The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Kuari on November 30, 2007, 04:05:53 AM

Title: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Kuari on November 30, 2007, 04:05:53 AM
Talking about my RP characters on one of the DMFA topics kind of inspired me to do this...  I want to see what everyone else has for characters.  Here's the format I'm going to use...  up to you if you want to tweak it or not:

Strength: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Toughness: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Stamina: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Speed: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Dexterity: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Intelligence: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)
Special Items:

I'll start off with just two of my characters for now and slowly fill in the others.

Name: Saria Thunderclaw
Age: 17
Race: Kirmeor (the cat person race of her world)
Picture/Description: look at avatar
Strength: 10
Toughness: 5
Stamina: 3
Speed: 5
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 4
Specialties: Strength enhancing magic, defensive magic, melee combat.
Flaws: Horrible at healing and offensive magic.  Weary of anything against her religion.  Nasty temper.
Special Items: Soulflame Hammer - An oversized hammer that increases in strength as its user gains favor with their god.
Paper Seals: Special seals that can store spells for later use.  Useful in that the user's magical energy won't go to waste if they see no purpose in using spells that day.
Other: Saria's family is quite an odd one.  Her father is actually a wizard who focuses on dark magic while her mother is a powerful cleric.  Her father isn't exactly a bad guy, he is just a little scary.  Saria herself went with the path of a Paladin.  She has an older brother named Kuari who focuses more on a path of becoming a powerful battlemage.  She is almost certainly the stronger of the two when it comes to any form of combat though.


Name: Drathor Nasiri
Age: 25
Race: Gryphon-type Avian
Picture/Description: A black gryphon man with golden eyes, and actually rather kind features compared to most birds of pray.  He has golden eyes, talons for hands and lion paws for feet, is about 6' 5" tall, and has a fit build.  His wings are easily large enough to support flight, and his clothing usually consists of a dark green tunic and baggy black pants.  He has two sets of feathers on each side of his head that go up to a point, almost like he has long elven ears. (his overall look is actually somewhat based off this gryphon:
Strength: 3
Toughness: 8
Stamina: 7
Speed: 4
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 5
Specialties: Business, strategy, diplomacy, demon hunting.
Flaws: Lacking in magic, will take a bullet for pretty much anyone he likes.
Special Items: Giant's Mace - A large oversized mace that the owner can wield like it was nothing, however to everything else, it seems to weigh over 800 pounds.
Other: Drathor is very much a more professional type of fellow, doing work from negotiating trade routes, to working as a mediator for peace treaties.  He is about as kind of a person as you can get, never meaning to wrong anyone, and only seeking the fairest deals.  This has made him many friends, but many enemies as well, especially amongst those that would absolutely love a war.  There have been many attempts on his life, but killing him is not easy in the slightest as he is tough enough to resist many poisons.


Name: Kuro Washi
Age: 20
Race: Human
Picture/Description: - brown hair, grayish blue eyes, somewhat pale skin, 6' tall.
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Stamina: 3
Speed: 3
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 4
Specialties: Strong will, very protective.
Flaws: Is just a normal guy without his pendant. (though chances are he'd die if it was yanked out somehow)
Special Items: Pendant of the Six Elements - A powerful pendant that embeds itself into the heart of its owner, granting them long life, great power (especially over the elements), armor, and the ability to travel between dimensions.  The six elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Dark
Sword Whip of the Elementals - A sectioned sword that draws its power from the Pendant of the Six Elements.  Whatever element is active is the element that the sword will have powers of.
Other: Kuro is from a world much like ours, but was destroyed by a powerful demon army that was once sealed in the Void.  He was saved by the spirit the resides in his pendant.  The pendant he holds gives one immense power, but not only that, unlocks the latent abilities of the user.  Most it would boost their abilities while they have the pendant without the aid of magic.  Kuro however can copy an ability from each dimension he visits.  Without the pendant, he is just a normal human, with it however, he has an incredibly wide selection of abilities to choose from, and is quite an amazing fighter, to the point where he is a great challenge to even a Demon Lord.  Also unlike the cliche normal person gaining immense powers, he enjoys his abilities and doesn't consider it a burden at all.  In fact, usually he finds it quite fun and invigorating.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: bill on November 30, 2007, 08:46:03 AM
I think this should probably go in the actual RP section tbh
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Darkmoon on November 30, 2007, 11:56:05 AM
I think, even then, this thread is kinda gay.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: bill on November 30, 2007, 11:57:03 AM
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 12:32:51 PM
Quote from: Darkmoon on November 30, 2007, 11:56:05 AM
I think, even then, this thread is kinda gay.

Not quite the word I would use, but it's certainly verging on pointless, since people probably use characters on a per-thread basis, or have one kind of "template" they tweak and adapt, rather than sticking with one character for every single thread

Either that or you're going to get five bajillion posts from people who don't understand what the edit button is. :U
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Kuari on November 30, 2007, 02:10:13 PM
Quote from: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 12:32:51 PM
Quote from: Darkmoon on November 30, 2007, 11:56:05 AM
I think, even then, this thread is kinda gay.

Not quite the word I would use, but it's certainly verging on pointless, since people probably use characters on a per-thread basis, or have one kind of "template" they tweak and adapt, rather than sticking with one character for every single thread

Either that or you're going to get five bajillion posts from people who don't understand what the edit button is. :U

*shrugs* a lot of people stick with certain characters..  Maybe not just one, but maybe like 5 or so different ones.  It may be pointless, but I enjoy seeing what people do with their characters.  Anyways, sorry for not putting it in the right place.  Just it wasn't an RP session, so I didn't think it went here, but hey, works for me.

But yeah, doesn't even have to be just RP characters.  Could be just characters you draw often and stuff like that *shrugs*
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Kitsune Ascendant on November 30, 2007, 03:39:21 PM
I'll go with the most recently used age
Name: Trace
Age: somewhere between 800 and 900 years
Race: Kitsune
Picture/Description: Trace, when in human form, takes the appearance of a man in his mid thirties, standing 6'1, with a thin and not particularly notable phisique. His blazing red hair is somewhat wild, but relatively short. he is almost always found wearing the following: black, somewhat baggy pants, a white shirt, a lab coat, and a pair of strange goggles which one will find, if they ask, are controlled through a telepathic interface and can see in just about any spectrum.
Strength: 7.5
Toughness: 8
Stamina: 7
Speed: 10
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 10
Specialties: Kitsune affinity for illusion, mad scientist affinity for dangerous tech. Unmatched survival insinct, mainly from surviving in the shattered realms for over 140 years.
Flaws: His mad scientist nature can sometimes backfire on him. Also, mental characteristics from his previous tails can pop up at inopertune times.
Special Items: His "bag of tricks" which contain storage crystals of odds and ends he's picked up. Kitsuko, a physical manifiestation of the dormant soul, it is a sword with similar power to that of a zanpakuto.
Other: Trace is the 8th tail form of a kitsune born as whispering flame. He and whispering stream (now known as trance) were born into the same body. Trace's soul took on the physical and mental characteristics of a male, while Trance became decidedly female. He lead a fairly normal kitsune life, training under his mother and father, unil he reached his fifth tail. After that point, he traveled the universes, eventually returning home again for the time of his sixth tail. Unfortunatley, about 50 year into this, a being known only as the void eater, found its way into his dimensions. Not much is known after that, except that a lot of kitsune close to him died, the universe got hit by ice-10 (which retroactively ice-9's anything that remains in the universe at this time, as well as freezing time and space itself). He will speak vaguely of these years, not saying much more than that he was a merciless bounty hunter and traveled a set of universes outside normal spacetime known as the shattered realms. Recently, he managed to make his way back to our universe, roughly 200 years before the void eater incident.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Hellcat on November 30, 2007, 09:43:41 PM
Well why not? *Edit* I'm not gonna have the 1 to 10 numbers anymore...
Name: unknown she uses Hellcat for an alias
Age: also unknown, looks around 19
Race: unspecified feline, isn't known if she is just a being
Picture/Description: completely ivory fur, very dark and long purple hair always tied back, stone gray eyes- cold and emotionless most of the time, agile and flexible body, gold colored earring on left ear, spike collar, outfit (dark midnight blue with blue-green patterns) made of an unknown material- same material for a headband, sea green lace up boots made from leather, studded silver coloured bracers with swirly markings shallowly carved in them, sabre with a blackish grey hilt, sheath is coloured darkish red, with a bluish material holding it to her waist - see DA for outfit and colour scheme
Specialties: Fighting, great logic skills, inability to scar, able to control her emotions to a point of almost being without them, extremely flexible and good at dodging, very perceptive, good at killing, good at enduring attacks
Flaws: Distant and cold to people, doesn't like to concern herself with others, an almost one track mind
Special Items: Her earring is more then a mere accessory, but since she is so solitary almost no one knows what it actually does
Her outfit is made from an unknown material that will never rip or tear and is very tough almost like armor, but it is also very flexible and can stretch and return to its original shape easily
Her bracers are indestructible due to magical runes inscripted in them, however that sort of thing can only work on metals and it can be dispelled
Other: Not much is known about this young woman, she is known as a devil woman or witch because of her coldness and her quick killing, never hesitating when someone comes with her with the intent to kill, she will return the intent with a calm swipe of her sabre. She seems to have ridded herself of almost all emotion for maximum killing ability, but why she would become such a serious fighter is unknown. Her weakest point seems to be in brute strength, but she is still a force to be recognized with her quick eyes she can find a weak point and seems to have extensive knowledge of ones vital points, even without her sabre she is no less dangerous for althogh she lacks the ability to throw her opponent, she knows a type of unarmed combat that uses her speediness and agility. At any case one must never underestimate her if they intend to kill her, that may cost them their life.

Name:  Zyarii (pronounced Zyah- Ree)
Age: somewhere near 18, she doesn't even know herself
Race: raccoon (unknown what her wings could mean)
Picture/ Appearance: Bluish fur with all the normal raccoon markings, Bright blue-green eyes. Medium length reddish pink hair with a ribbon usually in it, feathery wings-  golden yellow upper feathers streaked in lavender pink with the lower of the uppers completely lavender pink, aqua coloured large lower feathers. She is cute and delicate looking in stature (have a pic on DA)
Specialties: very talented cook, especially with confectionery and baked goods. Has surprising strength and toughness for someone of her stature. Has extensive knowledge of cooking, plants(especially sweet fruit) and wildlife. Is good gardener (she has a private garden full of fruit bushes and trees, at least five cherry trees. She is good at defensive magic.
Flaws: Very unpredictable and hyperactive, overly ecstatic, very fierce temper- luckily this is rare-  she is overjoyed most of the time so something has to really annoy or upset her for her to get angry
Special Items: An extensive hand puppet collection... not really special items but there are a lot of them... A LOT of them... it's creepy
Other: Zyarii is... well there is know word to describe her unstable insanity. Growing up as an orphan, Zyarii doesn't really know if she is a creature or just a being with wings or even her birthday or actual age, she likely doesn't care though as she doesn't really focus on those things. A few years back she was a traveling adventurer but stopped to open her own café – "The Blue Raccoon" as she enjoyed cooking. While she can cook things like meat or fish, she is excellent in sweet things – Cakes, pies, fruit buns,  brownies, muffins, slices, etc. Her baking has made her café quite popular. She absolutely LOVES cherries and loves using them, her cherry pie is among the best thing she has ever made.... Unless you count her cookies... unfortunately she doesn't make them anymore, due to a court order after an *ahem* incident... lest it never be mentioned again. She enjoys cherries, picnics, tending to her garden, puppets and glee competitions (who can say 'glee' the longest without passing out)

Name: Kirani
Age: 19
Race: Panther (not telling what she is  :P)
Picture/Description: Short teal hair, black fur, deep blue eyes, green bat shaped wings with black flames on the lower, and black spirals. I have a picture of her on DA
Specialties: silence, seeing in the dark, sensitive hearing, magic ability, ninja stealth and hiding ability, good control of magic, speedy
Flaws: emotional, can get attached to someone
Special items: a magical kunai  allowing magic to be channeled into it at a maximum level
Other: Kirani is a young female ninja of a very elusive clan of ninja. While not much is known about them they don't seem to kill with no reason, but it is still uncertain if they should be classified as good or evil. They have been nicknamed the emerald shadows because of their green clothes and shadowy nature, although their black colourings may be another reason they are called shadows. Not all of the Emerald Shadows seem to have spirals on their wings, in fact Kirani is probably the only one seen with them, but that isn't saying much as the more experienced can get through an entire mission without being seen

Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Kuari on November 30, 2007, 11:54:43 PM
cool cool so far...  3rd char added
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Lushin on December 01, 2007, 11:26:25 AM
Age: Believed to be around 25
Race: Devil Wolf
Picture/Description: He's seven feet tall. Has no tail but an x scar where his tail would have been plus two jagged scars on his shoulders, one on each shoulder blade.
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Stamina: 7
Speed: 7
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 5
Specialties: He is a natural born/made fighter. That's pretty much all he knows
Flaws: He isn't very bright, doesn't know how to act when dealing with alot of people. Has anger issues.
Special Items: His teeth and claws. He can do some serious damage with them. He also has an attack that charges his right hand with fire and electicity for a devistating attack. He can only that that once per day and it takes some energy to do it
Other: His history is classified. He never speaks of it and there isn't any record of him being born. He can be somewhat friendly towards people if he meets them in small groups. First seen in the "Doing a favor for Azlan" RP that is now lost in the pages.

Name: Romulus Darkcloud
Age: 24
Race: Wolverine
Picture/Description: Stands 5'9" and is well muscled. He is solid muscle from his years of training. Usually wears combat boots (hates wearing any other type of footwear) military pants, either a black muscle shirt or longsleeve military button up shirt (Sometimes has sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned). Is also always wearing his and one his father's dogtags around his neck. His hair is brownish red, is shoulder length and is usually tied back into a samurai style ponytail.  His eyes are hazel, he has a scar over his right eye that goes from his forehead to his jawbone. Typical Wolverine color markings
Strength: 6
Toughness: 10
Speed: 8
Dexterity: 7
Intelligence: 8
Specialties: Special Forces Marksmen/Sniper. Expert  Martial Artist in several forms
Flaws: He isn't much of a people person
Special Items: His personal assualt rifle. He upgraded it with a high powered scope, fireing pin so it has more power and range, also added a longer clip
Other: His first appearance in this form is in "A Line in the Stars" run by Azlan
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Tapewolf on December 01, 2007, 01:34:27 PM
This seemed a bit tacky, but on the other hand, condensing my characters histories down to something like this was an interesting intellectual exercise.  So here are mine:

Name: Jakob Pettersohn, alias 'Johan Cross', Jakob Daryil, Jay Farrow
Age: 903 as of 'Furrae Chronicles'
Race: Grey wolf incubus
Description: Grey wolf, scrawny build.  Dark grey feathered wings.  He is generally seen either in casual clothes (often a red or burgundy shirt) or a black leather trenchcoat depending on his mood.
Picture: take your pick (
Strength: average, although he is an incubus, and therefore magical augmentation is quite possible.
Speed/Dexterity: Good.  He does have fast reflexes, allegedly remnants from demon heritage.
Intelligence: High.
Specialities: Electronics, filmmaking, magic (especially illusions and light/space manipulation) , somewhat adept with projectile weapons.  He is also able to teleport under his own power.  He has an affinity for fear which sometimes leads him to intimidate people, particularly defeated enemies.
Flaws: Paranoia.  Detests killing.  Guilty past.  Confused about whether he should act like a Being or an incubus.  In addition, the sight of flowing blood will usually cause him to enter a state of shock.
Special items: Recording paraphenalia, black trenchcoat (an inner layer offers some resistance to bullets).  He often wears a chain around his neck containing a set of crystals - two of these contain the souls of previous victims, a grim reminder of his crimes.
History: Born to his Being mother in a remote farm, his father disappeared when he was five.  Twenty years later he was abducted by Fa'Lina as part of a "No 'Cubi left behind" experiment which she later abandoned.  He discovered that his father had been abducted in the same manner.  Leaving SAIA centuries later he was taken in by an Angel known as Page, who ruled the city of Ha'Khun.  Together they make a series of sorties on Earth, stealing the technology to try and bring a new golden age to Furrae.  A century later Page is killed in a coup, and Jakob, driven insane by the loss of his mentor, adopts the pseudonym of Johan Cross.  Taking control of the city himself he spends the next three centuries hunting the demons responsible at any cost.  Tens of thousands of people vanished during his wicked reign, resulting in the name of 'Cross' being reviled for some distance around.  Rumours spread that he as eaten thousands of souls including that of his own clan leader to try and usurp their powers, until finally the surviving two demons are slain in a night of blood and their souls are trapped within the pendants around his neck.
Horrified by what he has become, Jakob leaves the city and starts a new life in SAIA, helping to set up a Being Technology department.  He also makes nature films for the Academy on a freelance basis, but the sight of blood will forever remind him of the night he laughed as he decapitated the two demons.

Jakob originated as a short story about an nature film made by two incubi.  He has appeared in the Furrae Chronicles story, RP and his own two series, 'The Chronicles of Jakob Pettersohn' and 'Future History'.

* * *

Name: Dorcan Ja'Fell
Age: approx 330 as of 'Brotherhood of the Machine'
Race: Doberman android / incubus
Description: Doberman with natural ears and tail and a muscular build.  Black bat wings.  Under certain lighting conditions his eyes will glow faintly red, betraying the fact that he is synthetic.  In normal circumstances he has the ability to conceal his headwings and backwings, but all other incubus abilities were lost at his death.
Strength: By default, around average for a human or fur.  Stressful conditions may override these limits.  He is powered by aneutronic fusion.
Specialties: None.  He has been trained in electronics by Jakob Pettersohn but otherwise has an average skill set for a SAIA-educated incubus
Flaws: Doesn't eat, breathe or drink.  No scent.  Poor attention-span.  Can be hotheaded.  In Brotherhood of the Machine he is terrified of being discovered as a robot.
Special Items: none, although he entered BotM carrying a Bigtrak wired as a remote probe.
History: Dorcan's story really begins with his death, about a decade or so prior to BotM.  Jakob's adopted son, who had himself nearly been executed during a purge against 'Cubi, stole the doberman's soul as he was hanged and sealed it within a crystal.  Three days later it was transferred into an android replica built from his self-image, with the 'accidental' addition of his muscular build.  Dorcan's first act was to avenge his own death by murdering the mayor who had framed him.  For this crime he was hanged a second time with even less success.

Dorcan originated in the 'Future History of Jakob Pettersohn' series.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: e_voyager on December 01, 2007, 02:21:15 PM
not very useful as this is all pretty much commonly known on the form but this is the essences of E so to speak.

Name: E
Age: (varies according to time and incarnation) time travel you hate it but sometimes you have no choice if you haven't lived through it once already.
Race: extra dimensional entity
Strength: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human) 4
Toughness: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human) 10
Stamina: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human) 5
Speed: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human) 3
Dexterity: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human) 4
Intelligence: (scale of 1 to 10...  3 being average, 10 being super human)  not on scale
Specialties: restorations, travel through all medians , survival , body snatching / copying
Flaws: E when copying a body will almost always starts his copy body as being weaker then the original person to let his brains and combat skills save his base if he gets into a conflict with the original whom is more familiar with their own body then he can be. the longer he has a body the more likely he is to upgrade it but these upgrades are not always helpful. for instance one of e'sForte's upgrades is a rom player inside his skull and a robotize belt that lets him turn robots into flesh entities and vice versa.  when entering a new worlds e's default forms may find themselves either limited or enhanced by the local physics.
Special Items: robotizer belt. his astrock : the voyager's embalm, a simple locket spell protected against theft and destruction holding a picture of his adoptive brothers and mother.
Other: when traveling ( not always by choice) e my find himself in times totally different form what he knows and adapting to them can be a harsh task. on more then one occasion he's met children of his who's mothers have not even ( form his perception ) been t born yet. thankfully the children's own abilities protect there existence in most cases allowing them to survive a shifting time line which sometimes occurs.

favorite Quote: i have lived far to long to be careless about simple things like that.

favorite Joke? : When all else false reset the universe and see whats happens
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: BlueTiger on December 04, 2007, 12:19:39 AM

Name: Koju the Quick

Age: 21

Race: Furre! (in DMFA terms Being)

Picture/Description: Feline furre. Blue fur with black stripes, including very distinctive ones under his eyes. Carries two swords on back. I'll use the "Furry Doll Maker" to show clothing:

( (

Okay so the shoes aren't right but close enough.

Strength: 2
Toughness: 4
Stamina: 4
Speed: 7
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 7

Specialties: Usually wields two swords but will use whatever he gets his hand on. Can dodge almost any attack he's aware of. And of some he isn't. Near genius intellegence.

Flaws: Emotionally scarred because his entire previous adventuring team has been wiped out. Also, while fast and hard to hit, he isn't very strong so his hits aren't very effective.

Special Items: None

Personallity: Usually a very upbeat guy, loves making jokes. However the loss of his teamates still haunt him from time to time.

Favorite Quote: "All it takes is one."

Favorite Joke: "When life gives you lemons, make limeaid and leave the world wondering how the heck you did it."

So he's not quiet done yet, but here you go. What do you think?
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: Lushin on December 06, 2007, 08:22:36 PM
Edited in my other character. Just figured I would let you people know.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: meany on December 14, 2007, 07:15:05 PM
Well, here I go.
Disclaimer: Any recognisable concepts, items, etc. are the property of their respective owners, and are used without permission. Please don't sue me!

Name: Chernobyl

Age: 365

Race: Fae mouse

Picture/Description: Wings, bold red. Antennae, pale pink. Fur, all white, one patch of black over left eye. Hair, silver in color. Clothes, loose pants, basic black; shirt, short sleeved, gray, white at arm and neck holes; kung-fu chinese shoes. Eyes, bloody red. Gem on forhead, amber, carved in shape of musical note.

Strength: 4
Toughness: 3
Stamina: 9
Speed: 3 (7 while in flight)
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 5

Specialties: Magic, obviously. Specializes in sound and wind, but is skilled in all forms. Wields a scythe, shaft of straight black wood, blade of silversteel. Can think of a Fae revenge almost at the drop of a hat.

Flaws: Bipolar. Often meek in the presence of other Fae; then cruel, sadistic, and generally mean around everyone else.

Special items: None

Personality: Insane. He's been from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other so many times that he simply snapped. Is unlike other Fae in that he has a 'linear' point of view, and is often confused and/or frightened by the things other Fae can do. Has an inferiority complex in relation to the other Fae.

Quote: "This is me pretending that I care." -"But that's how your face always looks."- "Your point?"

-- = Different person

This is my only character at the moment. Please forgive any noobishness you see in it, though I'd still like to know what you think.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 14, 2007, 07:28:08 PM
Quote from: meany on December 14, 2007, 07:15:05 PM
This is my only character at the moment. Please forgive any noobishness you see in it, though I'd still like to know what you think.
Weeeeeeell, here's a little piece of noobish in it;
The character is Fae.
Fae are, Amber has said so herself, not a good idea for ANY rp, due to them being the ultimate munchkins. They are practically demigods. Your character is a Fae paradox, being so weak in comparison. If he's mortal, which is what he sounds like, he simply is not a Fae.
However, this is the only problem. Pick just about any other race, and he'd be ready to rumble.
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: meany on December 14, 2007, 07:56:11 PM
The edited version! Huzzah!
Disclaimer: Any recognisable concepts, items, etc. are the property of their respective owners, and are used without permission. Please don't sue me!

Name: Chernobyl

Age: 365

Race: Mouse Incubus [Yes, the Cubi have been done to death, I know this. But, I'm unimaginative.]

Picture/Description: Wings-both back and head, bold red, orange flight feathers.  Fur, all white, one patch of black over left eye. Hair, silver in color. Clothes, loose pants, basic black; shirt, short sleeved, gray, white at arm and neck holes; kung-fu chinese shoes. Eyes, bloody red. [For  Clan, marking, and placement of said marking, I'm open to suggestions.]
Strength: 4
Toughness: 3
Stamina: 9
Speed: 3 (7 while in flight)
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 5

Specialties: Magic, obviously. Specializes in sound and wind, but is skilled in all forms. Wields a scythe, shaft of straight black wood, blade of silversteel.

Flaws: Bipolar. Often meek in the presence of other Cubi-espesically Profs, for obvious reasons; then cruel, sadistic, and generally mean around everyone else.

Special items: None

Personality: Insane. He's been from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other so many times that he simply snapped. Is unlike-most-other Cubi in that he has a 'Being' point of view, and is often confused and/or frightened by the things other Cubi do, but is happy being a Cubi nonetheless. Has an inferiority complex in relation to the other Cubi.[I'm also open to ideas about preffered emotions.]
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 14, 2007, 07:57:51 PM
You could have just hit the 'edit' button on the old profile, you know. No need to make an entirely new post&profile...
Title: Re: Describe your RP characters
Post by: meany on December 14, 2007, 08:16:21 PM
....D'OH! :banghead