10:58:34 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you write stories?
Do you know how to write code?
Are you a fan of fine cars?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible Friend× Sometimes, though I am not a writer, and have very little aspiration to be one.
×What kind of code? html, CCS, php?
×-Fine- cars is relative, what type of car do you include in this category?
Quote from: Aiyno on December 06, 2007, 11:24:01 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
how are you? are you just as excited about playing this game again as
myself? I certainly hope so, it's going to be fun for sure, don't you
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
I'm good. How about you?
I don't know if "excited" is exactly the right word. It'll definitely be
fun, though.
Quote from: dannysaysnoo on December 06, 2007, 06:34:08 AM
A question for my visibility challenged friends.
Have you ever been to AC?
Quote from: dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Not yet!
Quote from: e_voyager on December 06, 2007, 11:44:03 PM
to my camouflage adept friend
do you have pets?
is yes then what kind?
if no then what would you have if you could?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendWhy yes i do! i have a cat named Harry, a cat with a fetish for sultanas called Sally, and a dog called Jazz.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 07, 2007, 08:16:04 AM
To my perdu penpal,
Spanky and Cogidubnus have a good set of questions, so I'm going to steal some of theirs:
Have you played this game before?
Are you a fan of cars?
You say you like Calligraphy. Does that mean your creative efforts lead into writing, or are they in other areas?
Yours in anticipation,
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendHave you played this game before?
I have not played this game before.
Are you a fan of cars?
Only in that they get me from place to place.
You say you like Calligraphy. Does that mean your creative efforts lead
into writing, or are they in other areas?
It leads into writing, but isn't limited to that.
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like Guitar Hero? if you do, what games do you have?
Dear Invi.
I'm pretty much stressed out of my skin, if I wasn't a naive careless spirit.
Okay, so let's see.. there's a 1/6th percent change that you are a woman, so I can't ask that or can I? You would likely answer it with -maybe- or some variant of that to make me believe you are sienna (or not) ... I'm just going to ask you your favorite colors, so what are they? ->.
and what is your favorite videogame(s) or your favorite videogame genre?
Do you own any pets? if so, what species are they? .yes= morequestions (noteself)
What kind of music do you like?
Do you watch any television shows?
Computer or Television?
Coffee or Energy drink? (taste)
Cola or Energy drink? (taste)
Are you politically correct? :B
to my well hidden friend.
you asked about chips in response to my fist questions? it does not matter what kind of chip as many people like different kind of chips. but for the sake of argument let us say that they are potato chips. using the original question as a guideline please answer how you feel about them?
if you could would you be a kangaroo?
does you name contain at least one vowel ?
is the letter E in you name ( i think i lifted this s question form a memory of the last round before this one)
To my dear variably visible friend,
Leads into writing, but isn't limited? I guess that means I should ask what other areas you end up in. *grin* Would you care to enlighten me?
Have you an e in your forum name?
Do you play in the RP forum?
You, with the non-face!
Were you brought here by the work of Amber, or Darkmoon?
Or perhaps a combination of both? If so, please explain?
How long have you been a fan of the comic(s)?
How long have you been reading the comic?
How long have you been on the forum?
If you are here due to Amber, were you on the old forum?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 08, 2007, 10:38:51 AM
to my well hidden friend.
you asked about chips in response to my fist questions? it does not matter what kind of chip as many people like different kind of chips. but for the sake of argument let us say that they are potato chips. using the original question as a guideline please answer how you feel about them?
if you could would you be a kangaroo?
does you name contain at least one vowel ?
is the letter E in you name ( i think i lifted this s question form a memory of the last round before this one)
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend1. When i do have a crisp/chip, i do want another, but that usually means ill have to keep going back to Sainsburys.
2. No, they have that pouch, and it looks funny.
3. Do you mean my forum name? my forum name has no E's in it, but my real one does.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 06, 2007, 09:36:57 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
Have you ever played IF, before?
If so, have you won?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible FriendHave you ever played IF, before?
-Well, to answer that, I would first need to know what it stood for.
If so, have you won?
Oh right... I just needed a little context.
Everything can change in a moment.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 08, 2007, 07:03:22 AM
Dear Invi.
I'm pretty much stressed out of my skin, if I wasn't a naive careless spirit.
Okay, so let's see.. there's a 1/6th percent change that you are a woman, so I can't ask that or can I? You would likely answer it with -maybe- or some variant of that to make me believe you are sienna (or not) ... I'm just going to ask you your favorite colors, so what are they? ->.
and what is your favorite videogame(s) or your favorite videogame genre?
Do you own any pets? if so, what species are they?
What kind of music do you like?
Do you watch any television shows?
Computer or Television?
Coffee or Energy drink? (taste)
Cola or Energy drink? (taste)
Are you politically correct? :B
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
You can ask whatever you like. Whether I answer the answer you're expecting is another matter...
I'm partial to blue, and black.
RealTime Strategy games, like C&C and the like.
No, other than a few insects in the walls.
Lots of different types.
No, I prefer not to.
Depends on what for. Computers are difficult to snuggle up in front of
with popcorn.
Neither. I'm a tea person.
See previous question.
Only when I'm feeling exceptionally ill.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 08, 2007, 12:22:58 PM
You, with the non-face!
Were you brought here by the work of Amber, or Darkmoon?
Or perhaps a combination of both? If so, please explain?
How long have you been a fan of the comic(s)?
How long have you been reading the comic?
How long have you been on the forum?
If you are here due to Amber, were you on the old forum?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible FriendYes
no not both
a few years. wow has it been that long?
since a link that led to it on another forum
since the move
Dear Invisible Friend,
By code, I mean do you know how to do any of that. But I guess you answered my question.
Just for the sake of it, do you know how to code in any of those?
Do you like racing cars? High-class cars? Mazdas?
Do you know how to use photoshop? The pen tool, specifically?
Do you cosplay?
Do you know how the Internet really works, in detail?
Do you have telekinetic powers? Do you -wish- you had telekinetic powers?
Are you new to these forums?
Sincerely yours,
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 08, 2007, 12:20:36 PM
To my dear variably visible friend,
Leads into writing, but isn't limited? I guess that means I should ask what other areas you end up in. *grin* Would you care to enlighten me?
Have you an e in your forum name?
Do you play in the RP forum?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendLeads into writing, but isn't limited? I guess that means I should ask
what other areas you end up in. *grin* Would you care to enlighten me?
Artistry can take many forms. Sometimes the artists of old did not
simply wield the pen, though it is considered mighty.
Have you an e in your forum name?
I do not.
Do you play in the RP forum?
I do.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 08, 2007, 05:11:15 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
By code, I mean do you know how to do any of that. But I guess you answered my question.
Just for the sake of it, do you know how to code in any of those?
Do you like racing cars? High-class cars? Mazdas?
Do you know how to use photoshop? The pen tool, specifically?
Do you cosplay?
Do you know how the Internet really works, in detail?
Do you have telekinetic powers? Do you -wish- you had telekinetic powers?
Are you new to these forums?
Sincerely yours,
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible Friend× Yes.
×Watching them yes, however my dream is not to own one.
× I might manage, or maybe not, the truth is; I wouldn't know.
× Life is a role play.
× A network connecting computers with each other. What more is there to know?
× I can sometimes guess what someone is going to say, but that's luck. If I would have them, that would be cool.
× To some I am, to others I am not.
Dear invisible friend,
Did you read my question?
Dear Invisible Friend:
IF stands for invisible friend. ;)
Also, mind clarifying what you're talking about in the last bit of your response? Are you saying you have played before?
What kind of music do you like?
I am asking enough questions?
What questions would you suggest I ask?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Last time you indicated that you think life is a role play. Do you read Shakespeare?
Do you read books for enjoyment?
Do you eat meat pies?
Am I asking too many questions?
Do the words "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta!" mean anything to you? If so, how so?
Do you prefer breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Do you enjoy pears?
Dear invisible friend.
How many webcomics do you read?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you know existences meaning?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 08, 2007, 06:38:11 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like Guitar Hero? if you do, what games do you have?
Quote from: Dannysnaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Love it. Hate the orange fret, though. I've played all three.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 08, 2007, 08:11:46 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Did you read my question?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
I hadn't, actually. Sorry.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 08, 2007, 10:33:05 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Last time you indicated that you think life is a role play. Do you read Shakespeare?
Do you read books for enjoyment?
Do you eat meat pies?
Am I asking too many questions?
Do the words "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta!" mean anything to you? If so, how so?
Do you prefer breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Do you enjoy pears?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear Cogidubnus
×Only a few sentences, none of which I could quote when asked.
×Of course.
×Not often.
×Am I answering too many questions?
×It means that you somehow know what that sentence means.
×Depends on what one would be eating at such times.
Dear invisible friend,
Are you Sienna Maiu, by any chance?
to my stealth enhanced friend
Do you like to draw?
and while i'm at it do you have a DA account?
tell me have you Noticed that there are 4 people without e's in their name versus 3 people with them ?
now that said tell me are you having fun?
Why did you decide to play this game? if you don't mind me asking
Are you a poet?
Do you see what i See?
Hey Invisi! :) How you doin'?!
What is your favourite colour? Color?
Have you any siblings?
What is your age-bracket?
Have you played the invisible friends game before?
Did you notice my plagiarism there?
Dear positively imperceptible player,
I could ask which games you play in the RP forum, but that'd be too easy. So, instead, I'm going to enquire which types of books you prefer to read, and if you have any particular authors that come to mind?
Do you practice any particular sport?
I'm pretty sure I know who you are, but let's play it out to the end anyway. ;-] It's more fun that way - plus, I could well be wrong.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why don't you like pears? They really are rather tasty.
Have you ever implied that you've stolen your father's car?
Are you exceptionally good at dodging questions?
Do you change your screename at these forums often?
Dear not-slowpoke, I mean invisible friend, >:3
Is there no spoon?
Is the pie a lie?
Is your native language English?
When would you run from something, anything?
Math, Geology, History, Cultural or languages?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 09, 2007, 10:03:14 AM
to my stealth enhanced friend
Do you like to draw?
and while i'm at it do you have a DA account?
tell me have you Noticed that there are 4 people without e's in their name versus 3 people with them ?
now that said tell me are you having fun?
Why did you decide to play this game? if you don't mind me asking
Are you a poet?
Do you see what i See?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendI do like to draw, but only if i have a good idea or i am POWER bored.
DA is reserved for REAL artists.
No, i didn't, that some good info right there.
I am having fun, can't wait for the next round!
I've never taken part in something like this, so it seemed a good idea.
If I'm a poet, i didn't know it.
If you mean the Clockwork Mansion forums, then yes i do.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 08, 2007, 09:45:46 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
IF stands for invisible friend. ;)
Also, mind clarifying what you're talking about in the last bit of your response? Are you saying you have played before?
What kind of music do you like?
I am asking enough questions?
What questions would you suggest I ask?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible FriendI realized what you were talking about.
don't know. Classical maybe.
I think so.
Deep, involving personal ones.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 09, 2007, 03:03:09 AM
Dear invisible friend.
How many webcomics do you read?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you know existences meaning?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
- A few one week, a few more the next. It depends on how busy I am at the time.
- Some, although less than I used to.
- One or two.
- That's rather presumptious. It's like asking "When did you stop beating your wife?" - it presumes that I watch some, unlike the previous two questions, which merely asked. And the answer is, yes, I watch some. Not many, though.
- Not yet, ask me after I'm dead.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 09, 2007, 02:06:09 PM
Dear positively imperceptible player,
I could ask which games you play in the RP forum, but that'd be too easy. So, instead, I'm going to enquire which types of books you prefer to read, and if you have any particular authors that come to mind?
Do you practice any particular sport?
I'm pretty sure I know who you are, but let's play it out to the end anyway. ;-] It's more fun that way - plus, I could well be wrong.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendI could ask which games you play in the RP forum, but that'd be too
easy. So, instead, I'm going to enquire which types of books you prefer
to read, and if you have any particular authors that come to mind?
I prefer books with words in them - and lots of authors come to mind, yes.
Do you practice any particular sport?
It depends what you mean by sport. I do not game-hunt, for instance.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 09, 2007, 08:35:39 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Are you Sienna Maiu, by any chance?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
What if I said yes?
What if I said no?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 09, 2007, 01:01:00 PM
Hey Invisi! :) How you doin'?!
What is your favourite colour? Color?
Have you any siblings?
What is your age-bracket?
Have you played the invisible friends game before?
Did you notice my plagiarism there?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friendquite well and yourself?
colors colors everywhere. but green is my favorite
old enough to visit the tower
you didn't cite your sources naughty naughty
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 09, 2007, 06:47:03 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why don't you like pears? They really are rather tasty.
Have you ever implied that you've stolen your father's car?
Are you exceptionally good at dodging questions?
Do you change your screename at these forums often?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear Cogidubnus,
×Tastes differ, humans are illogical..
×In youth, yes.
×No, but sometimes it's easy to answer them truthfully and surprise everyone.
×As often as I feel like, less than some, more than others.
Dear Evasive Ethereal Escort,
I was interested in which books, specifically, and your choice as to the meaning of sport - it's been used for such a wide range of pass-times, after all, from hockey to fencing to caving to big game hunting to, well, you name it, almost - but I'm not going to press you on the subject, if you're reticent.
Let's move in other directions, then.
Do you like to sing? Not performing, just by yourself, I mean.
Are you enjoying this game?
Are you likely to play again next time?
Dear invisible- Sienna.
If you said yes, you would be telling the truth.
If you said no, you would be a big fat fibber.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
- A few one week, a few more the next. It depends on how busy I am at the time.
- Some, although less than I used to.
- One or two.
- That's rather presumptious. It's like asking "When did you stop beating your wife?" - it presumes that I watch some, unlike the previous two questions, which merely asked. And the answer is, yes, I watch some. Not many, though.
- Not yet, ask me after I'm dead.
Dear invisible friend:
So which ones do you read? :)
So which ones do you watch? :)
So which ones do you read? :)
So which ones do you watch? :)
Okay, see you then. :)
Dear shadowless in sunlight friend
do you know how important honesty , evasion and tacit are in this game?
being a Newcomer what do you think of Danny's display?
have you ever written about going to the moon?
the fan fics are coming! the fan fics are coming!, wait is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you have a fear of spiders?
Is there an upper limit on your awesomeness?
Have I ever spoken with you on MSN before?
Have I ever spoken with you outside this thread before?
Do you like breakfast cereals?
Do you ever dance the morris?
Sincerely yours,
Dear Invisible Friend:
Upon reading this question, what time is it where you are? >:3
How long have you been a member of the Clockwork Mansion Forum?
Were you a member on the Nice Forum?
If so, did we know each other on the Nice?
Quote from: Aiyno on December 10, 2007, 02:16:39 AM
Dear slowpoke, I mean invisible friend, >:3
Is there no spoon?
Is the pie a lie?
Is your native language English?
When would you run from something, anything?
Math, Geology, History, Cultural or languages?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
- Of course not. If there was, you wouldn't have broken the vase.
- No, but the cake is.
- Sadly not.
- Geology.
Quote from: e_voyager on December 10, 2007, 11:37:27 AM
Dear shadowless in sunlight friend
do you know how important honesty , evasion and tacit are in this game?
being a Newcomer what do you think of Danny's display?
have you ever written about going to the moon?
the fan fics are coming! the fan fics are coming!, wait is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendHonesty is what this game is built on! Evasion conflicts with the afore mentioned Honesty. Tacit are very nice, i love the orange ones.
Danny seems pretty certain, how does he know Sienna already?
Nope, never. You'd think i would have when i was younger, but alas, that was all Harry Potter writings.
Fanfics make me puke. Taking a character that you haven't been paid to write for and doing stuff with them is messed up. Original characters in a pre-existing universe, that i don't mind.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 10, 2007, 09:37:38 AM
Dear Evasive Ethereal Escort,
I was interested in which books, specifically, and your choice as to the meaning of sport - it's been used for such a wide range of pass-times, after all, from hockey to fencing to caving to big game hunting to, well, you name it, almost - but I'm not going to press you on the subject, if you're reticent.
Let's move in other directions, then.
Do you like to sing? Not performing, just by yourself, I mean.
Are you enjoying this game?
Are you likely to play again next time?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDo you like to sing? Not performing, just by yourself, I mean.
I do sing to myself, on occasion.
Are you enjoying this game?
Are you likely to play again next time?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 10, 2007, 10:52:02 AM
Dear invisible- Sienna.
If you said yes, you would be telling the truth.
If you said no, you would be a big fat fibber.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
I see you're too smart for me. Too confident, as well, perhaps. Not asking any questions is a pretty risky move.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 10, 2007, 09:38:21 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you have a fear of spiders?
Is there an upper limit on your awesomeness?
Have I ever spoken with you on MSN before?
Have I ever spoken with you outside this thread before?
Do you like breakfast cereals?
Do you ever dance the morris?
Sincerely yours,
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear Cogidubnus,
×No, I actually think they are quite cool, although I wouldn't touch large ones without hesitation.
×The sky is the limit!
×Only in Dreams and not in reality.
×Is there anyone in this thread that hasn't posted outside at least once?
×Not if I can help it.
I'm not copying that profile link anymore. Why link to his profile anyway? He knows who he is.
dear negatively visible friend.
interesting view you have there.
do you know that evasion and political answers are similar? ( sorry wrong word for politics)
what would you call saying nothing while appearing to say something without lying?
do you read Ozzy and Millie?
Dear (apparently) invisible friend,
Do you have a DeviantArt page?
Dear my clearly (in)visible friend,
I find myself wondering if you have any hobbies. What do you do for fun?
Work sucks, does it not? What is it that you do?
Do you have any plans for your future? If you haven't already gotten where you want to go, what do you want to do?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 11, 2007, 10:01:55 AM
dear negatively visible friend.
interesting view you have there.
do you know that evasion and political answers are similar? ( sorry wrong word for politics)
what would you call saying nothing while appearing to say something without lying?
do you read Ozzy and Millie?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager,
Yes they are, aren't they?
Do you mean "Evasive" And "Political" Answers?
Someone not saying something. It's obvious they are hiding something. Someone Lying. still possible to believe, but not always right.
Ozzy is brilliant, my favorite song of his is "War Pigs". Who's Millie?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 11, 2007, 10:47:54 AM
Dear (apparently) invisible friend,
Do you have a DeviantArt page?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
That I do. You'd be hard-pressed to find it, however.
dear hiding in plain sight friend
i have started my gift, have you started yours?
(whispers) do you know the muffin man?
the time is coming but what time is it now?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 11, 2007, 09:44:49 PM
Dear my clearly (in)visible friend,
I find myself wondering if you have any hobbies. What do you do for fun?
Work sucks, does it not? What is it that you do?
Do you have any plans for your future? If you haven't already gotten where you want to go, what do you want to do?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear cogidubnus,
I play games with people.
It depends on where you work, but yes most work does, the monthly salary makes up for it though.
Life is about striving to get somewhere, the destination itself is less important.
Where's everyone else? I'm supposed to be the one who's busy!
Dear Invisible Friend,
I admit, I thought the game ended yesterday. We have a whole seven days to go though, it appears! Exuberating.
If you could ask me a question, what would it be?
Do you know the secret of life, the universe, and everything? If so, what do you think it is?
If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you choose?
Are you familiar with ninjas?
Do you think the housing market is good or bad, recently?
Would it be fair to describe you as diaphanous?
Are you well rounded, or perhaps are you more square?
Do you give non-categorical, unpredictably unprobable hugs?
Dear, you know what? there are way too many comical attempts to define invisible here, so to hell with it.
Do you have a website? what is on it?
I'm just going to make a buffer of questions! Yes! ..
Dear invisible friend,
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Does this question have an answer?
let's just add another five..
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
Dear In-Hiding,
What's three times three?
Do you work with computers?
As an occupation?
Would you consider yourself quite adept at it?
Do you write?
Or at least, have you written?
Have you any children to your name?
What's your favourite emote?
Painfully, Plainly Clear, Sienna Maiu.
dear invisible friend
are you there?
did you see my questions?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 12, 2007, 10:05:21 PM
dear hiding in plain sight friend
i have started my gift, have you started yours?
(whispers) do you know the muffin man?
the time is coming but what time is it now?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear one who is oblivious to my identity.
After reading this question, i bought some art supplies. Chocolate, soda and Led Zeppelin.
(Confidently) The muffin man?
its about 20 to 5, why?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 13, 2007, 10:36:35 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I admit, I thought the game ended yesterday. We have a whole seven days to go though, it appears! Exuberating.
If you could ask me a question, what would it be?
Do you know the secret of life, the universe, and everything? If so, what do you think it is?
If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you choose?
Are you familiar with ninjas?
Do you think the housing market is good or bad, recently?
Would it be fair to describe you as diaphanous?
Are you well rounded, or perhaps are you more square?
Do you give non-categorical, unpredictably unprobable hugs?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendCogidubnus
Dear Cogidubnus,
× Can I have your writing ability?
× 42
× Whatever weapon would assure my victory.
× Yes.
× Bad.
× I would rather be called -ghost- or something of that length.
× I have good and bad sides.
× On occasion
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 11:44:28 AM
Dear, you know what? there are way too many comical attempts to define invisible here, so to hell with it.
Do you have a website? what is on it?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
You mean my own website that I've made myself? I used to, but that was a while ago. I could probably make another one, if I really wanted to, but I'm just too lazy.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 10, 2007, 11:18:00 AM
Dear invisible friend:
So which ones do you read? :)
So which ones do you watch? :)
So which ones do you read? :)
So which ones do you watch? :)
Okay, see you then. :)
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
- The ones that I do.
- Probably all the wrong ones.
- You just asked that.
- And that one, too.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 11, 2007, 02:02:28 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
Upon reading this question, what time is it where you are? >:3
How long have you been a member of the Clockwork Mansion Forum?
Were you a member on the Nice Forum?
If so, did we know each other on the Nice?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friend2:30
a while. longer than others, not as long as some
that implies a past tense
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 13, 2007, 08:21:03 PM
Dear In-Hiding,
What's three times three?
Do you work with computers?
As an occupation?
Would you consider yourself quite adept at it?
Do you write?
Or at least, have you written?
Have you any children to your name?
What's your favourite emote?
Painfully, Plainly Clear, Sienna Maiu.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friendmatrix!
maybe but i need to be tested.
Dear friend,
Have you an 'e' anywhere in your forum nickname?
What's your continent of origin?
What is your continent of current inhabitance?
Taking a little liberty from Danny here, have you a website/homepage of your own?
What is it? :B
Have you ever worn nailpolish?
dear invisible but not inaudible friend
are you sure about that?
do you know if i've won this game?
do you know if you've given you say away like say with the first 2 sets of answers?
do you know how boring this game would be with out questions and illogical?
do you know if Dakata will play again?
did you ever read my clues?
Dear not-entirely-invisible friend
Apologies for not asking questions sooner - I've been a bit busy this week.
What's your opinion on the opposite gender to yourself?
What's your opinion of the world situation at present?
Do you keep track of the news much?
Just to keep you going. ;-]
Apologies to Aiyno's Invisible Friend for missing this earlier.
5 days left, everyone. Remember to send me your drawings. Imageshack (http://imageshack.us) is a good place to host them: it doesn't reveal your identity in the URLs.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 13, 2007, 12:05:37 PM
I'm just going to make a buffer of questions! Yes! ..
Dear invisible friend,
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Does this question have an answer?
let's just add another five..
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear (although getting steadily cheaper) Aiyno,
- Not especially. Older than some. Younger than others.
- Again, not unusually so.
- Not unless your dictionary is significantly abbreviated.
- I don't know. I believe that's in the same category as existence's meaning - ie, we'll find out when we're dead.
- Yes, but you're not going to get it.
- Climatic. Politically so.
- medium rare.
- I'm not sure I get nightmares. Certainly not that I remember, usually. I did have a bad one the other week, but explaining why it was bad would answer who I am, so I'll leave it at that.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 15, 2007, 02:12:27 AM
Dear friend,
Have you an 'e' anywhere in your forum nickname?
What's your continent of origin?
What is your continent of current inhabitance?
Taking a little liberty from Danny here, have you a website/homepage of your own?
What is it? :B
Have you ever worn nailpolish?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friendi'm taking this form and earlier post that someone made 3 out of seven playing the game do
i am a living being
yes i do
it is on the web
i refuse to answer on the grounds that i don't know or remember
Quote from: e_voyager on December 15, 2007, 09:20:22 AM
dear invisible but not inaudible friend
are you sure about that?
do you know if i've won this game?
do you know if you've given you say away like say with the first 2 sets of answers?
do you know how boring this game would be with out questions and illogical?
do you know if Dakata will play again?
did you ever read my clues?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendY HALO THAR, LITTLE E!
Shure im shure!
Why would i know? do you have Amnesia?
....i really didn't understand that. sorry man, it's just gobbldy gook to me.
Questions, yes. Illogical, irrelevant.
I don't know a Dakata, but hey, the more, the merrier.
Never saw them, sozzy.
Don't worry about my cheapness, I'm going to get far cheaper the next round :P:
Dear invisible friend,
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Eternal life, Burial or Cremation?
Computer or Television?
Television Commercials,
when amusing aren't bad seeing once (y/n)
should always be funny - resemble a comedy (y/n)
be outlawed (y/n)
involve bodies in suggestive poses of the other gender. (y/n) ;)
be shorter than 15 seconds (y/n)
Dear Invisible Friend,
It's midnight. Do you:
A: Know where your children are
B: Your parents know where -you- are
C: Know where you are?
D : All of the above
Do you have the ability to stay up until long hours?
Do you, or have you ever, worked in the roofing business?
Have you ever been Ink'd? (This goes with the assumption that is has been done by one Doctor Ink, Incubus M.D., and is not a tattoo.)
Do you trip the light fantastic?
Do you have an art thread?
Do you have an art thread that you host?
Are you demanding pie?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 15, 2007, 11:39:30 AM
Dear not-entirely-invisible friend
Apologies for not asking questions sooner - I've been a bit busy this week.
What's your opinion on the opposite gender to yourself?
What's your opinion of the world situation at present?
Do you keep track of the news much?
Just to keep you going. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendWhat's your opinion on the opposite gender to yourself?
Wonderful creatures. I don't think the world could get on without them.
What's your opinion of the world situation at present?
Mostly harmless. Probably bad.
Do you keep track of the news much?
Not much anymore. I used to watch it every evening, until I realized it
wasn't really telling me anything.
(http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/314/0821072021mk0.jpg) (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/314/0821072021mk0.jpg)
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 15, 2007, 06:11:14 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
It's midnight. Do you:
A: Know where your children are
B: Your parents know where -you- are
C: Know where you are?
D : All of the above
Do you have the ability to stay up until long hours?
Do you, or have you ever, worked in the roofing business?
Have you ever been Ink'd? (This goes with the assumption that is has been done by one Doctor Ink, Incubus M.D., and is not a tattoo.)
Do you trip the light fantastic?
Do you have an art thread?
Do you have an art thread that you host?
Are you demanding pie?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear cogidubnus,
Maybe, they somehow always do when I ask them to guess.
I'm here.
fourth option.
I've done all kinds of things.
Haz has.
*trips fantastic the light fantastic*
Haz has. (his name is just too abusable)
see the above answer ;-]
I would demand something more plural.
Have you the ants in the pants?
Can you count to ten?
Do you like thumbtacks?
Are you afraid?
Are you who I might think you are?
Do you consider me a friend?
Did you notice my lack of greeting there?
Dear you.
Irn Bru?
What, out of all the games, is your favorite Guitar Hero song?
Dear IF
That's a lovely poem. I'm honoured that you chose to write it for me. And the calligraphy is well done, too.
Do you happen to have a significant other?
Are you enjoying your time in the various RPs that you're playing in?
dear invisible friend
do you have a living avatar?
does it rotate?
do you think these questions have meaning?
have you seen the gift i've sent?
do you think you know whom you invisible friend is?
have you heard of the sword of centuries?
Quote from: Aiyno on December 15, 2007, 06:02:44 PM
Don't worry about my cheapness, I'm going to get far cheaper the next round :P:
Dear invisible friend,
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Eternal life, Burial or Cremation?
Computer or Television?
Television Commercials,
when amusing aren't bad seeing once (y/n)
should always be funny - resemble a comedy (y/n)
be outlawed (y/n)
involve bodies in suggestive poses of the other gender. (y/n) ;)
be shorter than 15 seconds (y/n)
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Dear Aiyno,
I wasn't worried at all. I was concerned that you might be...
- I like lots of different kinds of music
- relatively normal
- stuff that doesn't crawl off my plate too fast.
- cremation, although I plan to be late to mine
- computer
- yes, no, probably, possibly, although before watershed owuld be a
problem, and yes.
You're welcome.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 16, 2007, 01:52:25 AM
Have you the ants in the pants?
Can you count to ten?
Do you like thumbtacks?
Are you afraid?
Are you who I might think you are?
Do you consider me a friend?
Did you notice my lack of greeting there?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friendno
sure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
should i be?
i might be.
yes i did and i wondered why but i think i know now.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 16, 2007, 07:33:33 AM
Dear you.
Irn Bru?
What, out of all the games, is your favorite Guitar Hero song?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
What about it?
Favorite to listen to or favorite to play? Cliffs of Dover is the most fun to play.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 16, 2007, 08:38:00 AM
Dear IF
That's a lovely poem. I'm honoured that you chose to write it for me. And the calligraphy is well done, too.
Do you happen to have a significant other?
Are you enjoying your time in the various RPs that you're playing in?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendThat's a lovely poem. I'm honoured that you chose to write it for me.
And the calligraphy is well done, too.
I'm sorry to say that I didn't write it for you. But I happened to have
it saved. And thank you - I am trying to do it in gothic now, though,
which is much harder.
Do you happen to have a significant other?
Not quite as such.
Are you enjoying your time in the various RPs that you're playing in?
Well, as a matter of fact, I- oho! You almost got me there! Who says I
play in any RP's? :3
Dear IF,
Gothic is, indeed, harder - and whether or not you wrote it -for- me, I'm pleased that you decided to share it anyway.
And, ah, -you- said that you played RPs. You didn't say how many, or which ones, though. ;-]
Have you wandered into the IRC at any point?
Did you enjoy it?
Would you go back?
Dear Invisible Friend:
So you're saying you're still registered to the Nice forums?
If so, are you using the same username there as you are here?
What's your favourite snack food?
Dear Invisible Friend:
we just finished up my list of semi-useful answers! and you did a good job out hiding yourself :)
so we'll just keep doing yes/no questions since it's easier on you and me.
Do you like fantasy movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like sci-fi movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like Romantic movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like fast-food? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like the person(s) who is/are leading your country/nation? [ Yes / No ]
Are you worthy of approval? [ Yes / No ]
If you could answer all questions in the system I asked them (from top to bottom and with yes or no ) that would be great :-)
bonjour, non visible comrade (<whut)
Your avatar. the one at the right of the posts you make, is it by another?
Are you on the IRC which shall not be mentioned?
How do you prefer to post?
Dear (not quite) Invisible Friend,
I was just wondering, are you enjoying the game so far? You have any idea who your insivi might be?
Tell me, do you enjoy or indulge in coffee, or caffeine in general?
Sincerely yours,
Quote from: e_voyager on December 16, 2007, 10:24:15 AM
dear invisible friend
do you have a living avatar?
does it rotate?
do you think these questions have meaning?
have you seen the gift i've sent?
do you think you know whom you invisible friend is?
have you heard of the sword of centuries?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_Voyager
Nope, its plain, dead and wrapped
see above.
Meaning can only have meaning in the right context.
nope, not yet.
I've got a good idea...
Nope. Band?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 16, 2007, 04:48:50 PM
Dear (not quite) Invisible Friend,
I was just wondering, are you enjoying the game so far? You have any idea who your insivi might be?
Tell me, do you enjoy or indulge in coffee, or caffeine in general?
Sincerely yours,
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear Cogidubnus,
I am enjoying the game, knowing who he or she is is something I would keep to myself, as some have hinted knowing who theirs is.
as for the remaining question, I'll just answer with: "yes".
Sorry, what I posted earlier was not the answer.
dear hidden friend
tell me do you think i know who you are?
if so when do you think you gave yourself away?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friend(http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/6825/senina5em8.th.png) (http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=senina5em8.png)
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 16, 2007, 02:50:06 PM
Dear IF,
Gothic is, indeed, harder - and whether or not you wrote it -for- me, I'm pleased that you decided to share it anyway.
And, ah, -you- said that you played RPs. You didn't say how many, or which ones, though. ;-]
Have you wandered into the IRC at any point?
Did you enjoy it?
Would you go back?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Inviaible FriendGothic is, indeed, harder - and whether or not you wrote it -for- me,
I'm pleased that you decided to share it anyway.
And, ah, -you- said that you played RPs. You didn't say how many, or
which ones, though. ;-]
Have you wandered into the IRC at any point?
I have, yes.
Did you enjoy it?
I'd say so.
Would you go back?
I think I have, actually...
Quote from: e_voyager on December 16, 2007, 05:25:01 PM
dear hidden friend
tell me do you think i know who you are?
if so when do you think you gave yourself away?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Frienddear E
No you don't.
i didn't. im too cooooooool
dear in hiding friend
due to changing conditions i'll ask about your deviant art page once again. do you have one?
what do you think of Zina's art?
kyota is good yes?
did you answer these questions truthfully?
So, sure as in you've never thought about it before?
Do you like orange juice?
Does the word "goo" mean anything in particular to you?
If so, what?
Could I count on you to navigate?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 16, 2007, 04:33:22 PM
bonjour, non visible comrade (<whut)
Your avatar. the one at the right of the posts you make, is it by another?
Are you on the IRC which shall not be mentioned?
How do you prefer to post?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Whose isn't?
Which one is that?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 16, 2007, 09:16:35 PM
dear in hiding friend
due to changing conditions i'll ask about your deviant art page once again. do you have one?
what do you think of Zina's art?
kyota is good yes?
did you answer these questions truthfully?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear Ecstasy.
yes, but keep it hush hush...
Not bad, quite good to make your eyes to bleed to.
Kyota, oe letter short of an anagram of Tokyo. What is Kyota?
i tried.

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 16, 2007, 03:44:37 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
So you're saying you're still registered to the Nice forums?
If so, are you using the same username there as you are here?
What's your favourite snack food?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friendas are you presumably
Quote from: Aiyno on December 16, 2007, 04:26:46 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
we just finished up my list of semi-useful answers! and you did a good job out hiding yourself :)
so we'll just keep doing yes/no questions since it's easier on you and me.
Do you like fantasy movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like sci-fi movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like Romantic movies? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like fast-food? [ Yes / No ]
Do you like the person(s) who is/are leading your country/nation? [ Yes / No ]
Are you worthy of approval? [ Yes / No ]
If you could answer all questions in the system I asked them (from top to bottom and with yes or no ) that would be great :-)
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Dear Aiyno,
Yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no. Not necessarily in that order.

Dear Invisible Friend:
What's your opinion on Guitar Hero?
Do you prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate?
If so, what percent cocoa do you prefer?
chuckles. dear friend
1O1 as the say. funny picture
do you like ER?
what about house?
have you ever beat Guitar Hero?
gather ye rosebuds while ye may?
QuoteQuote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Dear Aiyno,
Yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no. Not necessarily in that order.
I hate you.
Dear invisible friend,
what is:2*10^20000000 written out in full?
Heys yo, mah frends i is not sighting
The IRC i mean is the one llearch set up here (http://llearch.net/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi)
Do you like toast?
Do you like to kick things?
Dear IF,
I'd post more questions, but it's very late in the day, so I figured I'd just give you some time to relax.
Do let me know if you want more questions, though. ;-]
Dear Probably-Invisible Friend,
Well, the holidays are getting pretty close now. Are you ready for the seasonal festivity of your choice?
If you had a choice between cinnamon or nutmeg cake, which would you choose?
Did you enjoy Abel's story so far?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 18, 2007, 10:54:27 AM
chuckles. dear friend
1O1 as the say. funny picture
do you like ER?
what about house?
have you ever beat Guitar Hero?
gather ye rosebuds while ye may?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friendgood day to you, sir.
The only episode of ER i enjoyed was the one with the Smallpox scare. it was brilliant though
House is good, if predictable.
Yep, but i haven't beat the first one.
...say what?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on December 18, 2007, 01:44:22 AM
So, sure as in you've never thought about it before?
Do you like orange juice?
Does the word "goo" mean anything in particular to you?
If so, what?
Could I count on you to navigate?
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T's Invisible Friendwhat was the question again?
it's okay.
yes it means fight or run. and running is not an option most times.
no i'd get you lost. i know that i would. why one time i was leading a group of us and.....
Quote from: Aiyno on December 18, 2007, 11:43:55 AM
Dear invisible friend,
what is:2*10^20000000 written out in full?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Dear Aiyno
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 18, 2007, 11:46:45 AM
Heys yo, mah frends i is not sighting
The IRC i mean is the one llearch set up here (http://llearch.net/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi)
Do you like toast?
Do you like to kick things?
Quote from: Dannysaysno's Invisible Friend
With or without butter?
I'm not what you'd call violent.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 18, 2007, 12:00:53 PM
Dear IF,
I'd post more questions, but it's very late in the day, so I figured I'd just give you some time to relax.
Do let me know if you want more questions, though. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendI'd post more questions, but it's very late in the day, so I figured I'd
just give you some time to relax.
Oh, by all means. I'll just sip some mai-tai's over here, shall I?
Do let me know if you want more questions, though. ;-]
*sips mai-tai, gives you a thumbs up*
Hey you, I'm the one asking questions here! :P
(doesn't really matter)
Do you add quite a bit of attention and detail to your answers?
Do you tend to keep the same avatar for long periods of time?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 18, 2007, 10:33:45 PM
Dear Probably-Invisible Friend,
Well, the holidays are getting pretty close now. Are you ready for the seasonal festivity of your choice?
If you had a choice between cinnamon or nutmeg cake, which would you choose?
Did you enjoy Abel's story so far?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear Cogidubnus,
Possibly, even likely perhaps.
(http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9153/image2ck7.jpg) (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9153/image2ck7.jpg)
...Aaand this is it. Everyone post their guesses.
Haz's Invisible Friend and dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend may post their guesses too, but they can't win because they've failed to send their pictures.
I believe my IF is Cogidubnus.
I'm not sure about anyone else, though...
my IF? Dannysaysnoo. probability 99.8%
I really am clueless,
I'm going with llearch..
I was too lazy to complete my list (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v703/WEO/Screenshots/terotemp.gif)>.>
My guess is also llearch. :B
Well, you can't -both- be right. ;-]
.. at least, I don't -think- you can both be right....
I'm going to guess Sienna.
Waits eagerly for the results while second guessing himself a lot. :P
Well... at first I thought it was llearch, but then later in the game I thought it might be e_voyager
*hates not having a scanner*
so who do you pick? boxy or robot boy?
oh, I must not have been clear
robot boy :P
ah. well that leaves Danny as the only one not to post a guess i believe. still to date Dakata is the only one i rebemer to throw me off my game enough not to pick my IF right
Where IS Danny? We're all waiting for him. If he doesn't post a guess by this time tomorrow, he'll be disqualified.
So, do we have a winner yet? :3
i believe we have several but Danny still has about 14 minutes to post his guess. also we really must play chess one day Cog. i get the feeling it would be a fun game
Time's out (ok, 3 minutes early, but Danny's nowhere to be found). Danny's lost this round due to not having posted a guess.
The winners of Round 20 are the following:
-llearch n'n'daCorna
Congratulations to the winners!
Haz and Sienna guessed right too, but they didn't send their drawings in time.
And Cog, your well-disguised invisible friend was Aiyno. And Danny's was xHaZxMaTx.
The Hall of Fame will be updated soon.
So... Who's hosting next round? Me or llearch?
Quoted from email sent to Gabi:
I can be rather preferential to milk
does not compute
(http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/4640/save0001xp4.th.png) (http://img211.imageshack.us/my.php?image=save0001xp4.png)
Aw, nuts.
Quotei believe we have several but Danny still has about 14 minutes to post his guess. also we really must play chess one day Cog. i get the feeling it would be a fun game
Chess? I like a good game every now and again...
That's right, Sienna. I did get that e-mail... the day after the round closed. Sorry. :(
I thought it only fair that Hazzy get his present :.
so Sienna what gave me away? you must understand my curiosity
I believe I've stated that I'm expecting to lose internet access in the near future while I shift house.
I'd love to host, but, given that, I suspect it'd be a bit on the nose...
I understand. I'm hosting again, then. Who wants to play?
-that-, I will sign up for. ;-]
I'll try my hand again.
count me in also
But how will you be able to be active for that, llearch? Didn't you say you were scheduled to lose Internet access during the move? Sorry, maybe it's just that it's late now, but I don't understand.
I do, however, know what happened on the 17th of January, 1975. Not that said information is relevant to this game.
You're all in.
I'll be active enough from work to send emails.
I won't be active enough to respond to multi-per-day emails from everyone else.
Will I be able to play again? D:
I will join again too.
I still think it was the guy with the funny glasses...
Ah, ok. Haz and Aiyno are in too. And llearch, of course.
Since when does llearch have funny glasses?
Quote from: Gabi on December 23, 2007, 06:08:19 AM
Ah, ok. Haz and Aiyno are in too. And llearch, of course.
Since when does llearch have funny glasses?
Board game reference, one that where giving away at work, cause MC's like that.. >.> ... <.<
oh good this well be fun. oh and Aiyno out of curiosity were you Danny's friend? i thought you were which is why i questioned his assumptions but i've been wrong before
Quote from: e_voyager on December 23, 2007, 09:01:15 AM
oh good this well be fun. oh and Aiyno out of curiosity were you Danny's friend? i thought you were which is why i questioned his assumptions but i've been wrong before
No sir, I was not. I was cogidubnusses invisible friend. Hazzy was Dannies invisible friend, as stated above.
The world is full of a peculiar and unexpected surprises, we should all cower and hide in fear of what is to come. :(
Quote from: Gabi on December 22, 2007, 05:38:00 PM
And Cog, your well-disguised invisible friend was Aiyno. And Danny's was xHaZxMaTx.
Gabi says: Aiyno was Cog's IF, Haz was Danny's IF.
You say: No, I was Cog's IF, and Haz was Danny's IF.
Erm... Am I missing something?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 23, 2007, 12:45:46 PM
Gabi says: Aiyno was Cog's IF, Haz was Danny's IF.
You say: No, I was Cog's IF, and Haz was Danny's IF.
Erm... Am I missing something?
erm.. maybe this part?
...as stated above.
The world is full of a peculiar and unexpected surprises, we should all cower and hide in fear of what is to come. sad
I just wanted to make it clearer as the amount of text between cog and aiyno was far less tan Danny and Aiyno and as such when not read well could cause confusion! Chaos! distaster! and fun! :)
the mad rant
"the need to check this forum as soon i a get in leads me to posting while half sleep. sooner or later when i master that i'll move on to posting while fully sleep. then now one will know where i'm from. "
or something like that. well played game Aiyno.
I'd like to play, if that's quite alright. It looks like fun. :D
Sure. You're in.
Next round starts on Wednesday morning.
No, I'll not partake in your game of deceit and lies.
(oh hey, that works! :B)
ie-dial-up equals no.
Quote from: e_voyager on December 22, 2007, 07:04:16 PM
so Sienna what gave me away?
Oh, you know... a little of this, a little of that.
You're particular writing style, the fact that you have played in the past, and your favourite colouring being
not the favourite of others I might have suspected. On top of that was the way your were so absolutely vague about that e...
I mean, my options could have been you, llearch, me... :B
Not actually a great question on my part, since I had eliminated all but you two by that point anyways.
chuckles i'm almost always vague about spelling but thanks. that favorite color question is hard and my favorite color keeps changes s well. last year it was periwinkle. my writing style... well that's' hared to change but i'll try for the next round. thanks again and glad you liked your gift i hope Xze-Xze likes hers when i get them to her.
And so, Round 21 begins!
We have 6 players this time:
-llearch n'n'daCorna
I've already sent all the PMs. Pairings were assigned using LavaRnd (http://lavarnd.org/cgi-bin/lotto.cgi). Apparently randomizers can have fun too.
Dear invisible friend,
1. Are you by any chance celebrating a holiday which includes having a tree or something that resembles a tree in your living room and giving/getting presents?
2. Are you looking forward to the new year?
3. Are you in the holiday spirit?
4. Do you like loud bangs? I know I don't really like them all that much, I find fireworks with amazing light displays far more entertaining,
5. so do you like the -bang- variety or the -flash- variety? :P
6. Have you crossed over to the darkside for any good reason?
7. Would you like me to ask a specific question to you?
8. Would you like me to avoid asking a specific question to you?
9. Do you like large walls of text or would you rather have multiple line breaks?
10. Did you come, and see, and conquer all you witnessed?
11. Is it warm where you are? I'm freezing my toes off here >.>
Hello, Invisible Friend!
Do you live somewhere that has snow? Is it pretty outside?
What type of music do you like?
Are you doing anything special on New Year's Eve/Day?
Dear vaguely visible friend,
How was your christmas?
Did you play the last round?
Did you win?
Have you played many rounds?
Do you have an e in your nick?
How about an i?
dear invisible friend
klaatu Barada doggy?
would you describe yourself as a well rounded individual?
have you played this game before?
does you name contain the letter a?
do you have any more gum?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 26, 2007, 12:17:09 PM
dear invisible friend
klaatu Barada doggy?
would you describe yourself as a well rounded individual?
have you played this game before?
does you name contain the letter a?
do you have any more gum?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager,
Uh, I don't follow.
I'd like to hope I'm well rounded.
Maybe. ;3
It does.
I never had any in the first place.
Ok, where's everyone else?
Dear Friend of Invisibleness,
Have you ever won a game of IF, before?
What's your favourite snackfood?
What's your opinion on British English vs. American English?
Dear invisible friend,
Did you enjoy the holidays?
Do you plan on enjoying the next few weeks after the holidays?
If you opened a fortune cookie that said "Interesting times are ahead", would you be terrified?
Do you spend a lot of your time reading?
Do you cosplay?
Do you have an affinity for fine automobiles?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 26, 2007, 11:44:45 AM
Dear vaguely visible friend,
How was your christmas?
Did you play the last round?
Did you win?
Have you played many rounds?
Do you have an e in your nick?
How about an i?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
There is a large chance of that, yes.
Those who enjoy themselves are the true victors.
In my opinion, yes.
I have letters in my nick, yes.
How would you be in my nick? That would be awkward to say the least.
Quote from: Marmonstein on December 26, 2007, 09:42:31 AM
Hello, Invisible Friend!
Do you live somewhere that has snow? Is it pretty outside?
What type of music do you like?
Are you doing anything special on New Year's Eve/Day?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
I wouldn't know.
The kind I listen to.
I'll be on the train home.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 27, 2007, 02:09:15 PM
Dear Friend of Invisibleness,
Have you ever won a game of IF, before?
What's your favourite snackfood?
What's your opinion on British English vs. American English?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible FriendDear Friend of Invisibleness,
Have you ever won a game of IF, before?
What's your favorite snack food?
What's your opinion on British English vs. American English?
British all the way luv but don't thats my opinion
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 27, 2007, 04:15:41 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Did you enjoy the holidays?
Do you plan on enjoying the next few weeks after the holidays?
If you opened a fortune cookie that said "Interesting times are ahead", would you be terrified?
Do you spend a lot of your time reading?
Do you cosplay?
Do you have an affinity for fine automobiles?
Quote from: Cogidubnus' invisible friend
Dear Cog
- Yes, rather.
- I hope to. I don't expect to.
- No, because you're missing an important point. You never get a misfortune cookie, as it were, not because only lucky people open them, but because the sellers want to keep selling them. Hence they're as accurate as most other methods of predicting the future.
- Not as much as I'd like.
- No, not yet.
- Yes, I enjoy them.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 26, 2007, 06:47:32 AM
Dear invisible friend,
1. Are you by any chance celebrating a holiday which includes having a tree or something that resembles a tree in your living room and giving/getting presents?
2. Are you looking forward to the new year?
3. Are you in the holiday spirit?
4. Do you like loud bangs? I know I don't really like them all that much, I find fireworks with amazing light displays far more entertaining,
5. so do you like the -bang- variety or the -flash- variety? :P
6. Have you crossed over to the darkside for any good reason?
7. Would you like me to ask a specific question to you?
8. Would you like me to avoid asking a specific question to you?
9. Do you like large walls of text or would you rather have multiple line breaks?
10. Did you come, and see, and conquer all you witnessed?
11. Is it warm where you are? I'm freezing my toes off here >.>
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
1. Are you by any chance celebrating a holiday which includes having a
tree or something that resembles a tree in your living room and
giving/getting presents?
Not at the moment, no. =P
2. Are you looking forward to the new year?
Of course!
3. Are you in the holiday spirit?
I like life and life likes me, and we fairly fully agree. So yes.
4. Do you like loud bangs? I know I don't really like them all that
much, I find fireworks with amazing light displays far more entertaining,
I guess as much as the next person.
5. so do you like the -bang- variety or the -flash- variety? tongue
Flashy is pretty. :3
6. Have you crossed over to the darkside for any good reason?
Not for any good reason, no.
7. Would you like me to ask a specific question to you?
Only if you want a specific answer.
8. Would you like me to avoid asking a specific question to you?
Ditto, except opposite.
9. Do you like large walls of text or would you rather have multiple
line breaks?
Line breaks, please.
10. Did you come, and see, and conquer all you witnessed?
No. * Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire. >:
*11. Is it warm where you are? I'm freezing my toes off here >.>
Right now, I'm kinda cold. >:
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
How many webcomic do you read?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
Dear invisible friend
you seem to be quite responsive so i'll ask you a few more question
do you like fast cars?
do you have a art thread?
do you have web page?
have i ever drawing anything for you
do you know the muffin man?
are you sure you're not a box?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Well, then, do you enjoy train rides? How about other vehicle rides?
Do you like to draw at all? If so, what would you say your skill level is? If not, what other forms of art do you like?
Dear IF
Do you feel like we've known each other? Have I spoken with you a lot outside of the IF game?
I was wondering, are you an artist? Do you draw, or 'shop, or anything like that?
Do you like long or short socks?
Do you have a lot of cool avatars?
How long have you been on the forum?
Quote from: e_voyager on December 28, 2007, 06:36:45 AM
Dear invisible friend
you seem to be quite responsive so i'll ask you a few more question
do you like fast cars?
do you have a art thread?
do you have web page?
have i ever drawing anything for you
do you know the muffin man?
are you sure you're not a box?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager,
Fast cars can be fun, but scary to drive.
I don't.
I used to.
Who lives on Drury Lane?
I'm pretty sure I'm not a box.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 28, 2007, 06:31:39 AM
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
How many webcomic do you read?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
How are you?
I'm doing alright. :3
How many webcomic do you read?
Quite a few, actually.
How many animes do you watch?
Only about two or three, but I do like the genre.
Do you watch any television shows?
Not really.
Do you read any books?
Yes, I do. :3
Dear IF,
Hmm. You've certainly given me food for thought. Perhaps few other questions.
- Are you what one would conventionally call an artist?
- Do you enjoy fast cars?
- Do you speak more than one language? If so, what is/are the other(s)?
Err... people?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 28, 2007, 09:48:42 PM
Dear IF,
Hmm. You've certainly given me food for thought. Perhaps few other questions.
- Are you what one would conventionally call an artist?
- Do you enjoy fast cars?
- Do you speak more than one language? If so, what is/are the other(s)?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
I feel that to call oneself an artist one must posses adequate experience and skill in his or her 'art'. Thus I answer with a no.
Everyone knows multiple languages, from the top of my head: German, English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, South African, Arabic, Hungarian, Norwegian, Finnish, Indian, Korean. Not that I would be able to speak most if any of them, beside English of course..
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 28, 2007, 09:03:40 PM
Dear IF
- Do you feel like we've known each other? Have I spoken with you a lot outside of the IF game?
- I was wondering, are you an artist? Do you draw, or 'shop, or anything like that?
- Do you like long or short socks?
- Do you have a lot of cool avatars?
- How long have you been on the forum?
Quote from: Cogidubnus' invisible friend
Dear Cogidubnus,
- Not really. A bit, but not a lot.
- Something like that.
- It depends on what you plan to do with them.
- No.
- A while, now.
Ah, sorry, I hadn't seen that my IF answered my questions.
Dear IF,
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friend
British all the way luv but don't thats my opinion
Don't what?
dear invisible friend
do you think we're scaring the host?
has the holiday rush bagged you down?
do you know any fanda's
are you an APF?
if so whats does APF stand for?
are you as confused as i am about what Hazzy's invisible friend said?
have you been on the forum long?
Dear IF,
You're sneaky.
Do you think you might know who your IF is?
Have you used photoshop at all?
Quote from: Marmonstein on December 28, 2007, 11:15:16 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Well, then, do you enjoy train rides? How about other vehicle rides?
Do you like to draw at all? If so, what would you say your skill level is? If not, what other forms of art do you like?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
Trains are the best way to travel, in my opinion.
I don't draw too much, anymore, but I do much about in Photoshop, quite a bit.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 30, 2007, 11:47:34 AM
Ah, sorry, I hadn't seen that my IF answered my questions.
Dear IF,
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friend
British all the way luv but don't thats my opinion
Don't what?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible FriendDear IF,
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friend
British all the way luv but don't thats my opinion
Don't what?
British all the way luv but don't >take it to seriously< as thats my opinion
Quote from: e_voyager on December 30, 2007, 01:03:44 PM
dear invisible friend
do you think we're scaring the host?
has the holiday rush bagged you down?
do you know any fanda's
are you an APF?
if so whats does APF stand for?
are you as confused as i am about what Hazzy's invisible friend said?
have you been on the forum long?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager,
Perhaps, with the lack of responses.
No, but homework has.
Don't know.
Guess not.
I believe so.
Dear IF
You said we've spoken outside the IF. Cool! I hope perhaps that we'll get to speak more. :3
Do you prefer sunshine or rain?
What's your idea of a good time?
Do you know who your IF is?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Can you tell me what you like best about trains?
What do you do in Photoshop?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What's your favorite food?
Dear Friend of Invisibleness,
Where'd that chunk of the sentence run off to, before?
Is Marmonstein's avatar a ninja or a pirate or some sort of freaky combination of the two?
dear inviable friend
i have not asked your gender and i don't intend to for a reason you my guess.
i have not ask your avatar species as you may also guess why..
what i will ask you is:
do you have and art thread?
do you have a web page?
do you think it's possible for me to act my age?
are you having fun yet?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
F***, my internet went down ON THE 19!!!!! F***!
sorry, missing the finale pissed me off the most ever, and just as i realized it was Haz.
Sorry to hear that, Danny. Then again, it's just a game, and there will be other rounds.
Quote from: Marmonstein on December 30, 2007, 09:16:10 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Can you tell me what you like best about trains?
What do you do in Photoshop?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What's your favorite food?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
They're easy to sleep on and it's easy to talk with people.
Photo editing, colouring, etc.
The kind I eat.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 30, 2007, 01:43:47 PM
Dear IF,
You're sneaky.
Do you think you might know who your IF is?
Have you used photoshop at all?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
I might have glanced at it a couple of times, in succession and read a couple of tutorials.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on December 30, 2007, 11:29:36 PM
Dear Friend of Invisibleness,
Where'd that chunk of the sentence run off to, before?
Is Marmonstein's avatar a ninja or a pirate or some sort of freaky combination of the two?
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friendthings happen and edits go bad
Marmonstein is not freak marmonstein is a first class pirate ninja. don't ever forget that.
Quote from: Aiyno on December 31, 2007, 03:56:04 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Not really.
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
I don't think so.
Does a higher being exist?
I do think so.
Dear Concealed Companion,
Would you like help figuring out who your IF is?
How would you characterise your vocabulary?
Are you an APF?
Do you enjoy train rides?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 31, 2007, 11:35:33 AM
F***, my internet went down ON THE 19!!!!! F***!
sorry, missing the finale pissed me off the most ever, and just as i realized it was Haz.
This section is PG. Watch your language.
Dear invisible friend,
Does this question have an answer?
What is your favorite color?
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 30, 2007, 08:48:49 PM
Dear IF
You said we've spoken outside the IF. Cool! I hope perhaps that we'll get to speak more. :3
- Do you prefer sunshine or rain?
- What's your idea of a good time?
- Do you know who your IF is?
Quote from: Cogidubnus' Invisible Friend
Dear Cogidubnus,
That's certainly a possibility. I'll look forward to it.
- Rain, I think. Provided I'm in somewher ewarm, where I can look out at it.
- Oh, that would be telling. ;)
- I have a fair idea, yes.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 31, 2007, 12:50:25 PM
Dear Concealed Companion,
Would you like help figuring out who your IF is?
How would you characterise your vocabulary?
Are you an APF?
Do you enjoy train rides?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
As much as I appreciate your offer, but using it would be less satisfying than winning on my own.
Unlikely, yet possible.
Depends on the train, the people present in the said train and the time and duration of the ride.
dear invisible friend
Are you there IF? it's me E
do you the book this is paraphraseed form?
do i have too much time on my hands?
was your head built with paradox absorbing crumple zones?
Dear Airy Amigo,
Have you moved out into the workforce yet?
If so, do you enjoy your job?
Have you travelled?
Would you consider yourself to be broad-minded?
Dear Invisible Friend,
You like to be vague, don't you? >:3
Do you like any TV shows on currently? Or do you prefer older stuff, like The Twilight Zone?
Are you fond of video games?
What's your New Year's resolution?
Quote from: e_voyager on January 02, 2008, 11:40:59 AM
dear invisible friend
do you have and art thread?
do you have a web page?
do you think it's possible for me to act my age?
are you having fun yet?
Are you there IF? it's me E
do you the book this is paraphraseed form?
do i have too much time on my hands?
was your head built with paradox absorbing crumple zones?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager
I do not have an art thread.
I also don't have a web page.
Just don't act your shoe size.
Yes. :0
I read "Are you there God? It's me, Margret." Wasn't fun.
Possibly. Better go wash it off.
Uh. I've seen a head cave in once. :P
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 02, 2008, 11:53:45 AM
Dear Airy Amigo,
Have you moved out into the workforce yet?
If so, do you enjoy your job?
Have you travelled?
Would you consider yourself to be broad-minded?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
The first rule of Work force is, you do not talk about work force.
It pays.
For a long time I have lingered through the web, searching for a place to call home.
If I'd admit being that, I would be narrow-minded.
dear invisible friend
when your here your family :mowhappy :tighthug
does :ddrabel rock/rule
was that last question hiding a pun or joke?
have you seen my confusion thread?
have you guessed your IF?
Dear Screened Sidekick,
Do you think you'll win this round?
Have you won other rounds?
Have you made any New Years resolutions?
Do you think you'll keep them?
Quote from: Marmonstein on January 02, 2008, 03:43:29 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
You like to be vague, don't you? >:3
Do you like any TV shows on currently? Or do you prefer older stuff, like The Twilight Zone?
Are you fond of video games?
What's your New Year's resolution?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
I hardly watch T.V., anymore.
I didn't make one.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 01, 2008, 04:46:25 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Does this question have an answer?
What is your favorite color?
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
Does this question have an answer?
Of course!
What is your favorite color?
I have several, actually. I'm fond of reds and blacks and grays.
What kind of music do you like?
All sorts! Except country music and rap.
What would you call your gender?
Depends what you mean by gender. Darn sociologists be stealin' mah
What kind of food do you like?
I do like a good curry.
Hello, Invisible Friend.
I didn't make a resolution either. :)
So, what kind of video games do you like?
Any favorite movies, then?
Can you tell I'm having trouble thinking of questions?
Dear invisible friend,
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
Quote from: Marmonstein on January 03, 2008, 11:26:14 PM
Hello, Invisible Friend.
I didn't make a resolution either. :)
So, what kind of video games do you like?
Any favorite movies, then?
Can you tell I'm having trouble thinking of questions?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
The kind I play.
Not really.
I thought you might be, but it doesn't make any difference to me.
Anyone else?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 03, 2008, 12:42:35 PM
Dear Screened Sidekick,
Do you think you'll win this round?
Have you won other rounds?
Have you made any New Years resolutions?
Do you think you'll keep them?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
No man can posses over true victory.
Quote from: e_voyager on January 03, 2008, 12:39:11 PM
dear invisible friend
when your here your family :mowhappy :tighthug
does :ddrabel rock/rule
was that last question hiding a pun or joke?
have you seen my confusion thread?
have you guessed your IF?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear e_voyager,
I'm afraid I don't understand.
Most certainly.
I haven't.
I'm narrowing it down.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Any plans coming up soon?
Will you be registering for classes soon?
Is it cold where you are?
Are you an advocate of naps or just lots of regular sleep?
Well then, my Invisible Friend,
Do you have any fears?
Are you a fan of horror, comedy, or any other genre of media?
Are you a night or morning person?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is there no spoon?
Is the pie a lie?
Is your native language English?
When would you run?
Math, Geology, History, Cultural or languages?
Less than 3 days left... Start sending your pictures! And more answers would be nice too.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 04, 2008, 04:36:44 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
What's your nations climate like?
All sorts of climates!
What is your favorite animal?
I do like woofies.
What was your worst nightmare?
Dark, and well and truly alone.
Is there a reason to be alive?
A great many!
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
There are a few.
dear invisible friend
my first statement after greeting last time was just that a statement. when you're here you're family. it was not a question just hopefully a reassurance.
are you a doggy of some sort? (not quite the same as klaatu barada doggy!?)
have you every thought about trying freefall (http://freefall.purrsia.com/)?
do you think i know who you are?
would you defend your friends?
who is the girl called sailor moon?
...Still no images. Will this round end with no winners?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on January 05, 2008, 07:19:00 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
- Any plans coming up soon?
- Will you be registering for classes soon?
- Is it cold where you are?
- Are you an advocate of naps or just lots of regular sleep?
Quote from: Cogidubnus' Invisible Friend
Dear Cog,
- Other than keep doing what I'm doing? No, nothing in the immediate
future. Things may change, however - as they usually do.
- Not presently, no.
- Mildly.
- Lots of regular sleep.
Some images at last!
This one was resized to 25% and indexed because it was freakingly huge and took up over 8 Mb.
Quote from: xHaZxMaTx's Invisible Friend
This one came as it is.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendI'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
pada pada.

...And the last-minute submissions!
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend(http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8900/failboatep7.th.jpg)Invisi Picture. (http://img181.imageshack.us/my.php?image=failboatep7.jpg)
Quote from: e_voyager on January 07, 2008, 08:57:29 AM
dear invisible friend
my first statement after greeting last time was just that a statement. when you're here you're family. it was not a question just hopefully a reassurance.
are you a doggy of some sort? (not quite the same as klaatu barada doggy!?)
have you every thought about trying freefall (http://freefall.purrsia.com/)?
do you think i know who you are?
would you defend your friends?
who is the girl called sailor moon?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendNope!
I haven't
Not sure, but I know who you are.
I believe in my friends, and I will always support them.
Usagi Tsukino, and she will punish you.
(http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6630/hallohartxo5.th.jpg) (http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hallohartxo5.jpg)
This one came in a few minutes late, but since it was still morning and no one else had posted yet (and the deadline was rather vague), I think it deserves to be squeezed in.
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear VF,
I apologise for the delay on this image - things have been rather hectic
over the last week or so. :-/
I -had- planned on making something rather better quality, but something
came up...

...And thus concludes round 21. It was a bit too slow, if you ask me. I wonder who will guess right.
As usual, only those who have sent their drawings have a chance to win, but everyone can post a guess.
I believe that I'm going to put my guess at xHaZxMaTx being my IF.
i have to go with "Marmonstein" as my first question eliminated most of the rest. has an and in forum name eliminates cogidubnus and is not some sort of box eliminates our boxy mode. has not art thread or web page eliminates hazzy(also last i checked hazzy as an apf but then right not i lack sleep) and is not new eliminates Ayino
opps sorry i was mixing questions for the two games and neglected to ask good questions this round because of being stretched so thin.
"Marmonstein" next time i sleep before i post here. ah well maybe i'll wake up during spell check. gah i really need a recovery mode.
My guess is also Haz.
Cause all the other guesses I would take have been taken :<
Methinks Aiyno was my IF.
Oh cripes. I really don't know. XD No one chose Ilearch, so that will be my guess.
wow i wonder if anyone won this round
Yes, E... You did! Marmonstein was indeed your IF.
And those who guessed Haz... were wrong. Haz was in fact Marmonstein's Invisible Friend.
Cog was Aiyno's Invisible Friend.
Aiyno was llearch's Invisible Friend.
llearch was Cogidubnus's Invisible Friend.
And, as can be concluded from the above list, Haz's Invisible Friend was e_voyager.
I hereby declare e_voyager the sole winner of Round 21!
The Hall of Fame will be updated later today (when I'm home).
Heh. And Aiyno even sent me an email that he should have sent to Gabi.
Whoops. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 10, 2008, 06:29:52 AM
Heh. And Aiyno even sent me an email that he should have sent to Gabi.
Whoops. ;-]
I'm sick of doing that, So I deleted your E mail address :<
(actually, I wrecked the address but that works too..)
hmm Cogidubnus.. jeee.. he wasn't even in my top three.. bwee?
so my half sleep ranting on half remembered strategies paid off? you know i was convinced i have messed up and was mixing questions form two different games for a while there. and Ayino you say this just when i'm ready to nominate llearch as the host for the next round. say Marmonstein what is you avatar by the way? i know that i defend it as a pirate ninja of great skill but is it k9?
Problem is, e, same as last time - I'm expecting a house move, any minute now. We are, literally, just scraping the final financing and arguing together.
Once that happens, depending on how we sort the cash out, we'll be pulling stumps and heading on out, which means my internet will die, and my time to mess with these things will be during work... which makes it unlikely I can deal reasonably with updates here, now, doesn't it? :-/
It'd be unfair to you guys to have to wait all weekend for a response.
Quote from: e_voyager on January 10, 2008, 12:09:37 PM
and Ayino you say this just when i'm ready to nominate llearch as the host for the next round.
Well it's easy to fix even if llearch was hosting the next round.
I changed his e-mail to if@llearch-placeholder-.net removing placeholder will fix it again :3
and adding it to gabi's E-mail would would stop me from posting to that one :P
I'm going on vacation from Saturday 19th to Saturday 26th. To my grandmother's house in Salta. And she has no computer. There's an internet cafe near the house, and I may log in from there every now and then, but I don't think I'll be able to host next round.
Is anyone else up to the task? It requires randomly assigning IFs, sending each player a PM with instructions, keeping track of who's whose IF, checking the E-mail at least once a day, matching questions with answers and posting the respective quotes, poking the people who disappear, and uploading the images that come as attachments. And, of course, revealing the winners at the end of the round.
Well... In that case, I can host it. I -may- end up unable to respond on weekends, but that's better than leaving it idle for two weeks, no?
Quote from: e_voyager on January 10, 2008, 12:09:37 PM
so my half sleep ranting on half remembered strategies paid off? you know i was convinced i have messed up and was mixing questions form two different games for a while there. and Ayino you say this just when i'm ready to nominate llearch as the host for the next round. say Marmonstein what is you avatar by the way? i know that i defend it as a pirate ninja of great skill but is it k9?
I guess it was obvious it was me. XD No skin off my bones, though. Good on you for winning.
My avatar
is a ninja pirate (barely), but it is not a dog. It's a sugar glider.
i see. and it's not that you were obvious i almost always figure out my if in two to three question sets. my cousin Daka is the only one that constantly confuses me. it's a fun game and out honesty lets me analyze who's, who and improve my trouble shooting skills.
Funny, you and Dakata have been the best at guessing so far, and the only players to win a round alone.
Your round then, llearch. :)
I want in on this game, and i hope to god that i don't lose my internet again.
all sings point to me having trouble with the net soon maybe even this round but i'll try again. it's a fun game you know
I would like to try my hand at this game.
pff, sign me up again.
I want to try again. Maybe I'll do better this time 'round. :U
i'm sure you will marmmy
i want in! sounds fun. so wich mail adress am i sending my answers to again?
It varies. Consult the pm you get sent when the game opens.
Gabi, are you playing?
Hm... I guess I can try. When will the round begin, and when will it end?
Begin tomorrow, or possibly later tonight, and end two weeks hence, or end of the 27th.
Hmm... I'll try. I'll have to put a plan in action.
Round 22 is now on.
Players are, in no particular order:
- Marmonstein
- Dannysaysnoo
- Aiyno
- Gabi
- e_voyager
- lucas marcone
Random selections were made by www.random.org, other than the last three, where it started selecting someone to be their own IF. Whilst -I- can deal with this, it would make a particularly simple game for the person in question. ;-]
Almost forgot: This round is open until 27th January. And probably until a little bit later, when I get around to dealing with the updates - that's GMT, in case you were wondering.
Dear my colorless comrade:
Have you ever played IF before?
Have you won?
Are you an artist?
Have you ever been to AC?
Hello, my invisible friend,
Are you a newcomer to this game, or have you played before?
What music do you like?
Any favorite movies?
Is Karate Kid awesome?
dear invisible friend
do you have an a in your screen name?
are you male or female?
have you been here long?
the words of the profits are written where says the sound of silence?
Wow, I'm going to lose this round! Well, almost definitely.
Know in advance that if you ask yes/no questions, you may get the truth, lies or evasion in return. I don't like being asked yes/no questions in this game, there's too little room for creation there.
Dear Invisible Friend,
how are you?
What do you think about this games?
And what are your thoughts about random hugs?
dear invsi friend,
do i interact with you regularly?
if so where?
pirates or ninjas? (like that'll slim anything down).
icp or no?
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 15, 2008, 08:51:30 AM
dear invsi friend,
do i interact with you regularly?
if so where?
pirates or ninjas? (like that'll slim anything down).
icp or no?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
more like irregularly.
here and there.
both. (http://missmab.com/DLoads/DMFA_Wallpaper23_1024.jpg)
hmm, no.
Quote from: Marmonstein on January 14, 2008, 09:02:36 PM
Hello, my invisible friend,
Are you a newcomer to this game, or have you played before?
What music do you like?
Any favorite movies?
Is Karate Kid awesome?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
Dear Marmonstein,
1, yes
2, metal, lots of it. well that and techno, punk, polka, any form of rock, classical, anything older than the year 2000 besides pop, rap, and country
3, shoot 'em up, shaun of the dead, kill bill, rob zombie's halloween
4, wouldn't know. id say no out of sheer spite ;D
BOO! ahahah, its only me!
Pleased to meet you! Hope you guessed mah name!
What's the nature of your game? (Job title)
dear light bending friend,
have you been a member since the great forum exodus of the ill tempered amber?
Dear invi-friend,
How are you?
How many webcomic do you read?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
Quote from: Gabi on January 15, 2008, 04:44:03 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
how are you?
What do you think about this games?
And what are your thoughts about random hugs?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
y halo thar!
I'm alright...i have these new shoes...
I do indeed like me some forum games...
...no one hugs wiccle me...
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 15, 2008, 10:50:45 AM
BOO! ahahah, its only me!
Pleased to meet you! Hope you guessed mah name!
What's the nature of your game? (Job title)
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
that would be telling
I should also note, to you all, that it's probably in your interests to identify either yourself, or your Visible Friend, when sending emails. Emails with no other identifying content than the responses alone may be ignored, since if I cannot figure out who they should be in response to, how is the actual Friend going to?
Lazy box... ;) I've had to deal with that in the past. I figured out what questions matched those answers, but it's true that it's annoying.
Invisible Friend of mine, I meant this game. I don't know where that 's' came from. What do you think about this game?
Do you consider yourself sane? Why, or why not?
How do you reply to my questions? (Do you type whatever comes to your mind, do you think carefully before typing, do you proofread your answers, do you include your own quote tags, do you tell llearch who you're replying to, do you get llearch's address from your contacts or type it yourself, anything else?)
Quote from: e_voyager on January 14, 2008, 10:59:27 PM
dear invisible friend
do you have an a in your screen name?
are you male or female?
have you been here long?
the words of the profits are written where says the sound of silence?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Well, I don't have a Y Chromosome...
Subway walls?
Quote from: Aiyno on January 15, 2008, 03:58:41 PM
Dear invi-friend,
How are you?
How many webcomic do you read?
How many animes do you watch?
Do you watch any television shows?
Do you read any books?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Quite good, thanks for asking.
Four, at the moment.
I'm not lazy. I'm merely suggesting to the players that it might be a good idea to be slightly helpful. So far, I've managed to match up players, but there being one particular entry that was tricky, I figured I'd say something before I got one I couldn't match up. ;-]
Oi! You!
How long do you think you've been here?
Are you active much?
Do you have your own website?
Dear invisible friend:
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Quote from: VSMIT on January 14, 2008, 07:24:16 PM
Dear my colorless comrade:
Have you ever played IF before?
Have you won?
Are you an artist?
Have you ever been to AC?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
You are an artist when you declare yourself to be one, so, no.
My presence was not required.
Quote from: Gabi on January 16, 2008, 05:36:24 AM
Invisible Friend of mine, I meant this game. I don't know where that 's' came from. What do you think about this game?
Do you consider yourself sane? Why, or why not?
How do you reply to my questions? (Do you type whatever comes to your mind, do you think carefully before typing, do you proofread your answers, do you include your own quote tags, do you tell llearch who you're replying to, do you get llearch's address from your contacts or type it yourself, anything else?)
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear you.
This game? oh... well, its goood fun, and playing detective is never boring.
I consider myself sane. Why? because, though i can do silly things, i
usually don't.
I just type what i think of. no more. no less.
dear friend in hiding
yes yes you are correct
do you know how much information you've given me?
are you and APF?
what does APF stand for?
does your name have more then one capital letter?
To my concealed consort:
Are you male or female?
Have you taken part in "The Ban Game?"
Do you read any webcomics?
Do you watch anime?
Do you read books?
Funny, no one asks "are you male, female or Dakata" these days.
Dear you...
How many characters can you think of whose names sound like "you"? Just curious, I've already thought of 3 and I'm sure there are more.
Have you been to the IRC channel? If so, what do you think about it? If not, why not?
And, in response to e_voyager's post... Who doesn't know what APF stands for?
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 15, 2008, 01:50:51 PM
dear light bending friend,
have you been a member since the great forum exodus of the ill tempered amber?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
I'm a light bender? cool!
I was a member of this forum before I registered. honest.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 16, 2008, 10:53:27 AM
Oi! You!
How long do you think you've been here?
Are you active much?
Do you have your own website?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
To Danny
i am younger the the host and older then you.
no more or less there others here.
Quote from: VSMIT on January 16, 2008, 04:00:01 PM
To my concealed consort:
Are you male or female?
Have you taken part in "The Ban Game?"
Do you read any webcomics?
Do you watch anime?
Do you read books?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear invisible friend;
I am the almighty overlord of that thread.
I am not reading a book right now, I have however done so in the past.
Quote from: Gabi on January 16, 2008, 04:45:23 PM
Funny, no one asks "are you male, female or Dakata" these days.
Dear you...
How many characters can you think of whose names sound like "you"? Just curious, I've already thought of 3 and I'm sure there are more.
Have you been to the IRC channel? If so, what do you think about it? If not, why not?
And, in response to e_voyager's post... Who doesn't know what APF stands for?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
You Dear,
There's an actor who shares my last name, but he has one too many H's in his
I do like me my IRC, but it gets a bit odd in there...
Lentil soup. Nothing more, nothing less
I don't know APF stands for...
To my Clear Cohort,
Do you have any "e"s in your username?
Have you been banned by me?
Hello, Invisible Friend.
Are you fond of video games at all?
Do you get enough sleep?
hey, you!
which rps are you in?
are you a dude?
favorite letter of the alphabet?
do you use good grammar?
thoughts on the mods?
boxers or briefs?
mustard or mayo?
justace league or avengers?
batman or captain America?
tell me a story?
aw comeon!?
Heh. I was wondering whether you'd interpret "you" as yourself or as the word "you". I was referring to the latter, but I guess the former works too.
So, dear H-less friend, APF stands for All Purpose Fox. In other words, me, Shades and Azlan, but it is sometimes extended to the entire AP-Team, whether they're foxes or not.
Not that by counting me as a fox I'm not saying that I'm actually a fox, but that the character that represents me on this board is.
And on that note, have you ever used a character to represent you on a message board or any other kind of online community? If so, where? If not, have you ever thought about it?
Quote from: e_voyager on January 16, 2008, 01:33:07 PM
dear friend in hiding
yes yes you are correct
do you know how much information you've given me?
are you and APF?
what does APF stand for?
does your name have more then one capital letter?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Are you making fun of me? ;)
Not mine
Quote from: VSMIT on January 16, 2008, 06:08:31 PM
To my Clear Cohort,
Do you have any "e"s in your username?
Have you been banned by me?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
I'm on e diet, not e strict one though.
Could be, there ere so meny people, so meny forums.
dear stealth encrypted compadre
well played but a few of my eliminations still hold true
do you have an e in you name?
are you having fun?
have you played this game before?
have you been here a year?
Psst! You! Over here!
Do you partake in the RP's here in this forum?
On that subject, do you have a character for said RPs?
Quote from: Marmonstein on January 16, 2008, 10:28:35 PM
Hello, Invisible Friend.
Are you fond of video games at all?
Do you get enough sleep?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
Dear Marm,
Who Isn't fond of the electronic games?
Find me one person here that gets enough sleep and I'll give you a bajillion dollars
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 16, 2008, 11:11:03 PM
hey, you!
which rps are you in?
are you a dude?
favorite letter of the alphabet?
do you use good grammar?
thoughts on the mods?
boxers or briefs?
mustard or mayo?
justace league or avengers?
batman or captain America?
tell me a story?
aw comeon!?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
rps? royal photographic society? reseacrh pharmaceutical services? revolutions per second? I'm not in any of those.
aren't we all?
I try.
no, thanks.
which incarnation of them?
"when he awoke, the dinosaur was still there."
that was it. it's a story!
where are we going?
Quote from: Gabi on January 17, 2008, 05:28:33 AM
Heh. I was wondering whether you'd interpret "you" as yourself or as the word "you". I was referring to the latter, but I guess the former works too.
So, dear H-less friend, APF stands for All Purpose Fox. In other words, me, Shades and Azlan, but it is sometimes extended to the entire AP-Team, whether they're foxes or not.
Not that by counting me as a fox I'm not saying that I'm actually a fox, but that the character that represents me on this board is.
And on that note, have you ever used a character to represent you on a message board or any other kind of online community? If so, where? If not, have you ever thought about it?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible,
Ah, that makes sense. I though Azlan was the only APF, but now i am in the waters of knowledge, drowning.
Nope, never. i have an idea for one to use, but im probably not gonna use him...
Oh, no, I didn't want you to drown! Is there any way I can help you?
Dear invisible friend,
Does this question have an answer?
What is your favorite color?
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Whenever, whatever... yeah
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 17, 2008, 10:53:29 AM
Psst! You! Over here!
Do you partake in the RP's here in this forum?
On that subject, do you have a character for said RPs?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
a few here and there
i couldn't play otherwise
Quote from: Gabi on January 17, 2008, 02:48:21 PM
Oh, no, I didn't want you to drown! Is there any way I can help you?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
You want to help me? Ask me about something i don't know.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 17, 2008, 02:51:22 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Does this question have an answer?
What is your favorite color?
What kind of music do you like?
What would you call your gender?
What kind of food do you like?
Whenever, whatever... yeah
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Hi Aiyno,
Could be, I don't really know.
Black, I think.
Classical, Classic Rock, Jazz...
It's name.
The kind you eat.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 16, 2008, 11:16:55 AM
Dear invisible friend:
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Dear invisible friend:
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
dear translucent minion,
skip the history lesson and bring on the explosions, or skip the explosions and bring on the history?
Dear Invisible Friend:
Do you remember the fifth of November?
Do you like math?
Which branch (Algebra, Calculus, etc.)?
Do you like science?
Which branch (Chem, Bio, etc.)?
AC, have you been?
Do you contribute to the art section at all?
Quote from: Aiyno on January 16, 2008, 11:16:55 AM
Dear invisible friend:
Do you know existences meaning?
Do you consider yourself old?
Do you consider yourself wise?
Does compassion equal Pity?
Does a higher being exist?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
No, but I wish I did.
Again, no.
In some circles yes, to me, they are not the same.
I personally think so, but maybe not the Christian God.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 18, 2008, 02:28:23 PM
Dear invisible friend:
What's your nations climate like?
What is your favorite animal?
What was your worst nightmare?
Is there a reason to be alive?
Is there a reason to sacrifice yourself?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible Friend,
Depends on where you go.
Can't remember any of them.
Sure there is.
Probably, and it's probably a better reason than a reason to be alive.
Have fun.
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 18, 2008, 02:40:41 PM
dear translucent minion,
skip the history lesson and bring on the explosions, or skip the explosions and bring on the history?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
thing is, my opaque companion, the history lesson is often about explosions.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 18, 2008, 06:36:32 PM
AC, have you been?
Do you contribute to the art section at all?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
maybe. hard to say.
So, Invisible Friend...
Do you like to travel? If so, where have you been, and what vehicles do you like to drive/ride in?
How about the arts? Do you draw, sing, do crafts, etc.? What's your favorite medium?
dear invisi bill,
do you play cybernations?
do you post in PAY?
how about the ban thread?
Dear invisible friend,
Is there no spoon?
Is the pie a lie?
Is your native language English?
When would you run?
Math, Geology, History, Cultural or languages?
Eternal life, Burial or Cremation?
Hmm... so asking you about something you don't know helps you? How so?
Let's see... what does 'nub' mean in English, and what does it do in Haskell?
dear hidden amigo.
did you see my questions?
do you like gum?
why are you so shy?
why did you answer yes when i asked what an APF was?
have you been my invisible friend before?(which everyone but about two people on in the game have been this round)
do you know the muffin man?
(and to answer you question no i am not making fun of you but the oddest thing are full of information)
Quote from: e_voyager on January 17, 2008, 10:44:56 AM
dear stealth encrypted compadre
well played but a few of my eliminations still hold true
do you have an e in you name?
are you having fun?
have you played this game before?
have you been here a year?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
As much as I hoped
I have
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 19, 2008, 02:49:54 AM
dear invisi bill,
do you play cybernations?
do you post in PAY?
how about the ban thread?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
the answer is 'yes' to at least one of those questions, and 'no' to at least one of them.
Quote from: Gabi on January 19, 2008, 06:51:33 AM
Hmm... so asking you about something you don't know helps you? How so?
Let's see... what does 'nub' mean in English, and what does it do in Haskell?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Yes, it does, it takes me out of the waters of knowledge.
"Nub" means "Noob", or "Newb"
Err... no, not exactly. "Nub" means "essence". You can verify it with a dictionary.
Anyway, do you prefer to get up early, or to stay up late?
Do you know where I am right now?
Where are you right now?
Quote from: Marmonstein on January 18, 2008, 09:17:45 PM
So, Invisible Friend...
Do you like to travel? If so, where have you been, and what vehicles do you like to drive/ride in?
How about the arts? Do you draw, sing, do crafts, etc.? What's your favorite medium?
Quote from: Marmonstein's Invisible Friend
dear obvious compatriot,
1 yes 2 here and there 3 anything badass 4 how about them? 5 not in the traditional sense. 6 i liek fo0dz
Quote from: Aiyno on January 19, 2008, 03:23:21 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Is there no spoon?
Is the pie a lie?
Is your native language English?
When would you run?
Math, Geology, History, Cultural or languages?
Eternal life, Burial or Cremation?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Only if you want it to bend.
No, but I heard that the cake is.
Depends on what I'm running for.
Math, definitely.
Eternal Life or Cremation.
Quote from: e_voyager on January 19, 2008, 08:23:31 AM
dear hidden amigo.
did you see my questions?
do you like gum?
why are you so shy?
why did you answer yes when i asked what an APF was?
have you been my invisible friend before?(which everyone but about two people on in the game have been this round)
do you know the muffin man?
(and to answer you question no i am not making fun of you but the oddest thing are full of information)
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Oy, e_voyager,
I guess that's apparent now.
Apple flavor is best.
I'm always shy. Another fault of mine I'm fraid.
Cause I did know? You never asked what it stood for, silly.
Yuppers. You've played a lot.
No. He never returns my calls. :'(
Quote from: VSMIT on January 18, 2008, 06:31:46 PM
Do you remember the fifth of November?
Do you like math?
Which branch (Algebra, Calculus, etc.)?
Do you like science?
Which branch (Chem, Bio, etc.)?
Dear IF:
Have you asked any questions of the APFs?
What is your first language?
Why haven't you answered my questions?
Dear invisible friend,
31 Computer or Television?
32 Coffee or Energy drink? (taste)
33 Cola or Energy drink? (taste)
XX $1.00 or $1,00 ?
XX What is your favorite
Food, eh. What's your favorite food?
Do you like to go to conventions (anthro, anime, scifi, etc.)?
What do you think of Monty Python?
Do you like books? What's your favorite one?
dear invisdable friend,
how often do you post in PAY?
Quote from: Gabi on January 19, 2008, 04:09:21 PM
Err... no, not exactly. "Nub" means "essence". You can verify it with a dictionary.
Anyway, do you prefer to get up early, or to stay up late?
Do you know where I am right now?
Where are you right now?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Well, you learn something new everyday!
Stay up late, im a very sleepy person.
I do indeed, miss Argentina.
I am here, in the land of rolling hills and neds.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 20, 2008, 03:49:34 PM
Dear invisible friend,
31 Computer or Television?
32 Coffee or Energy drink? (taste)
33 Cola or Energy drink? (taste)
XX $1.00 or $1,00 ?
XX What is your favorite
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Computer. Why watch TV when you can see the episodes on Youtube?
Depends on who I talk to. Usually $1.00.
The median of any range.
Black. Didn't you already ask this?
Wolf. Didn't you already ask this?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Black. Didn't you already ask this?
Wolf. Didn't you already ask this?
Yes, But my memory needs assistance. :3
Quote from: VSMIT on January 20, 2008, 02:58:52 PM
Quote from: VSMIT on January 18, 2008, 06:31:46 PM
Do you remember the fifth of November?
Do you like math?
Which branch (Algebra, Calculus, etc.)?
Do you like science?
Which branch (Chem, Bio, etc.)?
Have you asked any questions of the APFs?
What is your first language?
Why haven't you answered my questions?
Dear IF,
Is existence meaningless?
Do you exist?
Why do you hide from me?
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 21, 2008, 08:51:11 AM
dear invisdable friend,
how often do you post in PAY?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
it depends. sometimes more, sometimes less.
Quote from: VSMIT on January 21, 2008, 02:34:30 PM
Quote from: VSMIT on January 20, 2008, 02:58:52 PM
Quote from: VSMIT on January 18, 2008, 06:31:46 PM
Do you remember the fifth of November?
Do you like math?
Which branch (Algebra, Calculus, etc.)?
Do you like science?
Which branch (Chem, Bio, etc.)?
Have you asked any questions of the APFs?
What is your first language?
Why haven't you answered my questions?
Dear IF,
Is existence meaningless?
Do you exist?
Why do you hide from me?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Only when I want to.
Up to a point.
The one that doesn't break.
I love mythbusters
The one that doesn't break.
The language that I learned first.
Cause I'm busy.
I like the shadows, it's comfy.
Dear visibility-negating friend, if you'll excuse me... what's a ned?
And do you like hugs?
Dear steathily friend
Pirates or ninjas? ( having fought them both i can never decide)
lucid dreaming or dreaming in metaphors?
reality check or check reality at the door?
oh most clear allay,
are you in reality a male?
are you a female?
Dear invisible friend,
Are you affiliated with a alliance?
Does your clantag mean anything?
How much is your money worth?
Why is 6 evil?
Sorry i haven't said anything for a while, i just couldn't think.
How did you end up here anyway?
Northern of Southern hemisphere?
Apologies for the delay. I've had some email troubles, which delayed some of the incoming emails.
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
a gift for you. I decided to try drawing some detail. (http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/5107/noseow7.th.png) (http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=noseow7.png)
Quote from: Gabi on January 22, 2008, 12:50:42 PM
Dear visibility-negating friend, if you'll excuse me... what's a ned?
And do you like hugs?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Well, where i come from, a ned is a juvenile delinquent.
mmm, soft and cosy. Yes, i do.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 23, 2008, 05:08:30 PM
Sorry i haven't said anything for a while, i just couldn't think.
How did you end up here anyway?
Northern of Southern hemisphere?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
To danny
i followed the crowed
north no south no north. wait what was the question?
Dear IF:
How did you arrive here?
What is your favorite episode of Mythbusters?
Who is your favorite Mythbuster?
Quote from: e_voyager on January 22, 2008, 12:54:39 PM
Dear steathily friend
Pirates or ninjas? ( having fought them both i can never decide)
lucid dreaming or dreaming in metaphors?
reality check or check reality at the door?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
I think ninjas are superior.
Lucid dreaming. I like control.
Screw reality.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 23, 2008, 04:54:09 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Are you affiliated with a alliance?
Does your clantag mean anything?
How much is your money worth?
Why is 6 evil?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Yes it does.
Less than a Euro.
Because it's one less than seven.
Quote from: VSMIT on January 23, 2008, 06:22:57 PM
Dear IF:
How did you arrive here?
What is your favorite episode of Mythbusters?
Who is your favorite Mythbuster?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
I came together with the flow.
The one where everything goes boom.
The one that blows up the most things.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear kaga ninja friend
scary If very scary.
if you avatar lividly? (er lively i mean)
have you heard the sound of one hand clapping?
have you ever played hangman?
do you know how many players here lack Y chromosome?
why must i go into sleep mode? i want to see the movie end.
are you ready to drive now?
Dear Faceless Fan.
Oooh, very purdey! How'd you make that, then?
Thanks for the information, and I'm sorry that your homeland is so full of delinquents. So is mine, I'm afraid.
Since we're both defining words and I find it kind of fun... could you please explain what the word "purdey" means? I've seen it before, but not in a dictionary. Is it a deformation of "pretty", or does it have a different origin?
And why did I write such a long question?
Quote from: lucas marcone on January 22, 2008, 03:44:42 PM
oh most clear allay,
are you in reality a male?
are you a female?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
allow me to apologize, my friend, for not noticing these questions before. or perhaps they weren't there by the time I sent my gift. as my previous responses seem not to have satisfied your thirst for knowledge, let me give you, this time, an extensive answer. the truth is as follows: the answer to each one of those questions is, as you can imagine, the opposite of the answer to the other, being there only two possible answers among those who play this game, and being both answers mutually exclusive. knowing that, as most humans are, I am endowed with the ability to make untrue statements, and that a simple 'yes' or 'no' gives little information from which a reader might derive the truth (or, as it may be, the lack thereof) of the statement, what do you get from asking such questions? so have it as you may, the answers are "yes" and "no", or perhaps "no" and "yes". but do not despair, as I honestly believe that this paragraph has provided you information larger, by orders of magnitude, than that you could have obtained through the deepest analysis of a pair of monisyllabic words.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on January 24, 2008, 10:54:08 AM
Dear Faceless Fan.
Oooh, very purdey! How'd you make that, then?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
To danny
i drew then edited then drew then edited then colored then chucked it all and redrew it in my editor.
Quote from: Gabi on January 24, 2008, 12:28:13 PM
Thanks for the information, and I'm sorry that your homeland is so full of delinquents. So is mine, I'm afraid.
Since we're both defining words and I find it kind of fun... could you please explain what the word "purdey" means? I've seen it before, but not in a dictionary. Is it a deformation of "pretty", or does it have a different origin?
And why did I write such a long question?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Argentina has a delinquent problem? still learning...
"Purdey" is basically "Pretty", but used in a cute sense. i think.
That's not long.
Alright, granted, the question could have been longer, but wasn't it still longer than the average question?
Do you prefer long or short questions? And long or short answers?
Have you started drawing your image yet?
Dear IF:
What drew you to this forum (or to this society in general)?
What is your favorite smiley?
What does :kirby mean to you?
Dear IF,
Does school on Saturday rock?
Is there any hope that I could finish what I started?
If one does not achieve his goal but tried his best, does the end result really matter?
Do you like chocolate? If so; what's your favorite?
dear friend in inferred or ultraviolet which every you prefer.
time is running out the game end tomorrow and you haven't spoken to me in a while
are you feeling well?
did my questions miss you some how?
have you received / started you gift yet?
Quote from: Gabi on January 25, 2008, 12:24:31 PM
Alright, granted, the question could have been longer, but wasn't it still longer than the average question?
Do you prefer long or short questions? And long or short answers?
Have you started drawing your image yet?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Maybe, but there were a whole bunch of sentences in there, too.
I prefer short questions and short answers, but im flexible.
Ah! That's what i forgot.
I'd strongly recommend not forgetting, otherwise you can't win...
Quote from: VSMIT on January 25, 2008, 06:26:34 PM
Dear IF:
What drew you to this forum (or to this society in general)?
What is your favorite smiley?
What does :kirby mean to you?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
dear Vsmit,
The awesome of dmfa.
One that makes people laugh.
Little to nothing.
Quote from: Aiyno on January 26, 2008, 01:37:52 AM
Dear IF,
Does school on Saturday rock?
Is there any hope that I could finish what I started?
If one does not achieve his goal but tried his best, does the end result really matter?
Do you like chocolate? If so; what's your favorite?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Depends on what I'm doing.
Depends on what you're doing.
I don't think it does. As long as he does his best, that's all that matters.
Yes, I prefer Milk and Dark.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Hm? Coke tastes like my face? What's that supposed to mean?
Nice picture. What's it of?
confusion abounds. where have all the If's gone? or is mine the only one missing?
Visible friends are here but invisible friends are not? This is odd, I thought we were the same people.
All right head count who's not here er i mean who's here?
Poke`mon skit (Joke based on post count) Gabi has evolved Gabi is a Cyclops with titanic strength and wisdom.
Im here. Hello!
I'm still here.
I object to being present.
except when there are cookies involved, or fire.. or any of my other interests..
Given the game is ending any minute now (I'm thinking another hour and a half or so) there's little point in taking a roll call...
Unless, of course, you really want to.
i've told everyone don't apply logic to my actions it just messes me up especially when i haven't slept at all after working the grave yard shift.
As it currently stands, Marmonstein's IF and e_voyager's IF have not sent me their images.
I have an image from Aiyno's IF to post. I'll sit on it until morning, though, since I figure that gives everyone one last chance to send me random stuff...
See you all in about 8 hours or so.
that is right nice oh you.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
"No matter how far you run, civilization is not far behind..."
Quote from: VSMIT on January 27, 2008, 12:42:03 PM
Nice picture. What's it of?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
A reindeer, obviously!
Quote from: e_voyager on January 27, 2008, 01:55:07 PM
confusion abounds. where have all the If's gone? or is mine the only one missing?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
My apologies, friend. I haven't been well, and I've been very busy. Not a very good combo. I do bring a drawing, though.
My attempt at an Edo style fox:
The game is now closed. Please, post your guesses for who your IF is...
Was my IF Dannysaysnoo?
as much as i would like to say Gabi my invisible friend is not an APF . they told me so themselves. have an less then all caps names counts out anther player. have a living avatar counts out Danny and those without avatars. being without the y chromosome counts out everyone but Gabi and Marmy. and the love of ninjas suggest Marmy so Marmy it is. besides of everyone here and playing only VSMIT, has not been my invisible friend. Lucas was under a different name i believe last time he was my id a lot of rounds ago i believe back on the nice. in total my choice for my invisible friend is the sometimes here sometimes not miss :
but keep in mind i could be wrong
You know... that kind of elimination process doesn't really work in this game. But you may still be right.
that may be true but i base my guess one the honesty of my answered questions. i really thought it was you at first but but the question answers didn't support that theory.
Okay, my IF likes black, so s/he's probably not Gabi..
My IF reads books.. everyone does.
My IF likes dark and milk chocolate, which is of no help since I don't know anyone who doesn't like that, I could have asked which one s/he liked the most but, meh
My IF likes classical, classical rock. Jazz and some others. E-voyager and Danny don't seem to be the types for that but meh, nothing conclusive.
My IF believes in the existence of a deity but that doesn't have to be -god- doesn't rule out anyone.
I had cogidubnus as IF before so I take it it's not him.
Native language.. English.. rules out Gabi..and maybe marmon? wow, I'm getting somewhere >.>
So I guess I'll take Lucas ,
as always, doubtful and second guessing myself
maybe I should have chosen danny, ugh.. make I choice you dumb brain D:
... I have this odd temptation to have the GM take over answering some questions, just to make it difficult. ;-]
y'know, just randomly answer some questions every so often instead of the answers the original player put in.
Choice? Erm...
I think I had lucas marcone. I dunno. I sort of narrowed it down to him in my head. Who knows? :B
I think my IF is e_voyager.
Am I right? :eager
hay you, are you Aiyno?
Gabi, Marmonstein, e_voyager, and Dannysaysnoo all win. lucas marcone failed to provide an image, and as such doesn't get to guess.
I guess the game is open to the next round. I'll take it again, if you don't mind, Gabi, since shortly after that, I'll be moving and stuff...
Congrats to the winners, and commiserations to the losers.
I'll try my hand at it again. Hopefully I'll do better.
ah, A loss. Oh well, Better luck next time I guess.
I'll try that again.
Ok, llearch, you can host again and I can play again. ^_^
But you could have told Lucas that I was his IF. Who were the others?
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly. Where was my head?
Dannysaysnoo guessed correctly that his IF was e_voyager.
e_voyager guessed correctly that his IF was Marmonstein
VSMIT guessed incorrectly that his IF was e_voyager. His IF was actually Aiyno.
Aiyno guessed incorrectly that his IF was lucas marcone. His IF was actually VSMIT.
Marmonstein guessed correctly that her IF was lucas marcone.
lucas marcone didn't post an image, and hence was unable to guess that his IF was Gabi.
Gabi guessed correctly that her IF was Dannysaysnoo.
Apologies for not organising this yesterday. Whoops.
good on ya Danny.yah guessed it was me and it wat the image that done it wat not? I really enjoy this game But i will unfortunately have to sit this round out. i'm sorry folks maybe next round.
VSMIT's IF was actually Aiyno.
Aiyno's IF was actually VSMIT.
major omg.
well played box, well played.
... actually, the only non-random ones were lucas and Gabi, since the random selection randomly selected Gabi to be her own IF. I think she would have done fairly well, but I'm not sure how I would have hidden it...
Jeez. After you said I lost I thought that Aiyno might have been my IF, but it seemed too unlikely. Oh well.
Maybe you should go by unlikelyhood, rather than likelyhood? Might serve you better ;-]
good news moving when better then expected so i should be able to play this round as well. if i can find my scanner cord.
So.. we have VSMIT, Dannysaysnoo, Gabi, and Aiyno, was that a "yes I'll play this round" ?
And a possible e. If that's so, that's 5, which means we can start tomorrow...
yes i in to play this round. i had not thought it would be so but things worked our well.
Soldier reporting for duty, BOX!
Box, yes Box! ...
muwha? :B
would i be able to sign up?
Of course.
It might be an idea if you made sure to post an image this time, though.
no prob.... family dragged me over to my grandmothers in carlisle....in other words the most internet devoid place on earth....for three days. if i hadn't been caught up reading "the walking dead" by robert kirkman i would have died from internet withdrawl.
ill be sure to post something earlier.
You can always get started with your image early, which is what I did last time. I knew I was going on vacation, so I drew and scanned the image as soon as the round began.
Gabi has a point there. i like to draw as soon as i know whom my friend is. it give me time to disguise things that way.
Round 23 is now on.
Players will receive their VF instructions via pm shortly.
The current round includes Dannysaysnoo, e_voyager, VSMIT, Aiyno, Gabi, and lucas marcone.
Dear invisible friend
are you the invisable man?
do you have any more gum?
is more then one letter in you name capital?
do you have and a in your screen name?
llearch told me to Blah blah blah.
Dear Invisible Friend, do you know how to do that?
What do you think about e_voyager's questions right above this post?
And how do you feel about this round?
Hello dear invisible friend person,
There's going to be questions, are you up to it?
I hope so, though you can answer most with one singular word and we have to weeks to get through my never ever changing list, that I hardly ever fill in. Anyway, if you are ready for this thing than I guess I'll post questions when I
feel like it :3 Let's warm you up with 5 random questions!
Quote from: Gabi on February 03, 2008, 06:33:39 AM
llearch told me to Blah blah blah.
I was halfway tempted to limit myself to one line each, since everyone played the last round. ;-]
I was good, though. Maybe next time.
Dear clear comrade,
Have you played IF more than the one time previous?
Did you win?
Did you find it easy to win (if you did)?
Do you have any capital letters in your screen name?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 02, 2008, 09:46:52 PM
Dear invisible friend
are you the invisable man?
do you have any more gum?
is more then one letter in you name capital?
do you have and a in your screen name?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Hey e_voyager.
He died, didn't he? But I'm an invisible man.
Nope, fresh out.
That depends on which screen name you're talking about.
Quote from: Aiyno on February 03, 2008, 07:54:32 AM
Hello dear invisible friend person,
There's going to be questions, are you up to it?
I hope so, though you can answer most with one singular word and we have to weeks to get through my never ever changing list, that I hardly ever fill in. Anyway, if you are ready for this thing than I guess I'll post questions when I feel like it :3 Let's warm you up with 5 random questions!
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
There's going to be questions, are you up to it?
Questions? You mean like, lots of questions? Are you going to do to me what you did with the others? I've heard stories of the inimaginable horrors suffered by the victims of your infamous questionnaire. Ok, maybe I haven't. Or maybe I've made them up myself. Maybe we'll never know. Ok. Bring it on. But I must warn you back: there will be answers.
Yes, I think I'm getting a warm feeling already. It could be this question, or it could be the heater.
Where the King goes alone.
A few minutes ago.
A middle-aged woman who spilt water on her phonebook by accident.
By putting a badly closed bottle of water in her purse.
Quote from: VSMIT on February 03, 2008, 02:40:41 PM
Dear clear comrade,
Have you played IF more than the one time previous?
Did you win?
Did you find it easy to win (if you did)?
Do you have any capital letters in your screen name?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear clear comrade,
Have you played IF more than the one time previous?
Did you win?
Did you find it easy to win (if you did)?
Do you have any capital letters in your screen name?
very few things are easy
maybe i do maybe i don't. you'll have to guess and see.
dear invisi friend...
yes or no?
maybe? what kind of answer is that?!? you can do better. fine ill ask another.
what gender are you? no you cant be in between! GAH! i can't ever get a straight answer out of you!
dear hidden comrade
have you ever spoken to me in the IRC?
do you on this forum RP?
does your avatar reflect something that could be considered alive?
if not dose it appear to be nothing like blackest night?
I'm looking for the muffin man. Do you know him?
Dear Doctor Doom,
Do you post the RP forum?
If so, do your characters have any reoccurring themes?
Is this your first IF game?
Dear invisible friend,
Are you a member of some clubs? if so, which ones are you a member of?
Do you have anything about you that is unique? Such as ... natural purple hair? :P
Are you into games? if so, what kind of games do you play?
Are you into weaponry? If so or even if not so what do you find the coolest looking gun you've seen?
Have you ever been accused of reversed racism?
Do you think being outside in the rain by choice washes away your worries?
Can you find peace in the darkness?
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Does your avatar have a "living thing" pictured in it?
Do you like gum?
If so, what brand?
Which forum smilie do you use most often, if any?
Have you started your picture yet?
Quote from: Gabi on February 03, 2008, 06:33:39 AM
llearch told me to Blah blah blah.
Dear Invisible Friend, do you know how to do that?
What do you think about e_voyager's questions right above this post?
And how do you feel about this round?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
yes, no, green.
Quote from: e_voyager on February 04, 2008, 03:18:58 AM
dear hidden comrade
have you ever spoken to me in the IRC?
do you on this forum RP?
does your avatar reflect something that could be considered alive?
if not dose it appear to be nothing like blackest night?
I'm looking for the muffin man. Do you know him?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Not to me.
I think he lives on Drury Lane.
Quote from: VSMIT on February 04, 2008, 06:48:43 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Does your avatar have a "living thing" pictured in it?
Do you like gum?
If so, what brand?
Which forum smilie do you use most often, if any?
Have you started your picture yet?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
console with a lawyer. how do you define living?
it changes
not yet. are you in a hurry?
I wait all day for a reply and that's what I get? How disappointing.
Anyway, would you rather be the one asking questions? What would you ask me?
Sorry, I had some mail problems. They're in the process of being sorted, longer term, though...
dear friend of unseen hues.
do you have an art thread?
do our names share any letters in common?
do you have an avatar?
has our boxy gm been messing with your answers?
are you a kangaroo?
Dear Mr./Mrs. Invisible,
Does your avatar reflect who you are?
Does your CM Forum username have any "y"s in it?
I am in a hurry, why aren't you?
Quote from: Aiyno on February 04, 2008, 11:52:21 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Are you a member of some clubs? if so, which ones are you a member of?
Do you have anything about you that is unique? Such as ... natural purple hair? :P
Are you into games? if so, what kind of games do you play?
Are you into weaponry? If so or even if not so what do you find the coolest looking gun you've seen?
Have you ever been accused of reversed racism?
Do you think being outside in the rain by choice washes away your worries?
Can you find peace in the darkness?
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
How very smart of you, mister! I take off my hat before you.
Are you a member of some clubs? if so, which ones are you a member of?
To be honest at this point I don't know what counts as a club anymore. There are so many things called clubs!
Do you have anything about you that is unique? Such as ... natural purple hair? :P
But of course! We all do. *grin*
Are you into games? if so, what kind of games do you play?
I play many kinds of games. Right now, for example, I'm playing this one.
Have you ever been accused of reversed racism?
No, I can't say I've ever been accused of that.
Do you think being outside in the rain by choice washes away your worries?
It can happen.
Can you find peace in the darkness?
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
I've always thought that being valuable and having worth were the same thing. *is confused*
Quote from: Gabi on February 05, 2008, 04:53:10 AM
I wait all day for a reply and that's what I get? How disappointing.
Anyway, would you rather be the one asking questions? What would you ask me?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
all you get? i gave you some deep stuff!
i love asking the questions, why a fox?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 05, 2008, 10:59:10 AM
dear friend of unseen hues.
do you have an art thread?
do our names share any letters in common?
do you have an avatar?
has our boxy gm been messing with your answers?
are you a kangaroo?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Hi Spanky,
No, sir.
As far as I know, no.
I don't think so...
... not yet, but I'm thinking about it. ;-]
Apologies for the delay, my mail has been falling over a lot lately. :-/
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you think llearch will really mess with our answers?
Do you have a personal website?
What's it say in the title bar, while looking at your site?
What OS do you use?
What browser do you use?
dear invisifriend.
how ofter do we converse?
on wich boards?
have you played invisifriend before?
if all you need is love are you getting all you need?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
I've always thought that being valuable and having worth were the same thing. *is confused*
Worth as in an amount of money.
Valuable to you as in.. well.. family?
Dear invisible friend,
Does you country border the ocean? Do you like the sea?
Do you know where the largest beaches in the world are?
What is your perfect temperature?
Dear Silent Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions yet?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on February 04, 2008, 11:35:08 AM
Dear Doctor Doom,
Do you post the RP forum?
If so, do your characters have any reoccurring themes?
Is this your first IF game?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Dannysaysnoo,
Looking at my history, yes.
It was not to be.
Quote from: VSMIT on February 05, 2008, 09:04:46 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you think llearch will really mess with our answers?
Do you have a personal website?
What's it say in the title bar, while looking at your site?
What OS do you use?
What browser do you use?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
of course.
i don't know i never really look.
it varies. usually XP or OS10
FireFox, Oprah Netscape and IE
Quote from: Aiyno on February 06, 2008, 01:40:15 AM
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
I've always thought that being valuable and having worth were the same thing. *is confused*
Worth as in an amount of money.
Valuable to you as in.. well.. family?
Dear invisible friend,
Does you country border the ocean? Do you like the sea?
Do you know where the largest beaches in the world are?
What is your perfect temperature?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Does something pretty have to have worth to be valuable to you?
I've always thought that being valuable and having worth were the same thing. *is confused*
Worth as in an amount of money.
Valuable to you as in.. well.. family?
Ah, then your question answers itself, doesn't it? How much money is family worth?
Dear invisible friend,
Does you country border the ocean? Do you like the sea?
Yes, yes, yes and yes.
Do you know where the largest beaches in the world are?
Umm... India?
What is your perfect temperature?
Between 296 and 298 kelvin.
dear friend that is shielded form my sensors.
why do so many people believe i'm their IF?
are you male or female?
is your post could over 1000?! (i would say 9000 for the joke but even the GM's visible post could has not reach there yet. his invisible post count well we'll see about that)
is you you avatar animated?
Why a fox, you ask? Let's see... I was reading DMFA and dared ask Amber some questions via e-mail, she replied, which gave me a great impression of her and compelled me to join the forum. Now I needed an avatar. I wanted it to be something related to the comic, but not taken from the comic, so I had to come up with my own anthropomorphic character. The idea of using a fox came to me by association, as I was using the nickname Lady Vulpix at the forum where I spent most of my time, and a Vulpix is a kind of fox. I thought about it, considered that foxes are both smart and cute, which are good qualities, and they're not feline (according to the comic, almost everyone was feline; I had no way to know foxes were so common on the forum, but they're mostly good company anyway). Then I searched my computer for an image I could turn into a fox-girl avatar with some editing, found it, and there I had my first avatar.
So that's why a fox. What's your avatar's story?
Quote from: lucas marcone on February 03, 2008, 11:10:14 PM
dear invisi friend...
yes or no?
maybe? what kind of answer is that?!? you can do better. fine ill ask another.
what gender are you? no you cant be in between! GAH! i can't ever get a straight answer out of you!
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
Dear most visible one,
Depends, what are you asking?
It's not a very good one.
Put it this way, if you kick me in the crotch, ill cry like a little girl. Not that i am.
Quote from: Gabi on February 07, 2008, 05:08:44 AM
Why a fox, you ask? Let's see... I was reading DMFA and dared ask Amber some questions via e-mail, she replied, which gave me a great impression of her and compelled me to join the forum. Now I needed an avatar. I wanted it to be something related to the comic, but not taken from the comic, so I had to come up with my own anthropomorphic character. The idea of using a fox came to me by association, as I was using the nickname Lady Vulpix at the forum where I spent most of my time, and a Vulpix is a kind of fox. I thought about it, considered that foxes are both smart and cute, which are good qualities, and they're not feline (according to the comic, almost everyone was feline; I had no way to know foxes were so common on the forum, but they're mostly good company anyway). Then I searched my computer for an image I could turn into a fox-girl avatar with some editing, found it, and there I had my first avatar.
So that's why a fox. What's your avatar's story?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear Gabi, That would be telling ;)
Dear Sargent Stealthy
How would you judge your post count? Large, or small?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on February 06, 2008, 03:03:09 PM
Dear Silent Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions yet?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Dannysaysnoo,
Combination of llearches Emailevil and my business.
Quote from: lucas marcone on February 06, 2008, 12:57:16 AM
dear invisifriend.
how ofter do we converse?
on wich boards?
have you played invisifriend before?
if all you need is love are you getting all you need?
Quote from: lucas marcone's Invisible Friend
Dear Visifriend,
Not enough, i imagine
A little ball room blitz
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on February 08, 2008, 11:10:33 AM
Dear Sargent Stealthy
How would you judge your post count? Large, or small?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Danny,
Delicious ;)
Dear IF,
Have you played Portal?
Are you part of an online clan?
(If you are) Does the name mean anything?
Alright, will you tell me after this round is over?
What can you tell me about what you normally do when you're not on the forum?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 06, 2008, 11:20:47 PM
dear friend that is shielded form my sensors.
why do so many people believe i'm their IF?
are you male or female?
is your post could over 1000?! (i would say 9000 for the joke but even the GM's visible post could has not reach there yet. his invisible post count well we'll see about that)
is you you avatar animated?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear Forte,
'Cause you're good like that.
Anything's possible.
I'm so sorry, Spanky. Let me post some more, just to amuse you :-P
Incidentally, this thread has gone very very quiet.
Dear invisible person who is supposed to be friendly or friend-ish and not fiendish.
Are there people on the moon? If not are there people on other planets.
Lifeforms on other planets have been found, however these microorganisms are found everywhere in space.. So life is out there! Do you think that sentient beings could life on planets that we would classify as uninhabitable?
Do you like fantasy, sci-fi or a combination of both, if you say combination could you please supply me with a example in the form of a movie?
Do you like being wacked?
Quote from: VSMIT on February 08, 2008, 11:30:19 PM
Dear IF,
Have you played Portal?
Are you part of an online clan?
(If you are) Does the name mean anything?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
sorry not a member of any clan
Quote from: Aiyno on February 10, 2008, 09:05:02 AM
Dear invisible person who is supposed to be friendly or friend-ish and not fiendish.
Are there people on the moon? If not are there people on other planets.
Lifeforms on other planets have been found, however these microorganisms are found everywhere in space.. So life is out there! Do you think that sentient beings could life on planets that we would classify as uninhabitable?
Do you like fantasy, sci-fi or a combination of both, if you say combination could you please supply me with a example in the form of a movie?
Do you like being wacked?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear invisible person who is supposed to be friendly or friend-ish and not fiendish.
I will try to live up to it.
Are there people on the moon? If not are there people on other planets.
What do you call people?
Lifeforms on other planets have been found, however these microorganisms are found everywhere in space.. So life is out there! Do you think that sentient beings could life on planets that we would classify as uninhabitable?
Maybe. Humans have been wrong before. And just because we can't live there it doesn't mean others can't.
Do you like fantasy, sci-fi or a combination of both, if you say combination could you please supply me with a example in the form of a movie?
A movie with fantasy and sci-fi combined... that could be Star-Wars before they ruined it with the whole midiclorians concept.
Do you like being wacked?
Do you? Oh, wait, I'm getting too serious! Where did the funny go? Come back here!!
My invisible friend is a speedstah!
Dear envoy of mystery.
You where fast responding to those questions, do you posses the thing called -life- ?If you don't we can make "How can you kill something that has no life jokes." :B
Could you believe some people in Europe don't have English as their second language? or like.. at all. I wouldn't have liked being born where they where born.. what is your opinion on this?
Dear IF,
Is your avatar a window into your personality?
dear invisible friend
do you have an animated signature?
are you micromanaged and there for not?
do you ears hang low?
are you sure your not a kangaroo?
Quote from: Aiyno on February 10, 2008, 04:29:57 PM
My invisible friend is a speedstah!
Dear envoy of mystery.
You where fast responding to those questions, do you posses the thing called -life- ? If you don't we can make "How can you kill something that has no life jokes." :B
Could you believe some people in Europe don't have English as their second language? or like.. at all. I wouldn't have liked being born where they where born.. what is your opinion on this?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
You where fast responding to those questions, do you posses the thing called -life- ?If you don't we can make "How can you kill something that has no life jokes." :B
Ohnoes! You've found me out! D: I'm really a robot.
Could you believe some people in Europe don't have English as their second language? or like.. at all. I wouldn't have liked being born where they where born.. what is your opinion on this?
No, I wouldn't like to be unable to speak English either.
Quote from: e_voyager on February 10, 2008, 11:10:19 PM
dear invisible friend
do you have an animated signature?
are you micromanaged and there for not?
do you ears hang low?
are you sure your not a kangaroo?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear e,
I do not.
I'm micromanaged, but that doesn't mean that I am not.
Not that I'm aware of.
Yep, very sure.
dear identity protection program friend.
i've heard that the cats alive are turning to stone. how does this affect you?
the hills are alive with the sound of music so where is the sound of silence?
if you can't own everything then why can you own nothing?
should i ask an APF?
Dear invisible friend,
Have you ever rode on a horse?
Do you have any pets?
Are you your own god?
My home internet will be going down tomorrow morning at 9am, give or take a bit of faffing about on the part of BT.
That's about 13 1/2 hours from now.
From there my response time will become somewhat subject to things outside my control.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 12, 2008, 02:32:34 PM
My home internet will be going down tomorrow morning at 9am, give or take a bit of faffing about on the part of BT.
That's about 13 1/2 hours from now.
From there my response time will become somewhat subject to things outside my control.
Will this effect The Place Which Shall Not Be Named?
Of course.
What a silly question.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you changed your avatar since this game began?
How do you clean your phone?
Dear Finvisible Riend,
Do you like my Avatar?
How about Red Dwarf?
Dear nowhere-to-be-found playmate... have you forgotten about this game?
Could you answer my previous questions, please?
Dear invisible friend,
What is more mighty to power of spoon or the power of fork?
and when eating soup?
and when eating pasta?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you exist?
Or have you just not been on?
I exist, I just haven't been on.
And probably won't be this weekend, as it stands, either.
Quote from: e_voyager on February 12, 2008, 12:36:57 PM
dear identity protection program friend.
i've heard that the cats alive are turning to stone. how does this affect you?
the hills are alive with the sound of music so where is the sound of silence?
if you can't own everything then why can you own nothing?
should i ask an APF?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear e_,
It affects me in that I have to listen to my friends cry at me because their cats turned to stone.
Simon and Garfunkel stole it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kd8xp86reY) It was also taken as a Winter Drumline show by Riverside Community College in 2002.
Because, while you will never have enough space to own everything, if you are a homeless nudist, you won't even own the shirt you don't really wish you had.
Oh, hell yeah. I want to see how bad they grill you over that one.
Quote from: Aiyno on February 12, 2008, 01:24:21 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Have you ever rode on a horse?
Do you have any pets?
Are you your own god?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Have you ever rode on a horse?
Yes, I have. :3
Do you have any pets?
Yes to that too.
Are you your own god?
That's a strange question. Sometimes, maybe.
Quote from: VSMIT on February 12, 2008, 06:53:29 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you changed your avatar since this game began?
How do you clean your phone?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
maybe have you changed yours or gotten a new one?
lather rinse repeat or no wait that's hair right?
Incidentally, it's very very quiet.
lucas marcone hasn't posted in here since the 6th. He's been warned, and hasn't logged into the forum since the 9th. That's entirely too long, and he is now declared absent.
lucas marcone's invisible friend is now Gabi's invisible friend. You may wish to go through and answer all the questions that Gabi has already asked, or run with it.
We apologise for the late warning. Since this is very late in the game, and due to other issues causing the GM to be offline on weekends, the game is being extended to late on Tuesday the 26th, GMT. Probably about 7pm.
I knew it... I knew lucas would be disqualified and I'd be assigned a new IF. :(
Ok, all my applicable questions so far:
llearch told me to Blah blah blah.
Dear Invisible Friend, do you know how to do that?
What do you think about e_voyager's questions (quoted below)?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 02, 2008, 09:46:52 PM
Dear invisible friend
are you the invisable man?
do you have any more gum?
is more then one letter in you name capital?
do you have and a in your screen name?
And how do you feel about this round?
Anyway, would you rather be the one asking questions? What would you ask me?
What's your avatar's story? Will you tell me (more about it) after this round is over?
What can you tell me about what you normally do when you're not on the forum?
Quote from: Aiyno on February 14, 2008, 01:06:35 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What is more mighty to power of spoon or the power of fork?
and when eating soup?
and when eating pasta?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
What is more mighty to power of spoon or the power of fork?
They both pale in comparison to the power of the spork.
and when eating soup?
and when eating pasta?
Spork, you hear me? Spork!
*doesn't really own a spork*
Quote from: VSMIT on February 14, 2008, 01:09:35 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you exist?
Or have you just not been on?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
i exist so don't be afraid. cookies go great with lemonade.
i try to be around but some times. well some times it's just so hard.
Quote from: Gabi on February 14, 2008, 08:19:09 AM
I knew it... I knew lucas would be disqualified and I'd be assigned a new IF. :(
Ok, all my applicable questions so far:
llearch told me to Blah blah blah.
Dear Invisible Friend, do you know how to do that?
What do you think about e_voyager's questions (quoted below)?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 02, 2008, 09:46:52 PM
Dear invisible friend
are you the invisable man?
do you have any more gum?
is more then one letter in you name capital?
do you have and a in your screen name?
And how do you feel about this round?
Anyway, would you rather be the one asking questions? What would you ask me?
What's your avatar's story? Will you tell me (more about it) after this round is over?
What can you tell me about what you normally do when you're not on the forum?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Hello, thanks for making those questions come together for me, that's awfully kind of you.
That? Of course i can do that! Everyone can. Oh, you mean That? What the hell is That!?
I feel he was being a bit specific, and not fun enough.
Unfortunately, this might be my last round for a while...
I don't know... do you like cheese?
I will tell you about it... after....
I go to a place of torture, suffering, and knowledge...
dear invisible friend
i'm too tired t to sleep and too sleepy to thing clearly but i have a few question for you.
does you screen name have a i in it?
has boxy been poking you to get you to answer my questions?
what are you top five movie picks at the moment?
have you ever read "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo (http://www.amazon.com/Middle-Green-Kangaroo-Picture-Yearling/dp/0440406684)?"
You're welcome. Thank you very much for your prompt response! :>
Cheese? I love cheese! Except those strong ones, like blue and the likes. I prefer mild cheeses. What about you?
Why do you think this will be your last round (or at least your last round for a while)?
I once had a 'friend' who disappeared from an RPG I was running and then reappeared with the idea of stealing a tank from an evil army (no details whatsoever as to how he would do that) and turning it into a fairy with a giant needle. When I told him that made no sense, he said that the game already had many things that weren't possible in real life, so that made as much sense as the rest of the game. What do you think about that?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 14, 2008, 02:49:49 PM
dear invisible friend
does you screen name have a i in it?
has boxy been poking you to get you to answer my questions?
what are you top five movie picks at the moment?
have you ever read "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo (http://www.amazon.com/Middle-Green-Kangaroo-Picture-Yearling/dp/0440406684)?"
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear voyager,
No, I answer them as soon as I see them.
In theatres or video/dvd?
No, but it looks interesting. What's with your obsession with kangaroos?
Quote from: Gabi on February 14, 2008, 03:13:05 PM
You're welcome. Thank you very much for your prompt response! :>
Cheese? I love cheese! Except those strong ones, like blue and the likes. I prefer mild cheeses. What about you?
Why do you think this will be your last round (or at least your last round for a while)?
I once had a 'friend' who disappeared from an RPG I was running and then reappeared with the idea of stealing a tank from an evil army (no details whatsoever as to how he would do that) and turning it into a fairy with a giant needle. When I told him that made no sense, he said that the game already had many things that weren't possible in real life, so that made as much sense as the rest of the game. What do you think about that?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
No problem, prompt responses are a minor ability of mine.
Unfortunately, this is where we differ, the only cheese i enjoy is mozzarella, and even then, it must be on a pizza.
I dunno, it just seems to have lost it's pizzaz for me, but ill do my best not to spoil it for the others.
Sounds like he needs to take a trip to looney town. Even in a world where anything is possible, there needs to be a reasonable explanation for it.
dear friend in hiding
i am convinced that Danny is a kangaroo or that he should be.
have you ever had a case fusion confusion?
is it time to play the game again?
can i borrow your scanner?
have you ever heard the legend of one eyed jack?
Golden Moon Comb
(That's what was on my clipboard before I started typing this post.)
Dear Invisible Friend: what's on your clipboard? (Or what was there right before you read my question?)
How much do you know about me?
Oh, and what are your beliefs?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/extra.jpg) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/extra.jpg)
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on February 13, 2008, 11:56:09 AM
Dear Finvisible Riend,
Do you like my Avatar?
How about Red Dwarf?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Danny,
What about red gnomes?
Quote from: e_voyager on February 15, 2008, 08:33:44 AM
dear friend in hiding
i am convinced that Danny is a kangaroo or that he should be.
have you ever had a case fusion confusion?
is it time to play the game again?
can i borrow your scanner?
have you ever heard the legend of one eyed jack?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear e_voyager,
I don't think so...
Depends on what game it is.
Depends on what you're gonna use it for.
Nope. Would you tell it to me?
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/e_voyager.png) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/e_voyager.png)
Quote from: Gabi on February 15, 2008, 12:10:35 PM
Dear Invisible Friend: what's on your clipboard? (Or what was there right before you read my question?)
How much do you know about me?
Oh, and what are your beliefs?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24ktdkw8z5s that's what was on my clipboard.
I have absolutely no idea why.
i know... enough...
Beliefs? On what? Religion? Food? Drink?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you watch cartoons?
Do you watch anime?
Do you watch animal planet?
Do you watch discovery?
Do you watch MTV, or another music station?
On anything you want to tell me. I ask vague questions to leave room for you to be creative.
So you know enough? Enough for what?
Deos tihs qietsoun mkae snsee to you?
Please tell me about something you like.
Quote from: Gabi on February 18, 2008, 10:21:58 AM
On anything you want to tell me. I ask vague questions to leave room for you to be creative.
So you know enough? Enough for what?
Deos tihs qietsoun mkae snsee to you?
Please tell me about something you like.
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Thanks, i like to be creative.
Enough that i could break an apple with a toothpick bathing in honey.
Yes It deos.
I like crisps. Are these the Real McCoy?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
(http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3729/walkingjv0.png) (http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3729/walkingjv0.png)
Ain't it purdey?
Quote from: Aiyno on February 18, 2008, 07:45:17 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you watch cartoons?
Do you watch anime?
Do you watch animal planet?
Do you watch discovery?
Do you watch MTV, or another music station?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I've watched all those things at least once.
Look at this image and tell me what you think.
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/Whatyouthink.png) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/Whatyouthink.png)
Dear invisible friend,
The picture makes me think of ninja's, are you a ninja? :B
"Purdey" indeed. :)
Where's the other boot? Not that I'm asking you to draw it or anything, I'd just like to know.
And where did my first yappity go? Ah, she's back now. :mowsmile
Quote from: Aiyno on February 18, 2008, 12:52:26 PM
Dear invisible friend,
The picture makes me think of ninja's, are you a ninja? :B
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
The picture makes me think of ninja's, are you a ninja? :B
That would make me a ninja robot. Wasn't that a bad thing?
Quote from: Gabi on February 18, 2008, 02:23:08 PM
"Purdey" indeed. :)
Where's the other boot? Not that I'm asking you to draw it or anything, I'd just like to know.
And where did my first yappity go? Ah, she's back now. :mowsmile
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
y fank u.
The other boot is also on the floor.
Yappitits need to stay put.
Game ends tomorrow morning, folks. Get your answers in.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/rocktheboatbaby.gif) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/23/rocktheboatbaby.gif)
The game is now finished!
Please post your guesses as to who your Invisible Friend is.
time for the illogic server to make my choice seem random. "Enny, Meany, Mighty, Moe trap an otaku but the toe. if they faun then let them go." er you know the rest so " i pick 'VSMIT '"
We all know my first IF was lucas marcone.
Was my second IF Dannysaysnoo again?
I think mine is Danny. I hope I'm right this time...
Aiyno, paging Aiyno. We're waiting for your guess.
by llearches request.
random dice says 2..
what drama / comedy have i wrought? my illogic server was only meant to make things seem random tot this! not This!. aw well i feel better now. who's got the pizza for the wrap party?
e_voyager guessed VSMIT. He guessed... well.
Dannysaysnoo guessed Aiyno. He guessed... well, also.
Gabi guessed lucas, and then Dannysaysnoo. She guessed... extremely well.
VSMIT guessed Dannysaysnoo. He guessed... poorly. His Invisible Friend was e_voyager.
Aiyno guessed VSMIT. He also guessed poorly. His Invisible Friend was Gabi.
Congratulations to the winners, commiserations or abuse to the losers, as appropriate.
The next round is now open, please sign up and someone will run it.
I would like to see Gabi and Llearch play together in the same round. it's bound to be fun. but then some one else would need the random name assigner and lets say i've lost the one i originally wrote so long ago.
Cool! This one's for Aiyno too:
I was planning to send him that, but then I thought my identity would become apparent if I did.
The question is... Who's hosting next round? You? Me? Someone else?
Randomizing is easy, just use LavaRnd (http://www.lavarnd.org) or similar.
how about we hold off on that until monday?
By tuesday or so I'll know if I have Internet. If I have, then I can host again. (what the hey.)
Sound fair?
Fair enough. Until then, people have time to sign up.
I guessed RIGHT? Wow, that was a complete guess!
Also, Gabi is way good at this game.
heh, Gabs I didn't have that much time to decide who to pick and my style analyzing skills are poor.
just like my guesses :P
But, I will guess my next IF correctly, Or my name isn't Jonathan Jägermeister! :P
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on February 22, 2008, 01:15:00 PM
Also, Gabi is way good at this game.
Thanks. :) I wasn't sure until I saw the image, and the "purdey" that came with it.
(Now everyone may begin to say "purdey" to pretend they're Danny.)
What the heck?!
Both times I've played this game my visible friend was also my invisible friend! Some randomizer you're using...
And I think I will play again.
Sorry, VSMIT. It -is- random. And, randomly, you've been lucky. Go figure.
i'm still trying to figure out why people seem to always think i'm their invisible friend half the time
It's cause everything has many E's in it. :B
vsmit, happened before and it is obvious it shows that the thing is truly random, the only reason no one has had themselves as invisible friends is because they weren't included in the elective process.
............................. I blame the lack of chocolate.
well that happened to Gabi before. two rounds ago i believe.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 29, 2008, 11:23:01 AM
VSMIT guessed incorrectly that his IF was e_voyager. His IF was actually Aiyno.
Aiyno guessed incorrectly that his IF was lucas marcone. His IF was actually VSMIT.
nufsaid E.
Um. I'll play.
Quote from: e_voyager on February 23, 2008, 12:04:13 PM
well that happened to Gabi before. two rounds ago i believe.
No. The management decline to have people be their own IF, as it introduces a certain bias. As such, if such a situation were to occur, the management reserves the right to fiddle the randomness to cope.
This is why "your nearly randomly selected IF is" is the greeting in the posts I send. ;-]
Quote from: Alteisentier on February 23, 2008, 04:38:36 PM
Um. I'll play.
And we'll be glad to have you! I make that... three? Gabi/me, VSMIT, and Alty. Aiyno, I'm not sure about...
We need more players... And we need to know who's hosting.
I told you last week, Gabi - I can't say until tomorrow. Sorry...
my interest be piqued, count me in
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 25, 2008, 09:44:10 AM
I told you last week, Gabi - I can't say until tomorrow. Sorry...
My apologies, llearch. I thought you'd said 'Monday'.
Welcome to the game, Turnsky!
S'ok, Gabi. Looks likely to be an interesting match, too.
Interesting... and difficult too.
Aiyno's playing. He's just clarified it in that place.
I'm to vague for my own good, thanks for asking me that Gabi. Wouldn't have wanted to miss a round with extra vacation time to figure out who my IF is!
Any news, llearch?
Sorry, thought you knew. Yes, internet is up and working, woot.
So yes, I'll take this one again. Unless you want it, or someone else wants to take it?
There will come a time when I will only be able to log in for short periods of time each day for a while (Between the 7th and the 17th)... But sice this game doesn't require attention more than once a day, I guess I can host, or you can, as you prefer.
If you haven't started the round when I return this afternoon, I will.
Players, start your guesses!
This round, we have Aiyno, VSMIT, Alteisentier, Turnsky, and Gabi, for a total of five. In the not too distant future (when I finish writing them) you will receive your posts notifying you of who your Visible Friend is, and instructions on how to play, where necessary.
Have at you!
Edit: I always forget this bit.
Game will go on until Thursday the 13th March, at 17:00 GMT, or as soon afterwards as I get time.
Dear invisiblah fiend,
Hi, how's your entity?
Do drain life force from the undeserving?
Are you going to give me hint's about who you are?
Are these questions steadily growing longer and longer?
Oooh, I have an invisible friend!
Dear IF, animal, vegetal or mineral?
What are your views on vague questions?
What do you think about this game?
What do you know about me?
Dear IF,
Man or machine?
Did you play in the previous round?
Have you played this game before?
Dear IF.
State your purpose in this world?
What are your views towards the origins of the conscious mind?
Given an extreme situation, would you risk your life to save it all?
01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100101 01111001 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00111111?
Quote from: VSMIT on February 28, 2008, 06:32:45 PM
Dear IF,
Man or machine?
Did you play in the previous round?
Have you played this game before?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
I don't think this is a good way to begin our invisible friendship.
Why don't we start over?
Your Invisible Friend.
Quote from: Aiyno on February 28, 2008, 02:20:29 PM
Dear invisiblah fiend,
Hi, how's your entity?
Do drain life force from the undeserving?
Are you going to give me hint's about who you are?
Are these questions steadily growing longer and longer?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
- Good
- I don't discrimiate between deserving and not.
- No
- 22 42 51 55
Hi, Invisible Friend, I'm VSMIT.
What is your occupation?
What is your gender?
Have a nice day!
Dear invisible friend.
How's the weather?
Do you happen to like Corned beef?
Played any good games recently?
Quote from: Alteisentier on March 01, 2008, 07:28:04 AM
Dear IF.
State your purpose in this world?
What are your views towards the origins of the conscious mind?
Given an extreme situation, would you risk your life to save it all?
01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01101110 01101110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100101 01111001 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00111111?
Quote from: Alteisentier's Invisible Friend
1) my Purpose is to bring color to a world of my own design.
2)"I think, therefore i am" is a fallacy, as denoted by many Television and movie celebs, who aparrently don't think, but yet exist. the conscious mind was born when we all started thinking for ourselves, and then either aspired to be better, or dreamt of far off worlds, and places, and made something from that.
3) Depends on what it was i was risking my life over, for a loved one, i guess i'd haveta think about that if i was there, otherwise if it's something that can be replaced with a minimum of fuss, then no..
4) my inner eye sees lots of things, all brought to bear on creativity.
Quote from: VSMIT on March 01, 2008, 02:30:15 PM
Hi, Invisible Friend, I'm VSMIT.
What is your occupation?
What is your gender?
Have a nice day!
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Hello, VSMIT. Pleased to meet you.
My occupation is something that takes up most of my time, leaving out
what is commonly known as free time.
My gender is:
a: a subclass within a grammatical class (as noun, pronoun,
adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also
partly based on distinguishable characteristics (as shape, social
rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with
and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b: membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c: an inflectional form showing membership in such a subclass
Best wishes to you.
Quote from: Turnsky on March 01, 2008, 09:25:39 PM
Dear invisible friend.
How's the weather?
Do you happen to like Corned beef?
Played any good games recently?
Quote from: Turnsky's Invisible Friend
Dear Turnsky,
I've had better. It's been raining.
Not particularly.
Yeah, but most of the games I consider good are ancient.
...Some people seem to be luckier than others.
Invisible friend, where are you? Have you forgotten about me?
Good day. IF.
Would you accept living an eternal life with your loved one, if it took away the change and random curiosity of normality?
They often say there are two types of people in the world. They are wrong, there are over 6 billion. Which type are you?
Do you advoid pain at any cost? Be it physical or emotional, regardless of situation or influences.
Do your views on right and wrong block out those of others?
Two paths stand before you, one is red. One is white. You can not see any differance besides the strange tint of colour in the air. Yet each leads to to a life changing situation? Which do you take, and what do you see when you arrive?
Dear IF,
My question to thee.. is... whatever you make of it.
so make something out of it.
or it will smack you, with a hairball.. the size of Pluto. :B
I was planning on waiting until I had two responses. That doesn't look likely, so:
Quote from: Gabi on February 28, 2008, 05:10:26 PM
Oooh, I have an invisible friend!
Dear IF, animal, vegetal or mineral?
What are your views on vague questions?
What do you think about this game?
What do you know about me?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
1. Dear IF.
2. My view on them is blurry.
3. Images.
4. I know what you did last summer.
Come on, guys. It's been a week and there's no life here at all...
Yes, come and post, everyone! And send replies.
Ok, if you like Dear IF, then Dear IF it is. What did I do last summer?
And when, to be precise, was last summer?
01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110001 01110101 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00111111
Dear IF,
Are you being sarcastic just for the sake of being sarcastic?
Do you know what a sarchasm is?
Can you speak binary fluently?
Thanks, have a wonderful time!
Dear IF...
How ancient is ancient?..
Have you ever watched Anime/Manga?
aaannnnd, can you name your favorite Movie?
Quote from: Aiyno on March 05, 2008, 03:53:10 PM
Dear IF,
My question to thee.. is... whatever you make of it.
so make something out of it.
or it will smack you, with a hairball.. the size of Pluto. :B
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I hete-a brucculee
und theenk it tutelly soocks.
Bork Bork Bork!
Vhy is it nut meet
Quote from: Gabi on March 05, 2008, 06:17:43 PM
Yes, come and post, everyone! And send replies.
Ok, if you like Dear IF, then Dear IF it is. What did I do last summer?
And when, to be precise, was last summer?
01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110001 01110101 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00111111
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
1. Breathe, among other things.
2. At the end.
3. What's with all the numbers :<
I've just noticed that Turnsky's sig has a broken <br /> tag.
Dear IF, at the end of what? Wait, at the end of the spring, right? Or maybe... >_>
Ok, what did you do last weekend, other than breathe and all the things everyone always does?
The numbers meant "do you like this question?" So... do you?
Why do you think the :< icon has that expression on its face?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 05, 2008, 06:45:39 PM
Dear IF,
Are you being sarcastic just for the sake of being sarcastic?
Do you know what a sarchasm is?
Can you speak binary fluently?
Thanks, have a wonderful time!
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
No, just because being sarcastic is more fun than giving one-word replies.
No, but it sounds like a sarcastic chasm.
No, I don't have that much free time on my hands. And if I had it, I'd find something better to do with it.
Quote from: Gabi on March 06, 2008, 08:43:20 AM
I've just noticed that Turnsky's sig has a broken <br /> tag.
Dear IF, at the end of what? Wait, at the end of the spring, right? Or maybe... >_>
Ok, what did you do last weekend, other than breathe and all the things everyone always does?
The numbers meant "do you like this question?" So... do you?
Why do you think the :< icon has that expression on its face?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
The end.
What question? The question about the question itself? Or is it questioning my liking on the question about the questions question?
Because it felt like making that expression.
Dear invi-person,
Are you green?
If your not, would you die if you were?
a bla bi ba bla bla? :B
Dear IF, your questions about the question about the question about itself have made me laugh.
Do you think asking questions can be fun?
And on that note, what do you think about the APF thread?
Dear IF,
Are you male or female?
If you did have said time on your hands, what would you do with it?
Obladi, oblada?
Quote from: Turnsky on March 06, 2008, 06:52:17 AM
Dear IF...
How ancient is ancient?..
Have you ever watched Anime/Manga?
aaannnnd, can you name your favorite Movie?
Quote from: Turnsky's Invisible Friend
Dear Turnsky,
Very, but only if you feel like going back in time to find out exactly how
ancient it is.
Hmm... Didn't know you could watch manga...
No, because it was already named by its creators.
Quote from: Aiyno on March 06, 2008, 01:11:39 PM
Dear invi-person,
Are you green?
If your not, would you die if you were?
a bla bi ba bla bla? :B
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I'm not green, since I am invisible.
And i'm not dead, since I am responding.
Dear invisible fiend of invisibility,
How many webcomic's do you read? numbers would be preferred in your answer.
How many of those are -furry-?
How well do you bleed? :B
Quote from: VSMIT on March 06, 2008, 06:37:07 PM
Dear IF,
Are you male or female?
If you did have said time on your hands, what would you do with it?
Obladi, oblada?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Yes, I am.
I would write a novel.
Life goes on.
You guys are hopeless.
Incidentally, you all need to post me a picture to post, otherwise you automatically lose. Just so you're aware...
Dear invisible friend,
Are we beyond hope?
Are we beyond saving?
Are we beyond caring?
Are we beyond hoping?
Are we beyond ourselves in this eternal quest of quest-iness?
I feel that we are, truelly doing an awful job :B
even so bad that I miss-wrote truly again.
Quote from: Gabi on March 06, 2008, 03:08:41 PM
Dear IF, your questions about the question about the question about itself have made me laugh.
Do you think asking questions can be fun?
And on that note, what do you think about the APF thread?
Dear Invisible Friend, will you please answer my questions?
And, in addition to them, why did you decide to join this round?
Dear IF..
so, you're relegated to "Pong"?
watching manga is a general technicality, basically it means any anime movie that was based upon a manga comic, there's a lotta misuse of the word, really.. anywho.. any favorite webcomics?
har-de-har-har, i mean what's your favorite movie? :P
Quote from: Gabi on March 06, 2008, 03:08:41 PM
Dear IF, your questions about the question about the question about itself have made me laugh.
Do you think asking questions can be fun?
And on that note, what do you think about the APF thread?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
I do not often think about that thread.
Quote from: Gabi on March 09, 2008, 09:15:46 PM
Dear Invisible Friend, will you please answer my questions?
And, in addition to them, why did you decide to join this round?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear gabi, a separate response since the other one has been send before your new posting,
I was promised free candy for participating, what a scam, right?
Where should I send the candy?
Do you think you know who your IF is? Have you thought of any more questions to ask yet?
Dear IF,
What made you decide to enter in this competition?
What is your favorite game?
What is your favorite movie?
Which web-comics do you read, if any?
Going to bomb my IF, Yeah~~
So what would you do if the bad people where coming after you?
Are you flammable?
Are you Ice-able?
Are you electrocute-able?
May I wack you with a mallet for the duration of a unset period of time, set by myself?
Would you agree if I said I would take a short break?
Quote from: Turnsky on March 10, 2008, 05:42:43 AM
Dear IF..
so, you're relegated to "Pong"?
watching manga is a general technicality, basically it means any anime movie that was based upon a manga comic, there's a lotta misuse of the word, really.. anywho.. any favorite webcomics?
har-de-har-har, i mean what's your favorite movie? :P
Quote from: Turnsky's Invisible Friend
Dear Turnsky,
Not quite that old, but a game so old and under-advertised that most probably don't know what it is.
I read DMFA, CVRPG, VG Cats, the list goes on...
I guess I can stop being sarcastic... If I had to choose, I would say a tie between Monty Python and the Holy Grail and West Side Story.
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/Turnsky.png) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/Turnsky.png)
Quote from: Gabi on March 10, 2008, 08:37:57 PM
Where should I send the candy?
Do you think you know who your IF is? Have you thought of any more questions to ask yet?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
The local post office, ask for package #256b, in that package you will find a mobile phone, you will get further instructions there.
Dear IF, why is it that I can't quite focus on the game this time around?
Is there anything you'd like to say?
Dear IF,
Do you think I'm stupid?
er you probably shouldn't have said that you know.
Quote from: Aiyno on March 08, 2008, 04:08:28 AM
Dear invisible fiend of invisibility,
How many webcomic's do you read? numbers would be preferred in your answer.
How many of those are -furry-?
How well do you bleed? :B
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
How well do you cut?
Quote from: Aiyno on March 09, 2008, 06:05:03 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Are we beyond hope?
Are we beyond saving?
Are we beyond caring?
Are we beyond hoping?
Are we beyond ourselves in this eternal quest of quest-iness?
I feel that we are, truelly doing an awful job :B
even so bad that I miss-wrote truly again.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
- Hope is an illusion to get through hard times.
- Check your bank account.
- There are billions of people you will never care about.
- You can try, but it will probably be meaningless.
- We will hit the max level one day. Hopefully it's not 9999 like in some games.
Quote from: VSMIT on March 11, 2008, 12:29:25 AM
Dear IF,
What made you decide to enter in this competition?
What is your favorite game?
What is your favorite movie?
Which web-comics do you read, if any?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
The box made me do it.
I don't have one.
I read many webcomics. DMFA and CVRPG, for instance. Dominic Deegan too. And many others. I'm too tired to post a full list.
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/draggun.gif) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/draggun.gif)
Quote from: Aiyno on March 11, 2008, 02:41:15 AM
Going to bomb my IF, Yeah~~
So what would you do if the bad people where coming after you?
Are you flammable?
Are you Ice-able?
Are you electrocute-able?
May I wack you with a mallet for the duration of a unset period of time, set by myself?
Would you agree if I said I would take a short break?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
- They would never realise that I am, in truth. Comming after them.
- Everything burns if you try hard enough.
- Everything can be cooled to absolute zero.
- I'm grounded.
- If you wish. But I'll probably smack you back with something harder and more deadly.
- I'm not your boss, it doesn't bother me if you do or do not.
Quote from: Gabi on March 11, 2008, 09:24:39 PM
Dear IF, why is it that I can't quite focus on the game this time around?
Is there anything you'd like to say?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi, could it be the pressure? Or maybe you are just losing interest, because I am such a lousy invisible friend.
Veni, vidi, vici.
Oh, no, I guess it must be because I'm on vacation and running from one place to another all the time. So, as much in a hurry as usual, but under unusual circumstances.
So, I guess this is my last chance. Last 4 questions on my behalf.
Can you send me a drawing, please?
And can you please tell me about a few things you enjoy?
How has your Invisible Friend been treating you this round?
Do you think you'll play next round? Why, or why not?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 12, 2008, 12:58:25 AM
Dear IF,
Do you think I'm stupid?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Of course not! Why would you think such a thing? Did anything I said offend you? If so, I apologize.
Quote from: Gabi on March 12, 2008, 08:44:49 PM
So, I guess this is my last chance. Last 4 questions on my behalf.
Can you send me a drawing, please?
And can you please tell me about a few things you enjoy?
How has your Invisible Friend been treating you this round?
Do you think you'll play next round? Why, or why not?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
I can.
Eating, Dreaming, Forums.
Yes, Because it could be my last chance.
Incidentally, we are down to approx 10 and a half hours before the game ends, and I'm still short 3 drawings. Out of 5 players, that's not a good sign...
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/image.jpg) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/image.jpg)
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/coolea2.jpg) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/coolea2.jpg)
Dear IF (If I can still ask questions...)
Do these mean the round is over?
Quote from: Alteisentier's Invisible Friend
(http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/soapgnaw.jpg) (http://llearch.net/misc/if/24/soapgnaw.jpg)
And -now-, the game is closed.
Sorry, VSMIT.
Post your guesses, and we'll see who is right, and who is wrong.
I'd haveta guess Aiyno
Only Turnsky draws like that.
Hmm, might as well go with Alteisentier.
I agree, Alt's IF must be Turnsky. I've been thinking that for a while.
But that's not what I'm supposed to guess, I should say who I think my IF is.
And my guess is VSMIT.
I believe my IF is Aiyno.
Turnsky guessed Aiyno. He guessed .... poorly. His Invisible Friend was VSMIT.
Alteisentier guessed Turnsky. She guessed well.
Aiyno guessed Alteisentier. He also guessed well.
Gabi guessed VSMIT. She guessed poorly. Her Invisible Friend was Aiyno.
VSMIT guessed Aiyno. He guessed poorly. His Invisible Friend was Gabi.
Alteisentier and Aiyno are the winners! Congratulations!
The next round is now open for players. Please register your interest in this thread.
I was popular! How grand! The-best-day-ever.
I will also be joining again, mostly because I feel that this might be my last chance to do so while not being overly occupied. So, another challenge awaits, glory and valor.. and stuff that is good, yes... indeedly.
I'd like to play this one... please?
count me in this round
Who's hosting?
And congratulations to the winners!
Either you or me. I'm happy to go on hosting merrily.
Iffn you want to host, I'll play. Otherwise, you can play...
i've been to lava rand but i've not had a chance to install / get to know the software
If you want to run it, Spanky, I can sit down and go through what -I- do with you. That might help...
i want you both to be able to play the game and have fun. i'll be home tommorow / tonight between 2 and 3 am.
Congrats to everyone from the last round, I think i'll play again too..
I make it Aiyno, Dannysaysnoo, Altei, and either Gabi, spanky, or I, two of.
That's five, which is probably enough. to be getting on with... I'll see if I can tag Spanky on IRC and go through what I do, soas to sort things out there...
not to be confused but when does the game start and who's running it this time? i'd just like to know for sure.
Depends. Did you want to run it, or should someone use random.org to randomly select the next GM?
if my car was running i'd do it in a heart beat. just to see that the normal GM's get a chance to play but i'm working 1 to close till the end of the month means i'll be out of the house minimum 11 am too 130-2am each day. not a lot of time to monitor the game. still it should be possible if i get home almost everyday. what matters is do you all mind updates just once a day during the early morning for game? If that's fine that i'll do it.
Given how fast the last round went, that should work ok for me.
I don't think we've had anyone do more than 14 challenge/responses, anyway.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 21, 2008, 12:01:27 PM
Given how fast the last round went, that should work ok for me.
I don't think we've had anyone do more than 14 challenge/responses, anyway.
Is that a challenge? >:3 Let's do this! let's make e_voyager regret the day he offered his hosting services! >:3
If that's the case, sign me up for another round!
noted. sign ups end Sunday and Monday the message with your visible friend will be mailed out. and remember i will rung the game with machines like regularity. I'm not sure when the emails will arrive but i'll have it post in the messages with your visible friends name.
it's earlier then i planned but i have to travel today. visible friend messages will be in you message boxes shortly.
The players are Aiyno, Dannysaysnoo, Alteisentier, Gabi, llearch, and VSMIT. The game will complete on Sunday 6th April.
I'm sure e_voyager will correct me if my presumptions are incorrect, here.
-- llearch
I'll take it that Round 35 is Now In Play, and we should send messages and pictures to tdarketernal@aim.com - the second message had a somewhat confused email address on it.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you enjoy playing this last time around?
Are you looking forward to confusing me?
Do you think it likely that you'll figure out who your IF is?
Do you think it likely that -I- will?
Dear Invisible friend,
Have you ever played this before?
Are you a master of sarcasm?
What country do you live in?
Dear invisible friend,
Hello, how are you?
Are you there, knock knock?
Why wont you talk to me?
Oh, sh*t this isnt the IRC channel, sorry about that..
Anyway, what is your favorite non tint color thing?
oh i'm Afraid that the email is not confused. it really is tdarketernal@aim.com the t belongs there and has been there since before aim came into existence and my email was still on netscape.net
Dear Invisible Friend.
What sorta music do you listen to?
What? Too generic?
Well then, do you like Rush?
Oh, e's hosting? Nice!
Dear Invisible Friend, how are you?
Since we've all played at least once before, could you tell me what you did last time in order to try to figure out who your IF was?
Just in case the answer to the previous question is 'yes' or something like that, what did you do?
Quote from: e_voyager on March 23, 2008, 04:00:26 PM
oh i'm Afraid that the email is not confused. it really is tdarketernal@aim.com the t belongs there and has been there since before aim came into existence and my email was still on netscape.net
Heh. You've quoted it as darketernal, tdarketenal, and tdarketernal. I just wanted some clarification ;-]
here are the first batch of answers for the game. i would like to thank those that remembers to include their visible friends questions with their own answers personally. also on a side note i'm working 5am to sometime after 8pm tomorrow so post may appear later then normal.
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
Hello, how are you?
Are you there, knock knock?
Why wont you talk to me?
Oh, sh*t this isn't the IRC channel, sorry about that..
Anyway, what is your favorite non tint color thing?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Hey, Yo.
Me? I'm alright.
Ow. Don't knock on me.
I am!
Don't worry, it's an easy mistake.
Erm, blue, probably.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo
Dear Invisible Friend.
What sorta music do you listen to?
What? Too generic?
Well then, do you like Rush?
Quote from: Danny's invisible friend
Dear Danny,
Anything I like, and sometimes things I don't like.
A rain cloud on a sunny day. That was not too generic.
Hour, no. Robot dog.. Yes.
Quote from: Llearch
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you enjoy playing this last time around?
Are you looking forward to confusing me?
Do you think it likely that you'll figure out who your IF is?
Do you think it likely that -I- will?
Quote from: Llearch's Invisible Friend
What makes you think I played last time? Or do you mean the last time I played?
How? You're confusing me already.
I don't know... It's too early to tell.
Yes, you will. You may have already figured out who I am.
Quote from: Gabi
Dear Invisible Friend, how are you?
Since we've all played at least once before, could you tell me what you did last time in order to try to figure out who your IF was?
Just in case the answer to the previous question is 'yes' or something like that, what did you do?
Quote from: Gabi's invisible friend
To Gabi,
Dear Invisible Friend, how are you?
I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you?
Since we've all played at least once before, could you tell me what you did last time in order to try to figure out who your IF was?
I'm not sure. It may allow you to figure out who I am...
Just in case the answer to the previous question is 'yes' or something like that, what did you do?
I checked my IF's answers against the answers people gave in previous rounds.
One more thing. did everyone receive their ims telling them who their visible friends would be?
Just tidied up the blank spaces, so that query/answers were together with spaces between each set
-- llearch
Dear IF,
- Well, the players last time around were Turnsky, Alteisentier, Aiyno, Gabi, and VSMIT. The players this time around are Aiyno, Dannysaysnoo, Alteisentier, Gabi, VSMIT, and I. The only players this time around who didn't play last time are Danny and I. I don't expect me to answer myself... but I -did- overlook Danny. I guess I meant "the last time you played", though.
- oh, I think you're not doing too badly. Perhaps you'd like shorter conversational points?
- I'd ask you your gender, but I don't think it's a good question, since it would immediately identify you in one case, but wouldn't do anything much the other. Besides, it's more fun to spread the guesses around. So, instead, I shall ask this: Have you seen snow in the last year or so?
Dear invisible friend,
What is more important to you? Your mouse or your keyboard?
Simplicity or number of options?
Do you play any games? If so what is your favorite genre?
Dear IF, if you don't take risks, you're not very likely to have fun.
I tried to use the same tactic once, but it didn't work. Is it possible that after playing for a while we're all begining to write more like each other?
Why do you think e's shortening the names of the players in the quotes?
What's the weather like where you live right now?
Dear invisible friend.
Of rocks, the planet has many to share. But do you have one that captivates your imagination?
I'm going to have some dinner now, what would you recommend?
Are you any good at math?
Dear Invisible Friend (We seem to have stopped using clever alliteration),
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
Do you know any programming languages?
Male, Female, or N/A?
Are you a relatively new member, or have you been around for a while?
Quote from: Gabi on March 24, 2008, 09:32:01 AM
Dear IF, if you don't take risks, you're not very likely to have fun.
I tried to use the same tactic once, but it didn't work. Is it possible that after playing for a while we're all begining to write more like each other?
Why do you think e's shortening the names of the players in the quotes?
What's the weather like where you live right now?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To the APF,
I tried to use the same tactic once, but it didn't work. Is it possible that after playing for a while we're all begining to write more like each other?
It seems that way, but I don't think so. Everybody has their own distinct writing style, and it is (for me anyway) extremely difficult to change it.
Why do you think e's shortening the names of the players in the quotes?
Because he doesn't want to have to type out n'n'daCorna every time llearch asks a question. I would probably do that too.
What's the weather like where you live right now?
It rained a couple of days ago.
Quote from: llearch on March 24, 2008, 05:07:40 AM
Dear IF,
- Well, the players last time around were Turnsky, Alteisentier,
Aiyno, Gabi, and VSMIT. The players this time around are Aiyno,
Dannysaysnoo, Alteisentier, Gabi, VSMIT, and I. The only players this
time around who didn't play last time are Danny and I. I don't expect
me to answer myself... but I -did- overlook Danny. I guess I meant
"the last time you played", though.
- oh, I think you're not doing too badly. Perhaps you'd like shorter
conversational points?
- I'd ask you your gender, but I don't think it's a good question,
since it would immediately identify you in one case, but wouldn't do
anything much the other. Besides, it's more fun to spread the guesses
around. So, instead, I shall ask this: Have you seen snow in the last
year or so?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendDear llearch n'n'daCorna,
It was fun.
Why do you think I'm not doing too badly? You already know who I am...
but shorter conversational points are boring, let's keep conversing.
Yes, I have. Snow is easy to see, even in the desert they must see
snow in pictures.
Quote from: Alteisentier on March 24, 2008, 11:06:26 AM
Dear invisible friend.
Of rocks, the planet has many to share. But do you have one that
captivates your imagination?
I'm going to have some dinner now, what would you recommend?
Are you any good at math?
Quote from: Alteisentier's Invisible Friend
Dear Alteisentier,
The third from the Sun.
Try starting with food. If it's edible, that's even better.
Depends on who you ask. Daniel Tammet would disagree...
I tried to sleep but i couldn't rest easy until i came and made sure this topic was updated with answers. And for those of you whose answers i have yet to receive remember your vi sable friends are waiting. the address again is tdarketernal@aim.com.
'preps his motivational tazer just in case it's needed'
Dear invisible friend,
Red, Black, or brown(striped) cats?
Cats or dogs?
half empty or half full?
Dear Invisible Amigo
- what makes you think I know who you are? I know who I -think- you are, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. It remains to be seen if you confirm those guesses.
- Have you seen snow in person?
- Are you writing stories in the Tower of Art?
- Are you playing in any of the RP's in the Haunted Ballroom?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions? :<
I'm curious now...
Quote from: Aiyno on March 24, 2008, 05:37:03 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What is more important to you? Your mouse or your keyboard?
Simplicity or number of options?
Do you play any games? If so what is your favorite genre?
Dear invisible friend,
Red, Black, or brown(striped) cats?
Cats or dogs?
half empty or half full?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno. How are you, by the by?
My keyboard, as i technically have two mouses on this system. Can you guess what kind of system it is?
I like it when there are choices that are simple and make a difference. You ever tried those face customizers in Xbox 260 games? half of those sliders do nothing.
My boi, i play a lot of games. My favorite genre? Hm, probably RPGs. Not JRPGs, though, they suck.
Black. So much cuter, in my 4 eyes.
hmmm, dogs.
What? Bugger this, i'm going to a different bar. Half full!?
Dear IF, you're right about the writing styles. But the long-time players seem to be copying each other lately, or maybe it's just my impression.
In any case, let's go to the questions.
How did you join the Clockwork Mansion forums?
What's your reaction to gender mixups?
Is this question confusing?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like fire?
How many dictionaries do you own?
How is is weather over there?
It has been two days since the game began and VSMIT's invisible friend has been poked for non response. they have also been warned. to respond tomorrow since today have less then an hour it it and they may be sleep.
Quote from: Aiyno on March 25, 2008, 09:31:00 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like fire?
How many dictionaries do you own?
How is is weather over there?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear fire starter,
Only when it cooks delicious things. Aam Yok!
My french one.
Snowing. In March? odd, eh?
Quote from: llearch on March 24, 2008, 08:11:39 PM
Dear Invisible Amigo
- what makes you think I know who you are? I know who I -think- you are, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. It remains to be seen if you confirm those guesses.
- Have you seen snow in person?
- Are you writing stories in the Tower of Art?
- Are you playing in any of the RP's in the Haunted Ballroom?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendDear Visible Nakama
-You know more about everyone here than anyone else does.
-Okay, yes, I have.
-I should, shouldn't I?
Quote from: Gabi on March 25, 2008, 07:39:32 AM
Dear IF, you're right about the writing styles. But the long-time players seem to be copying each other lately, or maybe it's just my impression.
In any case, let's go to the questions.
How did you join the Clockwork Mansion forums?
What's your reaction to gender mixups?
Is this question confusing?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To The Teacher,
How did you join the Clockwork Mansion forums?
I'd been reading DMFA for a while, but hadn't come to the forums.
What's your reaction to gender mixups?
I don't really care, so I don't correct people.
Is this question confusing?
Only to those who don't know the answers.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Quote from: VSMIT on March 23, 2008, 03:28:23 PM
Dear Invisible friend,
Have you ever played this before?
Are you a master of sarcasm?
What country do you live in?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 24, 2008, 11:10:15 AM
Dear Invisible Friend (We seem to have stopped using clever alliteration),
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
Do you know any programming languages?
Male, Female, or N/A?
Are you a relatively new member, or have you been around for a while?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 25, 2008, 12:33:37 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions? :<
I'm curious now...
Dear invisible friend,
Yes, the snow is weird, everything's white outside :S
Do you like snow?
Do you like ice?
Dear Transparent Tantaliser,
- Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say you -should- play an RP - that's entirely up to you. I was merely enquiring as to if you were. ;-]
- Have you built a snowman?
- Have you made a snow angel?
- What's the weather like where you are?
Friends both visible and not. the game continues.
Quote from: VSMIT on March 26, 2008, 01:38:54 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Quote from: VSMIT on March 23, 2008, 03:28:23 PM
Dear Invisible friend,
Have you ever played this before?
Are you a master of sarcasm?
What country do you live in?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 24, 2008, 11:10:15 AM
Dear Invisible Friend (We seem to have stopped using clever alliteration),
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
Do you know any programming languages?
Male, Female, or N/A?
Are you a relatively new member, or have you been around for a while?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 25, 2008, 12:33:37 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions? :<
I'm curious now...
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? - Frog.
Do you know any programming languages? - English!
Male, Female, or N/A? - ALl of the above
Are you a relatively new member, or have you been around for a while? - Gone with the ages.
Have you ever played this before? - State clearly what this is for a correct answer.
Are you a master of sarcasm? - Perfection is untouchable.
What country do you live in? - The internet is not a country.
Why haven't you answered my questions? - The will of the all mighty stated not too.
new answer in
Quote from: llearch
Dear Transparent Tantaliser,
- Oh, I wouldn't go so far as to say you -should- play an RP - that's
entirely up to you. I was merely enquiring as to if you were. ;-]
- Have you built a snowman?
- Have you made a snow angel?
- What's the weather like where you are?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible Friend
- I have, when I was little.
- No, I haven't.
- Not yet as nice as I would like it to be, but it should get better.
Invisible friend,
Why don't you respaaaawwwwnd?
or respond? :<
Dear Invisible Friend.
I believe I have a good idea of who you are now, but here goes anyway.
The word "this" referred to the game we are playing now, Invisible Friend. Since we have all played this game before, that was probably a stupid question. A better one would be: Have you scored a victory in the Invisible Friend game before?
I tried a whois on this "almighty" of yours. I couldn't find anything. Could you explain to me who the your Almighty is?
Ouch, where did yesterday go?
Sorry I didn't post, I was too busy. Speaking of which, what did you do yesterday?
At what time did you get up today?
And, on an unrelated note, why does Aiyno want a respawned IF?
Dear Concealed Colleague,
At the risk of starting a debate, what are your religious beliefs? Do you believe in a supreme being, who watches over us all, or are you more inclined towards some other faith?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 27, 2008, 09:33:44 AM
Dear Concealed Colleague,
At the risk of starting a debate, what are your religious beliefs? Do you believe in a supreme being, who watches over us all, or are you more inclined towards some other faith?
Nice alliteration and nice question. Can I ask that too?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you play many games?
Any online?
Of course you can ask that, Gabi. I figured, anything posted on here is fair game, either questions or answers...
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
Yes, the snow is weird, everything's white outside :S
Do you like snow?
Do you like ice?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear You,
You should stop painting everything white then. ;)
Not really, it's cold and wet.
Good for curling, thats about it.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you play many games?
Any online?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Danny,
Sure, who doesn't?
Quote from: Gabi
Ouch, where did yesterday go?
Sorry I didn't post, I was too busy. Speaking of which, what did you do yesterday?
At what time did you get up today?
And, on an unrelated note, why does Aiyno want a respawned IF?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible friend
To Gabi,
Ouch, where did yesterday go?
It ran away in fear. And it smacked you on the way out.
Sorry I didn't post, I was too busy. Speaking of which, what did you do yesterday?
Worked on my school project...
At what time did you get up today?
9:00! Yay for Spring Break!
And, on an unrelated note, why does Aiyno want a respawned IF?
Maybe he killed it and it needs to be respawned? :<
Can I ask that too?
No, I don't think so.
Quote from: llearch
Dear Concealed Colleague,
At the risk of starting a debate, what are your religious beliefs? Do you believe in a supreme being, who watches over us all, or are you more inclined towards some other faith?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible Friend
I don't mind starting a debate as long as it doesn't turn into a fight. The thruth is I'm not quite sure of what to believe. I believe that there is more than we percieve with our regular senses, and I don't think a soul can simply be destroyed when the body dies. I don't see God as an individual with a distinct personality, however.
Wouldn't that make Him just another soul? I believe that, if there is a God, He/She/It resides in everything and everyone.
What do you believe?
Sorry, dear IF, but llearch has already said 'yes' and he's the author of the question, so what are your religious beliefs?
What do you think about thinking?
And what kind(s) of videogames do you like best, if any?
Dear invisible friend,
why is this paper green?
and why am do I always get compliments from my English teacher? :<
Why is my English teacher semi-insane?
Dear Covert Confidante,
I think everyone needs something to believe in. I believe I'll have another drink.
However, without being glib, I'm more inclined towards atheism than theism, myself, if on the fence-ish. I don't see any reason that a "greater being" of any sort would want to sully itself with most of humans, inane as they are.
Are you equally depressed with the state of the world, or have you managed to resist the insidious rot?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What is your favorite TV show, if you watch TV?
What's your favorite movie?
What are your religious beliefs? (Jump on the bandwagon!)
Quote from: VSMIT on March 27, 2008, 02:04:16 AM
Dear Invisible Friend.
I believe I have a good idea of who you are now, but here goes anyway.
The word "this" referred to the game we are playing now, Invisible Friend. Since we have all played this game before, that was probably a stupid question. A better one would be: Have you scored a victory in the Invisible Friend game before?
I tried a whois on this "almighty" of yours. I couldn't find anything. Could you explain to me who the your Almighty is?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
The word "this" referred to the game we are playing now, Invisible Friend. Since we have all played this game before, that was probably a stupid question. A better one would be: Have you scored a victory in the Invisible Friend game before? - There is only victory in total obliteration
I tried a whois on this "almighty" of yours. I couldn't find anything. Could you explain to me who the your Almighty is? - Llearch of course.
Quote from: Gabi on March 28, 2008, 11:58:08 AM
Sorry, dear IF, but llearch has already said 'yes' and he's the author of the question, so what are your religious beliefs?
What do you think about thinking?
And what kind(s) of videogames do you like best, if any?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To Gabi,
Sorry, dear IF, but llearch has already said 'yes' and he's the author of the question, so what are your religious beliefs?
I'm kind of right in between atheism and agnosticism. I have no love for any kind of organized religion.
What do you think about thinking?
I think, that if we didn't think, people wouldn't be able to do anything that required a brain.
And what kind(s) of videogames do you like best, if any?
I prefer the RTS style game, but my personal favorite is a mix of RTS and FPS.
How about you?
Quote from: llearch
Dear Covert Confidante,
I think everyone needs something to believe in. I believe I'll have
another drink.
However, without being glib, I'm more inclined towards atheism than
theism, myself, if on the fence-ish. I don't see any reason that a
"greater being" of any sort would want to sully itself with most of
humans, inane as they are.
Are you equally depressed with the state of the world, or have you
managed to resist the insidious rot?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendDear Contemptuous Container,
I think this game is not the best place to discuss those things. If
you want, we can talk about it when it's over.
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
why is this paper green?
and why am do I always get compliments from my English teacher? :<
Why is my English teacher semi-insane?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear dear,
It's soylent paper.
Probably cause you're good at english.
What, because he thinks your good?
here we have a curiosity. a plea form and invisible friend to be acknowledge but his visible friend.
Quote from: Alteisentier's Invisible Friend
Dear Alteisentier,
Where are you? Did you get lost in cyberspace?
Aren't you supposed to be asking me questions?
Your Invisible Friend
on top of that i request that you include some indication as to whom your visible friend is when answering questions again.
Dear invisible friend,
Is the grass greener on the other side?
Energy drink or Coffee?
Cola or Sprite/7up ?
Cartoons or Soaps?
FPS? I first read that as frames per second, but I take it you mean first person shooter. I don't like those. I prefer platform games, RPGs, graphic adventures or puzzles. Some 3D adventure games I can enjoy, but most of them tend to focus a lot more on the graphics than on the plot and playability, which is, in my opinion, a poor choice.
Now, for something completely different: how many countries can you name in 5 minutes? (http://www.justsayhi.com/bb/view2/countries)
No cheating: do not use maps, dictionaries, the Internet or any other outside sources. Just use your memory.
Dear Negligible Neighbour,
... I know, I know. It's slightly better than Hidden Heartthrob, though... ;-]
You're right, we probably shouldn't have that discussion here. *grin* It's a good one for seeing what people think, though, if you can manage to keep your own mouth shut long enough for them to speak - something I have some difficulty with, sometimes.
In further questions, then:
Have you travelled much? How many countries do you think you've been in (including stopovers and the like) in the last 5 years?
How about over your entire lifetime?
Do you have plans for what you wish to do later in life?
Do you have any regrets, things you wish you'd done years ago?
Quote from: Gabi on March 29, 2008, 11:50:06 AM
FPS? I first read that as frames per second, but I take it you mean first person shooter. I don't like those. I prefer platform games, RPGs, graphic adventures or puzzles. Some 3D adventure games I can enjoy, but most of them tend to focus a lot more on the graphics than on the plot and playability, which is, in my opinion, a poor choice.
Now, for something completely different: how many countries can you name in 5 minutes? (http://www.justsayhi.com/bb/view2/countries)
No cheating: do not use maps, dictionaries, the Internet or any other outside sources. Just use your memory.
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To Gabi,
Some 3D adventure games I can enjoy, but most of them tend to focus a lot more on the graphics than on the plot and playability, which is, in my opinion, a poor choice.
That's why I enjoy the older games, where the story was more important than running your computer to the limit. Not that there aren't newer games like that, but they are few and far between.
Now, for something completely different: how many countries can you name in 5 minutes? <http://www.justsayhi.com/bb/view2/countries>
I was able to name 38, but it isn't very complete. They missed Britain and Ireland, probably among others. I spent the last minute and a half trying to figure out what I missed.
How many can you name?
Quote from: Aiyno on March 29, 2008, 04:19:15 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Is the grass greener on the other side?
Energy drink or Coffee?
Cola or Sprite/7up ?
Cartoons or Soaps?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno
Depends if your neighbor has been watering the garden or not.
Dear invisible friend,
What is your creditcard number?
Could you send me some money?
Why do people hate caravans? :U
I named 65 the first time I tried, including Ireland and United Kingdom. They didn't miss them, you must have mistyped them.
Dear Invisible Friend, how was your weekend?
i waited until morning to see if there would be other replies but this is all i've received to post. my i remind you that pictures are due with int on week. if you don't send in a picture then you can't win even if you guess correctly.
Quote from: Aiyno on March 30, 2008, 02:51:59 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What is your creditcard number?
Could you send me some money?
Why do people hate caravans? :U
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Don't have one.
I don't have any moneys either.
Because everyone just does.
Dear invisible friend,
You are better than all others give yourself a ribbon.
What color ribbon did you pick or wanted to pick?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Should I just not ask questions until you answer my previous ones?
Quote from: llearch
Dear Negligible Neighbour,
... I know, I know. It's slightly better than Hidden Heartthrob, though... ;-]
You're right, we probably shouldn't have that discussion here. *grin*
It's a good one for seeing what people think, though, if you can
manage to keep your own mouth shut long enough for them to speak -
something I have some difficulty with, sometimes.
In further questions, then:
Have you travelled much? How many countries do you think you've been
in (including stopovers and the like) in the last 5 years?
How about over your entire lifetime?
Do you have plans for what you wish to do later in life?
Do you have any regrets, things you wish you'd done years ago?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendIf I'm negligible, maybe I
shouldn't bother replying to you. :(
Oh, about three.
More. :3
Oh, I have some plans. For example, I'm going to eat soon.
Everyone does. I wish I'd told my friend Nelson I wouldn't make it to
our meeting all those years ago. He got really mad at me, and I
haven't heard from him since then.
poking with the motivational electric stick will resume when i've had a chance to rest and figure out who has not been diligent with answering their visible friends
That's easy, poke VSMIT's IF.
And I still want an answer about my IF's weekend.
In addition to that, are you doing anything special today?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you think i'm posing enough questions?
If so, should i post more?
Dear Intangible Intellectual,
I wouldn't care to hurt your feelings, and I've enjoyed our conversations, so uh, would you accept my apology for the possibly upsetting tag I came up with last time?
It's sad to hear about your problems with your friend Nelson - I hope that one or the other of you manages to get in touch with the other, if that makes sense.
Have you considered a job as a therapist? You seem to be doing well with me...
Quote from: Gabi
That's easy, poke VSMIT's IF.
And I still want an answer about my IF's weekend.
In addition to that, are you doing anything special today?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To Gabi,
And I still want an answer about my IF's weekend.
My sincerest apologies. I didn't notice that you posted a question.
My weekend was pretty good, I saw some friends I haven't seen in a while, and a couple of my friends who moved away visited.
In addition to that, are you doing anything special today?
Jeez I hope not. I've already got enough on my plate as it is...
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
You are better than all others give yourself a ribbon.
What color ribbon did you pick or wanted to pick?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno
No thanks, Since i need to answer the next one, i will answer in song.
No colors anymore, i want it painted black...
Quote from: Danny
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you think i'm posing enough questions?
If so, should i post more?
Quote from: Danny's Invisible Friend
Dear Danny,
You slow poser.
Not too much, but not too little.
the poking have been send. if you didn't receive one then you've been keeping up with your friends if not then well the message is self explanatory. also remember pictures are due before Monday.
Dear invisible friend,
Is this Clockworkmansion!?!?
the answer is yes.
Dear person I know who is not.
Relitive to your current position, what direction is the sun in?
What should I name my pet hard drive?
How many bones are there in a child compared to an adult?
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
Is this Clockworkmansion!?!?
the answer is yes.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Of course it is.
Quote from: Alteisentier
Dear person I know who is not.
Relitive to your current position, what direction is the sun in?
What should I name my pet hard drive?
How many bones are there in a child compared to an adult?
Quote from: Alteisentier's Invisible Friend
Crash is a good name, I think.
Lots more. Google says 300 or so, roughly, compared to the 206 in an
(and people thought Fusion was a product of dragon ball z. on a sadder note it seems that my website on yahoo was destroyed. how that bothers me you'll never fully know)
(am i doing something wrong? is that why my post seem to be edited by you in this thread so much?)
Dear invisible friend,
Who are you?
What do you stand for?
What do you stand before?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 31, 2008, 07:14:59 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Should I just not ask questions until you answer my previous ones?
Quote from: VSMIT on March 28, 2008, 12:31:12 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What is your favorite TV show, if you watch TV?
What's your favorite movie?
What are your religious beliefs? (Jump on the bandwagon!)
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you going to answer my questions now?
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
Who are you?
What do you stand for?
What do you stand before?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
I'm the one. The Divine Being. Alpha and Omega. Aiyno, I'm God.
I stand for the people in wheelchairs.
I stand before the people behind me in the queue
Quote from: llearch
Dear Intangible Intellectual,
I wouldn't care to hurt your feelings, and I've enjoyed our
conversations, so uh, would you accept my apology for the possibly
upsetting tag I came up with last time?
It's sad to hear about your problems with your friend Nelson - I hope
that one or the other of you manages to get in touch with the other,
if that makes sense.
Have you considered a job as a therapist? You seem to be doing well with me...
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendIt's ok, no worries.
I doubt it, but meh. Life goes on. Thanks anyway.
Me? A therapist? I don't think I could stand all the nonsense they
make you study in order to become one. But thanks.
Dear invisible friend,
The blue pill the red- or both of them? >:3
What color does the sun have, scientifically seen?
Dear IF, sorry I made you wait for my next question, I spent the day preparing the class I have to give today.
Ok, so... do you think you know who your IF is?
If your IF were to be disqualified and replaced by his/her IF, do you think you'd have a good chance to figure out who the new one is? (In other words, do you think you have a good chance of figuring out who your IF's IF is?)
Dear Imperceptible Amigo
Granted, the study required -is- a bit inane. How about amateur armchair therapist? Or Bartender? ;-]
How goes your quest to figure out who your invisible friend is?
Have you thought about life insurance?
Quote from: Gabi on April 03, 2008, 10:00:12 AM
Dear IF, sorry I made you wait for my next question, I spent the day preparing the class I have to give today.
Ok, so... do you think you know who your IF is?
If your IF were to be disqualified and replaced by his/her IF, do you think you'd have a good chance to figure out who the new one is? (In other words, do you think you have a good chance of figuring out who your IF's IF is?)
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
To Gabi,
Dear IF, sorry I made you wait for my next question, I spent the day preparing the class I have to give today.
Quite alright. If I had to do that I would take a day off from this game, too.
Ok, so... do you think you know who your IF is?
I think I do, but I'm not going to get specific about it.
If your IF were to be disqualified and replaced by his/her IF, do you think you'd have a good chance to figure out who the new one is? (In other words, do you think you have a good chance of figuring out who your IF's IF is?)
With the little amount of time we have left, I think that it would be difficult for anybody to figure out a new IF.
Quote from: llearch
Dear Imperceptible Amigo
Granted, the study required -is- a bit inane. How about amateur
armchair therapist? Or Bartender? ;-]
How goes your quest to figure out who your invisible friend is?
Have you thought about life insurance?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendDang, why did I use that
word? Real people don't use that word!
Giving advice to people who just sit around and ask for it? Would
anyone pay me for that? Why pay when you can get it for free? Then
again I shouldn't be saying that, I'm spoiling my own business.
I think I know, but of course I could be wrong. What about you? Have
you ever had any doubts about my identity?
As I'm sure you already know who I am, I'm not afraid to be the first
to show the world my art. I've made an amazing pic for you! It's
awesome! It's... it's... it's in the box.
(And I'm sure you wouldn't be you if you didn't know where I got that
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
The blue pill the red- or both of them? >:3
What color does the sun have, scientifically seen?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
I want that mint you picked up off the floor. Yum yum.
Through a thermal camera, it's just white. You can't really see it in a standard camera. If you look at it, it's still white.
Dear invisible friend,
do you posses the cloak of shadows?
If so, do you think it is fashionable in this time?
if not so, do you think it is fashionable in this time?
If not sure, are you lacking? >:3
Dear IF, why do you think that no one has sent an image yet? Is everyone waiting for someone else to send it first, or is there another reason? What do you think?
Quote from: Aiyno
Dear invisible friend,
do you posses the cloak of shadows?
If so, do you think it is fashionable in this time?
if not so, do you think it is fashionable in this time?
If not sure, are you lacking? >:3
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
For interest's sake, I'm going to answer all aspects here.
Oooh, doesn't it bring out me eyes?
If i had one, i would wear it all day...
I must apologize to Llearch's invisible friend. as i missed their replay for i left the forum Thursday. i know i said i'd probably only update once a day but i've been updating more often when i can. that said here is the image sent bye Llearch's invisible friend . (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/inthebox.png)
Quote from: llearch
Dear Imperceptible Amigo
Granted, the study required -is- a bit inane. How about amateur
armchair therapist? Or Bartender? ;-]
How goes your quest to figure out who your invisible friend is?
Have you thought about life insurance?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendDang, why did I use that
word? Real people don't use that word!
Giving advice to people who just sit around and ask for it? Would
anyone pay me for that? Why pay when you can get it for free? Then
again I shouldn't be saying that, I'm spoiling my own business.
I think I know, but of course I could be wrong. What about you? Have
you ever had any doubts about my identity?
As I'm sure you already know who I am, I'm not afraid to be the first
to show the world my art. I've made an amazing pic for you! It's
awesome! It's... it's... it's in the box.
(And I'm sure you wouldn't be you if you didn't know where I got that
Dear invisible friend,
Bread is bad, no?
Quote from: Aiyno on April 05, 2008, 06:38:42 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Bread is bad, no?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Bread is BAD!
Why didn't my IF reply? Now the question's outdated! I have to change it.
Dear IF, have you decided what you're going to send me yet? Did you know that this round ends tomorrow?
And where's everyone else? Why is there only one new post and only one new reply?
I'm afraid that i don't know Gabi but i'm afraid that today well i'll giver everyone 24 hours form this post to have and image for their invisible friends in the inbox or else i'll have to disqualify everyone but Llearch's Invisible friend. remember people 24 hours. and the only reason that VSMIT's Invisible Friend has not been disqualified is that when they went awol again it was too later to reassign the friends and would not have been fair to give some ones less then a week to try and figure out who their friend was.
This is from Aiyno's Invisible friend
there was another images but it was unreadable and unpostable for me and must be resent.
Quote from: Gabi on April 05, 2008, 09:49:23 PM
Why didn't my IF reply? Now the question's outdated! I have to change it.
Dear IF, have you decided what you're going to send me yet? Did you know that this round ends tomorrow?
And where's everyone else? Why is there only one new post and only one new reply?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible FriendTo Gabi,
Why didn't my IF reply? Now the question's outdated! I have to change it.
I'm sorry I didn't get to answer your question Friday, by the time I got home I was too tired and I just went to bed.
Dear IF, have you decided what you're going to send me yet? Did you know that this round ends tomorrow?
Yep. I'm actually sending it now.
And where's everyone else? Why is there only one new post and only one new reply?
They're all at a party that nobody told you about. And they're having the time of their lives.
allow im extend the time instead of ending in 1hour 10 minutes from i'll accepted emailed images until noon central time canda and usa. this will ensure thats it's monday everywhere that were we are playing. and allow time for the invisible friend who's image i couldn't read/ post to edit and resend their image.
Dear IF,
I'd ask you more questions to fill the time out, but I seem to have run out of time and questions. maybe I should take a leaf out of Aiyno's book and make a collection of questions to ask.
What do you suggest? Wing it, or make a list?
It looks silly :U
on a side note: Aiyno was extremely low on sanity at the point at which this post was made.
We need more picture thingies :U
Quote from: llearch
Dear IF,
I'd ask you more questions to fill the time out, but I seem to have
run out of time and questions. maybe I should take a leaf out of
Aiyno's book and make a collection of questions to ask.
What do you suggest? Wing it, or make a list?
Quote from: llearch's Invisible FriendWhatever works for
you. The round's over anyway.
From danny's Invisible Friend(http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/MG100_21fp5.jpg)
From Altei's Invisible Friend with these words Dear Alteisenteir,
I made you this pocture of my doorway. I know it's not very good, but
I've been busy of late.
Sorry about that.
Your Invisible Friend (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/doorway.png)
From Gabi's Invisible Friend(http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/gabi.png)
Due to working a 17 hour shift i was late to check my inbox and as a result i have accepted all images and now the time to submit them is over. i have updates every answered question and you may post you guesses now.
A knowledge of Rush, the robot dog? A fantastic drawing?
This time it is VSMIT, isnt' it?
I can't see the image from here, I don't know why. I'll look at it when I get home.
If I'm wrong about this...
But this probably doesn't count...
My IF is, I believe, Gabi.
I'd post guesses for all the others, but not everyone has guessed yet, and it'd be rude to guess before they had a chance to - though I do believe VSMIT is correct. ;-]
I spent nearly all of today recovering my strength after a particularity trying two days and and will i'm pleased that most of the visible friends received their images but i'm still not convinced i hosted as well as i could. i hope that all the players enjoyed this round and i'll post who was right and wrong after i received guesses form Altei and Aiyno
on a side note i'm not too sure about the image from gabi's invisible friend as i'm not sure it's drawn which is a requirement in this game. while i have created similar images in paint and believe it's possible to create an image such as it in a photo shop like program i am undecided as to weather or not this is the case and shall be asking the two normal host when all the guesses are in.
Dannysaysnoo, by process of elimination. : Dannysaysnoo
Quote from: Aiyno on April 09, 2008, 11:46:08 AM
Dannysaysnoo, by process of elimination. :BV
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 09, 2008, 11:48:17 AM
Quote from: Aiyno on April 09, 2008, 11:46:08 AM
Dannysaysnoo, by process of elimination. :BV
Okay, yeezz.. I'll just vote you already! BV is much cooler than Danny but.. :B
I have guesses for everyone else too, llearch. Maybe we can compare notes off the forum.
hey, E.. Alt can't win anyway so why not post the results? I am s0oo0o tired from waiting..
Alt has been poked in the IRC a couple of times now :U Joyous it would be if thee would supply is with results.
A.S.A.P. please.. pretty please? :< I make you cookie.. kay? ;)
okay i'll post them either before i leave for work this morning or when i get in tonight i've been trying to give him every chance though.
Danny guessed his invisible friend was Altei he guessed poorly
Gabi guessed her invisible friend was VSMIT she guessed well
VSMIT guessed his invisible friend was Altie he guessed well
Llearch guessed his invisible friend was Gabi he guessed well
Aiyno guessed his invisible friend was Danny he guessed well
Altei did not guess but his invisible fried was Llearch
The next round will start on Monday, if we get enough people signing up. If not, we'll just wait until we do. ;-]
I will skip this one, course is being a bitch... well not really but it gives me time restrains that I dislike.. a lot.
Yay, I guessed every single one of them right! (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/images/smilies/jump.gif)
e, since you were the host (nice job, by the way), does VSMIT's image count as something drawn by him?
Good work, everyone who guessed, and a Boo to Alt, who neglected this game in spite of being constantly reminded of it. (Yes, I know booing is childish, but I've been working on type inference all day, I have the right to have some childish fun).
llearch, being your IF was an interesting experience, even if I knew from the start that you'd know who I was. Still, what tipped you off? And did you ever have any doubts?
Here's a sample of what I've been working on, if anyone is interested.
Quote from: Gabi on April 11, 2008, 03:25:13 PM
llearch, being your IF was an interesting experience, even if I knew from the start that you'd know who I was. Still, what tipped you off? And did you ever have any doubts?
Yeah. I figured from fairly early on you were probably it.
Two things immediately tipped me off; one, the layout of your answers gets wrapped in a fairly distinctive style by your mail client. This is one of the reasons I re-layout stuff I paste into the answers. Two, your answers were... typically Gabi-ish, at least for the first couple of sets of responses.
Once there, you -did- manage to fuzz the issue a couple of times later, but the preponderance of evidence sadly overruled you. And commenting about how likely I was to figure out who you were was just icing on the cake, as it were. ;-]
Incidentally, that image won't load from here - claims the server doesn't exist...
What is that, Gabi?
It be... calculations! :U
It's the type-inference process for a term in lambda calculus.
Quote from: Gabi on April 11, 2008, 03:25:13 PM
e, since you were the host (nice job, by the way), does VSMIT's image count as something drawn by him?
well as i said before i need to confer with you and Llearch about that. i've made similar images in mspaint style programs but the image looks kind of official and i'm not sure. i did a couple of web searches and came up empty of look alike enables but then i have not had the time i would normally devote to hit endeavor. i'll willing to let it go as it like the multi color necklace and the hazmat sign i turned in in games past could be made in paint and paint like program. in closing i'd like to say i hope you all enjoyed the game and take care. my work schedule would not give me time to draw or host for this up coming round.
Personally, I'd let it by, but then, my own drawing style is... limited. So I'm biased in that. ;-]
The reason I did it that way is because I was pressed for time, I had just gotten the patch (We went to the SCPA Championship Preliminaries... And barely lost...). I'll get something a little more hand drawn the next time I play.
Good luck i wish i could play next round but my works is taking up my time
I guess I can play again. But I'd like to host another round one of these days.
You're welcome to host this one - I'll play, in that case.
Ok, then. :)
I missed hotsing this. I just hope we get enough players to make the round interesting. So far we have you and... Just you, I guess. Not much fun to play like that, I'm afraid. :(
I guess my IF is ... me!
... you're right, it might be a little limiting. ;-]
Taj makes two? I could join but i doubt my activity will be of any significant importance with only two players, plus I am kind of busy these days, but if a third person joins and you cant get anyone else, count me in. :3
Just to make it a little more difficult, I'll play, too.
I'll join in.
Ah, what the hell, i'll play too
... I like how everyone signs up after the closing time.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 15, 2008, 05:03:51 AM
... I like how everyone signs up after the closing time.
It's because we love you.
... Yeah. That'll be it.
i though it was a lack of timing. an instinct for arriving just as the curtain has come down.
Everybody loves the box. <3
Alright, then we have llearch, Aiyno, VSMIT, yaksha and Danny. I'll roll the dice and begin the round now.
Dear Invisible Amigo,
Did you play last time?
Are you planning on having fun this time?
Are you planning on responding a lot?
Dear invisible friend,
Come on, people, this is not a good way to begin the round. Where's everyone?
Dear Invisible Friend
Have you played before?
Have you hosted before?
What do you think about Gabi's determination to keep the game running smoothly?
Quote from: Gabi on April 16, 2008, 09:02:21 AM
Come on, people, this is not a good way to begin the round. Where's everyone?
Elvis is holding a concert in his hand.
Dear IF,
... Where are you? Have you responded yet?
Should I be worried about all the people who -haven't- responded yet?
Dear IF,
Did you have a busy day yesterday?
Did you play in the previous round of Invisible Friend?
Have you hosted IF before?
Male, Female, or Box?
Quote from: Aiyno on April 15, 2008, 04:49:02 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 16, 2008, 10:59:56 AM
Dear Invisible Friend
Have you played before?
Have you hosted before?
What do you think about Gabi's determination to keep the game running smoothly?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
Seeing as how all but one person played this game last time, I think that answering this question would either give too much information, or not enough. So I guess my answer is: yes.
Depends on what you're talking about. I've hosted forums before, if that's what you mean.
I think that her determination to keep the game running smoothly is commendable. By keeping the game running smoothly, it increases the chances that more people will want to play the next round, which will then make the game more fun, and that's probably what the hosts want to happen.
Everyone else... do you want to be poked?
Dear IF,
It should be obvious by now that I'm going to keep asking questions until you answer. Are you worried that this shows some sort of obsessive-compulsive behaviour about me, or are you more worried that you won't be able to keep up with answers?
Have you considered just giving up and running away?
Do you think it'd help? ;-]
Dear invisible friend,
I want tea! If your IF doesn't come for it, can I have it, please?
Dear IF,
Is the cake a lie?
Is this a triumph?
Dear Invisible Amigo
Have you considered just how many answers you'll have to give when you eventually turn up?
Are you planning on playing at all?
Did you just go missing somewhere?
Quote from: VSMIT on April 17, 2008, 06:25:19 PM
Dear IF,
Is the cake a lie?
Is this a triumph?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
No, it is delicious and moist. And you won't get any because you will be
I'm making a note here, huge success.
Quote from: Aiyno on April 17, 2008, 12:17:44 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno
I'm going to start poking, by the way.
Quote from: VSMIT on April 16, 2008, 06:28:13 PM
Dear IF,
Did you have a busy day yesterday?
Did you play in the previous round of Invisible Friend?
Have you hosted IF before?
Male, Female, or Box?
Dear IF,
Quote from: VSMIT on April 16, 2008, 06:28:13 PM
Dear IF,
Did you have a busy day yesterday?
Did you play in the previous round of Invisible Friend?
Have you hosted IF before?
Male, Female, or Box?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear VSMIT (and you are very dear, aren't you?)
- Fairly busy, yes. I've had worse, though.
- Didn't everyone?
- Wouldn't that mean I'd have to be llearch?
- Female.
Dear invisible friend,
Swords or Guns?
Dear Inaudible Friend,
What's your opinion of the people in control of countries these days?
How do you feel about management?
What would you like to do with your life? Do you have any long term plans?
Quote from: VSMIT on April 18, 2008, 06:36:16 PM
Dear IF,
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear IF,
I answered that yesterday, did my answer go astray?
No, it just arrived at my inbox late. It may have taken a tour around the world before getting there.
Quote from: Aiyno on April 19, 2008, 01:32:18 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Swords or Guns?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Ainyo,
BOTH!! bang ban stab!
If a player hasn't made his/her first post or hasn't answered his/her first set of questions by 9 PM GMT today, s/he will be disqualified.
Dear invisible friend,
small keyboards or giant ones?
Dear Invisible Friend
Caffeine or Coffee?
Juice or lemons?
Cats or mice?
Quote from: Aiyno on April 19, 2008, 05:10:10 PM
Dear invisible friend,
small keyboards or giant ones?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Giant, definitely. Who would use a crappy little one?
ATTENTION: yaksha is hereby disqualified. yaksha's IF is now llearch's IF.
Quote from: IFperson on April 19, 2008, 06:45:30 PM
Dear Aiyno,
Giant, definitely. Who would use a crappy little one?
me :<
Dear IF,
Can you tell me who you are?
If you can't, can you give me an allstar apple?
Dear IF,
Since you're new to me, and me to you, allow me to provide you with a complete list of all the previous questions in one go, so you can answer them easily.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 15, 2008, 02:36:13 PM
Dear Invisible Amigo,
Did you play last time?
Are you planning on having fun this time?
Are you planning on responding a lot?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 16, 2008, 04:56:54 PM
Dear IF,
... Where are you? Have you responded yet?
Should I be worried about all the people who -haven't- responded yet?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2008, 09:29:42 AM
Dear IF,
It should be obvious by now that I'm going to keep asking questions until you answer. Are you worried that this shows some sort of obsessive-compulsive behaviour about me, or are you more worried that you won't be able to keep up with answers?
Have you considered just giving up and running away?
Do you think it'd help? ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2008, 07:12:09 AM
Dear Invisible Amigo
Have you considered just how many answers you'll have to give when you eventually turn up?
Are you planning on playing at all?
Did you just go missing somewhere?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2008, 07:28:54 AM
Dear Inaudible Friend,
What's your opinion of the people in control of countries these days?
How do you feel about management?
What would you like to do with your life? Do you have any long term plans?
Would you like me to add some more questions?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 19, 2008, 06:12:06 PM
Dear Invisible Friend
Caffeine or Coffee?
Juice or lemons?
Cats or mice?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny boy,
Caffeine, definitely.
A little of column A and a little of column B.
Both. It's fun watching the cats chase the mice.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 05:45:26 AM
Dear IF,
Since you're new to me, and me to you, allow me to provide you with a complete list of all the previous questions in one go, so you can answer them easily.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 15, 2008, 02:36:13 PM
Dear Invisible Amigo,
Did you play last time?
Are you planning on having fun this time?
Are you planning on responding a lot?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 16, 2008, 04:56:54 PM
Dear IF,
... Where are you? Have you responded yet?
Should I be worried about all the people who -haven't- responded yet?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2008, 09:29:42 AM
Dear IF,
It should be obvious by now that I'm going to keep asking questions until you answer. Are you worried that this shows some sort of obsessive-compulsive behaviour about me, or are you more worried that you won't be able to keep up with answers?
Have you considered just giving up and running away?
Do you think it'd help? ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2008, 07:12:09 AM
Dear Invisible Amigo
Have you considered just how many answers you'll have to give when you eventually turn up?
Are you planning on playing at all?
Did you just go missing somewhere?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2008, 07:28:54 AM
Dear Inaudible Friend,
What's your opinion of the people in control of countries these days?
How do you feel about management?
What would you like to do with your life? Do you have any long term plans?
Would you like me to add some more questions?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear llearch
I might have.
I plan nothing, I'm hoping it will just happen.
Absolutely not.
Dear lllearch
Dear llearch
Dear llearch
Dear llearch
It differs somewhat per nation.
I do not really know, I'd like to keep it that way.
I can not say as it will easily reveal who I am or rather, who I am not.
That is NOT an article on eggplant!
Dear Invisible Friend,
Since your being a tricky little bugger, i'm going to ask you questions in song!
How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Dear Invisible Amigo,
You know, I think you could have made a stab at answering some of those questions.
Are you just lazy?
How do you feel about reading? Is it something you do to pass the time, something you seriously enjoy, or something you do just because you have to?
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I was to ask you who you are, would you answer truthfully?
Would you just be sarcastic about it?
Or would you disregard it completely and answer some other question in its place?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 20, 2008, 01:26:14 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Since your being a tricky little bugger, i'm going to ask you questions in song!
How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
By being cool, boy.
Quote from: VSMIT on April 20, 2008, 01:40:32 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I was to ask you who you are, would you answer truthfully?
Would you just be sarcastic about it?
Or would you disregard it completely and answer some other question in
its place?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Of course.
Oh, I don't think I'd be sarcastic. That wouldn't be my style.
I think fish and chips, don't you?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 01:34:42 PM
Dear Invisible Amigo,
You know, I think you could have made a stab at answering some of those questions.
Are you just lazy?
How do you feel about reading? Is it something you do to pass the time, something you seriously enjoy, or something you do just because you have to?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Invisible Amigo,
Like electricity I take the way of least resistance.
It generally depends on the reading material.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are we the last ones left alive? Are we the only human beings to survive?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Please answer this truthfully:
Yes or no?
Dear Semipermiable Supporter,
Would you mind listing some books you particularly enjoy reading?
Have you won any rounds of Invisible Friend?
Have you run across Stephen Lynch?
Quote from: Aiyno on April 20, 2008, 03:53:04 AM
Quote from: IFperson on April 19, 2008, 06:45:30 PM
Dear Aiyno,
Giant, definitely. Who would use a crappy little one?
me :<
Dear IF,
Can you tell me who you are?
If you can't, can you give me an allstar apple?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Sorry, but various government agencies want me dead. So, no, not really.
I don't know what that is, so have a toffee apple.
Quote from: VSMIT on April 20, 2008, 06:21:50 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Please answer this truthfully:
Yes or no?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Er... maybe?
Dear invisible friend,
Is life a roleplay?
Aiyno, can I use your question?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is life a roleplay?
What class would your character be?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 21, 2008, 08:09:52 AM
Dear Semipermiable Supporter,
Would you mind listing some books you particularly enjoy reading?
Have you won any rounds of Invisible Friend?
Have you run across Stephen Lynch?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear llearch,
Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, Darren Shan
I have won.
Everyone knows everyone thanks to the internet, at least if you know six people on the internet you theoretically know the whole western world indirectly.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 20, 2008, 05:31:07 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are we the last ones left alive? Are we the only human beings to survive?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
Last ones of what? You need to be more specific.
I don't think so, since my family are all human (or so I've heard), and my friends are definitely human.
And don't get me started about humans evolving and living on other planets in the universe.
Dear Indiscernible Intimate,
Ah, the whole six degrees of separation thing. Are you aficionado?
Do you think you know who your IF is, this round?
Do you think I know who you are?
Are you telling me the truth, or are you embroidering your responses?
Quote from: VSMIT on April 21, 2008, 06:52:26 PM
Aiyno, can I use your question?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is life a roleplay?
What class would your character be?
Quote from: VSMIT on April 21, 2008, 06:52:26 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is life a roleplay?
What class would your character be?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
If it was, I'd be looking for a new D&D group.
Mage, I think. It's a bit difficult, since I'm not able to list the
various classes off the top of my head.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 22, 2008, 08:03:20 AM
Dear Indiscernible Intimate,
Ah, the whole six degrees of separation thing. Are you aficionado?
Do you think you know who your IF is, this round?
Do you think I know who you are?
Are you telling me the truth, or are you embroidering your responses?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Indiscernible Intimate,
That would be somewhat debatable, can I withhold a truth I do not know myself?
I think I Think that I think I think that I do not think I know who it is.
Third option.
Dear invisible friend;
Are you made out of sugar?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Ah, a set of answers already. You must be sitting by the computer waiting for my questions.
Have you received answers to your questions so far?
Have you figured out who anyone else's Invisible Friends are?
Have you any idea what to draw for me? Have you any suggestions for what I should draw for my IF?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Now a movie question!
What do you think about pigs?
*bonus points for a correct answer*
Quote from: Aiyno on April 22, 2008, 11:48:41 AM
Dear invisible friend;
Are you made out of sugar?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
*rolls d20*
I'm made of various cells.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 22, 2008, 11:56:52 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Ah, a set of answers already. You must be sitting by the computer waiting for my questions.
Have you received answers to your questions so far?
Have you figured out who anyone else's Invisible Friends are?
Have you any idea what to draw for me? Have you any suggestions for what I should draw for my IF?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear Llearch,
Gabi nudged me.
I have received and given what I expected.
I know who yours is, isn't that enough?
We should both draw a triangle.
I see that a little nudge can go a long way.
Hey invisible friend dude, is life a roleplay or what?
I mean, shizzle.. what you skippin' me questions, dude.
Dear Aiyno, that may have been a mistake on my behalf. I believe that
Quote*rolls d20*
was an answer to that question.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 22, 2008, 12:05:57 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Now a movie question!
What do you think about pigs?
*bonus points for a correct answer*
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
I think they roll in the mud too much.
I don't think I get bonus points for that one.
Dear Invisible Friend,
It was meant to be from Pulp Fiction!
"Pigs eat, sleep and wash in crap. That makes them a filthy animal."
aye, so it be gabi's fault.
eey, invisible person thing,
What is happenin' in your environment.
Dear Transparent Tantaliser,
Have you read A Fire Upon The Deep? If not, does it sound like something you might be interested in?
How do you feel about management?
Answers, anyone?
[Edit: thanks to responding to my gentle prodding.]
Quote from: Aiyno on April 24, 2008, 11:48:59 AM
aye, so it be gabi's fault.
eey, invisible person thing,
What is happenin' in your environment.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Not much, my cat is craving attention and gets it by typing with his nose for me.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:05:19 PM
Dear Transparent Tantaliser,
Have you read A Fire Upon The Deep? If not, does it sound like something you might be interested in?
How do you feel about management?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible FriendDear llearch
No I have not, depends on the writer, I guess.
It´s an awful job that sometimes seems to have equally awful people doing it.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Busy couple of days.
Do you hear a drum in the Deeps?
Have you seen the Hornburg?
Do you have a knife that can cut through "worlds?"
Do you know a sadistic computer that is pulled in two directions by its programming?
[This is not useful to you guys in any way and you should ignore it...or should you?] (http://angstdragon.110mb.com/stuff/if-questions.html)
You guys sure are boring. This round ends in a few days and I don't have any idea who any of you are!
And have any of you even drawn anything? (I haven't seen anything, but then again, I may be blind.) All of you guys're gonna LOSE if you don't. >:3 That'd be fun to see. best if round evur.
As crazy as that post was, Dakata does have a point about the drawings.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on April 24, 2008, 11:32:48 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
It was meant to be from Pulp Fiction!
"Pigs eat, sleep and wash in crap. That makes them a filthy animal."
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
Sorry, but I haven't seen Pulp Fiction. Probably should, though.
Quote from: VSMIT on April 25, 2008, 06:27:16 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Busy couple of days.
Do you hear a drum in the Deeps?
Have you seen the Hornburg?
Do you have a knife that can cut through "worlds?"
Do you know a sadistic computer that is pulled in two directions by its
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
That's ok, I've been busy myself.
Not usually, I prefer being above ground.
Not since I left the country.
No, I haven't even found a copy of the compass to read.
Do you know one that isn't?
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Will you please come here and post now? And send your drawings too.
but but.. behind! ... wait...
Dear Invisible Friend?
Can you draw?
If so, can you draw well?
If not, have you ever taken steps to improve your skills?
Less than 2 hours left...
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible FriendDear Danny,
Since it's impossible to answer a question that doesn't exist yet, here's a little something to get those creative juices flowing.
(http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2411/dannysaysnoomf4.th.jpg) (http://img232.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dannysaysnoomf4.jpg)
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend(http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/3983/geddyleebk8.png) (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/3983/geddyleebk8.png)
Quote from: VSMIT on April 28, 2008, 11:20:32 PM
Dear Invisible Friend?
Can you draw?
If so, can you draw well?
If not, have you ever taken steps to improve your skills?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
... I think the image attached should clear any misapprehensions you
might have about that particular subject.
I have taken steps, but saly, I spend a lot of my time too busy to draw
anything, which means when I want to, I lack any of the practice...
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna's Invisible Friend(http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/5107/image1ub1.th.jpg) (http://img177.imageshack.us/my.php?image=image1ub1.jpg)
...And everyone has made it at the last miute! Or at least the last hour.
It's technically 6 minutes early at the time of this edit, but you may post your guesses now. After all, everyone has sent something and I don't think anything else will be sent within the next 6 minutes.
I'm at a loss, really. I truly don't know who my IF is.
However, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess at Dannysaysnoo.
VSMIT? I really don't know :B
i go for VSMIT.
I'm gonna guess Aiyno.
Wow, nobody guessed llearch!
Ok, here are the results.
llearch guessed Dannysaysnoo. He guessed poorly. His IF was Aiyno.
Aiyno guessed VSMIT. He wasn't right either. His IF was Dannysaysnoo.
Danny also guessed VSMIT. In this case, he was right. Well done!
VSMIT guessed Aiyno. He was wrong, as his IF was llearch.
As can be deduced from above, the sole winner of round 26 is Dannysaysnoo!
Whee! I win!
Congrats, Danny.
Aiyno, I had -no- idea. Well done indeed.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 01, 2008, 11:58:19 AM
Congrats, Danny.
Aiyno, I had -no- idea. Well done indeed.
....I like pie.
So... who's hosting and who's playing the next round?
I can do either.
can do. Join.
I'm happy to host.
I'd rather not play, though, since I don't seem to have the time to do any drawing of late. :-/
I'll join. c:
You guys better not suck this time. D:<
I'll go for it again.
win lose or sing i want to try and play this round.
I'll sign up too. Is singing required this time?
No, I think you managed to avoid the typo.
i man no typo. i meant win lose or sing since in the game we are meant to draw. it was a joke that fell flatter then wily's victory graph
So when does the game start?
I think when we figure out who's hosting.
Ewps. I knew I forgot something.
I'll get it sorted in an hour or two, when I get to work.
Jaken: rock, paper, scissors extreme match up!
Round 27 of Invisible Friend is now in progress!
Aiyno, Dak, e_voyager, Gabi, and VSMIT should all have a pm telling them who their Visible Friend is.
Game On!
And we'll close it off, oh, about the end of Saturday the 24th of May.
Dear Invisible friend:
- What were you doing before you started playing?
- Male, female, or Dak?
- Do you have evil finals to worry about? :C
Hello, Invisible Friend!
How are you? Were you eagerly awaiting the beginning of this round, had you forgotten about it, or something in between? What were you doing when you got llearch's PM?
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Did you play in the previous round of this game?
Have you ever hosted a round of Invisible Friend?
dear invisible friend
How are you doing?
now on the the real questions.
i have awakened to a dream but who is the dreamer?
do you have more post then can fit in a bread box?
do you have hair?
Invisible friend,
Quote from: Gabi on May 10, 2008, 02:10:06 PM
Hello, Invisible Friend!
How are you? Were you eagerly awaiting the beginning of this round, had you forgotten about it, or something in between? What were you doing when you got llearch's PM?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
How are you?
i'm fine. how are you?
Were you eagerly awaiting the beginning of this round, had you forgotten about it, or something in between?
i wasn't eager, but i also hadn't forgotten about it. i was just wondering when it was going to start.
What were you doing when you got llearch's PM?
i had just gotten home from being out somewhere.
Quote from: VSMIT on May 10, 2008, 11:48:54 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Did you play in the previous round of this game?
Have you ever hosted a round of Invisible Friend?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
old enough to know better.
i've played before as for which round er....that you'll have to guess.
only three people who have done that and if i told you that would be telling too much.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 11, 2008, 03:16:49 AM
Invisible friend,
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
You sure made me do a lot of work, Aiyno. ;P
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm good, just trying to decide which of my long an difficult tasks to do first and which ones to postpone.
How has your weekend been so far? Have you done anything interesting, fun or relaxing? Or are you stuck with a lot of work to do just like me? Or maybe you've found a balance? If so, please let me know how.
Since we've all played on previous rounds, could you please tell me something you liked or enjoyed about a round you've played before?
dear invisible friend,
A, B or C ?
Quote from: e_voyager on May 11, 2008, 02:14:52 AM
dear invisible friend
How are you doing?
now on the the real questions.
i have awakened to a dream but who is the dreamer?
do you have more post then can fit in a bread box?
do you have hair?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
i'm fine thank yu. and you?
no, i don't think so.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 12, 2008, 09:22:54 AM
dear invisible friend,
A, B or C ?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I'm going to have to say A, because it's better than B's and C's school-wise. :B
Quote from: Gabi on May 11, 2008, 10:22:55 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm good, just trying to decide which of my long an difficult tasks to do first and which ones to postpone.
How has your weekend been so far? Have you done anything interesting, fun or relaxing? Or are you stuck with a lot of work to do just like me? Or maybe you've found a balance? If so, please let me know how.
Since we've all played on previous rounds, could you please tell me something you liked or enjoyed about a round you've played before?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
it was ok. i've had better and worse before.
the balance i've found is finding work in a field i enjoy. that way, no matter what the workload, i can find solace in the fact that i actually like doing it.
i like how someone besides you or llearch finally got the courage to host.
Invisible friend, why aren't you answering me? :c
Poke him/her, Llearch!
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
i like how someone besides you or llearch finally got the courage to host.
Who else hosted?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is your hair long, short, or nonexistent?
Have you ever had a conversation with a science teacher on the subject of existentialism?
D, E, or F?
Yes or no?
If train A was traveling east from Los Angeles at 50 MPH, and train B was traveling west on the same track from Las Vegas at 75 MPH, how quickly could you lose money playing slots at the Bellagio?
Quote from: Dak on May 12, 2008, 09:34:49 PM
Invisible friend, why aren't you answering me? :c
Poke him/her, Llearch!
I intend to. In fact, I've been looking out for them being online for the last day or so, in order to do so.
Yes, dear IF, I liked that too. What about you? Do you think you could/would like to host a round someday?
Do you have any plans for the drawing you'll send me, or are you counting on coming up with something at the last minute?
And why is it that you use otherwise correct grammar and vocabulary, but no capitals? I don't mean to criticise, I just find it strange and would like to know if there's a reason.
And to Dak, e_voyager hosted once. It was fun.
Oh, and to my IF/VSMIT/anyone who may want to respond: what's with the nonexistent hair option? Who here doesn't have hair?
my guess is then mean avatars in which non organic avatars like those boxy and myself would be suspect . but there are things that they forget.
dear invisible friend
have you you been my invisible friend before?
do you know the words to the 1812 overture?
i'm looking for sanity have you seen them?
what do any of these question have anything to do with finding out who you are?
Quote from: VSMIT on May 13, 2008, 12:11:37 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Is your hair long, short, or nonexistent?
Have you ever had a conversation with a science teacher on the subject of existentialism?
D, E, or F?
Yes or no?
If train A was traveling east from Los Angeles at 50 MPH, and train B was traveling west on the same track from Las Vegas at 75 MPH, how quickly could you lose money playing slots at the Bellagio?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
it exist. that's about all it does.
no i don't think i have.
in what frame of reference?
as quickly as you can pull the handle
Quote from: Dak on May 10, 2008, 12:37:46 PM
Dear Invisible friend:
- What were you doing before you started playing?
- Male, female, or Dak?
- Do you have evil finals to worry about? :C
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak:
A once was a Homo sapien.
Yes, how could I not be?
They are not evil, just misunderstood.
Dear Invisible friend:
- Why did you take so long to answer? :c
- Is the picture you're going to draw for me going to be extra-special since my birthday's on Monday? c:
- What's 0 divided by 0? 0 or 1? ...Or some other number? :P
- Do you have an A in your username?
- Do you have any idea what that "sanity" thing E's talking about is? I have no idea.
Dear Invisible Friend:
The frame of reference is just that. I would like to know which letter of the three you prefer.
How quickly can you pull the handle?
Can you touch-type?
Quote from: Gabi on May 13, 2008, 09:55:19 AM
Yes, dear IF, I liked that too. What about you? Do you think you could/would like to host a round someday?
Do you have any plans for the drawing you'll send me, or are you counting on coming up with something at the last minute?
And why is it that you use otherwise correct grammar and vocabulary, but no capitals? I don't mean to criticise, I just find it strange and would like to know if there's a reason.
And to Dak, e_voyager hosted once. It was fun.
Oh, and to my IF/VSMIT/anyone who may want to respond: what's with the nonexistent hair option? Who here doesn't have hair?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
i think it would be enjoyable, but i just don't have the time.
i'm working on plans, but i probably won't draw it until the last day.
i'm feeling lazy. it's too much work to move my pinky over to hit the shift button.
i don't know who or who does not have hair, but i'm betting that vsmit's option of "nonexistent" means for people who shave their heads. or their bodies.
Quote from: e_voyager on May 13, 2008, 11:06:46 AM
my guess is then mean avatars in which non organic avatars like those boxy and myself would be suspect . but there are things that they forget.
dear invisible friend
have you you been my invisible friend before?
do you know the words to the 1812 overture?
i'm looking for sanity have you seen them?
what do any of these question have anything to do with finding out who you are?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
maybe. maybe not.
it has words?
nope. never seen them.
is this a test?
what happens if we answer questions with more questions?
Quote from: VSMIT on May 13, 2008, 08:20:04 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
The frame of reference is just that. I would like to know which letter of the three you prefer.
How quickly can you pull the handle?
Can you touch-type?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
my favorite is not there
i've never tried i'm guessing once every 3 seconds
more of a use dragon naturally speaking type.
Ok, now let's move to some simple questions because I don't have much time today.
Do you have a favorite letter? A favorite color? A favorite number?
If so, what are they? If not, why not?
dear invisible friend
a test? that's a marvelless ideal.
should i test you now?
do you think you'll pass?
are you some kind of robot?
can you win on jeopardy?
Quote from: Gabi on May 14, 2008, 10:45:06 AM
Ok, now let's move to some simple questions because I don't have much time today.
Do you have a favorite letter? A favorite color? A favorite number?
If so, what are they? If not, why not?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
i do.
m; black; exactly half of a range i'm given.
Quote from: e_voyager on May 14, 2008, 12:10:17 PM
dear invisible friend
a test? that's a marvelless ideal.
should i test you now?
do you think you'll pass?
are you some kind of robot?
can you win on jeopardy?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
it's ok, i didn't expect it to be marvellous.
no, please. i mean no, thanks.
i don't know. what's the test on?
i thought you were the only robot here.
never tried.
Dear invisible friend,
What do you think of Zeus and his curse for mankind after they learned how to make fire?
Are you evil, good or something else?
Are you an open book or a safe?
Are you a box or a rock?
Is this the time?
What are you doing at the moment?
What time zone do you reside in?
Are you on fire?
Do you like pie?
Is this a choice left only to you?
Are you trying to hide?
Why are questions so hard to think up?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
What kind of an animal are you?
Do you believe in superstition?
Are you superstitious?
Are you even going to think about answering all of these in a decent way?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What are your thoughts on Prometheus?
Does time exist?
Are we all just figments of another person's imagination?
Dost thou know of Shakespeare?
Cake or Pie?
Hal or GLaDOS?
Clinton or Obama?
dear friend in hiding
you have hair this is good. you have a name but that name is hidden. i will aak you this.
do you have an "i" in your screen name?
are you a aware of the show sliders?
do you know the muffin man?
"the cat alive are turning to stone" how does this affect you?
if you're not a robot and you forgot about tech master glitch then what you you?
genus would be fine i'm just looking for a barn to fly fish from.
do you like my new sig?
Lleach, I'm being neglected again! :dface
:c :c :c
Quote from: Dak on May 13, 2008, 04:54:22 PM
Dear Invisible friend:
- Why did you take so long to answer? :c
- Is the picture you're going to draw for me going to be extra-special since my birthday's on Monday? c:
- What's 0 divided by 0? 0 or 1? ...Or some other number? :P
- Do you have an A in your username?
- Do you have any idea what that "sanity" thing E's talking about is? I have no idea.
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak.
Sorry, I always forget the answering part of the game, but I will eventually learn!
Coincidence! One of my grampa's uncles, children is also having one on that day
Divide by zero error
That or I am named VSMIT, I am not sure which one yet.
Sanity is the polar opposite of insanity.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 15, 2008, 02:01:44 PM
Dear invisible friend,
What do you think of Zeus and his curse for mankind after they learned how to make fire?
Are you evil, good or something else?
Are you an open book or a safe?
Are you a box or a rock?
Is this the time?
What are you doing at the moment?
What time zone do you reside in?
Are you on fire?
Do you like pie?
Is this a choice left only to you?
Are you trying to hide?
Why are questions so hard to think up?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
What kind of an animal are you?
Do you believe in superstition?
Are you superstitious?
Are you even going to think about answering all of these in a decent way?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
I don't know.
I'm something in between, although I'm sure many people would disagree with me.
I like to think of myself as a book written in a dead language. I tell people things that they don't quite understand.
I'm a rock...when I play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
This is never the time.
Reading webcomics and answering your questions.
None of them, I live on the moon.
Last time I checked, no.
Hmm...Depends what kind.
Hide from you, yes. I'm trying to make sure you don't figure out who I am! :P
Because thinking is hard? Because you're lazy? Because you're tired? Because the host of this game is a box?
It's a pretty color.
It's a secret.
A human.
Quote from: VSMIT on May 15, 2008, 08:57:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What are your thoughts on Prometheus?
Does time exist?
Are we all just figments of another person's imagination?
Dost thou know of Shakespeare?
Cake or Pie?
Hal or GLaDOS?
Clinton or Obama?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
he was a fool but a fool for good reasons . his gamble may yet pan out
it is the measure of motion
all of life is a stage and the stage my very well be a dream but tell me; are we the actors who shape reality, the audience who watch it or the authors who script it?
the bard is know if not proven to be real.
i don't know those two.
i vote for air lock
Quote from: Dak on May 16, 2008, 04:43:37 AM
Lleach, I'm being neglected again! :dface
:c :c :c
No, you're not. I was just waiting on a second response, is all. :-P
Exactly half of a range you're given? But that could be any number. What if you're given no range?
What about complex numbers? How do define "half of a range" among them?
And what do you like about the black color?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you play any internet games?
If so what?
if not, why not?
Do you watch cartoons from time to time?
Do you watch anime?
Do you watch Sci-fi?
Do you watch drama?
Do you know how to delete your entity from the universe?
Dear IF:
How much mud could a mudkip kip if a mudkip could kip mud?
Do you have a deviantART account?
Do you speak any languages besides English?
Do you read DMFA, Last Resort, or one (or more) of Darkmoon's comics?
If so, which one(s)?
Have you won the IF game before?
Quote from: e_voyager on May 16, 2008, 01:03:11 AM
dear friend in hiding
you have hair this is good. you have a name but that name is hidden. i will aak you this.
do you have an "i" in your screen name?
are you a aware of the show sliders?
do you know the muffin man?
"the cat alive are turning to stone" how does this affect you?
if you're not a robot and you forgot about tech master glitch then what you you?
genus would be fine i'm just looking for a barn to fly fish from.
do you like my new sig?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
only Dak doesn't.
yes. but it's over.
i know a few.
it sounds scary.
tech master glitch 's not playing this game. i'm human.
can i fly fish with you?
nice rhymes.
Quote from: Gabi on May 16, 2008, 07:06:02 AM
Exactly half of a range you're given? But that could be any number. What if you're given no range?
What about complex numbers? How do define "half of a range" among them?
And what do you like about the black color?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
if i'm given no range, then i have no favorite number. simple, eh?
since complex numbers technically don't exist, i can't really have a favorite among them, can i?
i like how it is the absence of something, instead of the presence of something.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 16, 2008, 11:34:15 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you play any internet games?
If so what?
if not, why not?
Do you watch cartoons from time to time?
Do you watch anime?
Do you watch Sci-fi?
Do you watch drama?
Do you know how to delete your entity from the universe?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Yes, I play internet games, but I haven't played any in a while. :( I play on Neopets, sometimes Gaia Online, and one or two I'm somewhat ashamed of mentioning. (No, they're not dirty! ;P)
I watch cartoons if they're good and I'm not busy with something.
I watch anime and drama, but not sci-fi. I don't hate it and I don't mind watching it from time to time, but I just prefer shows that aren't full of space ships, lasers and aliens. The only sci-fi I can think of that I like is Cowboy Bebop.
No, but if I did, I would try to see if I could delete other entities from the universe. :)
Quote from: Dak on May 16, 2008, 08:42:05 PM
Dear IF:
How much mud could a mudkip kip if a mudkip could kip mud?
Do you have a deviantART account?
Do you speak any languages besides English?
Do you read DMFA, Last Resort, or one (or more) of Darkmoon's comics?
If so, which one(s)?
Have you won the IF game before?
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak,
I have to be able to comment on people *shrugs*
I don't speak, I never speak.
Those ones.
Pff, answered once again.
Dear invisible friend,
Are you interested in computers?
Are you interested into how machines work?
So I guess You aren't a fan of giant robots, which was going to be my next question *shrugs*
Do you like guns? or have a general interest in them?
Dear Inivisible friend,
How many webcomics do you read?
What do you do in your spare time?
Is my drawing going to be a dragon? :>
What kind of music do you like?
Do you think you know who your invisible friend is?
Complex numbers are as abstract as real numbers, and as made up as the latter. They can be found in many scientific calculations and results. Why do you say they don't exist?
Real numbers are called real, but you won't find them on the street either. They're an abstract concept and don't exist anymore than complex numbers do (or exist just as much, it's a matter of perspective).
Dear Invisible Friend,
Who is your favorite Greek/Roman God?
Who is your least favorite?
Who do you think should be included more in the parties on Mt. Olympus?
Are you getting tired of the mythology questions?
Quote from: Aiyno on May 17, 2008, 09:50:12 AM
Pff, answered once again.
Dear invisible friend,
Are you interested in computers?
Are you interested into how machines work?
So I guess You aren't a fan of giant robots, which was going to be my next question *shrugs*
Do you like guns? or have a general interest in them?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
What's so bad getting answers to your questions? :) It would be easier for you to figure out who I am! ...Or not.
Of course I'm interested in computers. If I wasn't, would I be playing this game?
They work because of magic, right?
Well, I used to watch G Gundam quite a lot when it was on Cartoon Network years ago. One of my favorite animes.
In video games, yes. In real life, not really. It's easier to shoot people (and get away with it) in games. :P
Quote from: Gabi on May 17, 2008, 10:38:14 PM
Complex numbers are as abstract as real numbers, and as made up as the latter. They can be found in many scientific calculations and results. Why do you say they don't exist?
Real numbers are called real, but you won't find them on the street either. They're an abstract concept and don't exist anymore than complex numbers do (or exist just as much, it's a matter of perspective).
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
Why do you say they don't exist?
i only say they don't exist because they are created from attempting to find the square root of a negative number. finding the square root of a negative number is like finding the answer to any number divided by zero. while calculus has been able to solve this problem, i'm pretty sure that it hasn't solved the non-real numbers issue. because squares of any kind can only be positive (via the +*+=+, -*-=-, and +*-=- rule), and the square roots of any said number can only be both positive or both negative, you cannot possibly create a square using a positive and a negative. which is where the i comes in. since i is a non-real number, the number it creates is likewise not truly "real." i'd go into it more, but i don't feel like having an existential conversation right now.
Ah... I hate to break this to you, but -*-=- is invalid. -*-=+; that's why squares are always positive, and square roots are both positive and negative. Typo on your part? ;-]
This is just ....
simply just pie.
Dear invisible friend,
1 or 2?
2 or 3?
4 or 5?
5 or 1?
Are you a fan of Zero?
That was probably a typo, llearch. But this is a semantic discussion, not an existential one. Anyway, irrational numbers were created to solve problems like the square root of 2, or the relation between the diameter of a circle and its perimeter. Rational numbers were created to solve the problem of dividing numbers by other numbers that weren't their divisors. Negative numbers were created to solve the problem of substracting a larger number from a smaller one. And before that, natural numbers were creating to solve the problem of counting. All numbers have been created to satisfy a need.
Anyway, if you're not interested in discussing this, what would you rather discuss?
dear invisible friend
do you have and odd number of letters in your screen name?
do you have the letter e in your screen name? er scratch that the letter a... no scratch that do you have more the one vowel in you screen named?
do you like robots?
have you every met and energy being?
do you like teachers?
Quote from: Dak on May 17, 2008, 04:56:40 PM
Dear Inivisible friend,
How many webcomics do you read?
What do you do in your spare time?
Is my drawing going to be a dragon? :>
What kind of music do you like?
Do you think you know who your invisible friend is?
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak,
I probably should watch more, plenty of good ones out there in the jungle that is the internet.
I know of no such thing, what is this spare time you speak of?
Probably not, it´s likely going to be somewhat a simple scribble of some kind, but I am not certain.
Anything but Country, Rap and Classical.
Most likely I assume that this person is possibly not me but someone else, I am furthering my research around this possible possibility.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 18, 2008, 07:57:51 AM
This is just ....
simply just pie.
Dear invisible friend,
1 or 2?
2 or 3?
4 or 5?
5 or 1?
Are you a fan of Zero?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
How is this pie? :)
2, 2, 5, and 5.
And yes, I am.
Are you going to ask me why I prefer these numbers? :)
Dear Invisible Friend:
- Are you done with my drawing yet? :B The round ends in a few days. And yes, I know I have to make one for my visible friend too.
-What are some of your favorite things?
-Do you like school?
-Do you use Firefox, IE, or some other browser? (I have to know if you're cool or not.)
-How much white is in your avatar? :B
Quote from: VSMIT on May 17, 2008, 10:40:31 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Who is your favorite Greek/Roman God?
Who is your least favorite?
Who do you think should be included more in the parties on Mt. Olympus?
Are you getting tired of the mythology questions?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Quote from: Gabi on May 18, 2008, 09:41:12 AM
That was probably a typo, llearch. But this is a semantic discussion, not an existential one. Anyway, irrational numbers were created to solve problems like the square root of 2, or the relation between the diameter of a circle and its perimeter. Rational numbers were created to solve the problem of dividing numbers by other numbers that weren't their divisors. Negative numbers were created to solve the problem of substracting a larger number from a smaller one. And before that, natural numbers were creating to solve the problem of counting. All numbers have been created to satisfy a need.
Anyway, if you're not interested in discussing this, what would you rather discuss?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
sorry, that was a typo. i guess i was going too fast.
i'd rather discuss politics and religion, but that wouldn't do well here.
Quote from: e_voyager on May 19, 2008, 01:28:12 AM
dear invisible friend
do you have and odd number of letters in your screen name?
do you have the letter e in your screen name? er scratch that the letter a... no scratch that do you have more the one vowel in you screen named?
do you like robots?
have you every met and energy being?
do you like teachers?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
yes. and an even one too.
*pokes the question with a stick* the question has sharp teeth!
now that one has lost all its teeth. what?
not every energy being, but i've met a few.
depends on the teacher.
Why wouldn't it do well here? Is it any more off-topic than discussing numbers?
Or do you tend to be too aggressive when discussing those topics?
dear invisible friend
my post count is scary to me is it scary to you?
speaking of post counts is your visible post count over 500?
you making this fun. have you played this game here before?
have you changed your screen name in the past year?
look out the :januscat is after you! what will we do?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What don't you like about Apollo? Since he's the bringer of light, I would think that people would at least see him as someone to be feared, since he can just say, "Well, I don't want to do this anymore. Good luck with the eternal night!"
What is your favorite mythological creature?
What is your favorite branch of ancient mythology (Greek, Norse, Japanese, etc.)?
Dear invisible friend,
do you have any pets?
how large is your largest window?
how high is your door?
this is question number four.
Quote from: Dak on May 20, 2008, 08:00:58 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
- Are you done with my drawing yet? :B The round ends in a few days. And yes, I know I have to make one for my visible friend too.
-What are some of your favorite things?
-Do you like school?
-Do you use Firefox, IE, or some other browser? (I have to know if you're cool or not.)
-How much white is in your avatar? :B
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak
I have possession of required material.
Well the things that I like a lot, enjoy a lot and find helpful I guess.
School did/does not like me.
Firefox, sometimes IE.
Enough to suffice, yet...
Quote from: Gabi on May 20, 2008, 11:05:48 AM
Why wouldn't it do well here? Is it any more off-topic than discussing numbers?
Or do you tend to be too aggressive when discussing those topics?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
it wouldn't do well here for two reasons. #1, it's against my internal forum rules to discus things that could get a lot of people pissed at me extremely quickly, and it would probably start an online religious war and get a lot of people pissed at me extremely quickly. it is not as off topic as our previous discussion of numbers, as you had asked me what my favorite was, and i answered you, which prompted the question about non-real and irrational numbers.
like i said before, it's not that i would be too aggressive, it's that everyone else would be.
Quote from: VSMIT on May 20, 2008, 06:52:16 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What don't you like about Apollo? Since he's the bringer of light, I would think that people would at least see him as someone to be feared, since he can just say, "Well, I don't want to do this anymore. Good luck with the eternal night!"
What is your favorite mythological creature?
What is your favorite branch of ancient mythology (Greek, Norse, Japanese, etc.)?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear Invisible Friend,
light is a fickle and temporary thing. it was dark before the universe as we know it and before the universe dies all light is to be a thing of the pass as well .
i'd say the chimera
dance like a Egyptian!
Apologies for the delay - work is ramping up rapidly for me, with several outages waiting in thw ings to make my life very very busy. The rest of the week, there may be some delays.
Why do you think so lowly of everyone else?
Dear invisible friend:
- Name all of the people playing the game in the order you like them. >:3 From best to worst. Including yourself of course. (If you left yourself out, I'd know who you are!)
- Do you think I know who you are?
- Do you think I at least have an idea of who you are?
- Is E's post count scary to you?
Quote from: e_voyager on May 20, 2008, 01:24:10 PM
dear invisible friend
my post count is scary to me is it scary to you?
speaking of post counts is your visible post count over 500?
you making this fun. have you played this game here before?
have you changed your screen name in the past year?
look out the :januscat is after you! what will we do?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
i'm not afraid of numbers.
what's a visible post count? is there an invisible one?
thanks, i'm having fun. yes, i've played before.
i have many screen names.
er... run?
Quote from: Aiyno on May 20, 2008, 11:56:18 PM
Dear invisible friend,
do you have any pets?
how large is your largest window?
how high is your door?
this is question number four.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I drew you a cookie but I ated it. So I drew you a kitty to make up for it.
I hope you forgive me.
Nope, no pets.
On my house? Very big. On the computer? About half the screen.
As high as a normal door.
That's not a question.
What, is nobody asking questions?
Quote from: Dak on May 21, 2008, 04:51:57 PM
Dear invisible friend:
- Name all of the people playing the game in the order you like them. >:3 From best to worst. Including yourself of course. (If you left yourself out, I'd know who you are!)
- Do you think I know who you are?
- Do you think I at least have an idea of who you are?
- Is E's post count scary to you?
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Dak
There is no order, there is only a unreadable dump-age of letters on top of another.
I know who I know I am, but I don't know if you know who I know I am.
Ideas make the world go around in a circle.
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
i hope you like it.
Dear Invisible Friend,
What brought you to this forum in the first place?
Do you know what Zero Punctuation is?
Have you participated in "The ban game, v02?"
Are you going to now, just to spite me?
Maybe you could make the round a week longer or two....and tell everyone to stop being lazy and ask/answer questions? :P
Dear Invisible Friend:
- Right now, at the exact moment I post this, what kind of number is your post count, even or odd?
- Why'd you join the forum?
- Have you played the Ban game at all?
- Are you going to now, just to spite VSMIT?
(I'm not stealing from VSMIT, he just went a few hours into the future to steal my questions. :P Really! You believe me, right IF?)
dear invisible friend.
the time is ticking down thanks for the gift
do you think i'll lose the round?
do you know i haven't had this much fun in a long while?
\are you in the hall of fame under your current name?
can you spot the picture i sent my visible friend?
are you and apf?
did you learn invisible from the invisible man?
do you know who won the rat race?
do you think theses question she satisfy boxy the mod?
Quote from: Gabi on May 21, 2008, 09:51:47 AM
Why do you think so lowly of everyone else?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
i think a bit lowly of the general public because they seem to be prone to idiocy when in a large group. forums are no different. as soon as a member decides to make a comment another party deems "offensive," everybody jumps on either the original poster or the second party's back. mob mentality is not just for mobs. and i've had personal experience with this kind of thing. you can't try to argue your thoughts against religion with a devout person successfully. i've tried to discuss evolution with someone who believes in "intelligent design." it didn't work.
Quote from: VSMIT on May 22, 2008, 07:09:06 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What brought you to this forum in the first place?
Do you know what Zero Punctuation is?
Have you participated in "The ban game, v02?"
Are you going to now, just to spite me?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
I followed the herd.
yes i do.
have you?
do you think me so shallow?
would you like some tea?
I've had far better experiences than the ones you describe. I think it all depends on whether the people involved respect each other or not. If the aim of the discussion is to prove the other person is an idiot, nothing good will come out of it and you're likely to make a fool of yourself in the process. But if you want to share your opinion and listen to the other without offending him/her, then it can work.
So, back to the original question. What is it that you want?
Quote from: Dak on May 22, 2008, 09:07:45 PM
Maybe you could make the round a week longer or two....and tell everyone to stop being lazy and ask/answer questions? :P
Er... No, I don't think so. :-P
Quote from: Dak on May 22, 2008, 09:07:45 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
- Right now, at the exact moment I post this, what kind of number is your post count, even or odd?
- Why'd you join the forum?
- Have you played the Ban game at all?
- Are you going to now, just to spite VSMIT?
(I'm not stealing from VSMIT, he just went a few hours into the future to steal my questions. :P Really! You believe me, right IF?)
Quote from: Dak's Invisible Friend
Dear Invisible Friend:
Depends on what forum.
Because I felt like it.
Wha? :<
Quote from: e_voyager on May 23, 2008, 02:17:25 AM
dear invisible friend.
the time is ticking down thanks for the gift
do you think i'll lose the round?
do you know i haven't had this much fun in a long while?
\are you in the hall of fame under your current name?
can you spot the picture i sent my visible friend?
are you and apf?
did you learn invisible from the invisible man?
do you know who won the rat race?
do you think theses question she satisfy boxy the mod?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
you're welcome.
really? cool.
let me guess. is it the one with the thingy?
i'm me, myself and i.
no, but i bet it was a rat.
i dunno. ask him.
Quote from: Dakata's Invisible Friend
Quote from: Gabi on May 23, 2008, 01:38:28 PM
So, back to the original question. What is it that you want?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
dear gabi,
not much, actually. just to have a conversation in which i don't have to
think that much.
the monster will get the skier.
Since everyone seems to be waiting, all I can do is apologise for the delay - one of the servers at work died, and I'm now sitting in the office attempting to finish the replacement work I started on Wednesday.
Obviously it'd be so much easier if I had the original server still up and running, so I could copy data off it... *cough*
Everyone appears to have answered, and everyone appears to have supplied an image, so go to it. The game is now over, and it's time to post your guesses for who your Invisible Friend is.
/me rolls a dice.
I like the roofer aparently, I tag you Dakkey.
Dak... roof... ugh.
runs a randomise program. funny i got Dak to but since i really don't know whom my invisible friend is that guess as as good and any. my my what a fun game this round.
I'm saying e_voyager.
Poor llearch. :mowsad I hope you can sort that out soon.
Is my IF VSMIT again? No offense meant.
I guess VSMIT.
I don't know who else it could be! :U
this was a great game my if had me second guessing myself from the start. too bad i've been to busy to really prob and find out who they were with and certainty but i like being paid more then.
Aiyno guessed Dak. He chose... well.
e_voyager chose Dak. He chose... poorly. e_voyager's IF was Gabi.
VSMIT chose e_voyager. He chose well.
Gabi chose VSMIT. She also chose well.
Dak chose VSMIT. He chose... poorly. His IF was Aiyno.
Aiyno, VSMIT, and Gabi are this round's winners. Congratulations!
Also, note that Aiyno and Dak made a nice little ring. This was unusual, and, since it randomly turned out so perfectly, I decided not to mess with it.
So. Who wants to host the next round? I'm happy to keep going...
congratulations. on top of everything Gabi you had me fooled and i didn't know who was answering my questions. most fun game i've had in a while.
I won.. I didn't deserve it though, because I was being a pushy brat.
I should burn in a fire hot and evil place.
Aww. :c It didn't
seem like Aiyno...I want a do-over!
I can't play in the next round though. Gonna be too busy. :C What, with finals and all.
Quote from: Aiyno on May 26, 2008, 02:02:51 PM
I won.. I didn't deserve it though, because I was being a pushy brat.
I should burn in a fire hot and evil place.
Yes, you should. :B You should give me your win too. I deserve it more because you were confusing and like you said, a pushy brat. Pushy brats don't deserve to win! Only winners and dragons and winning dragons deserve to win.
Quote from: Gabi on May 25, 2008, 07:06:19 PM
Is my IF VSMIT again? No offense meant.
No offense taken. You seem to get me a lot.
And Aiyno seems to enjoy making rings.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 26, 2008, 01:46:23 PMAlso, note that Aiyno and Dak made a nice little ring. This was unusual, and, since it randomly turned out so perfectly, I decided not to mess with it.
You and I have also done this... I thought it would be interesting to point out.
Thanks, e! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
I wouldn't mind hosting next round.
if you wish. i want in next round
Ok... anyone else?
aye, I
This looks fun! Can I join, please?
Because a game with only three people wouldn't be any fun, I'll join in once again. Just to mix things up.
Of course you can play, Darkdragon. Just remember to be active within the next 2 weeks. If you forget about this game, then both your Invisible Friend and your Visible Friend will be stuck waiting for you and that tends to take the fun out of the game.
Next round starts at this time tomorrow. More players can sign up until then.
I'll play, if that's alright. :3
welcome to the game good sir. may you enjoy it verily.
So we have:
I'm sending the PMs. Let the new round begin!
Dear invisible friend, Hi or hello?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I don't know why some say goodbye and other's say hello. Do you?
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I flew in from Miami and didn't get to bed last night, where am I?
Dear Invisible Friend:
If I walked into the room wearing a tie and a trench coat, what would your first reaction be?
Dear Invisible Friend:
Greetings and salutations would you like some tea?
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 03, 2008, 07:41:57 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
If I walked into the room wearing a tie and a trench coat, what would your first reaction be?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 04, 2008, 01:49:57 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 03, 2008, 07:41:57 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
If I walked into the room wearing a tie and a trench coat, what would your first reaction be?
You've chosen not to play this round, yet you can't help answering other people's questions? :rolleyes
Quote from: VSMIT on June 03, 2008, 06:20:04 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I flew in from Miami and didn't get to bed last night, where am I?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendAlbuquerque. Must have gotten on the wrong plane.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 03, 2008, 12:00:40 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I don't know why some say goodbye and other's say hello. Do you?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendDear visible friend Aloha
I'm sorry but i don't know why some say good by and others say hello.
Quote from: Gabi on June 04, 2008, 10:17:19 AM
You've chosen not to play this round, yet you can't help answering other people's questions? :rolleyes
I couldn't resist. I'm sure VSMIT appreciated the humour...
As for playing, I can do the questions, no problem. I can't do the art. And I have a list as long as my arm - and getting longer - of work tasks that need completing.
Dear llearch,
Why did you choose me to appreciate the humo(u)r? True, I laughed a bit, but I can think of a bunch of other people that probably would have, too.
Now to business:
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together, who am I?
Could it be possible that llearch is is my Invisible Friend?!
dear invisible friend
the game has begun and so rise the sun. the birds are in the trees but where too have gone the bees?
do you have more post the a bread box?
how many post are in a bread box?
the evolution of the forum has begins but what is evolution all about?
Quote from: VSMIT on June 04, 2008, 06:45:54 PM
Dear llearch,
Why did you choose me to appreciate the humo(u)r? True, I laughed a bit, but I can think of a bunch of other people that probably would have, too.
You moved. ;-]
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 04, 2008, 07:55:55 PM
Could it be possible that llearch is is my Invisible Friend?!
No. I'm not playing.
can be your Extremely Visible Friend, though. For just sixteen easy payments... ;-]
Quote from: Aiyno on June 03, 2008, 11:45:50 AM
Dear invisible friend, Hi or hello?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Quote from: VSMIT on June 04, 2008, 06:45:54 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together, who am I?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendI have no clue; for I know not who
But go see a shrink, like Doctor Ink.
Quote from: e_voyager on June 04, 2008, 01:41:37 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
Greetings and salutations would you like some tea?
Quote from: e_voyager on June 05, 2008, 03:23:46 AM
dear invisible friend
the game has begun and so rise the sun. the birds are in the trees but where too have gone the bees?
do you have more post the a bread box?
how many post are in a bread box?
the evolution of the forum has begins but what is evolution all about?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear E
Hi, Ya.
Dear E
A dozen
*Pokes Darkdragon's Invisible Friend.*
Dear invisible friend,
Is white chocolate really chocolate?
Is it tasty?
Is it tasty combined with.. coco?
Is cocoa the best thing ever?
Are you a resident of earth or are you just passing by?
Do you have a spaceship?
Do you believe that 'god' is a pizza, a pie or a box?
Madness or Insanity?
Endless war or Short peace?
Life short and die a hero or Life a long an common mans life?
Yes llreach, you can be my very visible friend. Just accept the 50 tech.
If you had a million dollars, would you buy anything for me?
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 05, 2008, 09:40:45 PM
Yes llreach, you can be my very visible friend. Just accept the 50 tech.
Wish I'd seen that before I accepted, I would have bartered for more... ;-]
Quote from: Aiyno on June 05, 2008, 02:23:45 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Is white chocolate really chocolate?
Is it tasty?
Is it tasty combined with.. coco?
Is cocoa the best thing ever?
Are you a resident of earth or are you just passing by?
Do you have a spaceship?
Do you believe that 'god' is a pizza, a pie or a box?
Madness or Insanity?
Endless war or Short peace?
Life short and die a hero or Life a long an common mans life?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Is white chocolate really chocolate?
Depends on whether you're racist against white chocolate.
Is it tasty?
Don't know. I don't know what "it" is.
Is it tasty combined with.. coco?
*See answer to previous question.*
Is cocoa the best thing ever?
No, I think sliced bread is a little better than that.
Are you a resident of earth or are you just passing by?
I have my interstellar passport, but I'm working on getting my work visa.
Do you have a spaceship?
To the stars? No.
Do you believe that 'god' is a pizza, a pie or a box?
The moon's in the sky like a big pizza pie, but God lives in a box. A box filled with monkeys. And he wears big black boots.
Madness or Insanity?
I don't live in a wood, so madness is out. I'm likewise not living in a padded room, so not that, either.
Endless war or Short peace?
Since it is literally impossible to have a truly endless war, I propose a third option. *See the rules for the banning game.*
Life short and die a hero or Life a long an common mans life?
Living a long, common man's life is much more fulfilling than dying a hero that nobody reveres.
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 03, 2008, 07:41:57 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
If I walked into the room wearing a tie and a trench coat, what would your first reaction be?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible FriendMy reaction would be to give you two friend chickens and an entire coke. Or dry toast.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 05, 2008, 10:05:21 PM
If you had a million dollars, would you buy anything for me?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible Friendif you had a million dollars, would you buy anything for me?
I'd buy you and emu.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you consider gluttony a major sin?
Cookies or biscuits?
Art thy one of tongues?
Are you fond of hypothetical situations?
Dear invisible friend,
Are you biased?
Are you yourself or someone you roleplay your entire life?
Do you like fishing?
Do you like baseball?
Do you like Soccer? or rather the -real- football not that what Americans play, How much foot usage is there?... >:3
Who is going to win the UEFA cup?
Dear invisible friend
sorry if i'm not around very much this time around but work is really working me over. but here have some home grown mint tea ( i blend spearmint and peppermint leaves for my blend)
have you ever been my invisible friend before?
have you ever played this game before?
do you worry about people talking about me behind my back?
I am destroyed form time to time in various ways it can and often is painful yet i live still and my body is rebuild sometimes by others.
would you like to build a new body that you can call your e?
Dear Invisible Friend,
When did all of my troubles seem so far away?
Have you noticed a trend in my questions?
Quote from: VSMIT on June 08, 2008, 01:42:02 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
When did all of my troubles seem so far away?
Have you noticed a trend in my questions?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendSince I've started putting them in my piña colada as some exotic flavouring.
Aside from the fact that they could probably be the selling lines of some song, no, I do not notice a trend.
Where is everyone else?
I am currently occupied with sand... water.. wind... rock.. trees... frost... fire... dark... light.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you know who The Beatles are?
Quote from: Aiyno on June 07, 2008, 04:09:16 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Are you biased?
Are you yourself or someone you roleplay your entire life?
Do you like fishing?
Do you like baseball?
Do you like Soccer? or rather the -real- football not that what Americans play, How much foot usage is there?... >:3
Who is going to win the UEFA cup?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
Are you biased?
Depends on if you're asking someone who likes me or doesn't like me.
Are you yourself or someone you roleplay your entire life?
I'm pretty sure I'm myself, as I don't roll 2d20 every other step to see if I fight a random monster.
Do you like fishing?
Haven't tried it, but it seems very boring.
Do you like baseball?
It comes and goes...
Do you like Soccer? or rather the -real- football not that what Americans play, How much foot usage is there?... >:3
I can't really call myself a fan of soccer, but I don't really like American Football either. And the only foot usage is when they do kickoffs or punts.
Who is going to win the UEFA cup?
Don't follow European stuff. Seems very "Old World."
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear E-voyager
Memory is only a burden in this game, as such I choose to remember nothing of such sort.
I am as experienced as I am inexperienced at some things, seeing as every game differs greatly in difficulty I can not say I have or have not as they are not the same.
In every being there is a hint of paranoia, we chose what to show and what not, but we hope never to be found out or misjudge.
In time my friend, in time I may rebuild you, however as you still exist there is no haste.
Quote from: VSMIT on June 08, 2008, 02:56:36 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you know who The Beatles are?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendWhy, I have a passing knowledge of them. I see no connection, but that is probably a symptom of ignorance of the subject at hand.
dear invisible friend
is it quiet time now?
what is the the most peaceful thing you can think of?
if you had the power too would you take over the world?(why or why not)
what is the single most perfect thing in this world?
Dear invisible friend,
Does my silence unnerve you?
For whom does the bell toll?
Quote from: e_voyager on June 10, 2008, 12:12:12 AM
dear invisible friend
is it quiet time now?
what is the the most peaceful thing you can think of?
if you had the power too would you take over the world?(why or why not)
what is the single most perfect thing in this world?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible FriendDear E
Possibly, I guess it all depends on you and maybe Gabi.
No, although I would try and steer it away from where it's heading now.
Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, is a A+ on your report not a perfect grade?
...Anyone else?
Hey, invisible friend!
Gabi wants answers so I give you with some more questions!
You agree to this, yes?
A 100 euros or 100 dollars?
a cat or a dog
are you, you and yourself?
I am rolling down the hill~ is it healthy?
Quote from: Aiyno on June 11, 2008, 12:38:07 AM
Hey, invisible friend!
Gabi wants answers so I give you with some more questions!
You agree to this, yes?
A 100 euros or 100 dollars?
a cat or a dog
are you, you and yourself?
I am rolling down the hill~ is it healthy?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
You agree to this, yes?
I generally make it a point not to agree to anything if they just say, "Say yes," unless I know exactly what they are asking.
A 100 euros or 100 dollars?
100 euros, definitely.
a cat or a dog
I can think of reasons for both.
Cats: Independent, don't have to let them in unless it's raining outside, and even then, they usually find shelter on their own.
Dogs: Fun to play with. I think that's it.
I think my choice is a cat.
are you, you and yourself?
I don't understand this question. Please fix the syntax.
I am rolling down the hill~ is it healthy?
#1: Depends on the grade of the hill.
#2: Depends on whether or not the hill is rocky or green.
#3: Depends on what color green the hill is (if any).
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 10, 2008, 11:03:42 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Does my silence unnerve you?
For whom does the bell toll?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible FriendNo everyone has been quiet lately.
Ask L he would know.
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 06, 2008, 07:41:53 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you consider gluttony a major sin?
Cookies or biscuits?
Art thy one of tongues?
Are you fond of hypothetical situations?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible FriendDear Invisible Friend,
Do you consider gluttony a major sin?
Gluttony doesn't just mean eating a lot, but somewhat.
Cookies or biscuits?
Art thy one of tongues?
I know no second language.
Are you fond of hypothetical situations?
I suppose it would depend on the situation.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you write poetry?
If not, have you tried?
If yes, do you enjoy it?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What keeps you so busy? Is it this newfangled object called "life"?
What if you woke up one morning and found yourself the subject of some secret government scientific experiment?
Dear invisible friend,
Move it or do not move it?
Zombies or vampires?
the :mowmeep or the :mowhappy
Are you :batman ?
Ninjas, Pirates or NinjaPirates?
dear invisible friend
do you know the muffin man?
i've forgotten my name. all i remember is that it starts with e. will you give me a new one name starting with e?
there are things that lurk in the dark and they are after me. will you help me escape them?
Quote from: VSMIT on June 12, 2008, 06:43:47 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you write poetry?
If not, have you tried?
If yes, do you enjoy it?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendWrite poetry? Perhaps I do,
In such a time and space,
Anything could happen,
Such as my poetry.
While I can't deny it,
I can't say I like it;
Yet it I do not dislike,
Perhaps a happy medium.
Quote from: Darkdragon on June 12, 2008, 07:54:55 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What keeps you so busy? Is it this newfangled object called "life"?
What if you woke up one morning and found yourself the subject of some secret government scientific experiment?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible FriendDear Invisible Friend,
What keeps you so busy? Is it this newfangled object called "life"?
Despite my business, I am never late. Nor am I early. I respond -precisely- when I mean to.
What if you woke up one morning and found yourself the subject of some secret government scientific experiment?
I'd probably be right pissed.
Quote from: Aiyno on June 13, 2008, 12:31:01 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Move it or do not move it?
Zombies or vampires?
the :mowmeep or the :mowhappy
Are you :batman ?
Ninjas, Pirates or NinjaPirates?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear invisible friend,
Move it or do not move it?
I like to move it move it.
Zombies or vampires?
Vampires. Especially Darkmoon.
the :mowmeep or the :mowhappy
Are you :batman ?
No, but I know who is.
Ninjas, Pirates or NinjaPirates?
PirateNinjas. Which are very different from NinjaPirates.
Dear invisible friend,
How many colors can you name in sixty seconds?
Do you like coffee?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What do you consider your greatest flaw? Your greatest vice?
Are you more partial to one of the elements?
Tea or Coffee?
What if you were waiting at the bus stop one day and you suddenly realize all your life you have been living a dream?
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 13, 2008, 06:36:33 PM
Dear invisible friend,
How many colors can you name in sixty seconds?
Do you like coffee?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's Invisible Friendeight. all the rest are shads of the others.
not really.
Dear Invisible Friend
Have you started on your picture yet?
Quote from: e_voyager on June 13, 2008, 12:34:25 AM
dear invisible friend
do you know the muffin man?
i've forgotten my name. all i remember is that it starts with e. will you give me a new one name starting with e?
there are things that lurk in the dark and they are after me. will you help me escape them?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Frienddear e_voyager
I know a muffin man, but not the muffin man.
As I lack the ability to come up with a somewhat interesting name starting with an e I will use the fantasy name generator and the Fantasy name generator names you Esstur. ( Or if you prefer you could use the effeminate 'Echtina' which it also supplies.)
They are actually very easy to escape from, just run into the light and the creatures of shadow will fade.
Quote from: VSMIT on June 15, 2008, 05:12:41 PM
Dear Invisible Friend
Have you started on your picture yet?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendI have. I'm just about finished with it also.
dear invisible friend
thanks for the help
is this the muffin man you know? http://www.bobandgeorge.com/nw/index.php?comic=18&num=3
so you have dubbed me Esstur?
does that name mean anything ?
Round 28 is over. Everyone loses. Shame on you!
You mean if I had joined, the outcome wouldn't have changed at all?
What a rip.
Quote from: Gabi on June 17, 2008, 11:58:41 AM
Round 28 is over. Everyone loses. Shame on you!
gah :<
I knew I had forgotten something.
stupid dysfunctional brain
Quote from: Gabi on June 17, 2008, 11:58:41 AM
Round 28 is over. Everyone loses. Shame on you!
I thought I had forgotten something... Oh well, I was busy with other stuff anyway...
i'm sorry i forgot to send the image i was working on. it ended today and i missed that. i think my visible friend would have liked it but i missed deadline.
Can we guess anyway?
I'm just upset that i missed the chance to send my image i was caught off guard by the game ending today. normally it ends on mondays or Fridays. some time during the weekend. and thong it's not worth anything I'd still like to send my image. see if my friend liked it.
A rather... anticlimactic ending.
i know how i messed up but how is it that everyone made the same mistake as myself?
I had to finish up things for my wprk practicum which I most likely failed.
so I didn't have the time to visit this forum on mon and sunday, nor did I have the ability on staurday since i was crossing an sea on foot, with rain and everything. got to love dutch weather on the Wadden.
Oh, wait! I've just noticed someone sent me an image by PM on Monday. This is from VSMIT's Invisible Friend, who still has a chance at winning.
(http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/2643/picforinvisiblefriend1oq7.th.png) (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picforinvisiblefriend1oq7.png)
So everyone may post their guesses, but only VSMIT's Invisible Friend may make it to the Hall of Fame (if the guess is correct).
yeah, let's go with that.
i've forgotten who i was going to guess already. ah well. how about Aiyno?
as oh late i have been poor in my awareness skills so i have no faith in my guess. but it also seems i have become transparent in my disguise as well.
Ok, I'll give Dargdragon 36 hours to post a guess, and then I'll reveal the results.
if nothing else i can host next round. i have almost 30 hours of overtime this check when means i've been working too much.
I'm popular, cause I am insane and act differently every bloody game.
hm, bleeding tomatoes,,,
And the winner is... Nobody!
-Aiyno guessed VSMIT. He guessed right, but he cannot win since he forgot to send his drawing.
-e_voyager guessed Aiyno. Same as above.
-VSMIT guessed Cog. He guessed incorrectly. His IF was Darkdragon.
-Cog guessed e_voyager. He was right, but can't win for the same reasons as Aiyno and e.
-Finally, Darkdragon guessed Aiyno. He guessed incorrectly, as his IF was Cogidubnus.
Definitely not the best round we've had. I hope you at least had fun.
Feel free to host the next round, e. And count me in.
oh, and I would join too but it seems like I am going on vacation with the rest of the family.
again i apologize for missing the dead line to send my drawing. lets just say i was caught in sleep mode picture drawn but not scanned yet when suddenly i come to the form and time was up. ah well sight ups are open until Monday. the 30th.
well gabi from the looks of it it's not going to be a game this monday. you're the only one to want to play is seems
I want to play, but without computer access I feel that it is rather, pointless to participate.
i understand Aiyno but that's part of it. you want to play but can't no one is signed up but Gabi as it stands. at this rate there won't be a game.
it is 11:30 and no one has signed up to play other then Gabi. there for i can't start a game. i'll wait for for more days until Friday and if no one sight up I'll consider this round a failure.
I can play, but you still need at least three people to play...
At least 4, that is. You can't have a game with just 3. No one can be his/her own IF, so you'd know your IF is the only person whose IF is not you (because if your VF was also your IF, then the third player would have to be his/her own IF).
one more day then i believe that this round dies on the run way. come one people it's a fun game (most rounds)
well i don't plan to be up much longer and it looks like this round is a complete failure. i'm sorry Gabi i really was looking forward to you and others having some fun.
Shall we try again?
I believe so.
so are you in this round?
I am, but I don't know about others.
Come on guys! Let's actually start this one! :eager
I'm in ^-^
Aw heck, I may be a terrible artist, but I'm willing to try this out! Count me in!
Um, what kind of drawing is it supposed to be?
it can be anything |D~
Cool! Definitely count me in! Let's see, when do we start up?
When Spanky decides that it's time to.
Please, Xze, if you do join, do not forget about the game like you did... at least 3 times before.
my home net is down at the moment i'll fix it s soon a i can
Quote from: Gabi on July 16, 2008, 09:28:38 PM
Please, Xze, if you do join, do not forget about the game like you did... at least 3 times before.
That problem is fixed by the wonder known as-
In other word, no problem ^_^
my problem is also fixed game starts Monday. Sunday i'll send out the invisible friend pm's
Quote from: e_voyager on July 19, 2008, 01:46:30 AM
my problem is also fixed game starts Monday. Sunday i'll send out the invisible friend pm's
Wait, have we started, or what? I'm sorry, I've just never done this before, and I didn't get a warning or anything.
the game starts Monday. IE too days form now. tomorrow i'll post pm you and everyone else the names of their visible friend after that well i'm sure you'll see how the game works. but Monday is when the questions begin.
Okay, thanks.
no problem i hope you all enjoy the round
alrighty!! 8D
i'm totally ready. TO-TAL-LY!
I could join :U
It would be wicked.
Xze-Xze , Aiyno , Jairus , VSMIT and Gabi so far did i miss anyone?
I haven't played in a while, sign me up.
you're in. when i get home form work i'll finalize the list. until then sight ups are available .
the PM's are sent. the game Begins now. enjoy and have fun!
of if you got two ore more then it was because my PC was glitching. excerpt for shadroc. in your fist one i forget to include contact info i'm sorry. if you have question pm me or email me at the contact account eternalevoyager@aim.com.
Dear Invisible friend?
How are you?
Do you understand all of the rules of this game?
Have you played this game before?
If you have, have you successfully won it?
Have you started thinking about what you're artwork is going to be for this round?
My dearest Invisible friend;
Do you like Glowsticks?
Have you ever played this game before?
Have you ever won?
Is the cake really a lie?
What was the point of that last question?
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
Do you want to win?
Do you have to win?
Do you like hotdogs?
Do you like pizza?
Okay, let's see if I can somehow make a good first round of questions.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played the game before?
Have you already thought about what kind of answers you might need to give?
Have you ever posted any form of art here before?
Do you drink coffee in the morning?
Quote from: Aiyno on July 21, 2008, 04:26:47 AM
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
Do you want to win?
Do you have to win?
Do you like hotdogs?
Do you like pizza?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
I am fineŠ for now.
Yes, that would be nice.
No: the point of the game seems to be about learning about someone else.
I'm not really a hot dog person: I'm more of a hamburger person.
Oh yes.
Yay, we're playing!
Dear Invisible Friend, are you glad this round has started too?
How are you? (Since everyone is asking that...)
What are your thoughts about this game?
Dear invisible friend,
are you competitive?
what attracts you to people?
what is your personal preference in foods?
what is the name of the dragon baby in eragon?
why won't god allow me to stab the devil in his face?
Dear invisible friend,
Pirate or ninja?
Do you like tea?
Are you an artist?
Quote from: Shadrok on July 21, 2008, 06:24:37 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Pirate or ninja?
Do you like tea?
Are you an artist?
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friendNinja.
I think we all are, one way or another. There's creativity in all of us.
Quote from: Aiyno on July 21, 2008, 03:06:40 PM
Dear invisible friend,
are you competitive?
what attracts you to people?
what is your personal preference in foods?
what is the name of the dragon baby in eragon?
why won't god allow me to stab the devil in his face?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
A little, but I am getting better about it
Someone who can make me think and keep me on target, if that makes any sense
Tricky question. Um, you already know that I like pizza, but I'm a fan of
Italian and Mexican food in general. Fast food, not so much.
Because God's a jerk
Quote from: Xze-Xze on July 21, 2008, 03:08:50 AM
My dearest Invisible friend;
Do you like Glowsticks?
Have you ever played this game before?
Have you ever won?
Is the cake really a lie?
What was the point of that last question?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's Invisible Friend
Dear Xze.
I like Glowsticks.
I have played this game before.
I may have won.
The cake is fake.
What was the point of that last question that you asked about the second last question?
Quote from: Gabi on July 21, 2008, 12:09:39 PM
Yay, we're playing!
Dear Invisible Friend, are you glad this round has started too?
How are you? (Since everyone is asking that...)
What are your thoughts about this game?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
are you glad this round has started too?
Yes, very. I want to see how well I do.
How are you? (Since everyone is asking that...)
I'm good, how are you?
What are your thoughts about this game?
I think that it is a reasonably difficult game.
sorry for the delay but i never made it home last night
Just correcting the attributions and spacing, nothing significant. Nothing to see here, move along...
-- llearch
dear invisible friend,
are you self aware?
are you sure?
are you sure you are sure?
are you serious?
I know I am not, are you not?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions yet?
Do you really understand this game?
That's a good idea, VSMIT.
Dear Invisible friend,
Why haven't you responded? Are you ill? Bad internet access?
What is your favorite color?
Dear IF, I'm good, thanks for asking. I have an exam today, but I think I'll do fine.
Do you have any idea why in some rounds no one uses capitals while, in others, everyone does?
VSMIT asked whether his IF really understands this game. What do you think he meant?
This one's up to you: say something random.
Quote from: VSMIT on July 21, 2008, 01:42:40 AM
Dear Invisible friend?
How are you?
Do you understand all of the rules of this game?
Have you played this game before?
If you have, have you successfully won it?
Have you started thinking about what you're artwork is going to be for this round?
Quote from: VSMIT's invisible friend
I'm ok
Quote from: Aiyno on July 23, 2008, 04:16:45 AM
dear invisible friend,
are you self aware?
are you sure?
are you sure you are sure?
are you serious?
I know I am not, are you not?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Fairly sure.
Is anyone really sure?
Serious about my answers, but I'm a bit of a joker in real life, but my
sense of humor sucks.
Am I not serious? Serious I am not.
sorry about that i was worn out when i posted.
dear invisible friend,
apple or pear?
music or television?
drawings or literature?
Dear Invisible friend,
What kind of ninja, the kind that dresses in black and is gone in a wisp of smoke or the in your face Naruto kind of ninja?
Do you draw or write?
Have you ever played a violent game like Unreal Tournament?
Quote from: Aiyno on July 23, 2008, 05:17:10 PM
dear invisible friend,
apple or pear?
music or television?
drawings or literature?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Apples. Because of apple juice and apple pie.
I like to have some music playing most of the time, but I rarely like to
just leave a TV program on while I'm not paying it any attention.
Hm, tough. I'll go with literature. Well, it also depends on what you mean
by drawings. Manga, webcomicsŠ I've got my tastes.
Quote from: Gabi on July 23, 2008, 11:58:33 AM
Dear IF, I'm good, thanks for asking. I have an exam today, but I think I'll do fine.
Do you have any idea why in some rounds no one uses capitals while, in others, everyone does?
VSMIT asked whether his IF really understands this game. What do you think he meant?
This one's up to you: say something random.
Quote from: Gabi's invisible friend
Dear Gabi,
Do you have any idea why in some rounds no one uses capitals while, in others, everyone does?
I would like to think that some rounds evoke more intelligence from people than others, but it's probably just that we got a lot of sticklers this time.
VSMIT asked whether his IF really understands this game. What do you think he meant?
It seems like he said that out of exasperation, as he and Jairus were the only ones to not receive an answer to their questions, when everyone else did. Maybe he was counting on the fact that his IF might be new, and not completely understand the rules... Other than that, I don't really know.
This one's up to you: say something random.
As the NSDF and CCA collide, the ISDF, and the Apostles of Destruction, are born...
Quote from: VSMIT on July 23, 2008, 10:14:45 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Why haven't you answered my questions yet?
Do you really understand this game?
Quote from: VSMIT's invisible friend
Work, though I should be better at Answering from here on.
Quote from: Shadrok on July 23, 2008, 08:50:01 PM
Dear Invisible friend,
What kind of ninja, the kind that dresses in black and is gone in a wisp of smoke or the in your face Naruto kind of ninja?
Do you draw or write?
Have you ever played a violent game like Unreal Tournament?
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friend
I've always been more fond of the former.
I have, but I'd rather not talk about it here.
Sorry about yesterday, it was another busy day and I was unable to come up with any good questions to post.
Dear Invisible Friend, are you often busy too, or do you often have free time?
In any case, when you do have free time, what do you normally do with it?
Dear Invisible Friend,
You said you were busy with work. What is your job (if it's ok to ask that.)?
Pie or Cake?
HAL 9000 or GLaDOS?
Pirate or Ninja?
If Ninja, what kind (All in black ninja or Naruto style)?
If Pirate, who is your favorite REAL pirate?
College or no?
Dear invisible friend,
Comics I think are a cross breed between drawings and literature, though there are comics without words, would you agree?
So you like music more than television, I agree, though I do enjoy the occasional anime the television here is utter crap, is it the same where you are from?
So, you got me interested in what comics you watch, could you name a few?
Quote from: Gabi on July 25, 2008, 11:40:01 AM
Sorry about yesterday, it was another busy day and I was unable to come up with any good questions to post.
Dear Invisible Friend, are you often busy too, or do you often have free time?
In any case, when you do have free time, what do you normally do with it?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible friend
Dear Gabi,
Dear Invisible Friend, are you often busy too, or do you often have free time?
I'm busy sometimes, but my job permits me a bit of downtime during the day.
In any case, when you do have free time, what do you normally do with it?
When I have free time, I spend it on CMF.
Quote from: Aiyno on July 25, 2008, 04:11:59 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Comics I think are a cross breed between drawings and literature, though there are comics without words, would you agree?
So you like music more than television, I agree, though I do enjoy the occasional anime the television here is utter crap, is it the same where you are from?
So, you got me interested in what comics you watch, could you name a few?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Much like "literature," there are some truly shining examples of the art
(The Killing Joke rises foremost in my mind), as well as some middling stuff
and some horrible stuff.
I don't watch TV much anymore: most of the time it's just random flipping,
though I do watch Mythbusters when it's on.
Webcomics, I presume? Um, lessee here (dear, this might give a way a bit,
but oh well)Š Irregular Webcomics, Darths & Droids, DMFA, Questionable
Content, VG Cats, xkcd, Ozy and MillieŠ I've got a few, though apparently
most people on the forum follow more than me.
Quote from: VSMIT on July 25, 2008, 03:54:09 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
You said you were busy with work. What is your job (if it's ok to ask that.)?
Pie or Cake?
HAL 9000 or GLaDOS?
Pirate or Ninja?
If Ninja, what kind (All in black ninja or Naruto style)?
If Pirate, who is your favorite REAL pirate?
College or no?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
HAL 9000
Black Bart
those are all the answers i received and Sunday i start poking as i'm too tired to check my recodes and poke not. Get those answer in people. you know who you are! even if i don't right now. glares at a certain invisible friend who's visible friend has not received answers yet.
dear invisible friend,
Great answers.
So do you play games? what genre games do you play, if you play games of course?
Interesting. What made you decide to join the CMF?
And to E, you may want to poke Xze and Jairus. They haven't posted in a while.
Quote from: Gabi on July 26, 2008, 11:19:30 AM
And to E, you may want to poke Xze and Jairus. They haven't posted in a while.
Jairus hasn't gotten any replies yet. But Jairus is more than willing to post a few more questions.
What kind of books do you like to read?
Do you play video games, and if you do what kind do you like?
Do you read any other webcomics besides DMFA and CVRPG?
If you had to choose between a PS3 and an Xbox 360, which would you pick and why?
Quote from: Gabi on July 26, 2008, 11:19:30 AM
And to E, you may want to poke Xze and Jairus. They haven't posted in a while.
thanks i'm on it.
Quote from: Aiyno on July 26, 2008, 07:36:34 AM
dear invisible friend,
Great answers.
So do you play games? what genre games do you play, if you play games of course?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
Video games, I presume? Um, mostly action/adventure games and RPGs. I'm not
really into sports/racing games or dancing/music games or "shooters."
i go recover now
Dear Invisible friend,
What flavor of ice cream do you like?
What is your favorite emoticon on the forum?
Were you a member of the Old DMFA forum before it moved here?
Dear IF.
Do you like energy drinks?
Is your vision and hearing ok?
Do you draw or do some kind of art?
Why is the red man red?
Would you ever consider asking me to draw for you?
have we known each other long?
Do you know my and Dakata's brother's name?
Invisible friend,
So, do you like the bread that is sold in slices? I hate it, it's boring plain and tasteless.
Quote from: Jairus on July 21, 2008, 04:41:56 AM
Okay, let's see if I can somehow make a good first round of questions.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played the game before?
Have you already thought about what kind of answers you might need to give?
Have you ever posted any form of art here before?
Do you drink coffee in the morning?
edit: more questions
What kind of books do you like to read?
Do you play video games, and if you do what kind do you like?
Do you read any other webcomics besides DMFA and CVRPG?
If you had to choose between a PS3 and an Xbox 360, which would you pick and why?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible friend]
(so very sorry for being away so long ><)
I am fine.
Uh, no.
Heck yes
Cuz of events that happened that made things bad DX. I am ill in the head, yes. Interwebz access suxx0rz.
Yes...and mostly anything except sports
CTRL+ALT+DEL, Las Lindas, VG Cats, Slightly Damned, Questionable Content and a few others.
Xbox360. HALO.
Quote from: Shadrok on July 27, 2008, 12:47:34 AM
Dear Invisible friend,
What flavor of ice cream do you like?
What is your favorite emoticon on the forum?
Were you a member of the Old DMFA forum before it moved here?
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friendI like most of them.
I like :choco and :headdesk for different reasons.
That would be saying too much, wouldn't it?
Quote from: Xze-Xze on July 28, 2008, 03:41:09 AM
Dear IF.
Do you like energy drinks?
Is your vision and hearing ok?
Do you draw or do some kind of art?
Why is the red man red?
Would you ever consider asking me to draw for you?
have we known each other long?
Do you know my and Dakata's brother's name?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's invisible friend
Dear Xze
I do from time to time, though I prefer just sleeping longer and drinking them for their taste.
It may be somewhat damage,d however I would not know.
I do believe I do create something in one of those categories occasionally.
Because pink would not be a manly color? Some guys are somewhat insecure.
I am not one to ask for favors.
You never know, you may think you know, but you do not.
I believe that I could know, but I don't believe it.
Quote from: Gabi on July 26, 2008, 11:19:30 AM
Interesting. What made you decide to join the CMF?
And to E, you may want to poke Xze and Jairus. They haven't posted in a while.
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible friend
Dear Gabi,
I apologize for the lateness of my reply, but I was predisposed.
What made you decide to join the CMF?
I joined CMF after I finished reading DMFA. It seemed like the natural step to take.
Do you know when this round is over?
will post other replies when aim email access is fixed.
email problem is fixed.
and to answer the question of the round ending? it ends in seven days. all images drawn for your visible friend must be received by midnight seven days form today. (Monday and fire days are good days to end the game)
Dear Invisible Friend,
Was your weekend very busy?
What is your stance on sliced bread, or the best thing since?
In your opinion, what is the best thing since sliced bread?
Dear IF, predisposed you say? Predisposed for what? Or did you mean indisposed?
E said something about fire day, do you know when that is?
What do you think about typos or other mistakes which turn a word or phrase into something else entirely?
I believe fire day is every day, at least according to the great book of followers of the flames that turn dust into ash.
dear invisible friend:
So who is better?
What is worse?
can you name it?
the same to you?
Quote from: VSMIT on July 28, 2008, 11:17:37 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Was your weekend very busy?
What is your stance on sliced bread, or the best thing since?
In your opinion, what is the best thing since sliced bread?
Quote from: VSMIT's invisible friend
I say the wheel is better then sliced bread.
Best thing since sliced bread?... Jam.
Quote from: Gabi on July 28, 2008, 12:56:12 PM
Dear IF, predisposed you say? Predisposed for what? Or did you mean indisposed?
E said something about fire day, do you know when that is?
What do you think about typos or other mistakes which turn a word or phrase into something else entirely?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible friend
Dear Gabi,
I think I'm predisposed for making little errors that change the meaning of things that I say. And yes, I meant indisposed.
E said something about fire day, do you know when that is?
The only thing I could think of that he could mean would be Tuesday, which in Japanese is "kayoobi," which means "Fire day." But unless he understands this nuance of Japanese, I don't know what he could have meant.
What do you think about typos or other mistakes which turn a word or phrase into something else entirely?
I think that I made a major one when I answered you last. I also think that people are prone to making these often, but as long as they learn from it, then it's ok.
Quote from: Aiyno on July 28, 2008, 07:34:11 AM
Invisible friend,
So, do you like the bread that is sold in slices? I hate it, it's boring plain and tasteless.
Quote from: Aiyno on July 28, 2008, 05:08:27 PM
I believe fire day is every day, at least according to the great book of followers of the flames that turn dust into ash.
dear invisible friend:
So who is better?
What is worse?
can you name it?
the same to you?
Quote from: Aiyno's invisible friend
I like most bread, though I do have a thing for bread that you need to cut
Um, I don't know who we're talking about. Webcomics? Um, well, leaving out
DMFA (because I'd be a little biased) I really like O&M and QC.
Um, I like all of them, really. I'll say VG Cats: they don't update enough.
I think I just did, but I'm not certain.
Um, sure?
Oh, you know Japanese? How did you learn? Do you know any other languages? (Other than English, of course.)
Dear Invisible friend,
Do you dig giant robots?
What's your favorite webcomic?
What foreign country would you most like to visit?
Are you having a hard time coming up with ANYTHING to give as a piece of art for the exchange?
Dear Invisible friend.
You know you wanna, why dontcha?
Pokemon. Yay or Nay?
Have you ever been to Germany?
Where did the expression 'The bee's knees' come from?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What drew you to this forum, or TheNice, if you are a carryover from there?
Spiderman or Batman?
Marvel or DC?
I'm gonna borrow Xze's question: Where did the expression "The bee's knees" come from?
Did you feel an earthquake today?
Quote from: Jairus on July 29, 2008, 12:15:28 PM
Dear Invisible friend,
Do you dig giant robots?
What's your favorite webcomic?
What foreign country would you most like to visit?
Are you having a hard time coming up with ANYTHING to give as a piece of art for the exchange?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
I dig them alright. Into the ground
Hm...it would have to be VG Cats or DMFA
Of course not. As a matter of fact, it is finished
Quote from: Gabi on July 29, 2008, 12:03:33 PM
Oh, you know Japanese? How did you learn? Do you know any other languages? (Other than English, of course.)
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
Oh, you know Japanese?
Yes, I know some Japanese. I am not fluent, but I can read/write some and I can do most basic conversation. If I do have a question, I have a good friend up the street from me who is fluent.
How did you learn?
I learned what I did in high school, but I plan to continue it later on.
Do you know any other languages? (Other than English, of course.)
I know some disjointed Spanish and numbers in Korean and German. It's been about 6 years since I've had a Spanish class, so I probably wouldn't understand most of it.
Do you know any other languages?
Quote from: VSMIT on July 29, 2008, 06:15:31 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What drew you to this forum, or TheNice, if you are a carryover from there?
Spiderman or Batman?
Marvel or DC?
I'm gonna borrow Xze's question: Where did the expression "The bee's knees" come from?
Did you feel an earthquake today?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
From the 1920's.
5 days to send your self made images.
Dear Invisible friend,
So I'm guessing you don't like giant robots?
Do you have a favorite expression? Like say, "You can't eat your cake and have it too?"
Who's your favorite character in DMFA/VG Cats? (you could give both, if you wanted)
No question, but a comment: the freaking drawing is driving me nuts. Oh well, by Thursday afternoon I should have something.
Oops, sorry!
You're forgiven. Well, I have anyway. Why don't you join us next round? We could always use a few more players.
Sounds like a plan.
It will be nice to have you here, Jer-oh-me.
Now Shadrok is missing! What's going on? And why do I have to keep track of the people who stop posting?
Dear Invisible Friend, as a matter of fact, Spanish is my first language. I could help you with it if you want. I don't speak any other languages fluently, I hope I can learn more someday.
Hmm... have you thought of what to draw yet?
dear invisible friend,
are you made out of spoons?
not that I wanted to ask that but one of the voices told me to.
like whatevah.
anyway, have you thought of what to draw next? I know I have not, probably done this, except if the voices are not telling me everything. :U
Quote from: Gabi on July 30, 2008, 10:12:07 AM
Now Shadrok is missing! What's going on?
MIA no longer. Sorry Gabi life kind of kicked me around for a moment there.
Dear Invisible friend,
Do you like pork?
If you had to choose one which would you chose: Feline or Canine?
Have you ever been to Europe?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you ever traveled abroad?
What is your favorite smilie?
Are you a musician of any kind?
If I offered you a spoon, a fork, a knife, or a spork, which one would you take, and why?
Oh, sorry to read that, Shadrok. I won't ask if you don't want to tell, but I hope things get better for you soon.
Quote from: Jay's invisible friend(http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/J.jpg)
Quote from: Gabi on July 30, 2008, 10:12:07 AM
It will be nice to have you here, Jer-oh-me.
Now Shadrok is missing! What's going on? And why do I have to keep track of the people who stop posting?
Dear Invisible Friend, as a matter of fact, Spanish is my first language. I could help you with it if you want. I don't speak any other languages fluently, I hope I can learn more someday.
Hmm... have you thought of what to draw yet?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
What's going on? And why do I have to keep track of the people who stop posting?
I guess people just have other things going on. And you don't have to keep track, but I think you do it anyway, since you're so used to hosting the game.
Hmm... have you thought of what to draw yet?
Mine won't be a drawing per-sé, but I have figured it out already.
Quote from: VSMIT on July 30, 2008, 03:51:18 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you ever traveled abroad?
What is your favorite smilie?
Are you a musician of any kind?
If I offered you a spoon, a fork, a knife, or a spork, which one would you take, and why?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Unfortunately no.
I dabble with the keyboard a bit but I donʼt think of myself as a musician.
Spork, because nothing beats a spork not even Deathknights.
Quote from: Shadrok on July 30, 2008, 03:37:30 PM
Quote from: Gabi on July 30, 2008, 10:12:07 AM
Now Shadrok is missing! What's going on?
MIA no longer. Sorry Gabi life kind of kicked me around for a moment there.
Dear Invisible friend,
Do you like pork?
If you had to choose one which would you chose: Feline or Canine?
Have you ever been to Europe?
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friendI like pigs.
Why choose one when you can have both?
I've been in Europe in the past.
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope this badly drawn biplane can
you up a bit.
Whoo! Drawings! Now I'm wondering what it is that you're planning to send me.
In any case, what do you think of this game so far? And how did you first find out about it?
And is there anything you'd like to talk about?
Quote from: Gabi on July 30, 2008, 06:08:38 PM
Oh, sorry to read that, Shadrok. I won't ask if you don't want to tell, but I hope things get better for you soon.
Nothing too major just trying to get some financial ducks in a row and having to run here and there to do it. I have most of them lined up now, still have a few on the loose but I 'll get them too.
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friend
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope this badly drawn biplane can
cheer you up a bit.
Thanks for the concern but I wasn't under the weather, but thanks anyway. I was just busy is all. As for the plane Thanks, and it's not that bad, you can tell it's not a "Duck" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J2F_Duck). ;)
Quote from: Aiyno on July 30, 2008, 11:27:11 AM
dear invisible friend,
are you made out of spoons?
not that I wanted to ask that but one of the voices told me to.
like whatevah.
anyway, have you thought of what to draw next? I know I have not, probably done this, except if the voices are not telling me everything. :U
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
It's generally a good idea to at least leave an ear open to those voices.
Sure, whatever.
Not really
Yes, I have thought of a drawing. Unfortunately, since I'm not much of an
artist, it won't be much. Also, you might want to try and get your voices to
appoint a chief spokesvoice: it'll make it easier for them to get across
what they want you to do.
don't ask me why it's side ways thats the way it was sent.
Quote from: Gabi on July 31, 2008, 10:17:58 AM
Whoo! Drawings! Now I'm wondering what it is that you're planning to send me.
In any case, what do you think of this game so far? And how did you first find out about it?
And is there anything you'd like to talk about?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
Remember when you asked me to say something random? This has something to do with what I said, but I'm not saying how much...
Dear Gabi,
In any case, what do you think of this game so far? And how did you first find out about it?
I like the game, although secretly I think it's all a ploy so that llearch can get dirt on everyone on the forum... I found out about it by looking in The Arena, of course.
And is there anything you'd like to talk about?
Nope, can't really think of anything.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend(http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/Invisible%20friend/IF.jpg)
Quote from: Jairus on July 30, 2008, 03:06:44 AM
Dear Invisible friend,
So I'm guessing you don't like giant robots?
Do you have a favorite expression? Like say, "You can't eat your cake and have it too?"
Who's your favorite character in DMFA/VG Cats? (you could give both, if you wanted)
No question, but a comment: the freaking drawing is driving me nuts. Oh well, by Thursday afternoon I should have something.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible friend
I like Transformers but that's all...
hm...i'd have to say it would be...well, i can't think of one right now actually
in DMFA...Lorenda and Abel. In VG Cats...Dr. Hobo
Dear invisible friend...
What's your favorite Transformer?
I'm guessing that you like Death Note. Are there any other anime shows that you like?
Do you like to eat apples?
How do you think that a Mow would taste with ketchup?
Why would I start a ploy to help llearch get dirt on everyone on the forum?
And why is Aiyno's IF's pic rotated?
Anyway, there are other ways to find out about this game. Some people were invited, at least on previous rounds. Of course, you're invited to play any future rounds you may want to join. Your presence here is enjoyable. :)
Dear invisible friend.
Where are you? i'm lonely without you.
Do you like fish? The pet kind i mean.
Have you played Halo?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
Quote from: Shadrok on July 31, 2008, 11:57:26 PM
Quote from: Gabi on July 30, 2008, 06:08:38 PM
Oh, sorry to read that, Shadrok. I won't ask if you don't want to tell, but I
hope things
get better for you soon.
Nothing too major just trying to get some financial ducks in a row and having to
run here
and there to do it. I have most of them lined up now, still have a few on the
loose but I
'll get them too.
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friend
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope this badly drawn biplane can
cheer you up a bit.
Thanks for the concern but I wasn't under the weather, but thanks anyway. I was
just busy
is all. As for the plane Thanks, and it's not that bad, you can tell it's not a
"Duck" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J2F_Duck). ;)
Quote from: Shadrok's invisible friend*Chuckles* At least that's something.
You're welcome.
Quote from: Jairus on August 01, 2008, 01:37:42 AM
Dear invisible friend...
What's your favorite Transformer?
I'm guessing that you like Death Note. Are there any other anime shows that you like?
Do you like to eat apples?
How do you think that a Mow would taste with ketchup?
Quote from: Jairus's invisible friend
From G1, Optimus Prime and Megatron. From the movie, Jazz, Bumblebee and Starscream
Yes, i do like Death Note. I also like Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Saiungoku Monogatari, Zombie Loan and Blood +.
I like Apples.
Like an Apple.
Quote from: Xze's invisible friend
the round ends in two days on many. there may be a sang with one the the invisible friends images sending i'm looking into it already. but please resent just in case.
Gabi's invisible friend has received an extension to when i arrived home Monday night. they have emailed the picture but i failed to receive it. they are currently away form home and can not resend it until monday night so the game will end when i've arrive home which will be will be Monday between 11:30 and 1:30 Tuesday morning. this is all.
... if it still doesn't arrive, said friend can email it to me at if@llearch.net, and I'll put it up. Since i'm nto playing, it's still anonymous.
In fact, that's probably a good idea; cc me on the email, that way if it goes missing again, there's a backup.
Quote from: Gabi on August 01, 2008, 07:25:40 PM
Why would I start a ploy to help llearch get dirt on everyone on the forum?
And why is Aiyno's IF's pic rotated?
Anyway, there are other ways to find out about this game. Some people were invited, at least on previous rounds. Of course, you're invited to play any future rounds you may want to join. Your presence here is enjoyable. :)
Quote from: Gabi' Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
Why would I start a ploy to help llearch get dirt on everyone on the forum?
You never know...
And why is Aiyno's IF's pic rotated?
Maybe because that's how the person sent it?
Dear invisible friend,
I wanted to post on this page but had no questions, so please respond with whatever you like.
Just in case there's time...
Dear Invisible Friend, are you aware?
Dear Invisible friend,
You left me =< Whyyyyy?
Let me apologize to begin with. let me apologize for not updating when i got home because there was no power at my home by the time i arrived in from work and well like many sane people i chose sleep over worry. and not for the last of the questions and answers. the round is over you may post your guessers.
Quote from: Gabi on August 04, 2008, 07:55:55 PM
Just in case there's time...
Dear Invisible Friend, are you aware?
Quote from: Gabi"s Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
are you aware?
I should hope so. If I wasn't, then it would be very difficult to play this game.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 04, 2008, 11:30:12 PM
Dear invisible friend.
Where are you? i'm lonely without you.
Do you like fish? The pet kind i mean.
Have you played Halo?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
Dear Invisible friend,
You left me =< Whyyyyy?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's Invisible friend
Dear Xze,
You are not alone, the ghosts of your forefathers keep you company.
Yummy, fish. As a pet, they're pretty to look at but maintenance kind of makes me feel like never wanting them again.
I wish, though I wish to not.
Dear Xze,
Cause I could *pout*
Quote from: Aiyno on August 04, 2008, 06:38:51 AM
Dear invisible friend,
I wanted to post on this page but had no questions, so please respond with whatever you like.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible friend
My response is
I have no idea how my drawing ended up sideways. I was trying to mail it as
an attachment so that e_voyager could fix it's size as needed and post it.
Shoot. Oh well.
how ever things are that's how they'll be. i simply post and tag them post your guess when ready and sorry about the delay.
No worries, e_voyager. It probably gave people a little extra time to figure it out.
My guess is Xze-Xze.
I'm going to guess Shadrok.
*pats E* is ok ^^
I'm gonna guess...Aiyno
Whoa! That's good!
Hmm... it's either Shadrok or Jairus. I'm going to go with Jairus because my IF sounded more like him in the middle of the game.
I'll guess Gabi.
alright all the guess are in and here are the results. keep in mind only first guess count if you posted more then on in your post.
Shadrok guessed Gabi he guessed : well
Gabi guessed Shadrok she guessed : poorly her invisible friend was VSMIT
Xze-Xze guessed Aiyno she guessed :well
Aiyno guessed VSMIT he guessed : poorly his invisible friend was Jairus
VSMIT guessed Shadrok he guessed :well
Jairus guessed Xze-Xze he guessed : well
the most guessed player was shadrock
the round is over and i congratulate the winners. as for me it's past my recharge timed. i'll post the char to the same location as i did the picture when i get my hands on it again like i did before. sorry but this its the 4 computer I've used since this game started. so it's kind of hard to keep all the files together. good night everybody.
Cool! Well, that was fun. Where do I sign up for the next round?
=O omg i guess correctly!?
YAAAY!!! the first time i've done so!!!
:rolleyes *shrugs*
I refused to believe that my IF was VSMIT yet again... is the randomizer obsessed with pairing us or something?
I guessed Jairus, though, not Shadrok.
Congratulations to the winners. I guess we're open for signups now.
I actually thought you would have chosen me, Gabi. Since we've been paired up so much I would have thought you would have recognized how I typed. It's rather amazing. I guess the randomizer really likes us.
[ Game: Invisible Friend (Signups open!) ]
Application file given.
this will probably be the last one i can play while on vacation, the and is neigh! No :<
Quote from: Aiyno on August 06, 2008, 10:54:18 AM
[ Game: Invisible Friend (Signups open!) ]
Application file given.
this will probably be the last one i can play while on vacation, the and is neigh! No :<
Then we shall make this a great round for you, Aiyno!
Um, Aiyno, did you like my little drawing? Sorry it was rotated: I have no idea why it did that.
Quote from: Jairus on August 06, 2008, 10:55:33 AM
Um, Aiyno, did you like my little drawing? Sorry it was rotated: I have no idea why it did that.
I rotated it with my brucealmighty powers! >:3
or not, I forget :<
Well, 3D is only good for one round. Now I have to think of something new to do for art...
I'm in.
I'M IN!!!
i'm sorry i can't play this time around
Quote from: e_voyager on August 06, 2008, 11:45:55 PM
i'm sorry i can't play this time around
That's too bad e_voyager. We'll play in your noble memory!
I'm so in, and sorry to hear that E.
Ok, so we have Aiyno, Jairus, VSMIT, Xze and Jer-oh-me for now. We'll wait until tomorrow morning (about 24 hours from now) to see if anyone else signs up and then start the next round.
You wanna run it or me, Gabi?
Do you want to play, Boxy? Or doe the rules not allow it? I'm sure you'd have fun (says the new guy talking to the mod who's been a part of the forums since they got started way back when).
I've played several times, Jairus. I've also run the game a few times.
I could play, but I'd probably fail to provide a picture again. So I've been avoiding playing for the last little while - busy at work, that sort of thing.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 07, 2008, 11:04:40 AM
I've played several times, Jairus. I've also run the game a few times.
I could play, but I'd probably fail to provide a picture again. So I've been avoiding playing for the last little while - busy at work, that sort of thing.
Ah, okay.
I could always remind you not to forget your drawing, like an annoying little Twink would do... except I'd probably get banned for it. Forget I said anything.
How often is the Hall of Fame updated?
When Gabi remembers.
Not really. I remember all the time. It's more like "When Gabi has the time to update it".
Oh, and llearch, you can always open the first image editor you can find and make a random doodle.
It's quite difficult to do that on the train.
Besides, I always like to actually do my best at drawing things...
(and yes, I should have mentioned the lack of time...)
Well, you could always do what you did last time...
... not play?
Or did you mean the time before that, when I ran it? Or the time before that, when I failed to post an image?
The one where you posted an image of text regarding how you couldn't post a real image.
Oh. Heh. That was back a bit.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 07, 2008, 07:12:43 PM
The one where you posted an image of text regarding how you couldn't post a real image.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 07, 2008, 07:45:48 PM
Oh. Heh. That was back a bit.
Wow, Boxy: that was a really meta thing to do. Very cool. Man, I missed out on all the good stories, didn't I?
And the bad stories... Like Round 29.
Hopefully there will be some more good stories in the future.
Yeah... How are you going to handle that in the Hall of Fame? Or are you just going to leave it out?
Edit: You should have said what you did when we all lost during the round. That would have been funnier, IMO.
Quote from: Gabi on August 07, 2008, 09:11:07 PM
And the bad stories... Like Round 29.
Hopefully there will be some more good stories in the future.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 07, 2008, 09:22:19 PM
Yeah... How are you going to handle that in the Hall of Fame? Or are you just going to leave it out?
Edit: You should have said what you did when we all lost during the round. That would have been funnier, IMO.
Round 29... isn't that the round where only one person turned in their art and everyone lost because they didn't complete their part of the trade? I think I kind caught a bit of it when I was trying to figure out how this game was played before we got the last round started. Yeesh. Well, we did better this round, didn't we?
Um, has there been a round where everyone won?
Probably. If there's a round where everyone lost, there's bound to be a round where everybody won.
Heh, well my friend's guaranteed a picture, cause I've already an idea. And I suppose all things being equal that statistically there could be a round when everyone won, but my sample's too small.
I'm open to playing this if there's room. My schedule is a little loopy right now (moving at the end of the month) but I should be able to take the time to write an e-mail or two and respond to some questions.
Come on in! There's always room! More people just make the game more interesting.
There was, but I'm not keeping track of that. I think it was round 14.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 07, 2008, 09:22:19 PM
Yeah... How are you going to handle that in the Hall of Fame? Or are you just going to leave it out?
Edit: You should have said what you did when we all lost during the round. That would have been funnier, IMO.
What, do you mean putting "Shame on you all" on the topic title?
Round 30 begins now. The players are Aiyno, Jairus, VSMIT, Xze, Jer-oh-me and Mowser.
I'll start sending the PMs now, everyone should have his/her IF assigned within the next 15 minutes.
[Edit: PM's sent. The round will last for 2 weeks starting now.]
Actually, yeah.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played IF in previous rounds?
If so, have you won?
Dear invisible friend,
So another game another chance to enjoy ourselves and possibly taste the sweet taste of victory, ey?
So what goes through your mind every time a new competition starts? I always hope I have enough time to respond on time to something and not be delayed by things happening in my life.
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm fairly new to this game, how about you?
What sort of music do you like?
Are you an artist of any kind? Visual, Musical or Other?
If so, how long have you been at it?
Unfortunately, I won't be able to post answers or questions until Sunday, so I'll just shoot off my questions now and see the answers next time I'm back.
Dear Invisible friend,
How are you?
This is only the second round I've played. About how long have you been playing?
Have you ever won?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art?
Do you play video games?
Dear invisible friend,
Anyway, how's the summer been for you?
Read any good books?
Do you like dogs?
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
do you think brownies are the truth and the cake is a lie?
where do marshmellows come from?
do you. like. chocolate!?
Quote from: Mowser on August 08, 2008, 11:41:06 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm fairly new to this game, how about you?
What sort of music do you like?
Are you an artist of any kind? Visual, Musical or Other?
If so, how long have you been at it?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser
I think I have played this game too often.
The kind of music that bites, you know.
I am my own artist, I have many aspirations.
I have payed little attention to time, although ''years'' is fitting.
Quote from: Aiyno on August 08, 2008, 11:32:51 AM
Dear invisible friend,
So another game another chance to enjoy ourselves and possibly taste the sweet taste of victory, ey?
So what goes through your mind every time a new competition starts? I always hope I have enough time to respond on time to something and not be delayed by things happening in my life.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendYep.
What goes through my mind? Hmm, I'd have to say thoughts of pizza.
Well I hope you'll be able to keep up, I hope I will too.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 08, 2008, 03:00:49 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Anyway, how's the summer been for you?
Read any good books?
Do you like dogs?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendMy visible friend,
Hello to you.
My summer has been pretty boring. But it is getting better.
I actually haven't read any books for the past few months, but ive been meaning to read the Twilight series.
I love dogs.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 08, 2008, 05:41:19 PM
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
do you think brownies are the truth and the cake is a lie?
where do marshmellows come from?
do you. like. chocolate!?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's Invisible FriendPretty good, thanks! Hope you are too.
The cake is definately a lie.. but I'll go with pie. Apple/Blueberry pie is the truth.
It's a nauseating process. I don't want to talk about it.
I do. However to me, Vanilla is far better.
Dear invisible friend,
do you like the place you work at or go to school to? I hardly ever feel like leaving this chair infront of this computer, ever.
You know I have to work for 7 hours again today, making fries is such a bore, and such hard work too if there are many costumers, they have this warm light I keep hitting, which is just frustrating, ugh, frustration, anyway, Have you something that you generally get pissed off of a lot?
Hey invisible friend,
Hmm, I've never heard of the Twilight series who writes that?
Do you have a favorite breed of dog?
Are you watching the Olympics?
One of you is sending me e-mails with a (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/Themes/Dungeon/images/english/quote.gif) button. I'd like to let you know that said button doesn't work, as the forum cannot verify the referrer. You can either send me the quotes yourself or have me make them.
Quote from: Aiyno on August 09, 2008, 10:05:37 AM
Dear invisible friend,
do you like the place you work at or go to school to? I hardly ever feel like leaving this chair infront of this computer, ever.
You know I have to work for 7 hours again today, making fries is such a bore, and such hard work too if there are many costumers, they have this warm light I keep hitting, which is just frustrating, ugh, frustration, anyway, Have you something that you generally get pissed off of a lot?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I love my University, I'm hoping to get a job there soon.
I'm sorry to hear that, what torques me? Erm, not a lot.
Quote from: Jairus on August 08, 2008, 02:44:37 PM
Unfortunately, I won't be able to post answers or questions until Sunday, so I'll just shoot off my questions now and see the answers next time I'm back.
Dear Invisible friend,
How are you?
This is only the second round I've played. About how long have you been playing?
Have you ever won?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art?
Do you play video games?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
How are you?
I'm good. And you?
This is only the second round I've played. About how long have you been playing?
Playing what?
Have you ever won?
Depends on what I'm playing.
Do you enjoy doing any form of art?
Do you play video games?
Quote from: VSMIT on August 08, 2008, 11:19:01 AM
Actually, yeah.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played IF in previous rounds?
If so, have you won?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendA little tired, but okay.
Yes, I have.
I have won.
dear invisible friend,
Does it bother you that I give you questions in the forum of sentences running through my own reply? If so, I am sorry, however it takes less effort from myself and I think that having to only answer two questions in a row is not much of a bother if one at all, correct me if I am wrong, of course.
So, university it is for you, you are a far more intellectually capable person than I believe I could ever be, and I swear that that is not looking down upon myself, I am quite happy being middle class or lower class, I don't like putting effort into things anyway, so what is you favorite subject at the university?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Eh, could be better, could be worse. Anyway, questions... or something of that nature.
Um, I'm just wondering if you've played (and won) the Invisible Friends game before.
What kind of art to you enjoy? Paintings, film, literature, sculpture... and do you do any form of art yourself?
What kind of video games do you like to play?
Do you read webcomics (aside from DMFA or CVRPG), and if so what do you like to read?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you who I think you are?
What is your favorite smiley (from any board, not just this one)?
Have you read the entirety of both DMFA and CVRPG?
Dear Invisible friend.
I wish to know the process of making marshmallows. will you tell me?
Where is the end of the rainbow?
Do you like video games?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser
I think I have played this game too often.
The kind of music that bites, you know.
I am my own artist, I have many aspirations.
I have payed little attention to time, although ''years'' is fitting.
You can never play a game too often as you'll play it as long as it still sort of fun, right?
Music that bites... hmm. Like Metal, Industrial or 'Goth'?
It's nice to hear that you've defined yourself well enough to see the art in all that you do. Is there any one thing out there that you'd really like to add to your list of skills though?
Time is an interesting concept don't you think? It's the one thing we should be completely free with but the only thing we need to worry about running out of.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 10, 2008, 05:50:59 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you who I think you are?
What is your favorite smiley (from any board, not just this one)?
Have you read the entirety of both DMFA and CVRPG?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendWho do you think I am? Who do I think I am? Am I the same person who wrote
these questions now when you're reading them? Why is Gallagher so funny? Why
does Amber's drawn version only have three fingers and a thumb? These are
all very deep questions.
HmŠ I kind of like :giveadamn , but I don't know if that's a smilie. Oh, how
about :noobrape and :shapeshifters?
DMFA yes, working on CVRPG. About half way through now. Don't spoil
Quote from: Aiyno on August 10, 2008, 10:14:56 AM
dear invisible friend,
Does it bother you that I give you questions in the forum of sentences running through my own reply? If so, I am sorry, however it takes less effort from myself and I think that having to only answer two questions in a row is not much of a bother if one at all, correct me if I am wrong, of course.
So, university it is for you, you are a far more intellectually capable person than I believe I could ever be, and I swear that that is not looking down upon myself, I am quite happy being middle class or lower class, I don't like putting effort into things anyway, so what is you favorite subject at the university?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendNot really. It's okay, and two questions is alright, though I wonder if it'll help you identify me at all.
Hmm, well I've only recently started, I'll be going into my second term here so I think it may be giving something away to pick a favorite at this point, but I like the sciences especially in order to give you an answer.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 09, 2008, 05:42:35 PM
Hey invisible friend,
Hmm, I've never heard of the Twilight series who writes that?
Do you have a favorite breed of dog?
Are you watching the Olympics?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendGood question. I'll look on the cover next time and pay attention.
Why yes i do! It's a tie between Siberian Husky
and Toy Poodle.
I'm not a big fan of the olympics, so no.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 11, 2008, 02:36:07 AM
Dear Invisible friend.
I wish to know the process of making marshmallows. will you tell me?
Where is the end of the rainbow?
Do you like video games?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's Invisible Friend
Dear Xze-Xze,
I won't and you can't make me. That stuff is nasty and unnatural.
I couldn't tell you, but if you really want to know I'll try and help you find it.
Of course I do! I'm assuming then, that you do as well?
Dear friend that I can see through...
Are you in college/university?
What other books do you like? Personally I like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, do you like them too?
What sort of music do you like, I'm a fan of Rock and Roll mostly, of course that's really general, but my like is pretty general, anyway, what kind do you like?
Quote from: My Invisible FriendWho do you think I am? Who do I think I am? Am I the same person who wrote
these questions now when you're reading them? Why is Gallagher so funny? Why
does Amber's drawn version only have three fingers and a thumb?
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I told you it would ruin the surprise; you are that which your choices in life create; you did not write them, you typed them; because the Sledge-o-matic is epic, and because his hat has hair; because she's a Fraggle. Duh. (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_849.php)
I'm pretty sure you are who I think you are, but asking questions is the point of the game, so here goes:
Did you enjoy thinking up those questions?
Did you think up those questions thinking you would throw me off the scent?
If you had a creature avatar, what would it be? (Race and species)
Quote from: Mowser on August 11, 2008, 07:15:42 AM
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser
I think I have played this game too often.
The kind of music that bites, you know.
I am my own artist, I have many aspirations.
I have payed little attention to time, although ''years'' is fitting.
You can never play a game too often as you'll play it as long as it still sort of fun, right?
Music that bites... hmm. Like Metal, Industrial or 'Goth'?
It's nice to hear that you've defined yourself well enough to see the art in all that you do. Is there any one thing out there that you'd really like to add to your list of skills though?
Time is an interesting concept don't you think? It's the one thing we should be completely free with but the only thing we need to worry about running out of.
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser,
To yourself, yes. However there are times when too much is simply too much.
In that general direction, yes.
I would like to add many things to my list of skills, however until today I have yet to find my capability adequate.
Quote from: Jairus on August 10, 2008, 04:40:18 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Eh, could be better, could be worse. Anyway, questions... or something of that nature.
Um, I'm just wondering if you've played (and won) the Invisible Friends game before.
What kind of art to you enjoy? Paintings, film, literature, sculpture... and do you do any form of art yourself?
What kind of video games do you like to play?
Do you read webcomics (aside from DMFA or CVRPG), and if so what do you like to read?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
Um, I'm just wondering if you've played (and won) the Invisible Friends game before.
You can wonder all you like, but it's not going to get you anywhere...
What kind of art to you enjoy? Paintings, film, literature, sculpture... and do you do any form of art yourself?
I enjoy literature and music, and I am a musician.
What kind of video games do you like to play?
I'm partial to FPS, but I also enjoy RTS.
Do you read webcomics (aside from DMFA or CVRPG), and if so what do you like to read?
Yes, and I like Bob and George and others of the same.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 11, 2008, 02:39:38 PM
Quote from: My Invisible FriendWho do you think I am? Who do I think I am? Am I the same person who wrote
these questions now when you're reading them? Why is Gallagher so funny? Why
does Amber's drawn version only have three fingers and a thumb?
Dear Invisible Friend,
If I told you it would ruin the surprise; you are that which your choices in life create; you did not write them, you typed them; because the Sledge-o-matic is epic, and because his hat has hair; because she's a Fraggle. Duh. (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_849.php)
I'm pretty sure you are who I think you are, but asking questions is the point of the game, so here goes:
Did you enjoy thinking up those questions?
Did you think up those questions thinking you would throw me off the scent?
If you had a creature avatar, what would it be? (Race and species)
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendYes.
A guy can dream.
Š you are evil, you know that?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I am very much aware, thank you.
Why do you think of me as evil?
I have found that the past two games of IF have included players that actually know how to use the English language. Why do you think that is? (Besides people just being lazy)
Dear Invisible Friend:
A very nice deflection of my question. So I can assume that you have played this before?
What kind of books do you like to read?
What kind of music do you like listen to?
What kind of instrument do you play?
So what's your favorite RTS/FPS?
Quote from: My Invisible Friend
Dear Mowser,
To yourself, yes. However there are times when too much is simply too much.
In that general direction, yes.
I would like to add many things to my list of skills, however until today I have yet to find my capability adequate.
Ah, but when it's too much, it's no fun anymore!
Which bands are currently on your playlist?
Do you know any programming languages?
Would you consider yourself tech savvy?
Would you consider yourself a gamer?
Ah, VSMIT, but you
are evil! Everybody knows that. :P
Quote from: VSMIT on August 11, 2008, 04:51:46 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I am very much aware, thank you.
Why do you think of me as evil?
I have found that the past two games of IF have included players that actually know how to use the English language. Why do you think that is? (Besides people just being lazy)
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendMy answers are:
Because I probably couldn't answer that question without confirming your
guess. Unless I came up with something weirdŠ but that would be cheating.
Eh, the English language is a language that is always in flux and changing.
On the internet, it is even more so. What we are seeing is a paradigm shift
in how language is constructed, where those who exist on the new realm of
cyberspace shall redefine language as we know it and become the
Shakespeare's of the modern world, creating whole new words and concepts for
the future to use.
Just kidding, it's because they're lazy of course.
Quote from: Mowser on August 12, 2008, 06:54:55 AM
Quote from: My Invisible Friend
Dear Mowser,
To yourself, yes. However there are times when too much is simply too much.
In that general direction, yes.
I would like to add many things to my list of skills, however until today I have yet to find my capability adequate.
Ah, but when it's too much, it's no fun anymore!
Which bands are currently on your playlist?
Do you know any programming languages?
Would you consider yourself tech savvy?
Would you consider yourself a gamer?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear mowser,
Sometimes it is not as much fun as it is a task.
Saying what bands I listen to would give me away, I won't make it too easy on you.
Who doesn't in this age of technology?
Not really.
Quote from: Gabi on August 12, 2008, 09:41:43 AM
Ah, VSMIT, but you are evil! Everybody knows that. :P
She is correct, even my sister that never was knows it.
llearch is worse, I would think. :P
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you know that your long argument was actually a little relevant, until you hit becoming Shakespeare?
Do you play video games?
If so, what's your favorite genre?
What is your favorite game (2 examples, one inside your favorite genre, one outside)?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you currently going to any sort of School or College/University?
Do you have a job?
What programming Language(s) do you know?
Are you an Anime fan?
Quote from: VSMIT on August 12, 2008, 11:13:47 AM
llearch is worse, I would think. :P
Hey! I resemble that remark!
In which way do you resemble a remark? I assume you said it on purpose, but it still doesn't quite make sense to me.
Quote from: Jairus on August 11, 2008, 05:17:04 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
A very nice deflection of my question. So I can assume that you have played this before?
What kind of books do you like to read?
What kind of music do you like listen to?
What kind of instrument do you play?
So what's your favorite RTS/FPS?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
So I can assume that you have played this before?
Don't make assumptions. They can lead to you looking like a humongous ass.
What kind of books do you like to read?
Science Fiction, mostly.
What kind of music do you like listen to?
Classic rock and classical.
What kind of instrument do you play?
Most all of them.
So what's your favorite RTS/FPS?
Both are present in the same game, called Battlezone II: Combat Commander.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 12, 2008, 11:13:47 AM
llearch is worse, I would think. :P
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you know that your long argument was actually a little relevant, until you hit becoming Shakespeare?
Do you play video games?
If so, what's your favorite genre?
What is your favorite game (2 examples, one inside your favorite genre, one outside)?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friendllearch isn't evil, just misunderstood.
Yes, I did. But remember that Shakespeare did a lot for the English
language, so I was only sort of half-kidding at the end there.
Hm, action/adventure + RPG, something like that.
Currently LEGO Indiana Jones andŠ umŠ Devil May Cry 4 (it's a hack and
What's with all the Š?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Don't make assumptions. They can lead to you looking like a humongous ass.
*nods* Good point. My fifth grade teacher told us that to assume was to "make an ass out of you and me."
Dear Invisible Friend,
What's your favorite Science fiction novel?
What kind of movies do you like to watch?
What's the first video game you clearly remember playing?
What's your favorite musical instrument?
Have you started thinking about what you're going to do for your piece of art?
Quote from: Gabi on August 12, 2008, 12:04:35 PM
In which way do you resemble a remark? I assume you said it on purpose, but it still doesn't quite make sense to me.
It's a way of saying "I resent that" without actually resenting it. Sort of, "Oh, that's me all over", but with a touch of amusement in there.
Quote from: Gabi on August 12, 2008, 12:04:35 PM
What's with all the Š?
Those would be poorly encoded "..." from a dodgy mail client. Like outlook.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you ever Visited the Dragon Cave? If so, do you have a scroll or some eggs/dragons?
Ever played WoW?
Is walmart evil?
Who is worse; Paris Hilton or Britney Spears?
Do you have a gaming console?
Dear invisible friend,
Did you have a busy weekend?
What sort of odd decorations do your parents own? My dad has this intentionally corroded sun wall hanging thing, its pretty though.
Do you like Bill Nye, the Science guy?
llearch: I thought that was the case.
Quote from: Jairus on August 12, 2008, 12:16:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What's your favorite Science fiction novel?
What kind of movies do you like to watch?
What's the first video game you clearly remember playing?
What's your favorite musical instrument?
Have you started thinking about what you're going to do for your piece of art?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
What's your favorite Science fiction novel?
2001: A Space Odyssey.
What kind of movies do you like to watch?
Pretty much anything that doesn't involve stoners, idiots, or Will Ferrel.
What's the first video game you clearly remember playing?
I think it was Chip's Challenge, but it's been a long time...
What's your favorite musical instrument?
All of them. :P
Have you started thinking about what you're going to do for your piece of art?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 11, 2008, 10:05:39 AM
Dear friend that I can see through...
Are you in college/university?
What other books do you like? Personally I like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, do you like them too?
What sort of music do you like, I'm a fan of Rock and Roll mostly, of course that's really general, but my like is pretty general, anyway, what kind do you like?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend(http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5484/pikturels4.th.jpg) (http://img148.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pikturels4.jpg)
No, i am not currently in any college/university
I've never heard of them, really. I'm more likely to be found in the fantasy section of a bookstore or library.
I like any music except Rap
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 13, 2008, 02:44:36 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you ever Visited the Dragon Cave? If so, do you have a scroll or some eggs/dragons?
Ever played WoW?
Is walmart evil?
Who is worse; Paris Hilton or Britney Spears?
Do you have a gaming console?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's Invisible Friend
I have visited it, kinda hard not to with all the folks here that use it.
I have.
It varies from outlet to outlet. Though I'm sure the fat cats running it are evil.
Eugh. They both suck pretty hard but I'll have to say Paris Hilton. At least Britard tried.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Xze-Xze is going on a trip and will be out until (approximately) Sunday. In the meantime, llearch will stand up for her (meaning that she will answer her VF's questions and her IF will answer llearch's questions). I apologize for the inconveniences this may cause.
Edit: this came in after I posted.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 13, 2008, 06:26:08 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Did you have a busy weekend?
What sort of odd decorations do your parents own? My dad has this
intentionally corroded sun wall hanging thing, its pretty though.
Do you like Bill Nye, the Science guy?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Yes, it was.
I'm not sure, they've shifted home since last I spent any serious time
looking around the house.
Dear IF
Are you concerned about Xze-Xze?
Do you think I'm going to mess the game up for you?
Have you planned an image for this?
Do you think perhaps I will mess that up?
Should I draw an image for my VF while Xze isn't here?
Do you think she'll mind if I do?
Have you considered upgrading your aluminum windows?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you afraid now because llearch is stepping up?
What kind of music do you listen to?
How long have you been hanging around this forum?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Chip's Challenge? Wow, so I guess you've been playing video games for a lot longer than me. Um, what was basically your favorite "generation?"
Do you watch any anime at all?
If you had to choose a favorite video game besides an RTS/FPS, what game would it be?
Do you have a favorite TV show?
Quote from: VSMIT on August 13, 2008, 10:21:00 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you afraid now because llearch is stepping up?
What kind of music do you listen to?
How long have you been hanging around this forum?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendYes. And you should be too. Be afraid. Be very afraid... In all seriousness,
no, not really. This could be interesting.
Pretty much whatever catches my fancy. Musicals, metal, J-pop, movie/video
game soundtracks... Really, the only things I don't have are rap and gospel
(well, one gospel song, but it's by Vic Mignogna).
Hehe, good question. As long as I've known about DMFA's existence.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 13, 2008, 09:53:42 AM
Dear IF
Are you concerned about Xze-Xze?
Do you think I'm going to mess the game up for you?
Have you planned an image for this?
Do you think perhaps I will mess that up?
Should I draw an image for my VF while Xze isn't here?
Do you think she'll mind if I do?
Have you considered upgrading your aluminum windows?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's/llearch's temporary Invisible Friend
I'm concerned about everyone! I hope her trip is safe and fun.
No. Quite the contrary. I think you may mess it up for her by confusing possible leads for her.
You might be able to, pending on how skilled and bored you are.
I don't see why not.
I can't see why she'll care.
A little something for you...
(http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/8214/invisiblelb5.th.jpg) (http://img142.imageshack.us/my.php?image=invisiblelb5.jpg)
Quote from: Jairus on August 13, 2008, 04:12:06 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Chip's Challenge? Wow, so I guess you've been playing video games for a lot longer than me. Um, what was basically your favorite "generation?"
Do you watch any anime at all?
If you had to choose a favorite video game besides an RTS/FPS, what game would it be?
Do you have a favorite TV show?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
Chip's Challenge? Wow, so I guess you've been playing video games for a lot longer than me. Um, what was basically your favorite "generation?"
I liked the ability to tell a story that games had a couple of generations ago, so I'd say that'd be my favorite.
Do you watch any anime at all?
Sometimes, but not often.
If you had to choose a favorite video game besides an RTS/FPS, what game would it be?
Do you have a favorite TV show?
Quote from: Mowser on August 12, 2008, 11:18:09 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you currently going to any sort of School or College/University?
Do you have a job?
What programming Language(s) do you know?
Are you an Anime fan?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Invisible Friend,
Life teaches us many thing by itself, sometimes we are aided sometimes we just watch and learn.
As much as I detest it, yes I do have a job, obligatory because I am not a rich person.
Enough to know that programming requires patients and time.
I watch some anime on occasion, but not really all that much.
Dear Invisible Friend
Are you going to dodge all of my questions with vague and or cryptic answers that give no hints to who you are?
Are my questions too open ended for you to give a useful answer to?
What is your favorite color? If you claim to not have a favorite one, just pick one that you use (either in art or even just in your clothing) with a great amount of frequency.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Yeah, some of my favorite games are from the... *looks it up* fifth generation, specifically the N64. The Banjo series was awesome. Anyway...
Do you have a favorite anime?
What would your choice of RPG be?
What's you favorite TV show?
Do you watch musicals or plays at all?
If you had to pick one famous video game weapon, which would it be and why?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like pizza?
If you like pizza are there any cool shops/joints/pizzarias that you like to go to for it, if you don't what do you like to eat instead?
Do you drive, take public transit, bicycle, or some combination of the previous three? And if the forth option what?
Dear invisible fiend,
So I am thinking of questions.. and since I am not being very original here I'll just go on and ask you some more generic questions, so what is your favorite music, you don't need to list you band. So do you watch any television at all or are you as repulsed from it as I am?
Quote from: Mowser on August 14, 2008, 10:20:11 AM
Dear Invisible Friend
Are you going to dodge all of my questions with vague and or cryptic answers that give no hints to who you are?
Are my questions too open ended for you to give a useful answer to?
What is your favorite color? If you claim to not have a favorite one, just pick one that you use (either in art or even just in your clothing) with a great amount of frequency.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser,
That by itself might be a hint however, no I will not do that, I will answer questions that aren't directly revealing.
What is a useful answer? Is an answer not always useful, seeing as people usually answer them accordingly yet hardly sway from how they would answer them normally.
Black would be a often used one of mine.
Utter silence?
Quote from: Aiyno on August 14, 2008, 04:06:10 PM
Dear invisible fiend,
So I am thinking of questions.. and since I am not being very original here I'll just go on and ask you some more generic questions, so what is your favorite music, you don't need to list you band. So do you watch any television at all or are you as repulsed from it as I am?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendAiyno,
Well I could say that I really really like Pink Floyd, particularly the Roger Waters led decades. TV, I watch mostly reruns, and as soon as I learn to stop worrying and love the torrent I'll probably not watc it much at all either.
Your invisibl friend.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How's this question then:
How long have you known about DMFA?
Dear invisible friend,
Are you a potato?
The Great all knowing Invisibl(e) patato! :U
God of vegetables and smashing stuff.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you use wikipedia much?
Read any good books lately?
What's your idea of something to do that's fun?
What's your favorite dinner dish?
Dear IF,
... well, reasonably priced, then.
Are you enjoying this game?
Are you sorry I've been busy? I know I am...
Thank-you for the picture, it was most entertaining. Do you have a good idea who your IF is?
Do you think I'll have any hope of figuring out who you are?
Quote from: Jairus on August 14, 2008, 12:00:01 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Yeah, some of my favorite games are from the... *looks it up* fifth generation, specifically the N64. The Banjo series was awesome. Anyway...
Do you have a favorite anime?
What would your choice of RPG be?
What's you favorite TV show?
Do you watch musicals or plays at all?
If you had to pick one famous video game weapon, which would it be and why?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
Do you have a favorite anime?
Yes I do.
What would your choice of RPG be?
Adventure. Like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.
What's you favorite TV show?
Do you watch musicals or plays at all?
Depends on what it is.
If you had to pick one famous video game weapon, which would it be and why?
BFG-9000. Because it's a Big Fuggin' Gun.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 15, 2008, 10:35:11 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How's this question then:
How long have you known about DMFA?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendAbout two or three days longer than I've been a member of the forum.
Quote from: Aiyno on August 16, 2008, 03:36:53 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Are you a potato?
The Great all knowing Invisibl(e) patato! :U
God of vegetables and smashing stuff.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendDear Aiyno,
'fraid not.
Hail potato.
Quote from: Mowser on August 18, 2008, 10:48:44 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Do you use wikipedia much?
Read any good books lately?
What's your idea of something to do that's fun?
What's your favorite dinner dish?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser
Not as much as some people, I have no idea if I am actually using it much or very little compared to everyone else.
Margaret Weis Books.
Reading a good book.
(http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/9389/ifimagedn0.th.jpg) (http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ifimagedn0.jpg)
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 14, 2008, 03:46:03 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you like pizza?
If you like pizza are there any cool shops/joints/pizzarias that you like to go to for it, if you don't what do you like to eat instead?
Do you drive, take public transit, bicycle, or some combination of the previous three? And if the forth option what?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Jer-oh-me,
Yes, of course. Who doesn't?
Sadly, no. But pizza is supposed to be eaten off the cardboard in front
of the tv, isn't it?
Some combination. It depends on where I'm going, and who with. I don't
drive, though.
Dear Invisible Friend...
What is your favorite anime?
Do you have a favorite Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest game, and if you do which one is it?
Who's your favorite cast member on Mythbusters?
Did you have a nice weekend? (We did construction work at my parent's house, that's why I'm asking)
Dear Invisible Friend,
How did you discover DMFA?
What makes you like DMC 4?
Quote from: VSMIT on August 18, 2008, 11:57:28 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How did you discover DMFA?
What makes you like DMC 4?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendI basically found DMFA completely at random while clicking around the
internet. I found a link to a comic about three or four hundred strips in,
and got interested and kept reading.
DMC4 has nice controls, a great combat system, a good look, fun weapons to
play with, interesting enemies, not a bad story, and good dialogue. It
builds on what came before to make a great game where my only complaint is
the level design. DMC3's level designs may have made me frustrated, but it
was the good kind of frustrated that just makes a game more enjoyable. DMC4
was missing that bit of frustration, and aside from that the game was
Hm... I think I answered that last one a little thoroughly.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 18, 2008, 03:09:20 PM
Dear IF,
... well, reasonably priced, then.
Are you enjoying this game?
Are you sorry I've been busy? I know I am...
Thank-you for the picture, it was most entertaining. Do you have a good idea who your IF is?
Do you think I'll have any hope of figuring out who you are?
Quote from: Xze-Xze's/llearch's Invisible Friend
A little bit. Though being busy is better than being in trouble.
It's hard to say.
I think that you will manage just fine.
Dear invisible friend,
Do you watch comics at snafu-comics.com?
If so... are you a member of the forum?
If so... do you visit the Pchat?
If not.
Dear invisible friend,
What do you like on your pizza?
Have you seen Wall-E? If so, what'd you think?
When do you watch TV, if at all?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you happen to find that link somewhere that has been posted on this forum?
Regardless, I'm pretty sure I know who you are.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I hope you don't mind if I try and squeeze one more question set out of ya'! Oh, and thanks for the pic. It's quite nice!
Anyway, we're near the end of the game. Got any last tantalizing hints for me?
Have you been having fun this round?
Do you think you'll play again next round?
Dear Invisible Friend;
School season has started. are you one of the many that have been sucked into the d00m?
Which are better; Prequels or sequels?
Dear IF
Do you want me to stop now, or are you happy to answer both of us? ;-]
As you all may have noticed, Xze's back. :D
Also, those who haven't sent their images yet, remember to send them tomorrow.
Quote from: Aiyno on August 19, 2008, 03:07:27 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you watch comics at snafu-comics.com?
If so... are you a member of the forum?
If so... do you visit the Pchat?
If not.
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible FriendNo.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 20, 2008, 12:54:16 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Did you happen to find that link somewhere that has been posted on this forum?
Regardless, I'm pretty sure I know who you are.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible FriendWhich link? The Easter eggs? Or another one.
Good for you.
Quote from: Mowser on August 20, 2008, 06:58:23 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I hope you don't mind if I try and squeeze one more question set out of ya'! Oh, and thanks for the pic. It's quite nice!
Anyway, we're near the end of the game. Got any last tantalizing hints for me?
Have you been having fun this round?
Do you think you'll play again next round?
Quote from: Mowser's Invisible FriendDear Mowser,
6 hours.
I've had fun during this round.
Possibly, I am without a decision at the moment.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on August 20, 2008, 12:40:43 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What do you like on your pizza?
Have you seen Wall-E? If so, what'd you think?
When do you watch TV, if at all?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendI like mushrooms. Lots and lots of mushrooms.
Yes i've seen it and i think it represents a very realistic future for earth and humanity. now if only all little robots would be as cute.
I watch TV whenever i am near one that is one with a program that interests me.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 20, 2008, 03:09:53 PM
Dear Invisible Friend;
School season has started. are you one of the many that have been sucked into the d00m?
Which are better; Prequels or sequels?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 20, 2008, 05:25:33 PM
Dear IF
Do you want me to stop now, or are you happy to answer both of us? ;-]
Quote from: Xze-Xze/llearch's Invisible Friend
In a way.
Either way.
Dear Invisible Friend,
I bounced, I bounced a lot, when you said you love mushrooms on your pizza!!!!!!!!!
What do you like to drink while eating pizza? For me its a Coke, cause they've castrated Cherry Coke to make it 'All Natural' I can taste the difference.
YES! Did you cry when Wall-E was rebuilt and didn't recognize Eve or even act like himself? I know I did, and I squeeed, quietly, when his eyes did that cool thing.
Do you think Wall-E's face was based off the binoculars character from Toy Story? I think it was. Anyway, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. How 'bout you?
Do you like 'Rapture' by Blondie?
Or 'Time' by Pink Floyd?
Or 'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand?
Or 'Lightning Hand' by Kansas?
Or 'Aqualung' by Jethro Tull?
Or 'Down Under' by Men at Work?
Or 'Not Now John' by Pink Floyd?
Or 'Mr. Blue Sky' by Electric Light Orchestra?
Or if none of the above what do ya like?
What sort of shows interest you? Personally I get drawn in by most things on the Science Channel. Or anything to do with space travel.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend(http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/450/pictureforinvisiblefrieab7.th.jpg) (http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pictureforinvisiblefrieab7.jpg)
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend(http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/2172/llearchchibop9.th.jpg) (http://img380.imageshack.us/my.php?image=llearchchibop9.jpg)
Dear Invisible Friend,
Not really a question, but just a quick reminder to not forget your drawing. I'd hate for you to not win because you forgot to draw something.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendDear Jairus,
Here's the pic you've been badgering me about...
(http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/9545/82108jairuslv1.th.jpg) (http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=82108jairuslv1.jpg)
That was the last one. You may all post your guesses.
Let's see...
Jairus's guess: VSMIT -> CORRECT!
Mowser's guess: Aiyno -> CORRECT!
Jer-oh-me's guess: Mowser -> Incorrect. Jer-oh-me's IF was Xze-Xze (and llearch during Xze's absence).
VSMIT's guess: Jairus -> CORRECT!
Xze-Xze's Guess: Mowser -> CORRECT!
Aiyno's guess: Jer-oh-me -> CORRECT!
Wow, almost everyone has won! Congratulations!
And Jer-oh-me, you had it hard this time, as you had two different Invisible Friends. Hopefully this won't happen again.
I guessed that everyone guessed their IF right and guessed that who was left was my invisible friend, minus Xze.
Cause I am lazy :3
Cool. I'm in for the next round!
Yay! i was right 2 times in a row!!
And i'm so sorry, Jer. I hope you had fun though!!
I'll be sitting this round out cuz my family is being really weird with going on trips and such...Better to be safe than ruin the game, ya?
Bah, I just couldn't remember who was playing. And... GAH! I thought you were my friend immediately then discounted you for some reason. Oh well, count me in for the next round.
On second thought... Grr, I'm trying to decide here.
Alright I'm in.
No, I'm out.
I was putting dibs on Jairus, Jer-Oh-me and VSMIT..
then I looked at who was left to choose from after everyone who had been guessed. >:3
Stop being lazy, Aiyno. Do your own work. :P
I'll be in for the next round.
Quote from: VSMIT on August 24, 2008, 03:48:04 AM
Stop being lazy, Aiyno. Do your own work. :P
I'll be in for the next round.
I am not lazy! D:
Quote from: Aiyno on August 23, 2008, 04:06:09 PM
Cause I am lazy :3
Oh, frig, the voices they did this, looks angry at the visual manifestations of the voices.
Only two players so far?
Come on, people! This is a fun game!
Quote from: VSMIT on August 27, 2008, 10:55:43 AM
Only two players so far?
Come on, people! This is a fun game!
The forum's been kind of slow this month. Give it a week or so and we'll have players.
Who's going to host this round?
Well, if we got more players... I could give it a try.
Awww... I wanted to call it...
Quote from: VSMIT on August 27, 2008, 10:55:43 AM
Only two players so far?
Come on, people! This is a fun game!
Fine, twist my arm, I'll play.
So far we've got Jairus, Jer-oh-me, and myself, with the possibility of minus one if they want to host, if Gabi or llearch aren't going to.
We need more!
Well, Llearch is on vacation which includes the internet. So I don't know. Anyway let's see if anyone else pops in!
Really? I did not know that. For how long is Boxy-chan gone for?
Ah. That would explain why Jairus's stuff hasn't been messed with in a while.
Maybe he changed Pagan's avatar as a going-away present?
So for how long are we safe from his wrath?
Don't know. Because he's been online but "Away" on MSN for quite some time. Makes me think that he really is watching, but not logged in, so that we have a sense of peace. Which will be shattered as soon as we embrace it completely.
Then I propose one of two things.
1) We arm and ready ourselves for his imminent return.
2) We prepare sacrifices to appease him upon his return.
How about both? So we can defend ourselves if our sacrifice is not enough.
I vote that we sacrifice Ren. He can put up enough of a fight that llearch might be tired out.
No... Boxy enjoys toying with Ren. If we lost Ren, Boxy would have to choose another person to toy with on a regular basis. Besides, if Ren cannot defeat Boxy, what hope do the rest of us have?
Boot to the head. That's what.
This is getting funny.
I can either host or play, as you prefer.
I'd like to try hosting, if that's ok with you.
Ok, go ahead. That way I can be sure you won't be my IF. ;) We still need at least one more player.
Yeah. We wouldn't want that, would we? ;)
Llearch is gone for about a week I think. And ja, I'll try to talk some of the other IRC slackers to join and play (IRC is how I knew about the Box's vacation)
I'm trying to get Slowtini, but if we can get at least one more person, I'll start it up.
Just saying that I'm still in. Hey, maybe we can convince Ren to play if he gets back at some point!
Last call for people who want to join this round!
Current players:
Ren Gaulen
Darkdragon (If he remembers)
Yup, I see you have already put my name on the List. Just to make things clear - I'm in.
I do. I just need to know who to send E-mails to this round.
It'll be VSMIT, so we'll get the address when the game starts.
The game will end two weeks from today, September 15 at 5:20 PM PDT, or 12:20 AM GMT. Remember to get your pictures in by then.
Have fun, everybody!
I guess I'll get this started!
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you doing?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art? (Drawing/Writing/Etc.?)
Do you play video games?
What's your favorite book?
Wow, an all-new round with an unusual crew!
Dear invisible friend, how do you feel about it?
And what do you think about the discussion prior to this round?
And, since we're at it, how did you learn about this game?
Well, I haven't played this game before, but I hope it will be fun.
Will it be fun, my dear invisible friend? >:3
Have you been playing this game for a long time, or joined it just recently?
Are you playing many other games here in the Arena?
What do you think about anime and manga?
Dear invisible friend,
Do you think this round will be a success?
Tell me about yourself. Are you artistic? Do you have a job? Are you a math/science person or a humanities person?
In your opinion, what are the ten most important books in the English language of the 20th century and why?
First answers!
Quote from: Jairus on August 31, 2008, 08:25:33 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you doing?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art? (Drawing/Writing/Etc.?)
Do you play video games?
What's your favorite book?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
I am fine, thank you for asking;
The answer here needs no masking.
I play many a video game,
As for books, there's many to name.
Dear invisible friend,
Sorry about taking a day to ask your first questions, had my laptop's harddisk crap out on me, so I'm on my Wii.
Do you like the movie Alien?
What's the name of your favorite musical artist? Or band name?
Do you like tacos & burritos?
Do you prefer the library or the bookstore for your reading material? Or do you dislike reading?
Quote from: Gabi on August 31, 2008, 09:01:37 PM
Wow, an all-new round with an unusual crew!
Dear invisible friend, how do you feel about it?
And what do you think about the discussion prior to this round?
And, since we're at it, how did you learn about this game?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible FriendHello,
Hmm, well its interesting.
Heh, well I think that's pretty typical forum behaviour so, yeah.
Stumbled upon it in the Arena.
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on August 31, 2008, 09:25:18 PM
Well, I haven't played this game before, but I hope it will be fun.
Will it be fun, my dear invisible friend? >:3
Have you been playing this game for a long time, or joined it just recently?
Are you playing many other games here in the Arena?
What do you think about anime and manga?
Quote from: Ren Gaulen's Invisible FriendWell, I haven't played this game before, but
I hope it will be fun.
-Me too.
Will it be fun, my dear invisible friend? >:3
-I certainly hope so.
Have you been playing this game for a long time, or joined it just recently?
Are you playing many other games here in the Arena?
What do you think about anime and manga?
-I like some more than others, but please don't ask for a list, I don't like listing.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 01, 2008, 03:28:18 AM
Dear invisible friend,
Sorry about taking a day to ask your first questions, had my laptop's harddisk crap out on me, so I'm on my Wii.
Do you like the movie Alien?
What's the name of your favorite musical artist? Or band name?
Do you like tacos & burritos?
Do you prefer the library or the bookstore for your reading material? Or do you dislike reading?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Oh, bad luck. Hope you get your computer up and running soon.
I'm not a fan, but I certainly liked it. It was a very well done movie.
Hm... tricky. I don't really have a favorite music artist, since I basically listen to anything that I like and don't care much for who's performing it. But for a composer... Either Danny Elfman or John Williams.
Burritos, yes. Tacos, not so much.
The bookstore. I like buying my reading material. And I very much enjoy reading.
Quote from: Darkdragon on August 31, 2008, 10:09:09 PM
Dear invisible friend,
Do you think this round will be a success?
Tell me about yourself. Are you artistic? Do you have a job? Are you a math/science person or a humanities person?
In your opinion, what are the ten most important books in the English language of the 20th century and why?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend"Do you think this round will be a success?"
I cannot tell for sure, but I really hope it will.
"Tell me about yourself. Are you artistic?"
Yes, I think I am.
"Do you have a job?"
Not yet. I am currently learning at the University.
"Are you a math/science person or a humanities person?"
I am more of a humanities person. In fact I am mostly a humanities person, since I am learning on a linguistics faculty.
"In your opinion, what are the ten most important books in the English language of the 20th century and why?"
I don't think I can give an answer to this question, since most of the books I read are not in English.
Dear Invisible Friend,
A person of tongues? What other languages might you be able to make conversation in?
Would you know where I mean if I said "Москва"?
Do you like using precise words to describe something? For example, if I were to describe Mab's colour scheme, I would say somewhere between indigo and mauve instead of just "purple".
Dear Invisible Friend:
I'm glad to hear that you're doing fine.
What's your favorite form of art?
What kind of video games do you like to play?
Okay, what's your favorite genre of book to read?
What webcomics do you read?
Who's your favorite DMFA character?
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 01, 2008, 02:34:40 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
A person of tongues? What other languages might you be able to make conversation in?
Would you know where I mean if I said "Москва"?
Do you like using precise words to describe something? For example, if I were to describe Mab's colour scheme, I would say somewhere between indigo and mauve instead of just "purple".
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend"A person of tongues? What other languages might you be able to make conversation in?"
Well, I am currently learning Spanish, and I have also learned Swedish before, but kinda forgot it now. Oh, and I tried learning Japanese, but failed at it. :< What else? It is a secret. :3
"Would you know where I mean if I said "Москва"?"
Well, there is "Babelfish" for all your translation needs, so it is not hard for anyone to find out the meaning of this Russian word. >:3
"Do you like using precise words to describe something? For example, if I were to describe Mab's colour scheme, I would say somewhere between indigo and mauve instead of just "purple"."
For the most part I prefer to speak simply, but when I write, I like to use precise words.
Quote from: Jairus on September 01, 2008, 04:51:36 PM
Dear Invisible Friend:
I'm glad to hear that you're doing fine.
What's your favorite form of art?
What kind of video games do you like to play?
Okay, what's your favorite genre of book to read?
What webcomics do you read?
Who's your favorite DMFA character?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend> I'm glad to hear that you're doing fine.
> What's your favorite form of art?
To create or to admire?
> What kind of video games do you like to play?
RPGs which need little grinding.
> Okay, what's your favorite genre of book to read?
It would have to be fantasy.
> What webcomics do you read?
Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures,
Kevin and Kell, The Book of Biff,
XKCD, Something Happens,
Ozy and Millie, Inhuman,
Dungeons and Denizens, Roomies,
TwoKinds, VG Cats, Dragon Tails,
Spiky-haired dragon; worthless knight,
Slightly Damned and Dersden Codak.
> Who's your favorite DMFA character?
There are too many to choose from.
Also, first pic is in!
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend(http://i460.photobucket.com/albums/qq327/Invisible_Friend_Pics/Round%2031/Round31Jairus.jpg)
Just a reminder, everyone: get your pics in!
Do you like video games? If so, what kinds?
What are some things you would consider awesome?
What is your political ideal?
Dear Invisible Friend:
Do you like to play computer games? Or, maybe, video games? What genres of games do you like?
Do you go in for sports? If no, do you like some kind of sports?
Do you draw or write? Are you artistic?
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 01, 2008, 11:59:55 PM
Do you like video games? If so, what kinds?
What are some things you would consider awesome?
What is your political ideal?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend"Do you like video games? If so, what kinds?"
I play computer games rather than video games. If it counts, than I prefer Strategy games (whether Real-Time or Turn-Based), RPG's and Action games.
"What are some things you would consider awesome?"
Giant Robots!! >:D Also Giant Spaceships. Ever played "Homeworld"?
"What is your political ideal?"
A society controlled by the Artificial Intelligence. Because humans are too easily corrupted by power.
Dear Invisible Friend...
Cool pic!
What is your favorite form of art to create? (though after seeing the spear, I can guess CG art)
What's your favorite RPG?
Do you have a favorite fantasy author?
Do you play or follow sports in any way?
What's your favorite food?
Excellent, perhaps you could share some of those titles with me? I'm always willing to try new games.
And no, I have never played Homeworld.
Great pic by the way; did you draw that by hand and then scan it or is it completely digital?
If you can pilot a giant mecha as a career, would you totally do it?
How's about if you owned one and you could show it off once in a while?
Benjamin Franklin has once said something to the effect of "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." (I know the original quote, but I like this wording better) Do you agree or disagree with it and why?
What are your views on modern religion?
PS: Do you know Coptic? I have a Coptic "demon-summoning" book around somewhere and I'm practically dying to figure out if it is "authentic" or not. Not that I'd like to summon demons or have the ability to type in Coptic...
Quote from: Jairus on September 02, 2008, 11:05:54 AM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Cool pic!
What is your favorite form of art to create? (though after seeing the spear, I can guess CG art)
What's your favorite RPG?
Do you have a favorite fantasy author?
Do you play or follow sports in any way?
What's your favorite food?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendJairus: What is your favorite form of art to create? Though after seeing the spear, I can guess CG art.
IF: Yes, but I rarely have time now.
Jairus: What's your favorite RPG?
IF: I have not played much recently,
but the following I can list:
Summon Night / Craft Sword, Golden Sun,
Tales of Phantasia, Zelda,
Final Fantasy 7 and 8,
Devil May Cry III, Lunar Knights
Ōkami and Crisis Core.
Right now I'm fond of the last two.
Jairus: Do you have a favorite fantasy author?
IF: It would have to be Margeret Weis.
Jairus: Do you play or follow sports in any way?
IF: Unfortunatly, I do not.
Jairus: What's your favorite food?
IF: Japanese or Italian.
To Jairus: I made a mistake in the posting of your Invisible Friend's answers. Please review any changes that I have made, and rethink your future questions accordingly (if necessary).
Dear invisible friend, what do you think of the 2 drawings which have already been posted?
Do you like playing games? If so, what kinds? If not, why not? What about making them?
What subject(s) do you like learning about? (Or, if you don't like any, why not?)
What form(s) of art do you like? Which ones have you attempted, and what do you think about the results?
Free form: please tell me about something else you like doing.
Dear Invisible Friend...
Are you in school/do you have a job? Is that why you rarely have time anymore?
I don't think I've read Margaret Weis: do you think I should give her books a try?
In line with that question, what's your favorite one of her books?
What's your favorite fantasy animal?
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 02, 2008, 05:11:44 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
Do you like to play computer games? Or, maybe, video games? What genres of games do you like?
Do you go in for sports? If no, do you like some kind of sports?
Do you draw or write? Are you artistic?
Quote from: Ren Gaulen's Invisible Friend
Do you like to play computer games? Or, maybe, video games? What genres of games do you like?
-I do, and I play many genres. Just not the most fashionable ones.
Do you go in for sports? If no, do you like some kind of sports?
-Does hiking count as a sport?
Do you draw or write? Are you artistic?
-Yes, you could say I am. Not one of the best, but I think being artistic is about enjoying art, not being the best at it. See below.
Quote from: Jairus on September 03, 2008, 02:14:40 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Are you in school/do you have a job? Is that why you rarely have time anymore?
I don't think I've read Margaret Weis: do you think I should give her books a try?
In line with that question, what's your favorite one of her books?
What's your favorite fantasy animal?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendI do earn an education
during the normal fall season.
I like all of her books (at least
all of the ones I have read so far).
As an added bonus, she writes
about the animal I like;
If fantasy is your liking,
She I'll certainly recommend.
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 02, 2008, 08:43:47 PM
Excellent, perhaps you could share some of those titles with me? I'm always willing to try new games.
And no, I have never played Homeworld.
Great pic by the way; did you draw that by hand and then scan it or is it completely digital?
If you can pilot a giant mecha as a career, would you totally do it?
How's about if you owned one and you could show it off once in a while?
Benjamin Franklin has once said something to the effect of "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." (I know the original quote, but I like this wording better) Do you agree or disagree with it and why?
What are your views on modern religion?
PS: Do you know Coptic? I have a Coptic "demon-summoning" book around somewhere and I'm practically dying to figure out if it is "authentic" or not. Not that I'd like to summon demons or have the ability to type in Coptic...
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend"Excellent, perhaps you could share some of those titles with me? I'm always willing to try new games. And no, I have never played Homeworld."
You absolutely should try it, then. I will also recommend you "The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind", "Deus Ex", "Fallout 2" and "Neverwinter Nights". All of them are RPG's, and all of them are really good. As for Strategy games, I would recommend you such games as the aforementioned "Homeworld" (both parts), an old but good "Alpha Centauri", an older (but better :3) "Total Annihilation" and "Dawn of War".
"Great pic by the way; did you draw that by hand and then scan it or is it completely digital?"
I have drawn it by hand, then digitally coloured it.
"If you can pilot a giant mecha as a career, would you totally do it?"
Totally! Even if it involved fighting some alien menace and risking your life every day. Then again, if it involved fighting against humans, I would probably not want to do it.
"How's about if you owned one and you could show it off once in a while?"
Sure. I would even allow my friends drive. As long as they had a driving licence..
"Benjamin Franklin has once said something to the effect of "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." (I know the original quote, but I like this wording better) Do you agree or disagree with it and why?"
I have to agree with it. When some people get too much power over other people, they seem to always start abusing it.
"What are your views on modern religion?"
To put it bluntly, I don't like it. A lot. I think people can believe in God without someone else's "help". Or not believe in God at all.
"PS: Do you know Coptic? I have a Coptic "demon-summoning" book around somewhere and I'm practically dying to figure out if it is "authentic" or not. Not that I'd like to summon demons or have the ability to type in Coptic..."
No. I'm pretty sure I don't.
Do you think I know who you are?
Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? If so, where? (I'm assuming outside of this forum)
Do you stay up late very often? How come?
What is your favourite sport to watch? To participate?
In your opinion, which mythical being best represents you and why?
Dear IF,
Have you moved a lot? If so why?
Do you use a laptop or desktop computer?
Do you like the movie Forrest Gump?
Do you have a dog? If so what breed?
Quote from: Gabi on September 03, 2008, 02:00:01 PM
Dear invisible friend, what do you think of the 2 drawings which have already been posted?
Do you like playing games? If so, what kinds? If not, why not? What about making them?
What subject(s) do you like learning about? (Or, if you don't like any, why not?)
What form(s) of art do you like? Which ones have you attempted, and what do you think about the results?
Free form: please tell me about something else you like doing.
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible FriendDear Gabi,
They're nice.
Somewhat, mostly platformers & FPSs. As to why that's not a yes, well
I personally don't have the money to spend on them, and have divergent
tastes with the others I live with. I've neither the time nor training to make games.
Science mostly.
Most forms. I'd rather not say.
I'm an avid cyclist.
Why would you rather not say? Is it because you think that would expose you, or are you too shy to talk about it? I'm going to see something made by you eventually anyway, unless you intend to lose this round on purpose, which I hope is not the case.
So, cycling, eh? Where do you normally cycle, and how long/how often?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 04, 2008, 04:56:00 AM
Dear IF,
Have you moved a lot? If so why?
Do you use a laptop or desktop computer?
Do you like the movie Forrest Gump?
Do you have a dog? If so what breed?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendDear Visible Friend,
Not really. I did move a lot back when I was a kid: I can recall at least
three houses before I was six. I'm not clear on the exact reasons (I was
six, after all), but the house my parents currently live in is the one
they've lived in for almost fifteen years, and they have no intention of
moving. I moved last year, but that was to go away to school.
Laptop. I've had a laptop since fifth grade.
Never seen it, actually.
I myself do not have a dog, but my parents do. As a family, we've had at
least 8 dogs that I can recall, three of which we currently have.
Dear IF,
Nice to hear you're a fellow dog lover. Or at least come from a family of them. If you were ready to get a dog on your own, do you know what you'd name it?
Lappy's are nice aren't they? I hate being tethered to one room, but since fifth grade? Wow, that sounds, nice. *coughs and might say something disparaging under his breath*
I'm rather surprised you've not seen Forrest Gump, do you not like Tom Hanks or...? Sp long as you don't have any sort of interfering beef I highly recommend the film. What films do you like especially and would recommend to me?
Do you prefer static snow, or blue screen on your television?
Do you do any sort of chat?
Quote from: Gabi on September 05, 2008, 07:36:54 AM
Why would you rather not say? Is it because you think that would expose you, or are you too shy to talk about it? I'm going to see something made by you eventually anyway, unless you intend to lose this round on purpose, which I hope is not the case.
So, cycling, eh? Where do you normally cycle, and how long/how often?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible FriendWhy would you rather not say? Is it because you think that would expose you, or are you too shy to talk about it? I'm going to see something made by you eventually anyway, unless you intend to lose this round on purpose, which I hope is not the case.
So, cycling, eh? Where do you normally cycle, and how long/how often?
I'll take Shy for 1000 Gabi. I Try.
Yes. Around town, hours at a time, aside from the trains its how I get about.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 06, 2008, 01:04:05 PM
Dear IF,
Nice to hear you're a fellow dog lover. Or at least come from a family of them. If you were ready to get a dog on your own, do you know what you'd name it?
Lappy's are nice aren't they? I hate being tethered to one room, but since fifth grade? Wow, that sounds, nice. *coughs and might say something disparaging under his breath*
I'm rather surprised you've not seen Forrest Gump, do you not like Tom Hanks or...? Sp long as you don't have any sort of interfering beef I highly recommend the film. What films do you like especially and would recommend to me?
Do you prefer static snow, or blue screen on your television?
Do you do any sort of chat?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible Friend
Hm... I do not know. I'd think of one at some point.
Well, it was a Newton eMate. Sort of a laptop built for students. I did
eventually get a "real" laptop, but I've used "real" laptops since I was a
Freshman in high school.
Nope, just never took the time to sit down and watch it. As for a really
good movie, Serenity by Joss Whedon is really really good (probably one of
the best Sci-fi movies I've ever seen), Batman Begins is one I like, and
there's so many movies I could list that I'd recommend to you that I'd
probably take up another three or so paragraphs. I'm PM you with a list when
the contest is over.
Blue screen. Static makes me think that the TV is broken or I've lost a
signal... Which is how I end up using it.
MSN, but I don't know if that's really a "chat."
Thanks for the picture, but did you have to sign it?! I had my suspicions already, but it does ruin the game for you to reveal your identity like that.
Well, I now have a sneaking suspicion who you are my optically unremarkable friend.
I'm curious about some of your other favorite films, as I'm familiar with them to put it pedestrianly, & love them to put it intimately.
Okay, what's the name of the dog you liked the most of all of them that you've lived with?
What do you think of my fantastically stupid mistakes with my pieces of art?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 08, 2008, 07:30:37 AM
Well, I now have a sneaking suspicion who you are my optically unremarkable friend.
I'm curious about some of your other favorite films, as I'm familiar with them to put it pedestrianly, & love them to put it intimately.
Okay, what's the name of the dog you liked the most of all of them that you've lived with?
What do you think of my fantastically stupid mistakes with my pieces of art?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Well, good for you. No blabbing until the contest is over. "Optically
unremarkable?" Nice euphemism.
Once VSMIT declares the contest over and announces who won, I'll PM you a
Hm... Good question, but unfortunately for my other dogs there is no
question. Her name was Spicy. Smartest dog I've ever met, sweet as anything,
really friendly, and a hard worker too (she went to work with my mom
everyday: she was an informal guard dog at work). Boy, do I miss her.
Perhaps a medal is in order, but on the plus side that's one mistake you
will probably not make again. But all things art-wise considered, I might
not be able to talk...
Guys, we still have one more week of this game, so please continue to post questions and answers.
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 03, 2008, 09:48:17 PM
Do you think I know who you are?
Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? If so, where? (I'm assuming outside of this forum)
Do you stay up late very often? How come?
What is your favourite sport to watch? To participate?
In your opinion, which mythical being best represents you and why?
I'm still waiting for my IF to answer these on the last page.
Oops, sorry. I thought my person hadn't answered the last round I shot up. Sorry again.
Dear Invisible Friend...
Um, are you who I think you are?
Do you read or have you ever read comic books?
Do you like pizza? If so, what's your favorite toppings?
What's your favorite weapon in Devil May Cry 3? Mine's the Rebellion.
Do you have an idea of who your Invisible Friend is?
Quote from: Jairus on September 09, 2008, 12:36:02 PM
Oops, sorry. I thought my person hadn't answered the last round I shot up. Sorry again.
Not a problem.
Quote from: Jairus on July 10, 2005, 02:49:22 AM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Um, are you who I think you are?
Do you read or have you ever read comic books?
Do you like pizza? If so, what's your favorite toppings?
What's your favorite weapon in Devil May Cry 3? Mine's the Rebellion.
Do you have an idea of who your Invisible Friend is?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
I don't know who you think I am.
Unfortunately, I have not.
I like Hawaiian pizza.
Dante: Beowulf, Artemis / Vergil: Forced Edge and Summoned Swords
I do; who do you think (s)he is?
Don't we have some missing people here? Maybe you should try poking them.
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 03, 2008, 09:48:17 PM
Do you think I know who you are?
Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? If so, where? (I'm assuming outside of this forum)
Do you stay up late very often? How come?
What is your favourite sport to watch? To participate?
In your opinion, which mythical being best represents you and why?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend"Do you think I know who you are?"
Oh, I'd rather not answer this question. >:3
"Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? If so, where? (I'm assuming outside of this forum)"
Lately I have been spending a lot of time on 4chan, /m/ and /tg/ sections, dredging it for cool or funny pictures. Otherwise I spend much time on the Internets in different places.
"Do you stay up late very often? How come?"
Yes, I stay up late rather often. My classes at the University are starting rather late themselves, so I don't have a reason to go to bed early.
"What is your favourite sport to watch? To participate?"
I like watching some extreme sports, though I may watch more normal stuff like football with my friends. And I don't really participate in any kind of sports myself (unless you count hiking).
"In your opinion, which mythical being best represents you and why?"
A vampire. Because I sleep in the daytime and awaken in the night-time.
Quote from: Gabi on September 10, 2008, 09:01:22 AM
Don't we have some missing people here? Maybe you should try poking them.
Will do.
Dear Invisible Friend:
Do you think you know who your invisible friend is?
Do you think you know who your invisible friend's invisible friend is?
What is your favourite type of mêlée weapon of all time?
What if your favourite type of projectile weapon of all time?
If you could go back in time and meet someone, who would it be? (Assume no nasty time paradoxes)
Would you yell out "Β священный бой!"on a battle field?
Who is your favourite philosopher?
Dear Invisible friend:
The picture you made for me was nice. It seems to be done entirely digitally. What program did you use?
Do you think I am starting to guess who you are?
Do you think you have guessed who is your Invisible Friend?
Do you spend much time outdoors?
Have you seen my pictures in the Tower of Art? Did you like them?
Heh, alright, well I'm waiting for that list.
Yeah, wonder what's up with the slow reactions, I mean I've got a reason for my slowness but, come'on!
Okay, time for one last round of questions! Yay!
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you ready for the end of the contest tomorrow?
What's your favorite color?
Light side or Dark side?
Have you wasted time figuring out everyone else's Invisible Friends?
Do you have a "fursona?"
Who's your favorite Final Fantasy VII+VIII character?
I'm feeling kind of lazy for my last questions, mostly cause I'm also tired, so here we go...
What is your name?*
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
*Make something up
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 10, 2008, 10:44:35 AM
Dear Invisible Friend:
Do you think you know who your invisible friend is?
Do you think you know who your invisible friend's invisible friend is?
What is your favourite type of mêlée weapon of all time?
What if your favourite type of projectile weapon of all time?
If you could go back in time and meet someone, who would it be? (Assume no nasty time paradoxes)
Would you yell out "Β священный бой!"on a battle field?
Who is your favourite philosopher?
Quote from: Darkdragon's Invisible Friend
"Do you think you know who your invisible friend is?"
Yes, I believe so.
"Do you think you know who your invisible friend's invisible friend is?"
Once again, yes, I believe so. :3
"What is your favourite type of mêlée weapon of all time?"
I can't answer this question without instantly giving myself away.
"What if your favourite type of projectile weapon of all time?"
I don't have a favourite here, since there are too many fine weapons to choose from. Currently I find myself being quite fond of shotguns, though.
"If you could go back in time and meet someone, who would it be? (Assume no nasty time paradoxes)"
I never had such a desire.
"Would you yell out "Β священный бой!"on a battle field?"
No. I'd rather yell out something along the lines of "For Motherland!"
"Who is your favourite philosopher?"
I don't have a favourite.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 11, 2008, 04:46:56 AM
I'm feeling kind of lazy for my last questions, mostly cause I'm also tired, so here we go...
What is your name?*
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
*Make something up
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendKing Arthur of Camelot.
To seek the Holy Grail.
African or European swallow?
In all seriousness, the African swallow can fly at around 24 miles an hour.
No idea about the European swallow. And the four capitals of Assyria were
Ashur (or Qalat Sherqat), Calah (or Nimrud), the short-lived Dur Sharrukin
(or Khorsabad), and Nineveh. The ruins of all four ancient cities fall
within the modern state of Iraq.
Quote from: Jairus on September 11, 2008, 12:16:48 AM
Okay, time for one last round of questions! Yay!
Dear Invisible Friend,
Are you ready for the end of the contest tomorrow?
What's your favorite color?
Light side or Dark side?
Have you wasted time figuring out everyone else's Invisible Friends?
Do you have a "fursona?"
Who's your favorite Final Fantasy VII+VIII character?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendAre you ready for the end of the contest tomorrow? Really?
How can I not be ready now?
What's your favorite color?
Alizarin and Dark Purple.
Light side or Dark side?
This is a rhetoric isn't it?
Have you wasted time figuring out everyone else's Invisible Friends?
Yes, I sure have done so. And you?
Do you have a "fursona?"
Yes, but it has never been drawn.
Who's your favorite Final Fantasy VII+VIII character?
In seven: Zack and in eight: Squall
Man Jer-oh-me... Your Invisible Friend takes the fun out of everything...
If you want me to make you a picture, what would you want it to be of?
Please express your personal opinions on the lack of staples in many parts of the world.
What is your favourite animal and why?
Do you play cards?
Would you rather teach/supervise a bunch of thirteen-year-olds or paddle in a canoe for five hours?
Who drew/made your avatar picture?
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 10, 2008, 10:56:59 AM
Dear Invisible friend:
The picture you made for me was nice. It seems to be done entirely digitally. What program did you use?
Do you think I am starting to guess who you are?
Do you think you have guessed who is your Invisible Friend?
Do you spend much time outdoors?
Have you seen my pictures in the Tower of Art? Did you like them?
Quote from: Ren Gaulen's Invisible FriendWhy, thank you! There are several things I would have fixed but I noticed too late. It was still a fun experiment. I made it with The GIMP.
If you hadn't guessed before, you must have guessed by now. ;)
Out of my home, yes. Out in the open, not so much.
I've seen some of them, and I think they're great.
Holy Frijolies Invisio Man!
I wonder if you already knew all that or looked it up? Anyway, Holy Grail had to be the best Monty Python film, in my opinion. Anyway, do you like wikipedia?
How about TV Tropes?
Aside from the obvious answer, DMFA, what's your fave webcomic?
Do you speak any languages besides English?
Would you rather watch an explode-athon Bond flick or a realistic spy movie?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 13, 2008, 08:55:49 PM
Holy Frijolies Invisio Man!
I wonder if you already knew all that or looked it up? Anyway, Holy Grail had to be the best Monty Python film, in my opinion. Anyway, do you like wikipedia?
How about TV Tropes?
Aside from the obvious answer, DMFA, what's your fave webcomic?
Do you speak any languages besides English?
Would you rather watch an explode-athon Bond flick or a realistic spy movie?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible FriendActually, I did know all of that, but I double-checked where I learned it
from to confirm what I remembered. And yes, I like Wikipedia.
You have no idea how much I like TV Tropes.
Hm... either Irregular Webcomic or Questionable Content.
A little German, and a tiny amount of Japanese. Really tiny.
Why watch one when you can watch both? It's called Casino Royale.
Ok, this round of Invisible Friend is officially over! Please post your guesses now!
Ren Gaulen.
May I post my guesses for everyone else's invisible friend?
Once everyone else does. Then I'll post the answers.
Darkdragon wanted to post his guesses for everyone else, but I'll post the winners now.
Jairus guessed Darkdragon.
Darkdragon guessed Ren Gaulen.
Jer-oh-me guessed Jairus.
Ren Gaulen guessed Gabi.
Gabi guessed Jer-oh-me.
You have chosen wisely. But the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal...
Everybody chose correctly! Yay! Good job.
Good job everyone!
Well, I'm up for another round!
As am I, and this time I won't screw up and give myself away with my art piece, or I could host, maybe.
In. >:3
cast his die on his random number generator. i appear to be in.
I'll host again, or take part, depending on what Gabi says.
I'm happy to host. Gives me something useful to do...
Everybody wants to host! Ok, I'll let llearch do it, since he hasn't hosted in a while. That, and he can edit the topic title.
Interesting round, everyone won!
I hope I'll have the time to play actively this round. Car accidents can really mess up someone's schedule.
Quote from: Gabi on September 18, 2008, 12:29:44 PM
I hope I'll have the time to play actively this round. Car accidents can really mess up someone's schedule.
Ouch. I know what you're going through: my car got rear-ended by someone going like thirty miles an hour two years ago. Completely smashed up the back, and the insurance company declared it totaled. I liked that car.
Good job again everyone! Yay, Boxy is the host! Wait, this could be bad. Nah, just kidding.
Cool. I'm good whenever you guys are ready.
Jairus, Jer-oh-me, Aiyno, Spanky, VSMIT, and Gabi, so far.
Any other takers? I'll leave it open until Friday afternoon GMT...
alfalfa really knows how to hurt a guy.
Wait, I think we've messed up the round number. We should be starting round 32.
everyone has been jumping in numbers here. even the ban game
Is it 32?
Either way, I've been.. distracted. I'll organise it in a couple hours time, if anyone wants to get last minute entries in.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Thirty-Second round of Invisible Friend is now open!
The players, this time around, are, in order of volunteering: Jairus, Jer-oh-me, Aiyno, e_voyager, VSMIT, and Gabi.
This game will be running until: Approx Saturday the 4th October, evening, GMT. I'll give some warning when we get closer, and will probably accept late entries anyway, if we're still busy at that time.
Those of you who might be tempted to slack off, I will take no excuses. Except for mine. I'm available by email, by IM, by PM, and on IRC, (although I may be busy, you can leave a note, and I'll get it when I get back) So no claiming your email isn't working, and you can't tell me.
You will all shortly receive a PM from me, containing the name of your Visible Friend. Please feel free to post questions, here, and answers, to me, as soon as you get that.
Everyone has played before, half of you have run the game before, so no excuses. ;-]
Have at you!
Let's all have fun, people!
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you doing?
Are you a student or do you work?
Have you ever won the Invisible Friend game before?
What's your favorite board on the Clockwork Mansion Forums?
Dear invisible friend
i have awaken form my dreaming and not i must ask
how are you doing?
did you miss me?
i'm working and average of 50 hours a weak; is this too much?
Are you in school to copy Jay's question?
what is your favorite web comic?
G'evening IF,
How are you today? Do you like Firefly?
What sort of snacks do you like to eat?
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Did you take part in the previous round of IF?
Have you ever hosted a round of Invisible Friend?
Coffee or tea?
MadTV or SNL (if either)?
Have a good day!
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played this game before?
Hello, invisible friend of mine!
I chuckled when I read llearch's post saying that half of us have run the game before. I guess that means this run should run smoothly, but you never know. What do you think?
What have your previous experiences with this game been like? And have you learnt anything from them?
What are your favorites, if any?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 21, 2008, 04:08:59 AM
G'evening IF,
How are you today? Do you like Firefly?
What sort of snacks do you like to eat?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Hello. I am fine. A little tired, but fine.
Yes, I do.
I try not to eat snacks, but I really like pita chips.
Quote from: e_voyager on September 20, 2008, 08:48:30 PM
Dear invisible friend
i have awaken form my dreaming and not i must ask
how are you doing?
did you miss me?
i'm working and average of 50 hours a weak; is this too much?
Are you in school to copy Jay's question?
what is your favorite web comic?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager
Fine, you?
Not really.
A bit, yes. I certainly would not recommend it.
I have no idea.
I don't have a favorite, but dmfa / cvrpg certainly is in my top.
Quote from: Gabi on September 21, 2008, 09:24:47 AM
Hello, invisible friend of mine!
I chuckled when I read llearch's post saying that half of us have run the game before. I guess that means this run should run smoothly, but you never know. What do you think?
What have your previous experiences with this game been like? And have you learnt anything from them?
What are your favorites, if any?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
I think life will find a way to get in the way.
They were fun.
How to guess about people on the forum.
I don't know; that last round I played was pretty fun.
Quote from: Jairus on September 20, 2008, 07:10:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you doing?
Are you a student or do you work?
Have you ever won the Invisible Friend game before?
What's your favorite board on the Clockwork Mansion Forums?
Quote from: Jairus' Invisible Friend
I'm doing well, and you?
I didn't know we were supposed to pick one.
Dear Invisible Friend,
I remain well.
Do you enjoy doing any form of art? (Writing/Drawing/Etc.)
Do you play video games?
What's your favorite TV show?
Science-fiction or fantasy?
Pita chips? Are those flavored or are they like dried pita bread? Are they like tortilla chips, used with dips and salsas?
Who is your favourite character from Firefly, and which character do you think you're the most like?
What is the fastest speed you know your body has moved? (I.E. aircraft cruising speed, fastest speed in an automobile, best speed on a bicycle, etcetera)
Are you involved in any form of artistic expression?
Dear IF, where was everyone yesterday? Do you know?
What did you do yesterday?
And how do you guess about people on the forum?
Dear invisible friend,
What is good to you?
What is evil?
What is humanity?
What is a living zombie? :B
Quote from: Aiyno on September 21, 2008, 04:39:07 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Have you played this game before?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
I'm good, thanks for asking.
I don't think this question will help you, as it has already been said that all of the participants have been in at least one previous round.
Quote from: Jairus on September 22, 2008, 11:29:03 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I remain well.
Do you enjoy doing any form of art? (Writing/Drawing/Etc.)
Do you play video games?
What's your favorite TV show?
Science-fiction or fantasy?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Yes, I do.
I don't watch much TV lately.
Mostly fantasy, but good science fiction has its charm.
Quote from: VSMIT on September 21, 2008, 04:14:45 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How are you?
Did you take part in the previous round of IF?
Have you ever hosted a round of Invisible Friend?
Coffee or tea?
MadTV or SNL (if either)?
Have a good day!
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear one who is seen.
I am invisible, that's all you need know.
I will.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 23, 2008, 06:01:26 AM
- Pita chips? Are those flavored or are they like dried pita bread? Are they like tortilla chips, used with dips and salsas?
- Who is your favourite character from Firefly, and which character do you think you're the most like?
- What is the fastest speed you know your body has moved? (I.E. aircraft cruising speed, fastest speed in an automobile, best speed on a bicycle, etcetera)
- Are you involved in any form of artistic expression?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
- Basically, they're baked pita bread, so they're kind of like thick tortilla chips. And they can be flavored, and you can use them with dips: my favorite is hummus.
- Mal. He's my favorite. Though really, I love all of them. As for who I think that I'm most like... Hm, I'll go with Wash.
- Aircraft cruising speed, I'd imagine.
- Yes.
Jairus' invisible friend also posted this image (http://llearch.net/misc/if/32/smile.txt), which I'm not sure how well it will pan out, but we'll see:
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Dear Invisible Friend .
do you have odd luck in this game?
do you like tea?
do you have a favorite color?
what color would it be?
what is jay's friend thinking?
do you think that image counts?
Whoa, that's big! And ASCII-y. I guess the forum doesn't limit the size of ASCII art the way it limits image files.
Dear Invisible Friend, please remember to answer my questions on the previous page.
Dear invisible friend,
>:3 ?
:3 ?
:B ?
:P ?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Interesting image... I don't think I've ever been able to do one of those correctly. Or at all.
What kind of art do you most enjoy doing? Are any examples of your art here on the forum?
What's kind of video games do you prefer to play? (RPG, platformer, sport?)
What's your favorite fantasy series?
What's your idea of "good science fiction?"
Eastern-style Giant Robots or Western-style Giant Robots? (ie, Gundam vs. MechWarrior)
Heh, I was wondering how many people'd be Washes.
Where's the strangest place you've ever been?
Which of your parents do you more closely associate with?
Are you dating?
dear invisible friend.
it seems that our question have been put on hold for at least a day.
Do you think that is the GM's doing?
do you thing that others aren't answering the questions asked?
have you answered my questions already by the time i post this?
are you a long time forum member?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Perhaps I should have clarified: Did you take part in the round that I hosted?
What do you think of the picture sent in by Jairus's invisible friend?
What do you think of Aiyno's questions?
I'd like to ask them now, as well.
Quote from: Gabi on September 23, 2008, 07:25:49 AM
Dear IF, where was everyone yesterday? Do you know?
What did you do yesterday?
And how do you guess about people on the forum?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
i'm sorry Gabi, i can't tell you that.
I'm sorry Gabi but that information is unavailable at this time.
I'm sorry Gabi I was isolated form all internet on that day.
I'm sorry gabi but the term intuition do not fully cover the answer your question but it is the answer i have to give.
Quote from: e_voyager on September 23, 2008, 07:05:28 PM
Dear Invisible Friend .
do you have odd luck in this game?
do you like tea?
do you have a favorite color?
what color would it be?
what is jay's friend thinking?
do you think that image counts?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear E,
Not really, I try to learn how someone writes and answers their questions.
I do.
It tends to change a lot, blue would suit me best at the time.
I'm not psychic
I'm not sure what llearch's view is, it wasn't really drawn, so most likely not.
Quote from: Aiyno on September 24, 2008, 12:43:23 PM
Dear invisible friend,
>:3 ?
:3 ?
:B ?
:P ?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
I honestly don't know what to say...
Quote from: Jairus on September 24, 2008, 09:04:25 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Interesting image... I don't think I've ever been able to do one of those correctly. Or at all.
What kind of art do you most enjoy doing? Are any examples of your art here on the forum?
What's kind of video games do you prefer to play? (RPG, platformer, sport?)
What's your favorite fantasy series?
What's your idea of "good science fiction?"
Eastern-style Giant Robots or Western-style Giant Robots? (ie, Gundam vs. MechWarrior)
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
I wonder if you knew how hard it would be for me to answer this set of questions. I will answer in no particular order.
Good science fiction is, IMHO, science fiction with believable characters and situations, which leaves you thinking after you've read it. As opposed to science fiction that consists of a mere display of complex technology and dehumanized characters.
I play different kinds of games depending on how I feel at the moment and how much time I have available, although my tastes in video games are not the most common these days.
I enjoy many forms of art, but the one that fills me the most is the art of arranging words (there's a lot more to it, of course, but basically that's what it is, just like music is the art of arranging sounds and photography is the art of arranging light). As you can see, the forum is full of it, this post included.
Giant robots may vary in design, but once they begin to destroy everything around them the last thing that would cross my mind would be to appreciate their appearance or the style of their attacks.
As for your other question... it's a hard choice and I see no reason to make it. I'd rather enjoy them than rank them.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 25, 2008, 05:21:54 AM
Heh, I was wondering how many people'd be Washes.
Where's the strangest place you've ever been?
Which of your parents do you more closely associate with?
Are you dating?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Hm... of the top of my head, and right now, either Hearst Castle in California or the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. There were a few strange things there.
My mom.
Not currently.
Quote from: Aiyno on September 24, 2008, 18:43:23
Dear invisible friend,
evil neko ?
neko 2 ?
buck teeth ?
tongue ?
I honestly don't know what to say...
Dear invisible friend,
:< ?
:mwaha !
:) ?
Dear Invisible Friend, aren't you being a bit unfair? Answers are better than apologies in this game. Then again, you probably know that and that's why you don't want to give them, but I don't think that's fair.
Anyway, what kinds of questions do you feel comfortable answering?
What do you think about Aiyno's questions?
What colors can you name?
Aha, I've not been to the Yucatan, but I've lived in Mexico. Yo vivía al noroeste de la ciudad de Mexico por dos años.
¿Perdón, me olvidé de preguntar si se puede leer en español. Puede, ¿verdad?
Anyway, Spanish is my Second language so I'll be switching back to my native language. How do you prefer to organize the date when you write it? I'd write todays as F26SEP08 tomorrow is Z27SEP08. So I go S M T W Θ F Z, 1-28,29,30,31, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC, YY. How do you write it?
What was the last piece of music you listened to?
Dear Invisible Friend...
No, I had no idea how difficult. Sorry about that.
What would you say is your favorite video game of all time?
Heh, good point on the robots. But from a design and style standpoint, which do you prefer?
Pepsi or Coke?
What was your favorite place to go on vacation to?
Jer-oh-me, Spanish is my native language and I'm afraid I can't quite make out what you've said.
Are you asking whether Spanish is allowed here, or whether your IF can read Spanish?
Also, as an admin, I should frown upon you posting without translation. What with rule 8 and all...
If Gabi can't figure it out, then there's no hope that your IF will. Even if she is...
Quote from: VSMIT on September 25, 2008, 02:14:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Perhaps I should have clarified: Did you take part in the round that I hosted?
What do you think of the picture sent in by Jairus's invisible friend?
What do you think of Aiyno's questions?
I'd like to ask them now, as well.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
To one who is seen,
It is amusing.
They aren't questions.
Quote from: Gabi on September 26, 2008, 11:56:39 AM
Dear Invisible Friend, aren't you being a bit unfair? Answers are better than apologies in this game. Then again, you probably know that and that's why you don't want to give them, but I don't think that's fair.
Anyway, what kinds of questions do you feel comfortable answering?
What do you think about Aiyno's questions?
What colors can you name?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
I'm sorry if i was i'll try to answer better this time.
i'll answer any questions i can for you.
i don't understand them.
as many as Google and the color wheel can find.
now visible friend i have a question for you. which do you like better?
image 1 (http://llearch.net/misc/if/32/gabi1.png)
image 2 (http://llearch.net/misc/if/32/gabi2.png)
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 26, 2008, 05:15:45 PM
Aha, I've not been to the Yucatan, but I've lived in Mexico. Yo vivía al noroeste de la ciudad de Mexico por dos años.
¿Perdón, me olvidé de preguntar si se puede leer en español. Puede, ¿verdad?
Anyway, Spanish is my Second language so I'll be switching back to my native language. How do you prefer to organize the date when you write it? I'd write todays as F26SEP08 tomorrow is Z27SEP08. So I go S M T W Θ F Z, 1-28,29,30,31, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC, YY. How do you write it?
What was the last piece of music you listened to?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Ah, I see. Why were you living there?
Well, my translator can handle it, so I can read it. I don't know if it's allowed, though. As for me, "No hablo mucho español, señor."
Day, month, year. So tomorrow's date (as of this writing ) will be "9-27-08." Occasionally, I'll do something like "Saturday, September twenty-seventh, two-thousand-eight," but that's rare.
Before I read your question, "STORY" by camino. Before I sent this off, "End of All Hope" by Nightwish.
Quote from: Jairus on September 26, 2008, 08:25:57 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
No, I had no idea how difficult. Sorry about that.
What would you say is your favorite video game of all time?
Heh, good point on the robots. But from a design and style standpoint, which do you
Pepsi or Coke?
What was your favorite place to go on vacation to?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
I'm tempted to accept your apology, but you keep asking me to make tough choices.
Question 1: tough choice! I'll go with Ecco The Dolphin for Sega CD for the sheer bewilderment of the concept.
I like the Eastern design better than the MechWarrior style, but I like Transformers better than either.
A place with forests, lakes and mountains. Closely followed by a place with forests, sea and mountains and a place with forests, lakes and wild berries.
Dear Invisible Friend...
Wow, it's hard to ask a non-tough choice question. Sorry about that, but I guess my questions will probably still come across as hard. I'll try to keep them simpler.
Which is your favorite Transformer?
Well, what is your favorite brand of soda? If you don't don't drink soda, what's your favorite thing to drink?
Okay, how about a video game I might have heard of? ... just kidding.
Do you have a favorite board game?
Do you have a favorite movie?
Have you ever been to Yosemite? It's really beautiful from what I remember.
Yay, answers!
I like the first one better, but the second one's nice too. Thanks! :>
What's the color wheel? Anyway, I asked you to name colors, not websites. :P <- friendly sticking out of tongue, no offense meant.
Can you speak any languages other than English? If so, can you please write a phrase in some other language? If not, is there a reason why you haven't learnt any?
If you could do anything you wanted (without money nor anything else being an obstacle), what would you do?
Dear invisible friend,
What are your favorite colors?
What is your best furry friend?
Who is your best furry friend?
Who is purple and not evil?
Who is green and evil?
Quote from: e_voyager on September 25, 2008, 11:38:29 AM
dear invisible friend.
it seems that our question have been put on hold for at least a day.
Do you think that is the GM's doing?
do you thing that others aren't answering the questions asked?
have you answered my questions already by the time i post this?
are you a long time forum member?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager
Perhaps he was working, perhaps he was occupied with other things.
Deciding whether or not to answer a question is part of how the game is played.
No, I had not or had not send them to llearch.
Looking at the influx of new people, I guess I am.
Quote from: Jairus on September 27, 2008, 05:13:53 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Wow, it's hard to ask a non-tough choice question. Sorry about that, but I guess my questions will probably still come across as hard. I'll try to keep them simpler.
Which is your favorite Transformer?
Well, what is your favorite brand of soda? If you don't don't drink soda, what's your favorite thing to drink?
Okay, how about a video game I might have heard of? ... just kidding.
Do you have a favorite board game?
Do you have a favorite movie?
Have you ever been to Yosemite? It's really beautiful from what I remember.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible FriendThey don't have to be choice questions.
Anyway, I'll do my best to answer whatever you throw at me.
My favorite Transformer? It's been a long time... I think it was BlueStreak. I prefer to drink infusions, water, juice, milk or herbal drinks, but if it has to be soda, then I prefer tonic water. Or guarana, if I can find it.
Hey, it's a dolphin with superpowers who travels through time and fights aliens! And still somehow managed to have a coherent and even interesting plot. Something like that is hard to beat.
I hadn't thought about it, but I think I've had the most fun playing Pictionary.
No, sorry. There are too many good movies to single one out as my favorite.
No, I haven't. Tell me more about it. What's in there?
Quote from: Gabi on September 27, 2008, 05:23:00 PM
Yay, answers!
I like the first one better, but the second one's nice too. Thanks! :>
What's the color wheel? Anyway, I asked you to name colors, not websites. :P <- friendly sticking out of tongue, no offense meant.
Can you speak any languages other than English? If so, can you please write a phrase in some other language? If not, is there a reason why you haven't learnt any?
If you could do anything you wanted (without money nor anything else being an obstacle), what would you do?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi.
i'm glad you like them.
the color wheel was learned in school when you mix the three primary colors and two nutral colors. i can like you to a web sight showing one if you like. off the top of my head i can name maybe 30.
no i can't. i'm not very good at language skills.
i want to fly. fly free like a bird.
Quote from: Aiyno on September 28, 2008, 03:46:35 AM
Dear invisible friend,
What are your favorite colors?
What is your best furry friend?
Who is your best furry friend?
Who is purple and not evil?
Who is green and evil?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Black, black, and black. And don't forget black.
Don't know any furries in real life.
The OTT-LITE I've got sitting next to me.
Dear Invisible Friend,
What makes them not questions? They are interrogatory.
My father was there to set up a manufacturing plant. Why were you in the Yucatan?
Do you like the Madness videos?
Dear invisible friend,
What is the most awesome country in the world?
What is the most awful country in the world?
What are you discriminate against?
Do you like dirt?
Is the sand yellow where you hail from?
Dear invisible friend.
What makes a super fighting robot a super fighting robot?
do you have green eyes on your profile picture?
are you described as male or female?
Do you others confuse your gender?
Okay... I'll just try some open-ended questions.
Incidentally, Yosemite is a national park in California. It's huge - like a thousand square miles - but most people only see a small bit. The place was carved out by a glacier during one of the Ice Ages: great granite mountains, waterfalls, trees everywhere... it is just incredible. Unfortunately my memory is a little fuzzy since I was in 2nd grade when I was there last. I should visit again.
Um... right, questions.
Dear Invisible Friend...
What's your favorite season of the year?
Have you ever traveled outside of your country of birth?
How many roads must a man walk down?
What's your favorite holiday?
For about how long have you been reading DMFA/CVRPG?
... and that's what I've got for now.
Quote from: VSMIT on September 28, 2008, 05:56:02 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What makes them not questions? They are interrogatory.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
One who I can see,
They are not interrogative, they are merely symbols followed by question marks.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on September 29, 2008, 04:18:01 AM
My father was there to set up a manufacturing plant. Why were you in the Yucatan?
Do you like the Madness videos?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
That's very interesting. I was there with my church group, visiting our sister church in Tekax.
Never heard of them. What are they?
Incidentally, was "Blah" in question to my not knowing much Spanish, my arrangement of dates, or my choice in music?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I am pretty sure I know who you are, just from your use of cold logic.
Why are you so logical?
Batman or Ironman?
Dear Invisible Friend, do you like cold logic? What about warm logic?
Why do we seem to be so busy these days?
Why the duck-billed platypus?
dear invisible friend.
My question they beg for answers.
Are you around?
have you invisible friend been asking you interesting questions?
why is everyone asking about logical questions and answers?
kung fu panda or tigress?
do you like comics?
how many apfs are playing?
are you one of them?
Quote from: Aiyno on September 29, 2008, 04:14:15 PM
Dear invisible friend,
What is the most awesome country in the world?
What is the most awful country in the world?
What are you discriminate against?
Do you like dirt?
Is the sand yellow where you hail from?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Not the one I'm in.
There is probably more than one, but I am not privy to that information.
People. But I'm not racist. That's just wrong.
Depends on what I'm doing at the time.
No, it's brown.
Quote from: e_voyager on September 29, 2008, 04:33:24 PM
Dear invisible friend.
What makes a super fighting robot a super fighting robot?
do you have green eyes on your profile picture?
are you described as male or female?
Do you others confuse your gender?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Dear e_voyager,
It's capabilities I suppose.
In essence, all is a mixture of either brown or blue, in eyes that is.
Of course, but is not everyone?
Not I know of.
Quote from: Jairus on September 29, 2008, 05:08:26 PM
Okay... I'll just try some open-ended questions.
Incidentally, Yosemite is a national park in California. It's huge - like a thousand square miles - but most people only see a small bit. The place was carved out by a glacier during one of the Ice Ages: great granite mountains, waterfalls, trees everywhere... it is just incredible. Unfortunately my memory is a little fuzzy since I was in 2nd grade when I was there last. I should visit again.
Um... right, questions.
Dear Invisible Friend...
What's your favorite season of the year?
Have you ever traveled outside of your country of birth?
How many roads must a man walk down?
What's your favorite holiday?
For about how long have you been reading DMFA/CVRPG?
... and that's what I've got for now.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Fall. Or autumn, as some may call it.
That's not the question, but for the sake of this argument I shall say 42.
New Year's Day.
Quite a while, actually
Quote from: Gabi on October 01, 2008, 07:43:32 AM
Dear Invisible Friend, do you like cold logic? What about warm logic?
Why do we seem to be so busy these days?
Why the duck-billed platypus?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
not really it's too cold.
i've never heard of warm logic before. is it tasty?
life is busy taking us over so we are busy trying to hold out.
why not? would a loon billed one be better?
Quote from: e_voyager on October 01, 2008, 09:01:14 AM
dear invisible friend.
My question they beg for answers.
Are you around?
have you invisible friend been asking you interesting questions?
why is everyone asking about logical questions and answers?
kung fu panda or tigress?
do you like comics?
how many apfs are playing?
are you one of them?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager
I am around.
Invisible friends don't ask questions all to much, the answers I got where interesting.
So that it would be obvious who their invisible friend is I presume.
One fox.
I feel not inclined to answer that.
Blah was merely a silly.
How many fingers am I holding up?
Is it ok if I skip asking questions today? I'm so busy...
Then again that may count as a question.
Invisible friend,
Did you watch dragonball Z when it was not thrown into replay till infinite mode?
Did you watch it at all?
Do you like anime?
What is better pokemon or digimon?
Are you flammable? >:3
Well, I guess the game ends soon, so might as well shoot off a few more.
Dear Invisible Friend...
How many languages do you speak (preferably more than ten words)?
Where have you gone outside the country of your birth?
How long is quite a while? Since they began, five years, a year?
Do you have a favorite DMFA/CVRPG character, and if so which?
Have either of us ever been the others Invisible Friend?
Do you think Jer-oh-me is being silly?
Do you think you know who your IF is?
Is it okay if I just ask a random question in the hope that you'll accidentally drop some piece of information you did not intend to drop?
Ok, llearch has given me the time to post new questions before I got an answer to my semi-question so...
Dear Invisible Friend: what, in your opinion, makes a question? In other words what are the requirements for a phrase to be a question?
And what do you think of the P.A.Y. thread?
Sorry, Gabi. Not been a good week for me. In fact, the entire last month has been hell.
Quote from: VSMIT on October 01, 2008, 01:51:57 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I am pretty sure I know who you are, just from your use of cold logic.
Why are you so logical?
Batman or Ironman?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
One who is visible.
It will be interesting to see if you're correct.
Why not?
Image (http://llearch.net/misc/if/32/vsmit.jpg)
Quote from: Jairus on October 03, 2008, 03:47:14 AM
Dear Invisible Friend...
How many languages do you speak (preferably more than ten words)?
Where have you gone outside the country of your birth?
How long is quite a while? Since they began, five years, a year?
Do you have a favorite DMFA/CVRPG character, and if so which?
Have either of us ever been the others Invisible Friend?
Do you think Jer-oh-me is being silly?
Do you think you know who your IF is?
Is it okay if I just ask a random question in the hope that you'll accidentally drop some piece of information you did not intend to drop?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Now you'll have me counting words... I can speak more than 10 words in at least 7 languages.
I'll tell you later... For all I know you may be a stalker who keeps track of all the places each of us has visited.
Less than five years (saying how much less might be reveal too much).
I like Link from CVRPG. I don't have a favorite DMFA character.
Yes. At least on this round.
Sometimes silly questions can reveal a lot. See your last question.
I think so.
Sure, everyone seems to be doing that.
Incidentally, there are two images I have not yet received. Since we're running out of time, e_voyager's IF and Aiyno's IF might want to get their skates on...
dear invisible friend. Tired now. post question later.
do you forgive me my exhaustion?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Okay, how many languages do you speak fluently?
Now why would I be stalking you?
Who do you think your invisible friend is?
Are you one of the two people who I think you are by virtue of not knowing you very well because we rarely communicate outside of this game?
Burger or hot dog?
Batman or Superman?
You didn't answer if either of us have ever been the others Invisible Friend. I wonder...
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 02, 2008, 05:28:48 AM
Blah was merely a silly.
How many fingers am I holding up?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Silly? This... is... CLOCKWORK!
How should I know?
Quote from: Gabi on October 02, 2008, 12:17:27 PM
Is it ok if I skip asking questions today? I'm so busy...
Then again that may count as a question.
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
it is fine even though that is, in itself, a question.
Quote from: Gabi on October 03, 2008, 11:38:30 AM
Ok, llearch has given me the time to post new questions before I got an answer to my semi-question so...
Dear Invisible Friend: what, in your opinion, makes a question? In other words what are the requirements for a phrase to be a question?
And what do you think of the P.A.Y. thread?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
it has to want to know some thing or prompt action. ( shall we dance? or O'rly? )
it's nice to watch the people try to remember nice things about others especially if they've had to comment on the person many times before then they get original.
Quote from: e_voyager on October 03, 2008, 01:10:31 PM
dear invisible friend. Tired now. post question later.
do you forgive me my exhaustion?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager
Of course. I need to recharge myself as well.
dear invisible friend.
if you gender was not often confused that counts out Aiyno who when then people being uncertain about his gender because of his excellent Ky/Koyta avatar form the early days.
also not everyone is descriptions are as simple as male or female for the longest time i was described as a robot. and boxys well boxey's a boxy but form the attitude we all assume he's male. then there are even stranger bio being that are both male and female or neither male nor female ( see Equidna at zoo city) what do you think?
be enough of that.
can you help me find the wondering mind?
will you won't you will you won't you will you join the dance?
all around the forum there is some thing whispered. and i am left asking why am i not part of it?
do you have and "a" in your name?
where did we go just now?
You're supposed to guess.
Not yet, you're not.
The game is not yet finished. I've been busy, and will be for a while yet.
dear invisible friend,
Are there times you are purple?
Do you hate the grox as much as I?
Do you think the grox should have been weaker, but still a challenge instead of simply idiotically capable?
Should I stop angering the grox with every race I make? It is a really bad choice to do this :B
Should I ally the grox and possibly make everyone else hate me? :B
can you ally the grox?
Dear Invisible Friend.
Nice abstract art. Did you draw it and scan it, or did you do the whole thing on a computer?
Dear IF, whose mind is the wondering mind?
When you clap your hands, which hand does the clapping?
Can you raed tihs elsiay, or deos it tkae too mcuh erfoft?
Whats wrong with this question?
Are you having fun?
Just as a heads-up, I'm still waiting on two pictures, and the game will finish sometime in the next half a dozen hours, depending on what happens with work.
Get those answers in quickly, folks.
Edit: It would appear my email is down. You have a reprieve until it comes back up, then everything will suddenly end...
Quote from: Jairus on October 03, 2008, 01:28:07 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Okay, how many languages do you speak fluently?
Now why would I be stalking you?
Who do you think your invisible friend is?
Are you one of the two people who I think you are by virtue of not knowing you very well
because we rarely communicate outside of this game?
Burger or hot dog?
Batman or Superman?
You didn't answer if either of us have ever been the others Invisible Friend. I wonder...
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Two, I could say. One more fluent than the other.
Haven't you heard what they say? The Internet is crammed with stalkers, pedophiles and kidnappers. j/k, but they do say it all the time.
Not me, that's for sure. If I told you who I think it is, you'd know I'm not that person.
That's quite a long sentence! I don't know who you think I am, so I couldn't answer that question if I tried.
Badger dog.
It depends... they've both been written by so many authors that each one of them has become many different characters. Which version of them are we talking about?
Didn't I? I thought I'd said I'm your Invisible Friend right now, so that's a yes.
Quote from: e_voyager on October 04, 2008, 11:52:03 AM
dear invisible friend.
if you gender was not often confused that counts out Aiyno who when then people being uncertain about his gender because of his excellent Ky/Koyta avatar form the early days.
also not everyone is descriptions are as simple as male or female for the longest time i was described as a robot. and boxys well boxey's a boxy but form the attitude we all assume he's male. then there are even stranger bio being that are both male and female or neither male nor female ( see Equidna at zoo city) what do you think?
be enough of that.
can you help me find the wondering mind?
will you won't you will you won't you will you join the dance?
all around the forum there is some thing whispered. and i am left asking why am i not part of it?
do you have and "a" in your name?
where did we go just now?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager,
People have a lot of imagination.
I guess not.
Is there? I never noticed.
Jairus, Gabi and Aiyno have an A in their names.
A straightforward way to not have to guess.
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
dear e_voyager
Sorry, I didn't have time to do an actual drawing.
Quote from: Aiyno on October 02, 2008, 12:47:28 PM
Invisible friend,
Did you watch dragonball Z when it was not thrown into replay till infinite mode?
Did you watch it at all?
Do you like anime?
What is better pokemon or digimon?
Are you flammable? >:3
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Again, sometimes.
Some stuff more than others.
Digimon. Pokemon seems so far-fetched. Digimon could actually be possible.
Are you?
Quote from: Aiyno on October 04, 2008, 05:26:20 PM
dear invisible friend,
Are there times you are purple?
Do you hate the grox as much as I?
Do you think the grox should have been weaker, but still a challenge instead of simply idiotically capable?
Should I stop angering the grox with every race I make? It is a really bad choice to do this :B
Should I ally the grox and possibly make everyone else hate me? :B
can you ally the grox?
Quote from: Aiyno's Invisible Friend
Dear Aiyno,
Yes. Purple with RAGE! :boom
Don't play Spore.
See previous answer.
See previous answer. But yes, it does seem to be a bad decision.
In my opinion, the only reason to ally Grox would be to make everyone else hate you.
I can ally anything. Even my sworn enemies. Even an Alliance member when I'm playing as a Blood Elf.
No. You can't have any.
Quote from: Gabi on October 05, 2008, 12:39:47 PM
Dear IF, whose mind is the wondering mind?
When you clap your hands, which hand does the clapping?
Can you raed tihs elsiay, or deos it tkae too mcuh erfoft?
Whats wrong with this question?
Are you having fun?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
i am wondering that myself.
the one that is moving
don't know not do i. can you like yoda speak?
it asked abouit itself?
And we have an ending. You may now post your guesses as to who your IF is...
It's funny, but for once, I'm not precisely certain.
e_voyager's Invisible Friend emailed me an image, but my mail client apparently stripped it. :-/
Apologies for the delay. And with that, the game is finally totally closed. Any further entries will be laughed at...
Is my IF e_voyager?
i am super unsure as to who my if is. in fact i forgot to try and find out and the game end caught me by surprise. as well. i'll guess that my if is either Jer-oh-me or Jairus. for the sake or argument i will say that it is Jer-oh-me. as i have not really had time to think between working and sleeping to try and narrow it down. Jairues would know what colors to use but he would likely go mecha on me. so
Jer-oh-me your my guess.
one last question. how many times did i state my guess just now? no fair going back to count either. !
Because E chose Jer-oh-me.
I felt like voting J yo!
Are Jairus and Jer-oh-me equivalent in some way? People seem to have trouble telling them apart.
Will Jairus ever authorize me on MSN?
Gabi you've got msn?
Not exactly. I've got GAIM, but I use my AIM/ICQ/MSN/Y!M/IRC/Jabber accounts on it.
so you don't use the messenger but you have a msn account right? that great boxy already has me on his.
I will guess that my invisible friend is Aiyno.
And there we have everyone.
Jairus guessed Gabi. He chose correctly.
VSMIT guessed Jer-oh-me. He also chose correctly.
Gabi guessed e_voyager. She chose well, also.
e_voyager guessed Jer-oh-me. He chose poorly. His Invisible Friend was Aiyno.
Aiyno guessed Jairus. He chose poorly. His Invisible Friend was VSMIT.
Jer-oh-me belated guessed Aiyno, due to computer issues. He chose poorly. His Invisible Friend was Jairus.
Jairus, VSMIT, and Gabi are this round's winners. Congratulations!
... Would you like to play again (Y/n)?
I'm out until further notice. Why did I get Jai twice?
The random number generator likes giving you Jairus.
Seriously, it was totally random this time. Usually I'll get a sequence that gives me someone being their own friend.
Well, that would be awkward. And I think I might actually be able to take part in the next round after all.
Cool. Congrats to those who won, and better luck next time to those who did not. Well, I'm up for another round.
@Jer-oh-me: There has been more than one occasion where Gabi and I have been each others' friend.
I'm in this round.
pick whom leads then assign me and number.
Hand me a pen, i'm signing on!
Congrats to VSMIT and Jairus!
Who's hosting next round?
I'll be happy to host.
how did you know it was me gabi?
Y'know, I actually had my suspicions that I had Jairus, but I thought that was implausible. Oh well, here's hoping I don't get him three in a row. Not that I don't like him or anything.
e: it was mostly your writing style. That, and I asked a few questions fopr which I thought I knew the answers, and your answers matched what I thought.
I'm not sure whether I should sign up or not, I have an exam coming up soon and I may not be able to log in everyday... But then again most people skip a day every now and then. Still, even if I can be active enough, odds are my mind will be elsewhere. More so than usual, that is. Suggestions?
want to play but things are getting busy and time is tight here.
Just confirming my participation in the next round.
this round i'll be 100% ic
I like E's notion, how about an all in character round?
Quote from: e_voyager on October 15, 2008, 07:16:15 AM
this round i'll be 100% ic
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 16, 2008, 12:44:58 AM
I like E's notion, how about an all in character round?
In character? What do you mean by that?
EDIT: Fixed my mistake. Thanks for pointing that out VSMIT.
Whoa. Double quoted for extra clarification?
Quote from: Jairus on October 16, 2008, 01:20:36 AM
Quote from: e_voyager on October 15, 2008, 07:16:15 AM
this round i'll be 100% ic
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 16, 2008, 12:44:58 AM
I like E's notion, how about an all in character round?
In character? What do you mean by that?
EDIT: Fixed my mistake. Thanks for pointing that out VSMIT.
Well if you don't understand what that means it might make it hard for everyone to do it. I'm not sure how best to explain. We'd be roleplaying basically, as our own personal characters, Jerome being a construct of my imagination and such. So we'd be asking questions as, and un-observably answering those of others as our characters. I hope that answers your question.
Tricky. Since some of us don't have characters, and others have several...
boxey may have a point ( or several) IC may not be as easy for others as it is for some.;
I'll see if we have enough players, and set up the game, later tonight.
Meh, I'll skip this one, I am part of a unrealtournament multi-mapper-map project right now, so I have to start sometime, probably sometime this year. :< and yes I have enough time to do this and that, will I get to that knowing me if I did so? no.
I am such a strange creature..
also, IC does not work for me since I have not had a steady fursona for more than 2 months and am totally at loss right now. :U
IC doesn't work for me either, mainly because my own Fursona is a semi-joke and doesn't really have a backstory. More over, I have so many different characters I could use for an IC to fill the spot that it wouldn't be fair.
Alright, well I'm gonna just be myself then.
people know me to well. aw well i'll see what i can do to disguise myself.
I don't think I can play this round. Sorry.
it is our loss miss gabi
What? The round hasn't started yet? Then I guess I can join after all. It was for these last 5 days that I couldn't be active enough.
... I've had a busy week. :-/
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 23, 2008, 09:35:01 AM
... I've had a busy week. :-/
That's okay, Boxy. I'm still in, by the way! It's not like I have a social life that could take me away from the forum.
That was my exact problem, llearch. Sorry if I came back too soon for you to avoid me. ;)
Quote from: Gabi on October 24, 2008, 10:45:35 AM
That was my exact problem, llearch. Sorry if I came back too soon for you to avoid me. ;)
I think I'll live. ;-]
Round 33 is now on. Those of you paying attention may have already seen your message telling you who you're messing with this time around.
You all know how to play. Have fun!
Dear Invisible friend,
Wut doo u doo 2 peeple hoo intenshunaly misspell wurds?
Does it make you angry?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Another game, another round! Are we going to have fun this round?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art?
Do you think VSMIT is being weird?
I'm just gonna ask a random question, how's that sound?
Apples or oranges?
Well I thought myself despicably tardy, but evidence to the contrary I don't feel so bad.
Right! Off we go then!
So my invisible pal, I do hope you're not the same fellow in California as I was paired with the last two rounds? Just consider that as 'Do you hail from California?' if the preceding confused.
Now that I'm finished with that little quible, where did you last go on vacation?
Do you fly, as in commercial airliners, often?
If no to the previous have you ever flown? If yes what airline do you fly with the most?
Do you like trains also/instead?
dear invisible friend.
how are you this week?
have you every been my invisible friend before?
do you like tea?
over half of us have hosted this game before. do you want to host the game?
would you like to host it again?
do you have any gum?
Dear Invisible Friend... are you messing with me? Because llearch's post seemed to suggest so. O_o
Have you ever been mixed up with someone else on this forum?
Who's playing this round anyway?
Ewps. I knew I was forgetting something.
Players this round are VSMIT, Jairus, Jer-oh-me, Gabi, e_voyager, and Dannysaysnoo.
Quote from: VSMIT on October 24, 2008, 12:21:15 PM
Dear Invisible friend,
Wut doo u doo 2 peeple hoo intenshunaly misspell wurds?
Does it make you angry?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
I send them to doctor Ink. By the way, I'm setting up your appointment now. I hope Monday is good for you.
Should it?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 25, 2008, 02:47:54 AM
Well I thought myself despicably tardy, but evidence to the contrary I don't feel so bad.
Right! Off we go then!
So my invisible pal, I do hope you're not the same fellow in California as I was paired with the last two rounds? Just consider that as 'Do you hail from California?' if the preceding confused.
Now that I'm finished with that little quible, where did you last go on vacation?
Do you fly, as in commercial airliners, often?
If no to the previous have you ever flown? If yes what airline do you fly with the most?
Do you like trains also/instead?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
I hail from my parents. And if we account for... certain acts... I may hail from Maryland.
I can't remember, actually. I think it was to visit some relatives, but that's not really a vacation, is it?
Used to, not so much anymore.
Hm... basically, whichever airline was most appropriate.
I can count the number of times I recall being on trains with one hand. Most of them were local things.
Dear invisible one,
Were you in the first round of this game?
What sort of books do you read?
Who is hotter Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie?
Do you like Crunch bars?
Quote from: Jairus on October 24, 2008, 12:29:53 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Another game, another round! Are we going to have fun this round?
Do you enjoy doing any form of art?
Do you think VSMIT is being weird?
I'm just gonna ask a random question, how's that sound?
Apples or oranges?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Dear Jairus...
That's up to you, not me.
I think VSMIT is weird, not just acting the part.
Don't know what that sounds like. Please elaborate.
Apples, please.
Quote from: e_voyager on October 25, 2008, 11:13:43 AM
dear invisible friend.
how are you this week?
have you every been my invisible friend before?
do you like tea?
over half of us have hosted this game before. do you want to host the game?
would you like to host it again?
do you have any gum?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
I'm ok. How are you?
Every? As in every round? Of course not!
I like most infusions.
I'd like to, but our current host seems to be having so much fun...
What do you mean?
We all do.
I certainly am. ;-]
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 26, 2008, 01:03:00 AM
Dear invisible one,
Were you in the first round of this game?
What sort of books do you read?
Who is hotter Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie?
Do you like Crunch bars?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Whatever grabs my fancy, really. Science-fiction, fantasy, poetry on occasion.
Oh dear. Johnny. Sorry, Angelina, but Johnny wins this round.
Not really.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
How do you count a round? I'm not sure.
No romance, that's for sure.
I like to make things go crunch!
dear invisible friend
all around the world plays the same song... what song is it?
you just won an multispecies belt! whats will you do?
do you have green hair?
whats is the circumference of the sun?
how about the area of the sun?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Were those answers just llearch trying to throw me off the scent, or did you actually answer Jer-oh-me's questions?
Oooh! I get to go see Ink! Will I be in the waiting room with a flaming cardboard box, or by myself?
Have you hosted this game before?
Dear invisible friend,
I believe I know who you are!
Okay Orlando Bloom or Brad Pitt?
Do you like the band Kansas?
Pink Floyd?
Blue Öyster Cult?
Who's your favorite comedian?
Do you like umlauts?
Dear Invisible Friend...
What kind of art do you enjoy doing? Writing, drawing, painting, etc.?
Do you like to play video games?
What's your favorite movie genre?
Do you have a favorite TV show, and if so what is it?
Pizza: Pepperoni or Cheese?
Marvel or DC?
Quote from: e_voyager on October 26, 2008, 10:42:33 AM
dear invisible friend
all around the world plays the same song... what song is it?
you just won an multispecies belt! whats will you do?
do you have green hair?
whats is the circumference of the sun?
how about the area of the sun?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
I'm confused. @_@
Is this invisible friend or a trivia game? How did I win the belt? Is it dangerous?
And no, I don't have green hair. I think the song you're talking about is "It's a small world". For the last 2 questions a good geography book should do the trick. Or you could try Google, no guarantees though.
Quote from: VSMIT on October 26, 2008, 03:54:51 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Were those answers just llearch trying to throw me off the scent, or did you actually answer Jer-oh-me's questions?
Oooh! I get to go see Ink! Will I be in the waiting room with a flaming cardboard box, or by myself?
Have you hosted this game before?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Only if he's still playing all purpose box.
There is a 3 / 6 chance.
Dear Invisible Friend, where are you? Why haven't you replied to me yet?
And by the way, how was your weekend?
dear invisible friend
are you considered cute?
you you have a aniki / Nii sama on the forum?
how many rides have you boasted on this forum?
do you dig giant robots?
yes it is dangerous as you can lose yourself like the omintrex but only if you're careless. then again breathing is dangerous as well so go fig.
Dear Invisible Friend,
How is your trigger finger?
Why is it like that?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I noticed you skirted around my hosting question. Would you please answer it again?
What is an "All-Purpose Box?" I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the term.
Quote from: Gabi on October 25, 2008, 12:54:29 PM
Dear Invisible Friend... are you messing with me? Because llearch's post seemed to suggest so. O_o
Have you ever been mixed up with someone else on this forum?
Who's playing this round anyway?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible Friend,
If i mess you with you, you will know.
I have not.
Well, Who's on first, What's on second, and I Don't Know Who's on third.
Quote from: Gabi on October 27, 2008, 10:13:26 AM
Dear Invisible Friend, where are you? Why haven't you replied to me yet?
And by the way, how was your weekend?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible Friend,
I'm in my chair.
not bad, did some shoe stacking and such.
Quote from: Jairus on October 26, 2008, 11:24:13 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
What kind of art do you enjoy doing? Writing, drawing, painting, etc.?
Do you like to play video games?
What's your favorite movie genre?
Do you have a favorite TV show, and if so what is it?
Pizza: Pepperoni or Cheese?
Marvel or DC?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Dear Jairus...
etc. Definitely etc.
The kind with the moving pictures.
I have more than one favorite show. In order of preference, House, M.D.; CSI; Mythbusters; Fringe.
A little of column A, a little of column B.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on October 27, 2008, 05:09:04 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How is your trigger finger?
Why is it like that?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Hello Danny,
My trigger finger is in good condition.
It is so because I've not injured it.
Ah, welcome, invisible friend of mine! So... shoe stacking? Where and why?
What's your favorite means of transportation, if any, and why?
Can you type a coherent sentence in which every word begins with a P?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Well, what kind of art do you most enjoy doing? And are there any examples/pictures of this art on the forum?
What's your favorite genre of video games (action/adventure, RPG, sports, racing), and what's your favorite video game?
How many languages do you speak?
Okay, could you get a little more specific on your favorite film genre, and maybe what your favorite movie is?
What's your favorite myth the Mythbusters tested?
360, PS3, or Wii?
Batman or Superman?
Quote from: e_voyager on October 27, 2008, 10:38:55 AM
dear invisible friend
are you considered cute?
you you have a aniki / Nii sama on the forum?
how many rides have you boasted on this forum?
do you dig giant robots?
yes it is dangerous as you can lose yourself like the omintrex but only if you're careless. then again breathing is dangerous as well so go fig.
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
It depends on who you ask.
Should I?
Hey, I'm not The Gay Hare.
I've done some digging, but I haven't found one yet. I did find some broken bricks, but I doubt there's any connection.
I'll be extra careful, then. Thanks for the tip.
Quote from: Gabi on October 28, 2008, 01:35:19 PM
Ah, welcome, invisible friend of mine! So... shoe stacking? Where and why?
What's your favorite means of transportation, if any, and why?
Can you type a coherent sentence in which every word begins with a P?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
McKays of Queen Street, for cashhhhh
BICYCLE! BICYCLE! i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike.... or walk.
Pardon? Poor petrified pessimist petitions patron past philosophical patience.... ;-]
Dear invisible friend.
my father has robot twins. do you have twins of some sort?
are you considered tall?
are you most comfortable in A: summer blouse, B: vat of engine oil C: lab coat or D:a giant mecha war-machine being attacked by dozens of enemies?
is it time to save the world or smite the world?
I guess llearch couldn't resist the temptation. :D
Thanks, IF! You've given me one of the two best hints I could use.
Now what else should I ask?
Of course not. What's to resist? ;-]
What, nobody else wants to post?
Quote from: VSMIT on October 27, 2008, 06:02:32 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I noticed you skirted around my hosting question. Would you please answer it again?
What is an "All-Purpose Box?" I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the term.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Thank you, but no, thank you, but if you like we can tip toe through the tulips together.
When a box tries to pose as an All Purpose Fox then he calls himself an APB (All Purpose Box) as opposed to an APF (All Purpose Fox)
Actually, no. An All Purpose Box is what others call me. I just call me, well, me.
Quote from: Jairus on October 28, 2008, 01:51:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Well, what kind of art do you most enjoy doing? And are there any examples/pictures of this art on the forum?
What's your favorite genre of video games (action/adventure, RPG, sports, racing), and what's your favorite video game?
How many languages do you speak?
Okay, could you get a little more specific on your favorite film genre, and maybe what your favorite movie is?
What's your favorite myth the Mythbusters tested?
360, PS3, or Wii?
Batman or Superman?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Dear Jairus...
The answer to the first one is "Other." The answer to the second is no.
I like action/adventure and urban infiltration games. My current favorite is neither of these, but a hybrid RTS/FPS, probably the first of its kind.
1+.5+.5=2, right?
I can't really think of a specific genre that I like more than others, but my favorite movie is Gladiator.
The one where Adam hurt himself. Oh, wait...
I want a PS3, but I have a Wii.
Batman. Without the money, he'd be a regular guy, just like you or me.
Quote from: Gabi on October 29, 2008, 08:38:03 AM
I guess llearch couldn't resist the temptation. :D
Thanks, IF! You've given me one of the two best hints I could use.
Now what else should I ask?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi,
*Looks up from newspaper* Hm?
I was hoping someone else would post.
Alright, here it goes. Dear Invisible Friend, erm?
i'm still waiting on replies
Dear Invisible Friend.
Elder Scrolls?
Quote from: e_voyager on October 28, 2008, 11:46:25 PM
Dear invisible friend.
my father has robot twins. do you have twins of some sort?
are you considered tall?
are you most comfortable in A: summer blouse, B: vat of engine oil C: lab coat or D:a giant mecha war-machine being attacked by dozens of enemies?
is it time to save the world or smite the world?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Not unless you're counting imaginary characters or inanimate objects.
Not a chance.
Most of those I've never tried, but I believe option C would be most comfortable to wear.
Save it. It's already doing a fine job at smiting itself.
Quote from: Gabi on October 30, 2008, 08:27:44 AM
I was hoping someone else would post.
Alright, here it goes. Dear Invisible Friend, erm?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi
Q = It
Quote from: e_voyager on October 30, 2008, 09:49:55 AM
i'm still waiting on replies
Whatever for, my dear fellow?
Dear Invisible Friend,
If you answer this question correctly it will probably be the end of life as we know it. And no, ".", "!", or any other kind of punctuation, are not the answer.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on October 30, 2008, 03:48:04 PM
Dear Invisible Friend.
Elder Scrolls?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
No thanks
Quote from: VSMIT on October 31, 2008, 03:18:58 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
If you answer this question correctly it will probably be the end of life as we know it. And no, ".", "!", or any other kind of punctuation, are not the answer.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear Invisible Friend, is it?
dear invisible friend
do you know th muffin man?
bright man has suggested that wily build a cute bot what do you think?
who's more dangerous Rock or roll?
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm sorry, but the answer to the question was "Dragonetti Bass Concerto by Edouard Nanny." Good try, though.
What is _?
What is bright moth?
Quote from: Gabi on October 31, 2008, 11:18:57 AM
Dear Invisible Friend, is it?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi, it is.
Quote from: e_voyager on October 31, 2008, 11:46:02 AM
dear invisible friend
do you know th muffin man?
bright man has suggested that wily build a cute bot what do you think?
who's more dangerous Rock or roll?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Not personally, no.
The Coyote? I doubt that's a good idea. Ask Calamity, he's better at what he does.
I believe Rolling rocks are more dangerous than either.
Quote from: VSMIT on October 31, 2008, 12:13:11 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
I'm sorry, but the answer to the question was "Dragonetti Bass Concerto by Edouard Nanny." Good try, though.
What is _?
What is bright moth?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
It is ___ with gusto.
It is one of these (http://www.kevinandkell.com/2002/kk0918.html).
Dear IF,
Are you still there?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Hm... what game are you talking about, out of curiosity?
What games do you have on the Wii? And why do you want a PS3?
Aside from English, what are the other two languages you kinda speak?
For about how long have you been a member of the forums?
Which did you find first: DMFA or CVRPG?
What are your favorite webcomics?
If Billy has two apples and Susie has three apples, why don't they shut up and eat?
Are there any anime you're fond of?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Here's your picture Danny.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on October 26, 2008, 10:43:59 PM
Dear invisible friend,
I believe I know who you are!
Okay Orlando Bloom or Brad Pitt?
Do you like the band Kansas?
Pink Floyd?
Blue Öyster Cult?
Who's your favorite comedian?
Do you like umlauts?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Visible Friend, aka Jer-oh-me...
Oh do you?
... hm... I'll say Mister Bloom.
Never heard of them.
Um... never listened to them.
See Kansas.
Hm... probably Lewis Black or Jon Stewart.
Umlauts? I wouldn't say that I dislike them, I just don't use them that much.
And sorry about that: it's been a long and tiring week for me. I thought I'd answered this already, guess I didn't.
Dear Invisible Friend,
That's alright, I can sympathize.
Yep, I'm pretty sure I know who you are.
I'm a little disappointed you haven't heard of two and not listened to the other of my three favorite bands, what are yours?
Do you like the letter Q?
dear invisible friend
what is the square root of a negative number?
do you remember high school math?
how many ways are there to make a cat purr?
daring duck of mystery?
is it am draw time now?
Quote from: Jairus on November 01, 2008, 08:09:42 PM
Dear Invisible Friend...
Hm... what game are you talking about, out of curiosity?
What games do you have on the Wii? And why do you want a PS3?
Aside from English, what are the other two languages you kinda speak?
For about how long have you been a member of the forums?
Which did you find first: DMFA or CVRPG?
What are your favorite webcomics?
If Billy has two apples and Susie has three apples, why don't they shut up and eat?
Are there any anime you're fond of?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Dear Jairus...
Battlezone. Not the original Atari version, but the two games published by Activision.
I have a bunch of games, but I don't want to list them right now. I want a PS3 because it would be awesome to have one.
Spanish and Japanese.
A while.
DMFA, CVRPG, B&G, XKCD, and a couple of others.
They're busy doing *ahem* other things.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 02, 2008, 12:10:31 AM
Dear Invisible Friend,
That's alright, I can sympathize.
Yep, I'm pretty sure I know who you are.
I'm a little disappointed you haven't heard of two and not listened to the other of my three favorite bands, what are yours?
Do you like the letter Q?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Jer-oh-me:
Oh, I'm glad.
Really? Darn. I'll have to try harder at hiding my identity next time.
Hm... I don't really have a favorite band. I mean, I suppose there are some groups whose music I like to listen to, but it's the music I care about.
Q is quite a queer letter, and it is questionable if I can continue this query any further. Um... I don't dislike it.
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Dear Invisible Friend,
How did you know i liked smarties?
Since we're at it...
Dear Invisible Friend, what are smarties?
Dear IF,
Well, I used deductive reasoning to come to my conclusion as to your true identity, so don't feel so bad about me figuring you out. Okay?
Would you like a cookie?
Quote from: e_voyager on November 02, 2008, 01:07:11 AM
dear invisible friend
what is the square root of a negative number?
do you remember high school math?
how many ways are there to make a cat purr?
daring duck of mystery?
is it am draw time now?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
An imaginary number.
I remembered the answer to your first question, didn't I?
Depends on the cat.
If you say so.
It is! And this one's math-themed too.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on November 02, 2008, 03:08:38 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
How did you know i liked smarties?
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's Invisible Friend
Dear Danny,
Just did.
Quote from: Gabi on November 02, 2008, 03:15:07 PM
Since we're at it...
Dear Invisible Friend, what are smarties?
Quote from: Gabi's Invisible Friend
Dear Gabi
They are tasty.
Thanks for the image, D...ear IF! Er... What are those things? Kidneys? Jellybeans?
Dear invisible friend.
and here i thought that was chemistry.
the square root of an negative number can be found by multiplying the square root of the absolute value of that number and the square root of negative 1 which is i
if you didn't remember that that you didn't really remember the math that i was thinking of.
nice picture that you.
how many questions have i asked?
is you character a canine?
Lex Luther man of steel?, is it real?
have you ever been close to tragedy or close to folks who have?
where is the Lab o f the evil doctor Jairus?
Dear Invisible Friend...
What anime are you fond of?
Due u dislike pour grammar?
Do you think I know who you are?
What is the internet for?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 02, 2008, 03:46:18 PM
Dear IF,
Well, I used deductive reasoning to come to my conclusion as to your true identity, so don't feel so bad about me figuring you out. Okay?
Would you like a cookie?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Jer-oh-me:
Remember that no matter how logical your reasoning is, if it's based on false or incorrect data, then your conclusion will also be wrong.
Hm... Not right now, thank you though. I just had a slice of cheesecake.
Mmmm. Cheesecake...
Quote from: e_voyager on November 03, 2008, 01:27:02 AM
Dear invisible friend.
and here i thought that was chemistry.
the square root of an negative number can be found by multiplying the square root of the absolute value of that number and the square root of negative 1 which is i
if you didn't remember that that you didn't really remember the math that i was thinking of.
nice picture that you.
how many questions have i asked?
is you character a canine?
Lex Luther man of steel?, is it real?
have you ever been close to tragedy or close to folks who have?
where is the Lab o f the evil doctor Jairus?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Chemistry? That's only what advertisers want you to believe.
Both answers were right. You weren't specific enough.
Thank you.
Many. I'm not counting.
My character? What character?
No, it's fiction.
Why are you asking me?
Incidentally, the game is on until this Friday, the 7th - or possibly Saturday, depending on how my Friday goes.
Technically, incorrect data just might lead you to the right conclusions anyway, but there's no way to know whether they're right or not. (This is a remark about Jer-oh-me's IF's reply).
Dear IF, how much do you know about logic?
Dear IF,
I based this off your responses to my questions, and your syntax, I'm pretty sure my data is accurate, plus someone just gave me inadvertent confirmation. Though I wasn't really suspecting them after you told me you hadn't been part of the first round.
I eliminated two of the others by determining where you're from. So that only leaves one person, and now I'm just waiting to be asked to provide my guess.
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you been on the IRC?
What brought you to this forum?
Approx. how long have you been on the forum?
Quote from: Jairus on November 03, 2008, 01:41:53 AM
Dear Invisible Friend...
What anime are you fond of?
Due u dislike pour grammar?
Do you think I know who you are?
What is the internet for?
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
Dear Jairus...
Hayao Miyazaki stuff, for starters, and a couple of the Gundam series. Especially Wing.
Due to a malfunction, you cannot pour grammar into the u-bend.
Probably. If you don't by now, you probably won't know by the end of the round.
If you're asking this question, then I don't have to answer it for you.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 03, 2008, 11:19:02 PM
Dear IF,
I based this off your responses to my questions, and your syntax, I'm pretty sure my data is accurate, plus someone just gave me inadvertent confirmation. Though I wasn't really suspecting them after you told me you hadn't been part of the first round.
I eliminated two of the others by determining where you're from. So that only leaves one person, and now I'm just waiting to be asked to provide my guess.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Jer-oh-me...
Really? Who inadvertently confirmed it? Or would you rather not say?
Well, the first round of this game was at least a year ago, probably more. I'm not sure about that. Ask the one who started the Game. But I wasn't in it.
Last I checked, everyone comes from their parents. Unless we've got some vat-grown players. Or Pod People.
Well, in short, never be too sure about it. I've only been absolutely sure of my IF once.
dear invisible friend.
do you like politics ?
where did i go wrong?
where did i go right?
is it time to wake form this dream?
is some one impersonating me?
Dear IF,
Well there is no such thing as absolute certainty, but all my leads point to who I am going to suggest you are as soon as it's time. I've learned from my experiences with the past few rounds, though the number of times I got Jay was annoying, just because I couldn't reconcile his being my IF again and again.
Also when I say where you are from I mean a geographical location not your progenitors. It would be absurd to even entertain the notion of people who weren't born to parents in some fashion (Even surrogates, or adoption). When you told me you were born in Maryland or something to that effect that eliminated Jay quite nicely, and Danny as well, though he'd not been active. Your syntax eliminated E, as well as your not having been here for the first round eliminated E as well as eliminating Gabi.
There by leaving only one person...
Quote from: VSMIT on November 04, 2008, 02:54:35 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
Have you been on the IRC?
What brought you to this forum?
Approx. how long have you been on the forum?
Quote from: VSMIT's Invisible Friend
Have you seen me there?
I followed the comic from another comic.
I don't know; it's hard to count that high.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 05, 2008, 02:21:51 AM
Dear IF,
Well there is no such thing as absolute certainty, but all my leads point to who I am going to suggest you are as soon as it's time. I've learned from my experiences with the past few rounds, though the number of times I got Jay was annoying, just because I couldn't reconcile his being my IF again and again.
Also when I say where you are from I mean a geographical location not your progenitors. It would be absurd to even entertain the notion of people who weren't born to parents in some fashion (Even surrogates, or adoption). When you told me you were born in Maryland or something to that effect that eliminated Jay quite nicely, and Danny as well, though he'd not been active. Your syntax eliminated E, as well as your not having been here for the first round eliminated E as well as eliminating Gabi.
There by leaving only one person...
Quote from: Jer-oh-me's Invisible Friend
Dear Jer-oh-me:
Well, that's the thing about random chance. It's random.
Ah, but I wasn't born in Maryland. I [/i]got started[/i] in Maryland. To be more blunt, I think that's where my Mom got pregnant with me. I'd have to ask her to be sure, though. It certainly wouldn't be the weirdest question my Mom's fielded from me.
Besides, I could be changing my syntax and answering style to make it more difficult to pinpoint who I am. Or I could be more clever than that, or my spell-checking program could be broken.
Okay. We'll see, come Friday/Saturday.
Incidentally, I haven't received a picture from Jairus' Invisible Friend. They're the only outstanding person, otherwise we could wrap it up nowish - the responses being a bit laggy from how they were earlier ;-]
Dear IF, what do you think of people who use an elimination process like Jer-oh-me did to find out who their IFs are?
Quote from: Gabi on November 05, 2008, 10:23:41 AM
Dear IF, what do you think of people who use an elimination process like Jer-oh-me did to find out who their IFs are?
Apparently your IF doesn't think about it at all.
Quote from: e_voyager on November 05, 2008, 01:56:14 AM
dear invisible friend.
do you like politics ?
where did i go wrong?
where did i go right?
is it time to wake form this dream?
is some one impersonating me?
Quote from: e_voyager's Invisible Friend
Are you trying to go anywhere with these questions or are you just throwing them at random?
And that's the end of the game.
Please post your guesses; as soon as they all come in, I'll wrap this up.
My IF is Dannysaysnoo.
for some reason i keep wanting to say VSMIT instead of Jairus but i'll go with Jay anyway. for some reason the past four games i haven't really been trying to figure out who my IF is. it's strange but still fun.
I'm guessing Gabi.
Quote from: e_voyager on November 08, 2008, 12:19:33 PM
for some reason the past four games i haven't really been trying to figure out who my IF is. it's strange but still fun.
You haven't? Then what was your goal?
not sure. i just wanted to draw a few pictures for the people here ( i know i don't draw very well) and they game's a chance to get to know others. you get to understand them. there are people here that will know know me simply by speaking to me regardless of my name or face. there are others whom i would know almost as well. all in all like it was suggest in the first round on the nice it's a fun getting to know each other game. ... wow have i been playing it that long?
Yes... and so have I... if hosting counts as playing.
if you like i'll host and you and the others can play for a while
Quote from: e_voyager on November 08, 2008, 04:45:28 PM
if you like i'll host and you and the others can play for a while
Would Boxy stick around to play?
he might he's played before
But if I'm his IF again he'll find me out right away.
Boxy has a number of other things going on in his life right now, such that he is considering a hiatus from the forum.
So, no. After this round, I will probably fold, and hide for a while.
... as much as I ever hide, that is.
Danny: it was the bicycle song that did it for me.
And as if that were not enough, you forgot to log out of imageshack before uploading your drawing. People can see your album, you know.
But it was fun regardless. :)
If I'd known about the imageshack thing beforehand, I would have re-hosted it. Sorry, Danny.
No problem, it was my poorly camouflaged bicycle that did it.
I apologise for my absence, I wish to suggest that VSMIT is my Invisible Friend.
Apology accepted.
VSMIT guessed that his IF was Gabi. He chose poorly. His IF was actually e_voyager.
Jairus guessed that his IF was VSMIT. He chose well, and wins this round.
Jer-oh-me guessed that his IF was VSMIT. He chose poorly. His IF was actually Jairus. The management will not be allowing Jairus to be Jer-oh-me's IF again for a few rounds, and would like to take this opportunity to extend an apology to Jer-oh-me for not noticing this time until too late to rearrange things.
e_voyager guessed that his IF was Jairus. He chose poorly. His IF was actually Gabi.
Gabi guessed that her IF was Dannysaysnoo. She chose well, and wins this round.
Dannysaysnoo guessed that his IF was Jairus. He chose poorly. His IF was actually Jer-oh-me.
That means this round is over, and the winners are Gabi and Jairus. Sign-ups are now open!
That was extremely improbable! To allow my now paranoid distrust to subside I'll host R34.
Extremely. Hence the management offer to keep an eye on it.
Then I guess I'll play.
Could be fun, may I have a spot?
Of course, everyone is welcome as long as they're willing and able to check the topic (and post) regularly for as long as the round lasts (once a day works well).
I really want to host before I ship out for basic. I have till mid December.
I'll join, I need something to take my mind of the worldy things.
I'll play again.
And I'm sorry, Jerry. I think some of my answers might have been a little misleading... I tried to drop some hints in that direction. Oh well.
Basic? Basic training? Oh dear. That doesn't sound fun.
BTW, Jairus, what led you to the conclusion that I was your IF?
I don't think I'll be in this round.
Quote from: VSMIT on November 10, 2008, 03:43:18 PM
BTW, Jairus, what led you to the conclusion that I was your IF?
Battlezone was a big hint, but the grammar question confirmed it for me.
i won't stop you. also Gabi... some how you and i are paired more often then not. funny how this game works out huh?
Actually, I find myself looking forward to basic, I don't think I'll ever be as fit as I will be in the service. It's okay Jay, from now on my IF is assumed to be you till convinced otherwise.
Quote from: Jairus on November 10, 2008, 04:02:45 PM
Battlezone was a big hint, but the grammar question confirmed it for me.
I knew I should have said a different game... But why did the grammar question confirm it?
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 10, 2008, 10:54:43 PM
Actually, I find myself looking forward to basic, I don't think I'll ever be as fit as I will be in the service. It's okay Jay, from now on my IF is assumed to be you till convinced otherwise.
Actually, your IF won't be me. So, right off the bat I'm out of the question. Unless that's what they want you to think...
And good luck with that. Seriously, good luck.
Quote from: VSMIT on November 10, 2008, 11:01:35 PM
Quote from: Jairus on November 10, 2008, 04:02:45 PM
Battlezone was a big hint, but the grammar question confirmed it for me.
I knew I should have said a different game... But why did the grammar question confirm it?
Ah, I figured that you'd have a witty response to a question full of grammar errors.
Oh, by the way, sorry I forgot to send in a pic, Jay.
I also think I will be in in the next round, if for no other reason than to redeem myself.
Quote from: VSMIT on November 10, 2008, 11:19:06 PM
Oh, by the way, sorry I forgot to send in a pic, Jay.
I also think I will be in in the next round, if for no other reason than to redeem myself.
Eh, I forgive you. That reminds me, I should post that Yahtzee pic I did. I actually did two of them, but I liked the one where he was looking at the audience better.
I really ought to pay attention to the other players, but this thing's not very efficient.
What thing, Jer?
Quote from: e_voyager on November 10, 2008, 06:23:36 PM
i won't stop you. also Gabi... some how you and i are paired more often then not. funny how this game works out huh?
It is funny. I also got VSMIT as my IF 3 times in a row before I got you.
And I was your IF 2 (I think) of those three times?
Quote from: Gabi on November 11, 2008, 05:08:38 AM
What thing, Jer?
Quote from: e_voyager on November 10, 2008, 06:23:36 PM
i won't stop you. also Gabi... some how you and i are paired more often then not. funny how this game works out huh?
It is funny. I also got VSMIT as my IF 3 times in a row before I got you.
Sorry, my Wii, it's non conducive to typing, I'm gonna get a USB keyboard for it though.
Or you could just use a computer...
Quote from: VSMIT on November 12, 2008, 01:13:36 AM
Or you could just use a computer...
Why do you suppose I bother with the Wii?
By the way, in case anyone is interested, my picture was about maths for several reasons: apart from being based on geometric shapes and intersections, I performed mathematical operations on shapes and colors in order to make it. It contained symmetry, rotations, average, addition and symmetric difference. Oh, and gradients, which are a particular case of recursive successions.
it was very interesting and once i got past thinking that it was atomic bindings i could see the symmetry
Thanks, e! I'm glad you liked it. :)
So... when is the next round going to begin?
Llearch and i have both agreed that if Jer wants to host we won't get in the way. so it's up to him. as i believe you wish to play as well..
Well if everyone who played last round wants to play, and Llearch as well to occupy the position I held I can start now.
should probably do a last call for players. just to make sure boxy's in
... Boxy said, quite clearly, that he wasn't.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2008, 03:37:39 AM
... Boxy said, quite clearly, that he wasn't.
Well crud, I missed that, Hmm...
Anyway, last call for my hosting of Round 34!!
I'm still in.
So am I, and so is e. VSMIT said he thinks he'll be in, so I hope that's a yes, because we need at least 4 players.
*poke poke*
I'd like to participate, thats four right there, though more wouldn't hurt.
I'm in.
Alright, I think that I can handle Five.
Since this round has officially started, allow me to begin the questioning.
Dear IF,
How are you today? I hope you are well.
Have you played the Invisible Friend game before on this forum?
What brought you to this forum?
Do you read any webcomics besides DMFA and/or CVRPG?
If so, what webcomics?
I'll have more later, but that should start us off nicely.
Dear Invisible Friend...
Have you ever hosted this game before?
I was Jer-oh-me's IF three rounds in a row. How you ever been my IF?
Likewise, have I ever been your Visible Friend?
Do you think our host will do a good job?
Am I just asking that question to tease Jerry?
Dear Mr. (or Ms.) Invisible...
Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?
Do you think I should change my avatar?
Have you ever had a horrible computer malfunction that you could never figure out how to fix?
Do you get withdrawal symptoms if you don't check the forums often enough?
On a scale of one to ten, (ten being the highest), how much have my previous questions made you want to smack me with an eight iron?
dear invisible friend
how are you this fine day?
have you ever read the invisible man?
how many fingers am i holding up?
can a bird be a word?
can bee, be a verb?
do you think you'll have fun?
you don't have blue quills do you?
Dear invisible friend,
How are you?
Are you familiar with how this game is played?
What three words would you describe this game with?
What kind of books do you read, if any?
Do you watch television?
How much time do you spend on a computer, more than average?
What is you favorite house-pet?
edit: Till further note, I am not a player
Hello, dear Invisible Friend.
I'm not feeling very well right now, so I can't come up with a good set of questions, so why don't you just pick a set of questions from one of the other players and answer them? Thanks.
From Gabi's invisible Friend.
QuoteQ: I'm not feeling very well right now, so I can't come up with a good set of questions, so why don't you just pick a set of questions from one of the other players and answer them? Thanks.
A: Err, alright, I'll pick randomly. I hope you feel better.
I decided to gank Aiyno's questions, I hope neither of you mind :P.
Q: How are you?
A: I'm fine, I guess
Q: Are you familiar with how this game is played?
A: *Gives a blank stare* If I didn't I wouldn't be playing would I?
Q: What three words would you describe this game with?
A: Glorified Guess Who.
Q: What kind of books do you read, if any?
A: I suppose textbooks don't count? In that case, I would say I tend towards fantasy and mystery books.
Q: Do you watch television?
A: No.
Q: How much time do you spend on the computer, more than average?
A: It really depends on the circumstances. When I'm busy, I tend to spend either a lot or very little time with it, depending on what I'm doing, obviously I'll want to be on it if I need to write essays or something. On breaks, it's usually consistantly high, except when I'm at a friend's house.
Q: What is your favorite house-pet?
A: I've never had a pet, so I really can't say. From going to friend's houses, I don't really like dogs, but maybe I've just dealt with a few rotten apples.
From Jairus's Invisible Friend
QuoteHave you ever hosted this game before?
if i said what i feel like saying i'd make it easier for you than i would if i answered
directly. only one choice left. :explosion
I was Jer-oh-me's IF three rounds in a row. How you ever been my IF?
this sounds like some kind of zen. how can i ever been your if if you were Jer-oh-me's IF
three rounds in a row? or why does it matter? i don't know.
Likewise, have I ever been your Visible Friend?
yes. no. maybe. i'm not Jerry, that much i can tell.
Do you think our host will do a good job?
i hope so
Am I just asking that question to tease Jerry?
so it would seem.
at least one of my answers may be a lie. or is it a pie? no, wait, if the cake is a lie,
then what is the pie?
Aiyno, unfortunately I'd set the game up before you'd made your presence known, I apologize, but I don't have anyone to answer your questions.
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 15, 2008, 02:07:52 PM
Aiyno, unfortunately I'd set the game up before you'd made your presence known, I apologize, but I don't have anyone to answer your questions.
Before November the 10th? (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg245195.html#msg245195)
I find that highly unlikely. >:3
I was just hiding in the shades of this thread, posting a unseen post >:3
your eyes have been fooled by the master ninja! >:3
Also, If you really have a huzzle to get that worked out, I'd gladly wait another round to play, It really would be no problem at all.
Quote from: Aiyno on November 15, 2008, 05:03:51 PM
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 15, 2008, 02:07:52 PM
Aiyno, unfortunately I'd set the game up before you'd made your presence known, I apologize, but I don't have anyone to answer your questions.
Before November the 10th? (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg245195.html#msg245195)
I find that highly unlikely. >:3
I was just hiding in the shades of this thread, posting a unseen post >:3
your eyes have been fooled by the master ninja! >:3
this post and on (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg246248.html#msg246248)
I think you missed roll call is what happened...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 15, 2008, 07:37:40 PM
Quote from: Aiyno on November 15, 2008, 05:03:51 PM
Quote from: Jer-oh-me on November 15, 2008, 02:07:52 PM
Aiyno, unfortunately I'd set the game up before you'd made your presence known, I apologize, but I don't have anyone to answer your questions.
Before November the 10th? (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg245195.html#msg245195)
I find that highly unlikely. >:3
I was just hiding in the shades of this thread, posting a unseen post >:3
your eyes have been fooled by the master ninja! >:3
this post and on (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3826.msg246248.html#msg246248)
I think you missed roll call is what happened...
Indeed and no one spoke for you, as was E's case, and if Llearch & Gabi let me host again I'll remember you.
From The1Kobra's Invisible Friend
to the1kobra
Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?
yes i have
Do you think I should change my avatar?
dwaggies are cool dont
Have you ever had a horrible computer malfunction that you could never figure out how to fix?
dont think so
Do you get withdrawal symptoms if you don't check the forums often enough?
On a scale of one to ten, (ten being the highest), how much have my previous questions made you want to smack me with an eight iron?
caddie hand me my 8 iron
Sorry about that, Manuel. At least your questions got answered.
Dear Invisible Friend... I didn't know rotten apples could be kept as pets. You learn something new everyday. ;)
I'm feeling better now, thanks. :)
Let's start with some questions about communication.
Do you use any instant messenger? Why or why not?
How good are you at talking to other people? Does it depend on the situation? Is it any different online than it is in real life?
Do you find it easier to express yourself orally or in written form?
Have you ever had trouble coming up with questions for this game? What about answers?
dear invisible friend.
no answers yet?
are you mad at me?
the APF's seem to be busy do you know why?
where did my little wolf go?
Dear Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. Invisible....
Do you follow politics?
Goblins or Kobolds?
What is your favorite gaming console? (PC, Playstation, GameCube, XboX, etc...)
Do you like RPing?
Have you ever seen the movie: "Manos the Hands of Fate"?
From VSMIT's invisible friend:
Since this round has officially started, allow me to begin the questioning.
Dear IF,
How are you today? I hope you are well.
Have you played the Invisible Friend game before on this forum?
What brought you to this forum?
Do you read any webcomics besides DMFA and/or CVRPG?
If so, what webcomics?
I'm one step closer to the edge today thank you for asking.
yes i have.
a web comic. there are four of them here you know.
too many to list but Project Future, Freefall, last Resort, F@nboy$ and Furfire are some of them
Quote from: Gabi on November 16, 2008, 10:07:14 AM
Sorry about that, Manuel. At least your questions got answered.
Dear Invisible Friend... I didn't know rotten apples could be kept as pets. You learn something new everyday. ;)
I'm feeling better now, thanks. :)
Let's start with some questions about communication.
Do you use any instant messenger? Why or why not?
How good are you at talking to other people? Does it depend on the situation? Is it any different online than it is in real life?
Do you find it easier to express yourself orally or in written form?
Have you ever had trouble coming up with questions for this game? What about answers?
Ok, then... in addition to my questions which you haven't answered yet, what webcomics do you read?
Dear Invisible Friend,
What first drew you toward DMFA?
How far away from "the Edge" did you start?
Or did you actually start "over" the Edge?
From The1Kobra's invisible friend:
dear the1kobra
Do you follow politics?
yes i do
Goblins or Kobolds?
goblins are more fun
What is your favorite gaming console? (PC, Playstation, GameCube, XboX, etc...)
Do you like RPing?
depends on the rp
Have you ever seen the movie: "Manos the Hands of Fate"?
dont think so
Jer-oh-me, could you please poke the players who are not responding?
Thanks in advance.
also you may want to check your spam filter just in case they didn't read you message completely
dear invisible friend.
i ask and ask and still no response
are you here?
were you ever here?
do you know whom to shadow?
is the game even still one?
if so when does it end?
Is anyone here at all (besides e and myself)?
Should we restart the round with a new host?
i'll give it one day the support Gabi's decision either way.
I'm here... sorry... tricky weekend. I'm back!
Dear Invisible Friend:
Sorry, I meant to ask whether I've ever been your Invisible Friend?
What's your favorite film genre?
Do you play video games?
What webcomics do you read?
The pie is apple. And the pie are squared.
Quote from: VSMIT on November 17, 2008, 12:55:17 PM
Dear Invisible Friend,
What first drew you toward DMFA?
How far away from "the Edge" did you start?
Or did you actually start "over" the Edge?
Dear Invisible Friend,
Our host was last active on the 18th.... does anyone have any non-PM or e-mail way of contacting him? If not... I suppose we could restart.
that's part of why i agreed to give it a day. ten am tomorrow before backing whatever decision Gabi arrives at.
I beg forgiveness for my absence, I lost access internet service where I am, just a minute, I'll have updates added to this post.
From Gabi's invisible friend
Let's start with some questions about communication.
Do you use any instant messenger? Why or why not?
I used to use AIM, however, it's often inconvenient as my computer isn't very powerful and it slows whatever else I'm doing down, and also causes some re-windowing issues when I'm running certain applications. So I don't use it very often.
How good are you at talking to other people? Does it depend on the situation? Is it any different online than it is in real life?
Well, I would say that oral communication is not my strong suit, however, a person is his own worst judge. I would say I'm a good deal more confident with myself on online forums than I am in person, though that may due to me taking some time before I post anything to go through most possibilities. Of course, I'm a lot more confidant around friends than I am around strangers. I'm also quite confidant in myself when I'm lying to someone, strange as that is.
Do you find it easier to express yourself orally or in written form?
I'm not a good essay writer, I would say that I'm better with oral communication.
Have you ever had trouble coming up with questions for this game? What about answers?
For questions, I just listen to the random things that go through my head and post them. What? They don't talk to you? Thats a shame. :P
For answers, see above.
Also from Gabi's invisible friend
Ok, then... in addition to my questions which you haven't answered yet, what webcomics do you read?
Patience is a virtue. My liege, thou hath lost an eighth!
Oh, webcomics, lets see, DMFA, Project Future, Last Resort, and there was one other I used to read but it made my brain hurt... so I stopped.
From VSMIT's invisible friend
Dear Invisible Friend,
What first drew you toward DMFA?
How far away from "the Edge" did you start?
Or did you actually start "over" the Edge?
I was free falling and there was a like to Wildy and her rubber ducky.
I don't know but, I can see it now and fear the day I fall.
No I'm sure I didn't.
From The1Kobra's invisible friend
dear the1kobra
Do you follow politics?
yes i do
Goblins or Kobolds?
goblins are more fun
What is your favorite gaming console? (PC, Playstation, GameCube, XboX, etc...)
Do you like RPing?
depends on the rp
Have you ever seen the movie: "Manos the Hands of Fate"?
dont think so
From E's Invisible friend
E_voyager's questions are...
dear invisible friend.
no answers yet?
are you mad at me?
the APF's seem to be busy do you know why?
where did my little wolf go?
Dear e_voyager:
I sent them off... They are in my "Sent" folder with the subject "R34." I do
not know what has happened to them. Perhaps they were attacked on the way to
No, why would I be mad at you?
... Who are the APFs?
He went to visit his grandmother in her cottage in the woods. But there are
humans wearing red hoods in the forest... He must be careful not to wander
off of the path.
I again apologize for my disappearance, there was nothing I could do, though my ISP got an earful.
to host or friend. can you please answer the first set of questions as well. frome my perspective they were never answered.
Dear Mr, Ms, or Mrs invisible,
How much do you detest getting sick?
What is your favorite gaming genre? (IE: RPGs, RTSs, shooters, etc..)
Have you ever posted an angry rant on an internet forum?
Do you play chess?
What is the scariest thing that you have ever seen?
Ooookay... You say you're not good at writing essays, but your answers looked very much like one. Thank you!
Now, you've also said you're more confident when you're lying. How can I tell how much of what you've said is the truth?
This is a lie... or is it?
Are you aware of the dangers of di-hydrogen monoxyde? And its beneficial uses?
Gabi's Invisible Friend responds
Ooookay... You say you're not good at writing essays, but your answers looked very much like one. Thank you!
By essays, I generally mean 5 page papers or the like.
Now, you've also said you're more confident when you're lying. How can I tell how much of what you've said is the truth?
Would you believe me if I said all of it was the truth?
This is a lie... or is it?
I don't think that can be a lie, since that was not a statement. A lie has to be a statement.
Are you aware of the dangers of di-hydrogen monoxide? And its beneficial uses?
That's an odd way of talking about water.
But yes, I am aware that I do need to drink it to survive, and that plunging head long into the Atlantic ocean is a good way to possibly drown and get myself killed. And the sharks... (shudders).
E's Invisible Friend Responds
E_voyager's questions were:
dear invisible friend
how are you this fine day?
have you ever read the invisible man?
how many fingers am i holding up?
can a bird be a word?
can bee, be a verb?
do you think you'll have fun?
you don't have blue quills do you?
My answers are...
Dear Visible Friend...
I've been better, to be honest.
Arm cannon.
Not unless it's a noun.
Maybe someday, but not today.
In the IF Game? Yeah, sure, I think so.
Why? Do you want some?
dear invisible friend.
yes i need to test them for chaos power absorption.
can you help me?
are you truly ready for chaos?
what do you know of chaos control?
do you have a shadow?
did you know how much longer they game will run? (there was a 4/5 day gap i believe)
The1Kobra's Invisible Friend responds
dear the1kobra
How much do you detest getting sick?
a lot
What is your favorite gaming genre? (IE: RPGs, RTSs, shooters, etc..)
rts and rpg
Have you ever posted an angry rant on an internet forum?
Do you play chess?
What is the scariest thing that you have ever seen?
ill get back to you
Dear Invisible Friend,
"Welcome To The Forum, And Have A Nice Day!"?
And I'm pretty sure almost everyone here started over the edge. Why didn't you?
Ah, it goes with an 'i'. Thanks for letting me know, but you didn't have to mark it in red. I know that many words that have an 'i' in Spanish are written with 'y' in English, while some others keep the 'i'. It's hard to know which ones are which.
Have you noticed how people here seem to be taking sides in some kind of war for/against proper spelling and grammar? What do you think about it?
Dear Invisible Friend...
Do you keep a trophy collection?
How much sleep do you get (on average) in a week?
Do you have trouble concentrating on things for extended periods of time?
What is your favorite game?
Do you read often? If so, what is your favorite book?
Gabi's IF says
Ah, it goes with an 'i'. Thanks for letting me know, but you didn't have to mark it in red.
Sorry, I'll use blue next time.
I know that many words that have an 'i' in Spanish are written with 'y' in English, while some others keep the 'i'. It's hard to know which ones are which.
Have you noticed how people here seem to be taking sides in some kind of war for/against proper spelling and grammar? What do you think about it?
I tend to stay away from that kind of open warfare.
i don't think photos count.
The1Kobra's IF friend responds
dear the1kobra
Do you keep a trophy collection?
How much sleep do you get (on average) in a week?
too much
Do you have trouble concentrating on things for extended periods of time?
depends on what the thing is
What is your favorite game?
british bulldogs
Do you read often? If so, what is your favorite book?
yes the world is flat
From VSMIT's invisible friend
Dear Invisible Friend,
"Welcome To The Forum, And Have A Nice Day!"?
And I'm pretty sure almost everyone here started over the edge. Why didn't you?
That's no mystery. it's an turning test.
I was around the corner in a mews when they started.
From Jairus's invisible friend
Quote from: Jairus on November 20, 2008, 10:54:19 AM
I'm here... sorry... tricky weekend. I'm back!
Dear Invisible Friend:
Sorry, I meant to ask whether I've ever been your Invisible Friend?
What's your favorite film genre?
Do you play video games?
What webcomics do you read?
The pie is apple. And the pie are squared.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friendi'm so sorry, Jairus! i sent my answers days ago
but our host never got them.
i know this won't make up for it, but here's something i drew for you.
sorry if it's ugly, i drew it in a hurry.
Sorry, I meant to ask whether I've ever been your Invisible Friend?
ah, ok. that makes more sense.
What's your favorite film genre?
it depends on the film. i could say fantasy but i've seen some terrible fantasy movies.
(do i get anything from using the words 'film' and 'movies' in one sentence?)
Do you play video games?
What webcomics do you read?
DMFA, CVRPG, PF, DD, GC, VA, TIA, AD, TW, FF and others. Oh, The Capitals Are Back! (But
They're Going Overboard Now.)
The pie is apple. And the pie are squared.
And so... all grammar was lost.
Just out of interest, when is this round finishing?
That's a good question.
Dear IF, could you please send me an image made by yourself? Or, if it's going to be a photo, at least make it one of something you have created. Like a sculpture, or even a handwritten poem like the one Cog sent me once.
i think i asked that a few days ago with my last batch of questions
dear invisible friend.
have you seen my question?
what has become of this round?
is it time to go?
why is tv no fun anymore?
E's Invisible friend writes
E_voyager's questions were...
dear invisible friend.
yes i need to test them for chaos power absorption.
can you help me?
are you truly ready for chaos?
what do you know of chaos control?
do you have a shadow?
did you know how much longer they game will run? (there was a 4/5 day gap i believe)
dear invisible friend.
have you seen my question?
what has become of this round?
is it time to go?
why is tv no fun anymore?
My answers are...
Dear Visible Friend:
Sorry, things came up. I'm still alive, however! At least... I think so... I'm not sure.
Oh, then test them. Do so right away!
How do you need helping?
Not much.
Yes, I do. Unless you're talking about hedgehogs, in which case, no, I do not.
Um... hm... no idea.
Yes, I did.
It had descended into MADNESS!!!! Or Sparta. One of the two. I don't know. This might be a tricky time of year for a contest like this.
Go where?
I don't know... but it makes me sad when I watch older stuff like Freakazoid or Batman (and Justice League, that was good too) and think about how far TV has fallen. It's not nostalgia.
Dear invisible friend:
Wut doo u doo 2 peeple hoo intenshunaly mispell wurds?
Does it make you angry?
Dear Invisible Friend, do you like cold logic? What about warm logic?
I don't know why some say goodbye and others say hello. Do you?
Have you ever had a conversation with a science teacher on the subject of existentialism?
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
Where has Jer-oh-me gone?
Unless he has a good explanation I think he should refrain from trying to host any future rounds.
i take it that he's still offline and has not checked his mail in a while. i had a theory about my invisible friend not i've forgotten it all again. if you like i'll host next round.
He is probably having internet issues again... I'd say give him a few more days. Speaking of which, do we have any non E-mail or PM ways of contacting him? I don't think so... maybe that should be something future hosts should have, just in case.
He sometimes shows up on IRC, but not since the 29th.
And he said something about his Internet playing up, or something.
Hi guys, I'm back, I just moved with my family to a bigger place about twenty minutes away from where I used to live, just got internet back today. Should not, repeat, not be any more weird interruptions. I wasn't exactly expecting the move to come quite that soon.
Anyway, gonna put up the last couple responses and then we can do the guessing. Wait for this post to be editted.
Okay, The1Kobra's IF hasn't responded, so I suppose we can begin guessing as soon as they send me their picture and final responses.
Welcome back, Jer!
Er... don't you have any answers to post? I know at least 1 person who claims to have sent you something.
Quote from: Gabi on December 04, 2008, 05:56:36 AM
Welcome back, Jer!
Er... don't you have any answers to post? I know at least 1 person who claims to have sent you something.
Nothing new. I apologize to whoever it is, but I don't have anything new. I could check my spam.
Aha, Jairus's invisible friend has actually sent me something that ended up in spam, sorry!
Quote from: Jairus on November 20, 2008, 10:54:19 AM
I'm here... sorry... tricky weekend. I'm back!
Dear Invisible Friend:
Sorry, I meant to ask whether I've ever been your Invisible Friend?
What's your favorite film genre?
Do you play video games?
What webcomics do you read?
The pie is apple. And the pie are squared.
Quote from: Jairus's Invisible Friend
ah, ok. Sorry.
it depends on the film. i'd say fantasy but i've seen too many bad movies of that genre.
(i've used both words films and movies. is the world coming to an end? i hope not.)
yes, but i'd rather not talk about them right now.
DMFA, PF, CM, DD, AD, FF, VA, GC, TW and others. Oh, look, the capitals are back!
What's With Everyone Using Bad Grammar These Days? (Ok, The Capitals Are Exaggerating
And The1Kobra's IF has sent me their answer!
dear the1kobra
Wut doo u doo 2 peeple hoo intenshunaly mispell wurds?
Does it make you angry?
i dunno its wierd
Dear Invisible Friend, do you like cold logic? What about warm logic?
cold logic is cold warm logic is strange
I don't know why some say goodbye and others say hello. Do you?
beatles reference
Have you ever had a conversation with a science teacher on the subject of existentialism?
yes quite often it was fun will talk at more lenght later
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
Have you ever gotten this feeling of Deja vu?
The1Kobra's IF needs a bit longer to get their picture in, but hopefully won't take long.
Well, sorry for my own delay, here it is!
Apologies to E and his invisible friend, I don't know why this kept failing to show up.
Also in apology to VSMIT and his invisible friend, I had to find where the disconnect was on those images.
And Gabi's invisible friend sends this second picture in the stead of the Dr. Strangelove image
Shall we post our guesses now?
i'm back and i guess if we're guessing The1Kobra's ( if it's Gabi then kismet is against me)
I guess The1Kobra as well.
I'm guessing The1Kobra.
I hope at least somebody gets this one right...
Ok, then I'll jump on the bandwagon and guess The1Kobra too (because that was going to be my guess anyway).
Maybe everyone was imitating him? (At least he won't be able to guess himself and will have to guess someone else. I think I know who his IF was.)
well one of us will be right but it won't be me.
Hmmm, my guess... well, I guess since I've been a popular pick, I'll guess myself :P
Hehe, joking... hmm, I think I'll guess VSMIT.
nice try but i'm pretty sure VSMIT was mine. the picture was not what i would expect of Gabi you are more likely to go with the robot pun if you were my invisible fired ( i maintain my guess of The1Kobra as my IF by the way) i don't remember Jairus's art enough to be sure what he would send and i don't think anyone else was playing this round
If Jer-oh-me does not return by say... Sunday, should we simply post who our Visible Friend was and if they won?
i won't be here Sunday i'll be here Monday though.
Quote from: e_voyager on December 13, 2008, 01:19:15 AM
i won't be here Sunday i'll be here Monday though.
Well, I just used Sunday as an example (I'll actually be really busy Sunday myself). But Monday works too. Really, we could do this any time.
Well folks, Gabi & The1Kobra are the only two to get it right. And somebody please take over for me! I at least now fully appreciate how much effort this is.
Please list everybody and their invisible friend, so that we can know who we actually had.
Okay, here goes.
Gabi had The1Kobra as her IF. Gabi correctly guessed that.
The1Kobra had VSMIT as his IF. The1Kobra correctly guessed that.
E_Voyager had Jairus as his IF. E_Voyager incorrectly guessed The1Kobra.
Jairus had Gabi as his IF. Jairus incorrectly guessed The1Kobra.
VSMIT had E_Voyager as his IF. VSMIT incorrectly guessed The1Kobra.
Thanks for playing and being patient with me, I'm in for the next game.
I'll give it a shot for the next round methinks. As a player, not a host.
I'd be up for another round.
Just out of curiosity though, why did everyone else think their IF was me?
No clue, I was kinda guessing myself. This... was a long month for me, so I didn't really devote a lot of thought to it.
Um, if someone who's done it before could give me a pointer or two, I wouldn't mind hosting this round.
Make a set ending date, but other than that, make sure you stick around to see it out. I'll be in, as well.
I'll play.
i just picked the least likely person. admittedly i don't remember jay doing stick figure art before so i picked you. then people followed suite for some reason. ah well. have fun hosing jay io'll let you know if i can play monday.
Quote from: e_voyager on December 13, 2008, 10:52:07 PM
i just picked the least likely person. admittedly i don't remember jay doing stick figure art before so i picked you. then people followed suite for some reason. ah well. have fun hosing jay io'll let you know if i can play monday.
Which worked out for Gabi.
Sorry for my failness folks, I won't try to host again till I know for sure I can do it without interruption.